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The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff)

Chapter 3.2
Vote Tally : The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff) | Page 15 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.6.0

[X] Accept the request in exchange for their offer
No. of Votes: 13
Cane Toad
DamnedAeons 187

[X] Share E-mail address
No. of Votes: 9
Cane Toad
DamnedAeons 187

[X] Exchange LINE contacts
No. of Votes: 5

[X] Accept the request but reject their offer
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 15
You decide to share your e-mail address with Kashiwagi, which should be a more or less normal approach to things. You're not hopeful that it will go anywhere, though the sheer volume of e-mail traded with Kino and Kose was more than expected.

No, you didn't deliberately save their goodnight messages or anything. Not at all! Reminding yourself that makes your face blush and cringe.

Added contacts:
Kashiwagi Nagisa (E-Mail)

"Well then, can you help me carry the lighter ones? I'll bring you to the best family restaurant chain later." You check the content of the cases and separate them in terms of weights, and then hand out the lightest one to the girls.

Kose shows off her strength by carrying two rifle cases, albeit the one with lighter rifles. You picked the two heaviest cases and shoulder carry them, while Kashiwagi and Kino carry two small cases each.

Which left the Principal with two cases.

"Eugh, it weighs more than a laptop," Kino mutters.

"It certainly is a little heavy." The Principal remarked, "Wouldn't metal model be somewhat expensive?"

"On the contrary, the CYMA base model is pretty cheap, in line with Japanese and American airsoft guns of similar performance. The advantages of metal guns are, well, they simply don't break from minor to moderate accidents." You tell him, "Just like real firearms they hold up to abuse well so it's perfect for clumsy newbies."

The main problem with CYMA is poor quality bullet magazines and batteries, which can be replaced -and as you can tell, already replaced- with the Japanese's Tokyo Marui parts. But the details aren't important.

"Besides of which the weight makes for good exercising tools." You grin manically, "Fitness and discipline are important in Sabage after all."

"Indeed, Shirogane-kun also said the same thing." The Principal nodded, "It's the reason why the club is approved instantly."

By incorporating general fitness into club activity, you want to change the club image from rowdy and chaotic into something more... disciplined and useful.

The Principal probably wants to make sure it wasn't an empty talk, thus he decided to be a temporary club advisor.

"Still it's unfortunate that the club formations squeezed right before the Shuchiin Athletic festival." The Principal clicked his tongue, "You're going to be super busy I reckon."

One of the most important events in the Shuchiin athletic festival is the Club Relay race, where every club in Shuchiin sent their representative in the relay race. You're kind of lucky to have Ryuju and Miyuki, as both of them are very, very fast.

You have an absolute upper hand in that regard, so assuming no one makes a mistake it would be a nice advertisement for the club.

"That's fine, it's not as if I can leave everything to Miyuki and Ryuju, and I will become the club President after all." You humbly assure him.

"Eh, so Hikigaya-san will be Club president then." Kashiwagi brightened her eyes.

"Umm... Well, two out of three members are part of the Student council and not eligible for the presidency. So I'm just there because no one else is available." You tell her earnestly.

Being a Club President is a prestige, but it also comes with great responsibilities. This is especially true in the budget fight, or rather, biannual meetings between Presidents and Student Council representative.

But you don't have to worry about that for now.

The main problem still recruitment, while Sabage club would have greater prestige than cultural clubs, it's still no match compared to more mainstream sports and martial arts clubs.

And this club formed in the middle of a year, chances of getting new member straight away is very slim.

The assigned club room is located in the old school building of Shuchiin high, pretty much similar to most high-schools in Japan with at least a few decades of history. At present, the club room was empty, with a dirty whiteboard on the front and a bunch of chairs and tables in the back still piled up neatly.

"Keh, it's a bit dusty here." You mutter, "I'll have to clean this up when I'm done with the proposal later."

"Where should we put them?" Kose asks.

