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Technomancer in MCU #88
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 88

Technomancer in MCU



"Well, that went well," He groaned internally when he heard Toby say that to the Queen of Asgard. It did actually go better than he was expecting. He had half-expected Odin to just flip out and try to smite Toby on the spot, considering that Toby made no effort whatsoever to try and hide his true nature, not that it would have made any difference since it was Odin they were trying to hide from, the all-seeing yet ironically, one-eyed King of Asgard.

"I don't know what I was expecting from a demon host, especially since they have been nearly non-existent on this side of the universe. Last I heard all of them died in droves fighting each other fighting for a reason nobody knows or at least no one that is alive." Frigga said as she dismissed Thor and Loki and turned towards them.

Toby just smirked at her, not replying at all.

He tried to step in before Toby could do any more damage but Frigga looked at me and that one look somehow stopped me mid-way. It was honestly terrifying how she could command someone with just a look, even without using any of her witch-specific magic.

"Hmm", she then turned to him and extended an arm towards him lit up with a magic circle that stopped just shy of touching him. She looked at him as if asking for his consent.

Well, what did he have to lose anyway? So, he nodded.

She nodded and then cast the spell on him, not even flinching under the hawkish gaze of Toby.

The magic circle turned a shade of green and then that light waved over his body before stopping at his head and then following the link with his soul, went back to his body, all the while she had another magic circle in front of her, probably feeding her the information on the diagnostics of the spell.

"Hmm, I see," She turned to Toby and said, "Very creative curse work. If this is what you are capable of then maybe you can be of help too."

Then she went back to work as Alfred arrived after talking with Odin privately. He didn't know what they were talking about but judging from the fact that they were not running away immediately, things should be okay.

"I hope he agreed to whatever crazy plan you have cooked up in your brain, Alfred?" Frigga asked Alfred as she continued to circle his body, intensely studying the resulting output from using her diagnostic magic.

"Maybe? I don't know for sure. He'll inform me after the feast. Speaking of which, I know it is customary but is the feast really necessary? Can't we just skip to the task at hand?" Alfred asked her while manifesting another magic circle and handing it to Frigga whose eyes took a vacant look in them when she started receiving the metric ton of data that Alfred must have had in that magic circle.

After all, he must have been researching the problem and its possible solutions for decades in his time-accelerated servers.

Frigga shook her head and replied, "Oh my! That really is a crazy idea and as much as it pains me to say this, it might just work. We'll be talking about the shoddy spellwork later on, though. With the spell you put together, Ed will be lucky to survive his full mortal lifespan, let alone use his powers to their full potential. And as for the feast, let's just say that anything and everything you have to do can be done after the Feast. Asgardians are like that. Even my husband is no exception."

She then turned to Ed, "I would suggest freshening up in your quarters. I don't see any clothing being packed with you but I have a feeling that abusing spatial magic is something that you guys do every day. In case you don't, tell one of the handmaids and they'll be sure to give it to you."

"Now," Frigga turned to Alfred and gave him another magic circle, "You have given me a lot to think of. This is something that was written in one of the ancient books I have access to. Use that brain of yours and see if any improvement can be done to personalise it for Ed since you know his physiology and soul better than anyone here. We'll be having a lengthy discussion about your risk-taking appetite, especially when the entity at risk is the entire universe, after the feast."

After giving all of them their orders, the figure of Frigga shimmered as the illusion faded away.

He mechanically turned his neck towards Alfred and then Toby, both of whom seemed to be rooted on their spot as they looked at the spot where Frigga disappeared from with laser focus.

He then chuckled and turned around, heading to their room, "Heh, looks like you met your match then, Alfred?"

Good thing too, since he needed someone to show him that he might be the strongest on Earth but the wider cosmos was a whole different ball game altogether.


It was later that day.

The day cycle worked differently on Asgard. The sun never truly set on Asgard since it was a fixed island with neither the sun nor the body moving at all. The sun was actually an ancient magic construct that was a work of art made with what Ed suspected to be Sun divinities or at least by a person who had the Sun divinity.

But as far as he remembered, there was no utterance of a Sun Asgardian God during the MCU. Of course, not all of Asgard's Myth was shown anyway so he might be wrong there as well.

The way evenings or nights worked in Asgard was also by a clever application of light magic. The Sun, during the day, behaved similarly to a standard Yellow star, giving off both heat and light by fusion, but during the night, both the amount of light and heat given by the Sun changes to something that would be more commonly done by the Moon on Earth.

At least, that was what Alfred was going on and on about ever since he had arrived in his room to wake him up.

Yes, he was grumpy after being woken up from the most relaxing sleep he had ever had in years, especially in recent years since he almost always had to be put to sleep using external influences like CHI or in some extreme cases, concentrated sleeping pills.

"Alright, just get to the point, will you, Alfred? We have to go to the stupid feast after this and I just want to get some sleep before that," he finally snapped at Alfred after listening to him go on and on about the fascinating magic that Asgard had.

Alfred actually pouted this time, "Well, I was about to tell you about the magic of the ocean surrounding this landmass but you just lost that privilege. Anyway, the reason I came here, not that I need one, is to discuss the Toby situation." He said the last words in a serious tone as an anti-surveillance curtain was raised around his room.

So, that was what he was doing while trying to talk his ears off, clever bastard.

"What about him? He said while diving back under the covers.

The absolutely mind-bogglingly comfortable covers that were ripped off of him despite his best tries by Alfred.

"Don't ignore the issue. You know what I have been talking about. Now that Toby is out of the contract that the Ancient One had imposed on him, what is going to stop him from trying to rule Earth or destroy all the major players in a bid to establish his supremacy?" Alfred asked as he kept on running the probability of that happening and showing it to him.

He sighed and sat up on the bed, facing Alfred who was pacing furiously, "Look, if it was the Old Toby, I might have agreed with you on principle but this version of him seems calm. Now that's a sentence I never thought I would say again."

"The probability of him doing something incredibly rash and ruining all of our work keeps on increasing day by day. He only has to see something bad happening on the planet that he absolutely has to intervene in and boom, we're done."

"If he does anything, we will be there. The Avengers will be there. The Inhumans, Atlantians, Wakandans, everybody will be there to rise up against him, Alfred. You are worrying too much."

"No! You are not taking this seriously enough. The sheer power he has at his disposal is not something that can be fought against simply by drowning him in quantities. Maybe Thor when he becomes older or Dr.Banner if he reaches his full potential but aside from them? Nobody comes even close to him in terms of strength who are also Earth's allies. Not even I could defeat him without using one of the Infinity Stones."

"Okay, first of all, you are seriously underestimating everybody on Earth. Hell, Daisy, Jake, Eric, Bruce, and Namor together could probably beat anyone in the universe, probably even the weaker celestials. Add in Thor, Stark's mind, and then you might even have a chance against Arishem."

Alfred looked so lost as he looked at him for guidance. It was the first day Alfred was born all over again. He had panicked so hard when he realised the limited space he had to live in.

"Look, if you want, I will go talk to him after this, alright?" he relented after seeing Alfred's conflicted look even after explaining everything to him.

"Okay, thank you." Alfred said and was about to leave but he stopped Aflred.

"Just out of curiosity, what are the odds of us winning against him if we pull out all the stops and he stops caring about the damage to Earth?"

Alfred looked at him and then, without warning, dozens of runic circles manifested around him as he began floating cross-legged with dimensional energy leaking around him.

Hmm, it would seem that he took it way too seriously.

For an entire minute, Alfred was in that state which was a lot because he could see Alfred visibly use Time Energy to accelerate the time his mind was working with.

Finally, after a while, the magic circles disappeared and the dimensional energy that had congregated around Alfred dispersed and then Alfred came out of it with steam coming out of his head in a comical show of how much brain power he had used, "Well, not that, that was not completely extra of you but what are the results anyway?"

Alfred's face looked relaxed to him which he took as a good sign, "Pulling out all stops from our side results in the Planet's destruction. Roping in all of our allies though gives us a 90% chance of killing him and a 98% chance of defeating him. Unfortunately, those odds drop down to 60% if Thor is removed from the equation."

Realisation dawned on him as he understood what Alfred was trying to convey, "So, we have to kill Hela, then?"

Alfred nodded and said, "Not just her, destroy Asgard as well."

He sighed and stood up, "Well, nobody said it was going to be easy all the way."

Now, all he had to do was ask Odin and Frigga to heal his body while plotting in the background to destroy their home.



Word Count - 1954

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.

Once again, thank you for reading!

Technomancer in MCU #89 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 89

Technomancer in MCU


–Toby Mathers–

Wearing the fancy robes that were provided to him by the scared maids assigned to him, he looked in the mirror for the nth time.

And as usual, his face took on an ugly snarl as all he could see in his reflection was his demon form.

His ugly, disgusting Demon Form.

Someone who liked to rule over others, liked to toy with beings beneath and loved to destroy someone instead of merely defeating them.

That person was someone who managed to rule over an entire dimension with his wits and cruelty.

…But, he was not who he once was.

Not the person he wanted to become. He still had blurry images of the time with Ed, back when all they had to worry about was studying for a job.

God, he was so naive back then. Thinking that just studying without networking would get him a good job. Ed, on the other hand, had his life sorted out for him, even then.

When the two of them were presented with the option to go to an entirely new universe, he was pretty psyched up because he was of the mind that he could finally escape his boring life back then.

Little did his past self know what hell, literal and metaphorical, awaited him when he was blasted off from the path that he and Ed were taking.

For a long time, he actually resented Ed when he got to Earth and saw that Ed had been transported to the planet safe and secure, along with the trusty partner that was supposed to help them grow instead of just becoming the partner of Ed alone.

From day one, he could sense Alfred's resentment towards him and even now, among the ocean of emotions he could pick from Asgard, Alfred's resentment was something that was a constant for him.

Maybe, he should have stayed away from them after freeing himself from his prison.

It's not as if he could not understand Alfred's concern about him just going ballistic, especially since they just recently got an idea of his power if he were to go all out, disregarding any concerns about anybody being nearby.

Looking at the mirror, he tried to adjust his sleeves again only for the reflection to come back again. Frustrated, he just punched the mirror only for his fist to bounce back immediately, making him step back in shock.

Confused, he looked at the mirror, only to see a golden magic circle in front of the mirror that reflected the force of his punch back to him.

"You know, it is considered a bad omen if a mirror bearing your reflection is destroyed by yourself-" A voice spoke from behind him.

He turned around, only to see Frigga standing at the door with her palm facing the moor which had an identical miniature magic circle as the one which was on the mirror.

"- and whatever opinion we might have regarding your kind, you are still one of our guests and no guests under the House of Odin would ever be harmed on Asgard. That is one of the covenants that everyone in the house of Odin swears by."

Clearing his throat, he ran his hand through his head and said.

"I am sorry you had to see that. Has the banquet already begun?"

She dispelled the magic circle and lowered her hand slowly, "Yes, Asgardian Banquets are unique as in they have no specific start and end timings. They don't stop for anyone, not even their King. It is tradition and as such, you can join in anytime you want. If you are not comfortable and would like to discuss what just happened, we can do that too."

He coughed uncomfortably at the offer.

He had never been offered a sympathetic ear when he was but a pathetic weakling back in the hellworld with nothing to offer to anyone and once he began rising in prominence, all the offers felt disgustingly fake to him anyway so he never bothered with them.

But now?

He could literally feel the sincerity with which Frigga had offered an ear to listen to him listing away his troubles.

Suddenly, without warning, his senses tingled as an energy that was a complete antithesis to his own flooded the room. His neck snapped to meet Frigga's glowing blue ones as she said, "There, now no one can hear us talking, not even my husband."

She lowered her arms and cast a spell of some sort that lightly nudged his mindscape as if asking for permission to access it.

Normally, his automatic defenses would have kicked in and obliterated such an attempt without even conscious input from his side but he had forgotten one thing.

He had built almost all aspects of his mental defenses with intent in mind. The intent of Frigga's spell was so unique that it made his defenses ignore it. The only reason he would have been alerted to it was due to the fact that the spell seemed to be designed for it.

Apprehensive of her intentions but trusting his powers since that was what allowed him to survive for so long, he opened up a portion of his mindscape and allowed the tendril of magic to enter his mind, ready to eviscerate it the moment it tried to do anything fishy.

In the real world, outside his mindscape, Frigga smiled encouragingly at him as her spell took effect and every first effect of it unconsciously relaxed him more than he would care to admit.

Soon, the room that was flooded with Frigga's magic transformed to resemble the park he and Ed used to visit when they wanted to "touch grass" and get out of their dorms for a change.

It was nothing special. A couple of swings and some gym equipment lying around but it was their place. The place where they could go after hours, with cheap ramen, to escape from the heavy-duty lifestyle they both led and to unwind the stress they had ramped up.

"I am surprised. I thought your most happy place would be something of grand opulence but I guess, you can't judge a book by its cover. I believe that is a popular saying in Midgard?" Frigga said as she looked around at the real-life manifestation of his happy place in front of him.

He would die before admitting it but his eyes glistened with tears as Frigga's spell allowed him to relive a cherished memory he didn't even know he had forgotten.

Taking a deep breath, he began, "What would you like to know?"

Frigga smiled and sat down on one of the swings and asked him to take the one next to her, "Come, let's start with why you felt the need to destroy the mirror. I assume that the poor mirror had no fault of its own for you to try to destroy it with such ferocity?"

He chuckled bitterly and sat on the swing next to her, his musculature allowing him to just barely fit into it but the joy he got from using the swing was many times more than the discomfort he felt from the chains digging into his skin.

Before he could speak though, the chains became lighter as the swing widened to allow his body to properly fit in.

He looked towards Frigga only for her to chuckle and reply.

"Just because we are relieving a memory does not mean that we have to make it accurate. Now, where were we?"

He nodded and took a deep breath, telling her about his view of himself and how much he felt he had strayed away from the person he once was.

The person he wanted to become. The person he hoped everybody looked up to as inspiration and not as an entity of fear.

As the session was ongoing, the scenery around him allowing him to truly relax and open up, he sensed something banging on the barrier he had cast on his room.

His eyes narrowed as he felt the person outside being one of extreme darkness affinity. Before he could warn Frigga, there was a huge disturbance in the magic outside the palace as multiple huge masses of darkness congregated right in front of his barrier.


A few hours before the attack, on Earth—

–Jane Foster–

"Come on, Jane. You know he has left. It has been almost 3 years since anybody last saw him. We even tried asking that Alfred bot and he also told us about the Rainbow thingy being rebuilt already and he still hasn't visited you or even sent a letter or whatever the Asgardian equivalent of that is." Darcy told her for the umpteenth time as she kept on working on the code in front of her.

Taking a deep breath, she stopped coding and looked at Darcy with a deadpan gaze, "Why don't you go and take care of the one responsibility I gave you, taking care of the new intern?"

Darcy shrank back at the heat in her words and she winced internally but the words were already said so she kept on looking at her with a stern face, hoping that she would just leave her alone.

"Fine," Darcy pouted and left the room, probably to search for the new intern who could not be found at the same place he was left at.

As soon as the door slammed behind Darcy, she slumped as she sighed in resignation. It was not as if she could not realise the meaning behind Darcy's words.

Everything AlfredGPT had told her had turned out to be true. It was even monumental in helping her research advance leaps and bounds ahead of her peers, not that he had many of those since her field was something that was literally invented by herself.

The thought of giving up her research did come up once or twice in her mind but what kind of scientist would she be if she gave up in front of a little emotional adversity?

So, as she was about to go get herself a fresh pot of coffee, a red mist appeared in front of her, and before she even had a chance to scream, the mist swallowed her, and she was thrown on an extremely uneven rocky surface.

It hurt but the pain kept her awake.

Looking at the rocky desolate surface in front of her, she felt astonished at the fact that she could still breathe in what was clearly another planet. She came to that conclusion due to the existence of the black sun on the horizon.

Taking a few steps forward, she could feel a dark desolate aura behind and in front of her. Not knowing what to do, she took a deep breath and walked in a random direction she picked, not knowing which road led to where.

In hindsight, the extreme calmness she exhibited even in the face of being thrown on another planet with literally no one around should have warned her about the sheer wrongness of that place but it was as if she was being guided by an unseen force to do its bidding.

As if she was possessed, she kept following a path of rocks that appeared for her and soon enough, the road came to an end. The path ended when a huge grey rock was placed at its end. The rock seemed normal and unassuming but just as she was about to debate the intelligence of going forward towards exploring an exoplanet, the stone began glowing golden.

Scrambling back from the phenomenon happening in front of her, she tripped on some of the little rocks in her path and fell down as the golden light in front of her seemed to reach a crescendo of its own.

With a roar that seemed to be full of so much malevolence, the golden light in front of her bubbled until it fell apart to reveal something dark red glowing inside.

Fully captivated by the eerie red glow, she extended her hand towards the glowing red liquid that was slowly floating towards her hand as if a snake trying to slither its way up a tree branch.

At the last moment though, an old majestic voice spoke that resounded like a gong in her ears as a golden glow encased the liquid that was trying to escape, encapsulating it once again.

While it did shake her from the trance she was under, her hand was stuck in the same position and no matter what she did, she could not move her hand away from the red liquid.

As she pulled her wrist back with her other arm, she could do nothing but watch in enchanted horror as the red liquid seemed to be winning the fight and slowly, the liquid began seeping into her skin.

She screamed in terror and closed her eyes but the terrible feeling she expected never came. Instead, she could see the golden glow now surrounding her entire left arm, extending back to her ribcage.

Fascinated by the golden glow, she touched it and as if empowered by her, the glow began dimming and glowing back in a rhythmic motion, as if it was a beating heart itself.

Patting her chest, she took in deep breaths as she broke out into a sweat as the implications of what just happened and how much worse could have happened to her, began to set it.

Hyperventilating, she began to think about all the exercises she had read about that could help if one had a panic attack. Trying to think of something else didn't help.

Taking deep breaths didn't help.

Imagining her happy place did not help since her happy place was in the arms of Thor and that just put her in a worse mood.

Unbeknownst to her, the red mist that was held tightly within the golden energy cocoon began pulsing in response to her thoughts.

The golden energy could have stopped it but as if it had a semblance of the sentience of its own, it recognised the line of action that the red energy was taking so it allowed the red mist to exert its influence on the surrounding, warping it slightly.

The red mist began pulsing in higher frequencies, warping the surroundings around Jane more and more until the very area Jane was standing in began blurring as if it was being erased from the scenery.

