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The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff)

[X] Train some more

Maybe Hachiman could team up with Maki to get her and
Tsubasa together and make her less wary of him.
Chapter 4.2
Vote Tally : The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff) | Page 19 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.6.0

[X] Train some more
No. of Votes: 19
Cane Toad
DamnedAeons 187

[X] Go home
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Train some more (Best girl Ryuju)
No. of Votes: 1

-[x] After all, spending more time with Momo, "as a friend", was one of the reasons for this club.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 22

You decide to check the toolbox for extra parts and exchange the front-mounted dot sight with side-mounted sniper scope instead and begin shooting. The scope already zeroed in for an effective range of 30 meters just like your gun and you're pelting static cardboard target as the drones already out of power and returned to robot club.

"Hey, Hikigaya, what do you think?" Ryuju asks as she pushes the magazine release buttons and let empty mags fell into a bag safely, "Is the club members so far good?"

"They're more motivated than I assume, I admit." You tell her, "Toyosaki just want to pull one on Miyuki, Tanuma just flat out honest and want to have fun, but surprisingly, I expected Hongo to fuck up something but he didn't, and that makes me confused."

Hongo seriously did club activities like everyone else, and he's the one you consider the least reliable if predictable.

"Confused?" Ryuju blinks, "Well a skirt chaser doesn't seem to belong to a weird club with very niche appeal."

"Well, I have two theories on his motive." You grin, "First of all, he enters this club to appeal girls after his string of failures, and the second one, well..."


"He's after you."

Cue Ryuju literally rolling on the ground laughing incessantly, to the point of literally shedding tears. She never, ever laugh this hard before, at least, in the short time you get to know her.

"Pull the other one." Ryuju giggles, "If he's after me he has way too much free time to waste."

Admittedly, if one just takes a good look at Ryuju, they'll see a very beautiful girl with a sensual body, but once she opens her mouth, all bets are off. She's basically a boy inside.

You can understand Hongo chasing her, from that fact alone, simply by the fact that he doesn't know her real personality yet. Once Hongo learns, then he'll probably take some distance or quit.

"He's trying to look badass or something, we'll I'll happily whip him until he looks the part." Ryuju cackles manically, her face darkened.

Considering the amount of abuse you suffer from her when she conditioned you to grow a spine, you make a sign of the cross in honor of Hongo's inevitable dark future.

It's probably worse if Hongo DID want to get under Ryuju's skirt, you can't even imagine it.

"Still, I'm willing to bet Toyosaki the first to quit." You tell her, "Once Miyuki stop attending clubs later."

"Then we'll just make sure Shirogane don't quit." Ryuju lightly points out. As usual, she's really bad at long term planning.

"Well, but we can't really force him to stay either. He has a student council to deal with, his study and part-time work." You tell her sadly, "If he has time to come once a week in the future, that would be good enough."

"Seriously, all day every day like that?"

"Every day like that."

"I wonder if he will break apart at some point, human beings weren't supposed to have that dense in routine." She winces in sympathy.

"Oh, he will, at some point he absolutely will." You cross your arm, "That's why I must distract him from time to time."

She quietly unloads another set of magazines and finally ripped the cardboard target completely as you watch.

"To be honest, I want to quit the Student Council." Ryuju suddenly says as she put back the pistols and magazines in the case, unloaded completely, with the gas reservoir in the magazines partially charged. "Especially when you reject Shirogane's invitation to the student council."


"Do you know how extremely tedious Treasurer's work is?" Momo cringe trying to remember everything, "Besides which, Shinomiya is a frigid bitch and Fujiwara is a dumbass. I can't get along with them. And there's also the rift between us first year and our seniors in the second years."

Ah, so after the departure of the Previous President, Ryuju probably feels a little lonely. Miyuki is an extreme workaholic and probably neglect Ryuju too much now that he took the mantle as Council President.

"But I'm glad we created a club together like this."

For the first time, Ryuju smiled freely as a girl would.

"Yeah." You nod and smile back in response.

By giving a breathing room for Ryuju to fall back into, Ryuju can stay in the council for the time being. That way, Miyuki won't be absolutely screwed further by having one of his most trusted friends leaving.

Miyuki probably already see the signs of Ryuju burning out of enthusiasm.

You guess it's among the reason why Miyuki decided to come and do the club activities in the end, despite his original intent to remain a ghost member. He's too proud to admit it, and you know that well.

And who knows, maybe Miyuki can have fun from time to time.


It's the middle of the week and it's high time for the class to pick representation for the Sports festival event. Starting today, club activity will cease as everyone focuses on training for the Athletic event.

Truthfully you're not the type to pick ahead, nevertheless picking some of the possible events might benefit you better. So it should be a good balance between waiting and volunteering. You decide to avoid the more flashy events focusing on teamwork, like the traditional opening dance and human pyramid, as well as ball tossing, since that's more popular with the girls in class.

