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It was dusk on a cool Saturday evening as Rosalina walked out of the movie theater. Her black...


Getting out there.
Feb 4, 2022
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It was dusk on a cool Saturday evening as Rosalina walked out of the movie theater. Her black canvas sneakers were worn on the sides and wrinkled as she stepped onto the sidewalk. She was more than ready to go home, and had already begun the process of removing her work clothes as she stripped off the vest on the outside of her dark red t-shirt. She had already removed the hair tie from her fiery crimson-colored hair, and it fell down to her shoulders in its usual fluffy, wavy pattern, a small streak of dark purple falling over her left eye. She brushed it out of the way with her hand as she held her cell phone in the other, already dialing.

She was 24 years old, with a Bachelor's degree in biology, and all she had to show was a lousy movie theater job, yet somehow, she managed to find someone who didn't care, and made enough money of his own to split their rent.

"Hey, babe." A small, slightly masculine voice spoke up on the other end. She could hear what sounded like gunshots and zombie noises in the background.

"Hey, hun. I got off early today, so I'm headed home. Want me to pick up dinner?" She spoke softly, smiling and shaking her head. Her voice was firm and confident, with an air of sass to it, but it still maintained a friendly, light tone that seemed to balance itself immaculately.

"I was actually thinking of making something here. We have pasta and...uh..." he trailed off as the sounds in the background got louder.

"Jamie...hun...it's nearly 9 p.m." She giggled a bit as she continued through the shopping mall surrounding the theater. Normally, the bustle of the place got her excited, and made her want to go buy new clothes, since she tended to get bored of the same old wardrobe after a while, but right now the shops were closed up, with metal grates slid down over the entrances. It was kind of eerie and quiet most nights after closing, which is why she called Jamie on her walk to her car most nights in order to keep her company, since his voice gave her a sense of solace just by hearing it.

"So? It's like fifteen minutes to heat up the water, babe. Just come home. I miss you." He held the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he continued playing, eliciting a slight eye roll from Rosie as she heard the TV in the background.

'Aw, if you say so. Hun, didn't we talk about not having your games up so loud? You're gonna piss off the neighbors." She waved to one of the shopkeepers closing up across the hall as she walked past, the legs of her skinny jeans making a swooshing noise with each step.

"Eh, what have they ever done anyway? But fine, I'll turn it down. You gonna get your cute butt home soon?"

"Pfft. Yeah. On my way to my car n-oh my gosh..." As she spoke, she saw something in the corner of her eye and stopped for a moment in front of the back exit to the mall.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Dude...this outfit." She walked up closer to a slightly geeky clothing store nearby. In the window was a feminine-framed mannequin with a sky blue crop top, short shorts, and a blue bow in its hair, with suspenders over the waist that cross marked each other in an X pattern. "It's so hot...I could pull this off. My chest isn't really big enough, but I have the hair for it."

"Are you fantasizing again?" He smirked on the other end, used to these antics from her.

"Pfft, noooo. Just saw this super sexy outfit. You know Skyla from Pokemon?"

"The flying type trainer, yeah. What about her?"

"I might have to come back here tomorrow..." She bit her lip a little as she looked at it, imagining herself in it

"You horndog." Jamie liked to tease her a little. He knew she wasn't all the promiscuous, but that didn't stop him from calling her out on her ways.

Night began to fall darker as she stared up at the mannequin. "God..." She shook her head and began to walk off, meanwhile, the sky grew darker as more and more stars began to shine bright above her on her way out the back exit. "You ever see stuff and it just makes you think, like...'damn, I'd give up everything to be able to go anywhere I liked just by thinking about it...'"

At the very second she said this, a shooting star fell high above her head, twinkling out at the end of its life as she finished her thought, seeming to sparkle just for her in its own unique way.

"I guess so. I never really thought about it." He spoke into the phone with a slight shrug, and continued shooting zombies loudly in the background. But no one answered. "Umm...babe? You there?" Nothing. He paused the game and sat up, suddenly concerned. "Rosie? Rosalina, are you okay? Do I need to call someone?"


"Huh? What did...where...?" Rosie stood still as the call was abruptly cut short, and the whole courtyard seemed to open up before her. "Jamie? I don't...are you there? What ha-" She stopped herself as she realized she wasn't even holding her phone anymore. In fact, she had nothing in her hands at all. Her vest was gone as well. As she stood in the...grass? She could swear it was concrete before, but...come to think of it, it seemed like her shoes were gone too, and she felt a shiver as a cool breeze hit her bare skin.

Rosalina looked down at herself and a sudden wave of utter horror washed over her. She was completely naked. Her small, perky B-cups were completely visible, along with the small, red patch of pubic hair between her legs.

"W-what the fuck?!" Rosie's face turned redder than her hair as she hunched over, covering herself with her arms and looking around desperately. "Fuck fuck fuck, what the fuck?!" She ran over to a tree nearby and hid behind it, her bare feet nearly slipping in the slightly wet grass. Her breath was rapid and inconsistent as she put her back against the tree, her chest rising and falling with her back against he bark.

"This is a dream. I passed out and...and this is one of those freaky naked dreams...it has to be." She looked down at her body, her bare, perky breasts with hard nipples from the cool night air, and poked one of them slightly, watching the mild jiggle as she tried to catch her breath. "Awfully real for a dream....fuck...was I drugged or something? Oh God..." She looked around to get her bearings suddenly, having the terrible thought that she was in some slasher movie scenario, being chased by some freak with an axe. Luckily, she was a virgin, she thought, so she might make it after all.

But why was she naked? She had no way of knowing that as she peeked around the trunk of the tree, her bare butt poking out toward the woods behind her. She had to at least figure out where she was and maybe find something to wear.