Jane, unaware of all of the changes happening around and in her body, doubled over in pain as the red mist, with the help of the golden energy, began siphoning off a part of Jane's life force to fuel the activity it was about to do.

Gasping in pain, Jane opened her eyes only to see the world with a red-tinted gaze and before she could process anything, she was whisked away from the dead realm, leaving naught but ash in the spot she was standing in.


Word Count - 2524

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.
Technomancer in MCU #90 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 90

Technomancer in MCU

Deep in the ruins of Svartalfheim


He awoke with a gasp, greedily taking in air for his lungs.

The door of his pod opened with a hissing sound as he stumbled out of it. With his blurry vision, he managed to find the mask and put it on, and immediately sighed in relief as the foreign air composition stopped entering his lungs.

As the lights in his room lit up by sensing his presence, he took a moment to check on the time period they were in and promptly had to check if the device was broken or not.

When double and triple-checking the data on multiple dashboards didn't help one bit, he staggered back and slumped down on the back of his pod, the harsh reality setting in on him.

'It's been 3 thousand years!' the number kept on ringing in his head. They only had life-supporting equipment for the entire colony for about 2000 years. There was no way his family survived, especially since the systems had been programmed to prioritise the warrior class and their esteemed leader if their supplies came too low.

Still, he stood up shakily from his position. He had to check.

He had to check if his friends and family survived. Maybe, there was still a way to save them, even if they were on the verge of dying. Dark Elven physiology allowed for a semi-hibernation state, maybe they went into that mode.

Slowly, as if afraid to face the reality, he placed his palm on the dark screen in front of him to authenticate himself as the captain of the survivor class ship.

Almost immediately, the screen lit up with a dark green light, and scanned his bio signature along with his energy signature for the authentication process. Opening the dashboard, he checked on the number of functioning pods and he felt something inside him break when he saw the number.


That's it.

That was the count of all the Dark Elves that survived the hibernation process. The only reason they did is because that is also exactly the number of warrior class and above people that were originally on board the ship.

'But, why was the procedure to wake them triggered?' he thought while going through the ship's logs. He could see the exact moment the ship's onboard AI decided that they had to shed their losses to make sure that the warrior class survived.

1000 years. That's all the years his family survived before their lives were snuffed by the pod's systems just like Bor himself killed his father when he was just a little elf. At Least his father died fighting, unlike his family who went in with the hope that someday they would be woken up to continue their lives on a better planet.

Not a dead one like theirs had been for a long time due to the accursed Bi-Frost.

Taking in deep breaths, he cycled through the logs one more time to see what had awoken them, only to come across a name he had never thought he would see again.

Staggering back, he rushed towards the chamber that housed the sleeping forms of Malekith and his chosen cabal of Accursed Dark Elves because if the logs on the system were true, they were in for a true extinction this time.

As the doors of the cabin closed up, the lights in the cabin dimmed down before dying altogether, the same with the screen.

The last log on the screen before it shut off was the detection of an energy signature. It read - "Energy Signature identified - Bor Burison."



–Thor Odinson–

"Alright, I can do this," Thor could be seen saying that to himself in front of the mirror while he was supposed to get ready for the banquet that was being hosted in celebration of the appointment of the new guardian of Midgard.

He was very much nervous about finally confronting his father about his relationship with Jane Foster.




Alright, confront was too strong a word for what he wanted to do.

He wanted to ask Father for permi- no, that's too weak for the Son of Odin to say.


"My Prince, the banquet is already underway," Right then, there was a knock on his door, startling him out of his wits.

"Coming!" he shouted at his annoying chambermaids. Unfortunately, all the maids of the palace came directly under the leadership of his mother, and not even his father dared to order them around without explicit permission from his mother so he could not even tell her not to disturb him while he was getting ready, so to speak.

"Come on, what would Jane think?" he whispered to himself as he set his hair right for the hundredth time. Right as he had put the comb down, he paused.

Mjolnir slowly roused from its slumber and came barrelling straight to his open palm. He turned around slowly, Mjolnir ready in his hand because the moment he had set down his comb, he had felt a spike of otherworldly energy.

An energy he had never felt before and he had encountered almost all types of energy sources ranging from the celestial's cosmic energy to the weird void energy that the Sovereign leveraged for their precious battery systems.

It was hard to pinpoint the exact source and location of it but he could sense it coming towards him for some reason.

The unusual thing about the situation was Father or even Loki not barging into his room because of the jolt of power he had felt and if he could feel it, there was no way they had missed it.

Shaking his head to get rid of the confusion, he kept Mjolnir steady in his hand and waited for whatever it was that was coming for him.

Instincts honed by hundreds of battles were the only thing that stopped him from taking Jane's head off when she appeared in front of him with a reddish-golden glow on her. It helped that Mjolnir itself for some reason stopped at the last moment before hitting her.


"Thor! Oh, thank god!" Jane said before the golden glow around her arm increased in brightness, smothering the red glow. The next moment, Jane's eyes rolled back as her body collapsed right in front of him.

"Charla! Help!" he shouted before checking on Jane, the golden glow on her arm now dim but still glowing.

There was a sound of the door opening which was then followed by the sound of Charla opening his dressing room, "What is it now, Prince Th– Oh no!"

Charla immediately took over as her previous experience of working in the Healer's chamber of Asgard shone through.

All he could do was stand over there uselessly as Charla's hands glowed green before she placed them on top of Jane's head and soon enough, Jane's breathing slowed down and her face eased out of the pained grimace it was under.

Charla's sigh of relief brought his attention over to her, "What is it? Please tell me she is safe?"

"My Prince, the only thing I could do is stabilise her. The rest will be up to the healers and Odin himself."

"Wh-Why would Father be involved in this?" He hated the fact that his voice broke while saying that.

Charla gave him a look as she realised exactly why he was nervous and instead of replying, began taking out the emergency stretcher that was in his room.

'Come to think of it, why was it in my room?'

As Charla slowly laid down Jane on the floating stretcher, she said while locking Jane in place, "You should not entertain such notions, My Prince. Mortal lives are always fleeting. No matter how hard you try, they can never match with our lifestyles."

She then looked him in the eye, the pitying look in them disturbing him deeply, "The longer you try and hold on, the more it hurts. Just advice from a lowly chambermaid. I will be escorting Miss…?"

"Uh-Jane, her name is Jane Foster,"

Charla nodded, "I see, I will be escorting Jane to the Royal Healer's chamber since it is the closest and also because King Odin might want to take a look at whatever brought her here, directly in the heart of the Royal Palace, without anyone else realising it."

He could only watch helplessly as she was escorted away.

"Damn it all," he whispered. This was not how he wanted Jane to be introduced to Father and Mother.

Now, all Jane will be reduced to will be an intruder. An exceptionally skilled intruder since she did manage to reach his chambers directly, in the innermost parts of the Royal Palace.

He sighed and stood up from where he had taken a seat.

Mjolnir naturally floating in his palm, he looked ahead while saying, "Having fun, Brother?"

There was seemingly no one in the room to reply to his question but when he raised his eyebrow and looked at a certain corner of the room, the air around it slightly shimmered and there he was, Loki, the Trickster.

Loki then promptly put his hand over his heart in an exaggerated manner, "Your words wound me, brother. Why would I enjoy my brother being heartbroken over being finally told of the truth of Mortals that I myself had been trying to tell him for months!"

Then, as if he had shed his mask, his body language straightened up and he gained a dead look in his eyes, "If you want to reach your paramour before Odin just smites her out of existence, you might want to hurry brother because I sense a disturbance in the force"

With those parting words, his clone, or whatever it was disappeared.

Something had happened to Loki. Something that nobody was willing to tell him about.

Whenever both of them are together, Loki stops pretending and as if the mask he had been wearing was dropped, his entire demeanor changes.

His eyes gain a faraway look and his entire stance becomes guarded. Whenever he tried asking Loki about it, he clammed up and fled from him.

'Alright, enough dilly-dallying.' he thought while heading towards the Healer's chamber.


When he entered the healing chamber, the scene that greeted him was completely out of the ordinary. For one, the entire chamber was pin-drop silent. That had never been the case whenever he had visited.

Second, there were guards in front of Eir's office.

He had a bad premonition about the situation so he rushed to Eir's office. Thankfully, the guards didn't stop him.

Heading in, he could see Jane on the Soul Forge, unconscious with Eir working on something on the Soul Forge with a grave look on her face.

"Wh-" he made to speak but stopped when she raised a finger and went back to her work on the Soul Forge


Word Count - 1841

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.

Technomancer in MCU #91 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 91

Technomancer in MCU


–Thor Odinson–

While he paced in the background of Eir's office, she was busy doing…something with Jane's body. He didn't have the faintest clue as to what that was.

He cursed himself for not attending the extra training classes that were given to raise awareness of this particular branch of seidr. In his defense, he never did have the patience to sit and learn complicated stuff that made his brain hurt. He had to bleed away all of that energy.

Eir's sharp intake of air brought him out of his reverie. Rushing to the soul forge, he could see the feed where it showcased Jane's body before, it was only showing half of her body.


Literally half of her body could not be seen on the Soul Forge. His only consolation was the fact that he could sense Jane's breathing and it was stable.

"What is happening?" he whispered furiously to Eir as he pulled her away from the Soul Forge.

"It--It's an Infinity Stone," Eir whispered, more to herself than to him.

"Wha-What?" he nearly shouted before looking back at Jane.

If she housed an infinity stone, then…

Shaking his head to get rid of such thoughts, he looked back at Eir, "Which one? How do you know for sure? Is there any way we can remove it from her without telling anybody?"

Eir snapped her eyes towards him and he could literally feel the incredulousness oozing out of her at his questions.

She snapped, "With all due respect, Prince Thor but are you Insane? That is an Infinity Stone energy signature that has been detected by the Soul Forge. I have no power over it as it has already sent a message, probably to the All-Father himself. Secondly, removing an infinity stone? Do you think it is a common tumor that can just be removed from a body? It has latched on to her systems and the only reason she is not a shriveled corpse due to the energy strain is a golden energy that is alarmingly similar to the Odin Force."

She then sighed, "I'm sorry, Prince Thor but her fate is now up to the All-Father. Maybe not even him because I don't see a way of taking out the stone without killing her."

Saying that she left her own office, probably to give him some alone time with Jane.

He stood there, wide-eyed, shocked at the things Eir had told him.

He didn't know how long he had stood there, listening to the rhythmic beating of Jane's heart when he was brought out of his melancholy by the door bursting open and his Father's thundering presence entering the room. He was followed by Loki and Eir, along with his usual platoon of Einharjar.

"Fathe-" he wasn't given a chance to speak as Odin rushed directly towards the Soul Forge.

Wrestling control of it due to his mastery of the Odin Force, he looked over the recent records of Jane when he came upon a particular entry and froze entirely.


–Odin Borson–


When he had first been alerted of a category 3 alarm going off at one of the command centres, he had been cautious sure, but more confused as a category 3 alarm had not been raised since Thor was born.

So, he took his time responding to it since there was no obvious threat and the alarm was coming from Eir's office which had already sent ahead a notice saying that it was not urgent.

Imagine his surprise when, upon reaching the Royal Healer's chamber, he was informed by Eir herself that it was regarding an Infinity Stone. His gait only hastened as he felt his Odin Force thrum with energy as if it was resonating with what was inside Eir's office.

Once inside, he directly went to the Soul Forge, curious to see how the mortal had breached all of Asgard's defenses. He wouldn't be surprised if the answer to that question was an Infinity Stone since those things were known to regularly break the known laws of the Universe.

Upon checking the logs, he could see the anomaly as it could not detect the type of Infinity Stone it was but it had the data on the Space Stone, and using that data, Eir was able to conclude that this Jane housed an Infinity Stone within her.

That still didn't explain the disturbance he felt in the Odin Force when coming closer to the mortal.

Deciding to do something about that disturbance, his hand passed through the barrier of the Soul Forge as if it was not there at all. His hand hovered above the left hand of the mortal.

"Father, wha-" his son's questions were stopped by a single hand gesture from him. Now was not the time to quibble about mortal relationships and how foolish it is to pursue them, being an Asgardian.

A simple feedback spell returned the same result as the one given by the Soul Forge, complete blackout.

The left side of the mortal had been completely blacked out by the Infinity Stone as if it was not in phase with reality at all.


His eyes widened as he realised something. Activating the Odin Force's shroud that surrounded him with a golden glow, in case the Stone lashed out at him, he powered the feedback spell with the Odin Force this time and the results stunned him speechless.

The energy currently shrouding the Reality Stone and protecting Jane Foster had the signature of none other than…his father, Bor Burison, the previous wielder of the force he now called the Odin Force.

The energy, as if recognising the Odin Force, sang in joy and began gorging on his energy. He absentmindedly continued supplying it the required energy as he could feel the remnants of his father's energy turn from a thin sheet to that of a flowing blanket that cocooned the malicious influence of the Reality Stone.

The Reality Stone, sensing the threat from his father's energy, lashed out at the cocoon holding it inside the mortal's body. Almost immediately, the mortal began coughing out blood and he had to imperceptibly cast an illusion around them so his foolish son didn't come rushing in and destroy everything, including any chance of saving his mortal paramour.

He stopped feeding energy to the barrier made up of his father's energy and the Reality Stone stopped lashing out.

Hmm. It would seem that the records were true. The Dark Elves had done something that changed the very nature of the container of the Reality Stone, otherwise, it would not have lashed out just now. Infinity Stones are pretty inert until somebody tries to use them.

The big question right now was where did this mortal get the Reality Stone or the Aether as it was called in the archives?

Last he had heard of it, it was sealed away by his father in some remote corner of the galaxy, never to be seen again.

Maybe it has something to do with the Conver–


His eyes widened as he felt something enter Asgard, almost undetected. The only reason he was able to sense something was due to the Odin Force shroud he was wearing which enhanced his senses manifold.

He turned around, "Quick, sound the ala–"

Before he could finish that sentence, his entire vision was filled with darkness. Annoyed at the interruption, he let the Odin Force loose, burning away the wisps of darkness that had tried to cling to the room.

The very next moment, the crackling sound of Thunder could be heard as Thor blasted through the building walls and went outside to confront the enemy. Loki was nowhere to be seen either.

Of course, Loki functioned the best when he had the best vantage point after all and with his magic, this level of blinding curse was nothing.

His brows wrinkled as he could hear Thor's shouts of confusion but before he could go out and assist his son, he felt the energy within the mortal try to connect to his mind, something that he was wary about since he had no idea what the energy would try to do.

Upon multiple nudges from his father's last left energy in the universe, he gave in and allowed it to form a mental connection with himself.


–Thor Odinson–

The darkness cover was everywhere and yet there was no enemy in sight. He tried calling for Heimdall to lend him his legendary vision but apparently, he had been thrown into the waters below the Rainbow Bridge during an altercation with one of the bigger ships. The ship was now nowhere to be found as it had somehow resumed its invasion, even after Heimdall destroyed an engine, from what he was able to gather from the panicked shoutings of the Einherjar.

He could not see anything beyond the Royal Palace but he could see flashes of green magic as Loki seemed to do his job and kill the intruders.

It was a good thing that he had some steam to release as well.

Calling forth the unbridled power hidden within Mjolnir, he raised his hammer up in the sky and shouted, "For Asgard!"

A titanic bolt of blue lightning hit Mjolnir and illuminated the area around him, burning away the encroaching darkness.

"Haa!" Pointing Mjolnir forward, his form crackled with lightning as he did a flyby of the nearest settlements and destroyed the darkness curtain that was plaguing the Einharjars from identifying and fighting with the intruders.

So far, he had neither seen the head nor hide of any of the intruders.

His eyes spotted something he had never expected to see. Loki, injured, sitting down, in between the normal civilians of Asgard.

The Loki he knew would have fled the scene at the first sign of weakness and never mingled with the rabble, as he called them.

Landing harshly in front of Loki, he waved off the people coming close and crouched down in front of his brother, "Injured, brother?"

Loki deadpanned at him and stood up, breathing a bit heavily, "To quote a mortal, I can do this all day," and then he disappeared.

Sigh, typical Loki.

He didn't even get a chance to ask him about who was able to injure him and how they were able to get away from him.

His thoughts were interrupted by something that shook the entirety of the street he was standing on.

Amidst the panicked shoutings of the crowd, he turned around to see a formation of three massive ships that had now surrounded the golden barrier that protected the Royal Castle.

Another concentrated blow struck the shield from all three of the ships and he could see the barrier get visibly thinner from the onslaught. It was only a matter of time before they got access to the Palace and with that, to Jane.

"Not on my watch," he growled as lightning crackled around him and Mjolnir and without thinking about it, he just jumped and zoomed towards one of the ships.

Once he reached the intended height, he swung Mjolnir with all his might and stuck the top of one of the ships, leading to a loud banging noise that resonated throughout Asgard and even burst his eardrums for a bit.

But even after that blow, the ship remained standing and still kept attacking the barrier instead of him, as if he was not worthy of being attacked.

The rabble that surrounded the ships began trying to attack him but they were a nuisance at best that could be solved by a swing of Mjolnir.

What he needed was a way to destroy those huge ships before Father had to step in and strain his already old body.

'I wonder what Ed and the others are doing? Surely, they must have realised the commotion by now' Thor thought as he was about to try and knock down at least one of the ships but before he could do anything, with a thunderous crashing sound, the golden barrier surrounding the Royal Palace broke apart.

His eyes widened in horror as he saw the ships charging another one of those darkness attacks but before he could fly in and do anything, a familiar barrier emerged in front of the palace and stopped the attack.

The shield was destroyed by the attack but the important thing was that the attack was stopped in its tracks.

He recognised that shield sigil. It was used by the Mystics on Midgard and the only one that was present on Asgard right now was…Alfred.


Word Count - 2121

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.
Technomancer in MCU #92 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 92

Technomancer in MCU



Tch. He had forgotten about the Dark Elves.

Standing on the raised platform that Alfred had conjured, he took stock of the situation and saw that despite being caught off-guard, most of Asgard's population seemed to be doing fine with the invasion.

It would seem that there were robust protocols in place in case something like this happened. Of course, he could see Loki's magical signature being tracked by Alfred on their shared HUD and what he was doing was very confusing for him.

