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Technomancer in MCU #23
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 23

Technomancer in MCU

The Royal Guest House, Birnin Zana, Wakanda


I was expecting someone to come escort us for our tour of the city but I didn't expect it to be T'Chaka himself of all people.

He was dressed in casual attire, looking considerably more relaxed than the last time I had seen him.

The panic in his eyes, when he learned about N'Jadaka's true heritage, had also subsided and he seemed more confident….somehow.

I shake his hand, "King T'Chaka! Didn't expect for you to act as our tour guide personally. I thought you would still be in a meeting with your council or getting medical attention for the shock that you received earlier."

The countenance of the Dora Milaje accompanying him darkened considerably. They tightened their grip on their vibranium spears.

I could even see one was about to advance forward towards me had T'Chaka not cleared his throat and given them a look.

He then turned back to me and said, "Please. Don't provoke them. They have never seen their King like this, so forgive their impertinence."

I nodded, "Don't worry. I know a thing or two about disobedient employees," and glanced back at N'Jadaka.

To his credit, his face remained stone-faced.

T'Chaka nodded, clearly confused.

"Before we go on our tour, I would like to speak with both of you privately," T'Chaka asked me.

I shrugged, having a pretty good idea what this was going to be about, "Sure."

He nodded, clearly grateful, and then dismissed the Dora Milaje, stopping them from entering the suite despite their vehement protests.

Not hearing their requests at all, T'Chaka stepped inside and I deliberately gave them a stink eye and slowly closed the door in front of them.

It was oh-so satisfying.

Inside, the scene could only be described as awkward.

T'Chaka and his nephew were sitting on the sofa, with a cup of tea in their hands.

I smirked as I saw that N'Jadaka was actually trying to be a good host and served T'Chaka tea, who was clearly out of his depth here.

He must have been prepared for an outburst from N'Jadaka.

Maybe even a fight was anticipated by him and seeing the clear lack of any weapons he had on his person, he was willing to get beaten up to clear his guilty conscience.

Snorting at the scene, both of them turned and glared at me for that.

I raised my hands innocently, "What? I don't think this conversation was going anywhere so really, you should be thanking me for breaking the ice."

I take a seat opposite T'Chaka, right beside N'Jadaka, signifying my position.

T"Chaka, finally ready to start the conversation, cleared his throat and gave his nephew a look.

Under both of our watchful eyes, he took out a locket and put it carefully on the table.

Answering our unasked question, he said, "This was your father's. It is the last thing I have of him."

Hesitantly, with trembling hands, N'Jadaka took hold of the locket and opened it up.

Inside, he could see his father and his mother.

This clearly riled up his emotions as he teared up and holding the locket in a tight grip, glared at T'Chaka.

T'Chaka seemed resigned by it.

His shoulders slumping, he said, "Look. You can hate me all you want. I was the one who actually killed your father."

"The rest of Wakanda is innocent."

"If revenge is what you are after, you can take my life for it."

So that was his endgame.

Offering his own life in exchange for the safety of this family and Wakanda.

I could respect that. He is a good king and a good father.

And with me here, he would have some reassurance that I would enforce the promise made by N'Jadaka and would not let Wakanda burn.

Too bad this would not work with us.

Not only would T'Challa and more importantly, Shuri hunt us to the ends of the world and take their revenge by attempting to kill us, but we were not here for revenge anyway.

The work Alfred and the doctors back at Ascendancy had done for N'Jadaka had worked wonders for him.

He no longer had rage episodes when someone even mentions Wakanda and T'Chaka's name.

His abandonment issues had also been finally solved.

The doctors had given him the go ahead for this mission otherwise I would not have let him set foot on the African continent.

Clearly sharing my ideas, N'Jadaka said, " You can keep it."

At T'Chaka's confused look, he said, "Your life. You can keep it."

"It is not worth anything to me but the trouble it will bring if I took it."

"Besides it wouldn't change anything. My father is still dead. So is my mother."

"My life is all kinds of fucked up. I am still a hired mercenary."

"I don't want your life. I want change."

T'Chaka asked warily, "Change? What kind of change?"

Giving a sardonic smile, N'Jadaka replied, "The kind that sticks."

"The slow and gradual change that actually stays and doesn't just revert back once the leader of the movement is gone."

Laughing at the utter confusion on T'Chaka's face, I said, "He is not here to take the throne by force if that is what is worrying you."

"He is here to integrate himself into Wakandan society."

"To get his rightful place as the prince of Wakanda."

"The issue of succession will come later on. It will be based on their respective merits, am I right?"

He nodded slowly, still confused but slowly understanding the gist of our conversation.

"Of Course. That is the least that I can do."

Slapping my thighs, I stood up and said, "Well then. Glad we cleared that up."

"Let's go. I am itching to explore the good places of Wakanda."

"From what I have briefly seen, it truly is a paradise on Earth, no matter its dark origins."

T'Chaka's face darkened at the backhanded compliment I gave to his home country.

With a determined face, he said, "You can insult me all you like. I have made those mistakes and deserve the punishment but Wakanda has done nothing of the sort."

Snorting at his foolish words but acknowledging his love for Wakanda, I nod.

"Wait a minute. You could actually get the throne if you backed N'Jadaka and gain access to the most technologically powerful nation on the planet and yet you do not?" he asked somewhat incredulously, still unbelieving of our motives even after so many explanations.

Tired of his paranoia, I rub my forehead and reply, "Look. If I wanted to, could I conquer Wakanda all by myself? Yes."

"Do I want to? No."

"Do I need to if Wakanda can follow me in fulfilling my goals?"

"Your son is of a very similar mindset to mine, so in N'Jadaka."

"If both the princes share a similar ideology as me and you are old and going to retire soon anyway, why would I waste my time and energy to conquer Wakanda? Especially since lives will be lost either way."

He looked wide-eyed at me, stunned by my speech.

That was unsurprising as I had just told him that I would get my way anyway, he was not a roadblock, just a traffic signal that would soon turn green anyway.

The look on his face was hilarious.

"Satisfied now? He truly doesn't care about any of this. It's just that if he does everything by himself, which he does have the capacity for, Humanity as a whole wouldn't advance and he would just end up making it completely dependent on him."

"That's something nobody wants so here we are, convincing the most powerful nation on the planet, notorious for its isolationist policies, to join our cause and help Humanity as a whole."

T'Chaka nodded robotically.

N'Jadakka tapped his shoulder and said, "Come on now. Let's not keep the Boss man waiting. We can talk while we walk."

Going outside, I could see a hovercraft waiting for us.

It was the royal family's as I could once again see streaks of gold in the vibranium chassis.

I whistled, "Man you guys truly live extravagantly. People outside would weep if they saw how you use your vibranium."

"And what is up with this obsession that royalty have with Gold?"

"I mean I could understand the royalty outside, as Gold is the most valuable metal for them. It is a status symbol for them but why would you of all people need Gold for that."

"You have the 3rd largest reserve of Vibranium on the planet. That's literally the most expensive material on the planet."

The King at first looked sheepish at my tirade but then he finally heard what I was saying and his face took a shocked expression.

With trepidation, he asked me, '"Wha–What do you mean by 3rd largest vibranium reserve?"

My only reply to that was a smirk aimed at him.


Word Count - 1516

You guys know the Jazz - Extra chapters on
Technomancer in MCU #24
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 24

Technomancer in MCU

Birnin Zana, Wakanda


Flashback No Jutsu

The King at first looked sheepish at first at my tirade but then he finally heard what I was saying and his face took a shocked expression.

With trepidation, he asked me, '"Wha–What do you mean by 3rd largest vibranium reserve?"

My only reply to that was a smirk aimed at him.

Jutsu End



Man, the expression on T'Challa's face was hilarious.

I am pretty sure nobody had seen him make that face before.

I walked on ahead to the hovercraft.

The King walked behind me, bugging me about the vibranium reserves.

I could almost feel the holes Okoye was burning into me with her glare.

This must be so surreal for them.

Somebody was ignoring their King in his own city.

As much fun as it was, I stopped and finally replied, "What is it?"

Clearly surprised that I hadn't heard a word of his tirade, he sighed and asked me again, "What did you mean by us having the third largest vibranium reserve? I thought the only Vibranium reserve on the planet was in Wakanda."

I barely suppress a snort at that.

"You don't know the half of it, King T'Chaka. The mountain that you have is only the third largest Vibranium deposit on the planet."

"The only reason you can be considered lucky is that yours is the easiest to mine."

"The rest are in inhospitable atmospheres for humans."

"Both of them are fairly larger than yours but much harder to mine. So, be happy King T'Chaka." I pat his shoulder and get seated on the hovercraft.

He hastily follows and gets seated right in front of me, N'Jadaka following him.

T'Chaka asked hesitatingly, "Is that where you got the Vibranium you use in your armies?"

Gulping, he continued, "Is your organisation in possession of an entire Vibranium deposit, one that is even larger than ours?"

Smirking, I replied, "Why? Afraid you will lose your monopoly on the miracle material and can no longer hoard it all?"

He just looked at me with wide unblinking eyes, desperate for some answers.

Sighing, I replied, "Yes. I am the only human that has come in contact with the largest vibranium deposit on the planet in a million years. Yes, I have used that vibranium to outfit my army and advanced my technology by decades using that material."

"Hell, we are close to making artificial vibranium now."

It was as if something physically struck T'Chaka.

He sat in his seat, completely slumped with his face ashen, thinking of the implications of the news I had just delivered to him.

I sat there, stone-faced.

The hovercraft began its journey silently, taking us to the city.

After a while, King T'Chaka robotically lifted his head and looked me straight in the eye, and said, "So you didn't need Vibranium from us?"

I looked him right in the eye and replied, "No."

Confused, he asked me, "Then why come here? Why do all of this?"

"If your end goal is not vibranium or even our technology, why come all the way here and waste your time?" he continued.

Before I could reply to that question, N'Jadaka did.

"We don't need Wakanda for its vibranium. We need Wakanda to become a beacon." he said.

T'Chaka looked at his nephew, stunned.

"A beacon for human advancement." N'Jadaka continued.

"We need Wakanda to become a public power so that the ensuing competition will come out of with technology that will help people rather than just more destructive weapons," he said.

"With the Ascendancy's public reveal, the entire world will soon enter in a global arms race. Nobody can stop that. Everybody is scared." he said.

"The civvies are scared of aliens showing up again and the suits are scared of Ed showing up again," he said.

"They need some kind of effective weapon for them to sleep peacefully," he said.

"We want to avoid that outcome," he gestured to both of us.

I nodded, confirming his words.

"Where does Wakanda come into all of this?" King T'Chaka asked hesitantly.

N'Jadaka looked at me and I nodded in confirmation.

He took a deep breath and then took out a small black coloured ring from his shirt pocket.

Tapping it once, he threw it into the air above us.

Instead of falling, it stayed up there, slowly revolving.

With that, the sounds around us slowly faded to zero.

T'Chaka looked around in astonishment and said, "Is that?" while gesturing to the ring.

N'Jadaka nodded and said, "Yes. It's something Alfred cooked up. Total privacy curtain on the go. Your people can still see us but it will be fuzzy so no lipreading and no sound will get out of the barrier made by the ring."

Understanding the severity of the situation, T'Chaka nodded.

N'Jadaka then continued, "We want Wakanda to become the face of the arms race."

T'Chaka looked at him incredulously.

I hid my smile behind my bottle of water.

He was coming in nicely in his role.

N'Jadaka steamrolled over T'Chaka's questioning looks, "We want you to assure the world that there is someone to keep us in check. That the world wouldn't be completely defenseless should we someday go bonkers."

"You only need to reveal the bare minimum of your advancements, strictly little to no vibranium use and maximum use of medical technology."

"We have a list of technology that I know for a fact you possess so don't bother denying it. You can start giving out medical cures and better healing procedures along with the advanced medical machines you have that don't use vibranium, in phases to the outside world."

"As for the risk to your country, don't worry about it. With the threat of our organisation swooping in anytime, they will play nice with you. In fact, they will probably give you any concession you demand that you can use to further your political goals if you have any." he said.

T'Chaka took a deep breath, clearly overwhelmed by all that we were telling him.

Before he could ask though, I answered it for him, "No. You can't seek anybody's advice regarding this. You are King, act like one." I said resolutely.

T'Chaka looked conflicted but eventually, he gave in.

Just in time too, as we were nearing our first stop of the tour.

