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The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff)

[x] Cook for everyone, it's cheaper.
[x] Cook for everyone, it's cheaper.
Chapter 6
Mama mia, 27 votes!

Vote Tally : The Council's Road, Not Taken (Kaguya-sama/Oregairu Spinoff) | Page 24 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.6.0

[x] Cook for everyone, it's cheaper.
No. of Votes: 19

[X] Cook for everyone, it's cheaper for evryone.
No. of Votes: 6
Cane Toad

[X] Restaurant is easier.
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 27

"Let's have a shared dinner." You confidently tell them, "I'll cook for everyone."


"It's nothing to write home about, but if nothing else Hikigaya can cook in massive batch at once." Ryuju assures them, "Somehow."

"Truthfully it would be nice if I can improve my cooking skill a bit, but there's only so much I can do alone without some innate talent." You tell them, "Either I get someone to tutor me or I get more people and their input."

"Who's going to tutor who?"

It's none other than the girl's gang, the combined group of Mass Media Club and the Public Service Club.

"Congratulations, Hikigaya-kun." Yukinoshita greeted you, "Guess you're not all empty talk after all."

"Blah, that was nothing. Miyuki left me in the dust after all."

"I didn't mean that but okay."

"This guy here wants to improve his cooking but he has no one to teach him, and most of the time he's cooking alone so he wants to make us dinner." Ryuju points at you insultingly.

"I see, I always thought you're the type to prey on homely girls and makes them cook for you every day." Yukinoshita lightly comment.

You deflect her mild insult like a champion, "Nah, I'm actually the opposite. Maybe sometimes in the future, I want to cook for a girl I like every day."

The aspiration to be house husband burns brighter than the setting sun!

"If that's what you want, then I have no problem teaching you."

Teach a starving man how to fish as opposed to giving him a fish. That is indeed the philosophy of Yukinoshita Yukino. She will never turn the request of someone who earnestly pursues self-improvement.

"What about the celebration after-party though?" Hongo whines, and now you just remember you're getting distracted.

"After-party?" Yukinoshita sharpens her eyes, "I see, you just want to eat a lot and have fun, I presume?"

"Let's have a cooking party together then!" Kose proposes, "We can borrow the Home EC room and cook dinner for everyone while teaching Hikigaya-san how to cook better."

"Why should I?" Yukinoshita ask.

See, this is why you hate her despite being attracted to her in the past. For the love of all that's holy...

"Forget it, Yukinoshita probably too busy to cook alone anyway." You dismissively tell them, but you know very well that's a bait.

Yukinoshita twitch a bit, "What do you mean with that, Hikigaya-kun?"

"Food quality aside, you probably took your sweet time cooking for yourself. I wonder if you can make them fast enough for anyone, let alone the entire group of people."

"Guess you got me there." Yukinoshita takes a deep breath, knowingly falling into your trap. "I'm not going to be merciless."

So you decide to come to the Principal and ask for permission.

"Sure enough as long as you clean up afterward." The Principal nods, "And I'll be there to watch over and make sure you all behave."

Even saying that, considering how hands-off he's in club activities, you doubt he'll complain much as long as everyone acts normally. Also, the guy definitely just want to eat without working...

"First of all, let's start with ingredients." Yukinoshita says, "Which means grocery shopping. But let's make it a little harder."

As she said this, she pulls out two pieces of 1000 yen notes, "2000 yen per person, nothing more than that."

Shuchiin students are indeed filthy rich for the most part. For them, 1000 yen probably is the smallest denomination they normally have, because, for example, most items in the school vending machine cost 1000 yen (a total ripoff).

"You gotta be kidding me." Shijo winces, "What can one do with 2000 yen?!"

"Talk about out of touch with society." Both Kino and Kose remarks with disappointment. Unlike Shijo, these two now have experience what it feels like to be penniless peasant looking for cheap food to fill one's stomach.

"That's not impossible, but also really tight."

"Remember Hikigaya-kun, you ARE cooking for kids raised and pampered in a wealthy household, and I'm not an exception to that." Yukinoshita smirk smugly, "How far you can push 2000 yen per person with that level of standards?"

Ahhh, so that's what she's aiming for.

"That's fine by me, but I need someone to watch over because I'm actually a penny pincher. My standard for ingredients might be substandard."

"Giving up before started?"

"I prefer knowing to avoid battles I cannot win, I'm here to LEARN okay? Besides are you going to take responsibility for my starving friends?"

"I will." Yukinoshita firmly responds.


And so, you and Yukinosita end up in OK Mart Takanodaba with the intention of shopping for ingredients. The OK Mart is a famous chain of supermarket, and well known as one of the cheapest supermarkets in the expensive Tokyo.

"Unfortunately, since we're coming in the evening, some of the ingredients will reach their shelf life and going to be dumped." Yukinoshita teaches you how to be more selective in picking ingredients, "Shijo-san might be like that out of ignorance, but that's what we're going to correct together."

Before coming to Shuchiin, Yukinoshita already living a rich life, and yet, it seems that she's just as acclimated as you to living alone on a budget.

