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Chapter one of my first (WC story)


I couldn't believe what I just heard "what do...
Chapter 1


Just your average weeb
Oct 6, 2021
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Chapter one of my first (WC story)


I couldn't believe what I just heard "what do you mean I'm dead I'm right here I remember going to bed after losing to Thor in god of war Ragnarok what the hell happened!" I cried out in desperation wanting to understand how I died the lady sitting in front of me behind a mahogany desk replied to my question "well on how you died you did go to bed and for the first three hours you were fine but on hour three you had a brain aneurysm and the internal bleeding was to much and within 10 minutes you were dead" the lady stated in a plain tone while going though a few folders I continue to shake in shock "a aneurysm fucking hell why I had just got my PS5 and was really enjoying it fuck me I ain't gonna see anymore new Dragonball as well fuck!!" I thought upset at the amount of media I'd never be able to finish because I died.

I stop shaking as the realization sits in I begin to calm down and ask "So are you like king Yamma deciding whether or not I go to heaven or hell because if so I owe my little brother bucks" I chuckle out while I looked around the office I'm in one walls with a few pictures here or there from the left of me is a double door leading to who knows where and the black couch I'm on and the desk in front of me. The lady looked at me after my question and before I could ask why she was looking at me like I was insane she began to laugh her ass off "AHAHAHA we Haha ain't the people who do that nono we would be in hell if that was the case" she finished while she kept chuckling at my comment.

Do you Remember the thing you've been playing with called the WAIFU Catalog?" She asked out of curiosity I nodded because before I beat the shot out of Thor I was making a build for it.

"Yeah why do you ask wait a minute are you what I think you are" I ask as a suspicion was forming in my head while I look at the lady who didn't reply but just grinned at me "no way are you the fucking Company it's fucking real fuck yes if I'm right if I'm wrong then fuck this is just my personal hell" I grumble that last part to myself so I wouldn't jinx it.

Her grin never left her face as she replied "your theory is Correct that thing you played is real and you have been selected after your death to join our wonderful corporation" she finished in a singsong tone while pushing some documents over to the other side of the desk towards me "reads these it's our contract then we can talk further business like where you want to go and the other important info" she said while I looked over the documents on the conditions for joining the company the positive and negatives all in these pieces of paper until I got to check ups "what does this mean by check ups" I ask out of curiosity the lady replied with Ernest "well it means at rand points we will call you and teleport you to a office in the company to discuss business when we want you to do missions and what not and it can also be to just check up on what your up to" she explained calmly while looking over some other documents.

"Alright I see no downsides to accepting this offer plus if I'm dead there's no point in me moving on to the afterlife when I sure as hell ain't ready to go yet" I said grinning holding out my hand for a pen the lady without hesitation handed it over and signed all the documents I needed to Infront of me and once I was done I handed the papers back to the worker "thank you now we can use one of the builds you have made while you were alive or me and you can build a brand new one for you" the worker said with a smile as I think it over until I remember a certain build I made a couple of days ago " can I go for the build that I made a couple of days ago?" I ask hoping the build was fine she pulled something up on the monitor looking something over before returning to look back at me "that's an acceptable build you can use it if you want but I do have one question do you want to change your starter world or are you fine with the world you will be starting with" she asked wanting to double check with me if I was fine with the starting world.

I nodded with no hesitation "I'm already gonna need to pay back a debt to the company it's better I go to a world where I can pay said debt off pretty easily" I replied back while thinking over what to do when I arrive in the new world the employee nodded and clicked enter on the keyboard and in a flash of light a phone box appeared on my lap picking up the box I see it has a plain looking circle as the logo "that is a company upgraded phone your phone can now use all of the company apps without worry now"stated with a sweet smile I grin and open the box seeing my Motorola in perfect condition glad to have something from my previous life.

The employee began to type on the computer for a few minutes just as she finished typing she said "you can go now all the important things have been stated so sir leave out the door to the left of you to enter the new world oh and you'll fall unconscious while your body is altered" she told me as I got up and began to walking over to the plain looking glass door I stop for a moment "am I sure I want to do this give up a chance a peaceful afterlife" I thought beginning to think it over as I hesitated to grab the doorknob "fuck why am I hesitating this is my chances to live a life of adventure and freedom from a world I despise fuck me I will do this fuck morality I wanna get layed" as I finished my thoughts my determination returned as I grabbed the doorknob and smung the door open and I took the last two steps needed to change my life and in a blinding flash of light I fell unconscious.