Judging from your own stamina, three events should be workable, and you already decided to do Club relay.

Speaking of which, Hongo decides to volunteer for the three-legged race. Were this a romantic comedy series, it'll definitely end up with girl-boy pairing, but that's unlikely the case.

The problem is, the boys in the class despise him for his romantic shenanigans, so who wants to pair with him?

"Is there any boy or girl who wants to do the 3-legged race?"

Stupid question, Class Rep. You're wasting our time here! Also, Hongo already about to cry!

"If no one wants it, put me there." Ryuju calmly says, as she rudely rests her legs on the table, "No guarantee we can win though."

Boy-boy pairing would have an absolute advantage thanks to their stride length. Ryuju is fast, very fast when she's running by herself, but the 3-legged race is all about anatomic coordination, and thus two boys of similar height would have the most advantage.

But Hongo looks surprised by the turn of events and completely speechless. As for Ryuju, she's probably trying to gauge Hongo's motive and seriousness by her own hands and eyes.

As expected of whimsical Yakuza Princess.

Pick 2
[ ] The 3-legged race (With Hongo)
[ ] 100 m Sprint (Miyuki competes here)
[ ] Tug of War (Miyuki competes here)
[ ] Obstacle Race
[ ] Scavenger hunt
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Were this a romantic comedy series, it'll definitely end up with girl-boy pairing, but that's unlikely the case.
This IS romantic comedy series though, so we can let Momo handle him.x3

Obstacle race seems to be most relevant to our club. The other option is scavenger hunt which generally result in hilarity.
[X] Scavenger hunt
[X] Tug of War (Miyuki competes here)

Ryuju flag get!

My reasoning for these two, is to conserve energy for the relay race. Tug of War is mostly arm work, not much running although the legs are exerted slightly. Saburo needs team help to win the relay against Miyuki. Miyuki is faster as an individual than him. The combined athleticism score on Hatchiman's team is above average if Ryuju is at least average, or not far below average (numbers are at the bottom of linked threadmark)

Winning against Miyuki is fine, because he's competing on an opposing team for student council. He chose to represent the side that Ryuju couldn't stand.

Would be better if Miyuki-bro ditched student council along with Ryuju to find true happiness in this new club.
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[X] Tug of War (Miyuki competes here)
[X] Obstacle Race

Since he's done some Parkour with momo and it'd be nice to see him and Miyuki compete
[x] The 3-legged race (With Hongo)
[X] 100 m Sprint (Miyuki competes here)
[X] Tug of War (Miyuki competes here)
[X] Obstacle Race

Though I wanted to do 3 legged race just to prevent him from racing with our girl
Momo has 10 Athleticism. So the club as a whole is
Miyuki 9
Hachiman 8
Hayato 7
Saburo 6
Tsubasa 5
Ah, If I remember correctly, isn't Miyuki a pretty terrible athlete.
I mean Fujiwara needed to coach him how to dance and play volleyball.

[X] Obstacle Race
[X] The 3-legged race (With Hongo)
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By 'athletic' it means running and some jumping which Miyuki literally top rank in entire Shuchiin.

But his shooting score is... abysmal, and not just because his awful eyesight.
Yeah, I think Miyuki will be the guy who spends the Entire drun mag of a Chicago Typewriter on a single target yet somehow misses every time

[X] The 3-legged race (With Hongo)
[X] Scavenger Hunt
Let's show a little jealousy. And stop that.
[X] The 3-legged race (With Hongo)
[X] Scavenger Hunt
Yes, show a clear jealously in the middle of a class discussion when Momo herself offered it. I'm sure it'll be a great idea. /s
Eh, it's sounds like a good idea if they want to push for Momo route full speed.

TBH I kinda hoped people go for someone else since she's one of main heroine in the fanfic (Along with Hayasaka and Chika), but this being quest means democracy, and majority get to decide.
Eh, it's sounds like a good idea if they want to push for Momo route full speed.

TBH I kinda hoped people go for someone else since she's one of main heroine in the fanfic (Along with Hayasaka and Chika), but this being quest means democracy, and majority get to decide.
But we do know how it will/is planned to end there. So this is her chance.
You do? I didn't remember saying anything about that.

I honestly plan to end the fanfic after a couple more arcs and just write three separate 'extended' routes instead of dealing with harem headache.
.....wait, there is a Harem in the fic?
[x] The 3-legged race (With Hongo)
[x] Obstacle Race
[X] The 3-legged race (With Hongo)
[X] Scavenger hunt
I keep missing out on all the fun of voting...

[X] Obstacle Race
[X] Scavenger hunt
[X] Tug of War (Miyuki competes here)
[X] Obstacle Race
[X] The 3-legged race (With Hongo)
[X] Scavenger hunt

Scavenge the girl's locker room.

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