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AN: This is the first time I write a story, this is to practice my writing skills and also...
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Apr 30, 2023
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AN: This is the first time I write a story, this is to practice my writing skills and also because I haven't been able to get the idea out of my head.
I also have to clarify that English is not my first language so it is possible that you find errors in the spelling or that the words do not have much consistency.

The first thing I see when I open my eyes is something I'm sure I've never seen before, darkness, a thought suddenly says. I know I've never seen it, but new concepts and ideas start emerging from my mind, yet at the same time they feel familiar.

While I'm lost in my own thoughts, I suddenly feel something strange around me. I don't know how to fully describe it—it's chaotic and constantly changing—but deep down, I feel a connection to what I assume is some kind of energy, and it seems to respond to my thoughts. I begin to experiment with this energy to see what it does, but out of nowhere, I feel something hit me, and I slip back into unconsciousness.

When I open my eyes again, everything around me feels different, or rather, I don't sense anything around me. There are no strange energies, and everything feels orderly without sudden changes. For the first time, I bother to try to move, and I feel my body enclosed in a structure. I move my arms forward and apply pressure to try to open what I believe is a door, judging by what I felt while I was in that place. It takes a lot of effort, but my hypothesis proves correct as I hear a noise and see the structure suddenly move. I'm blinded by a very bright light, and I can feel the liquid around me spilling out through the opening. I feel the air entering my lungs instead of that special liquid.

My eyes finally adjust to the lighting, allowing me to see around me. I'm in what appears to be a city, and turning back, the structure that kept me enclosed seems to be some kind of capsule with the symbol II on the lid. I approach to inspect it closer, allowing me to see my own reflection. I would swear that before, my body was that of a baby, not a particularly large child and very slender. Additionally, it seems I'm albino with gray eyes and short hair. I don't know why, but something tells me that my appearance shouldn't be like this. I think that anomaly had something to do with it; it was strange even for that place, as if it were completely alien to it.

Speaking of the anomaly, I received a lot of strange knowledge from that event. I saw fragments of history about three societies and their war machines. The Armored Command Units, or ACUs for short, are the pinnacle of military technology, capable of mass production and energy generation, allowing for the creation of armies in a short time with only one person needed on the battlefield to control everything. Now, I have a significant portion of knowledge and complete understanding of the scientific, civilian, and military technology of the Cybran Nation, UEF, and AEON.

It was supposed that the ACUs were the pinnacle of military technology, but the knowledge of the technology of the Progenitors says otherwise. The beings known as the Progenitors have created a brutally efficient self-replicating war mechanism known as the Commander. If someone with an ACU is capable of waging a planetary-level war by themselves, a Commander is capable of doing so across multiple solar systems. With several of them, one could easily wage a war on a galactic scale.

There is also data about a society of machines that traveled through space in search of knowledge. They even built megastructures in space, ranging from a sphere capable of harnessing the power of a star to a mega shipyard capable of constructing an entire fleet of hundreds of ships in a matter of months. They even went as far as constructing worlds filled with machinery.

The only thing I can say for sure about this information is that it was part of a data package destroyed in some kind of event. If what the data says is true, then everything I had compiled belongs to other dimensions.

I stopped thinking about the matter, deciding it's best to leave it for another time, and started exploring what I believe is a city that, judging by its appearance, has been uninhabited for a long time. As I walk through the deserted streets, I spot what I think is a shopping center, judging by the aesthetics and decorations. I decide to venture in, not seeing any obvious danger as one might expect. The place is deserted, but luckily, there still seems to be power. Eventually, I manage to find what looks like a clothing store, practically full, and proceed to dress myself in something suitable.

After successfully removing the security tags from the clothes I acquired and noticing what seems to be a maintenance drone, I recline on a nearby bench and close my eyes to gather my thoughts.

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