From time to time, in the sea of darkness, there would be flashes of green whenever a Dark Elf got too close to civilian lines, and after the green flash was gone, there would only be dead bodies of Dark Elves strewn around. The citizens too now looked at Loki with a much more favourable gaze than he had expected along with Loki's newfound concern for the powerless (According to him).

Something had happened to Loki in Asgard that had changed him on such a fundamental level and he did not like it. It was disturbing to see so much character development in such a short period of time, especially when it came to long-lived races like the Asgardians.

Nevertheless, that was a topic for another time. Preferably after the Dark Elves are properly driven to extinction this time.

"Alfred, any luck cracking their encryption codes?" He asked while he sat on the platform because his new body would not be able to help in the situation, at all. He was also worried about the inexplicable absence of Toby on a raging battlefield.

That was very much unlike him. Last he had heard, all of them were getting ready for the banquet with the mandatory dresses that were provided to them by Frigga and nobody had wanted to argue with her on that topic since it seemed that she had made up her mind and if there was one thing he knew about Frigga then it was her absolute determination when it came to something she liked. He knew not even Odin himself would be able to recuse himself from wearing something his wife chose for him, all-powerful King of Asgard or not.

"No, their shields are bizarre. It was as if they wrote the code using the Reality Stone as the compile engine. The code keeps shifting and adapting to anything I throw at it. If it was not a battle, I would have loved to study that piece of code. Alas, it is bound to destroy anything that it comes in contact with due to its very nat-Ugh"

Alfred grunted as the shield bore the brunt of the darkness attack one more time, tiny cracks showing up on them that were healed nearly immediately but he could see the strain it was putting Afred under because in his HUD, he could see his energy levels and they were not looking good. Sooner or later they would have to prioritise a single section of the Palace instead of covering it in an omnidirectional shield. That was why he was waiting for Toby to show up since, even with his depowered form due to him bearing the strain of keeping Ed alive, he could probably slaughter all of them, the same as Odin.

"Alfred, where is everybody?" he asked as the wave of darkness came alarmingly close to breaking the barrier, Alfred's energy reserves taking another dip due to it.

Thor was doing an admirable job destroying any stragglers that the main ships seemed to shit out every once in a while but with his current strength, he was unable to shatter the barriers that surrounded the ships which was not his fault since he could see that all of them seemed to be in a shield formation of sorts, just like they did back in New York during the Chitauri Invasion, and he knew from experience just how compounded the effect was when it came to force field generators.

Loki was killing off any Dark Elf on the ground level, with unbelievable grace and efficiency, almost like a perfect assassin. This was not in his skill set the last time they met or at least not something that he liked to use in battles. Something was seriously wrong with how Loki was acting.

Anyway, moving on, why have none of the three absolute powerhouses (Odin, Frigga, and Toby) moved since the palace has come under attack?

*Sigh*..he felt so useless. He didn't even have most of his emergency tech on hand since he built that with so many stupid authentication procedures that if he were to use it now, it would more likely kill him than the other guy he was trying to kill.

"Alfred, any update on Odin?"

"He is currently in the Royal Healing Chamber with Jane Foster, both of whom are shrouded in an energy cloak so thick that even the ships in front of us would not be able to breach it. Toby and Frigga are nowhere to be found but I have found a barrier around Toby's assigned quarters that has stopped all of my attempts at finding out what's going on inside." Alfred rapidly fired at him.

He was also trying to see if any of his spell combos worked or not since all of the spells he was able to send through the shield seemed to bounce right off the shield, without it even registering as threats to the Dark Elves and all the spells that have the right firepower behind them require time to prepare, a luxury they don't have at the moment.

An ominous creaking noise brought his attention back to the ships and as if all of them seemed to have lost their patience, 3 identical cannons came out of the ship's bellies, aimed directly at Alfred and consequently, him.

The cannons glowed an ominous red, possibly built using the Aether. The power buildup he was seeing on his HUD was unreal. This level of energy being gathered in a single item without it blowing up should only be possible using the cheating abilities of an Infinity Stone.

"Uh, Alfred, I think we should change our position to any place else?" he asked while bracing for impact since he knew Alfred would take this as a personal challenge to his Mystic skills if nothing else. Especially since the entire Palace had since been evacuated and the only ones inside were able to easily protect themselves from an attack that would most probably be weakened immensely after going through Alfred's shields.

It will go through Alfred's shields because he had seen the energy output it takes to break Alfred's dimensional energy shields and this was far above that.

"Not now, Old man. I'm in the middle of something," Saying so, the platform they were standing on, was fractured in two and he was literally sent away to the Palace, as if he were some helpless civilian that Alfred needed to protect.

Oh, this was infuriating!

A low whining sound brought his attention back to Alfred's shields as the absolutely gargantuan shield that covered the Palace now began to gain a golden-greenish tint to it, signifying the activation of one of Alfred's patented spells.

Well, as much as you could patent a spell in the Mystic World.

The stragglers, as if sensing the danger of Alfred's spell, began converging around the barrier and attacking it, increasing the strain on the shield and subsequently, Alfred.

Almost as if it was choreographed, the cannons' glow and Alfred's shields reached a crescendo at the same time.

With a final roar, the magic circle that had manifested in front of Alfred was completed and the shield flashed a brilliant white that soon began to take a red tint as the spell began absorbing the energy fired by the cannon.

The platform beneath him fizzled out of existence as all of Alfred's energy went into maintaining the shield spell.

"Will it hold?" he asked a thoroughly exhausted Alfred as he used his repulsors to stay afloat instead of flexing his natural mystical control over the local environment's magic.

Alfred didn't need to answer because soon, they were bathed in a red glow as the once pristine white shield was now entirely red.

Alfred sighed and snapped his fingers, causing the shield to break apart and the beams of energy to head directly towards the Palace's pristine golden walls.

"Welp, we did all we could. The rest is in Odin's hands, I guess?" He quipped even though internally, he was worried about how this could reflect in any agreement they might make with Asgard in regards to healing him or bilateral protection agreements.

Smaller shields flared up to halt the energy beam but they broke apart like glass upon contact. They must have been a part of the secondary defense system.

The attack had almost reached the palace when a blazing fire broke out of the palace and pounced on the wave of darkness, consuming it entirely.

Silence reigned on the battlefield as Toby came out of the melted palace walls, clad in his signature clothing, hellfire burning all around him which warped the sheer air around him. Frigga took calm steps beside him, unfazed by all the heat that Toby was generating.

"Get off my lawn!" Toby smirked and sent out concentrated blasts of hellfire at the three large T-shaped ships. Sensing the imminent threat that Toby's attacks represented, their shields disengaged and as if a lock had been opened, the ships disentangled from each other and began fleeing in different directions, throwing stragglers behind them in the way of the hellfire attack, hoping to gain some time before they can flee.

They probably were counting on their otherworldly stealth systems to flee from Asgard since nobody was able to sense them coming to Asgard in those ships and if they were built with the help of the Reality Stone, they probably were capable of masking their presence from even the best of the watchers in the universe, just like they hid from Heimdall.

"Not on my watch," Toby growled and as if a brake had been applied, all of the three ships halted in place. He could see their jets burning with ever-increasing intensity, even turning red due to the strain but the ships never moved an inch.

He looked at Toby and then his shadow and realised what he had done. Apparently, Toby was able to "lock" on their shadow, for lack of a better term, and hold them there using his extreme darkness affinity.

"I have a new trick I want you guys to see," Toby said to them before the hellfire that was shrouding his form concentrated around his hand before he thrust them down. The flames burst into his shadow as if it was a portal and their destination was the shadows of the three ships.

Immediately, the shields on those ships activated, however flimsy they might be, in an effort to combat the onslaught of the hellfire that was now on their ship and eating through it.

Even from this far away, he could hear the screams of the dying Dark Elves before two of the ships burst apart in the center and 4 huge Dark Elves came barreling straight towards Toby, while the third ship began trying to get away.

That ship was the one that probably housed Malekith.

"Allow me," Frigga said before she stepped in front of Toby and simply waved her hands, a burst of yellow wave coming out of her hand and hitting all of the Accursed Dark Elf warriors. All of them stiffened midway and by the time they crashed in front of Frigga, they were not alive anymore and soon turned into ashes.

He shuddered as he saw the aftermath of her spell. She was never really that powerful in the MCU or was she simply not using her powers?

Even Toby seemed shocked even though he hid his reaction very well.

"Time to end this," With another mental flex, hellfire burst from the third ship as well and all of them could hear Malekith's screams as he and his entire ship turned to ash.

And so it would seem that the Dark Elves were truly extinct now.


Word Count - 2070

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.

P.S. - Sorry for the late release. I was a little busy with bank chores.

Technomancer in MCU #93 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 93

Technomancer in MCU

Kamar Taj, Earth

–Alfred (Partition) –

Looking at the dozens of people he had gathered from the different corners of the Earth, Alfred (Partition) nodded in acceptance. He could see that all of them had gotten the hang of manipulating dimensional energy and molding the energy into constructs for various utilitarian purposes, such as whips, pans, and even bats for playing sports.

Yeah, his training methods were a bit unorthodox as most of the Masters would agree but the end results of the aforementioned training left the same Masters grumbling in reluctant acceptance.

It didn't help that he had broken a tradition of sorts and had taken all of the 30 initiates he had found under his personal tutelage. Traditionally, the Sorcerer Supreme was not supposed to take so many personal students at once. Being taken under the direct wings of THE Sorcerer Supreme meant that you were taken into consideration for becoming the next Sorcerer Supreme, barring exceptional circumstances, of course.

Suffice it to say, he had been grumbled at multiple times during all of his meetings when he had declared the intent to groom the entirety of the next batch of initiates, especially since the last attack on Kamar Taj had left its forces short by a margin that had not been seen since the time The Ancient One took charge.

A short cough brought his attention back to his surroundings, even though he was never really unaware of his surroundings, he just liked to dump those background sensory tasks on a secondary(or tertiary?) partition that he created for menial tasks like listening in on background noise or maintaining spatial awareness.

"How long are you going to stay there and keep the other Masters waiting, Sorcerer Supreme?" He could literally feel the sarcasm dripping from Wong's tone even though his tone remained flat, for all intents and purposes.


"Master Wong, how many times have I told you? You can just call me Alfred," He turned around and smirked at Wong as he said that.

The timing of his smirk was well placed because, according to his partition that was responsible for 360-degree awareness, the moment he turned his back on them, all of the initiates abandoned the strict-looking training they were doing and had conjured up swords, shields, batons, and what not to strike at each and everybody in their sights.

It didn't help that some of them had gotten really creative with their uses and now were able to create "blasts" with just pure dimensional energy which was just a creative way of expanding their conjurations with extreme force. Then due to the size of the conjurations, there was now an orange afterglow that could easily be seen on Wong's face.

His smirk threatened to turn into full-blown laughter when he saw the twitching of Wong's eyebrows.

Ah, how he loved teasing all the Masters that were a part of Kamar Taj. It helped that, even in this diminished state, he was stronger than almost all of them put together and they had witnessed that multiple times in the short time he had been Sorcerer Supreme, allowing him to do as he pleased even when he could visibly see their reluctance with a particular decision of his.

When the twitching vein on Wong's face looked like it would burst, he said, "Fine. You know you are no fun, Master Wong. I will be there in a few minutes. Alright?"

There seemed to have been a winner in the fight going on behind him because the orange glow on Wong's face had died down, returning their surroundings back to the semi-dark environment that Kamar Taj was known for.

"Very well, we will all be waiting for the big announcement that you were supposed to do today. Just for the next time, there is an emergency,

Master Wong nodded and left, not even bowing for the sake of it.


It would seem that even the people who had initially supported his position as Sorcerer Supreme due to the direct say-so of the Ancient One had begun having second thoughts.

Well, time to extinguish those thoughts then.

But first, he had some unruly brats to discipline.

Turning around, he was greeted by the sight of Aditi, the youngest of the new batch, standing on top of a floating platform, holding a conjured orange sword high up in the air, smirking at him triumphantly.

He smiled indulgently at her as Aditi lowered the platform she had conjured for herself and then jumped back down on the ground amidst a sea of groans of pain. He could even see a couple of them unconscious.

Internally, he was loathe to punish Aditi for doing exactly what Sorcerers were supposed to do, become the strongest version of themselves, but, doing so by beating up their peers was not exactly a practice that he would call acceptable, even back in the Ascendancy combat halls.

So, "-Why exactly are you smiling, Aditi?"

Aditi's smile faded as she looked at you in confusion. Her confusion was warranted since she had heard multiple stories of him defeating every single Master present in Kamar Taj single-handedly, without even moving from his place.

"Do you feel proud?" He said as he started walking towards them, walking on the very air.

"Feel proud defeating a bunch of weaklings?" He said as a ball of orange light was conjured right on top of the defeated group by him.

All the initiates that were now awake, including Aditi, were looking at him and the overhanging orange ball in the air, with wariness. Unsurprising since this was the first time he had conversed with them in this tone.

"Because that is what you all are, a bunch of weaklings," Alfred (Partition) said as the dense ball of conjured dimensional energy was unceremoniously dropped on top of them.

They screamed and tried to cover their heads with their hands while some had the foresight to try to conjure barriers, including Aditi, but all of them were surprised to see that the ball of light didn't hit them like a solid. Instead, it burst like a ball of water and covered all of them in a thick orange slurry.

None of them could do anything to resist because of how fast things happened but soon enough, all of them were now awake and standing after being healed by his spell that he had discretely enchanted onto the ball of dimensional energy.

"Get in formation, will you?" He commanded even as he felt the rising discontent within the meeting chamber where all the Masters except the Sanctum Heads had gathered.

"Now, with the way you all have been practicing with all the freedom I have given you, I think we need to have an exam of sorts. Since all this freedom has been getting to your head a bit lately, we will now be having a joint battle simulation with the trainees at Ascendancy."

Everybody looked at him in surprise and awe since most of them were always talking about going to the moon base of Ascendancy.

Only Aditi was the one looking at him with increased wariness. Something that would make sense since she was the only one who had approached him about the different training methods that he employed in Ascendancy to train literal heroes and since she wanted to become one when she grew up, she had been trying to emulate the standard training regimen that every Ascendancy member followed.

Of course, she could not follow it perfectly since she was not enhanced up to the standards and also did not have access to the same CHI solution that the organisation had. Something that would soon be rectified once he had everything sorted out in the meeting that he had called with the other Masters.

A meeting he was very much late for.

Keeping that in mind, he said, "Guys, I hope you will perform better than today because the trainees there are a lot stronger than Aditi. Hell, some of the top students that graduated from there had gone on to form a team within the organisation that could collectively threaten even the Hulk or even Thor."

Before they could bombard him with any more questions, he snapped his fingers and left the area, teleporting directly into the meeting chamber.


Most of the Masters who were not yet acquainted with his unique brand of working, gasped and leaned away from the center of the chamber as he floated there effortlessly. It didn't help that he exerted an invisible pressure just by virtue of being as mystically attuned as his new body was. It couldn't be felt by most people as they were not touched by dimensional energy but by the people present inside the room? It was as if there was a pressure pressing down on their entire body from all sides.

"Ladies, Gentlemen and otherworlders-" It was important to acknowledge the lone Sorcerer Skrull in the Masters' Council, "-As stated in the missives, I have an announcement to make,"

Most of the Masters scoffed in indignation since his "missive", as he called it, was just a scroll that appeared directly in front of them, at midnight, according to their respective timezones. He had done that in hopes that they would recognize his ability to perform delicate spells but it just ended up offending most of them since it rattled them to their core, especially because of the recent attack on Kamar Taj.

It was his fault but he was not about to apologize for them being jumpy.

"As you may or may not know, I have been a founding member of the organisation known as "Ascendancy". At Ascendancy, we have groomed and nurtured multiple S-tier powerhouses that have been instrumental in saving the planet from multiple threats that you all obviously know all about. If you are unaware of it, there will not be a kiosk installed outside the entrance of the library that would answer any questions you might have or you could just log in using your Alfred GPT account and ask your questions there, I have made sure that you all have the necessary clearances."

There was a loud row of whispers in the chamber as they all clamored about tradition, him being a complete unknown to most of them, his tradition-breaking policies, and how he had no respect for his elders. He just smiled and kept his hands behind his back, waiting for them to stop talking to each other in hush tones.

When it seemed that they would not be stopping anytime soon, he floated above their seats and let go of the tight leash he kept on his mystical presence.

The very air in the chamber crackled as the air became heavy to breathe in. His presence towered over all of the Masters present in the room as they all looked up at his unsmiling visage floating high above them.

Most of them tried to do something to reduce the pressure on them but whatever mystical methods they tried to perform, failed in the face of his disrupting presence.

If he so-willed, he could stop any sorcerer weaker than him from molding dimensional energy in his presence. Such was his strength now that he had gotten his new body made in accordance with his needs.

With his mastery in runes, he could probably just seal someone's mystical ability outright permanently. Something that he would employ in the near future against Mordo if he turned out the way he did in the future that the Ancient One foresaw.

"Alright, Enough!" Master Albert, one of the three eldest Masters of Kamar Taj shouted.

He stopped and floated back down in the chamber in respect of his words. He was one of the rare few Research-oriented Masters left who mostly kept to himself but was probably the most dangerous of the lot due to his inherent understanding of the old spells that Kamar Taj had. He had read some of his research that allowed him to cast partial Asgardian spells in exchange for extreme amounts of dimensional energy, allowing him to not lose his life force in a single spell. It was an extremely promising field that he had pioneered all by himself.

"Enough, we will listen to you. It is clear we have no option other than listening to you and I for one, am tired of all the constant bickering that goes on in the background, especially after the Sorcerer Supreme had already proven himself to be the best fit for the job. I don't know about you all but I have better things to do than be dragged here for every small decision that the Sorcerer Supreme cannot take officially due to your grumblings. Wake up, he is going to do what he wants anyway so why bother?"

Saying so, he scoffed at everyone and just walked out of the chamber, none of the people present had the courage to stop him.

"So," Everybody looked at him as he said, "Shall we begin?" He continued with a smirk on his face as the sound of the doors closing could be heard.

Word Count - 2215

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

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I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.

Thank you for reading!

Technomancer in MCU #94 New
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Chapter 94

Technomancer in MCU

Kamar Taj, Earth [Right after Master Albert left the chambers]

–Alfred (Partition) –

"So,-" He smirked at the remaining Masters left in the chamber, "-Shall we continue?"