N'Jadaka deactivated the ring and we stepped out of the hovercraft into a… museum?

I gave T'Chaka an amused look.

Why would he choose this as our first site?

He seemed to understand our confusion as some pallor returned to his face and he gave us a half-hearted chuckle and led us into the Royal Wakandan Museum.


Word Count - 1150

Short, I know but this seemed like a nice place to stop and I was all out of creative juice anyway. The next parts of this arc can fill out multiple chapters nicely but this one was fated to end here

You guys know the Jazz - Extra chapters on
Technomancer in MCU #25
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 25

Technomancer in MCU

Birnin Zana, Wakanda


I gave T'Chaka an amused look.

Why would he choose this as our first site?

He seemed to understand our confusion as some pallor returned to his face and he gave us a half-hearted chuckle and led us into the Royal Wakandan Museum.



He led us into the museum.

The entry staff gave us weird looks but tried to be as professional as possible.

"Why bring us here?" I asked him.

He gave me a look but didn't reply and kept walking.

Soon we came to a stop facing an empty wall.

"Where to now?" N'Jadaka asked.

T'Chaka just gave us a bemused look.

I gave him a knowing look.

The place we were standing in lit up in a circular shape and the whole ring started to float up.

N'Jadaka stumbled, clearly surprised but the ride itself was very smooth.

We cross multiple floors and even move sideways for a bit.

It was all very disorienting.

"Forgive me but it is a security precaution, installed after a devastating attack initiat—" T'Chaka said.

"By Ulysses Klaue, we are aware." I interrupted him.

He gave us a searching look after that.

After a while, he said, "If you could give us his location, Wakanda would be eternally grateful."

We had reached the first floor and I was looking around when he said that.

They had some pretty interesting stuff lying around here.

"He's on the ship. I brought him here in case negotiations went awry and I needed some incentives for you to be bought into the fold." I smirked at him.

He looked taken aback at that, clearly not expecting us to give him Wakanda's enemy number one on what was essentially a silver platter.

He then nodded gravely, "Wakanda will forever be grateful for that. You can consider that a personal guarantee from me."

I waved him off, "Yeah Yeah, I know. Now come on, show us what's important here. I recognised some stuff earlier that was interesting but I know for a fact that it was just surface-level stuff."

"You know what they are?" he asked me, surprised for some reason.

I gave him a shallow nod and said, "Some of your people must have been potent sorcerers, for them to have made artifacts of nearly the same level as the ones found in Kamar-Taj."

He just gave me a confused look as if the words I was speaking were gibberish to him.

Curious, I always thought he knew about the existence of Sorcerers.

We were walking towards a vault-like door present at the end of the hallway and I was just about to explain to him about the existence of the Sorcerer society when all three of us abruptly stopped.

All of us could sense the pressure, the sense of impending doom that every living being with a survival instinct.

This feeling made us feel like an ant, something that can be crushed at a moment's notice without any deliberate thought.

I sighed, she and her need for overbearing dramatics.

I turned around and said out loud, "I know you are here. You know, this doesn't work on me after the first dozen tries."

Both N'Jadaka and T'Chaka gave me weird looks for saying that.

They were both tense and looking around for threats.

I chuckled, like they could see her coming in a million years.

They tensed even further, T'Chaka in particular when a golden portal opened up in front of us, and out stepped The Ancient One in all her bald-headed glory.

She gave me a sharp look as soon as she stepped out as if she had read my mind.

For all I know, she could have.

Honestly, with her, you never know.

The museum defenses started ringing but with a quick flex of Alfred's skills, they all shut off and a false alarm notice was sent to the security department that was already flighty with their King's fainting episode.

I bowed deeply towards her, "Ancient One."

"Greetings, Outsider," She called out to me.

She refused to call me anything but that, even after years of trying.

Grumbling slightly under my breath, I asked her, "Why have you come here? With your MO, a note would have magically appeared in front of me and that would have been the end of it."

"Can't I just come here to escape my duties then?"

I gave her a deadpan stare at that. The only way she is leaving her job is if she dies.

I should know, I had asked her that during one of our many correspondences.

She was dead set on dying and refused to be saved even if I guaranteed Strange's ascension to the skill level that was required for him to become Sorcerer Supreme and later on, save the universe with it.

"Okay, I am here because we need to do something important after you are done with your tour, before your next meeting. My being here would allow King T'Chaka here to be better understanding of your situation." She said.

N'Jadaka and T'Chaka just looked at both of us conversing normally, their mouths agape.

"And you are correct. Wakanda once had a vibrant society of sorcerers. Two Sorcerer Supremes came from this country." She continued.

"What happened to them, then? Alfred hasn't sensed a single person with the necessary dimensional energy flowing through them for them to be classified even as an apprentice, let alone a master or a Sorcerer Supreme as you said," I asked her.

She gave a noncommittal hum at that, instead walking towards a black mask.

I groaned at that, her obsessions with riddles frustrated me with no end in sight.

Nonetheless, I followed her as I had no choice here.

I stood beside her, looking at the artifact, trying to decipher what was special about it.

"Don't bother. Even I would have needed a significant amount of time to unravel the wards surrounding the true nature of this artifact. Without the time stone, it is basically impossible to find this." She said gravely.

Understanding the severity of the situation, I asked her, "What is it? Is it dangerous? Do we need to evacuate the city for it?"

She looked at me as if I was stupid.

As if the strongest motherf*cking person on the planet had not warned me about a thing that would have been invisible to even her senses and she could sense people halfway across the world with pinpoint accuracy.

"This is not dangerous, Ed. This is the blessing of a previous Sorcerer Supreme to Wakanda. She must have foreseen the magical society of Wakanda collapsing and taken measures to ensure that her lineage is not forgotten." she mumbled the last part.

Breaking through the energy barrier as if it was a layer of water rather than something that would take the Hulk's punches as if it were nothing, she deftly took hold of the mask and yanked it out of the display.

T'Chaka made to protest but one look from her made him swallow his words.

She then handed it over to N'Jadaka, surprisingly.

Startled, he scrambled to take it in his hands and glared at me when I snickered at his nervousness.

She had that effect on people when you first met her.

N'Jadaka looked at her questioningly.

Her eyes glowing, she replied, "Keep it. Soon, you will meet its destined user. They will be the future of Wakanda. Protect them and make sure that they reach their full potential. In the near future, Wakanda's and to a further extent, Humanity's fates would depend on them."

I rolled my eyes at that, always with the cryptic riddles.

N'Jadaka and T'Chaka looked very concerned with that.

N'Jadaka asked her, "How will I know? What if I give it to the wrong person? Will I destroy the world then?"

She gave him a look as if asking him: Are you stupid?

He looked as if he had swallowed a particularly sour lemon.

"Now, onto the matter at hand," She turned to T'Chaka.

"Yes, magic exists. Consider it as an advanced form of energy manipulation. Where your people use the innate ability of vibranium to manipulate energy, we sorcerers do it with our bodies. Of course, there are pros and cons but that discussion is for another day." She continued.

What followed was a lengthy discussion regarding the existence of Magic and its role in protecting the human civilisation at large since before the founding of Wakanda.

T'Chaka was pretty shocked to realise that people had known about Wakanda before it was even formed and two of their people had even gone on to lead the super secret magical society.

After explaining all of that to T'Chaka and even N'Jadaka as I had yet to give him access to the supernatural side of the world, she bade us farewell.

But not before inviting me to Kamar Taj for a discussion.

Yeah, I was not looking forward to that.

Sighing, I turned to T'Chaka only for him to look at me with a dead gaze.

He whispered, "No wonder you don't take Wakanda seriously. If even half the stuff she told me is true, then we have truly been living under a rock all this while."

Oh boy, he was in shock it would seem.

Deciding to console him, I pat his shoulder and say, "Don't take it too seriously. She is more than capable of taking care of the mystical side, at least for a couple more years."

"You should focus on what you can do instead."

He nodded at that.

"We should continue on with our tour of the museum then, shall we?" I asked him.

He nodded back.

N'Jadaka, in the background still looking at the spot where she pulled off her disappearing trick. His face was pale, looking as if he had seen a ghost.


Word Count - 1669 (Nice)

If you want to support my work or want to read chapters ahead of the public release, you can head on to my

I already have 8 extra chapters uploaded there.
Technomancer in MCU #26
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 25

Technomancer in MCU

The Royal Museum,Birnin Zana, Wakanda


"We should continue on with our tour of the museum then, shall we?" I asked him.

He nodded back.

N'Jadaka, in the background still looking at the spot where she pulled off her disappearing trick. His face was pale, looking as if he had seen a ghost.



After the little detour with the Ancient One's presence, T'Chaka continued with the tour, albeit a little shakily since he did have his worldview literally broken in half.

I looked through the artifacts on display outside the vault but they were barely of any interest to me.

Some obscure power sources, ancient vibranium weapons, even some Uru but all of that was something I had access to in spades.

We soon reached the vault doors and the surprising thing about it was it made entirely from an alloy of vibranium.

I was surprised because while Wakandans did use Vibranium in their day-to-day life, it was in very small amounts.

The door in front of me was made up of 90% Vibranium.

It also had no detectable digital signature. It was apparently completely air-gapped.

I hum along as T'Chaka approached the door and actually just bit his thumb (*and summoned his summoning Animal* haha) and put it on the door, apparently in a completely random location.

In my opinion, he looked pretty stupid doing that.

The spot where he put his bloodied thumb lit up.

It then spiraled outwards into a pattern we were pretty familiar with.

"Bast", I and Alfred whispered simultaneously.

"What?" N'Jadaka whispered to me, his question clear.

"It was used exclusively in Bast's temples in ancient times. Nowadays not much is seen of her influence outside Wakanda so I guess I shouldn't be surprised seeing this here. It would also explain the lack of digital signatures as this thing must be divinely enchanted and my sensors are not yet capable of reading Divine Energy properly." I replied to him.

"Alfred, make sure you scan this properly across all spectrums the suit's sensors have access to. We wouldn't get another opportunity like his for months." I ordered Alfred.

"Already on it, Boss," he replied.

After a series of complicated patterns flashed on the screen, all the while T'Chaka's thumb was still attached to the door, it flashed white and just…straight up disappeared.

I was left looking at the scene with my mouth slightly ajar.

T'Chaka looked back at us smugly.

"Alfred, what the hell just happened?" I asked.

"Energy signatures consistent with the Space stone and the dimensional portals used by the Sorcerers of Kamar Taj recorded," Alfred replied.

So it was an application of advanced space magic.

God, I hate the fact I can't use magic.

Not even a lick of magic in you said the literal Sorcerer Supreme to my face.

She said, that should Alfred get a body, he would be more in tune with dimensional energies than me.

Alfred did not stop talking smugly about it that day until I pointed out to him that I could just as easily make him a frog's body.

He shut up quickly after that.

T'Chaka went ahead of us into the vault.

We followed him inside.

As soon as I crossed the threshold into the vault, multiple notifications started piling up on my HUD mounted on my left retina.

My nick swiveling side to side, the HUD showed a new artifact that had energy levels off the charts.

There was all sorts of alien technology here.

Kree, Skrull, Asgardian, Vanir, Sovereign.

I whistled, seeing all this tech just lying around, impressed with their collection.

Especially the Sovereign tech, it's not much in terms of advancement but they viciously take back any piece of scrap they leave behind anywhere.

I reckon that the Divine Barrier blocking all the energy signatures was the only thing that kept Sovereign from bombarding the shit out of Wakanda or hiring the Ravagers to do so.

"Do you recognize anything?" T'Chaka asked me, standing right next to a forcefield containing 2 floating rings.

Is that what I think it was?

Upon coming closer, my eyes widened as I could see that these two rings were made of the same stuff as the ten rings.

Alfred had the chance to scan them once when Wenwu descended on a battlefield against H.Y.D.R.A. goons.

Reading what was inscribed on the platform underneath it, it said that it arrived in an egg-shaped meteor that crashed directly on their shields.

It was able to evade any and all types of scanning and refused to be opened.

After a month of just sitting around in their labs, it began to get hot.

Hot enough that anything less than pure vibranium just melted once it came in contact with the eggs.

Upon quarantining it, they found just 2 rings floating inside the remains of the egg.

"I had a vision, from the ancestors. They told me to put this alongside many others inside the ancestral vault." T'Chaka said.

I looked at him as he explained his choices to put this alien technology in this room specifically.

I nodded at him gravely, "You did the right thing."