In front of her was a short trail, that looked like the bike trails behind her apartment. It was well kept, with just a few weeds poking through the dirt at certain points, and evidence of use. As it went on, it led into what appeared to be a large, metropolitan city, with a skyline on the horizon with bright fluorescent lights on the tall, high-rise buildings. In fact, the area she was standing in now seemed to just be a clearing between two towns, rather than an actual forest. She glanced around further, and saw bike racks, road markers, and...were those...mouse ears? She couldn't be sure, because the tall grass across the path was too thick to see through, but she was almost certain she saw some big, round mouse ears. She leaned forward from behind the tree and squinted her eyes as she watched the shapes move, wiggling a little, until a couple more of them appeared behind them. Her eyes grew wide a little as she saw that there seemed to be a whole family of them. They looked cute, with the way their round ears twitched and wiggled, and she could even see their tails poking out. She was slightly amazed, despite her nudity making her feel incredibly edgy and vulnerable, which made it impossible for her to be fully immersed.

Any immersion she did have was immediately cut off, however, as she heard a frightening noise behind her.


"Aaiiiiieee!" Rosie turned around immediately and covered herself, her face a bright crimson. "I-I-I'm not...I can..!" She squirmed in shame as she looked around, but to her surprise, no one was there. At least, not a person. It was a small, squirrel-like creature with black and white fur, a bushy tail, and sure enough, round, bulbous ears. She shook her head suddenly, unable to believe what she was seeing.

"Molga?" It turned its head gently as it ran off into the woods, leaping off a tree and gliding for a moment with its webbed arms. Rosie noticed a light yellow spark come off of its cheeks, which seemed to confirm her suspicions. She had just seen a real, live, Pokemon. In fact...she even knew which one it was. She'd read the Pokemon manga for years, and watched her boyfriend play the games. It was an Emolga. Native to the Unova region. Which meant the city she saw in the distance was probably Castelia City. In fact, the bright lights and nearly constant rumbling noise that seemed to emanate from it only made her more confident.

"What the fuck? What the actual-" Before her utter confusion at how she ended up inside a video game could take hold, and before she could even fathom any of the implications of this, she heard a pair of bike wheels rolling down the track in her direction, accompanied by some innocent-sounding whistling as it approached.

Oh shit, Rosie...what are you supposed to do? Maybe they can help! Or...maybe they're dangerous. Don't forget, you are naked...maybe they have some spare clothes? What do I do? What do I do?!

[] Cover up and approach them. Stay calm and explain herself. Maybe they have some extra clothes.
[] Gesture from behind the tree and see if they might come closer to help.
[] Hide in the grass and hope they pass by without noticing. Who knows what they might do?
[] Act like everything is normal and greet them as she is. After all, this has to be a dream, right?
[] Write-in (be reasonable)
Awesome work, love the writing. Can't wait to see where the story continues and love that Pokémon was the first world she entered.

Act like everything is normal and greet them as she is. After all, this has to be a dream, right?
Last edited:
As awesome as I expected from the Great Twilight Thorn ^^

I vote; Act like everything is normal and greet them as she is. After all, this has to be a dream, right?
YES! This has just made my morning. Quality ENF content is rarer than hen's teeth.

[X] Hide in the grass and hope they pass by without noticing. Who knows what they might do?

No, I don't want a random stranger to help solve our nudity problem. We skyclad now!
YES! This has just made my morning. Quality ENF content is rarer than hen's teeth.

[X] Hide in the grass and hope they pass by without noticing. Who knows what they might do?

No, I don't want a random stranger to help solve our nudity problem. We skyclad now!

Heehee, well don't worry, I have no intention of making clothing be easy to come by for her, trust me. You can vote for the options that might seem like they'll lead to her being clothed, and you will more than likely be pleasantly surprised.
Hey guys! I promise this is still going, (I will hopefully be updating it today), just been busy with life and work/school.

With that being said, I have been trying to figure out how to increase the voting options, and maybe add both dialogue options and options for what she does, but I'm not totally sure how to implement that. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
[X] Act like everything is normal and greet them as she is. After all, this has to be a dream, right?
[X] Act like everything is normal and greet them as she is. After all, this has to be a dream, right?

Relax, Rosie. You're dreaming. This is one of those creepy naked dreams, you just passed out and now you're dreaming. You've read about this before. Lucid dreaming? You were more tired than you thought, and you probably passed out. You're gonna wake up in your bed in just a few minutes, right next to Jamie. And if this is a dream...well...I can do anything I like! With no consequences.

Rosie held her breath for a moment as she gathered her thoughts, and then appeared from behind the tree, walking with purpose toward the trail with a confident smile on her face. Despite the obvious sensation of the grass on her bare feet, and the cool breeze on her body, she had still convinced herself that she was vividly dreaming. Nothing could stop her.

"Um....h-hi!" She walked out from the woods, waving at the person approaching, who seemed to be wheeling a cart in front of them. It was a man, probably about middle-aged, with a small, frilled top and a pair of cargo shorts and sandals on his feet.

"Hello, miss!" He waved back as he got closer, startled a bit as he noticed her utter lack of clothing. He averted his eyes for a moment as he stopped on the trail. "Oh! I do apologize, I...I didn't realize..."

"Whoa...he's so lifelike." Rosie stepped closer, smiling a little as she stood proudly in front of him, letting her whole body be on display for him, complete with her fiery bush and perky B-cups. "Hi, mister...um..." What do I even say? Should I try to get him to wake me up? "I...I think I'm like...dreaming?" She stood in front of the man, who practically towered over him like most people did, as she stood at just 5 foot 1.