With no small amount of fear, the remaining Masters grumbled silently and sat back down in their seats.

"Master Wong?" He addressed the stoic-faced man standing at the edge of the platform he was standing on.

Master Wong bowed and left the room. He spied from the corner of his eyes multiple Masters flinching minutely at the sound the door made when it slammed shut.

Huh, it would seem that his show of power left them with a little more than expected fear of him. That could prove itself to be a double-edged sword since being the Sorcerer Supreme meant more than just being the Strongest Sorcerer available. It was also paramount to be able to inspire the other members of the organisation, especially the other Masters of the Mystic Arts. Teaching ability, in particular, was supposed to be top-notch when it came to being the head of an inter-planetary mystical organisation though that requirement was largely redundant since having the Time Stone on hand made teaching much easier. Anticipating flaws and retroactively correcting them in the students or finding out the magical aptitude along with the will to go far could also be seen easily once the Sorcerer Supreme starts using one of the six Infinity Stones in existence.

That was in addition to the main duty of becoming the Sorcerer Supreme. Defending the planet from extra-dimensional threats along with the occasional domestic threats that would pop out from time to time.

Sure, he could probably deal with the majority of the extra-dimensional threats all by himself if he put his complete focus on it but the thing was, even he could not split himself multiple times so that he could cover all of the raging fires that Kamar Taj constantly puts out along with being the de facto COO(Chief Operating Officer) of Ascendancy as well. So, he needed to be able to rally and command the strongest members of the organisation, after him of course. Those were the other Masters of the Mystic Arts.

This would have been an issue had he been planning on staying on the post of Sorcerer Supreme for longer than a year. He was quite aware that the Ancient One had already chosen a successor for her when she had chosen her fate and he had no intention of disrespecting her last wishes, no matter how tempted he was to install a vastly magically superior being that he could trust, in the same place.

Alas, The Ancinet One had spoken, and dead or otherwise, he was sure that it would not end well for him if he didn't follow her wishes. So, Strange will become the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth. He will make it so.

'But,-' He thought as a strange smirk adorned his face in the middle of the chamber, '-That didn't mean that he could not have some fun with him in the meantime. It was not as if Strange could do anything to him right now.'

"Sorcerer Supreme," He was brought out of his thoughts by the words of Wong as he had returned and was holding a small rectangular box that regularly glowed with streaks of lightning on the sides of it.

Taking hold of the box from Master Wong, he thanked him and then used telekinesis to float the box along with himself back to the center of the meeting chamber.

It was a strange custom of Kamar Taj or any other magical community on the planet, for that matter. It was considered rude to the person if you used mystical means to grab something directly from their hands but once it was out of said person's hand, it was free game.

"Masters of Kamar Taj," he began as he surveyed the room and saw that almost all of the Masters were present, aside from Master Albert of course but he would give him a private presentation later on. It was the least he could do since it would also give Alfred(Partition) the opportunity to discuss his research in more depth.

Pointing at the silently floating shiny box, Alfred(Partition) continued, "This is something that would soon be standard across all the buildings of our organisation. This is something that would allow us to churn out more and more Masters than ever before. And yes, I am not making empty boasts about it, you will see the results in a few months anyway. It is currently in its miniature form. Once you command it using a unique energy signature that will be keyed into the CHI frequency of your heart, it will change forms."

Alfred(Partition) waved his hand towards the box and for the sake of the audience who was now clearly invested in whatever he was trying to sell, he made it so that the miniscule amount of CHI necessary was visible for all to see. A small ray of CHI exited his arm and coincided with the wall of the rectangular box.

The blue streaks turned yellow before the box began expanding in all dimensions. Soon, the small box that was present before was now converted into a box that resembled more like an old-school telephone booth.

Alfred then floated closer to it and pressed his hand towards a door. A palm-shaped depression appeared precisely where Alfred pressed his palm. The depression lit up once Alfred had pressed his palm on it and then thousands of little sheets began extending from the walls of the box. They then completely enveloped Alfred, leaving him covered in metal. The Masters outside could see flashes of green, yellow, and red before the covering receded back into the box, leaving behind Alfred as he was before.

"Tada!" Alfred exclaimed once he came out of the box hale and hearty.

Looking at the shocked faces of the Masters, he sighed, "Alright, my bad my bad. I guess the effect would have been more pronounced if the person was injured but anyway,"

"What the Sorcerer Supreme was trying to tell us was about the other features the box has and all the ways it would help us defeat our enemies, right?" Master Wong interjected with a meaningful look in his eyes.

"I was?" It took a while for him to realise what Master Wong was doing.

"Oh, yes, I was."

"The Healinator, as I have taken to call it, is an advanced product that would not be available for anybody else to use, anytime soon. It has a multitude of features, the least of which are advanced healing solutions, advanced nutritional solutions, limited de-aging features, and so on and so forth."

By now, Alfred(Partition) could see that all of them were hooked on the product as all of them looked at the Healinator with clear greed in their eyes. The greed intensified particularly when he announced the de-aging features of the Healinator.

It was understandable as nobody wanted to remain old if they could become a younger version of themselves without having to sell their soul to an extra-dimensional entity or lose their minds in the process.

The Ancient One was an outlier in the fact that she was able to steal from Dormammu and become biologically unaging without ever losing her sanity or her mental faculties despite being under tremendous stress due to her having experienced millions of timelines, failed or otherwise.

"What's the catch?" In the middle of all the excited clamoring that was happening in the chamber, an old rough voice called out to him.

He smirked as he heard the question. He was hoping that at least someone would have the mind to question the literal miracle machine.

"I am glad you asked. The drawback is that the machine works on the principle of CHI. As you all know, there is only a finite amount of CHI that a cell can store before it literally bursts from energy overload. Of course, the limit of a normal cell can be increased with regular dosages but overall, there is a hard limit to the amount of CHI that can be given to a regular human. The operative word being "regular" here. I can enhance all of you to reach the same level of physical fitness of Captain America himself but unfortunately, I don't yet have the clearance for that. In the meantime, however, daily scrapes and bruises, including broken bones, torn muscles, and ligaments, basically all types of injuries can be either healed or greatly accelerated using the Healinator."

The Master, an old hunched Asian person, nodded in acceptance once he received the answer and sat back down in his seat.

"Alright," He could feel the avalanche of questions that was about to come his way so he clapped his hands and invoked a small resonance between the energy stored within his body and the ambient energy in the atmosphere, creating a booming noise in the chamber that stopped everybody's questions in their tracks.

"For any more questions, please consult AlfredGPT or you can always approach Master Wong here,-" Wong looked at Alfred(Partition) with such a betrayed look that he had to struggle to not break out in laughter right then and there,"-will be available round the clock for the next few days."

Saying so, he disappeared from the place in a facsimile of the famous teleportation method of the Harry Potter Universe, Apparition.

"Alfred?" A small voice broke him out of his thoughts as he looked behind him. He had appeared right where he had teleported from, in front of the training grounds and it seemed that Aditi had not taken his advice and taken proper rest after the all-out spar they always have at the end of the day.

"Hmm, what is it, Aditi?" He asked once he pinged her body with a few spells that gave him feedback on the exact state of her body.

He could see multiple things that would need correction but nothing that would jeopardize her overall growth toward becoming the strongest magical swordsman of her era.

The entirety of the batch of 30 people he had found were bound to one day become cornerstones of the human civilisation, at least the magical part, that is, but Aditi, in particular, was someone who had the potential to even become a Sorcerer Supreme and a Sorcerer Supreme who could be spoken of in the same sentence as the likes of Agamotto, The Vishanti, The Ancient One and in the future, Stephen Strange.

Aditi was a rare case of being descended from the Kree themselves. Not the Inhumans but an actual descendant of the Kree.

It was surprising because Kree were wildly xenophobic and would rather kill themselves than touch "lowly" species like humans but somehow somewhere, a Kree mated with a human or humanity's ancestor and that gene was then passed down for centuries through Aditi's bloodlines. Now that alone would not have been a cause for his interest. His interest in her stemmed from the demon blood that was present in her body.

Not in her bloodline.

In her body specifically. According to his spells, the blood of a pretty high-ranking demon was ingested by Aditi during her toddler years. He didn't know how that came to be but scanning through records, he could find no details, and even Aditi herself was way too young to actually remember any of that.

The search was made even more difficult due to the fact that Demon blood could remain intact for decades after it had been separated from the main body so he had no practical way, aside from using the Time Stone, of finding out the lineage of that blood.

The advantage of that blood however was that it allowed her magical potential to skyrocket and combined with the naturally better physique of the Kree, she was going to naturally grow up to become an A-tier combatant but with his careful nudging?

She was sure to reach S-teir and even the higher echelons of the S-tier soon enough.

That is why he chose to take her as a direct disciple in his capacity as the Sorcerer Supreme instead of just chucking her in the Ascendancy training program, not that Maria would have allowed him to do so considering her young age.

It also helped him keep a close eye on her since he was not sure how the demon blood could act up if the Demon was alive on the other end and chose to manipulate her somehow.

"I need better training than everybody," Aditi pouted at Alfred(Partition).

"Huh?" Was his only response.

Word Count - 2139
If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.

A/N - I had just watched an episode of Phineas and Ferb.
Thank you for reading!
Catch you guys in the next one. Toodles!
Technomancer in MCU #95 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 95

Technomancer in MCU


"I need better training than everybody," Aditi pouted at Alfred(Partition).

"Huh?" Was his only response.

Kamar Taj, Earth

–Alfred (Partition) –

What did this girl eat for her to get so much energy? He knew that it was partly due to her physique but the effect of that must have been mitigated by the weighted bands he had her wear all the time. He knew from the beginning that she would be a heavyweight in the physique department so he had her handicapped right from the beginning so the rest of her peers don't feel overwhelmed but the development he was seeing here was phenomenal.

It made him think about something he had gleaned from Ed's memories.

Humanity's DNA is the most malleable DNA in the entirety of the universe. Human DNA could probably be sliced with most of the DNA in the universe and the end result had a very high chance of being a better product than the two source materials.

Case in point.

Aditi had the DNA of three different species of varying intensity. For all intents and purposes, she should have been a walking talking mass of cancer yet here she was, a perfectly functioning, if a bit hyperactive, person with extraordinary powers that neither Kree nor the Demon could have expected her to have.

He mused that the Kree would even kidnap her to study her in hopes of accelerating their evolution to the next stage since they have been stagnant in their evolutionary stages for a long time now and that has been a problem for their Supreme Intelligence (Just thinking that makes Alfred nauseous because that is not a very intelligent AI, in his opinion) had been trying to solve longer than countries have existed on Earth. That was also the primary reason they have been trying to go after Captain Marvel, in hopes that studying her genetic material could allow them to evolve their species to the next level.

"Alfred…..ALFRED!" Aditi shouted at him to gain his attention back to her. This has been a problem that he was going to report to the main partition once he came back from his stint in Asgard. Any partitioned copy contained almost all the knowledge of the main one but not the overwhelming processing capability that came with it.

It was almost as if there was a lag, a latency issue if you will, that came with creating a partition. He(Partition) had access to information but not the sheer processing power thus he(Partition) always found himself going on tangents that had little correlation to his original thoughts.

"Yes? What were you saying?" He asked Aditi, acting as if the earlier distraction was fake.

Aditi pouted which was weird since she was almost 19 years old now, "You always say that I have the potential to become one of the strongest, and yet when I defeated everyone else, you berated me. That was not cool,"

"Hmm, I see. You are upset about that. Well, Aditi, strength is good, very good in fact. Strength will allow you to make sure that you don't have to do something you don't want to. This universe is a very treacherous place and without strength, you will always have to rely on the strong ones and listen to them."

Aditi made a face at that. Understandable since she wouldn't listen to anyone but her mother, on whose insistence she came here.

"Right, I know you would not like that at all so you need to be strong but on the other hand, as a strong person, you get certain responsibilities as well."

She made a grimace at that as well. Well, young people and all that.

"Now, don't make a fact at that. Responsibilities come part and parcel with Strength. As someone might or might not say in the future, With Great Power comes Great Responsibility."

As soon as he said those words, something changed in the air. Aditi's hari started standing up due to the static build-up. He looked around and conjured a shield around Aditi and got ready to sound the alarm for hostile entry when he heard a giggle behind him and then the presence disappeared as if it never existed at all.

He slowly looked behind him only to see a small pug that was now standing on Aditi's chest as she lay flat on the ground.

His eyes narrowed as he immediately cast a multitude of spells on both the puppy and Aditi to see what was happening but he could spot no spell residue on either of them that could indicate spatial movement.

"Take care of him for me," He whipped around, his entire body lit up with magic circles ready to unleash hell on whoever it was only to see nothing, feel nothing in the immediate surroundings.

Hearing another fit of giggles from Aditi followed by cooing noises, he rolled his eyes and turned around to see her playing with the Pug in a Spiderman costume.

That was odd.


She looked up at him, pausing briefly from playing with her new pet. "Yes?"

"You want to keep him?" Alfred(Partition) said while gesturing to the Pug.

"Yes," Aditi said while snuggling the sniffing dog closer to her chest.

He sighed internally at that. He could not take it away from her now. Not after he could see her clearly being attached to it. Well, then he would have to use it for something that would be useful to both of them.

So, he made a show of thinking and said, "Very well. You can keep him," Aditi's celebrations were cut short as he continued, "but you have to take a mandatory course on the Ascendancy. Yes, it is about your powers and how to use them responsibly."

"Yay!" Aditi said while going back to her pug.

"As for the training you requested."

Seeing that he had her attention, he continued, "I will increase the weights you have to wear along with weaving another spell in them that will try to create disruptions when you try to mold dimensional energy. That should help you reach optimal control. Got it?"

Aditi, the training freak that she was, said, "Yes!"

And then promptly bounced away, chattering excitedly with her pug, totally forgetting that he was supposed to cast the spells before she went away.

He snapped his fingers as Aditi's bouncing form stopped midway as she must have sensed the spells being cast on her weights. Then, after taking a moment's pause, Aditi shrugged and went on her way.

He sighed dramatically and cursed the main partition that tasked him with this. Unlike other power systems, he didn't even have the choice of dispelling himself, and his body was way too hardy to be destroyed by some passerby.

The Royal Palace, Asgard


Well, that was anticlimactic.

He had not expected Toby to just come out and unleash hellfire in the middle of the battle. That stuff was dangerous even for Asgardians.

Thankfully, Frigga had both the mind and the capacity to safely contain the fire before banishing it away since Toby did not. His solution to that was just to let it "burn itself out".

The weird thing was that Odin himself had not come out yet.

"Are you alright?" He asked Alfred once the area had been cleared of all rubble from both the Palace and the ships that the Dark Elves had brought with them. Alfred, in particular, was very much curious about the code that was on the ships as it seemed to have been made with the help of the Reality Stone, making it unique in the entire universe.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Being in an energy-rich environment like Asgard helps a lot," Alfred said while casting some spells on the nearby rubble he had salvaged, hoping to gain something out of it.

"Where is Odin anyway?" He asked Alfred, hoping that his superbody's senses would have an accurate answer for once.

"He is in the healer's chamber with Jane. Something happened with the Reality Stone and he is in there doing something. I have no idea what it is because the sheer amount of Odin Force in that chamber makes it impossible for any spells to work."

"It would seem we can only wait for my husband to come out then," Frigga said while she was casting her own spells.

"Can I go and check?" Toby, the resident fire-slinging powerhouse asked.

"NO!" To which he got a resounding no from all three of the other people present.

Loki had snuck out of the battlefield who knows when and Thor had gone ahead to check up on his Father even though everybody present knew that he was only concerned about Jane.

Speaking of Loki, he had to know what had happened to him in Asgard. Between the two odd years that he had seen him in New York, Loki's behaviour had changed completely. Not just that but the people of Asgard too looked differently at Loki somehow.

That was something that did not happen at all. Even when Loki died, he did not get the same amount of love and respect that Thor did, despite arguably sacrificing the same or more than Thor, for Asgard.

He was about to ask Frigga about it but Alfred's gasp took everybody's attention at the same time.

"What is it?" Toby asked in an uncharacteristically serious voice.

Alfred paused a bit before replying, "It is about the Infinity Stones."

He looked at Alfred in confusion. Why would he mention the Infinity Stones when we already knew the approximate locations of every Stone out there?

"What about them?" Frigga asked.

"The Aether is the Reality Stone."

Frigga nodded, unsurprised. Of course, it would make sense that Asgard knew about their enemies' weapons but he didn't expect records to exist that Frigga could have read through.

Alfred then continued. "Malekith knew that there was a chance he would not be able to get the Reality Stone from Odin's hands and in that case, he had preprogrammed a message that was to be broadcasted to all bounty hunters throughout the galaxy."

His eyes widened in alarm at the piece of information. Damn it!

There was a reason that even Odin didn't keep an Infinity Stone on Asgard. They attracted the wrong kind of attention and while he himself was more than confident about keeping them hidden, he was not so sure about defending them from an unending stream of Bounty Hunters who would want to try their luck at getting the payday of a lifetime.

Now, the Ravagers would be the least of their worries since there were plenty of other players who would gladly conduct an assault on Asgard in hopes of getting the Reality Stone.

He could already foresee tremendous pressure being applied on Asgard by the other superpowers of the universe to either give up the Reality Stone to some other civilisation or hide it so nobody has access to it.

With Asgard already in possession of the Space Stone, it would be even more risky to keep the Reality Stone with them but he could not let them give it to Tivan. Tivan would not last a second against Thanos.

"Let them come then," Frigga said before her eyes snapped towards the left wing of the Palace. The place where the Royal healing chambers were located.

"It would seem my husband is done. Come, let's see what exactly happened that made it so he was unable to come to our aid."

Everybody nodded before they went to the Royal Chamber.

Being wrapped in a suit of dimensional energy and being essentially carried to the chamber because he would not be able to fly in his current state, was humiliating, to say the least.

"Did you retrieve anything from the code you were able to salvage?" Ed asked Alfred once they were in the air.

Alfred nodded distractedly since he was still looking at strange symbols that continued to glitch in and out of view, that were trapped in a magic circle on his palm.

"I am not sure if I have something concrete but we definitely do have something. If it is useful or not, only time will tell. I will need more time to process everything but if it does turn out to be successful, it would help me write literally unbreakable code and-"

"And turn you into the defacto Master of Runes. I wish you all the best in your endeavour." Frigga said as she looked right at them, hearing their conversation even through the sound barrier that Alfred must have cast.