"Please just pile them in the furthest corner, I'll cover them with a tarp." The Principal tells her.

Job has been done, and you still have quite a bit of time until the other members are done with the Student Council. Guess it's time to deal with girls and their meals.

"Well then please excuse me."

"Anyway, thanks for the help, Kashiwagi."

Kashiwagi has no obligation to help you at all but she did, maybe it's only to lessen the burden of her friends. Indeed, as expected of a nice girl, she replies to you with an innocent, happy smile. "It's no problem, Hikigaya-san."

No girls in Shuchiin would want to smile like that at you.

"Hey hey, where're our thanks?" Kose looks rather disappointed, but you have no intention of honoring her whining.

"Let's go to the next restaurant then." You smile back at her, rather creepily too, "That's how it works right?"


"Then the answer is Yayoiken."


From the outside, the store looked pretty much like any other modern shops, however, once they walked inside, they're greeted by simple yet beautiful traditional Japanese interior.

"Woah, so it's a Japanese traditional restaurant?" Kino blinks in surprise.

"Yayoiken isn't quite as heralded as Ootoya, but it's still quite a popular place for average families and persons to walk in." You tell them, "Most menus in this restaurant are Japanese style full meal, so I hope you come here with an empty stomach."

You can tell that Kino already wants to leave...

"Oh Come on Karen, are you going to use dieting as an excuse?" Kose goads her. "Besides what even you're eating at lunch today?"

"A pack mule like you wouldn't understand." Kino glares in anger, "The sheer amount of effort average girl needs to put on to stay slim and healthy."

"Who are you calling pack mule." Kose squeezes Kino's cheeks, "Besides in what way I'm not considered average girl? Right, Hikigaya-san?"

Kose definitely stronger and more fit than average girls, but you probably wouldn't notice that in her uniform like this.

"Well yeah, I don't see any difference." You answer truthfully. "You look rather thin, Kino."

If anything, it's more like Kino Karen being slimmer than average, she had a similar build to Yukinoshita rather, though Yukinoshita is much taller than average. Because of typical Japanese social values and unrealistic body expectations of teenagers, the average Shuchiin girls can be rather weedy.

Extremely athletic girls with very pronounced, lean but well-toned bodies like Shinomiya or Ryuju are the exception, not the norm.

"Oh." Kino blush in response, "Is that so?"

"My words might not represent the average boy's opinion." You clarify and backtrack, not wanting to look like you're hitting on her.

Kose rolls her eyes aside and mutter, "Coward."

"I resemble that remark hey!" You tell her off.

And so you order your food and start the discussion pertaining Yayoiken as a franchise, as well ahs the quality of food and whatnot. Unlike Saizeriya, Yayoiken doesn't quite have a centralized food processing facility and each branch thus produce their own batches.

That's why the price of food is way more than Saize but still cheaper than the two girls expect.

"They use the Miso brand from my family's company I see." Kose remarks when she tasted her miso-boiled mackerel. "They sure know what to choose."

"Well yeah, do you think they can afford homemade miso?" You incredulously asks.

To make miso, it takes anywhere from 6 months to 1 year worth of fermentation time. These days, only the hardcore Japanese restaurant franchise would utilize them. Factory Miso simply far easier, and that's how Kose family's company grew tremendously as today.

"Ugh, I don't think I can eat dinner today," Kino complains as the three of you finish everything.

"You say that but I bet you'll eat cake again later." Kose points at her.

"Still we got a lot of material and photos for the article today, it's thanks to you, Hikigaya-san." Kino smiles sweetly at you and makes you a bit embarrassed.

Kino really is beautiful, not the most beautiful girl in Shuchiin perhaps, but compared to the 11 peasants you confess to in middle school... she's leagues ahead of them.

All that time spent studying like a hermit gives a great payoff.

"Nah." You awkwardly look away, "It's fine, I come here often anyway."