"Um...well, I don't know about that, miss..." He trailed off a bit as he eyed Rosie's body up and down, giving her a slight chill down her back as she felt his eyes take in her every inch from head to toe. She had a slight sinking feeling that maybe she was totally wrong about this after all. But how was that possible?

She shook her head as she followed the man down the trail, peering into his wagon. It was full of what appeared to be various textile objects with colorful patterns and fur on them. She felt a little mortified and awkward as she wondered where they might have come from. Does this guy skin Pokemon??

"W-wait...is this...like...real?"

"Well, I mean, I think the same sometimes, myself, but I assure, you, miss, there is nothing strange afoot. Are you alright? Did you have a run-in with a Musharna recently?

"Musharna? Like the psychic type?" Rosie had a lingering sense of dread that slowly crept up on her as they spoke. Was this real after all? Had she made a horrible mistake? She found herself slowing down a little and moving her arms closer to her privates instinctively.

"Yep. There have been stories about people's Pokemon going missing recently, and a big rise in the population of Musharna in these woods recently. Believe it or not, you are not the first person to wind up lost out here, but...you are the first to be so...naked.

Rosie stopped in her tracks and blushed profusely. "W-wait...so, this...isn't a dream...." She stared down at her nude body, her face growing pinker than ever as she hunched over and covered herself with her arms. "Oh my GOD! I thought it was...I thought I....h-hey, you have to help me!"

"I, uh..." He scratched his head as he looked down at his wares in the wagon, and back at her. "W-what am I supposed to do?"

Rosie looked up at him with a frustrated frown. "Umm, some clothes, maybe?!"

"Oh, uh..." He looked down at the wagon, which had nothing but small fragments of various cloth fabrics inside. Nothing wearable, or even big enough to cover her. "Um...I'm afraid I'm actually running short on my usual wears right now..."

"What? You're a...a trapper...or like...you skin Pokemon or whatever, right? You don't have anything I can wear?" She hid close behind him as he continued down the route, in the direction of the city. Her arms were up against her chest, and a hand over her pussy as she cowered behind him.

"Whaat? Arceus no, I don't skin Pokemon. These are just my current designs, I like to model my wares after Pokemon patterns. This piece I was working on is modeled after a Pikachu." He held up a small piece of bright yellow fabric with black stripes near the top. "But I had to stop my work when my Cottonee that I use to make these disappeared. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the Musharna sightings here in these woods. They don't usually hang around here, but something has been disturbing them.

"Okay, yeah, great, man, listen...I'm begging you here." Rosie stood in front of him, uncovering her chest to put a hand on the man's shoulder. "I don't know how I got here, but I need to get home. I have...no idea how I'm supposed to do that, but before I try to figure that out, um...I'd...kinda like to not be naked...you understand me?"

"I do, ma'am, but I'm afraid I have nothing but scraps in here. As long as I don't have my Cottonee, I can't make you anything." He shrugged and pushed past her, leaving her on her own as he walked away with his cart. "I do wish you the best of luck, though, miss."

"What? H-hey..." Rosie covered up again and followed him, feeling incredibly vulnerable and increasingly frustrated now. "W-where are you going? Is this how your mother raised you?! You see a naked chick on the road asking for help and you leave me behind?"

"Listen, hun, I'd love to help, but if my wife sees me with someone like you, that'll be the end of it. I am already late coming home, and we have a hard conversation about our rent payments coming up soon, so I really must be going."

"Ugh." Rosie stood behind the man as he walked away again, still covering herself, and growing even more frustrated. She was already lost and confused as it was, but to be naked on top of it...either way, it was clear that this man would be of no help to her right now. But still, she didn't want to be alone like this. She felt so vulnerable, and as night fell further, she shivered a bit from the chilly air. "Hey, wait up! Man, listen, okay...c-can you at least...could you maybe...get me something to wear in town, and bring it out to me? I hate to ask, I just...don't want to go in there like this, and well, I have no money."

"Didn't you hear me, miss? Without my Cottonee, I can't make clothes, and without my clothes, I barely have enough to keep the lights on."

She pleaded with him more now, neglecting to even cover herself as she spoke. "I...okay..I get it. You need your Cottonee." She had an idea. Cottonee produce a cotton-like substance, so if he was around here somewhere, and she could find him...maybe she could get it to make her a dress or something to wear. "Do you know where he might be?"

The man sighed. "If I did, I wouldn't be having this issue, now would I?"

"I...okay, that's fair." She trailed off for a moment, her legs bowing a little from the cold and her lingering shame as she held a hand against her crotch to hide her bush. "W-where was the last place you saw him?"

"He was with me. Just today, not even a few hours ago, and then...suddenly he just wasn't. I blame those Musharna that have been creeping around, I think they kidnapped my poor Pokemon. Either that, or it was that Team Plasma coming back again. I'd heard they were up to their old tricks again."

"Team Plasma...right. They're the evil team in this game."

"Game? Miss, what are you-"

"Nothing." A thought was forming in Rosie's mind. There was this old show her dad used to watch where this guy would leap to different time periods and had to help people make their lives better if he wanted to go home. Maybe this was something like that. As far as she knew, she didn't have any weird science experiments done with her, but...it was all she had right now. Hopefully she could find some clothes along the way, but she had to get home, first things first. It was the only thing she knew. "S-so...if I can find this Cottonee...you'll help me?"

"Well, yes. I'd be happy to reward you, I miss him dearly."

"Alright. I'll...see what I can do."

"If you hear anything...go to the Castelia Tailor and ask for Milton. That's me. They'll know where to send you."

"Y-you got it." She covered herself tightly as she stood to the side of the trail, her face flushed as she noticed him looking at her, but she tried to keep her smile.

God dammit, that was a bust...but I got a lead. Two of them. No clothes, though...hopefully those will come soon. I have to pray. Two places I can check now...