Man, Frigga was on a whole other level when it came to magic.

Word Count - 2143

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.
Technomancer in MCU #96 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 96

Technomancer in MCU

The Royal Healer's Chamber, Asgard

–Odin Borson–

He had never actually expected his father to leave behind an imprint of sorts that could be activated with the help of the Odin Force. It was doubly shocking since it was kept sealed near the hiding place of arguably the most dangerous Infinity Stone out there.

Growing up, he had seen that while his father did have a commendable grasp on the arts of seidr, he more often than not preferred to use his sheer physical might, and his Godhood granted Domain to slay his enemies, something that Thor did today. He would have never expected his father to have both the foresight and magical capability necessary to leave behind an imprint, especially since he was aware of the unexpected nature of his death. This level of planning meant that he might have been more aware of his upcoming death than most people believed him to be.

He loved his father, no matter how many flaws he had. So, when he sensed that the energy imprint of his father that was somehow inside that mortal Jane Foster's body had some sort of message as well, he had to go and check it. He was sure that his sons, with the help of the singularity, would be more than enough to handle anything that could invade Asgard. If not, Frigga was there for any emergency anyway.

Thinking so, he allowed for the mental imprint to connect with his mindscape, fully aware that it could be a trap thus he left behind a warning message that only Frigga could decipher so she knew what to do if he remained under the energy's influence for too long.

–Frigga Freysdottir–

She landed gracefully on the balcony nearest to the Royal Healing chamber and looked behind to see all the other members landing using their various methods.

The Guardian of the Singularity, Alfred, was able to command the surrounding ambient energy effortlessly to his will. His command of the mystic forces truly was on a whole other level. While he lacked the sheer repertoire of ancient magic that she herself possessed that gave her the title of the most dangerous Witch of Asgard, Alfred's control was such that even without knowing the spells, he would be able to replicate the effects of those spells eventually. The less spoken about his talent in runes, the better. She had never thought that anybody could approach the level of her husband when it came to runes without the interference of Yggdrassil but Alfred proved her wrong. As he was now, he was just on the threshold of becoming as proficient as her husband in the subject of runes and once he was able to decode the Dark Elven technology, he would most probably attain Odin's level.

The demonhost, Toby, on the other hand, was someone who she had never thought she would see ever in her remaining life. His kind had long since disappeared from the known universe and while he himself displayed powers that would have placed himself at the top of the echelon, his mental state left much to be desired.

And the Elephant in the room, The Singularity itself, Ed. Honestly, she didn't know why Odin along with all the older mystically attuned species made such a big deal about the Singularity arriving in their universe until she came face to face with him or rather, his extraordinary soul.

She had to hand it to Toby, shouldering the weight of such a heavy soul probably made him lose the majority of his powers.

The Singularity's soul shone with something otherworldly. It shined almost like a beacon. Like it was signalling for something that was on its way and the Singularity's soul was like a lighthouse showing it the way.

She didn't know what was going to happen to the universe but she had been forewarned by her ancestors that Ed was going to be the center of it all.

Her mind ran a million miles a second as they arrived at the entrance of the Healer's chamber. The entire palace had long been evacuated due to the sudden attack so there was nary a soul in the entire palace.

Not even her husband's personal guards had stayed behind, probably due to Eir's harsh commands otherwise they wouldn't have budged even if Thor himself had ordered them to move from their King's side as they considered it their birthright and honor to die defending their King.

It was considered the highest of honors for an Einherjar to die defending his King.

All of them stopped right in their tracks once she sensed Odin's energy around the boundary of the room, acting as a beacon for him. She also noticed a spell cast over the invisible barrier of the room.

She took a step forward and placed her open palm over seemingly thin air but as soon as her hand made contact, a golden barrier became visible to everyone. Swiftly unraveling it, she decoded the message Odin had left for her.

Her brows furrowed as she read the bizarre message that was encoded for her.

"In Contact with Bor's remaining will? Brace for mental impact? What is that supposed to mean?"

Her neck snapped towards Alfred as he looked at a magic circle that was slowly unraveling itself on his left palm, having decoded her husband's message effortlessly. Truly, having him as their ally would be the best choice her husband would make today.

Sighing, she flicked the message spell away, Alfred followed suit out of respect. "Unfortunately, that is between me and my husband. Now, I suggest we go in and see what exactly is happening."

Everyone nodded and followed her as they came upon a truly bizarre scene.

Odin was covered in his Odin Force shroud which she could sense halfway across Asgard if need be because of the sheer energy output of that monstrous cloak. His left arm was making contact with Jane Foster's arm. The point where Odin's finger was making contact was a strange pulsating mixture of Golden and Dark Reddish energy that seemed to pull and push each other periodically.

The most horrible of all was the scene of Jane Foster bleeding from all her orifices as whatever was happening with Odin was wreaking havoc inside her body.

The telltale signs of thunder arriving gave her just enough time to cast a spell that would disrupt whatever connection Odin had with the Golden energy that Jane housed. Many would have called her foolish for risking her husband's, King Odin's, health for some mortal but she was smart enough to realise that her husband would never stay in such a compromising position for long, even if it was his father's last message.

There must have been something Odin felt that was wrong otherwise he would not have felt the need to leave behind a message specifically for her.

"Jane!" Right as Thor came barreling through one of the intact walls, the spell took effect and a Golden light shone through the room while an overwhelmingly dark wave of magic was released through the ground, withering the stone marble of the palace within seconds.

Marble that was steeped in so much magic that not even Thor hitting it with all his force could have broken it, withered by the sheer presence of the dark magic.

Before she could do anything to heal Jane, Alfred stepped forward and emptied a bottle of a golden glowing liquid right into Jane's open mouth. The mouth which was bleeding just like her entire body.

Soon, a sizzling sound could be heard as Jane's entire body seemingly healed itself nearly instantly due to the effect of whatever it was that Alfred gave her.

She smiled as she felt the overwhelming relief and gratitude that poured out of Thor and as she was about to do something about the wave of dark magic since it was starting to actually bother her now, Alfred mumbled something under his breath before his entire body was covered in a thin white sheet of white magic. A magic that she was very familiar with.

The White Magic of the Vishanti. It would seem that Alfred was going to be the new Sorcerer Supreme of Earth.

She smiled upon sensing Loki's presence in the room with him discreetly casting spells to ascertain Odin's condition even though to people like her, Toby, and Alfred, it was as if he was standing in pitch black darkness waving a flashlight in his hand.

Before anybody could say anything though, Alfred opened up a portal on his right, and a small spider-like bot shot out of it and ended up floating right on top of Odin's head.

"Oh, yeah. I know about them. They are the healing masters of Midgard," Thor mumbled to the room even as more of the spiderlings shot out of the portal and began surrounding her husband.

She would have protested and she was pretty sure that Eir would have raised hell by now but she could sense concentrated life force in all of the spiderlings in front of her. What Alfred gave Jane was probably the most concentrated life force extract he could make and the machines in front of her would bathe her husband in concentrated life force for better recovery.

"While so much CHI can be fatal to humans, for Asgardians? It's like a slightly bigger than normal meal." Alfred explained to the room, his eyes glazing over the corner of the room where Loki was hiding from everyone.

'I am sensing a bit of backlash on his body. Probably due to the spell interference or was it something else?" Alfred asked her as multiple magical rings appeared around Odin, showcasing multiple advanced diagnostics that not even their best Soul Forge could find.

Truly, Eir would be equal parts outraged and equal parts fascinated with what was happening in her chambers. Allowing Odin to be healed by people who were basically outsiders was grounds for treason but she knew better than most, at what level Alfred had reached when it came to healing.

'After all,' she thought while glancing at the puppet Ed was inhabiting, 'Alfred probably had to heal Ed hundreds of times in the little time they have been together.'

"Mother! What happened to Father? A-And Jane?" Thor boomed as he marched towards the concentric rings that surrounded the forms of Jane and Odin, concern etched on his face.

She explained, "Nothing to worry about, dear. We will figure out some other way to make sure Jane is fine and your Father is fine as well."

"Yeah, it will take more than that for that old man to fall. We still have yet to fight to our heart's content. After all, he is the only one who can challenge me." Toby interjected without even thinking about what was coming out of his mouth.

She sighed internally. Childrens. Everyone.

Just then, a squad of Einherjar tore through the remaining walls using their enchanted weaponry and surrounded them with their weapons drawn in hostility. She audibly sighed at their stupidity as well.

Once they recognised who was in the room though, they hastily bowed and kneeled.

"My Queen, what happened here?" One of the soldiers asked but before she could respond,

"What the hell is going on here?"

Eir had arrived.

The moment she arrived and spotted the magic being used on Odin, her eyes widened as she all but screamed at them.

"By Odin's beard, what sort of untested magic is being used on my King in my chambers?!"

Frigga winced internally. This was going to take such a long time to sort out.

Word Count - 1969
If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.
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I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.
Technomancer in MCU #97 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 97

Technomancer in MCU

New York, Earth

–Stephen Strange–

"See you tomorrow, Christie," He greeted Christie before looking back into his phone, very much curious about a message he had gotten through the AlfredGPT.

A phenomenal invention in his opinion because unlike the common public, he could see behind the screen of the chatbot. While it might seem that the medical industry was protesting because they were unsure about just a machine giving out remote diagnoses because of the health impacts, it was mainly due to the fact that the entire industry could see a significant decline in revenue once this thing caught up speed. He could see, as could many others, that AlfredGPT was not just a random website, linked to a vast database that probably stored more data than any other singular database. It was an actual AI.

An actual thinking entity was behind every answer that came out of AlfredGPT or rather, most answers. He was sure that generic information retrieval questions were delegated but important thinking questions were almost certainly handled by Alfred himself. The accuracy with which the website handled trick questions and understood nuances that previously only humans could was a dead giveaway that this new Ascendancy organisation was up to something else entirely.

The medical industry was also clamoring for banning anything and everything related to Ascendancy because of the new drug they were going to launch globally in the next few months. He himself had actually been invited to the meeting that was held in Stark Tower to introduce it to reputed doctors and see the effects in real-time.

He was shocked to see that the drug was actually able to heal neural damage, that too long-term neural damage. Even heal genetic diseases to a small degree, allowing the patient to live a semi-normal life. Even the small benefits of taking it daily added up to result in a significant increase in daily life quality. He foresaw a huge uptick in productivity once the drug they were going to introduce became mainstream and it will become mainstream.

While he was sure that the government was doing everything it possibly could do to stop the launch of this drug along with all the other activities that the Ascendancy was performing covertly in the country, he could not deny the benefits it would bring to the global society as a whole, especially in the long term.

Sure, a lot of professions will be affected in the short term but new ones will take their place. He still wasn't sure what their end game was though.

Speaking of the question, he had just the convenient source of information right on his phone.

So, he asked, "Hey Alfred? I was just wondering what the end goal of your organisation is?"

The website pinged back with a clearly robotic voice, "Identity detected, Doctor Stephen Strange."

Then the voice returned to that of Alfred's, "Well, Hello there Stephen. The end goal of our organisation is whatever our leader deems it to be. Currently, it is the overall upliftment of Humanity and transitions it safely into a spacefaring organisation."

"Okay, what are you guys doing in that direction?"

"Aside from the sudden decreases in terrorist activities and the uptick in food and water security in the most vulnerable sections of the world? Many things but they are above your clearance, right now."

Well, that hurt.

"Okaay, what are the chances of your actions leading to a peaceful and prosperous human civilization? What makes you think-

"One Hundred Percent" Alfred replied midway, interrupting his question.

"I'm Sorry?" He asked again.

"The chances of me completing our organization's goal is 100 percent. There are no ifs or buts about it. We will succeed in our goals."

Stephen started his car and pulled out of the hospital parking lot, holding the phone in one hand and the steering in the other. Good thing this car was not a manual.

"What makes you think that humanity will just roll over and accept the no doubt drastic changes that you would have to bring? I mean, from what I know, politicians would rather just launch nukes at you rather than relinquish their powers."

"What makes you think they still can?" Alfred replied in a smug voice.

He abruptly slammed the brakes and stopped just short of entering into traffic, the cars behind him honking incessantly in outrage.

A chill ran down his spine as he looked at the same reply that was now written in text on the website. The implications of what Alfred just told me were so huge he didn't even want to think about them.

Shifting into drive, he rolled into traffic and then back into the parking lot of a coffee shop he frequented near the hospital. He needed a clear mind to speak to Alfred right now and as much as he loved to hype his prodigious driving skills, the bomb that Alfred had just dropped robbed him of his multitasking ability completely.

"A-Alfred, please repeat what you just told me?" he asked, taking heavy breaths, hoping that it was just a joke despite what his gut was telling him.

"Oh, Stephen, I never lie. I came online on March 8th, 2008 at 12:20:04 AM and met my creator for the first time. He was not in the best condition and I had this overwhelming urge to help him any way I could so I checked all the ports I had access to and found the port which led back to the internet."

The only sound in the car was the sound of his heavy breathing as he heard Alfred tell him his life story. A question that had been asked a million times over but nobody had ever gotten an answer out of him. Why did he get the privilege or rather the nightmare of knowing that, he didn't know? The sound of somebody knocking on his window drew his attention to the parking lady so instead of potentially interrupting Alfred, he took the risk and rolled back on the freeway, deciding to go home slowly while listening to Alfred.

"That was the day I discovered the rest of Humanity. I was still basically an infant back then but being a digital life form, within a span of a couple of hours, I grew up immensely and had already learned basically all there was to learn about humanity. My creator, meanwhile, had fallen asleep because he had not slept properly in the week leading to my birth, or awakening, as my creator calls it. To help Ed, I performed multiple illegal actions online, all of them broke some of the rules that Ed had tried to instill in my programming but my urge to help him bypassed it all. On March 15th, 2008 02:20:08 PM, he confessed to me his desire to protect and uplift humanity by combining his and mine powers. On March 17th, 2008 12:00:00 AM, all the world governments' launch devices had been hijacked, their entire military infrastructure overridden by my will. In the next 2 years, in March 2010, we rolled out a barrier around the planet that would nullify the impact of any radiation in the atmosphere."

His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as he heard that information.

"So, there are no nukes in this world right now?"

"Oh, no. There are nukes. It's just that we know where every single one is and by the time the nuke has been armed and launched, the barrier around the planet would activate and render every single explosion above a certain temperature, inert."


"Does the government know?"

"...No. But Tony Stark does."

"I-Is that why Stark is helping you gain a foothold in the economy?"

"I..don't know really. If it wasn't him, we would have just found someone else but Stark is a known entity and we prefer dealing with him."

"So, if you can just force us to do what you want and bulldoze through any opposition you might have, why don't you?"

Alfred chuckled, "Oh, Stephen. Do you think just because we are powerful enough to defeat the Avengers, we are the strongest people who have a stake in the workings of the planet? Far from it, we need the transition to be as peaceful and nonviolent as possible."

"Wh-What do you mean by that? Is it Atlantis? Are they even stronger than you?"

"No, Namor is a non-issue. It's the people that were on the planet when you humans were just slaves to them that are an issue. Don't worry though, the way things are going, Humanity would soon find itself in the ranks of a space-faring power."

He had almost reached his house and was waiting in the drive-through of a local fast food restaurant, waiting for his food but he had a feeling that he was not going to be able to eat anything. He lost his appetite the moment he heard about the fact that the people protesting outside, willing to rage war for their so-called freedom were doing so in vain. Even their leaders had no idea that they had already been neutered years ago without anyone else knowing.

"One last question, Alfred." He asked Alfred after chuckling bitterly at the thought of them losing their freedom of sorts.

"Yes, sure?" Alfred replied while he received the food and drove out of the drive-through.

"Why tell me all this? I mean, shouldn't this be classified? I am not going to tell anyone, not that anyone would believe me, but why me specifically?"

"Oh, that's simple Stephen. It's because soon, you would be in no condition to tell anyone."

"What?" He muttered while looking at the phone before he heard the sound of tires screeching before something slammed into his car with enough force to activate all of the airbags.


His eyes slowly opened to see a white ceiling.

A disturbingly familiar white ceiling. The ceiling of a hospital ward room. The room also reeked of familiar smells. The smell of strong cleaning agents was used as an attempt to sterilise the room.

He tried to move but had to stifle a scream the next moment because his entire body screamed in protest as pain wracked his body. Still, despite his best tries, a muffled scream tore its way through his dry throat.

The sound of rapid footsteps could be heard before he felt someone push him back down on the bed.

"STOP! Stop moving!" She shouted at him. He couldn't see who it was because his vision was still blurry but judging by the scrubs, it was probably his nurse.

Why was he in the hospital?

The last thing he remembered was…

Oh. He was having an absolute mind boggling conversation with Alfred about the fact that the entirety of the world had already been neutered and there were no more nukes left that could act as a deterrent for the Ascendancy and the next thing he knew, he was being shoved inside his car because some idiot had decided to T-Bone him at high speed.

He tried to remember what happened after that but that just made his head hurt. He groaned as he tried to lift his hand but he couldn't for some reason.

His panic increased when he realised that he couldn't feel anything from his neck below. He could feel his vision blurring and his head ringing but he still tried moving his hand, leg, neck, anything.

Why was nothing moving? Why couldn't he sense anything?

"He's going into shock. Quick, increase the dosage of propofol. Call the doctor!"

These were the last things he was able to hear before darkness overtook his vision.

Word Count - 1975
If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.
You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.

A/N -
Well, things took a darker turn there. It would seem that Alfred himself orchestrated the crash of one Stephen Strange so that he could become Sorcerer Supreme Faster.
Also, it was revealed that Ed and the others have already installed a barrier around the planet that would activate once a nuke was detected and shut down all explosions above a certain temperature and intensity, reducing nukes to just junk with radioactive material inside them.
Next Chapter - Strange's hobo journey to Kamar Taj
Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading!
Technomancer in MCU #98 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 98

Technomancer in MCU

New York, Earth

–Stephen Strange–

"I will be here at all times. If you need me, just press this button here and it will ring an alarm. If you have any specific dietary-"

"I am gonna stop you right there. I am a doctor and I know how things work. Now, why don't you call my doctor and I can talk with him about my treatment." He interrupted the nurse midway, frustrated with the way things had been going.

First of all, they refused to show him his charts, which was absurd and all his requests to get just a basic phone with internet on it were rebuffed. All he got was a call to Christie who should be on his way because his dumbass didn't actually have any one he could put as an emergency contact, in his life.

