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The Arrogant Xianxia Protagonist Wants To Kill God

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God said, "Bing Chilling".

And then there was light.

From this light, the...


Getting sticky.
Nov 14, 2021
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God said, "Bing Chilling".

And then there was light.

From this light, the myriad heavens were formed, ferocious demons were born, and naïve mortals stumbled upon the path of cultivation, seeking eternal life.

Countless eon passed and amongst all the chaos, in a tiny, insignificant lower world, Kai Xiulan's entire family is killed a by a mysterious illness.

Swearing to avenge his family, he begins on a journey to kill God.

But there is just one problem.

He is very arrogant.
Chapter 1 - I Will Kill God
Chapter 1 - I Will Kill God

Kai had no more tears to weep.

Kneeling in thick mud before the grave of his entire family, his eyes were lifeless and contained a ferocity that no thirteen-year-old boy should ever have. He was silent as a heavy downpour overhead soaked him in water, causing hair to stick to his forehead and his clothes to be skin-tight.

Even his family's deepest sympathisers had left after the rain had become too intense. He was the only one left before their grave.

And the only one of his family left alive.

His mother, father, two older brothers, older sister, and his little sister had all died from a mysterious sickness; one that caused their skin to turn an oily black and blood to leak from their eyes. As they gripped their beds at night and ached in pain, the farmland which his family had painstakingly cultivated for decades past was laid to waste.

Confined to their house by the rest of the village and their windows sealed shut with wooden boards, Kai did nothing but care for the rest of his family.

Through a hatch in the door, he would collect a bucket of water that the other villagers had procured for them. He would hold his siblings and parents' hands as they ached in pain.

Being the only one who was healthy, he had wished he was sick too.

But his father thought otherwise, the one whom he confided in the most during those hard times. His father told him to not live with guilt if he survived. To live for himself and not to live in the past, constantly mourning over all of them.

He sighed.

But it wouldn't satisfy him. He knew that.

His original plan was to move to another village.

This was because the people here, despite helping his family, would never be the same. The people who his parents had been friends with their entire lives had turned their backs on them in an instant so that they wouldn't be infected.

They were disgusted and terrified by them to such an extent that Kai could never forgive them.

He would then live out his life like any other normal person.

He would establish a farm on an uncultivated piece of land, build himself a house, gradually become accepted into their community, work hard all day long, find himself a nice girl his age, get married and have kids with her, and then die as an old man, surrounded by his wife and kids.

It wouldn't be a bad life.

But it would never be enough.

He could do more.

He could avenge his family.

But how could he avenge his family if no one had done it? It was only a disease after all?

Kai thought otherwise of this foolish way of thinking.

Suddenly, Kai stood up with mud-covered legs and raised his head to the cloudy afternoon sky.

Kai made an oath with a heartbroken, eerily primal scream that echoed throughout his surroundings.

"God, I swear on my life that I will kill you for what you have done to my family!"

Kai stared as if he was truly looking at God himself. His eyes were unfaltering and filled with courage, strength, and a deep, deep hatred.

His eyes dilating, he looked inwards and began planning.

He was not jesting or saying empty words.

He was going to kill God; literally.
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Chapter 2 - I Actually Want That Sword—This One is Trash
Chapter 2 - I Actually Want That Sword—This One Is Trash

Practically everyone in the village was a bum.

But there was one person who was an exception.


He was an old man in his seventies who lived on the edge of the village.

Some people, presumably, if told that a fourteen-year-old boy was planning to kill God with a sword would laugh in his face, telling him that it would be more reasonable to pluck the sun from the sky or teach a dog how to fly.

Hui, though being someone who kept to himself and was privy to any personal information and past history, was widely known amongst the people of the village as a decorated war veteran. He fought in a war that took place over forty years ago between the Sulin Kingdom and the Liu Kingdom.

Drafted into the Liu Kingdom's army as a fresh recruit, he climbed all the way to the rank of Captain over the course of seven cruel years. He was in charge of over two-hundred men and was at the frontlines of some of the deadliest battles in the war.

And when it all ended, he packed up his stuff, went to the edge of the Liu Kingdom, and settled in this obscure village to live out the rest of his days. And with it, the fortune he accumulated from the war and a sword that many a youth in the village were jealous of.

Sometimes, on very rare occasions, they would witness the old man swinging the sword in his backyard, covered in sweat and shirtless.

They said the hilt was made out of pure jade, its blade forged out of the obsidian of a fallen star, and even the sheath in which he held it was made out of the scales of a dragon.
This very sword is what Kai wanted.

Only the number one sword under the heavens was worthy enough to be wielded by him.
But unfortunately, he was just a young sprout at the moment. He was but a baby bird who had recently left the nest, exploring the outside world.

He had to start somewhere.

And this sword; it would do if it lived up to his expectations.

After a long walk, Kai finally found Hui's house.

Kai knocked on the door and a few moments later, he answered, only for him to shut the door just as fast as he opened it.

"What do you want?" Hui's voice came from behind it.

"Uncle Hui, may I buy your sword?" Kai asked.

Hui replied in a hurried, hushed voice, "No! Now leave. I don't want rumours going around that I'm infected like you,"

"Uncle Hui"— Kai reiterated—"I'm willing to pay my family's entire life savings."

