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The Ascendance (Original, Superpowers)

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So, uh, this is my first time doing this. Let's give it a go.

The Ascendance
Ascendance I


Too many quests
Nov 17, 2014
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So, uh, this is my first time doing this. Let's give it a go.

The Ascendance
(Original Superpower Setting. Kinda)
Before that night, you were utterly ordinary. You had a few good friends, got on decently with most of your peers, doing averagely in most of your subjects and only really excelling at...

[ ] Maths
[ ] English
[ ] Biology
[ ] Physics
[ ] Chemistry
[ ] Sports
[ ] Art
[ ] None, really
[ ] Write in

But you got by. You didn't even really mind that you didn't have an idea of what you wanted. You didn't really consider the future too much. You didn't know your place in the world, but it wasn't that you really felt out of place. You just... didn't know where you were going.

Until that night. You fell into bed after a regular, average day, and dreamt. It was not, however, a regular, average dream.

The skies screamed in fear, the earth trembled beneath your feet. The waters boiled around you, and ice lashed at your body. Through it all, you weer unmoving. Unyielding. You were implacable, infinite, all-powerful-

And it stopped. Everything became still, frozen. And from the tempestuous skies, light leaked out and spread, filling the world until you were bathed in the warm, glowing feeling of sunlight.

And then it spoke. Warm, but strong. Gentle, but firm. Friendly, but authoritative.

"Child." It spoke. You knew, undoubtedly, that you were young, green, blind to the true nature of things - but you were full of potential for growth. "You Stand Before Me, Ready To Receive My Gift. The Truth Of Your Ascendance. Will You Accept The Gift I Present To You?"

You gulp. The voice continues. "The Manner Of Your Ascendance - Your Embodiment. Choose Now, From The Most Gloried Of My Gifts."

Your Ascendance shall take the Embodiment of...

[ ] Dominance. Pressure. Control. Power.
[ ] Cognition. Vision. Perception. Knowledge.
[ ] Aeon. Instance. Eternity. Voyage.
[ ] Conjuration. Inception. Assembly. Genesis.

You make your choice, and the light pulsates once, chuckling fatherly. Then it recedes, instantaneously, and the winds tear at your body, and the waters boil, and the earth trembles, and your Ascendance begins.

You awaken with purpose. The future is yours. You will mold it as such.​
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Character Sheet
Name: Kira Vehanen.
Favourite Subject: Sports.

Embodiment: Aeon. Instance. Eternity. Voyage.

Precognitive Disruption
The future is mutable, changeable, and ever shifting. Your mere presence in the flow of time ensures that what is to come is uncertain.

Passive Skill Discovered: Temporal Awareness
The flow of time is opened to your senses, and with it, you are aware of its passage, of how old everything is, of how young this world is. Should other Embodiments interfere with this flow, you will be aware of the disruption.

Active Skill Discovered: Temporal Deceleration
You have taken your first step into interfering with the flow of time. By partially blocking its movement, you can reduce the speed at which time moves - except for you.



The setting is, at least initially, modern day earth. There are no real differences between this one and ours, but recently, strange and inexplicable events have begun to occur. Though science has no explanation for them, they are interlinked with your own Ascendance.

Be wary, however - yours is noth the only story, and others may seek you out, driven by their Ascendance.

Uncovering the truth of your abilities may take time, but this is time you have - for now.
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[X] Sports
[X] Aeon. Instance. Eternity. Voyage.

Don't really have a idea on the name or apperance.
[X] Physics
[X] Dominance. Pressure. Control. Power.
[X] Jeffery Bing
[X] Biology
[X] Conjuration. Inception. Assembly. Genesis.
[X] Sports
[X] Aeon. Instance. Eternity. Voyage.
[X] Art
[X] Aeon. Instance. Eternity. Voyage.

Hmmm, yes

[X] Jessica South
[X] Petite, dark skin and long dark hair kept in a loose braid. Dark brown eyes. Prefers loose clothing over tight ones.
[X] Maths
[X] Cognition. Vision. Perception. Knowledge.