"These things have energy readings that can be detected halfway across the galaxy. Especially that golden piece of tech." I explained to him.

"The very fact that Wakanda has not been attacked means that this room works exceptionally well in sealing energy signatures. This room is probably more valuable than the mountain of vibranium you have sitting around, at least to me." I said.

His face looked grave as he thought of the various threats that had been avoided by Wakanda just due to the presence of this vault.

"Were you able to get anything off the tech?" I asked him, gesturing to the broken pieces of tech lying around.

He nodded, "Some of it was salvageable. We found a mostly intact Kree ship in the early 2000s. With their language pack, we were able to decipher some of the data before it self-destructed. That led us to other Kree temples situated on the planet."

Curiosity overtook my face when he said multiple Kree temples.

As far as I knew, only one of those was present on Earth.

He must have seen the curiosity on my face as he replied, "We destroyed both of the temples we found after completely scanning them and learning as much as we could regarding the Kree culture as both of them were in foreign territory and could be found by other parties so we had to destroy them."

I shrugged in a detached manner.

It was a loss but not an irredeemable one. Lots of Kree Tech lying around on the planet and even on the moon.

T'Chaka then continued, "As for the rest of them, we couldn't decipher their languages as most of them were in a severely damaged state so they were just properly stored and as you can see, mostly forgotten now."

Satisfied with my findings, I said, "Alright. This room should remain as such. I don't have to warn you of the consequences of taking some of the stuff out of this room even for a second."

He nodded gravely, understanding the threat of these artifacts.

Heck, even Odin would want Thor to recover that Berserker Staff if he came across it.

"This is by far the most interesting thing I have seen here. Never thought you guys had something like this with you. I'd like access later on to this room for experimental purposes if that's alright with you?" I asked T'Chaka.

He nodded at my request after only a little thought.

"Alright, we got it. You are interested in the room. What's next?" N'Jadaka asked.

Rolling my eyes, I gestured to King T'Chaka.

He said, "The next on the list would be the schools and the labs but I supposed both of you have no interest in that or already know what's happening there?"

Both of us nodded eagerly at that statement.

His face then lit up in a mischievous smirk and he said, "Let's go. I want to show you something."

"Especially you.", he said while pointing to N'Jadaka.

He looked confused at that.

I had a pretty good idea of what this was about so I just went on ahead with them.

We boarded our shuttle after coming out of the museum.

The shuttle took us all the way to the outskirts of the city.

We got off it and looked around, only to find just trees and grass.

"Alright, I'll bite. What am I not seeing?" N'Jadaka asked.

T'Chaka didn't respond but started walking towards the side of the road.

N'Jadaka followed after him, confused.

The scenery in front of us distorted and as if we had crossed an invisible line, we came face to face with an extremely fortified facility.

I could see multiple Talons patrolling the sky, visible as well as through the suit's stealth sensors, I could see more of them patrolling invisibly.

I had a pretty good idea as to where we were.

"You brought us here?" I asked T'Chaka, very much surprised that he was comfortable with us being here.

He looked back at me and said, "What's the point in hiding this? You probably already knew all about it anyway."

Good point.

"What is this place?" N'Jadaka asked me.

"This is the Vibranium mine. Up until recently, we thought nearly all of the world's vibranium was present here, hence the security measures." T'Chaka said.

We soon entered a lift that took us straight to the top of the mine.

I had a pretty good idea as to what T'Chaka wanted to show N'Jadaka.

Soon, the doors of the lift opened up and a beautiful scenery unfolded in front of us.

I heard a sharp gasp beside me and I smiled.

It was a genuine one and I was truly thankful to T'Chaka for doing this, no matter his intentions.

He had brought us on top of the Vibranium mine, right in time for sunset.

The golden orange sky, the pristine air with the untouched feeling of this place must be exactly the one N'Jadaka's father must have told him about.

N'Jadaka walked forward, a teardrop rolling down his cheek as he took in the scenery in front of us.

"It was just as he said. The most beautiful sunset can only be seen in Wakanda," he whispered to himself.

T'Chaka walked after him, giving him company.

I stayed behind, not wanting to intrude on a clearly emotional moment.


Word Count - 1783

If you guys would like to support my writing or read chapters ahead of the public release, you can head on to my
P-word site. It is with the same name as my username, just without the 0307.

I already have 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.
Yeah, those people from wakanda are just living under a rock all the while thinking they are the strongest power on the planet, wakanda does not even come close to top 10.

I mean, in hundreds of years they never found out about the eternals, they never found out about magic, they never found out what would catch the attention of aliens and what would not, and the worst of all, they never got their hands on the Space Stone, the nazis were making continental energy super bomb weapons, why wakanda allowed a super alien infinite power source to be used by nazis???

I dont like wakanda, period.
eh make a suit that can channel dimensional energy then wield magic that way with the title i thought ed was a mage who founded magi-tech when he came here.
Yeah, those people from wakanda are just living under a rock all the while thinking they are the strongest power on the planet, wakanda does not even come close to top 10.
To be fair... they weren't entirely living under a rock. They did monitor the outside world, ensure their protection is kept up to date to protect against what is known of outside tech level, etc... They were also aware of a lot the outside world that is kept hidden from most of the outsiders as well - Kree, Inhumans, etc... It's just they weren't involved enough to detect the really hidden stuff.

Their strategy worked perfectly for centuries, so it's not like they totally failed either... But yeah, in light of the truth, they definitely have too high opinions of themselves, their egos are way overinflated, and the fact that they did nothing to help the planet, with such massive and powerful threats out there shows they care only about themselves and sticking their heads in the sand.
Technomancer in MCU #27
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 27

Technomancer in MCU

The Royal Museum,Birnin Zana, Wakanda


"It was just as he said. The most beautiful sunset can only be seen in Wakanda," he whispered to himself.

T'Chaka walked after him, giving him company.

I stayed behind, not wanting to intrude on a clearly emotional moment.



After a while, N'Jadaka stood up and alongside T'Chaka came back to the lift site.

I looked at N'Jadaka with a teasing smirk and so did Alfred as he popped out of a hologram projected from my suit. He had his arms crossed and looked at N'Jadaka with a smug smirk.

N'Jadaka scowled fiercely at that.

The look was only somewhat ruined as he was wiping off his eyes with his sleeves.

Anyway, I guess it was time to wrap this up.

Clapping my hands, I gained their attention, "Alright gentlemen. This was all very touching and I am glad we had this meeting to air out our feelings but I have an urgent meeting with another world leader and he doesn't know we are coming."

I gave a smirk at that statement, "So we better get going now."

I gestured to N'Jadaka, "He will remain here now. I hope that is not going to be a problem?" I asked T'Chaka.

He shook his head immediately, "No! I would be delighted to host him here and make sure he reintegrates with Wakanda properly."

I nodded at that, "Great! I just hope that you give him his proper status as a Prince of Wakanda though."

T'Chakka nodded and said, "Of course!"

"Very well then. My work here is done. N'Jadaka knows what to do ahead. Bye Bye!" I said to both of them.

Both of them nodded solemnly as I activated thrust to the boosters and flew off to where the fleet was stationed.

I think I could hear some of the Border tribe members squawking in outrage at me just flying above their city, that too in a weaponised armoured suit.

Using energy resonance technology that synched up the barrier frequencies between the Wakandan barrier and the energy barrier surrounding my suit, I just phased through their shields.

Sometimes, it felt good to show off.

I could see Alfred powering up the fleet in the distance.

I could also see some of the guards that were standing nearby falling on their asses due to the wind generated by the thrust of the carrier.

I rolled my eyes at that.

Alfred was doing that on purpose.

All my carriers were capable of near-silent stealth operations that wouldn't disturb a leaf on the ground nearby during take-off.

Soon the carrier was floating above the ground, right in front of me.

I didn't slow down at all and at the last moment, the front of the carrier opened up and I landed down in the holding bay.

The last thing I could see was the outraged faces of the border tribe members nearby.

I cheekily waved at them before the doors closed off.

"Alfred, get us to Base Alpha. Tell them to prep for a trip to the White House."

Let's go stir some shit up.



I watched on as Boss just rocketed off in front of us, raising a dust storm for us to breathe into.

Waving my hands in front of my face, I coughed as I cursed him in my mind.

To the side, I could see T'Chaka giving out orders to his military regarding Ed's bombastic entry.

I could hear the panicked voices seeking orders to destroy the projectile in the sky.

The voices reached a crescendo when they realized that Ed could just pass through their barriers anytime he wanted to like they didn't even exist.

I was sure of that. That murder bot wouldn't have left such an obvious weakness in their technology stack.

To think they thought that Ed was trapped with them inside, I shook my head in pity for the security team.

They will have nightmares regarding this for weeks now.

T'Chaka grumbled, "It would have helped if he didn't just wake every living citizen in the country with that one stunt."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "What can you do? He does what he does with nobody to stop him."

T'Chakka rolled his eyes but nodded at me.

Then, in a somber tone, he said, "For what it's worth, I truly am sorry for what I did. Not a day goes by without me thinking about it."

I listened to his words, stone-faced.

"I won't try and justify my actions in regards to your father but I will say this," he said.

"I hope you don't let my previous mistakes cloud your judgment regarding the future of this country. You are clearly going to be the key for Wakanda's advancement considering your connections to Ed and I would love to have you as the Crown Prince of Wakanda."

I looked at him incredulously at that statement.

Crown Prince?


That would make me next in line to be king, effectively replacing T'Challa.

"Why would you do that?" I asked him, baffled by his words.

"You would still have to earn everybody's trust. My words alone won't make you king. They will just shine a spotlight on you. Everybody will judge you, especially since they don't know you but if you prove them wrong, you will usher this country into its most advanced stage to date." He said convincingly.

I was still in shock at his words.

I nodded robotically at his words and said, "I'll think about it. Don't make me enemy number one of the state by snatching away the position of their beloved Crown Prince and giving it to me."

After some thought, he nodded at my words.

"Understandable," he said.

"Let's go then. Half the country must be looking forward to my explanation now." he continued.

"I also have to meet the elders and explain your existence," he groaned.



I breathe in deeply as I look towards the retreating back of my nephew.

That was a spur-of-the-moment decision but I was glad that I made it.

It showed me that he was not someone driven by greed or revenge.

That gave me hope that he could one day be King and have the best interests of the country at heart.

I chuckled silently as I thought about T'Challa and especially Shuri's reaction to him.

I hope he accepts them as his family members.

That would really take a huge load off my shoulders.

With his connection to Ed, unveiling Wakanda on the public stage will become much easier.

The more I thought about it, the more Ed's alliance requirements seemed almost trivial in comparison to the benefits it would bring Wakanda.

All that was left was convincing the council regarding the alliance.

That would probably be the hardest part of this entire ordeal.

Making them all agree on a single thing, especially since it consisted of outsider matters, was a chore and a half.

Hopefully, Ed's gift in the form of Ulysses Klaue would help them consider the benefits of this deal in a calm-headed manner.

Thinking of him, a vicious glint flashed through my eyes.

I have been dreaming of getting my hands on him for a long long time.

He was responsible for dozens of Wakandan deaths, and billions in stolen vibranium and he even had a part in my brother's actions.

That alone would make me give him the death penalty.

But death would be too sweet of a release for him.

I am sure the council and I could come up with some creative punishments for him.

I looked forward to that hearing.

May Bast have mercy on him because I won't.


Word Count - 1307

A/N - Hey guys! I come with sad bearings. No chapters for a few days(Friday). I just moved and started full time classes and adapting to the new schedule has been hard.

The thing is, when I started this, I made a commitment to myself that I would post 30 chapters in 30 days, essentially a chapter every day. AND!! I did it!

Staying true to my commitment, this is my 31st upload.

BUT to follow this now would be unrealistic now since I have so little time and most of it is spent on studying, sleeping, attending lectures, exercising, etc.

In light of that I have decided to stick to a schedule of a chapter every other day. In return for this staggered schedule, I will increase the word count to 2.5k/chapter.

Thank you so much for understanding!

If you guys would like to support my writing or read chapters ahead of the public release, you can head on to my
P-word site. It is with the same name as my username, just without the 0307.

I already have 8 chapters ahead uploaded there.
That was a fun read OP. I liked the way diplomacy played out especially, Wakanda has 'elf syndrom' where they are incredibly arrogant and full of themselves, while being nominally good guys. Seeing them getting taken down a peg (or three) while not removing that spark of nobility you see in T'Challa is nice. Especially like what you did with Killmonger because his motivations/actions were a mess.
Technomancer in MCU #28
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 28

Technomancer in MCU

Council Meeting Room, Wakanda


The elders had been waiting for me to explain this whole situation for a while now.