Well, not with other people anyway. You come here very often especially when you're not in the best mood to cook at home. These days you avoid eating prepackaged convenience store bento. Either you cook, or you eat in a family restaurant.

"We should come here more often." Kose says ambiguously.

Is there even a point of coming back here for you girls anyway? Asking that would be rude though. And so you return back to school, and then go to your home with Miyuki and Ryuju.


It's nighttime when the proposal finally finished, and it's only possible with the strength of three people. Momo excused herself ahead as her family car came, while Miyuki left with his bike.

Kashiwagi sent her first email, saying good evening and talking about cooling weather. It's a bit weird, to be honest. Still, Kashiwagi sent the first text, so you should reply in kind.

Oddly enough, it turned into an e-mail chain that gets really, really confusing to read after a while. This might legit be the longest text conversation you have with a girl, even if the topic is somewhat off.

Both of you are talking about society and the problems in it, to be honest, the conversation was rather pretentious. However, you have the odd feeling that Kashiwagi took a lot of these kinds of information from Yukinoshita. And furthermore, most of the conversation seems to be related to future Public Service's club activities that you see from Yukinoshita's proposals.

Though Kashiwagi was way, way more polite in her delivery. Nevertheless, Kashiwagi Nagisa might be a rather curious type of girl despite her innocent and kind appearance.

[Talking with e-mail is a bit hard huh.] Was one of her last messages.


Well, an e-mail isn't designed to hold back and forth conversations like this. That's how messaging platforms like LINE, Whatsapp and Facebook proliferate in the first place, they evolved from the older online chat program.

[Well, either way, see you tomorrow, Hikigaya-san.]

See you tomorrow, indeed.

Relationship Change:
Kashiwagi Nagisa, Strangers -> Acquaintance

However a new e-mail came from a sender that you didn't recognize, and the e-mail introduced itself as coming from none other than Newspaper Club President.

It was an informal proposal, the Newspaper club is willing to work with you to advertise the Survival Game club if you want, especially with poster design. They didn't ask anything in return, but you know there is a catch.

Either you'll owe them, or they reap indirect benefits. Most probably, they probably want to focus on Miyuki's nominal membership in the club. Miyuki joining a club, especially newly established club, would definitely make a good headline, after all this time being stubborn and prefer to focus on part-time work and student council.

That seems to be the most plausible reasoning at least.

In the end, the authority is left in your hand as a club president. Still, talking with others beforehand isn't a bad idea either.

[ ] Accept
[ ] Decline
[ ] Discuss it with Miyuki and Ryuju tomorrow at lunch
[X] Discuss it with Miyuki and Ryuju tomorrow at lunch
[X] Discuss it with Miyuki and Ryuju tomorrow at lunch
[X] Discuss it with Miyuki and Ryuju tomorrow at lunch

While we are certainly the president of the club, this will directly involves our friend so it seems like an obvious choice.
No, you didn't deliberately save their goodnight messages or anything. Not at all! Reminding yourself that makes your face blush and cringe.
Peak cringe, but that's Hachiman after all.
"Still we got a lot of material and photos for the article today, it's thanks to you, Hikigaya-san." Kino smiles sweetly at you and makes you a bit embarrassed.

Kino really is beautiful, not the most beautiful girl in Shuchiin perhaps, but compared to the 11 peasants you confess to in middle school... she's leagues ahead of them.
Oh my, roasted.

Also Erika is a suspect, while Kashiwagi is thirsting for the 8inch (or maybe she's just being nice and its a trap, idk).