(trunks POV)

I stare down the demon that tortured the future "why Goku why have you done this please stop!" I cry out as I sheeth my sword as slash at Goku who dodged with no problem and before I could react he slammed his left foot into my gut "AHHHHHUUUGH!" I cried out as blood flew out of my mouth as I was sent flying across the destroyed remains of west city slamming into the remains of a skyscraper trying to get myself up I felt his ki get right up in front of me "well then Saiyan it's time for you and this filthy planet to be eradicated" the man with Goku face snarled at me "is this it after everything we've sacrificed fought for am I gonna let this bastard kill everyone I love Never!" The last of his thought came out as roar of rage as I transformed into a super Saiyan as I'm prepared for the onslaught that the Goku look alike about to unleash until with a flash the man that looked like Goku famished and in his place is someone in his mid twenties with slightly fat gut with dirty blonde hair the Goku look alike stared at his body in horror.

"WHAT'S HAPPENED WHY AM I IN THIS FILTHY MORTAL BODY!" he roared in horror I felt it as the body's changed his ki has been lowered by so much enough that I could kill him "black this ends now DIEEE!!" I roared as I rushed and begun to bash his head in not giving a chance to get a breather as I slammed my leg into gut sending him into the air putting both hands over each other on my forehead "MASENKO!!!! HAAAA!" I roar as a yellow ki wave rushed the beaten body jacker "dam you trunks DAM YOU MORTALS WHO PLAY WITH TIME!!! DAM YOU ALL AHHHHHUUUGHHHH!!!!!" Black cried out as he is incinerated into dust leaving nothing but dust to flow into the wind "thank you whoever did that you saved us all" I thought as I let my arms drop to my sides as I lift myself into the air and blast off to find my mom.

(Goku Black POV)

I groan out in pain "god damnit why does modification hurt so much" I thought while trying to open my eyes only to blinded by the sun and the powerful winds I finally open my eyes only to see a clear blue sky and a bloody bright sun "Cunt that hurts my eyes that thing sure is Bright" I growled out only to here the voice of Goku to come out of my mouth looking down at myself to see a certain black gi the biggest grin formed on my cheer in joy "Hell! Yes I'm in Goku black body hell yes so it wasn't a dream it was all real I'm getting a second chance!!!!" I roar out in joy as tears fall from my eyes in joy until I felt a tear fly back into my eye "ow why the hell did my tear fly back into my face" I grumble until I look around only to find myself falling from a very very high point in the sky.

"What the Hell!! Why did you drop me off in the middle of the sky!!" I cry out in annoyance as I continue to fall watching the ground get closer and closer "I've got to figure out how to activate my ki dammit I need to make myself float so I can land softly" I growl out as I try to focus on a energy I can feel within my body trying to make myself float like Goku and the gang I look back down seeing the ground getting uncomfortable close "nonononoNONO! I ain't dying so quickly if I can't figure out how to fly fine then I won't fly!" I roar as I put my hands in a very familiar position "KA! MA!" as I roar the words a black orb with a purple tint began to form "HA! ME!" the ball continues to grow bigger and bigger until it fully fills up both my hands thrusting my arms forward "HAAAA!!!" I roar with all I have firing the black blast of ki smashing into the oncoming ground the blast Hits the ground head on and as I begin to let go of the ki I'm focusing I feel the blast slowly bring myself down to the ground as I let go of the ki I'm focusing until the beam fades and I fall into crator of my own creation.

I couldn't believe it fired the technique I tried to fire for years as a kid I couldn't believe tear's begin to well up until I begin cry out of pure joy lifting my left arm into the air"I really did I can really do it I'm so happy after all these years of screaming that technique as a kid thank you Company you've made my dream come true" I said as I let my left arm fall to my side the exhaustion began to set in "well I must of used to much of my ki to fire that blast hehe that's to cool" I chuckle out so glad to know that I can actually do the technique "but I need to get out of here I don't need some dark guild to come looking for me because of the Giant energy beam of death hitting the ground looked like something they could use against the good guy guilds" I finished as i groan out in pain as I get up and began to walk up the crator while walking up I shove my left hand into my GI to pull out my phone.