[] Head back into the woods and see what she finds there, maybe a lead on the Musharna?
[] Head into town and ask about Team Plasma, since they seem to be involved in all of this.
[] See if she can make something to preserve her modesty first out of whatever might be around: leaves, grass...mud?
Rosalina Kisuragi - Bio
I realize I forgot to provide a bio for our protagonist, so here's one now:

Rosalina Kisuragi


Rosalina, affectionately called "Rosie" by her friends and family, is a 24-year-old college graduate with a degree in biology. Despite this, and her recurring interest in the field, she had trouble finding work, and eventually ended up settling for a job at the local movie theater. She is very personable and well liked by her coworkers and customers, often making light small talk with them about the movies, and even sneaking in a few free screenings for herself and her partner.

Rosie is half Japanese on her father's side, and has Irish descent on her mother's, which is where both her last name and her natural red hair comes from. Her parents had high expectations of her, and she had to sacrifice a lot to push herself through her college-level courses in high school and come out with grades high enough to get into college. Despite this, however, Rosie still found ways to maintain her social life, often sneaking out at night to hang out with her best friend or meet various boys for joyrides in their parents' car. As a teenager, Rosie was very rebellious overall, and had a tendency to talk back to her teachers and other staff members, in stark contrast to the way she treated her friends and partners, which would often be very kind and understanding.

Despite her rebellion, Rosie still maintained good grades, and her teachers routinely told her parents that she was a brilliant student, she was just a bit indifferent to the rules, and didn't seem to respect authority. Over the years however, and as of today, Rosie's demeanor has calmed down quite a bit. She tends to be a lot more understanding and patient with people so long as they treat her with respect, but as soon as someone calls her out or says something remotely rude, she's likely to come back with a rude gesture or remark almost impulsively, often to the dismay of whoever she's with.

Romantically, Rosie is very open and outward about her interests, often talking to her friends and coworkers about boys she finds attractive, and/or her celebrity crushes. Despite her rebellious look in many ways, Rosie is usually more attentive to the more introverted, nerdy guys, seeing them as something of a lost soul that needs to be picked up and taken care of; something that often leads to very one-sided relationships for her, unfortunately. That was, until she met her current partner, (name), who served to be independent and assertive enough to challenge her, while still being the kind, shy soft boy she always wanted.

Personality-wise, Rosie is somewhat deceptively outgoing. She carries herself as someone who doesn't enjoy social interaction, but she will gladly talk someone's ear off as long as they don't bother her while she's working or seem outwardly disrespectful to her or her colleagues and friends. She enjoys talking about movies, anime, and even sometimes video games, though she doesn't usually play those herself, often just watching her partner play instead, and commenting on their gameplay the entire time.

For her hobbies, Rosie enjoys writing and doodling in her journal, listening to music on her phone, and reading manga. She especially enjoys horror series and slasher movies as well, even if they freak her out a little more than she might want to admit, which is why she has her partner there to snuggle her while they watch them together. Having a degree in biology, Rosie also takes interest in animals, specifically frogs and various types of flowers and plants, and even has a pet axolotl that she keeps at home named Long Boy.

As mentioned before, Rosie is very interested in music as well; she knows how to play the guitar, and has even practiced the drums a bit, though she prefers the former, and doesn't own a drum set. She really likes pop punk, emo, and heavy metal bands like Metallica, blink-182, Evanescence, Paramore, to name a few. She also dabbles in a few J-pop bands, especially anime theme songs, since she knows a bit of Japanese herself due to her dual heritage.

Rosie is not fluent in Japanese, and is largely estranged from many traditional Japanese customs, but she still has a decent amount of knowledge about the country and its history thanks in part to her father and her own research. One custom she does adhere to, however, mostly for the sake of cleanliness, is that she never wears shoes in the house, spending her time barefoot more often than not. She doesn't enforce this rule on her partner, necessarily, though they do tend to follow suit anyway.
Love the continuation of Rosie's adventure, curious to see what happens next in her journey.

[] Head back into the woods and see what she finds there, maybe a lead on the Musharna?
Hmmm... Im gonna have to go with...

See if she can make something to preserve her modesty first out of whatever might be around: leaves, grass...mud?

She might be able to scrape something together, but I doubt it would last too long anyway. But at least she could try ^^
[X] Head back into the woods and see what she finds there, maybe a lead on the Musharna?

Reject modernity, return to nature.
[X] Head back into the woods and see what she finds there, maybe a lead on the Musharna?
[X] Head back into the woods and see what she finds there, maybe a lead on the Musharna?

Oh my god, I can't believe this...I'm stranded in the Unova region! Normally, I'd be thrilled, my partner and I love this game! Except I'm naked. Completely and utterly naked. Not a stitch on me, and to make things worse, someone already saw me, and now I'm about to head into the woods without a clue of what I might find...God, I'm so vulnerable. And cold. Someone help me...

Rosie backed away toward the trees once more, silently cursing herself as her bare feet left prints in the trail. "Fuck me, man...this is a nightmare..." She shivered a little as she approached the trees, her arms crossed over her breasts, leaving her fiery red crotch hair completely visible as she stepped into the trees. Her skin was covered in gooseflesh from the cool breeze as she marched forward, grateful at least for the general privacy the forest might provide, but equally terrified of the dangers it might hold.

She could hear the chattering of what sounded like cicadas growing ever louder with every step as she moved deeper into the trees, but logic told her they were probably Ninjask, who would likely be mating this time of year, much like cicadas in real life. God, Rosie, get a life. Her nerves made her jittery and paranoid as every tiny rustle of leaves made her jump and she could swear she could hear voices. She was already a bit jumpy on her own, but being naked only confounded it even more. Combined with the chilly wind and her bare feet on the rough forest floor, she was starting to panic a little bit.