"The freshness level like this-"


"Hey, Hikigaya-kun." She suddenly asks, "Do you feel assimilated enough?"

"Well, I can say I get a glimpse of most people's lives here, in isolated elite schools such as Shuchiin." You say awkwardly, "Actually, I spend most of the first semester assimilating, so I'm not that good at that."

"As for me, I was mindblown." Yukinoshita laughs in mirth, "All my life I was treated I was special, for good and for ill. Boys would always approach me with the thought of romance, and girls would look at me with derision and envy. In Chiba, I was treated like a tyrannical Princess."

"When I came to Shuchiin, it's all disappeared." Yukinoshita murmur, "I am just one of 180 students, I'm just average, everyone is at least as smart and as talented as myself, and many more surpass me in a lot of things. My parents weren't that much special, people like Shijo-san and Kashiwagi-san exist to remind me of my place in society."

"Is this some kind of 'there's always a bigger fish' moral story?" You ask her half-joking.

"Possibly, but that's not my point. My point is that your first reaction of looking on a ladder should always be 'I can climb higher'."

Ah, that's true. Yukinoshita also didn't come here without effort. Just like you, Yukinoshita also didn't reach this point effortlessly. From relative nobody to someone who can stand toe to toe with someone like Shinomiya Kaguya, it can't be just innate talent.

For no one in Shuchiin academy possess a wealth of talent more than Shinomiya Kaguya does. Like for example, Ryuju is Shinomiya's equal or superior in athletic capabilities, but Ryuju would never be able to catch up with her academically without ruining herself.

"So it's good that you recognize your limit and want to surpass it." Yukinoshita smiles brightly, "You've changed, Hikigaya-kun."



The first time you meet her, two of you caught in a massive argument. Yukinoshita is in the opinion that people need to change even if they are forced to, and you're in the opinion that someone should only change on their own accord.

Since the encounter with former president and incident in the swamp however, your path separated from each other.

Your friendship with Ryuju, her friendship with Shijo and Kashiwagi, both of you studying hard to be in the best 10 of the exam rank, and both of you establishing your own club and become club president and captain respectively.

The reason you two can meet and talk like this once again is that both of you climbed the hierarchy of Shuchiin high and reach the top, the domain of Genius and Gods.

"Do you still remember my request back then?" You ask her, "Become my friend, Yukinoshita."

Back then, she rejected your request. But now, will she accept it?

"Sure enough Hikigaya-kun."

And so, your friendship with her sealed with a platonic handshake. Supposedly, in the tiniest bit of chance that you have romantic feelings for her, then that feeling already fleet away, washed by time spent drifting apart from each other.

It doesn't matter anymore.

You've grown enough to be worthy of a friendship with her, no longer as a subservient boy and prideful girl, but two people of equal standing.

Relationship change:
Yukinoshita Yukino, Acquaintance -> Friend
E-Mail, LINE obtained

"And so, let's begin our trial by fire!"

According to Yukinoshita's preliminary's judgment, your technique and basic knowledge already polished enough. However, they sill need refining, for that matter, your very own standard needs to be raised for a start.

You should stop thinking that just because a food is edible, it's an acceptable result of cooking. It's a total overhaul of mindset, truly in Yukinoshita fashion.

Admittedly, you're doing most of the grunt work preparing ingredients while Yukinoshita and Kose did most of the real cooking, nevertheless you're absorbing their knowledge at an unprecedented rate.

Miyuki joined midway and immediately show off his supreme cooking skill, by making the simplest, cheapest dish tastes amazing, it's something that simply can be read out of a blog or cookbook. It came from his bitter and grueling life of poverty, something you can never imagine.

The Principal tries your cooking and then raise an 8/10 sign in response. "Most excellent, Hikigaya-kun."

Skill Level change:
Cooking Skill, 7 ->8

It's very, very tiring, but worth it. Not only you improved your cooking in such a short time, but everyone can also enjoy a colorful feast for so little money spent. You don't expect further improvement can be so simple or short.

But hard works betrays none.

"I'm going back to Chiba." You tell Miyuki and Kei when the four of you separate near the Mejiro station, with Komachi riding on the backseat. "I probably won't come back to my apartment for a week or so, so can you watch over it?"

"Leave it to me." Miyuki plays with the spare key that you give him with his fingers.

That's just how much you trust him, you'd even give him a spare key to your private heaven. Granted, Miyuki NEEDS privacy, sometimes, being a healthy teenage boy and all.

"Be safe, Hachi-nii, Komachi-nee." Kei waves with a smile.

"See you later."


As October passed, comes November. Aside from the Mid-term at the end of the month, November is going to be uneventful as hell.

You're absolutely glad that you formed a club. At least there has to be SOMETHING to do.

"Oh, Miyuki, you're coming too."

"This is extortion." Miyuki looks like he's going to die, "This is extortion."

"The hell?"

"Ryuju, she..." Miyuki's hand shaking so hard as he points the Yakuza Princess, "She's holding my father hostage!"