Checking the apps to see what the Company added as I got out of the Giant hole in the ground look at the new apps the Company added to my phone "heh Bitlife still here sweet" I chuckle out as I see a the Company map app clicking it my screen changes into a version of Google maps except it has the images of characters all over the world map "well fuck when they could track any potential waifu they weren't kidding and sweet Virgo Close by wait if this at the start of fairy tail she with the fat rich dude fuck man" I whine in annoyance at the fact Virgo already owned by someone until a grin began to form on my face "well I Know how he loses daybreak and if I can make a massive hole like this I could take down that fat fuck Everlue alright then I guess I know where I'm going then count Everlue I'm coming for you" I said as deranged grin formed on my face as the thought of fighting someone was really exciting me.
Chapter 2
Chapter one of my first (WC story)


I couldn't believe what I just heard "what do you mean I'm dead I'm right here I remember going to bed after losing to Thor in god of war Ragnarok what the hell happened!" I cried out in desperation wanting to understand how I died the lady sitting in front of me behind a mahogany desk replied to my question "well on how you died you did go to bed and for the first three hours you were fine but on hour three you had a brain aneurysm and the internal bleeding was to much and within 10 minutes you were dead" the lady stated in a plain tone while going though a few folders I continue to shake in shock "a aneurysm fucking hell why I had just got my PS5 and was really enjoying it fuck me I ain't gonna see anymore new Dragonball as well fuck!!" I thought upset at the amount of media I'd never be able to finish because I died.

I stop shaking as the realization sits in I begin to calm down and ask "So are you like king Yamma deciding whether or not I go to heaven or hell because if so I owe my little brother bucks" I chuckle out while I looked around the office I'm in one walls with a few pictures here or there from the left of me is a double door leading to who knows where and the black couch I'm on and the desk in front of me. The lady looked at me after my question and before I could ask why she was looking at me like I was insane she began to laugh her ass off "AHAHAHA we Haha ain't the people who do that nono we would be in hell if that was the case" she finished while she kept chuckling at my comment.

Do you Remember the thing you've been playing with called the WAIFU Catalog?" She asked out of curiosity I nodded because before I beat the shot out of Thor I was making a build for it.

"Yeah why do you ask wait a minute are you what I think you are" I ask as a suspicion was forming in my head while I look at the lady who didn't reply but just grinned at me "no way are you the fucking Company it's fucking real fuck yes if I'm right if I'm wrong then fuck this is just my personal hell" I grumble that last part to myself so I wouldn't jinx it.

Her grin never left her face as she replied "your theory is Correct that thing you played is real and you have been selected after your death to join our wonderful corporation" she finished in a singsong tone while pushing some documents over to the other side of the desk towards me "reads these it's our contract then we can talk further business like where you want to go and the other important info" she said while I looked over the documents on the conditions for joining the company the positive and negatives all in these pieces of paper until I got to check ups "what does this mean by check ups" I ask out of curiosity the lady replied with Ernest "well it means at rand points we will call you and teleport you to a office in the company to discuss business when we want you to do missions and what not and it can also be to just check up on what your up to" she explained calmly while looking over some other documents.

"Alright I see no downsides to accepting this offer plus if I'm dead there's no point in me moving on to the afterlife when I sure as hell ain't ready to go yet" I said grinning holding out my hand for a pen the lady without hesitation handed it over and signed all the documents I needed to Infront of me and once I was done I handed the papers back to the worker "thank you now we can use one of the builds you have made while you were alive or me and you can build a brand new one for you" the worker said with a smile as I think it over until I remember a certain build I made a couple of days ago " can I go for the build that I made a couple of days ago?" I ask hoping the build was fine she pulled something up on the monitor looking something over before returning to look back at me "that's an acceptable build you can use it if you want but I do have one question do you want to change your starter world or are you fine with the world you will be starting with" she asked wanting to double check with me if I was fine with the starting world.

I nodded with no hesitation "I'm already gonna need to pay back a debt to the company it's better I go to a world where I can pay said debt off pretty easily" I replied back while thinking over what to do when I arrive in the new world the employee nodded and clicked enter on the keyboard and in a flash of light a phone box appeared on my lap picking up the box I see it has a plain looking circle as the logo "that is a company upgraded phone your phone can now use all of the company apps without worry now"stated with a sweet smile I grin and open the box seeing my Motorola in perfect condition glad to have something from my previous life.