Hui became silent.

His expression behind the door was unknown and Kai waited in silence for a few moments until the door's latch was unlocked and it creaked open. A pale, old face with wrinkles peeked through.

"How much is your family's life savings?" Hui asked.

"3 gold taels," Kai answered.

Hui took in a sharp breath of air, seriously considering his offer.

After briefly disappearing behind his door once more, he opened the door fully and allowed Kai inside.

"Come in," Hui greeted him with a grin, gesturing for him to come inside.

Kai followed him in and sat at the table.

"Wait here and I'll get the sword," Hui said with a bounce in his step before leaving for his room.

Kai waited as the sound of things shifting around travelled through the walls. He obviously had it hidden in a very elaborate manner. He had no doubt that any thief, even if they were given an entire day to search through Hui's house, would come out empty-handed.

Minutes later, Hui came into the living room with a sword covered in beige cloth, its silhouette peeking through its strained edges and corners.

Laying it on the table, he unveiled the sword's appearance.

Kai frowned. It was not anything like the legend he heard.

It was merely an ordinary steel sword with an outline of jade at its hilt.

The sword was kind of shiny. But that was it.

Hui smiled, "This sword was given to me personally by the Liu Kingdom's 4th General for my service in the war. What do you think? Impressive, isn't it?"

Kai could only mourn for Hui's loss.

The old man had been scammed! There was no doubt about it.

They had taken advantage of a young man who simply didn't know any better.

Who knows how many other young men they had taken advantage of? It was a tragedy.

Kai no longer wished to buy the sword. Yet he had no other choice. What would happen if
God suddenly decided to ambush him?

How would he deflect his lightning? How would he be able to slice the meat and vegetables that would fuel his future training? How would he be able to scratch his back?

But he also knew that the earlier he started his martial arts journey, the faster he would kill God. He wished to delay the death of God no further.

"Uncle Hui, I will buy it," Kai inwardly grimaced but put on a smile on the outside.

He then handed the bag of money containing all his family's saved-up wealth and likewise, Hui gave him the sword.

But just as Kai was about to leave, Hui said, "Why don't you sit down and have some food? I doubt you have had a filling meal recently."

Kai spun on his feet, not resisting the idea of a filling meal.

He liked the idea too.

It would be his final and last meal before he embarked on his journey to kill God.
He made sure he would savour it.

But right as Hui began cooking, he was stunned by what he was seeing.

Hui was chopping up vegetables…with a sword.

Standing a meter away from the chopping board, he diced the carrot with shocking accuracy and precision.

Was he a madman? Why would anyone chop their vegetables like this?

Suddenly, he witnessed the old man do something unthinkable.

In the middle of chopping up the vegetables, he lifted the sword high up into the air, over his shoulder, and proceeded to scratch his back with it…

Kai was speechless.

But what was most extraordinary was that the blade was seemingly made out of pure green jade, its hilt was made out of pure gold, and…

Wait a second.

Was that the sword that the myths and the legends spoke of?

If so, why was it being used as a cooking utensil and not to split the heavens, and cut gravity in half?

After eating, he brought up the topic.

"Uncle Hui, do you truly use a sword to cut your vegetables and scratch your back?" Kai asked.

Hui raised an eyebrow and laughed, "You noticed me scratching my back with it? That is quite embarrassing! Yes, I do. Why do you ask?"

"I was merely wondering if I could instead buy that sword instead of this one. Is this agreeable with Uncle?" Kai said.

Hui was stunned and asked in a concerned voice, "Why would you want to buy the sword that I use to cook my dinner and scratch my back? That thing is just something that I found in a stone at the top of the nearby mountain range. It's nothing special. Not to mention, sometimes, I think I hear something talking to me! I don't know why anyone—including you—would want to buy such a sword. I'm warning you!"

Hui sighed internally.

Hui would never sell off the sword that the 4th General had gifted him. He never intended to in the first place. In fact, it was still in his room hidden away in a case.

The sword that he had sold to Kai was actually a different sword. But because Kai was young and naïve, it would be enough to fool him into thinking it was the real thing. He felt a bit guilty, but with the extra money Kai had given him, he could buy some good wine.

But now that Kai was saying he wanted the other sword with which he cooked his dinner and scratched his back, it caused him to feel pity and guilty for attempting to fool the young boy in the first place.

He was about to explain that it was a sham when Kai interjected.

"No, I actually want that sword—this one is trash," Kai said with a confident nod.

Hui was stunned.

He shook his head. The boy was far too gone. It was too late at this point. There was no convincing him otherwise. He might as well give in to his demands.

Hui cringed, "If you wish. But before you buy it you should hold it. Maybe then you'll change your mind. However, if you still want it even then, I will not object."

Kai thanked Uncle Hui.

Uncle Hui grabbed the sword from the kitchen countertop and handed it over to Kai.

Right as the tip of Kai's index finger came into contact with the sword's handle, a loud voice screamed in his mind.

"Junior, please save this venerable ancestor from the claws of this demon! He has been using me to chop vegetables and scratch his back for over twenty years now! I—I can't take it anymore! I am going to go insane! Please help me!"

Kai paused. His jaw dropped.
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