As she walked further along, moved purely by her own adrenaline, she whimpered a little from sheer desperation, her arms crossed tightly over her breasts. She began to think about home, and Jamie, and her pet Axolotl that was waiting for her, and wanted nothing more than to be there, snuggled up on the couch watching anime or playing some games while he held her close and kissed her on the cheek. She closed her eyes and smiled briefly as she thought about this, momentarily losing herself in her own consciousness, her feet still moving practically on their own.

That is, until they weren't. In her brief lapse in focus, Rosie stumbled over an exposed tree root and fell on her face in the dirt, her bare butt poking out toward the air for a moment as she sat up and spit it out from her mouth. "Pffft. Ugh. Dammit. This is getting me nowhere. Why did I think this was a good idea? I'm lost in the middle of nowhere now, and I'm still fucking naked. There's gotta...gotta be something I can use...anything remotely wearable..." She looked around at her surroundings as she sat on the ground, her back against a tree trunk and her knees up to her chest. It made her feel at least a little more modest, but also very small. She wanted to curl up right there and just be done with things. Let whatever was going to happen happen. She had a morbid thought for a moment that maybe if she...if something happened to her...maybe that would be her way back. But could she really bring herself to go through with it? What if she was wrong? She couldn't do that to Jamie...

Just as she started to stand up again, her second wind kicking in, she looked forward and noticed a billowing pillar of smoke in the near distance. If she knew anything about the wilderness, it was that wherever smoke could be seen, fire was sure to be present, and where there was fire, there would be people. She desperately didn't want to be seen again, but at the same time...it was the only sign of people she'd seen since she entered the woods. And there was always the chance the camp was abandoned. Maybe she could find some supplies and most importantly, clothes. Even if it wasn't, who's to say the people there wouldn't be friendly and willing to help her? It seemed like the best option to her.

Rosie stood up and carefully approached the smoke, hiding behind the nearby tree trunks and moving from cover to cover as she tried to get a view of things. She saw what looked like a large tent in the clearing as she got closer, and the fire was still lit. It was clearly very recently used, if not still currently occupied. A good sign, hopefully. Still, she was too nervous to approach any further, for the sake of running into someone and being seen once again, and her nerves were only aggravated further at the sight of a very familiar emblem on the side of the tent, which seemed uncharacteristically large just for camping.

A symbol of a shield with a blue letter "P" adorned with a mild Z-shaped slash behind it. She knew it like the back of her hand from all of her days watching Jamie play Pokemon. Team Plasma. They were seriously bad guys, but they had no reason to fear her, right? After all, they were basically just weird, misguided nature freaks who wanted to liberate Pokemon from human restraints. A noble cause, admittedly, but Rosie knew better. Still, they were people, and maybe they could help her. Or maybe they had something to do with why the Musharna were so agitated.

Rosie peeked from behind the tree trunk, her hands on either side of it as her head poked out from the side. She could see the fire crackling, with what looked like some kebabs being roasted on a stick suspended above it. She decided not to think about where the meat came from as she peered at the tent in front of her. It was the evening, so things were quiet, but she thought she could hear some movement inside, and the constant whir of a generator was hard to miss, as it seemed to power the artificial lights inside the large tent. It looked like something out of "Resident Evil".

Unfortunately, there was nothing in the way of clothes as far as she could see, but as she looked at the kebabs hanging over the fire, her stomach grumbled a bit. Not to mention her obvious curiosity over the contents of the tent. She had always been one to partake in free food whenever it was offered, and in this case, she'd be stealing it from the hands of an evil team of Pokemon thieves. She could live with that.

"Fuck it," she said as she darted from behind the trees, timing herself to make sure she could get there and back before someone came out. She jogged over to the fire and grabbed one of the kebabs, holding it in one hand and grinning to herself as she started to back away, only to stop in her tracks at the sudden sound of a dog barking that had started up next to her. "Oh shit...." She stood still, in utter shock as a large Houndour suddenly stood up from behind a nearby log, snarling at her. She slowly backed away, holding the kebab stick in front of her as the dark black canine figure loomed over her, gnashing its teeth.

"G-good boy. Ssshhhh. Please, shut up." The Pokemon continued to advance, barking once more as it got ever closer, and she began to panic. "Stop! Shhhut up! Please, I'm begging you!" She could see the commotion in the tent nearby as the dog began to alert the tenants. "Fuck off! Here!" In a brief moment of panic, she tossed the kebab off to the side, and the Houndour suddenly followed, changing course to chase after the food. She tried to run away in time, but it was too late. A short-statured woman appeared from inside the tent and smirked at Rosie.

"Well, then. A thief, huh? Always knew befriending this Houndour would pay off for us." The woman stood with her arms crossed in front of the campfire.

"Eep!" Rosie froze in place, swiftly covering herself with her arms as she stood still, completely frozen from intimidation. In front of her was a woman with dubious intentions, and on the other side, a Pokemon that had just had a little appetizer, and might be hungry for more. Rosie was overcome with humiliation and utter terror as she was stuck, naked and fearing for her life.

"What do you want? You here to steal our food? Is that it? Where are your Pokemon?" Strangely, the woman made no mention of Rosie's nudity, though she clearly noticed it, as she was eyeing her bare body as if trying her hardest to see through her arms and get a peek at her privates.

"I, um...I don't....have any..." Rosie blushed, glancing back at the Houndour, who was now picking at the stick after finishing his short meal. Her arms remained clutched desperately against her breasts and pussy, the only thing hiding them from view of the woman standing before her. "I...I can explain..."