You glare at her and then pull out your slipper.

"This is a misunderstanding." Ryuju makes a mischievous smile in response, "I just told my father that Shirogane's father is a very skilled man in dire need of a job because it's getting in the way of his son's daily life. So we appoint him as chief Handyman for Ryuju group and has his own office to boot."

Handyman huh, for someone like Shirogane Papa, it seems to be a perfect position. But now that his father gets a full-time job, Miyuki has no reason not to attend club activities for the sake of excessive part-time work...

"Hey, it could be worse. You made sure he's not involved in anything illegal, right?" You laugh in amusement.

"Of course we won't, idiot." Ryuju seethes, "What kind of evil woman do you think I am?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Miyuki squeezes his eyes in disbelief.

Ryuju smiles and then pulls a shotgun out and begin shooting Miyuki by his ass. "OWW! NO! NO!"

"Woah, a new gun?"

"New gun for the ungrateful bastard." Ryuju throws it to Miyuki, "He's way too clumsy to use a normal gun, so a Shotgun is better."

To call Miyuki a bad shoot is an understatement of the century, even after he got his eyesight 'corrected' with the goggles given to him by our advisor (aka Principal), he can't hit the broad side of a barn if he tried.

Miyuki, for all his awesome athleticism, has really shit reflex. Not only he's slow to react, but he also tends to overcorrect his aim causing him to miss.

"This shotgun can fire either 3 or 6 BBs at once, but the capacity is only 30 rounds per shell so you will have to reload very often." Ryuju explains as she lifts up a bandolier full of shotgun shells, "It's perfect for Shirogane who always overthink everything."

"Hey, even if that's true it doesn't mean you have to say it aloud." Miyuki whines.

"Ohohoho, fiery as usual." The Principal comes, as usual, dressed in the full military getup. "Looks like everyone is present again."


On the distance, Hongo is practicing shooting while Tanuma and Toyosaki practicing movement in the woods.

"Everyone looks pretty serious, but I sincerely hope your club time won't eat into your study time."

"Well, you'll be the judge." Miyuki points at him.

"True, I suppose you will be ready for your first meeting."


"Survival game meeting, of course, as in, fighting in the actual field with Survival Game players from outside school." The Principal explained, "Of course, it won't be a competition or anything, but it would be a good test for the result of our club activities."

Finally getting into the good stuff.

"Still, it's not as if it's without issues."


"Well, the first of all, such an event often takes an entire day from morning until late afternoon. Secondly, there's also an entry fee to consider."

"Gah." Miyuki squirm at the mention of the entry fee.

"I'll pay for that one." Ryuju makes an OK sign, "The rest can pay by themselves I think."

"Most excellent, if you agree with it we can either go this Sunday or next week. I can take care of delivering the guns, so everyone can go to the site without carrying too much stuff."

"Alright, we'll discuss that later then." You nod.

"Well, as for today's club activities, what should we do?" The Principal rub his goatees and smirk, "We can continue where we left off, or we can ask Robot club assistance, or... maybe some good surprise training would be nice too."

You have the feeling that the last option would be awful, but knowing Principal it's definitely wouldn't be dangerous. So far, he's very strict on everyone's discipline and safety, after all.

[ ] Continue basic training
[ ] Simulated combat with armed drones
Great minds think alike
"If you're that frustrated, you better train your ass until the next festival." Ryuju tells him, "Shirogane is a talentless hack whose only value is hard work, he's holding that number one banner by swimming in the river of his sweat and blood."

Honestly, while I think it's true canonically, calling him talentless uses a very distorted view of what talent is

Miyuki, for all his awesome athleticism, has really shit reflex. Not only he's slow to react, but he also tends to overcorrect his aim causing him to miss.

Both can be trained. Honestly, he's probably bad at those because of how exhausted he always is. Although he should also be too tired to complete physically, but this is a romcom setting it never tried to follow the rules to begin with
Only good things can come from this.

What can possibly go wrong? :V

I acknowledge that this option will probably be awful. But let's keep going and see what happens.

This is too big of a bait to pass up, no matter what the results is, lol.

Honestly, while I think it's true canonically, calling him talentless uses a very distorted view of what talent is
There's absolute no distortion when talent is defined as "learn something quicker than average people" which is what people do in reality and especially true for tactless people like Momo and Hachiman.
Both Kaguya and Yukino for example, can learn most things in a very short timespan.

Go Big or Go Home! (On a unrelated note, Skill Point Get!)
Since I am late, let's see what the vote is then

There's absolute no distortion when talent is defined as "learn something quicker than average people" which is what people do in reality and especially true for tactless people like Momo and Hachiman.
Both Kaguya and Yukino for example, can learn most things in a very short timespan.

Probably projecting my experience with people that get good fast, but hit their peak relatively early while some never really hit that wall. Although a good portion of those that peaked were held back by injuries, so I might be conflating the two. Natural resilience that allows people to not get hurt when competing at a high level is technically separate from talent even if it's an important part of success for high level athletes.

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