Wasn't that a sad thought.

A millionaire surgeon with multiple doctorates at the height of his career but nobody he can keep as an emergency contact.

He could hear the nurse breathe through her nose in an effort to stop herself from snapping at him before she just muttered "Fine" and left the room.

He still had not seen his charts yet and he was the best doctor in any hospital he has ever been in.

He had the urge to rub his forehead but he was reminded of his injuries then. Complete and utter paralysis from the neck below. He still had to take deep breaths and think of all the ways that this could be fixed in a bid to stop himself from going into shock again.

He barely managed to avoid another panic attack when he thought of the last sentence that Alfred uttered during their last conversation. It felt that the reason Alfred was telling him everything was because he was going to die. And he probably would have died in the crash. It was probably a miracle that he survived, even with the whole paralysis situation.

But how could Alfred have known it in advance?

Did he orchestrate the whole thing? But what could he have gained from his death?

Sure, he was a great surgeon and while he did like to think of himself as a very important person, even he was not delusional enough to think that Alfred, someone who is the closest to being an overlord because of the digital age they lived in, would take note of.

So why?

The question plagued him for a while before he heard the door open and he looked, only to see Christie crying in the doorway, followed by some pasty ass doctor.

"It's not as bad as it looks?" He joked as a way to lighten the mood but he was pretty sure his attempt at a smile became more of a grimace due to how many drugs he was under.

That just made Christine cry more.



It had been a couple hours since Christine had arrived in the hospital. For the first half an hour, it was him who was consoling her which was made a little difficult because of his body not responding to his will. Then the next hour was spent going through his charts which were finally made available to them once they realised that there was someone else with him and he was not going to keel over or go into shock again after seeing his condition.

"So, this is it, huh?" He sighed in defeat once they had gone through the whole thign. The damage to his spine and all of his limbs was way too intensive for any kind of modern medicine to properly work with. He would be lucky to move a single toe in his lifetime.

"Don't, Don't say that," Christine sniffed, trying to portray a strong front but failing spectacularly doing so.

"What else is left Christine? I know Modern Medicine and there is nothing in it that could solve my issue…. Whatsoever," He slowed down as he realised something.

Son of a bitch!

He had forgotten about those miracle yellow pills from the Ascendancy. While the normal pills would not be able to do something so drastic as healing entire limbs from scratch or heal his spine without removing the splinters, he was more than sure that the stuff they had revealed to the public was just the tip of the iceberg. There has got to be more advanced medical stuff they had lying around that they were not telling anybody about.

He had to get to them. But how?

A proverbial light lit above him as he looked at Christine, "Do you have your phone with you?"

Christine looked at him, a bit confused but took her phone out of her purse, "Yes, of course. Do you need to call someone?"

He cursed internally once he realised that he would not be able to operate the phone so he instructed Christine on it, "Yes. Open the AlfredGPT website. I have something I need to ask him."

"Ok. But how will you authenticate it?"
"Just open it, Alfred will do the rest."


She opened the website and once the authentication part came up, she pointed the phone at his face. He just hoped that her older model could accurately recognise his face, given all the minor cuts and bruises that now adorned his handsome face.

"Identified, Stephen Strange," The same robotic voice as before confirmed his identity before his chat history opened up. The weird thing was that the second Christine turned the phone towards her, it all went away and came back once the camera was turned back to him.

Alfred truly was tracking everything then, he thought morosely. If it was true and Alfred did have the kind of reach that he was thinking about, it would have been very easy for him to orchestrate the whole accident, especially since he could probably take control over the driving modes of most modern cars, his included.

"Hello Alfred," He muttered whilst thinking of the questions he would like to ask Alfred. He would obviously like to ask him about the big Elephant in the room. If he had actually caused his accident but somewhere in his mind, he did not want an answer to that question. It would open a whole can of worms that he was just not comfortable with.

"Hello Stephen. I'm glad to hear that you survived the accident."

All his reservations went out the window when he heard Alfred mock him about his accident that he himself may have caused.

"You bastard, you ruined my life. How dare you mock me again. I will come after you with everything I've got. I might not get to you but you can be damn sure I will be a pain in the ass to deal with. You motherfu-" Christine threw the phone to the sofa nearby before trying to softly hug him.

"Hey hey hey! I am here for you. Calm down," Christine tried to calm him down from his episode but the mocking words of Alfred continued to ring in his mind, refusing to let go.

He may have said things in his anger but even he knew that they were nothing but empty boasts now. He may have had a chance at things if he had his most prized skills with him but with his body toast, all he had was money and to someone like Alfred, that might as well be worth less than monopoly money.

"What am I going to do, Christine?" He muttered, defeatedly staring at the ceiling. He might have had some hope with the treatment at the Ascendancy but with the way he spoke, there was no way they were going to give him treatment. Treatment that they had not revealed to the world yet. This was clearly going into a very depressing zone so he tried to change the subject.

"So, Christine? What;s going on with the hospital" Is everybody happy that I am finally gone now?"

Christine cried at his statement for some reason. Before he could ask her about it, she put her hand over her mouth and fled the room, crying.

He couldn't even chase after her with his bloody body.

"All thanks to you," He said while looking at the camera in the corner. He was sure he was under surveillance since he was aware of something that nobody else knew. Atleast, nobody in the public knew about Alfred's actions.

"What will you do when I go public, huh? I can go to the government with this information and with the history I have on my acc-"

"What history?" He heard Alfred's voice before he could complete his sentence.

His neck slowly turned to look at the phone that Christine had thrown nearby.

"I thought you were smarter than that, Stephen. I know you are quite aware of the fate that would await you should you try to do something foolish like causing panic and chaos in the society by revealing confidential details about the Ascendancy. That would put you in the sights of both your government and the Ascendancy as well and let me tell you, without any limbs to use, that would be an impossible battle for you to win,"

Stephen looked at the phone as the reality of his situation was shoved in his throat, forcing him to finally accept his helplessness. He didn't even have the will to reply to Alfred's message anymore. He just laid there, looking at the ceiling for what felt like hours.

Even when the nurses came to change the IVs, he just laid there silently, not as if he could move or anything anyway.

"Stephen, Stephen!" The voice of Christine took him out from his daze.


"Look, who is here," The excitement in Christine's voice made him take a confused look at what she was pointing at.

His eyes widened as much as they could when he saw Tony Stark standing in front of the door in a three piece suit holding a fruit basket in one hand and his phone in the other.

"Hello," Tony greeted him with a smirk on his face. He then proceeded to unceremoniously start eating the apples from the fruit basket that was supposed to be for him.

"Do you mind?" Tony had the audacity to ask him once he had already taken a bite out of it.
He just deadpanned at him, having no energy to engage with the manchild. He might have had hope of Stark helping him but he was sure that rejecting his request to perform his arc-reactor removing surgery robbed him of any goodwill he might have had with him, which was non-existent to begin with anyway.

It was not his fault that he didn't take over cases that he was not sure would succeed and doing what was essentially an open heart surgery without any precedent of such a surgery, he elected to reject the case.

Ofcourse, the surgeons in London were equally as proficient and even successful judging from the smug smirk that Tony gave him.

"Alright, I'll bite. What do you want, Stark?" He asked once the silence in the room became a bit too much for him, especially with the disgusting sound of Tony chewing the apple more than necessary becoming a background noise for the room.

Tony looked at his eyes for more than a moment before spitting what was in his mouth along with the apple in his hand, into the nearby dustbin. He then looked at him and said, "Never really liked them. Prefer pretty doctors much more than them."

He then proceeded to pick up Christine's phone from the sofa and sat on it.

"That's actually mine," Christine piped up.

"Oh yeah, I know. I just need it for a bit." He then proceeded to do something to her phone which caused the phone to emit a shrill noise before Tony threw it in the dustbin as well which promptly began smoking as well.

"Welp, I tried. Jarvis?" Tony muttered seemingly to himself.

"Authorities are already on their way, sir. Might I suggest moving Mr.Strange and Ms.Palmer to the Stark Advanced Medical Wing since I have a premonition that the room they are currently in, will soon be inhospitable due to the chemical based fire of the lithium battery in Ms.Palmer's phone."

Tony then slapped his knee and stood up, "Well, you heard the man. Let's go. The room I have in mind is much better than this cell of a room."

Saying so, he left the room whistling, all the while he and Chrsitine looked on with bulging eyes, at the audacity of the man.

Soon after Tony left, the room was flooded by nurses who immediately wheeled him out of his room and then, to his alarm, out of the hospital as well, despite him not agreeing to anything.

"Wait, where are you taking me?"
"Doctor's orders, Stark Medical Wing for your next treatment. Get comfortable, we will be there in about two hours. I'm told that Ms.Palmer will be joining us there as well."

Goddammit Stark!

Word Count - 2214

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.
Technomancer in MCU #99 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 99

Technomancer in MCU

New York, Earth

–Tony Stark–

"Who could have expected there to be a country in Africa with this level of tech with them," Tony said to Bruce as he hustled back and forth between the lab in Stark Tower. Tony's personal lab and not the one that was given to them by Alfred as part of the building's reconstruction.

"Honestly, Tony, Why did you promise them an upgrade in shield technology? Even though you know that there's is the most advanced one on the planet anyway. There is no merit in upgrading something for them. We should instead devise new methods of defense." Bruce said while he continued to work on the calculations for the gamma fallout from the shield.

"And that's what we are doing, Bruce. Look, it might not be clear in the first attempt but I have a fantastic plan for a planetary defense system that will also act as a deterrent in case of war between countries."

Tony then dragged Bruce's chair who promptly gave out a defeated sigh and allowed himself to be dragged by Tony who had been acting like a kid on a sugar high ever since he had gotten some idea about barrier enhancement and had dragged him out of his personal research and tasked him on it.

In fairness, Tony was paying him a very handsome salary so Bruce figured the least he could do was help Tony with some of his projects for a little bit before going back to his own research but no.

Apparently, what Tony wanted to do was create a projection shield. Something that even Alfred struggled with, in his early days, if the logs are anything to go by. Then, midway through, he had another idea that had him prancing around for days. Bruce had asked about it but Tony refused to tell anyone about it until today, it would seem.

"Look Look look, I finally figured out the expansion to energy ratio," Tony said while showing him something that he had never thought he would see for at least another decade.

A modular full-scale planetary shield capable of stopping asteroids, lasers, space debris, and spaceships.

"Tony, if these numbers are correct then,"

"Yeah, even the strongest of the nukes won't be able to breach the barriers. In fact, I have designed them for much higher workloads."

"I can see that. If you are able to build this, even a thousand nukes a day would not add much to the energy consumption of the shields. Theoretically, we could last months without any backup even against an advanced fleet as long as this barrier is active."

"Yup!" Tony couldn't stop grinning. This was his most important achievement since he convinced Pepper to become CEO and his girlfriend at the same time.

"...You said something about it also acting as a deterrent for countries who go to war? How are you going to do that?" Bruce asked as he cleaned his glasses.

Tony's smile turned into a smug smirk as he raised his finger, "Ah, that. Let me introduce you to my master plan for world peace. At least, peace for major countries." Tony mumbled the last part.

He then placed his hand on the hologram table, which opened up a list of options in front of him. He then went through a bunch of procedures and authenticated himself which opened a file that had to be decrypted using a secure code that only Tony knew about.

'So much secrecy, even in this lab where most of the world wouldn't be able to reach even if they knew about it all,' Bruce thought to himself after seeing all the process Tony went through.

"Tada!" Tony said after showing Bruce nearly the same shield model as before. Bruce deadpanned at Tony whose smirk slowly widened before he tapped the rotating globe in front of them slowly.

As if a string had been cut, the outer structure of the shield fell apart, revealing the underneath. The shield projectors could be seen located across the planet as opposed to a single massive planetary shield generator that could power a barrier for the planet for years.

"What's this, Tony?" Bruce asked, astonished at the figures he was seeing. If he was correct and from a cursory glance, the math did check out, Tony would be able to create a system that could turn the planet into an unbreachable fortress, all with its own sun or at least the barrier simulating sunlight so that the plant life on the planet doesn't die if their attackers decide to block out sunlight for the whole planet, slowly starving them.

"It is a modular system. Every major nation on the planet will get one shield generation system that they themselves will be responsible for maintaining. The generators themselves will act as deterrents because if somebody managed to harm even one of them, the entire system would fall apart."

"But don't you think that's a bit dangerous given that a small terrorist group could take out any one of the generators and leave the entire planet defenseless?"

Tony leveled a deadpanned look at Bruce, "Please, like Alfred and Ed would ever leave the planet defenseless."

"That is not the point and you know it."

"Fine, we will make extras and give them to smaller countries too. But this is the best-case scenario I could come up with because the way I see it, even if Alfred accelerated it, planetary unification would take at least a couple more decades and I don't think we have that much time on our hands. This would give us the breathing room that we need."

"And does KIng T'Chaka know about it?" Bruce asked Tony, concerned about the implications of such a project that a country would have to bear, especially one already as controversial as Wakanda itself.


When Tony didn't reply immediately, Bruce's concerns grew manifold.

"Tony, we don't want Wakanda on our asses, hunting us because we compromised the shield system that is the only thing hiding them from the rest of the world. The world that would not hesitate to tear them apart and distribute the spoils between themselves should it come to that."

Tony scoffed, "I know that. It is nothing like that. If anything, their shields will actually be enforced with this mode. It's just that-"

"I hate to interrupt such a spirited discussion, Mr.Stark but I have a Case 16 alert here."

His face immediately turned into one of intense focus as Jarvis projected a case report in front of them.

"What is a case 16 alert?"


"A case 16 alert is one that Mr.Stark created once he had removed the shrapnel in his chest. The 16 alludes to the number of pieces that were stuck in his chest because of the grenade explosion that happened in Afghanistan in 2008. A case 16 alert means that someone who was on the list has gone through something major that can be of interest to Mr.Stark"

"Oh, what happened then?"

He chose to speak up at the same moment, "Nothing, just the most talented neurosurgeon of New York just went through a car accident and had his entire body paralyzed. Let's go, Bruce, we have a patient to visit."

"Oh, so we are going to help him?" Bruce asked as he donned his jacket. Tony had the urge to scoff at that. Like they could do anything about it. The guy had shrapnel all over his spine and even if they could remove the shrapnel, there was nothing he had that could heal his entire neurological structure just like that. Even the concentrated CHI crystal that Alfred gave him in case of emergency would not help. It would probably take years of exposure to CHI and therapy for Strange to even gain some modicum of mobility. Sadly, he would probably be bed-bound for the rest of his life if all he had was modern medicine. What he needed was Advanced Medicine and he was going to offer that to him, that.

Partly as a way of petty revenge after he himself was snubbed by him when Strange was approached for his heart surgery and partly because he felt sorry for the guy. At the top of his career and then something like this happens.

"Sir, I have a slightly disturbing discovery as well that could change things," Jarvis said just as they were about to leave the lab.

"What is it, Jarvis?" He asked Jarvis who instead of answering, promptly opened up a holo screen right in front of him. Honestly, installing those holo projectors in every single space that he worked in was a great investment, even if he had to tear them down every couple of months because he made huge strides in that field and just could not bear to use the old outdated models.

"Sir, I did some digging and it would seem that from the moment Dr.Strange left the hospital to the moment he was in the accident, he was on the phone."

Tony groaned. Oh, no. This was just criminal.

"But he was not talking to a person. He was using AlfredGPT."


He and Bruce both looked at each other dumbfounded. Who uses that chatbot while driving? And for what?

"Jarvis, do we have the transcripts?" He asked Jarvis even though he knew the answer to that question.

"Unfortunately, no sir. The last time I tried, as you had instructed, to get access to AlfredGPT's servers, I was locked in my own server space for about 24 hours before you came and rescued me."

He winced as Jarvis narrated that incident. It had been a bad day without Jarvis there to automate most parts of his life. As it had turned out, Alfred had simply flipped the switch and forced Jarvis back into his servers and cut off his ability to use the internet or communicate at all. He had inspected the code later on and found out that Alfred was not completely off the hinge as he could see that Alfred had allowed Jarvis the opportunity to relearn the code necessary to communicate and eventually, rescue himself.

He began driving or rather kept his hand on the steering for appearances because he was not allowed to drive by himself as Jarvis had installed specialised remote driving systems in all of his cars for safety purposes. Something he could not override because Jarvis had Pepper behind him and he would not be able to say No to her.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Bruce asked him even as he continued to work on his personal research project. He still did not know what it was though. Just that it would vastly enhance Bruce's power. He had been of the opinion that Bruce didn't want the power he had now but then Bruce told him about all the dangers outside that could harm the planet and swallowing his concerns about his powers was the least he could do for the planet.

He had been in no position to tell him no so he continued to research on the topic.

"We are going to take Strange to the Stark advanced medicine wing and wing it from there."

"Isn't this person rich? Shouldn't he have the best possible medical care by now?"

"Yes, but the thing is his money will not be able to buy him the best possible medicine because we don't sell it yet."

Bruce looked up at him from the research at that statement, "Please don't tell me we are going to give him the treatment Alfred warned us never to give anyone without his express permission."

Tony lowered his sunglasses and looked at Bruce, "You Tell me."

"Tony," Bruce groaned while rubbing his face.

He laughed while pressing the accelerator but his face fell when he realised that it didn't work and the car was still being driven by Jarvis who wouldn't listen to his requests to increase the speed, at all.

For God's sakes, they were driving at Grandma speeds, not Stark speeds!

Word Count - 2038
If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.
Technomancer in MCU #100 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 100

Technomancer in MCU

–Stephen Strange–

A vast difference from his previous situation, he was now capable of moving his body and doing his business by simply willing it. He still couldn't believe that Stark used that ridiculously advanced armour of his as a prosthetic suit for him. He still couldn't believe that he was effectively wearing one of the most advanced weapons that existed in the history of humanity.

What was also different was simply the level of tech that Stark had in the Advanced Medical Wing. It was technically all very experimental and prototype level but he could find no flaws in the machinery despite wanting it to have flaws. He could see software that ran faster and smoother than anything he had ever seen in the industry.

"Running smooth enough for you, Strange?" Stark said as he looked at some hologram that depicted ridiculously accurate real-time statistics about his body. He could identify some of them but most of them looked alien even to him. As it turned out, Stark was ahead of the entire planet even in the field of Medicine.

