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The C Team (Commander OC Insert)

"Right. It was supposed to be a pretty straightforward sociology experiment; I wanted to see if the Galactic Republic could persist without the Baneite Sith's interference. So I dropped in a few years before Anakin's birth, and quietly disposed of Plagueis and Palpatine both. Spent a couple years screening the galaxy for more of them, but none of them popped up. So I settled in to wait and see what happened."
Considering just how variable things can be when you start talking about a wider multiverse, this really counts less as 'altering a world' and more as 'actively filtered which universe in a multiversal sub-set I was looking for', doesn't it? At least when you factor in how quietly it sounds like they worked. Because it was entirely likely all they needed to do was ensure one of the near certain to exist assassins wandering around who took a job to kill off one of these two fellows didn't get hit with the Forces of Narrative to ensure their assassination attempt failed, no matter how well planned or supposedly overkill.

By which I mean things such as detonating a massive bomb so there's no chance the Sith can survive even if they use their Sith abilities which in canon either got spotted, have the Sith hit with a premonition which caused them to never travel through the blast zone, were only on the edge of the blast with their abilities allowing them the slight durability increase needed to get through without danger or anything like that.
Considering just how variable things can be when you start talking about a wider multiverse, this really counts less as 'altering a world' and more as 'actively filtered which universe in a multiversal sub-set I was looking for', doesn't it? At least when you factor in how quietly it sounds like they worked. Because it was entirely likely all they needed to do was ensure one of the near certain to exist assassins wandering around who took a job to kill off one of these two fellows didn't get hit with the Forces of Narrative to ensure their assassination attempt failed, no matter how well planned or supposedly overkill.

By which I mean things such as detonating a massive bomb so there's no chance the Sith can survive even if they use their Sith abilities which in canon either got spotted, have the Sith hit with a premonition which caused them to never travel through the blast zone, were only on the edge of the blast with their abilities allowing them the slight durability increase needed to get through without danger or anything like that.
J: Very clever. Suffice to say, the end results looked very much like an accident.
J: Very clever. Suffice to say, the end results looked very much like an accident.
Yes well, the example I did give was for the 'complete overkill' possibility and people hiring assassins for political and economic purposes do tend to prefer significantly less mess and attention being generated by their assassinations. Caused a lot less people investigating just why Sir Bossypants needed to die that badly and who may have had reason to do it...
World 3-B
Post-Incident Interview
Star Wars Multi-Deity Incursion
Interviewer: Pearl
Interviewee: Yoda

"Understand the point of this, I do not. Destruction of Coruscant, you admit to ordering."

"Yes. It's not something we wanted to do, but the galaxy would have perished if we hadn't."

"Explain this, you have. An existential threat, the Gravemind was. Pointless, this interview is."

"That isn't true. We want to know what we can do to make up for the damage we caused. You're one of the best people to talk to about that."

"Revive the dead, you cannot. Deceive time, you cannot. Undo your actions, you MUST not. Pointless, rebuilding Coruscant is. Calm the Force, you can do only by leaving."

"Given that the majority of the Galactic Senate failed to evacuate, you are the highest authority remaining in the Republic. We intend to pay out reparations for our actions. You are the person best positioned to determine what those reparations are."

"Trivial to you, this is. Useless to us, this is. Hollow, such reparations are. Countenance this foolishness, I will not."

"I take it you are leaving the interview?"


Released Legal Transcript
Brandon Steele meeting Public Defender

Aurora: Brandon, I'm Aurora. I've been appointed as your defense attorney for the upcoming trial. The charges against you are very serious."

Brandon: "Pffft, they'll put me in time out for a few years and then kick me out. Happens every time. Heck, I've even slept through it before."

Aurora: "Brandon, you're accused of damaging a universe to the point that the locals requested evacuation under RS-i protocols. You're also accused of abduction, and and of reckless endangerment on a mass scale. Most likely upgraded to mass deliberate manslaughter if it turns out the people of Munich didn't survive."

Brandon: "And? I fail to see why I've got to care. I've literally got eternity after this."

Aurora: "The MIF's justice system takes a dim view on temporary measures where immortals are concerned for exactly that reason. There's a plea deal available of rehabilitation and indefinite probation if you plead guilty, and I highly recommend you take it."

Brandon: "Fuck off with that plea deal; I didn't do anything worth raising a fuss over. I'll plead innocent, make them work for that rehab."

(Catherine quietly enters the room at this time)

Aurora: "The prosecution and judges have made clear that if you're convicted at trial, you will be executed. The only reason they're even bothering with a trial at all is because they didn't literally catch you in the act; the evidence against you is extremely comprehensive."

Brandon: "How are they going to do that? I'm immortal, I can't die."

Catherine: "You are incorrect, Brandon Steele. Assuming that is in fact your name, and not simply an alias."

Brandon: "When did you get here!?"

Catherine: "A few moments ago. I figured you should know that we've seen many deities of your species before. Thousands of them have tried to cause problems on our turf before, and all of the ones we couldn't redeem have been killed. When we say we have the capacity to kill you, we mean it."

Aurora: "Please stop trying to intimidate my client."

Brandon: "You're bluffing, you've got to be bluffing!"

Catherine: "I'm not making an intimidation attempt, nor am I bluffing. I just want Brandon here to possess all the relevant information before making his choice. I'll be going now."

(Catherine leaves the room at this time)

Brandon: "She was bluffing, right?"

Aurora: "Catherine was telling the unvarnished truth. She's been one of the Architect's go-to problem stabbers for the longest time. That said, the fact she bothered to show up is a good sign."

Brandon: "...Didn't she literally just threaten to kill me?"

Aurora: "The only reason Catherine would turn up here is if she viewed you as redeemable. Otherwise she'd have just waited until sentencing to carry out your execution."

Brandon: "Wait, she's trying to get me to plead guilty?"

Aurora: "Yes, because she doesn't actually want to kill you. Considering what you've done, you should view that as a ringing endorsement."

Brandon: "You're trying to get me to plead guilty too."

Aurora: "Yes, because they've got you dead to rights an-"

Brandon: "You're not on my side at all then! Get out!"

Aurora: "They'll kill you Brandon!"

Brandon: "I plead innocent! I don't deserve to be shoved through this mockery of a justice system! Those mortals aren't real people anyway!"

Aurora: "Brandon!"

Brandon: "You're not my mom, you don't get to tell me what to do!"

Aurora: "If you want to plead innocent I can't stop you, but will you at least let me repre-"

Brandon: "No, get out! You're just like all the other boring stiffs who keep going on about being responsible! Lighten up!"

Aurora: "Your life is at stake here, seri-"

Brandon: "Nope nope nope I don't want to hear it! You're not on my side so scram!"

Aurora: "Brandon, I'm the only person in this whole legal proceeding on your side! Being on your side is my literal job right now!"

Brandon: "And you suck at it, so you are fired!"

Aurora: "That's not how the rules work."

Brandon: "Sure it is; you asked if I'd let you represent me, therefore you need my permission, therefore get out!"

Aurora: "By insisting on this course of action to do nothing but guarantee your execution. Seriously, reconsider."

Brandon: "Pffft, you actually believe that don't you? Watch, they'll let me off the hook with a light scolding. Happens every time."

Aurora: "Guards, permission to dope-slap my client?"

Guard_On_Duty (anonymized): "Denied."

Brandon: "Aha! You saw what she did there! That's got to violate some sort of rule, new lawyer please!"

Aurora: "BAKA!"

(Aurora storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her)

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