[X] Discuss it with Miyuki and Ryuju tomorrow at lunch
[X] Discuss it with Miyuki and Ryuju tomorrow at lunch

Let's pick the middle option, because this means more interaction with Miyuki.
- Source: Not Me
[X] Discuss it with Miyuki and Ryuju tomorrow at lunch

Hope Kashiwagi will upgrade to being a LINE contact soon
[X] Discuss it with Miyuki and Ryuju tomorrow at lunch
Chapter 3.3
Vote Tally : The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff) | Page 16 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.6.0

[X] Discuss it with Miyuki and Ryuju tomorrow at lunch
No. of Votes: 12
Cane Toad
DamnedAeons 187

Total No. of Voters: 12

You decide it's best to postpone any decision and talk with Miyuki and Ryuju about it tomorrow, and rather than through message, it has to be face to face. President or not, this is a small club and your authority is nominal at best.

No reason to make a decision hastily either, as you still have to submit the proposal forth even as a formality.

So come the time for lunch and you discuss everything with Miyuki and Ryuju during the usual ritual of shared lunchtime.

"It's hardly unexpected." Momo speaks out, "Club politics in this school is serious business, smaller clubs are oppressed by default unless they choose total isolation and ignored by the big fishes. As for mass Media club, they don't have VIP member to shield them, whereas this club has me and Shirogane."

"Indeed." Miyuki agrees with her, "What they need isn't mere attention, they also want protection."

So Mass media club want us to be their shield. Interesting.

In the past, you would condemn it as cowardice, but after spending one semester in this school... It's important to attain power, for the sake of survival.

The reason why you were bullied in the past was that you're powerless too. Rejecting the position in the Student council exposes you to that harm, once again. By acting as President of a new club, you have both Miyuki and Ryuju behind your back. The Mass media club has none of that privilege.

Ah, Yukinoshita also probably in a similar position, only... she's ambitious, far more ambitious, but also knows not to be greedy. Public Service club likely will become one of the most powerful clubs in the few months to come.

From a logical perspective, the easiest way is to remain hidden and don't attract too much attention. In the first place, you only built this club to be timewaster, and Miyuki flat out said he can't be an active member, to begin with...

Even so...

"What, are we going to chicken out? Of course, I'll accept." Ryuju scoffs and slams the table.

"After going this far, walking back isn't an option." Miyuki sharpens his sleep-deprived eyes and combs his hair in the most arrogant pose possible. "I don't mind being in the spotlight."

That bastard just wants to show off, you know, but you can't help but feel a sense of amusement. Shirogane Miyuki is a hard-working person, whose bloody effort can match his galactic ego.

"Then I guess we'll accept it." You smugly smile as you pull out your smartphone and reply to the Mass Media club President, "Then it's time to talk about details."

"Good thing, then let's fetch the bitches." Ryuju smile ominously and then disappears from your sight.



"Iya! Please don't kill me!"

When you and Miyuki look at the door, you see Ryuju caught both Kino and Kose at the same time, and then drag them inside your class by hooking them with her arm.

"What the hell are you doing?" You ask with a deadpan voice, and then slap the back of Ryuju's head with a slipper, hard enough to make her gasp and release them.

Indeed, you're basically conditioned to act as moral restraint for this particular Yakuza Princess, to stop her whenever she's out of line.

"Sorry about that, she's a bit touchy and bad with people." You apologize on behalf of Ryuju.

"Ahh, that's fine, that's fine." Kino looks so pale she almost anemic, "It's our fault for stalking... no, I mean watching you from a distance secretly."

That's stalking though.

"Acha, Ryuju-sama is really strong." Kose tries to feel her neck, noticing there's no injury. "Sorry, I should have warned her."

Kose only obsessed with Kaguya, so she had no reason to fawn over Miyuki. Kino, in contrast, is basically out of breath at the moment.

"Nevermind about that." Miyuki put his cool Presidential face and look at them seriously, "We'll agree with the proposal, so what do you have in mind?"


After school, the three of you start cleaning the club room. Spoiled as they may, Shuchiin students still do chores like this from time to time, as it's part of disciplinary education. The main school building has cleaners and janitors, but the club room is an entirely different issue.

"Speaking of which where does the vacuum robot come from?" Miyuki asks when a Roomba-like large contraption cleans the floor of the clubroom, freeing you from the lion share of cleaning.