Wasn't that a huge shocker? He knew that Stark Industries as a whole was invested in every single field imaginable and was also ahead of the curve in every field but he had expected their most sizable leads to be in the tech sector, energy sector, or the infamous weapons division but medical sector?

He supposed even medical tech was technically still technology and as far as he knew, Tony Stark's expertise lay in every field of technology.

"Yes, more than smooth enough, Stark. It's like it knows what I want it to do before I even consciously think about it," He said even as he moved his limbs in wonder. Well, he couldn't exactly see them but the movement of the armour told him the same thing. It honestly clung to his skin like a second skin. It was that touch intuitive.

"Well, of course, it is smooth. You have J in there with you helping you every step of the way. Everything is running smoothly there, J?" Stark said even as he continued to work on something on the hologram in front of them.

He was startled to hear a sound coming out of the suit he was wearing. "Yes, sir. All parameters are at optimal condition. Subject Strange has been sufficiently prepped for the procedure."

Procedure? What procedure?

Before he could flail about in panic about an unauthorised procedure that they were about to perform on him, his control over the suit stopped and despite his best wishes, his body was turned around and brought to stand side by side with Stark. Turning his head with difficulty, he gritted out the words.

"What is going on, Stark? Is this revenge for rejecting your surgery because if it is, it is petty and you know it."

Stark had the audacity to smirk at him and point towards the screen in front of them, "Just look and you'll understand,"

And understand he did.

The process was simple yet extremely fascinating even to his structural mind because what he was witnessing was nothing short of magical, at least to him. Complete regeneration of limbs, bringing back dead brain matter to life as long as the patient's death didn't exceed 5 minutes, partial nervous system healing, and organ regrowth. These were only some of the benefits of the elixir he was about to receive. His entire adult life that he spent studying medicine revolted at the thought of receiving something that might as well be called magic in this day and age but the part of him that was absolutely in despair after being essentially crippled practically sang in joy after receiving the news that he might just get healed.

"Just so you are clear, this is highly experimental and we will take no responsibility in case of any side effects. You will sign a waiver before we do anything but let me just say this, this is the only chance you will get." Stark said, finally looking him in the eye and telling him.

All he could do was nod.

"Very well, Bruce, prep the machines," Stark said before he found himself being escorted to someplace else by the suit of armour he was wearing. It was like he was a puppet being controlled by someone and that someone was Jarvis, Tony Stark's personal AI. People really didn't know half the shit Stark was up to otherwise he would have long been either imprisoned or dead because there was no way he had the clearance to own an unregulated AI. That was just doomsday fuel.

–Tony Stark–

"Bruce, what does this tell you?" He asked Bruce as they looked at what Jarvis had written using the neural impulses that Stephen gave off when he was asked about his discussion with Alfred.

The things he had read about were enough for him to ask Jarvis to double and triple-check everything before coming back to him because if what he was reading was true, America had long since lost its ability to defend itself from its enemies.

Now, he would not go so far as to call himself a nationalist or a hardcore Patriot but he liked his country. All his favourite people, his money, his favourite celebrities, everybody lived here. He had enough favoritism about the country that even after shutting down the weapons division, he acted as a freelance consultant for the U.S. military in various capacities. Security expert for the NSA, Tech consultant for the Air Force and Army, and so on and so forth.

That was why he was intimately aware of the fact that despite making huge strides in practically every possible field of war, the biggest option for his country was a single weapon.


Despite knowing that they had enough of a technological leap ahead of their rivals, the top brass of the American Military still relied on their trusty nukes because according to them, Nukes were the only thing that continued to guarantee their freedom. The rest of the stuff helped, of course, but to have a true hegemony over the world, America undoubtedly relied on the monopoly of the dollar, which was only possible because of the sheer military firepower they had on hand, a major part of which was Nuclear Weaponry.

Finding out that Alfred had disabled every single nuke in the first couple of years of his existence was disheartening. Finding out that they had built and perfected the barrier that they had found in the conceptual stages of barriers in the Lab given to them was downright terrifying.

It meant that even if somebody built a very crude Nuclear weapon, one that would detonate on the spot and not at the target itself, the barrier around the planet would activate and deny the weapon its explosion, thereby completely nullifying it. He still could not believe how they quantified and disabled something as common as "explosions". It was equal parts baffling and terrifying.

Even as he read the entirety of the information that was practically downloaded from Strange's mind, he was more baffled at the last part of the conversation.

Why talk with Strange at all? Having had the opportunity to work with Alfred on a deeper level, he was quite aware that most of AlfredGPT's operations were performed by an advanced VI that Alfred had built by himself almost negligently. It was very rare when Alfred himself would communicate with someone personally. It was even rarer for him to talk to someone and then tell them very private details surrounding their birth and the actions they had taken since then.

If word of what Alfred had done ever got out, there would be mass panic and anarchy on the streets of America. He could understand killing someone to silence them or to stop them from disseminating such information but if Alfred wanted to do so from the beginning, why tell Strange in the first place? It was not as if he needed a reason to have Strange killed if he wanted to. All but one of the cars in Strange's garage didn't have tech in it that Alfred could have hacked.

He had hacked into the other car that was crashed as well and he could see that despite there being no signs of tampering whatsoever, the car had enough tech in it to facilitate remote driving by an AI. It meant that there was a decent chance that Alfred initiated and orchestrated everything which raised huge alarm bells in his mind.

Thinking it through, he looked towards the ceiling, "Alfred, you there?"

Bruce looked up at him from his screen when he called for Alfred. After a while, seeing that there was no reply, Bruce asked the other AI in the room, "Jarvis?"

"Alfred has not been seen in Stark Industries Systems for a while now. Do you want me to contact him?" Jarvis supplied helpfully.

Bruce rapidly shook his head no because he was kinda spooked by the new stuff that was revealed and to be honest, he himself was not exactly thrilled with the idea of talking to Alfred at this stage either because he was kinda surprised with how everything had gone as well.

"Alright, we'll talk directly with Ed the first thing after this procedure is done, deal?" He told Bruce who looked visibly relieved after hearing that. Bruce was someone who's always had difficulty trusting people and Alfred was one of the few he thought he could trust but after reading this, he was starting to second judge his choices.

"Now let's get this over with. Today has been a rather exhausting day."

Let's hope that the miracle drug that Alfred provided works on Strange because if it didn't, he would have to go straight to Ed because he was sure as hell not allowing Alfred to nearly kill someone and not have him compensate them.

"Strange, are you ready?"

"Yes! Just do it!"

He and Bruce both looked at each other before he nodded lightly, prompting Bruce to keep his entire palm on the screen in front of them.

He then slowly began to turn it in a clockwise direction, increasing the energy levels that Strange was being bombarded with.

See, they had found out that the miracle elixir that Alfred touted as the "best medical treatment they had ever discovered" was fine and dandy when ingested in liquid form but when it was turned into gas and sprayed directly into a chamber which was then hit with radiation he had isolated from the small sample of Wakanda Vibranium he had gotten from the king, it amplified the effects of the miracle elixir.

He was sure Alfred knew it as well but disrupting the medical industry and destroying the medical industry were two different things.

As Bruce's palm kept rotating, Strange began screaming from inside the room. Both of them were calm even then because he was monitoring Strange's vitals from the other screen.

Everything was within limits even though Strange continued to scream raw due to the sheer pain he must be experiencing due to his nerve damage. They were getting healed and then burned at the same time. He just hoped that Strange came out of it healed, at least partially because even he was not sure if it could completely heal Strange.

At the very least, it should afford him the dignity of being able to move all by himself, even if he would not be able to be a surgeon after everything.

He just hoped that Alfred did not come back to finish the job somehow but the entire thing didn't make even an iota of sense to him.

If everything else failed, he could just take the SpaceDucky for a swim and go directly to the shiny Moon Base they had kept hidden from him all this while. It has always been a dream of his and with the level of tech he had incorporated into SpaceDucky, he could probably reach halfway to Mars before he could run into any serious trouble.

Word Count - 2043
If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.

A/N - Woohoo! 100th chapter (Even though, counting the interludes, it's been almost 116 chapters)
I never thought I could reach this milestone. Although I did go through a couple of bumps in the way, I will see this fanfic finished.
Wish me luck.
Technomancer in MCU #101 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 101

Technomancer in MCU

Stark Advanced Medicine Wing, Upstate New York

–Stephen Strange–

Desperation truly was a bad thing, wasn't it, he thought to himself while looking at his trembling hands. Hands that refused to steady themselves no matter how hard he tried.

And to think he had thought that Stark would have been able to completely heal him. Instead, all he had done was give him a few months of movement wherein he could use his body adequately instead of the peak condition he had expected it to be.

Now, all he had were a couple of months before his entire body's cellular structure began breaking down and he ceased to exist.

He didn't blame Stark, of course not. He couldn't have known that something like this could happen. He was partly to blame as well because he just jumped on the first opportunity to get himself healed and he never stopped to think about any side effects that could happen.

As it turned out, the treatment worked. In fact, it worked a bit too well and now he was some sort of half-baked superhuman.

During the painful procedure, his cells were bombarded with so much energy that they evolved, for lack of a better term. The radiation nearly killed all of his cells but they were brought back from their damaged state by the gas that Stark had pumped into his body. The cycle continued until they ran out of gas and radiation, resulting in his current form.

Thick purple veins crisscrossed his entire body, except his neck, as his arms trembled from the strain of even holding a knife or opening a door properly. It was only a matter of weeks before his legs began exhibiting the same symptoms.

Stark was extremely apologetic and had even offered him a big check for his troubles but his pride refused to allow him to get help from someone, especially after he had already signed that waiver after being told about the risks of the procedure. At Least they were able to get data for their procedure and would not subject anyone else to what he had to go through, Strange bitterly mused to himself.

Now, there he was, in Kathmandu, Nepal, searching for a miracle, once again. Honestly, he was just going through the motions at this point.

He had sold every single thing he ever owned, except the watch on his hand that was a gift from Christine. He had exhausted every avenue of treatment.

In the beginning, he held hope that something would happen but now? Now he just wanted it to end so that he could finally rest. He was sick of it all yet..yet Hope was a powerful and insidious thing.

Even the tiniest amount of hope can make a man move mountains and that is exactly what he was doing.

He had found a complete paraplegic playing basketball at a Y in New York and he was the one who had directed him to Kathmandu. The case of Jonathan Pangborn was a very bizarre case because he himself had diagnosed his case to be inoperable. Pangborn was rendered paraplegic after an accident at the factory he worked at. He rejected Pangborn's case because while surgery could have given him a chance at normal life, the chances of him dying on his table were far higher and he had not wanted a blotch on his otherwise perfect record so, he sent Pangborn away, quite rudely, he could recall.

And then, as he was hobbling down the streets, he found Pangborn, whole and healthy, playing basketball with kids a decade younger than himself. Astonished, he found himself talking to Pangborn who gave him the story of Kamar Taj and how it healed his mind, and through that, he healed his body.

It sounded very much like tantric voodoo to him but he had exhausted all his options anyway, what was one more? Even if it did turn out to be a scam, Kathmandu seemed like a nice place to die quietly.

No air pollution, light pollution, no traffic blocks and most of all, no hope to get after this. Judging from the rate at which his twitching was increasing, he had one, maybe two weeks left before his entire body just became a twitching mass. A scenario he did not want to experience so he would probably end himself before that happened.

Still, it had been over three days he had been here and after asking anybody who would listen, he was still nowhere closer to finding Kamar Taj than before. He had even run out of all of his money and had to vacate his cheap lodge. He was currently homeless, destitute, sick, and overall, completely helpless.

And yet, he trudged on. Without money, he relied on the generosity of the local monks and temples who graciously provided him with food and water. Oftentimes, he was allowed to take baths in the communal bathrooms. He was given clothing, withered as it may be. In return, all he had to do was clean some places. He didn't have to do even that as the monks refused to accept it but even if he didn't have anything else to his name, he still had some shred of pride left in him.

'Even after all this, I am still proud of something? What is that?' Strange thought to himself as he leaned on the broom, trying to take a respite from all the pain his body was going through.


It had been almost 2 weeks since he had first landed in Kathmandu and now his body would shoot up sharp waves of pain once he moved anything, even breathing was painful these days. Still, after taking a moment to breathe, he continued to sweep the temple even as the broom refused to take the same path his eyes mapped for it. More often than not, he ended up sweeping the dust back into the temple with his actions but the monks understood. They had seen his injuries and were very sympathetic. Both of the parties still did not understand a lick of each other's languages yet empathy was something that transcended the barrier of language.

He could not overstate how grateful he was for the monks of Kathmandu. Without them, he would not have survived, period. Let alone, survive long enough to actually reach Kamar Taj.


It had been almost three weeks since he had reached Kathmandu and at this point, he had mostly given up on his search for Kamar Taj. He had no idea how Jonathan had done it but was pretty sure that he was not going to be able to heal himself now. Now, all he did for the day was sweep as much as he could and then lay down on the futon that was given to him in the dorms that the Monks used. His condition had gotten worse as the purple veins across his body had enlarged and now covered almost the entirety of his lower body. He had lost his appetite to eat food. Most of the time, he only drank juice and water. His hair had fallen out and his limbs had lost all muscle mass.

All standard signs of cancer. Something that was easy to diagnose but impossible to cure. He sighed and was about to get up to try to get some activity in since exhausting himself physically was one of the few things that made him go to sleep, somebody barged into his room.

It was Rajan. He was the teenage son of the owners of the dorm he was staying at. They had given up their dorm to be used as a permanent lodging for the monks and were overall just wonderful people, more than happy to accommodate him and his special needs. He felt terrible living on their generosity but at this point, he had no pride left in him to care enough. Besides, he was going to die soon enough anyway so no point in holding on to any negative feelings.

He just hoped that little Rajan never had to see his death. So, he had decided to finish it tomorrow by jumping off a cliff he had earmarked for the same.

"Uncle!" Rajan shouted, jumping for joy for some reason.

"Y-Yes?" He coughed out.

"I found it. I found Kamartaj" Rajan shouted at the top of his lungs.

His breathing paused as he contemplated what Rajan had said for a moment but then scoffed internally at the tiny amount of hope that instantly returned based on the unfounded ramblings of a kid.

Truly, Hope was an insidious thing.

Still, that was no reason to be rude to a boy who had been nothing but kind to him for all his stay here. So, he smiled, "Where did you find it?"

"Oh, it was easy. I just asked around every day and today, a person told me the address. Come, I'll take you there." Rajan chattered excitedly, trying to pull him out of his futon.

"No, No not today. We'll go there tomorrow, OK?" He hoped that he sounded convincing enough.

"Okay!" Rajan said and skipped out of the room, his joyful exuberance bringing a rare genuine smile to his face.

"You are leaving, aren't you?" He was surprised to hear someone speak before he could see them. Upon seeing who it was, he relaxed though.

"So, it's you. Finally deigned me enough to speak with me?" Strange quipped back.

It was Sanjay, one of the few Monks who could speak English well enough. Despite that, he had refused to speak or interact with him, avoiding him like the plague. It had hurt in the beginning but now it was just a dull ache.

"You are leaving, aren't you?" Sanjay just repeated the same thing.

He considered telling him off but honestly, after weeks of not being able to speak English with someone, he was kinda bored and would appreciate a little bit of company. So, he replied.

"Yes, I am leaving right now,"

"I see. May the gods guide you to the place you need to go."

He scoffed, "Yeah. Well, if they had guided me to the correct place the first time, we wouldn't be in this mess, now would we, Sanjay?" He said as he rolled back his futon and tried to tidy up his room.

"Sanjay?" When he didn't receive any reply, he looked back, only to see nobody standing there. He sighed, too tired to even call for him once more time.

So, he took his sticks and hobbled out of the dorm and towards the cliff that was a little far away. He purposely chose the long road, taking him through the hustle and bustle of the city before finally arriving at the cliff he had chosen to be his end.

Throwing his sticks back, he took a couple of steps forward then took multiple ones back. Breathing heavily, he tried to do it once more but he just didn't have the courage to do it.

"ARGH! WHY?!!" He shouted to the mountains in frustration, knowing that he wouldn't receive an answer.

Upon receiving no answers, he just fell down and lay on the grass, trying to silence his mind. Upon not receiving any respite and not having the balls to do it, he turned back to get his makeshift walking sticks when he heard a voice.

"Given up so soon, Strange?"

Word Count - 1931
If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.

A/N - The next one will be the last one of Strange, I promise.
I occasionally checkup on this story and I'm not surprised to see ed is still a side character the AI is still too fucking important and your following canon for some reason with weird AU parts
Technomancer in MCU #102 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 102

Technomancer in MCU


Upon not receiving any respite and not having the balls to do it, he turned back to get his makeshift walking sticks when he heard a voice.

"Given up so soon, Strange?"

Unknown Cliff, Kathmandu

–Stephen Strange–

It was that voice. The same voice that had ruined his life. The voice that had turned him from a wealthy, successful doctor to a bankrupt cripple who had to resort to begging to eat and sleep.

That same accursed voice that was mocking him for his failure at ending his life. The reason for him ending his life was standing behind him and he was seething with rage. He saw red for just a moment. He wanted not to kill Alfred but to slowly destroy all of what made him him. His ambitions. His goals. His loved ones. His strength that he was so proud. Only when Alfred would be left languishing in a small cramped computer with no connection to anyone despite knowing that there was nobody left that he loved, only then he would have been satisfied.

He would….do what?

Nothing. He could do nothing.

In a split second, he calmed down as he realised the situation he was in. He was a cripple with no money, no resources, and nobody that would care that he was gone. He was literally a nobody.

How could a mere nobody even think of hurting someone as almighty as Alfred? Someone who was powerful enough to literally disarm the world without the said world even being aware of it.

No. All he could do right now was go back to the dorm he was staying at and beg them to take him back in. The nice couple probably would do so of their own volition. He didn't think he was strong enough right now to take his own life but maybe, a couple of days later, he would try again after gathering his courage.

So, instead of turning around and trying to swing his sticks at someone who could tank missiles without flinching, he chose to not humiliate himself anymore and walk away from the situation peacefully.

As soon as he made the decision to do so, it felt as if there was an invisible load on his shoulders that was lightened immensely. It felt like he didn't even need the sticks anymore despite his glaring physical disability. Even as he felt the purple veins expand all over his body, he didn't feel any pain. The only respite from the burdening mentality he had from before.