[X] John Gault
[X] Sports
[X] Aeon. Instance. Eternity. Voyage.
[X] English
[X] Conjuration. Inception. Assembly. Genesis.

[X] Kira Vehanen

Warning: the URL is decidedly NSFW.​

[ ] Sports
[ ] Conjuration. Inception. Assembly. Genesis.

[ ] Mali Lockwood
[ ]
[X] English
[X] Conjuration. Inception. Assembly. Genesis.
[X] Kira Vehanen
Ascendance II
Kira Vehanen. Sports.
Aeon. Instance. Eternity. Voyage.

The Ascendance
You stretch as you awaken. Morning sunlight filters through your windows, and you feel comfortably warm beneath your quilt. As you prepare for the day, you consider your dream. For all that you want to think it is only a dream, you have a sense of purpose now. You can focus, picture your future, picture what you want.

You want great things.

There is a tension, at the back of your mind. A feeling so intense and stretched that you feel as though it barely keeps itself from splintering. You close your eyes and attempt to visualize it. A cord. Pulling from every corner of the Universe into the future, spilling it and detailing avery single impossibility that could be, and every one that has been.

Your eyes snap open. Aeon.

You know instantly that this is the gift that has been granted. The embodiment of Aeon, Instance, Eternity. Of Voyage.

It is impossible to define, truly. But the closest you can get is the feeling of flowing, of the constant movement of time itself, moving like a river down innumerable estuaries.

You come to the realization then that, for all people say that time is not a straight line... People are predictable. Given a thousand worlds with the the exact same circumstances, and they will always choose to take a certain path.

Not so any more. Your mere presence routes the flow of Time through your body. The future is subject to your whims. Now, what is to come is uncertain - afraid. No one could predict what will happen - For Time is mutable, is changeable. And you can change it.
Passive Skill Discovered: Precognitive Disruption.
The future is mutable, changeable, and ever shifting. Your mere presence in the flow of time ensures that what is to come is uncertain.
You feel that there is more, however. This flow of Time could be interfered with. Shifted. Altered.

What do you do?

[ ] Experiment more with your powers.
-[ ] Before/During/After School?
-[ ] Skip School
[ ] Hurry up and finish getting up - you have school today!
[ ] Write in.​
[x] Experiment more with your powers.
-[x] Skip School
Time powers. Neat.
[x] Experiment more with your powers.
-[x] Before/After School

Let's meet our rival friends.
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[X] Experiment more with your powers.
-[X] Before/After School

We can choose both right? Extra experimenting and all that, no need to experiment at school yet, lots of potential witnesses and all.
[x] Experiment more with your powers.
-[x] Skip School
Just learn to turn back time and we can go to school on time even if we skip.
Just learn to turn back time and we can go to school on time even if we skip.
Pretty sure time travel to several hours in the past in a safe and easy manner is not a day one skill, just guessing here but that would likely be correct.
Well, Skip School and practice before and after are both at two.

Nothing to do but wait.
[X] Experiment more with your powers.
-[X] Before/After School

Ascendance III
[X] Experiment more with your powers.
-[X] Before/After School

The Ascendance
You decide to see what else you can do with your powers - if, indeed, you can do anything with them - before heading to school. You close your eyes, and reach for the feeling in the back of your head. For a moment, you feel a pressure, a sense of infinity contained entirely within your skull.

Then the pressure expands, and a certain flow settles about you. In the air around you, in the ground beneath your feet, in your own body - you feel that constant, ever-shifting flow. You feel it, and you feel passage, of instants flickering past each other continuously, of eternities long past.
Passive Skill Discovered: Temporal Awareness
The flow of time is opened to your senses, and with it, you are aware of its passage, of how old everything is, of how young this world is. Should other Embodiments interfere with this flow, you will be aware of the disruption.
You take a shuddering breath as you realize how ancient things are. The earth... billions of years old. The Universe... You nearly laugh as you think back to what your physics teacher had said about the age of the Universe. If only they knew.