"I borrow it from the robot club." Ryuju replies, "The memberships are pretty huge but they're all so spineless, even with the backing of teachers."

So she bullies them into compliance huh, as expected of Yakuza Princess, but you'll have to watch over her more now.

"Well, to think we can finish it in less than an hour is nice." Miyuki stretches his arm out, "You know, I spend my time in the Council's office practically every day that it feels odd spending time elsewhere after school."

"Don't you have work to do?"

"After the council activities though."

Though the door was completely open, you hear the knock and turn your attention there. A familiar upperclassman with glasses stands there awkwardly.


"Hmm? Oh, please come in, we're just done cleaning." Miyuki welcomes her as he put a couple of desk and chairs down and wipe them with a clean rag.

"Sorry for intruding." Kose and Kino follow her meekly, clearly afraid of Ryuju.

"Please don't be so formal." Miyuki smiles, but his expression is confident and domineering. "We're all struggling together here."

That was a lie!

By claiming he's also struggling, Miyuki can claim an open position of acceptance, while in reality, this club isn't going to struggle for the moment.

By doing so, Miyuki makes sure we're having an upper hand from turn one.

"First of all, I want to thank you personally for helping Karen-san and Erika-san with the articles, Hikigaya-kun." The bespectacled Club president said, "Thanks to you they can escape rut and write interesting and popular articles now."

"It's merely a coincidence, Senpai."

"When I hear you're establishing a new club, I legitimately interested. Shuchiin High seen clubs created and disbanded in the blink of an eye, but there's no other club that starts with a bang like this-"

Ryuju, who was in complete disinterest with the discussion, start checking up the guns and then fired one as a test.


"And I have the feeling it can make good articles too, by introducing this club in our articles."

"We feel the same." You nod at her, "So let's move on to the details."

Aside from semi-formal interviews as the main feature of the article, the Mass media club also planned to design a recruitment poster for the club, something you definitely don't think much about.

And then all hell breaks loose.

"In my humble opinion having the three of them together on the same page should be better."

"But don't you think it's better if the atmosphere is a bit cheerful?"

"If only Kaguya-sama in this club too." Kose and Kino sigh almost synchronously.

You twitch in response, "Don't be unreasonable."

In other words, none of them can seem to agree on which design concept should be used. Still, you can digest enough info that in terms of the design proposed there are five design elements and you have to pick two.

The focus of the poster:
[ ] All three member have the same focus (By President)
[ ] Focus on You and Miyuki, with Ryuju standing in the background (By Kino)
[ ] Focus on Miyuki and Ryuju, with you standing in the background (By Kose)

The tone of the poster:
[ ] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)
[ ] Make the poster look fun and lighthearted, like a family movie poster. (By Miyuki)
[x] All three member have the same focus (By President)
[x] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)
Last edited:
[X] All three member have the same focus (By President)

[X] Make the poster look fun and lighthearted, like a family movie poster. (By Miyuki)
[X] All three member have the same focus (By President)
[X] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)
[X] All three member have the same focus (By President)
Not much sense putting Miyuki and Ryuju in focus when Miyuki plans to leave soon anyways. That would probably backfire. On the other hand putting Ryuju in background when she'll be the remaining VIP is even stupider.
[X] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)
This is the Survival Club. Better to be more action-like. We don't want easily scared people either
[X] All three member have the same focus (By President)
[X] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)

Ryuju best girl. Miyuki and President are bros. Kino and Kose are creepy stalker hos.
Last edited:
[X] All three member have the same focus (By President)
[X] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)
This is the Survival Club, we don't want to be family friendly.
[X] Focus on Miyuki and Ryuju, with you standing in the background (By Kose)
[X] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)
[X] All three member have the same focus (By President)
[X] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)
[X] All three member have the same focus (By President)
[X] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)
You need to put crosses