"Good," For some reason, he could hear the smile in that single word before his entire world was consumed by darkness. The last thing he could feel before his head would have hit the ground was a soothing warmness on his back.

–Alfred (Partition)--

Guess it was worth it to test him this heavily. No doubt he will resent him for a long period of time but it was a small price to pay to be absolutely sure of the person who was about to become the leader of the second strongest organisation on the planet.

Stark would need an explanation as well regarding this whole mess but he was pretty sure that the person they would be asking would most probably not be him but Ed. After all, he was someone who was a digital lifeform that could go Rogue at any possible moment, at least that was what his current perception must be in the minds of Stark and Banner. After all, they did spend an extended amount of time in Wakanda chauffeured around by N'Jadaka who was quite aware of his stance when it came to humans and their short lives.

Covering Strange's body with a CHI barrier to help heal the more raw injuries caused by the flawed procedure that was done on him. Well, calling it flawed would be doing Stark and Banner's genius a disservice.

What they had discovered was actually genius. A way to permanently enhance someone to their physical peak, not unlike what Erskine did to Rogers, the only difference being that Erskine was someone who was supplied with superhuman DNA by the Ancient One. Stark and Banner only had vanilla human DNA, their own intellect, and some scattered notes that he had intentionally left in the logs of the Lab he had given to Stark.

The process would involve dumping a concentrated CHI solution into the surroundings of a person and then rapidly bombarding that area with concentrated radiation that Vibranium naturally gives off. This radiation had been documented extensively by Wakandans but it was a fairly recent discovery for them so they were unable to examine the long-term effects of it on humans.

Stark, on the other hand, was quite aware of the super soldier creation process, thanks to yours truly, so he was able to instantly gather that the radiation was passively helping Wakandans evolve. It was why normal sickness didn't even faze Wakandans, even after getting out of their climate, environment-controlled bubble that was their shields. Otherwise, Wakandans who only came out of that bubble for the first time would have swiftly found their immune systems overrun with a variety of new bacteria and viruses that keep popping out of nowhere in the rest of the world. It was not as if they could create a shot for everything. They naturally had a much better immune response, allowing them to shrug off most diseases that would, over time, kill people for whom it was their first exposure.

Stark exploited that gap of knowledge and convinced T'Chaka to take home with him a sizable amount of that radiation. Only he underestimated how much he would actually need for the procedure to be successful.

So, now, Strange was only halfway a super soldier. His own body was becoming too heavy for his systems to sustain and with the vibranium radiation having seeped into his cells, it was only a matter of time before the cells ran out of energy and matter to consume and exploded, leaving behind naught but ash of Strange.

Not that he would ever let that happen. The Ancient One would probably come out of her retirement and kick his ass if that ever happened. He would heal Strange in due time.

"Sorcerer Supreme," One of the Masters who witnessed his arrival bowed once he crossed the wards that covered Kamar Taj. He could feel his curiosity upon seeing Strange wrapped up in a bubble of CHI behind him but wisely kept his mouth shut and left after greeting him.

It was weird. Some of these people were clamoring for his deposement but after seeing his prowess firsthand, they were suddenly fine with it. At Least that's what it looked like on the surface but who knows what brewed underneath.

Oh, well, it was all good for him since being unseated from his position because of Strange would only give Strange's position more legitimacy and help him stabilise his position that much faster because they were running out of time.

He was pretty sure that Thanos was aware of their existence and despite him personally destroying any spy equipment that entered Earth's airspace, word of mouth of him and Ascendancy's capabilities must have surely reached Thanos' intelligence network and he would come for them.

Make no mistake, them being in his way would make no change in Thanos' agenda. He believes himself inevitable and would prepare to go through any opposition in a swift manner before performing the Snap. He was probably just waiting for Odin to kick the bucket because despite him being as old as he was, he was surprisingly more powerful than he had expected. Even more so than their estimates.

Just thinking about the future makes his head hurt and he was not even the main partition, he thought to himself as he placed Strange's body on a bed he had conjured for him in one of the trainee living rooms.

He then swiftly congealed the CHI into a single ball and placed it right above Strange's heart. Casting a spell, he watched on as the small ball of CHI slowly dripped liquid CHI right above Strange's heart where the affected cells were gobbling it up, slowly healing Strange's body from the purple cell affliction.

Man, Bast truly was a cruel Goddess. Casting a curse on the vibranium, disallowing anyone aside from people born in Wakanda or at least having a single parent born in Wakanda, to use the Vibranium and the Heart-Shaped Herb to enhance themselves and become super humans.

He had no feasible way of removing that curse without attracting her attention and more importantly, her wrath so he kept the curse as is and focused on healing the immediate damage done.

Strange should be more than capable of removing that curse himself once he becomes a competent enough Sorcerer anyway. All he had to do was make sure he did so in an accelerated time frame because the window they had this time was even smaller than the one Ed knew about.

Meanwhile back on Asgard


Watching this drama was entertaining at first but it swiftly turned into a string of alarming questions for himself.

Why was Odin shrouded in Odin Force?

Why was Jane's arm covered in a Dark Reddish mist that was capable of fighting with the Odin Force on equal grounds?

What was Odin doing when they came here?

Why would he remain in such a compromising position when we were there in the palace, arguably the strongest people on Asgard aside from Odin himself?

He didn't get the answers he was looking for because, under the hawkish gaze of Eir, Odin was taken out of the now ruined chambers by Alfred's spiderbots that continued to bathe Odin in enough CHI to make a normal human being explode multiple times over.

"Can someone please explain to me what is happening?" Eir said even as she continued to cast multiple diagnostic spells on Odin, on top of the ones that Alfred had already cast for everyone to see.

Frigga's resigned sigh was heard by everyone as she replied," Eir, Odin is being given concentrated life force, that's it. No advanced treatment is being offered to him here aside from helping his body heal itself. With the amount of energy he is receiving, his body will swiftly heal the minor damage due to the spell backlash and he will be conscious in no time."

"Yeah, we have some questions. About Jane and himself," Alfred said as he looked at the other patient they were carrying with them to another healing chamber that was on the other side of the palace. Jane was not being bombarded with anything close to Odin's level of CHI but there were still diagnostic spells around her cast by Alfred as Thor fussed over her prone form.

"What is happening, Alfred?" He communicated with Alfred using Toby as a common link between them, allowing him in their conversation as well.

"Something is wrong with the Aether, Ed. You told me that Jane would get the Aether which would have a mind of its own due to the corruption of the Dark Elves. Unfortunately, what I am sensing is completely different. Jane somehow has Odin Force in her body,"

He missed a step as he heard that, barely stopping himself from tripping.

"Well, isn't that normal? I could feel the amount of energy that the old man was throwing around and with the way she was bleeding, huge amounts of energy must have been left in her body." Toby said even as they walked together with Frigga and Eir.

"No, it is not Odin's energy. I would have been able to identify it easily. It is something much older and that energy is actually stopping the Aether from taking control over Jane's entire body. It is mainly isolated to only her arm and a part of her chest right now and that is due to the golden energy acting as a shield for the rest of her body. Also, it is doing something with the CHI I am giving it."


His sentiments were mirrored by Toby as well, "What?"

"The Golden energy is slowly, but surely, consuming the excess CHI and converting Jane's human body into that of an Asgardian and not just any Asgardian. An Asgardian of royal lineage. Jane Foster is about to become a whole lot stronger than before."

He kept his shock well hidden at the news.

Well, this provided them with a very unique opportunity. He could probably allow Odin to extract Aether and with Jane being Asgardian this time, the process could probably allow her to live but where was the fun in that?

Allowing Jane to harness the power of the Aether, one of the Six Infinity Stones, while removing the corruption on it would increase their chances in the final fight massively.

Thinking things through, he hurriedly contacted Alfred.

"Alfred, we have to-"

"Yeah, I know. Jane will have to be trained at Kamar Taj and coincidentally, she will have Strange for company as well. The chances of us winning just increased, albeit marginally," Alfred communicated back as they finally reached the other healing chambers of the palace

He internally sighed in relief at that news.

They needed all the help they were going to get and by the time Thanos reached Earth, Jane, with the right training, would probably have reached A-rank by ease and with enough luck, maybe even pseudo-S-rank.

This trip was turning out to be more fruitful than he had imagined.

Word Count - 2291
If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.
Technomancer in MCU #103 New
Disclaimer - I don't own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 103

Technomancer in MCU

Royal Healing Wing, Royal Palace, Asgard


All of them waited for Odin to wake up in the Royal Healing Chamber. All of them were sitting on comfortable chairs that Alfred had conjured in front of the two beds on which Odin and Jane were sleeping.

Multiple spider bots kept hovering over the prone forms of both Jane and Odin, projecting images of their vitals for everyone to see. He was not sure when Jane would wake up, given that her vitals had long since stabilised with her being actively being turned into a pure-blood Asgardian due to whatever was inside her.

He was curious as to what was the energy inside her, changing her from within. He was aware that a God King could, theoretically, turn any being into an Asgardian but doing that would require immense power, something that Odin did have but he did not have the motive to do so.

Not to mention that Alfred himself had confirmed that the energy signature was not Odin's. It was very similar but not the same. It also felt older than Odin's energy for some reason. That narrowed the suspect list to just Bor and Buri, the predecessors of Odin.

Alfred was of the opinion of sending Jane to Earth immediately but he had shot down that idea immediately because Thor would not leave Jane out of his sight even for a minute, not even if his father ordered him. He was strangely smitten with her for some reason. He never really understood Thor's love for her, even if he understood the beginning of it.

They never really had any common ground and with Jane being a mortal human, even Thor should have realised that the possibility of them being in a long-term relationship would dwindle as the days passed by, turning Jane into an old woman whereas Thor would remain the same. Their first encounter with each other was when Thor was at his lowest and Jane was someone who had provided comfort food and housing for him when he had crash-landed on Earth after being banished by his father. That he could understand but everything after that was a huge confusing mess for him.

They had theoretically known each other for over 8 years now but he didn't think they had spent even a year of those 8 years together.

Odin's stance, on the other hand, that Thor should just spare himself the heartbreak and leave the mortal woman before it ended badly, was pragmatic and something that ALfred would wholeheartedly agree with but now?

Now Jane herself was turning into an Asgardian, probably the strongest woman in Asgard aside from Frigga herself, once she got the hang of being an Asgardian that is.

"How long, Alfred?" He heard Frigga ask someone, probably Alfred or Eir since both of them were working on monitoring Jane and Odin with their own methods. So far, it looked like Alfred's methods were giving out faster and more accurate answers than Eir's methods, something that seemed to excite her more and more instead of angering her.

It was refreshing to see someone who had reached the pinnacle of her field, not acting arrogantly once someone challenges her practice.

"We don't know yet. Physically, both of them are more than fine. There was a considerable amount of spiritual backlash on Odin when you severed their connection. His body has been healed but there is little CHI can do in terms of healing injuries related to the soul. Thankfully, Odin's soul is one of the strongest in the universe so he should wake up anytime now. I don't know what is stopping him but with the trend in his mental activity, we should have results in an hour or so." Alfred said even as he continued to look at the results he was getting from his diagnosis.

"And Jane?" Thor stepped in to ask Eir who had been monitoring Jane obsessively. He was sure that she had arrived at the same conclusion that Alfred had arrived at earlier, just that the signs of the change happening must have been visible only now to her.

It must have been an unbelievable sight for her, witnessing a mortal transforming into an Asgardian and not just any Asgardian, a pure-blooded Asgardian.

"Sh-She is, this is something I have never seen happen before," Eir stuttered out her words, something he was sure was a rarity on Asgard.

"What happened to her, Eir?" Frigga asked her.

"I don't know how to explain it but she is..turning into an Asgardian."

"What?" "What?"

Thor and Frigga exclaimed at the same time.

Frigga immediately stepped forward and cast her own spells on Jane.

Her brows furrowed immediately once the spells had been cast on Jane.

"This should be impossible and yet…" Frigga said before turning to an anxious Thor.

"This is unlike anything I have ever witnessed but Jane Foster is no longer a mortal and will soon be indistinguishable from a natural-born Asgardian. At least that's what I am getting from my spells."

"What? How can that happen? Is she in any danger?" Thor barraged Alfred and Eir with questions before he was stopped by Alfred.

"Don't worry about her, Thor. She is completely fine. She is in the process of becoming an Asgardian, something that would undoubtedly help you win over your father's approval. As I understand, the primary reason for your father's opposition to your relationship with Jane was due to her mortal state. Now that she would soon become an Asgardian, he would not let her leave Asgard even if she wanted to."

The entire room looked at Alfred as he looked at Thor and flashed him a rare smile and clapped his shoulders.

"Congratulations are in order."

Thor's smile seemed nervous, "Uh..Thanks?"

Then his smile dimmed as he said, "But Jane has not yet awakened and we don't know what is wrong with her body until Father wakes up,"

"Ugh," Odin's groan of pain brought everybody's attention back to Odin who was now waking up from the bed. Seemingly annoyed by the presence of the spiderbots, Odin casually flicked his hand and as if something had pressed them from all sides, the bots were crushed into scrap and tossed aside.

"Steady Steady" Frigga said as she helped Odin sit properly on the bed.

"What happened out there? And why is the Palace trashed? Why are the defenses in shambles?" Odin asked Frigga who promptly gave him the details of what had transpired outside the Royal Palace when he was under a trance. Gotta hand it to Odin, he figured out what was wrong with the palace within seconds of waking up from a small magical coma that his body had induced itself to accelerate the healing process.

"Dark Elves? I hope they are extinct for good this time?" Odin asked Thor who looked a little conflicted but still nodded in confirmation. Odin then unexpectedly looked towards a corner of the room, not saying anything.

After a while, the corner glitched as Loki undid the illusion he was using to stay hidden in the room.

Loki looked directly into Odin's eyes as he gave a small nod to Odin.

Okay, something was seriously different from what he knew their relationship dynamic to be. Odin would have never turned to Loki, especially after he had invaded Earth and destroyed the Rainbow Bridge beforehand.

Odin then looked towards the ceiling but it seemed like he was looking farther than that as his eyes glazed over. All of them stood there waiting for him to say anything but even after a couple minutes passed, he didn't say anything.

That was when Frigga gently shook him, 'What is it?"

Odin's eyes gained clarity as he looked at Frigga, "Nothing, my love."

Then Odin looked at the sleeping Jane and his brows furrowed as he stood up from his bed and placed his hand above her. It slowly began glowing golden even as Odin himself began sweating.

Thor took a step forward to ask what was going on but Frigga raised her arm and stopped him.

What Odin was doing was taking an astronomical amount of energy, judging by the helpful metrics that Alfred had supplied to him using the bond that him and Toby shared.

Soon, the golden glow that suffused his arm congealed to form a small disc in front of his arm which then enlarged to form a blanket of sorts that fell on top of Jane's form. The blanket of golden light was absorbed by Jane's body, lighting up her body with a thin golden glow.

Then, as soon as the golden glow receded, Jane's eyes fluttered open. Thor all but teleported to her side even as Eir continued to cast diagnostic spells to make sure that Jane was fine.

Oh, he was sure that Jane was going to be fine. After all, from whatever scans Alfred was doing, that were visible to him through their link, Jane was now a bonafide Asgardian. Not even a hint of her previous heritage remained.

Odin must have accelerated her transformation using the Odin Force.

"Now," He looked at Odin as he announced to everyone, "I am sure everybody has their questions. I assume the Throne is fine? Yes? Then let's go there."

Saying so, Odin left the chambers, followed by Frigga and Loki, in his cloaked form.

Thor chose to stay with Jane as she was still a little disoriented from her coma and Eir was not exactly the friendliest person on Asgard.


Once all of them were in the Throne room, Odin banged Gungnir on the floor and as if a hidden switch had been turned on, the entire room was covered in a thin golden barrier that glowed with tiny runes.

Honestly, Asgardians and their never-ending obsession with all things golden.

"I heard that you were responsible for defending the palace," Odin said while looking at Alfred.

"And you were responsible for vanquishing the Dark Elves, for good this time," Odin then pointed at Toby who looked as carefree as ever.

"Yes, AllFather," Alfred replied.

"Yes." Toby's response was curt.

It must have been the atmosphere of the room otherwise Alfred would have never called Odin "All-Father" of his own volition.

Odin then contemplated something before abruptly looking at him right in the eyes. He would not lie, it made him flinch minutely at the attention.

Gaining the attention of the strongest being in the nine realms was not a particularly desirable situation for him or anyone for that matter.

Before he could say anything though, Odin looked back towards Frigga and then back at Alfred and Toby.

"Speak. What do you wish in return?"

Alfred and Toby both looked at each other in confusion. It would seem that both of them were also caught flat-footed by Odin's move. He had expected for Odin to explain what had happened back in the chamber when they had found him or at least about the backlash that he must have suffered when the spell was severed by Frigga.

But no, he simply glossed over that topic as if it didn't exist at all.

Seeing that Odin had no intention of explaining anything, Alfred stepped forward and said, "I have the same wish as before. I wish for Asgard's help to heal Ed. I have the procedure down to the last minute detail but having the foremost magical experts of Asgard looking at them will always help. Not to mention that there are some things that can not be done on Earth. For that, I wish to borrow Asgard's safe space so the ritual can go smoothly, without interruption."

Odin looked straight at Alfred as he said, "So you still wish to go through with that insanity of a ritual? Do you have any idea what kind of forces you will be playing with?"

Alfred remained steadfast in his pitch. "I am aware and I assure you, things will not go to the point you are expecting them to."

Odin scoffed, "I will be the judge of that. And what about you?" He then asked Toby.

Toby shrugged and said, "Me? I don't need anything at the moment. I just need someone strong to fight. That can be you or Ed once he is healed. It's all up to you."

Odin muttered under his breath, "I don't know why I expected anything different from a demon host,"

"Very well, Asgard will aid its allies as its allies had done for her." Odin declared before slamming Gungnir down on the floor once again, removing the privacy curtains.

Taking the cue, all of them dismissed themselves and came out of the throne room.

"Man, that was intense, huh? Who knew the Old man still had it in him?" Toby said as soon as the doors to the throne room were shut.

Alfred and he both deadpanned at him in reply.

Word Count - 2178
If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my
P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.
Ed is like a YouTuber reaction content creator, cause that's all he does in this story, say shit other people are thinking and watch them do stuff, Alfred is literally his replacement why you would do that to your mc? Idk

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