I could see it on their faces as I walked to my throne.

In a way, I could understand their anxiety.

If I didn't know all I did, I would be running around in anxiety as well.

Now, knowing what I know, I just stew quietly in resignation.

Just as I was seated, the questions came pouring in from all of the elders.

"What happened in the meeting with Ed?"

"Why did he bring a fleet with him and why weren't we allowed to respond in kind?" The Border tribe leader asked.

"Why did he leave?"

"Who is the one who came with the outsider and is still here?"

"Why did you take him to the sacred vault and even the mines?" asked the mining tribe leader.

"We have reports of the J'Abari tribe's movements, probably due to the outsider's massive presence in our city. What are we to do about that?"

Sighing, I pinched my forehead as I thought of the best way to answer their questions, clear this meeting and go home to my wife.

Today has been a very stressful day.

"Enough! I will answer each of your questions briefly. We will hold a much more comprehensive debriefing when all the reports from the military are compiled and I have had a chance to see them. Got it?" I asked them.

I could see that none of them were happy about me being dismissive of their legitimate concerns but I was King and they obeyed my words.

They nodded back, agreeing with my decision.

Seeing that they were finally listening, I said, "Ed was here for an alliance. The fleet was just a show of strength to make sure that we listen to them."

"He has very minimal requests in exchange for a comprehensive alliance that benefits us…."


The Royal Palace, Wakanda


I don't understand why Baba wouldn't let me attend the meeting with him.

While this Ed person may be a supposed hero who saved the city of New York, how do we know that he is a trustworthy person?

He nearly gave Baba a heart attack in their first meeting itself!

I don't understand how Mother could allow all of this.

And now this, while Baba is back and finally available to answer my questions, Mother sends me to fetch Shuri and bring her to meet some person.

Honestly, who could this guest be that it was so important to drag Shuri from her lab and me from the council meeting where I should be as the future Black Panther of Wakanda?

"Who are we meeting, Brother?" Little Shuri asked me as she skipped alongside me in her adorable lab coat.

She looked so cute playing a scientist in her lab.

She has intelligence in spades and yet, Baba still doesn't allow her access to the Royal Laboratories.

"I don't know, Shuri. But we will reach there soon enough and you will be able to ask them yourself." I told her.

She nodded and continued to walk alongside me.

Soon, we reached the hall and what I saw made me push Shuri behind me and assume a combat stance immediately.



Man, I was so bored of this.

King T'Chaka had told me to stay here for some reason.

I hope it's not an assassination attempt.

That would be really stupid on his part.

He doesn't seem like that kind of guy anyway.

Then again, he is the same person who killed his own brother so what do I know?

I got sick of sitting on the ridiculously comfortable sofa so I started walking around, looking at some of the art on display.

The Dora Milaje for some reason looked really pissed off whenever I tried to interact with them.

It's not like I threatened their King, it was the Boss, and Alfred to some extent.

Just as I was about to give up and high tail it out of here to some of the sparring rings I had seen outside, the sound of doors opening entered my ears.


Whirling around to meet them, instead, I came face to face with an irate-looking T'Challa in a combat stance hiding somebody behind him.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Time out man. I ain't here to hurt you." I said to him.

"How did you get here? Did you not go back with Ed? What are you doing here?" he asked me in rapid fire.

Instead of letting me answer his questions, he instead looked towards one of the many Dora Milaje "guarding" me and asked them the same questions.

I looked behind him only to come face to face with Princess Shuri.

She was looking at me inquisitively.

Her eyes held a lot of intelligence in them.

She was supposed to be in the running up to become the smartest person on earth.

All according to the reports Alfred had on her.

Rolling my eyes, I went ahead and sat back down on the comfy sofa since the Prince had no intention of listening to my answers.

He still kept me in his line of sight and Shuri out of mine.

It was adorable.

Like he could stop me if I wanted to hurt them.

Say what you will about Frank, his mental state, his personality but man does he whip you in shape.

Dude trained me harder than I ever did in my life and I was in the most demanding section of the U.S. military.

Just as I was about to head out of here, T'Challa's suspicions be damned, I heard another opening of doors and a regal voice said, "I see that you have met our cousin, T'Challa and Shuri."

"Mother," said T'Challa and Shuri both.

The Dora Milaje T'Challa was talking to, bowed to the Queen and went back to her post.

T'Challa and Shuri went towards their mother and I stood up from the sofa.

Gotta give some respect to the queen of the most powerful nation on the planet.

I walked near her and bowed respectfully, "Queen Ramonda"

"Prince N'Jadaka", she nodded back.

T'Challa's neck must have suffered whiplash as he snapped his neck towards his mother so fast.

She ignored his gaze and gestured to the sofas, telling me, "Please. Be seated. I told my husband to arrange this meeting so you could meet my children."

Nodding at her words, I wordlessly went back and sat down on the sofa that still had my assprint on it.

Once they all got seated, one of the Dora Milaje with a noticeably more pleasant look on her face brought tea for all of us.

The Queen personally poured tea for me.

Quite flattering, if I do say so myself.

I could see that T'Challa had a ton of questions to ask his mother but held them back due to me.

"So, I won't pretend to understand your earlier circumstances, N'Jadaka. What happened to you was reprehensible and I don't think I can look at my husband the same way I used to but he thinks that you are going to be a very important part of Wakanda in the near future and I am inclined to believe him," she stated.

"That's why I called for this meeting while my husband goes to deal with that council of his." she continued.

"I believe you two have already met", she said while gesturing to T'Challa.

"And this is my daughter, Princess Shuri," she said while gesturing to Shuri.

"Nice to meet you," Shuri bowed.

"You must be my cousin, then?" she questioned.

"Yes. I am N'Jadaka or Prince N'Jadaka now." I answered her question.

"Where were you till now?" Shuri asked me innocently.

I paused at that.

I guess they still don't know my history.

What I did before all of this.

Before I met Ed.

The blood I have on my hands.

I sighed and was about to lie when Queen Ramonda interjected, "I believe that's a question for another time. When he is more comfortable with us. Okay, Shuri?"

Shuri nodded obediently, "Yes, mother."

She then kept looking at me intensely.

T'Challa finally lost his patience and was about to ask me something when he paused.

There was a faint humming noise in the air.

It was coming from me, more specifically, from my front shirt pocket.

The only thing there was the ......

My face paled as I hurriedly put my hand in the pocket and removed the mask from it.

The damned thing had shrunk down when I tried to put it in my pocket.

My hand got burned when I tried to remove it from my pocket.

Without thinking, I threw it up into the air.

It somehow returned to its original size and kept on enlarging.

All of us looked at it in astonishment.

Soon, it reached the peak of my throw and started floating there, slowly rotating.

I looked around only to notice that the entirety of the Dora Milaje present inside the room had surrounded me and T'Challa too had a spear in his hand, probably taken from one of the Dora Milajes.

The only thing that was stopping them from trying to hurt me was Queen Ramonda's raised hand.

She was looking at the mask with an intense worshipping look.

Seems like she knew a thing or two about it.

I was about to ask her about it when the mask emitted a high-pitched noise and released a blinding white light.

I covered my eyes as it became unbearable to look at anything in my vision.

Soon, the light dimmed down.

Blinking out the spots in my vision, I looked around only to find myself falling on my ass and everybody else recovering from the surprise flashbang.

I looked around, trying to find any sign of the mask.

It was very important.

That bald lady had said that it was the future of Wakanda and if I lost it now, Alfred would burn me alive using one of the flamethrower bots that he loves to sic on us whenever he gets annoyed with any member of our team.

I was about to get up and start looking around for it when I heard a childish scream.

Snapping my neck towards it, I found myself looking at a silver cocoon with what seemed like Shuri's pained voice coming through it.

Mine and T'Challa's eyes met and the next thing I knew, he was leaping towards me with absolute murder in his eyes and a deadly vibranium-tipped spear in his hands.


Word Count - 1796
If you guys would like to support my writing or read chapters ahead of the public release, you can head on to my
P-word site. It is with the same name as my username, just without the 0307.

I already have 9 chapters ahead uploaded there.
Let me guess? Ramonda is a descendant of one the Wakandan Sorceress Supremes and Shuri inherited the ability to use magic? I can see that and how she becomes a pioneer in magitech and technomancy on top of traditional magic and science.
He is within rights to kill t'challa right now…easy crown prince title gained
Technomancer in MCU #29
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 29

Technomancer in MCU


Snapping my neck towards it, I found myself looking at a silver cocoon with what seemed like Shuri's pained voice coming through it.

Mine and T'Challa's eyes met and the next thing I knew, he was leaping towards me with absolute murder in his eyes and a deadly vibranium-tipped spear in his hands.



"STOP!:, shouted the Queen but T'Challa was far too gone in the haze of revenge to listen to her.

In his mind, I must have hurt his sister for absolutely nothing.

The mask did come out of my pocket so that was fair thinking on his side.

But how was I supposed to know what the mask would do to her?

And didn't the bald lady say that it would choose its owner, the future of Wakanda?

Was Shuri that person?

Then why was the mask hurting her?

All these questions ran through my head as I stared at the incoming spear slowly.

Man, even enhanced people like T'Challa couldn't exactly give me a challenge.

I could see the Dora Milaje recovering slowly from the flashbang and if I didn't end this quickly, I might find myself dogpilled by the most elite warriors of Wakanda.

By that point, it would be difficult to disarm them without fatal injuries.

I let T'Challa come ever so slightly closer to me and leaned out of the spear's way at the last moment.

I could see his eyes widen in slow motion at my maneuver.

It was pretty funny when you think about it.

He must not have expected me to outspeed him with him having already ingested the heart-shaped herb.

I took hold of the handle of his spear and kicked him in the chest.

I could see the exact moment he knew he f*cked up as all the air exited his lungs.

All of this happened very fast as the Dora Milaje had no time to recover.

One of the first things they must have seen was me attacking their Crown Prince and him being sent flying towards the furniture away from the Queen and Shuri.

Next thing I know they all start charging towards me with a battle cry.

Just as I was about to turn tail and run, the Queen shouted, "Stop!"

All of them halted in their tracks, right in the middle of their charge towards me, and collectively turned their necks to the Queen.

It looked pretty funny to me.

"Enough! I know what is happening and the Shuri's pain is a by-product of it. Leave us.", she ordered the Dora Milaje.

They didn't protest it and after collectively throwing me a nasty glare, they left the hall and closed the door behind them.

She then went to help T'Challa get up as he still looked at me holding his spear with a wide unblinking gaze.

Getting up, T'Challa asked me, "How did you do that? There is no way you should have been able to react like that. You hit even harder than Baba does and he is the.."

I could see the realisation set in his eyes.

He asked me in a stunned voice, "Who are you?"

"I would like to know the answer to that question as well, Prince N'Jadaka," Queen Ramonda asked in a stern voice.

"It's not often that T'Challa is trounced in combat and especially now that he had ingested the heart-shaped herb, he has few contemporaries in his age. You, without having the power of the Black Panther were able to defeat him is an astonishing feat and we will be having words about it but just not now."

"We will talk after the mask is done evolving Shuri," she said and walked towards the cocoon.

The pained voices of Shuri had stopped coming from it.

T'Challa ran after her and asked, "Mother, do you know what that is?"

She nodded and said, "Yes but be patient, all will be revealed soon."

I rolled my eyes at that.

Old people and their cryptic bullshit.

Then we waited for the cocoon to open up.

Within the first 5 minutes of just staring at its silver surface, I gave up and sat down on the sofa, drinking my tea and eating the leftover snacks.

The Queen and T'Challa gave me strange looks.

"What? I was hungry," I defended myself.

The Queen shook her head and went back to staring at the cocoon.

While I was eating, my mind went back to my encounter with the Sorcerer Supreme.

She had told me that the mask would choose the person who would save Wakanda and even humanity and even outright ordered me to make sure that said person reached their full potential.

Was that person Shuri?

It would make sense.

After all, according to Alfred's reports, she would go on to become the most intelligent person Wakanda had ever produced in terms of technology.

But it din't mention anything about her needing the mask to achieve that.

She was already smart and borderline genius without it.

Glancing at the cocoon, my thoughts went wild.

What is happening to her inside?