Think, Rosie...think. Maybe she's being genuine. Maybe if you explain yourself, she'll understand. Not to mention, she might know something about the Musharna. You still need to figure that out. It might be your ticket home. Ohhh what do I say?


[] "It's been a rough day, I'm lost, naked, and very far from home, and I just wanted a quick meal. I didn't mean to steal from you." (Appeal to her sympathies, if she has any.)

[] "I'm actually here to join Team Plasma. I heard there was a camp out here somewhere, but I got a little lost on the way." (Maybe she can go undercover. After all, enlisting means uniforms...right?)

[] Make a break for it. Catch them off guard, and maybe she'll escape. It's a longshot, but it beats the alternative.
Hey everyone! I'm really sorry for my lateness with this update. I've been on spring break binging Tales of Arise, and I sorta let time get away from me, haha. I intend to update this more frequently from here on out, I promise! That being said, I would like to clarify that you don't know what I have planned for each option when I present them, so even if an option sounds like she's about to get clothes again, it doesn't mean that's the case. I want her to stay naked just as much as you guys do, within logical means, so don't let that stop you from choosing those options! Make her ask for clothes and see how she reacts when they are denied, or she's given something less than modest! Don't always just pick the obvious choice, I promise you she will rarely, if ever, be fully dressed on her adventures.
[X] Make a break for it. Catch them off guard, and maybe she'll escape. It's a longshot, but it beats the alternative.

Don't have high hopes of outrunning a dog, much less a Pokémon dog, but maybe we'll get lucky.

Ain't no sympathy to be found in these assholes, and asking to join the bad guys is a suboptimal move.
[X] Make a break for it. Catch them off guard, and maybe she'll escape. It's a longshot, but it beats the alternative.

Aight, the argument in favor of running is better than trying anything else. Let's see what happens
[X] "It's been a rough day, I'm lost, naked, and very far from home, and I just wanted a quick meal. I didn't mean to steal from you." (Appeal to her sympathies, if she has any.)
[X] "It's been a rough day, I'm lost, naked, and very far from home, and I just wanted a quick meal. I didn't mean to steal from you." (Appeal to her sympathies, if she has any.)
[X] "I'm actually here to join Team Plasma. I heard there was a camp out here somewhere, but I got a little lost on the way."
[X] "It's been a rough day, I'm lost, naked, and very far from home, and I just wanted a quick meal. I didn't mean to steal from you." (Appeal to her sympathies, if she has any.)
[X] Make a break for it. Catch them off guard, and maybe she'll escape. It's a longshot, but it beats the alternative.

Don't have high hopes of outrunning a dog, much less a Pokémon dog, but maybe we'll get lucky.

Ain't no sympathy to be found in these assholes, and asking to join the bad guys is a suboptimal move.

To be fair, she has no intention of actually joining up, she would only be doing it in the hopes of being given a uniform and maybe some information.
To be fair, she has no intention of actually joining up, she would only be doing it in the hopes of being given a uniform and maybe some information.
Putting it very bluntly, I would rather be caught naked than be caught wearing the uniform of a wanted criminal organization.
[X] "It's been a rough day, I'm lost, naked, and very far from home, and I just wanted a quick meal. I didn't mean to steal from you." (Appeal to her sympathies, if she has any.)
It's okay, Rosie. She might be evil, but she's still a person. Just be honest with her, and maybe she'll understand.

"It's been a rough day, I'm lost, naked, and very far from home, and I just wanted a quick meal. I didn't mean to steal from you." Rosie quivered a little as she covered her nudity with her arms, and flashed what she hoped looked like a friendly smile to the woman, who stood before her now with her hands on her hips and a slightly unenthused expression on her face.

"Okay, and...I'm just supposed to take pity on you? We aren't some charity organization you can just come and take things from." As she spoke, the Houndour stood up and growled at Rosie again, causing her to jump in a panic, showing her bare butt to the woman.

"H-hey! Can you control your stupid dog, please?!" She jumped away, her arms shooting up in fright, exposing her body. The woman smirked.

"I can't control something with its own free will. Don't you understand that?" She gave her an aggravated look, seemingly frustrated at her words. The woman was standing over Rosie now, her eyes on fire as she stared down at Rosie's naked body, which was completely exposed as she backed away in fear.

"I...I didn't..." Her eyes were wide with fear as she slowly backed away, every step leaving depressions in the grass from her bare feet.

"This is what's wrong with you people these days. Team Plasma is defeated twice already, and our supreme leader has been dethroned. We're all that's left, and our creed is dying. I won't stand for this desecration of the name of our great Ghetsis. Do you understand me?!" She seemed to get bigger with every inch she moved.

"I...I don't...I didn't mean any-waaaahh!" As she stepped back further, her foot ran into a round rock nearby and she felt her legs shoot out from underneath her as she fell onto her back, spreading them open as she landed. "Aahhhh..." She rubbed her head as the woman towered over her now, peering down at her exposed pussy, which was entirely visible between her legs as she laid bare in front of her on the ground. "H-hey!" She shot both her hands down quickly to cover it as she squeezed her legs together.

The woman smiled and held a hand out toward her as if to help her up. Rosie reluctantly moved one hand from between her legs to accept it, smiling shyly. The woman's intentions were impossible to know, and she felt a dreary sense of helplessness as she realized she was entirely at her mercy now.

"Careful, there, hun. Wouldn't want the informant getting hurt." She held Rosie by the wrist, tightening her grip a little as her smile suddenly turned devious.

"W-wait...I'm...I'm not a-" She gasped suddenly as the woman pulled her firmly by the wrist toward the tent, startling her as she tripped over her own bare feet. "Where are you taking me?!"