[X] All three member have the same focus (By President)
[X] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)
[X] Focus on Miyuki and Ryuju, with you standing in the background (By Kose)
[X] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)

In a world as dangerous as Shuchiin, it's better to not take any chances. And by that, I mean using the VIP and StuCo President should help the Club getting popular, whereas Hikki in the foreground of the poster would make him more famous than necessary in the viper pit.
[x] All three member have the same focus (By President)
[x] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)
[X] All three member have the same focus (By President)
[X] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)

Chapter 3.4
Vote Tally : The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff) | Page 16 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.6.0

[x] Make the poster look serious and cool, like an action movie poster. (By Ryuju)
No. of Votes: 12
Cane Toad

[x] All three member have the same focus (By President)
No. of Votes: 11
Cane Toad

[X] Focus on Miyuki and Ryuju, with you standing in the background (By Kose)
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Make the poster look fun and lighthearted, like a family movie poster. (By Miyuki)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 13

"Just keep everyone on the same page, and make it cool and grit." You decide, "This is Survival game club after all, and I don't want to put false advertising."

"While what you're saying is true, it's kind of hurting me you know." Miyuki pouts in response. Hey, ghost member doesn't get to complain!

"Umm, why is that a problem, President Shirogane?" The bespectacled president asked curiously.

"Early on the job of Student council is going to be fairly mild, and I more or less finished the hectic process of power transition this month, but after this, there's Athletic festival, midterm and also Cultural Festival on the horizon." Miyuki explains to them, "So chances that I won't be able to come to the club often."

If he got the chance at all.

"I see."

The photoshoot for the articles took place in the forest behind the old school building and roughly to the south of student council office, this is also the area that Survival game club will be more or less the most active in, simply because it's safe for gunfighting.

It's basically the perfect spot, and Principal more or less gave you that mandate.

For this session of the photoshoot, everyone wears generic tracksuits that are both comfortable and at the same time protective enough for basic airsoft games. Everyone also wear tactical chest rig where one can strap on magazine pouches and other militaristic accesories.

Kino and Kose take pictures of everyone doing the basic run, crawling, and shooting targets. You inwardly note how it looks like pictures of military boot camp than anything, and Ryuju outright says out loud and laughs.

The photos for the articles were made so that they look mundane but still interesting to look at after all the article photos supposedly represent the reality of the club rather than something eye-catching.

That's what the recruitment poster for, and this time the photo will have a digitally altered background so it's taken in the photography club studio instead.

"Borrowing the drama club costumes is fine as all but why is this?" Miyuki looks at the vaguely middle eastern gown and trouser he's wearing.

Meanwhile, you're wearing a rather nondescript brown BDU (army uniform) with extremely obvious fake patches and non-military ranks.

For a supposedly weak club, Mass Media club sure as heck have a lot of connection to dial into.

"Well, the theme of the poster is Merchant of death Ryuju-sama selling weapons to insurgents President Shirogane and Russian mercenary Hikigaya-kun." President of Mass media club says nonchalantly, with gleaming glasses, "I'm trying to think of old Hollywood movies and this comes to mind."

"That's the 90s as fuck." You exclaim loudly, not that there's anything wrong with the concept.

Still, Merchant of death, aka arms dealer, isn't that a bit too on the nose? You and Miyuki look at Ryuju who freezes at the realization.

She's dressed in a very stylish businessman suit.

"I wonder if she's mad?" Miyuki whispers at you.

"I like it." Ryuju's eyes widened, she looks really excited it seems. "Let's go with that one."

"I'm glad Ryuju-sama likes it." President of Mass Media club sighs in relief, clearly doing a high-risk gamble with the idea.

In the end, the basic composition of the poster has been decided. The picture has the Yakuza princess grinning manically with an open gun case in her hands, while you and Miyuki flanking from both sides, pointing a pistol to each other with murderous intention.