The screams from earlier sounded really painful.

The Queen said something about evolution before.

So is that what that mask did, it evolved people?

Just as these thoughts were running wild inside my head, I heard a sharp gasp.


I looked towards them only to see Queen Ramonda with her hands on her mouth staring at the crack that was slowly extending on the Cocoon.

I leaped towards them.

The cracks started getting bigger and bigger and eventually, the cocoon burst apart in motes of dust.

Out of that cocoon, came the airborne form of Princess Shuri.

An energy barrier, not unlike the one surrounding this city, enveloped her body.

She had her eyes closed but she was slowly floating down, right into the arms of Queen Ramonda.

The Queen looked very emotional and happy regarding this development.

She carefully handed over Shuri to T'Challa and told him to take her somewhere.

T'Challa looked extremely confused but nodded nonetheless, following her orders.

She wiped her tears as she watched them walk off and then she turned towards me.

She sat on one of the sofas and gestured for me to take a seat.

"You must be very confused, right?" she asked me.

Damn right, I was!

I nodded slowly at that question.

"That mask that you were in possession of is one of the most sacred possessions of Wakanda. It was prophesied to change the future of Wakanda," she said

"The prophecy didn't state how or why but it just gave the importance of that mask, so our ancestors stored it in our sacred vault, hoping that someone in the future could use it," she said

"There was another prophecy that stated that should a silver cocoon envelop a child from a black mass, they would go on to become the most adept mystic of their generation," she said

"They were just prophecies to us. After decades of them not coming true, they became mere words to us. Nobody even looks in the mystic section of the archive anymore, not even the oldest of the shamans. Only I go there sometimes to satisfy my idle curiosity." she said

Then she glanced towards me.

"And today it finally happened. My Shuri has the blessings of the ancestors," she exclaimed.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you be going after Shuri, making sure she is okay?" I asked her hesitantly.

She shook her head, "No need. It would just needlessly alert the council to some nonexistent threat to the Royal Family. After the meeting is done, my husband and I will take her to the Royal Shaman of our clan. He will know what to do."

Not knowing what to say, I just nodded.

Man, today has been a day of just surprises after surprises.

I couldn't wait for it to be done.

Perhaps noticing my tired state, Queen Ramonda said, "You should go rest. You have a long day tomorrow. The council will want to meet you so be prepared for that."

I groaned at the mention of that stupid council meeting.

Alfred had warned me that they were particularly stubborn regarding any change and I intended to bring about the biggest changes this country had ever seen.

They would either join me in bringing about that change or they would perish, I thought ruthlessly.

No two ways about it.


Word Count - 1428
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Technomancer in MCU #30
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 30

Technomancer in MCU


They would either join me in bringing about that change or they would perish, I thought ruthlessly.

No two ways about it.


The Royal Palace, Birnin Zana


I opened the door of my room if you could even call it that.

Apparently, being the prince of Wakanda pays well.

It was more of a penthouse suite than a room.

Upon opening the door, I came face to face with T'Chaka.

Surprised and confused at his visit, I opened the door fully and gestured to him to come inside.

He entered the room and I locked the door behind him.

"I trust you are settling well?" he asked me, his hands crossed behind his back, looking around the room.

Putting my hands in my pockets, I shrugged "Yeah, I guess."

At that statement, he looked back at me with a questioning gaze, tinged with concern.

That made me slightly uncomfortable.

I sighed, "Look, this is all just very much new to me. It'll take time for me to adjust to being accepted here. I never thought I would get this without bloodshed and that is disconcerting to me, that's all."

He nodded sagely at that, "I can understand that."

Clearing my throat, I gestured for him to sit on the sofa.

"Ah, yes. We have to talk," he said while getting seated on the sofa.

I nodded back, "Alright. What is it?"

"It's about the council meeting tomorrow," he said, his countenance grave.

"What about it?" I asked him.

He opened and closed his mouth several times.

I just stared at him, waiting patiently for him to get his words together.

After about a minute of this happening, he seemingly gave up.

His shoulders slumped in resignation, he said, "Look, in tomorrow's council meeting they might ask you about your past. No, they most certainly will. How are you going to answer that?"

I shrugged and said, "With the truth."

He leveled a look at me for that statement.

"Look, I am not going to enter my father's country with a lie. I will tell them fair and square about my past." I seriously told him.

"And what is your past?" he questioned me.

"Where were you? I tried to search for you a few years back but you seem to have disappeared. I feared the worst." he said, concerned about my past.

I looked at him for a moment and replied, "What else? I enlisted. Joined the NAVY SEALS, became one of their best performers, accidentally got my whole team killed, was assigned a shrink after that…."

T'Chaka's face looked more and more somber as I told him about my life before I met Ed.

About my single-minded obsession with returning to Wakanda.

"...and then I met Ed and my entire life changed." I finished speaking and looked at him.

Only to see tears trailing down his cheeks.

He then stood up and hugged me tightly.

"I am sorry you had to go through all that."

I clenched my fists as I suppressed all my instincts that spoke at me to lash out at him.

"It's alright" I consoled him, patting his back.

After letting go of me, he visibly collected himself and said to me, "I don't think the council will have any problems with you becoming Prince."

I nodded, curious as to where he was taking this.

He sighed and said, "I never told them about your father."

My face became stone-cold at that.

Before I could tear him a new one, he said, "It was not to protect my position as King. I can assure you of that."

I stood up and nearly shouted out, "How can you say that when you are still sitting in the position of King? While my father is dead?"

He looked resigned as he said, "Because it wouldn't have mattered."

At my confused look, he elaborated, "The incident with N'Jobu would have only strengthened my rule."

My eyes widened in realisation.

He nodded, as if expecting my reaction, "The position of King is supposed to be above family, above tribes, and even above yourself. The King is supposed to put Wakanda above all else. The fact that I killed my brother with my own hands would have been celebrated. They would have put me on a pedestal. In their eyes, I would have been the Hero who put his feelings aside and did what was necessary."

I just collapsed back on the couch.

He looked sorry as he said, "At that point, he wouldn't have been a Prince, he would have been a traitor and there is only one punishment for traitors in Wakanda."

I looked at him, my eyes red as he said,


I looked down and closed my eyes as he uttered the punishment that awaited my father had he been caught alive.

"Your revealing of the situation years ago would do nothing but hinder your own agenda. They would look at you with suspicion, even more so as you lived outside until now. But…"

I looked at him as he said with utter sadness in his eyes, "I don't want to be known as someone who killed his family. I loved N'jobu, with all my heart."

He stood up, wiped his tears, and said finally, " I would like for his memory to remain as the Prince who died for Wakanda."

"Dead doing his duty to Wakanda. Not a traitor. I would be very much thankful if you didn't ruin his image. That's all."

And he left.

The sound of that door closing was the last straw as I just stood up and threw the lamp into the wall.

Breathing heavily, I tried to think about what he said.

About how my father was still thought of as a hero to this nation.

Even though he was a traitor.

I sighed as I palmed my forehead and thought of the council meeting that would go down tomorrow.



As I approached his room, I thought of all the ways that could go wrong.

I had been warned by both mother and father to stay away from my cousin until his appearance in Wakanda was publicly explained, not to mention the matter regarding Shuri.

That was another headache that my mother still refused to explain to me.

She clearly knew something but was intentionally stonewalling me.

Shuri also had not woken up but mother said that she was fine and she would wake up soon.

I just couldn't ignore her pained screams when that damned cocoon enveloped her.

I needed an outlet.

The usual way would be sparring with Okoye but she was busy and even with her, it was more about technique rather than strength.

But with N'Jadaka, it would be different.

He had more than enough strength to match me and maybe even overwhelm me.

As I neared his quarters, I noted that they were one of the empty Prince's quarters.

Father kept them out of nostalgia as his brother used to reside in one of them.

I stood outside his door and squared my shoulders in determination.

Then I knocked on his door and waited for an answer.

After some time, the door opened and he stood in the doorway, looking at me for an answer.

At that moment, the only thing that came out of my mouth was, "Spar?"

He looked taken aback at that but with an understanding glint in his eye, he slowly nodded and said, "You came at the right time. Just let me change."

I nodded, giving my tacit agreement.

I stood outside, waiting for him as he changed inside, thinking about Baba's warning.

"Don't underestimate him. You do not know his situation. The one behind him is Ed and he is someone we have to be absolutely wary of. If he so wished, he could unravel all of Wakanda's protections and present it naked to the world to ravage, in a matter of days rather than weeks or months."

I found myself wondering if my decision was correct but I had already taken a step forward and there was no going back.

Years later, I would come to thank myself for this decision, for this event forged the bond between the future Black Panther and the first Gold Panther of Wakanda."


Word Count - 1403

Anyways, you know the Jazz - Extra chapters on
the future Black Panther and the first Gold Panther of Wakanda."

Not a fan of what happened with Shuri. She's already very 'special snowflake' so adding mystic powers on that...

Shrug, just not my cup of tea.

I also kinda regret the idea of going for 'gold' for the new panther, which as a metal... well, it's not useless, but you'll probably admit that 'expensive' and 'gaudy' are more probable adjectives than most.

Thanks for sharing your story
Technomancer in MCU #31
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 31

Technomancer in MCU


I found myself wondering if my decision was correct but I had already taken a step forward and there was no going back.

Years later, I would come to thank myself for this decision, for this event forged the bond between the future Black Panther and the first Gold Panther of Wakanda."


The Sparring Grounds, Wakanda


When I first heard that T'Challa had gone on to challenge N'Jadaka to a spar of all things, I was not afraid but downright terrified.

I had already warned T'Challa not to even approach N'Jadaka until his presence was announced publicly.

I wanted to give him some time to acclimate to Wakanda before introducing him to his cousins but Ramonda had taken actions without my counsel.

She had introduced Shuri and T'Challa to him without my say so.

It had gone disastrously, to say the least.

I was there when the Ancient One had given the prophecy and it still gives me chills that my little baby girl was the one who was prophesied to help save Wakanda and the planet.

The entire process was done and Shuri was resting, guarded by my personal guards whose existence is a secret from even Okoye.

Ramonda said that our medical technology won't be able to do anything as there is nothing to do and only the Royal Shaman will be able to further shed light on whatever mysteries were present in that Mask which are now transferred to Shuri.

Leaving that aside for a moment, according to Ramonda, N'Jadaka had sent T'Challa flying with a single kick.

That was impossible in my opinion as the Heart shaped herb granted T'Challa strength comparable to my own, even greater now that I have become old.

Now, as I watch N'Jadaka send T'Challa flying with a kick for the umpteenth time, I am forced to reevaluate the power Ed and his organisation possess.

If they have the know-how to enhance someone to the level or even beyond the level of the Black Panther, they must have multiple people at that level.

That increases their danger rating even beyond what they have now.

I don't know if there even is a rating for that.

Then a stray thought entered my mind that made my face pale.

If N'Jadaka is so strong even without the blessing of the heart-shaped herb, how strong would he become after ingesting it?

I shuddered just thinking about it.

Ramonda, noticing my actions, asked me with concern, "What is it? Are you alright?"

I clenched the railing until my knuckles turned white as I thought of the devastation that would have occurred had N'Jadaka not been as forgiving as he is now.

Hearing Ramonda's question, I shake my head and assure her that I am alright.

All around the sparring grounds, I could see a crowd had gathered.

The silence around us was deafening.

I could see all of them with their jaws agape and wide, disbelieving eyes.

I reckon most of them came to watch their Crown Prince thrash another person in the sparring grounds but reality turned out to be different.

They were watching N'Jadaka manhandle T'Challa like he was naught but a babe.

If he could do that to T'Challa, he would be able to defeat any warrior in traditional combat for the throne.

It wouldn't matter what tribe they were from. Even the J'Abari would be defeated.

Ramonda and I shared a glance at that, the same thought running in our minds.

"My decision was correct. Thank Bast for this," I whispered.

Ramonda could do nothing but nod as she watched her son and her nephew have so much fun while sparring even though it was clear to anyone who watched that N'Jadaka was the clear winner of this spar.

Finally, T'Challa accepted defeat with a smile, his face covered in mud and some of his teeth knocked loose.

Anybody could see that T'Challa was very much satisfied with the spar as he could finally go all out without worrying about hurting his opponent.

Even while sparring with me, he held back in fear of hurting me as according to my children, I am now a glass trophy.

Only to be protected, showcased behind a panel of glass.

The crowd watched on in silent awe as N'Jadaka walked out of the ring.