"You came here to investigate us, right? So I'm giving you what you want." The woman dragged her toward the tent as Rosie dug her heels into the dirt, trying to resist, completely abandoning any attempt to cover her body.

"N-no! I don't need to see it! Let me go! I won't say anything, I promise!" Rosie pleaded eagerly with the woman, whose grip felt like iron as she unzipped the tent and tugged her inside. Rosie gasped at the sight of the tent's interior, which was full of computer monitors, camera setups and something in the corner that was covered in a large sheet, as if it wasn't meant to be seen. It looked exactly like those creepy experimental tents they'd set up in all those horror games she used to watch Jamie play, and she wanted nothing to do with it.

"You wanted to see this, right? What we're doing here? I thought if I showed you, you might understand." The woman spoke with a slightly crazed fervor. Rosie got the feeling she had been waiting for someone like her to come along for a while. "There have been visitors like you before. Lots of them. They come and go, but you're different. You're the first one I could touch."

Rosie looked on in awe as the woman let her go finally, practically dropping her on the floor. She immediately stood up and ran for the exit, but stopped in her tracks as she was met with the jaws of the Houndour outside, snarling at her. "Eeek! W-what do you want from me?!"

The woman smiled and grabbed the sheet covering the box in the corner of the tent. "To show you the future to come. Maybe you can see things the way I do, and you can finally understand." She pulled the sheet off suddenly, and Rosie gasped as it fell to the floor. Inside was a Musharna, no mistake about it, but the color was off. It was blue instead of its usual purple, and it looked lethargic. That's when she noticed it was connected to some kind of apparatus that was pumping some sort of pink liquid from the long tendril the protruded from its snout.

"Jesus...you're insane..." Rosie fell to the floor in the corner of the tent, holding her knees to her chest.

"Is that really what you think?" The woman stood still, looking angry and almost offended at her remark. "You don't understand. It lets me see him. Our great king, N. And Ghetsis. In all his grandeur." She stared off into the corner for a moment, reaching her hand out as if to some unseen entity.

Rosie looked on in shock and terror at the woman, feeling trapped and terrified. She noticed several vials of the pink mist from the cage on the counter nearby, one of which was open and partly empty, with a syringe next to it. Jesus, she's injecting herself with the dream serum. That's why she's seeing these illusions. This woman is crazy.

"You're crazy! It's not real! You're hallucinating!" Rosie looked at the Musharna with a sad frown as she saw its eyes look back at her, as if it was silently asking for help. In that moment, it was as if she knew what she had to do. This was her way home. She was sure of it. But she couldn't just get up and open the cage. She needed a distraction. Or something to give her an opening. She glanced around as the woman grew closer, slowly filling up a syringe with the liquid.

Is she planning on injecting me with that? I can't let that happen...think, Rosie, come on...what would Ash do?


[] Rush her from behind and see if she can get the syringe from her, get her stuck in a dream.

[] Think really hard and see if she can aggravate the Musharna enough to emit its dream gas. It might affect her, too, but maybe it was worth the risk.

[] Appease the woman and tell her what she wants to hear. Maybe she can play it up and make her think she's come around.
Hmm, hard one. I'm going with.....

[X] Rush her from behind and see if she can get the syringe from her, get her stuck in a dream.
[X] Rush her from behind and see if she can get the syringe from her, get her stuck in a dream.

Fingers crossed that her dog don't interfere… This is a special kind of crazy we don't wanna get trapped by.
[X] Appease the woman and tell her what she wants to hear. Maybe she can play it up and make her think she's come around.
[X] Rush her from behind and see if she can get the syringe from her, get her stuck in a dream.
Think Rosie...you have nothing to lose here. Literally...If you're stuck here forever, then you might as well go out with a bang. Do something! Move!

Rosie sat in the corner of the tent, still buck naked, clutching her knees to her chest in fright as the woman spoke ominously in front of her. Wait for your moment. Be brave. You can do this.

The woman towered over her now, flicking a vial of purple serum as she smiled at Rosie deviously. "You're finally gonna see...you're gonna see with me! You'll understand what I mean soon enough." The woman knelt down on one knee and inserted a needle into the vial, apparently to inject Rosie with. If she was put to sleep now...who knew what would happen to her?

As Rosie scuttled on the floor away from the woman, kicking her bare feet to keep her away, her face grew white with terror, and no matter how badly her mind screamed for her defend herself, the woman grew closer and closer with every step...even if she ran away, the Houndour outside would snatch her up immediately.

God, no, please, just stop, stop for one minute I need time to- Rosie's head shot up gently as she kicked her bare legs out at the woman to keep her at bay, clumsily knocking the vial out of her hand and making her spill it on the floor.

"You brat! Don't make me tie you up!" The woman shook her head as she turned away for a moment to retrieve the dropped vial. This was her chance.

"Fuck you!" Rosie yelled as she ran up toward the woman from behind and shoved her into the counter, her breasts bouncing slightly from the sudden movement. She realized how exposed she was once again as she felt her bare skin against the woman's clothing, wrapping her arms around her to try and wrestle the syringe out of her hand.

"You little-!" The woman squirmed rapidly, trying to shove Rosie off of her back, but she held strong. Rosie may be small, but she had a hell of a grip. It was something she'd figured out back in her high school days, when she would torment her classmates in the locker rooms and challenge anyone she met to arm wrestling duels. It proved too much for the woman as she flailed to the side, tossing the syringe at the ground suddenly and causing it to shatter to a thousand pieces as Rosie's body was slammed against the counter. Stunned, she released her grip from the woman's waist and fell to the floor once again. That was it. Her chance had come and gone.

As she rubbed her thigh, which was sure to have a bruise on it in the morning, she looked up at the Musharna with desperate eyes.

Please...just...break out of your cage or something...help me...