You reach out for the flow. You feel like you could manipulate it somehow, reach in with a clumsy hand and meddle with its passage, manipulate time-

"Kira!" Your mother calls you. "Kira, get down here and eat your breakfast or you're going to be late!"

You sigh to yourself. Speaking of time.

Reluctantly, you quickly wash and dress yourself, spending only the briefestof moments applying your make-up. You've never felt you needed very much to be pretty - you were blessed in that regard, really. But now, it feels as though your features are... more defined somehow. More regally beautiful, rather than a teenage prettiness.

You thunder downstairs, passing your little brother on the way. You muss his hair as you pass, and he half-heartedly swipes at you. You giggle and continue down.

Cereal has already been laid out on the table by your mother - a supremely pretty lady, even at the age of thirty eight. She has your same dusky skin and brown eyes, and you obviously inherited your impressive bust from her. She has however taken to dyeing her hair blonde.

"Kira, you look different today." Your mother comments. "Did you do something new with your make-up."

"Just went for a slightly different look, mom." You reply, and tuck into your shredded wheat flakes.

Your brother enters and grunts a greeting to your mom, slumping down into a seat and eating his own breakfast. You finish up before he's half-done, dump your bowl into the sink, grab your bag, and bid farewell to your brother and mother.

School is just down the road from where you live, so you pluck out your phone from its hiding place in your jacket and power it on. You flick through a couple of texts from Sarah and Tià, your companions on the volleyball team. Sarah was the captain. but really, you were the best player, and Tià wasn't far behind you.

Sarah wants to meet up at lunch to talk strategy, and you tap out a quick reply. Tià, meanwhile, has sent you a long text about her boyfriend, Cam. Apparently, they've been getting more serious lately. You scroll down, uninterested. Really, you were happy for her, but the high school drama of yesterday seemed... boring, now.

You sigh, and enter school.
(The Ascendance)
The first few lessons are uneventful. You have to sit through an hour and a half of Ms. Kerrigan talking to you about factorisation of quadratics, but you find the lesson a lot easier than you would've a few days ago.

You meet up with Sarah at break, and she informs you of the new formation they're trying out. You'll be moved up front now, which is new. It'll run for a few days, just to gauge whether it's a good thing or not. Sarah has always been very competitive about the volleyball team, so you aren't particularly surprised.

After lunch, you have a double period to see how the new formation pans out.

And boy does it pan out. The ball is easily followed to your eyes, and you think you're jumping just a little higher than normal. And when you hit the ball - you really hit the ball.

You crush you're opponents easily. You do usually win, but this wasn't even fair. Sarah hugs you in joy, cheering and celebrating with the rest of the team.

Sarah invites you to hang out after school, but you decline. You want to test out your new powers a little more.

You head to the park, to a little secluded corner hidden by a huge weeping willow and a bench. You know that the old seniors used to hang out here to smoke, but it seems it isn't in use at the moment.

You close your eyes, and focus on that flow.

Aeon. Instance. Eternity. Voyage.

The flow is constant, but you feel as though you can... interfere. You reach out with that pressure in the back of your head, and dip it into the flow. Instantly you feel a swelling as though the flow has been blocked.

To put it into a metaphor - if the flow was a river, then this pressure would be like dropping stones into its path. The flow was partially blocked, true, but some was still getting through.

You open your eyes. The leaves of the weeping willow are drifting glacially around you, and a leaf flutters past your face in slow motion. You turn, at normal speed, to see what is happening. All around you, the world appears to bemoving in slow motion.

You're... slowing down time, somehow.
Active Skill Discovered: Temporal Deceleration
You have taken your first step into interfering with the flow of time. By partially blocking its movement, you can reduce the speed at which time moves - except for you.
You suck in a breath, and feel a sharp, pounding pain in your forehead. You collapse to your knees as the pain intensifies, letting out a weak cry as time catches up with you. Raising a hand to your nose, you feel a wetness. Blood.