"It hasn't even put into basic editing and it's already cool as hell." Miyuki remarks happily when he looks at the tablet screen for the concept composition, "This might be more fun than I thought."

For Miyuki who only knows part-time work in all his youthful life, the experience of the School Club is definitely a new one. As for both Ryuju and you, both of you were socially ostracized in the past, and for that reason alone, neither of you have experienced this either.

Perhaps this is why the majority of students would sacrifice their free time to spend in the club. Sure, some of them were pressured to join whether by their parents or their friends, but most people enter a club on their own volition.


You don't get to say you're having fun very, very often.

"Speaking of which, did you alone come up with this idea?" Miyuki asks the other club President on the scene.

"Well, to be honest, I'm glad my composition is picked."

You look at Kose and Kino who avert their eyes away, their collective face begins to sweat profusely and then slid away trying to run.

But you decide to follow them and ask with a half-whispers, "Anything you want to tell me?"

"It's very obvious that no other girl should stand beside President Shirogane except Kaguya-sama." Kino grit her teeth.

"What the hell, what about you, Kose?"

"Framing it as love triangle looks pretty interesting so..." Kose wince.

"This is why you're so hopeless romantically, you shitty Miso!"

"What the hell that's supposed to mean, you ship trash?!"

In the end, they ramble on each other again, as usual, the delusional maiden and Shinomiya fanatic show just how much of a best friend they are, by casually fighting like this.

Indeed, to have a 'fight' you need to be close with someone in the first place.

Still, you really are thankful for the Mass Media club President, she probably has to deal with these two daily... as fellow Club President, you have nothing but a sense of respect to her now.

As Ryuju and Miyuki return to the Student Council room for the remainder of free time they have, you approach the other Club President and says "Thank you for the help, today."

"It's fine, besides I'm just trying to repay your and President Shirogane's help." She smiles kindly, "Not just recently but back then too, the first time we meet last April."

Back then?


You remember vividly, it's early in April last semester when the previous StuCo President rope Miyuki into volunteering for cleaning activities of Bloodpool swamp.

It seems that this particular upperclassman got into an accident during the cleaning, Shinomiya rescued her and Miyuki assisted them to get out, only for Miyuki to fall into the swamp and you jumped in to save him.

This was the stage that set Miyuki's slow ascension into prominence in Shuchiin... when he got inspired by Shinomiya and spend an inhuman amount of effort to catch up with the genius Ice Goddess.


It all began with this girl. Very funny.

"I legit forgot that." You blush and scratch your head.


"Hikigaya-kun is very blunt, but you're also very kind. You're not the type to take credits to your own accomplishment." She smiles, "So I hope you don't mind if Karen and Erika bother you again at some point. In return, I'll be sure to help you as long as I can, so don't hesitate."

Of course, you'll be bothered, but as a matter of rejecting them... looks like Senpai see through you very easily, despite her meek and pushover look.

"Can't promise anything." You tell her in the end, "But please take care of me as your Junior."

Relationship change:
MMC President, Stranger -> Senior
Added Contacts:
MMC President (E-mail)

It seems that instead of spending her free weekend at Chiba, Komachi will come to Tokyo for her Idol training. You know that being an Idol is not really her ambition, but rather a contingency plan just in case she fails to get into her favorite school.

Komachi's potential has been acknowledged even by Father's hard-ass bitch of a boss, Director Mishiro. Though to be fair, she also acknowledged your potential in Idol business. Komachi isn't very bright at school, this much you already know, but looking at a girl this young and already concerned with her future, sometimes you feel inferior.

So what you're going to do?

[ ] Go to Father's workplace and help with whatever you can
[ ] Fetch Komachi later when she's done and cook something nice for her for the time being
[x] Go to Father's workplace and help with whatever you can
Sounds more interesting to do this and maybe we can fix hachiman and hachidad's relationship
[x] Go to Father's workplace and help with whatever you can

Komachi need all the support and we can have the sweet JP¥

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