Rosie tried to think hard about her escape, hoping maybe her desperate energy would reach the Pokemon, but the woman was on top of her now with another syringe, and after her first attempt, her arms were getting tired and she could feel the woman's hands reaching ever closer to her neck, where the syringe would insert itself and she'd be....who knew where?

"Gaaah! G-get off! Heeeeeelp!" She screamed, the woman's hands now inches from Rosie's skin as her elbows bent and her knees locked around the woman's waist. She could feel the needle begin to prick her skin and winced, turning her head away from the woman's hot, stale breath. Just as all hope seemed lost, however, the Musharna let out a blood-curdling screech, catching both of them off guard and making the woman hold a hand up to her ear.

"Gyaaaaahhhh!" The woman screamed out as she fell on top of Rosie, the syringe rolling to her side on the ground as her face fell between her bare breasts, causing Rosie to blush intensely. "Sh-shuuut uuuuuuppp!" The woman gasped out desperately and shook her head vigorously. She had done it. The Pokemon was responding to her. Now it was just a matter of reaching the needle....

Rosie stuck her hand out toward the needle from underneath the woman's body, but her weight pinned her down, and it remained just out of her reach. "Ugh! Get off of me!" She punched the woman in the neck as the screeching continued, piercing her eardrums. She fought through the pain to reach for it as it rolled further away, draining the last of her hope. "Nooo....please..." She whimpered, surrendering to her fate as the woman covered her ears and began to fight back.

She stopped the syringe with her foot and kicked it toward her, struggling from the pain in her ears. She had regained the upper hand, and held the syringe above Rosie's head again, plunging her hand down toward her. Just as she did, however, the two heard a sudden snarling and barking from the entrance of the tent, and the woman's hand was held in a vice grip between its jaws. The Houndour had apparently been in a panic from the screeching sound, sending it into a rage.

"Gaaaaaahhh!" The woman screamed as the dog tackled her, holding onto her wrist and giving Rosie a chance to slip out. She crawled over to where the second syringe had rolled on the floor to the corner of the tent and picked it up, holding one hand against her ear and wincing from pain. She struggled over toward the woman and without hesitation, inserted it into the side of her neck as the dog kept her pinned down, depressing it with her thumb.

"Take that you stupid bitch! Ha!" Rosie tossed the syringe to the floor and nodded triumphantly, standing bare naked in all her glory over the woman's suddenly limp body. Her celebration was cut short, however, as the sound suddenly stopped and the Houndour had fixed its interest onto her.

"Oh no...um...g-good doggie! B-be nice!" She held her hand out, backing away toward the counter until she felt her bare butt hit the edge and shivered, both from the cool breeze from outside on her naked body, but also from sheer terror as the dog stared her down. To her surprise, however, the Pokemon didn't seem to be snarling at her like he usually did. His teeth weren't bared, and his head was turned to the side. He stood up and approached her, and though she winced and held her hands out in shock, she felt the soft fur on its head gently touch her hand and whine. It almost seemed to like her.

Rosie pet the Pokemon's head cautiously, and he responded with a mild whimper before it licked her hand gently. She smiled and knelt down, taking its head in both of her hands and petting the Houndour under its head and behind its ears, which caused him to close his eyes and flick his tongue out at her.

"Aww, you're just a little baby, aren't you? You never wanted to hurt anyone..." She looked back at the woman, who seemed to be snoring now and mumbling words in her sleep, and stood upright again, patting the dog on the head one last time and leaving him. "Alright, bud. You're a good boy, but I need some clothes, okay? Just, uh...stay-" Before she could finish her thought, however, the dog ran off outside the tent and ran around the perimeter of the camp, as if scouting the area, before barking three times in quick succession.

"Weird...anyway..." Rosie approached the woman and bent over her, exposing her bare pussy to the doorway as she poked at her to make sure she wouldn't get up. "Heh. Having a nice nap?" She peered over the woman cautiously, poking her with her foot to make sure she was asleep as the Musharna continued to call out, still agitated in its care. "What? I know, I'll let you out, okay, just let me get decent first..."

Finally, a chance to dress yourself. I could just take her clothes, it would be pretty easy, but what if she wakes up? There might be some spare uniforms in one of the lockers, but I'd need a key for that. Plus, I still need to find that Cottonee. What to do...

[] Attempt to strip the woman and put on her uniform. Who knows how deep her sleep is, though, she might wake up...

[] Find a key for the lockers. There's gotta be some spare uniforms in there.

[] Play it safe, grab the tarp that was over the Musharna cage and cover up with it. It'll do for now...right?

I know it feels like I keep abandoning this story and coming back to it when I remember, but I promise I'm still invested, I've just been so burnt out from this semester and trying to finish my finals, I'm trying my best to keep my motivation up. But I am almost done, and I hope to find my inspiration again soon. This too shall pass!

I hope you all enjoy this new update, and I would like to remind you all again that just because a choice might seem like it will lead to clothing for Rosie, and we obviously can't have that, you don't know what kinds of Monkey's Paw scenarios I might have in mind for it! Feel free to vote for the ones that might seem like obvious paths to clothing, because I can assure you I want to keep the nudity alive as much as you do. Also, either the next update or the one after will be the conclusion of the Unova region chapter, and from there we will go on to a new adventure in another new land. I wonder where it will be! Until then, au revoir!
[X] Play it safe, grab the tarp that was over the Musharna cage and cover up with it. It'll do for now...right?

Again: no wearing the supervillain's uniform. Besides, naked + cape is S-Class.
[X] Play it safe, grab the tarp that was over the Musharna cage and cover up with it. It'll do for now...right?
[X] Play it safe, grab the tarp that was over the Musharna cage and cover up with it. It'll do for now...right?

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