You stand. Apparently that was a pretty big jump to make. You'd have to keep practicing with it for it to be of any use.

You return home, after cleaning the blood from your nostrils.

Your mom is home, cooking. The scent of chicken hits your nose, and you hum delightedly, despite it mixing with the tangy copper of your own blood.

"Oh, Kiki, you're home." Your mom says, smiling at you. "Clara should be home in a bit."

You nod absently. Although your mother had you and your brother, Lucas, with another man whom you'd never met, your mother had met someone else when you were younger. A woman named Clara. They were deeply in love, and honestly, you were happy for them. Although growing up in your household and led to you often questioning your own sexuality, you had never felt the need to really define yourself.

Regardless, you hugged your mom and went upstairs. You didn't have any homework, but you had a lot to think about.

What did you want to do with your powers?
[ ] No matter what, you wanted to help people.
-[ ] But how?
[ ] Your newfound powers gave you a unique opportunity to be a little... Selfish.
-[ ] But how?
[ ] Maybe ask about it online? Trying to search about it would probably be useless, but asking if there were others like you...
-[ ] But how?​
[X] Maybe ask about it online? Trying to search about it would probably be useless, but asking if there were others like you...
-[X] Look up recent crimes with weird things to them, and recent vigilantism of people in masks. People with super powers might try comic book stuff.
[X] Maybe ask about it online? Trying to search about it would probably be useless, but asking if there were others like you...
-[X] Look up recent crimes with weird things to them, and recent vigilantism of people in masks. People with super powers might try comic book stuff.

This is how the goverment zaps you. This isn't Worm, and the goverment could probably track us down, superheros could be a valuable resource, I suggest using lot's of proxies and stuff if you plan to go with that plan. *tin-foil hat*

[X] Your newfound powers gave you a unique opportunity to be a little... Selfish.
-[X] Hmm, money never hurt anybody, maybe you could make some from your power, however robbing a bank is plain stupid. Try to work on your powers before we decide what kind of criminal we want to be.
[X] No matter what, you wanted to help people.
-[X] If we could understand how our powers worked we could do amazing things, science and study would be the most helpful to humanity.

Science! Really though I could go into it but with temporal manipulation from an unknown source studying it and trying to replicate it is the best solution, it has applications in everything from high speed internet to transport to medicine after all. That's just temporal dilation too, with travel and pausing we could break computing in half and make it trillions of times better or create near infinite feedback loops of power depending on mechanics. Choosing science and study is the best way to help people in the long run and being a superhero or villain is basically the worst possible way.
[X] Your newfound powers gave you a unique opportunity to be a little... Selfish.
-[X] Hmm, money never hurt anybody, maybe you could make some from your power, however robbing a bank is plain stupid. Try to work on your powers before we decide what kind of criminal we want to be.
[X] No matter what, you wanted to help people.
-[X] Look up recent crimes with weird things to them, and recent vigilantism of people in masks. People with super powers might try comic book stuff.

A little from column A, a little from column B.
[X] No matter what, you wanted to help people.
-[X] Look up recent crimes with weird things to them, and recent vigilantism of people in masks. People with super powers might try comic book stuff.
[X] Maybe ask about it online? Trying to search about it would probably be useless, but asking if there were others like you...
-[X] Look up recent crimes with weird things to them, and recent vigilantism of people in masks. People with super powers might try comic book stuff.
No one wants to help the world through science? Because being a superhero just feels so inefficient, plus really dangerous considering we know nothing of the possible opposition and are a giant beacon for any form of precog anyway thanks to our chaotic timeline thing.
No one wants to help the world through science? Because being a superhero just feels so inefficient, plus really dangerous considering we know nothing of the possible opposition and are a giant beacon for any form of precog anyway thanks to our chaotic
I want to help the world trough science, by conquering it. We have a great chance of becoming a Coil/Tinker/Mover hybrid.

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