I nodded towards one of my guards, silently ordering them to escort N'Jadaka to his quarters.

Then, my shoulders finally relaxed as I thought of the smile N'Jadaka and T'Challa shared during their spar.

It would seem that they had managed to bond pretty well.

I would not have to worry about them any longer now. Wakanda should be in safe hands now.


The Triskelion, Washington DC

–Nick Fury–

Looking at the report that was sitting at my desk, I couldn't help but feel another migraine coming.

I had a meeting with the President in 3 hours and he wanted a status briefing.

And I have nothing.

Not even a single concrete thing I can tell him.

Nothing regarding the Ed character and the organisation behind him.

Nothing about where and how they got their fleet so close to NYC before everybody without anyone noticing or even how they left.

They were full-sized flying aircraft carriers and nobody could figure out how they left.

The less said about their spaceship the better.

Even worse was the nuke that was fired and detonated on US soil.

It has become the biggest scandal in international politics.

The first nuclear explosion on a civilian city after Nagasaki.

The President wanted answers and I had shit.

I wish I could throttle that Ed bastard right now. He must be laughing looking at us scrambling around like headless chickens.

The bastard even knew about the attack in advance and didn't deign to inform us or anybody about the huge attack that was about to happen right in the middle of one of the biggest population centres of the world.

The worst thing was I had nothing to show for it.

No alien tech, No advanced tech from Ed.

Nothing except a single healing glowstick that only works when Agent Simmons uses it.

Nobody even has a single clue as to why and how that stick does the biometric authentication on Agent Simmons.

It might as well be magic to us.

Stark and Banner, both are not talking.

They even refused to help us theorise any countering technology we could use against the aliens or Ed's technology.

I made Romanoff exclude the precognitive part of Ed's abilities as it would have raised a shitstorm even bigger than the one I was currently in.

The best thing that came out of this invasion was Stark's sudden willingness to share his technology.

The bastard was already poised to rake in millions from the reactor he had already set up for New York City.

That number would balloon to billions once the contracts start pouring in.

Hill was already assigned the case to protect that Buffoon and his close ones once the Oil industry woke up and recognized the threat Stark possessed to the global crude oil industry.

I could already see the oil price crashing and I had a feeling that Stark was going to profit massively from that as well.

Another headache added to the pile. I could feel that migraine coming back with a vengeance.


Sighing at the alert for the meeting, I ordered for the car to be brought around.

I felt a pang in my heart as I thought of Coulson.

Normally, he would have been the one to accompany me for a meeting this important.

There was no one in this organisation that I trusted more to have my back than Coulson.

This will not be the end of Coulson, I will make sure of it.

Project T.A.H.I.T.I. will succeed, I will make it so.

Exiting my office and entering the convoy, I think about the consequences of today's meeting.

The president could very well have me removed from my post today, citing my failure to find even a shred of link regarding the foreign militant organisation operating on U.S. soil or the nuke that destroyed Upper Manhattan.

I had already made arrangements to relocate or outright destroy the more dangerous projects the council had deemed necessary, in case I was fired today and had no chance to communicate my final orders.

Going through the security protocols, I was taken through a secret tunnel straight to the President's bunker.

I hated this place.

All my instincts went against entering a place with a single entry and exit and no weapons except my injured body.

Entering the meeting room, I saw that there was the usual assembly present.

It was the person sitting beside the President that had me nearly frothing at my mouth.

"You!?" I said while pointing at the person with the shit-eating grin.

"Yes, ME!" he said while showing the most smug grin I had ever seen.

I had never wanted my gun to be with me more than ever.


Word Count - 1541

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I already have 9 extra chapters uploaded there.
Technomancer in MCU #32
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 32

Technomancer in MCU


"You!?" I said while pointing at the person with the shit-eating grin.

"Yes, ME!" he said while showing the most smug grin I had ever seen.

I had never wanted my gun to be with me more than ever.


Base Alpha


I watch on as the base goes into a whirlwind of activity, preparing for the trip to the White House.

Despite my protests, Alfred had insisted on going to the White House with a fleet.

I had warned him about the warmongering tendencies of U.S. Politicians but he had just rolled his eyes at me and said, "It's not like we will be revealing them. It's just in case."

Just in case, he says.

Taking out the only superclass aircraft carrier we have is not a case of just in case.

It's to scare them into submission.

It wasn't even built for stealth, just pure overwhelming destructive might.


Maybe I am the one with destructive warmongering tendencies. After all, I keep on building bigger, better, and more destructive vehicles with planet-buster weapons.

But then I remember the power of Thanos, of his Black Order, of Ronan, of Hela, and then all these weapons seem so frail in front of them.

I still don't have a perfect solution to deal with Thanos or Hela.

No way to deal with them without using an Infinity Stone, which opens a whole different set of problems.

The ones who can deal with them are either dying or are adamant about dying on their own terms.

Which doesn't leave me with a whole lot of time to come up with a solution.

All I have at this point are gambles.

Gambles involving the use of infinity stones and the protagonists' luck of some of the characters who won only by a fluke.

That was clearly unacceptable as according to Alfred, there was no way we would be able to replicate the circumstances leading up to the events of the good guys winning and the bad guys conveniently being in their most vulnerable states.


All this stressing about the future was putting an undue load on my already sickly body.

We had searched high and low for any kind of cure for it but according to both the Ancient One and the witches of Vanaheim, corroborated by the studies Alfred had done on my condition, there was some sort of anchor holding my soul down to this body.

That was why we couldn't just make a healthy, superior body in every way. My soul simply won't leave the one in which I came into this world.

Even my astral form is sluggish to leave the physical confines of my body.

The Ancient One refused to help me in that regard, telling me cryptic tales of only me being able to solve the issue.

I don't think Odin would be so eager to help me either.

The veritable army of scientists we amped with intelligence-enhancing CHI drugs couldn't find a solution for my condition.

According to them, they could not yet manipulate the metaphysical in ways that could help me get rid of my curse.

A curse.

That's what it was.

Probably given to me by the ROb who punted me into this world with great power but in a failing body.

Probably laughing looking at me struggling to survive in this death world.

The Marvel world might seem all sunshine and rainbows, running on hope from the outside but after looking through the lenses of someone who actually had to live here?

It is just as bad as a deathworld.

I was lucky that the Ancient One found me before they could damage me too much or else I probably would have turned out the same as N'Jadaka.

Wanting to watch the world burn and suffer as much as I did.

With my powers, it would have been a hard task for even the Avengers to put me down.

I would have died fighting them but I wouldn't have gone down lightly.

She took me to Kamar Taj and healed me.

Despite me not possessing a lick of talent for the Mystic Arts, she allowed me to stay there and tinker for quite some time.

She only kicked me out when I already had a few secure bases set up around the world.

The favor she did for me will never be forgotten by me or Alfred.

That is why I continue fighting. To prove to her that helping me was the right decision.

It helped that my moral compass was not too damaged by my experiences in this world.

Alfred estimates with judicious use of my powers, I had about 10 years before my body shut down and left my soul to fend for itself in the astral realm.

The astral realm was not a forgiving plane, especially for soul-based power holders like me.

We were delicious snacks for the many ruthless monsters that roamed the astral plane.

That is why I had Alfred build everything.

It was me and him against the world, just like the old times.


I sighed at the beep as it signified it was time to meet the most (supposedly) powerful man in the world.

"Alfred? Make sure that we arrive before Fury does. I want to see his reaction when he sees me there." I say out loud.

Nowadays even communicating with Alfred using my Technopathy increases the rate of degradation of my body.

Sighing in relief at another microinjection of CHI, I heard Alfred reply with a "Yes, sir."

The suit started to move on its own, piloted entirely by a partition of Alfred.

I, myself, possessed zero ability to move it.

Alfred did it all on his own. He predicted my movements based on my thought patterns recorded previously. He performed all the micro gestures that would make it look like I was doing it all with my muscles rather than advanced servo motors.

Soon, I reached the jet that would take me to the white house.

Due to the judicious use of Pym particles retrieved from the vaults of Hank Pym, this baby had the ability to phase through objects.

We don't have the capability to make them. Alfred is still running calculations on it.

We often wonder who blessed Pym enough that he was able to build a safe gateway to the quantum realm in the 70s.

It was near impossible for it to be a coincidence that Pym was able to make Pym particles and get his wife accidentally stuck in the Quantum realm who coincidentally became the catalyst for the rebellion under Kang's rule which eventually led to his defeat.

It all seemed self-fulfilling to me and Alfred agrees.

Nodding at Frank as he came to see me off, I walked on to the ramp of the jet.

"Are you sure I can't convince you to let me come with you? I want to see Fury having an aneurysm when he sees you there." Frank asked me, a cigar rolling in his mouth.

Rolling my eyes, I waved him off and said, "Not today, Frank. You have your assignment. Do that or do I have to call Maria again?"

As expected, he and even his cigar fell in line immediately at the mention of his wife.

The man was a certified badass who made my men regularly pee themselves out of his fear and one word from his wife and he just melts down.

I guess that's what love will do to you.

The ramp closed up and the jet took off, courtesy of Alfred taking control.

The base's runway closed off as I breached the outer shields of the base.

The base soon became invisible as we crossed the outer holographic shields and then all I could see was cratered white lands of the moon.

I had often been asked by various members of my staff- why the moon?

And I always told them why not?

It was the very first base I ever built.

I had no actual sense of safety outside of Kamar Taj back then and the only way I could feel safe was if I was actually off-planet.

I went way overboard during its construction and actually built a base that covered almost 10% of the moon's interior space.

Alfred had to work overtime to spoof any and all data being gathered on the moon.

It was touch and go for a while but now?

It was the biggest base we have and the most used as it allowed for faster travel to Earth as well as easy access to the jump gate located at a convenient distance to the moon.

Watching the blue ball of life coming into range, I think of all the stuff we are yet to do to ensure Humanity's safety.

I think of the Inhumans, Eternals, Deviants, Atlantians, and even the vanilla humans that inhabited this beautiful planet and how they were slowly destroying it.

Lost in thought, I only came back to my senses once Alfred notified me of our arrival right above the White House.

Looking at the HUD, it was still time until Fury came here.

Deciding to have some fun until he comes over, I order Alfred to get us to the meeting room inside the underground bunker.

I couldn't wait to see Fury.


Word Count - 1581

If you guys would like to support me or read ahead of the public release, you can head on to my

I already have 9 extra chapters uploaded there.
his body dying and getting isekaied into other universe, to keep it going, like, he dies here and gets send to 616?
Then gets back to the moment he died and replace himself
Lol inception
Unfortunately I don't think I am nearly as skilled to pull this off properly. I'd probably fumble it but good idea
Lol inception
Unfortunately I don't think I am nearly as skilled to pull this off properly. I'd probably fumble it but good idea
It is in fact not a good idea, and the whole OP but frail and sick protagonist is also a terrible cliche, im literally just telling myself the mc isn't frail or weak and im also actively avoiding reading anything that says otherwise
Alfred will come find him if that is the case of inception/ insertion into his old body after he dies in marvel
literally use pym particles to reverse the age of your body and you have all the time in the world to figure it out.
Technomancer in MCU #33
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 33

Technomancer in MCU


Looking at the HUD, it was still time until Fury came here.

Deciding to have some fun until he comes over, I order Alfred to get us to the meeting room inside the underground bunker.

I couldn't wait to see Fury.



According to Alfred's reports, the meeting was to be held jointly by the President, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of homeland security. Pierce did try to get an invite but the President was all out of patience after Pierce just backtracked on his plan to get Fury ousted.

Probably too focused on moving important projects out of their "hidden" bases.

Alfred was in the process of tagging all of them to see if immediate intervention was necessary.

It would help us be better prepared in case of any surprises when we finally move in on them and destroy them in one fell swoop.

Phasing through the ground and inches of concrete on the way to the bunker, I am once again reminded of the disorienting feeling that was experienced by everyone who tested this technology.

Not feeling but seeing matter go through you is a very disturbing feeling.

Thankfully, I was used to it.

Entering the bunker, I could see that there was a lot more security present here.

Alfred also reported higher than usual aerial presence in the skies above DC.

Some of the nearest bases were on high alert, ready to dispatch jets in case of an alarm.

The President was probably scared of someone, most likely us, intervening or hijacking this meeting.

I winced as I thought about the superclass carrier that was floating in space, waiting for a command from Alfred to freefall right on top of the White House.

Bringing that was probably not a good idea.

Entering the common area, I am treated to the sight of the President having tea with the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of homeland security.

Listening in on their conversation, they were not discussing anything of importance.

Probably waiting for the actual meeting to start before briefing everybody.

Alfred couldn't hack into the reports as it was strictly physical copies only.

Apparently, they even had gone to the trouble of finding a typewriter of all things, and using it to print the reports.


But as I see Alfred producing copies of it using the advanced scanners installed in this ship, I think that their paranoia was justified.

It was just that the steps taken by them were pretty much useless in front of Alfred and his obsession with improving remote sensing capabilities.

Almost all of our deep space probes were designed and improved upon by Alfred before we even had our first spaceship.

I knew that we had a jump gate nearby but Alfred was the one who figured out its precise location.

Reading through the reports, the general gist of it was as expected.

They were going to treat me as an enemy.

Not publicly, obviously. That would make them public enemy number one but with their control of social media, they wanted to try and let the hype die down before taking any concrete public steps.

So predictable.

They also wanted Fury to take the blame on this one.

So predictable.

The President was aware of the pilot that I had given Fury and he also knew of the disastrous way they handled him.

They couldn't keep him alive in custody for a few hours, let alone interrogate him.

It was going to be difficult for Fury to come out of this still as the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Which is why I was going to step in.

Having Fury remain as the director of the agency was a very important piece of the puzzle that I was trying to unravel.

Without him, I would need to just destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. and H.Y.D.R.A. through the brute force method.

Not only would that tip my hand off too early, it would result in a needlessly large loss of life.

Agents of both sides would end up dead.

The remnants of H.Y.D.R.A. would take advantage of the chaos and cause even more damage, escaping safely in the process.

The world would be none the wiser about the existence of H.Y.D.R.A. and the faults of S.H.I.E.L.D. that they need to correct so it can become what it was envisioned to be by its founders.

"Alfred, are the stun bots positioned?" I asked Alfred.

"Affirmative, sir. Also, the illusion preparation is also done. Nobody will see a thing."

"Very well, go ahead then," I order him.

There is a very small, nearly unnoticeable glitch you would feel if you were looking directly at them but virtually undetectable otherwise.

There was now a 3D hologram of the President and others sitting on the table.

The people inside the hologram see what we want them to see and the outsiders see what we want them to see.

According to the agents stationed nearby, they heard the President ordering them to empty the room and after getting their confirmation, they slowly shuffled out of the lounge and sealed it behind them, acting on the orders of the President.

The President and the ones inside the illusion never saw anything other than the ordinary.

They were just conversing casually with each other when I just popped out or rather unshrunk myself on the empty sofa.

The reaction was immediate.

The Secretary of Defense immediately tried to reach for his nonexistent gun.

The President screamed loudly for security and the Secretary of Homeland Security took one look at me and fainted.

That was confusing.

I wasn't that scary, was I?

As I heard them screaming, I crossed my legs and made myself comfortable on the couch.

By the time they realised that nobody was coming for them, they had already scrambled back to the wall.

Then, they just looked awkwardly at each other and then at me.

Credit to the President, an expert politician that he was, he recognized me and the fact that I had not hurt any of them, he cleared his throat and fixed his tie before greeting me with a clearly fake smile.

"Good evening. You must be Ed. Can I ask why you have come here in this rather surprising fashion? If you wanted a meeting, you could have just and I am sure my assistant would have arranged one ASAP." he said to me.

He tried to act all calm and composed but I could see the sweat on his brows and his increased heart rate.

Deciding to calm them as I wanted something from him this time around, I stood up and said, "I apologize for this abrupt entry but I wanted to warn you before you did something irreversible."

"Please, have a seat," I gestured to the couches. "You too" I pointed to the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Homeland Security.

After we had all sat down, I activated a hologram, showing video footage of multiple fleets of the Chitauri along with the Black Order destroying multiple cilvisations, most of them more advanced than ours.

They were clearly awed and terrified of the things I was showing them.

After a while, they composed themselves and the President asked me, "How can I be sure that it was real?"

I shrugged and said, "You can't be. But you know from the reports given to you by Fury that the alien army was given to Loki by someone. Turns out that someone has a lot more of that army than the one we stopped from destroying New York."

The President sighed and said, "What do you want us to do then?"

"It was Fury's job to safeguard against stuff like this and besides a warning to look out for Loki that was then swiftly retracted as he was captured, we had no way to prepare for an attack much less a full-fledged invasion," he said, clearly frustrated.

I snorted and said, "A full-fledged invasion, you say? Please. An army coming from a bottlenecked portal is barely a threat compared to the ones that are out there. They can do orbital bombardment for days, scorching the planet without taking a single hit in return. Our nukes won't even reach them before they shoot them down from the sky."

They looked stunned at that piece of information.

Just then, the door opened and a member of the Secret Service poked his head inside and informed us about the arrival of Fury.

They looked shocked that the agent could not see me.

I signalled the President and he nodded and told the agent to escort Fury to the Meeting room.

After the agent left, he immediately turned to me, the question visible on his face.

I gestured to our surroundings and said, "It's a hologram. An intricate illusion of just you three sitting on the couch. They won't be able to see or hear me. A handy piece of tech, very useful for infiltrations like these."

They nervously laughed and nodded along, clearly afraid of the implications I made about the technology in my possession.

I slapped my thighs and said, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go to the meeting hall. I'll explain further when Fury is here. I am sure he will have many questions for me as well."

I stood up and so did they, albeit hesitantly.

Before we exited the room, I turned to them and said, "A word of warning, however. Please don't alert any of the agents outside to my presence. It will just needlessly make me take action and you won't like it. Am I clear?"

They clearly didn't like it but they nodded with gritted teeth.

I smiled pleasantly and said, "Very good. Let's go", turned around and gestured them to go before me.

It would look very spooky if the door opened on its own and nobody came out of it for a while.

We all passed the hallway and after some security checks by the Secret Service, during which I had shrunken down and entered the pocket of the President, they opened the meeting room and all of us took a seat.

They were pretty startled when I appeared out of thin air and sat on a hard light chair.

Winking at them, I put a finger on my lips, indicating them to be silent.

The door opened and Fury in all his bald-headed, one-eyed glory entered the room.

He took a good look at all the occupants inside the room and when his eyes landed on me, I could see in real time his eyes widening and a vein popping on his forehead.

"You?!" he said while pointing at me.

Oh man, this was the best.

"Yes, ME!" I said with the biggest grin I could manage.


Word Count - 1846

If you guys would like to support me or read ahead of the public release, you can head on to my

I already have 9 extra chapters uploaded there.
Technomancer in MCU #34.1
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 34.1

Technomancer in MCU


"You?!" he said while pointing at me.

Oh man, this was the best.

"Yes, ME!" I said with the biggest grin I could manage.


Bunker Below the White House

–Nick Fury–

The last thing he expected to see in this meeting was him.


That bastard was the source of half his problems and also the one who could solve all of his problems.

Analyzing the state of the occupants, he could make out the nearly disheveled appearances of everyone.

There were clear efforts made for them to look presentable but he could see the sweat on their brows and the tenseness in their bodies.

It was as if they were ready to flee at the first sign of trouble.

How unfortunate that the biggest trouble they had experienced recently was sitting right in front of them, smiling without a care in the world.

His smiling face belied the danger he posed to everyone in this meeting.

Ed was somehow able to infiltrate this meeting and then hijack it without anyone outside noticing.

The agents are required to have periodic check-ins with the President as per protocol.

The fact that they didn't do anything means either of one thing.

The entirety of the Secret Service contingent serving POTUS had been compromised or none of them noticed anything suspicious around the President.

Both of them were daunting situations.

Sighing at the fact that he was stuck in this meeting, one way or another, he slowly sat on the chair, right in front of the President and Ed.

After that, he continued to glare at Ed.

Ed continued to smile and look at him.

After a while, the President cleared his throat to gain his attention.

He looked at POTUS as he asked, "So, Fury. You had a report for me to see?"

He looked at him, blinked a few times, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr.President, are we really going to ignore his presence here?" while gesturing to Ed.

The President's smile looked a bit strained as he said, "Mr.Ed here has given us valuable information that has made us look into other avenues as to how we were going to proceed with this meeting."

He looked at the Secretaries before continuing, " Our hope is that the report you have with you will help us gain further insight into the situation and help us make an even more informed decision."

He then gestured to Ed, "He is here to tell us more about our situation at large."

He only grew more and more confused at each of the words that came out of POTUS' mouth.

At his confused look, POTUS elaborated, "Our situation in terms of the galactic scale."

His eyes went wide at that.

Updated information regarding the happenings in outer space would help them tremendously. If he truly was going to give us that, it would help us in formulating strategies and most importantly, help get the goddamned politicians with all the different agendas on the same table for discussion and action.

"Of Course," said the President, "He wouldn't give us the complete information without having read your report for some reason."

He gave Ed a suspicious look at that.

If Ed and the organisation behind him were as advanced as they thought it was, he must already know what was in the report.

Which was nothing.

Why would he insist on handing over the report before giving out any useful information?

Nevertheless, he took out the manilla folder from his trench coat and carefully handed over the copies to the President and everybody else, feeling slightly embarrassed at how light and empty it felt.

After giving everybody their report, he looked at Ed and said mockingly, "I'm sorry, I only made three copies as only three people were invited to this meeting."

The bastard had the audacity to shrug and say, "It's alright. I already know what is in there anyway."

He gritted his teeth at the blatant admission of cybercrime.

After just a few minutes, everybody was done reading through the report.

The President gave him a look after that, which clearly indicated he wanted to talk to him about the report later on.

He reckoned the only reason he was not torn into a new one was because there were more pressing matters at hand.

The President then turned to said important matter and asked him, "Now, can you debrief us about the situation at large?"

Ed shrugged and said, "Sure. Alfred?"

A Hologram representing Earth popped up on the table in front of me.

He leaned forward in interest, and so did the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security.

"Ideally, I would've done this at the UN where most of the world's representatives would be gathered but this meeting forced my hand and I also understand that the world at large is in chaos at the confirmation of the existence of aliens. So I thought I would delay that meeting a bit." Ed said.

More like never.

He didn't think the people in this room would allow any other nation to have the slightest advantage if it was in their power. They would fight Ed every step of the way if he wanted to truly distribute this information equally to every nation on the planet.

Information was Power these days and the ones sitting in this room were the biggest hoarders of power on the planet.

As he looked at the globe, some things immediately stood out to everybody in the room.

The majority of the countries looked red, and some of the countries looked orange.

The shades differed from the Middle East to Europe to North America but most of the developed countries looked orange.

Then there were 2 dots that shined a bright blue.

One seemed to be in the Atlantic Ocean and one on the African continent.

The President must have shared his observations as he asked Ed, "What is the meaning of the colors that separate the various regions? Is it some kind of threat assessment tool?"

Ed looked at all of them and answered, "Oh, that? That's just the advancement level or the amount of work needed to be done for those places to be brought up to a satisfactory condition, according to me."

Advancement level? What did that mean?

Wait a minute.

"What were the blue areas?" He asked Ed, glaring at him as if daring him to lie to his face.

"Oh, those? Those are the ones that need no intervention or at least no help to get them up to my technological advancement levels. They are more than advanced enough."


"But one of them is in the middle of the Ocean and the other is in Africa. We all know that there is no country there that is more advanced than The United States of America, atleast on the African Continent and I am sure that there is no underwater country–." the Secretary of Defense said in confusion at the beginning and then it turned into outright horror towards the end..

"Ah, I can understand your confusion," Ed said while pointing at the Secretary of Defense.

He then continued, "There is no advanced civilization there that you know of."

All of their eyes widened rapidly.

Advanced civilizations under the Ocean?

"Ar..Are you talking about Atlantis? Is it Real?" The President asked Ed hesitantly, a slight tremor in his voice.

Ed sighed and waved his hand slightly.

The globe shrank down to a dot.

In an insufferable voice, he said, "Look, do you guys want the information regarding outer space or not? Because if we sit here talking about the glaring holes in your information regarding civilizations that were building cities when you were still cavemen, we would be here all night."

The bastard did it on purpose.

He knew they would not be able to resist this bait dangled right in front of their faces.

The President and his eyes matched, both of them knew that they could not let potential threats in their own backyard go unchecked.

"We would like to learn more about these hidden civilizations, Ed. The fact that they didn't come to help during the invasion suggests that they could be hostile to our countries and I don't think any one of the gentlemen inside this room would risk that. So, please, tell us more about them." President Ellis said in an authoritative tone of voice.

Ed looked at the President and said in a tone of voice that sent chills down everybody's spines, "So you can do what? Invade them? Blackmail them? Steal from them? No No No… I am well aware of what would happen should I reveal their secret. You would start an arms race that would threaten to engulf the entire planet, nearly destroying it. Then I would have to step in and stop you guys."

The silence in the room was nearly deafening.

They were reminded of the power Ed held in his hands and the fact that nobody knew he was here was not lost on them.

He could very easily murder them all and leave without anyone being the wiser.

He then continued, "So, No. I will not share with you any of their details because they could just kill you all for knowing that, without any intervention on my side."

All of them shared looks of terror at that.

The idea of an advanced civilization that had infiltrated our government was chilling enough, the fact that they were considered so advanced that even Ed deemed it unnecessary to help them was downright terrifying.

According to Stark, Ed wanted to uplift humanity. He didn't give an explanation as to how he wanted to do that but Stark thinks that at the very minimum, it would involve making Humanity a space-faring civilization, capable of handling most of the threats present in outer space all by themselves, without any help from Ed or the organisation behind him.

If the two blue dots meant two advanced civilizations and they had the capability to be space-faring, there was no telling what kind of technology they were able to amass simply by trading or stealing in space.

He could understand Ed's point about them being able to effortlessly kill us.

What He didn't understand was one thing.

He looked up at Ed and said, "If they are as advanced as you say they are, why didn't they leave the planet?"

Ed looked at him in pure confusion at that statement.

"Because… they can't?" Ed said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

He was going to kill Stark.


Word Count - 1799


Author Note

So..first of all, sorry for the whole delay in uploading the chapters. Festive season here is a legendary feeling in its own right. Didn't get even an hour of time alone to actually type out the chapter.

I also did some reading on the criticism I had gotten regarding the POVs of the story.

The overwhelming majority of the comments suggested that I use First POV for the MC only and then use Third Person for the other characters.

If you are reading this on Patreon, you will notice that my new fic does follow that pattern.

Henceforth, the new chapters of Technomancer in MCU will follow that pattern as well.

I'll slowly go over the previously uploaded chapters and edit them.

If, for some reason, you preferred the older versions, I will have google doc links edited into the chapters for your perusal.

I'm still preparing for my new job. Packing and preparing documentation is a stuff of nightmares. Never thought it would take this long to do seemingly mundane stuff. Don't even get me started on the stuff that I had to get from government offices. I wonder why we even pay those people (I'm just ranting here. I know why we do and have a reduced amount but still a sizable amount of respect for these people. I'm just saying that now I get why people always complain about the horrible efficiency of government servants.)

What I am trying to say is the chapter upload schedule might be irregular.

Might be day after tomorrow or maybe even tonight as I had an unexpected bout of focus and ended up writing up 2.5k chapter within just 2 hours.

Technomancer in MCU #34.2
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 34.2

Technomancer in MCU

Bunker Below the White House

–Nick Fury–

He then elaborated, "The reason they are marked as not-to-intervene is because they are already on the path to reach the benchmark I have set for Humanity's advancement. They are way ahead of you, obviously but that doesn't mean that they have reached space-faring status, it just means that they will, in due time, without my interference. Any action on my part at this stage will only result in negative results."

At our collective looks of incomprehension, he pinched his nose and said, "Look, just think of them as someone who is already scoring consistently at the top of the class and any extra attention from the teacher would not help and might even backfire as they might not be used to the attention. The orange ones are the people who can score higher but are not on the right track. They can be guided back on those tracks with minimum interference."

Here, he took a pause and said, "The red ones are the ones to worry about. They are the ones whose path doesn't lead to advancement without heavy-handed intervention. They are the ones most marginalized and exploited on our planet."

"Look, can we just focus on the threats from outer space, the ones who we actually need to worry about?"

He gestured to the globe and said, "All of those things can be easily handled by me. What I need your help with are the threats that lurk in the darkness of outer space. Those are the ones that cannot be defeated without cooperation from your end as well as mine."


Once again, the president cleared his throat and said, "Ahem.. Ed, we understand. Can you tell us about the threats in outer space then? Starting with the one who sent that Chitauri army you talked about?"

Ed nodded, clearly relieved, "Finally, someone with sense."

He then waved his hand again and the view of the globe zoomed out.

I looked at the scene intently, trying to memorize any important details.

As the view zoomed out, we saw multiple dots on the moon.

Then the dots kept coming up again.

A few scattered on Mars.

Some near Jupiter.

Multiple ones near the sun.

How could anybody survive near the sun?

I had so many questions about that but kept my mouth closed.

I could always ask him about it later on. If he feels generous, he might even answer them.

The more important thing right now was information because as it was right now, we were flying blind.

The view zoomed out even more, eventually settling on the map of the Milky Way Galaxy.

"Alright," He then stood up and waved his hands and the f*cking table disappeared in front of us.

So did his chair.

Startled, all of us leaned away from where the table used to be.

Smiling at us, the bastard was enjoying all of this, he gestured to the hologram and it changed to show five different icons.

At our questioning looks, he started to explain what they were.

"Gentlemen, there are five major powers in our galaxy that we need to be wary about. These powers are so high above us that even if we reach the level I want us to reach, I doubt we will be much of a threat to any of these civilizations, if they want to destroy us completely."

I leaned forward, very much interested in finally getting any information about the dealings of major powers in outer space other than the Kree and the Skrull conflict.

"They are–" he said while gesturing to the hologram.

The galaxy then shifted to highlight an island floating through space. It had buildings built on it in medieval style. A huge golden palace of sorts is situated in the center of the island, with a waterfall-like formation dropping water seemingly into the void.

"--Asgard, the home of Skyfather Odin. As you might have guessed, Thor and Loki hail from this place. Once upon a time, Odin reigned near supreme across the universe, conquering realm after realm but after an incident a few thousand years ago, they retreated back into their realm and nowadays only guard the Nine Realms, of which Earth or Midgard as they call it, is a part of." he continued.

"Then there is Xandar." The hologram showed a planet that slightly resembled Earth, if not only slightly larger. It had towering skyscrapers but also greenery surrounding all the cities. Also, like Earth, the majority of its surface was covered with water. There were numerous structures littering its orbit and ships continued to dock and undock from those structures. The zoomed-in view showed aliens of all sizes and shapes roaming around in public spaces, showcasing its multi-species nature.

"This is the civilization that we should pay close attention to. It is the closest galactic superpower that we can emulate and have a reasonable chance of succeeding with. As you can see, they are humanoid and share slight resemblances with ours but the Xandar empire as a whole is multi-species. They accept many other species with open arms without discrimination. Their technology has also evolved to develop with the nature of their planet rather than against it. I would recommend this planet to be the first trip for mainly trade relations. You would be able to get many space-faring technologies here for just money. It is a major trade hub, after all. For trade, I would recommend spices as they are a rarity even in space."

We gave him incredulous looks as he suggested for us to become spice traders like the British colonizers to initiate trade with one of the galactic superpowers.

He looked defensive as he said, "What? It is true. Spices are very hard to grow outside and for some reason, they never evolved in most of the planets with the same makeup as ours. Trust me, they've tried to grow chilly in space. They can't. That stuff is much rarer than oil in outer space. Oil is worthless outside of our planet."

"Next is Olympus." The hologram showed a bubble, inside of which were buildings that were shining as they all seemed to be made out of gold.

"Before you ask, yes, they are the same Olympians that early humans used to worship. They have now left Earth and reside in a pocket dimension they call as 'Omnipotence City'. Their leader is Zeus, who is said to have matched Odin in combat ability, although that is yet to be proven because I know for a fact that Odin in his Prime was someone even Celestials would hesitate to fight with."

At the question marks that must have floated above our heads, he clarified, "Celestials are the first beings to come into existence after the Big Bang.As such, they are naturally the most powerful species to ever exist in our universe. They are planet-sized humanoids with reality-warping abilities. Energy manipulation, matter manipulation, spatial manipulation, you name it and they probably have someone in their midst with that ability."

At our growing looks of horror, he hurriedly said, "Don't worry. The last time anybody saw a celestial was centuries ago and even if you did encounter them, they barely interact with any species as they consider us below them. Ant and a Blue Whale would be an apt comparison in terms of scale of impact on the cosmos around us."

That didn't do anything to abate our growing concerns as the looks of horror remained on all our faces.

Danvers didn't tell me about any of this. As far as I can tell, even Ed seems to be of the mind that these beings can't be fought with. That thought sent chills down my spine. That some beings existed you simply can't fight with.

"Anyway, the next would be Kree." The hologram shifted to show a planet completely devoid of nature. No forests or trees littered the surface of the planet. Water covered a majority of the planet but it looked completely artificial as if it was still water and not flowing at all like seawater. The zoomed view showed a Tall blue humanoid alien.

"They are the most war-mongering species you could find in the galaxy. Well, of course, apart from the humans," he said in a humorous way.

None of us found it funny, of course.

"Eh, Tough Crowd." he shrugged and then continued, "I would not recommend any sort of contact with this species. They have a central artificial intelligence that rules their entire society. This has made them the hardest civilisation to fight with as the AI doesn't care about its citizens as long as the species as a whole is succeeding. This makes them a nightmare to deal with in a prolonged fight."

"Also, they are just as if not more xenophobic than us, so there's that."

"The last would be Thanos–" the hologram flexed only to show a humongous ship. It was a large rectangular ship that overshadowed asteroids. The only thing written on the screen was-'The Sanctuary' and then it zoomed in to show a Tall humanoid with purple skin. He resembled the Hulk in musculature.

"That is the single biggest threat to Humanity out there. He is one bad motherf*cker of a Titan, a species that used to live on the moon of Saturn names Titan. That is Thanos, the strongest of his species to ever exist. He is a madman who is hell-bent on killing half of all life. He is someone who destroys advanced civilisations for breakfast. As we are now, that purple scrotum would trounce the entire team of Avengers within seconds. The only people alive who can match him can be counted on a single hand. Not Hulk, Not Thor, and regrettably, not even me or any of the people in my organisation can hope to even scratch him as he is now. The Chitauri army was sent by him. He wanted the Tesseract for some reason."

He then turned off the hologram and a table materialized under the hologram on which he leaned on. He then looked at each of us intensely and then said, 'He is the one we need to defeat if we are to survive on the road to becoming a galactic civilization."

The President choked out, clearly spooked by this Thanos, "Why? Why would he come for us? We don't even have the Tesseract anymore. Thor took it. Asgard has it."

Ed then shook his head and said, "If only it were that simple. We defeated his Chitauri army. A backwater planet that was simply beneath his notice, defeated his army which was headed by Loki.I know that he doesn't look much but Loki is one of the top combatants of the universe. He could singlehandedly trounce multiple civilizations if he so wished. It's just that he hasn't yet realised all of his powers yet. We were lucky that day. If Loki had been his true self, Earth would be a smoking husk by now. Defeating him, that might as well have been an open challenge to him. Make no mistake, he will come for us and when he does, we will be ready."

"We have to. There is no other choice."

He then stood up tall and in our eyes, he seemed to grow even taller as he said, "The only question is will you stand with us or against us?"

The sound of the President gulping could be heard by everybody inside the room.


Word Count - 1789

If you guys want to read ahead, you can head on to my

Author Note

Well, I tried yesterday but the plot bunnies wouldn't come to me so here's the chapter today.

It was my first time writing a sweet romantic scene of sorts. Do tell me how it went.

I have the outline of the next 2 chapters ready and since I am on the train to my job posting, I have nothing to do but write for 30 more hours. SO! Good news, you might see another chapter tomorrow. REJOICE!
So, is that thanos mcu thanos or comics thanos?
Mcu...Comic thanos would clap the mcu avengers even with SI's help.

In that case, Ed is overstating Thanos a tiny bit in order to scare everyone into compliance? I approve of the tactic.

While no CURRENT Avenger could stop Thanos, at least not without getting a weapons upgrade (looking at you Thor), Wanda would be able to slap him around once she gains her powers. Which might not happen now since that requires Hydra to be around to experiment on the twins. Unless Ed just picks them up one weekend and offers them a job.

I take it back, there is one Avenger who could take out Thanos right now, Danvers. While as strong as Hulk currently, Thanos is not invincible. Not until he starts gathering the stones anyway.

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