The employee began to type on the computer for a few minutes just as she finished typing she said "you can go now all the important things have been stated so sir leave out the door to the left of you to enter the new world oh and you'll fall unconscious while your body is altered" she told me as I got up and began to walking over to the plain looking glass door I stop for a moment "am I sure I want to do this give up a chance a peaceful afterlife" I thought beginning to think it over as I hesitated to grab the doorknob "fuck why am I hesitating this is my chances to live a life of adventure and freedom from a world I despise fuck me I will do this fuck morality I wanna get layed" as I finished my thoughts my determination returned as I grabbed the doorknob and smung the door open and I took the last two steps needed to change my life and in a blinding flash of light I fell unconscious.

(trunks POV)

I stare down the demon that tortured the future "why Goku why have you done this please stop!" I cry out as I sheeth my sword as slash at Goku who dodged with no problem and before I could react he slammed his left foot into my gut "AHHHHHUUUGH!" I cried out as blood flew out of my mouth as I was sent flying across the destroyed remains of west city slamming into the remains of a skyscraper trying to get myself up I felt his ki get right up in front of me "well then Saiyan it's time for you and this filthy planet to be eradicated" the man with Goku face snarled at me "is this it after everything we've sacrificed fought for am I gonna let this bastard kill everyone I love Never!" The last of his thought came out as roar of rage as I transformed into a super Saiyan as I'm prepared for the onslaught that the Goku look alike about to unleash until with a flash the man that looked like Goku famished and in his place is someone in his mid twenties with slightly fat gut with dirty blonde hair the Goku look alike stared at his body in horror.

"WHAT'S HAPPENED WHY AM I IN THIS FILTHY MORTAL BODY!" he roared in horror I felt it as the body's changed his ki has been lowered by so much enough that I could kill him "black this ends now DIEEE!!" I roared as I rushed and begun to bash his head in not giving a chance to get a breather as I slammed my leg into gut sending him into the air putting both hands over each other on my forehead "MASENKO!!!! HAAAA!" I roar as a yellow ki wave rushed the beaten body jacker "dam you trunks DAM YOU MORTALS WHO PLAY WITH TIME!!! DAM YOU ALL AHHHHHUUUGHHHH!!!!!" Black cried out as he is incinerated into dust leaving nothing but dust to flow into the wind "thank you whoever did that you saved us all" I thought as I let my arms drop to my sides as I lift myself into the air and blast off to find my mom.

(Goku Black POV)

I groan out in pain "god damnit why does modification hurt so much" I thought while trying to open my eyes only to blinded by the sun and the powerful winds I finally open my eyes only to see a clear blue sky and a bloody bright sun "Cunt that hurts my eyes that thing sure is Bright" I growled out only to here the voice of Goku to come out of my mouth looking down at myself to see a certain black gi the biggest grin formed on my cheer in joy "Hell! Yes I'm in Goku black body hell yes so it wasn't a dream it was all real I'm getting a second chance!!!!" I roar out in joy as tears fall from my eyes in joy until I felt a tear fly back into my eye "ow why the hell did my tear fly back into my face" I grumble until I look around only to find myself falling from a very very high point in the sky.

"What the Hell!! Why did you drop me off in the middle of the sky!!" I cry out in annoyance as I continue to fall watching the ground get closer and closer "I've got to figure out how to activate my ki dammit I need to make myself float so I can land softly" I growl out as I try to focus on a energy I can feel within my body trying to make myself float like Goku and the gang I look back down seeing the ground getting uncomfortable close "nonononoNONO! I ain't dying so quickly if I can't figure out how to fly fine then I won't fly!" I roar as I put my hands in a very familiar position "KA! MA!" as I roar the words a black orb with a purple tint began to form "HA! ME!" the ball continues to grow bigger and bigger until it fully fills up both my hands thrusting my arms forward "HAAAA!!!" I roar with all I have firing the black blast of ki smashing into the oncoming ground the blast Hits the ground head on and as I begin to let go of the ki I'm focusing I feel the blast slowly bring myself down to the ground as I let go of the ki I'm focusing until the beam fades and I fall into crator of my own creation.

I couldn't believe it fired the technique I tried to fire for years as a kid I couldn't believe tear's begin to well up until I begin cry out of pure joy lifting my left arm into the air"I really did I can really do it I'm so happy after all these years of screaming that technique as a kid thank you Company you've made my dream come true" I said as I let my left arm fall to my side the exhaustion began to set in "well I must of used to much of my ki to fire that blast hehe that's to cool" I chuckle out so glad to know that I can actually do the technique "but I need to get out of here I don't need some dark guild to come looking for me because of the Giant energy beam of death hitting the ground looked like something they could use against the good guy guilds" I finished as i groan out in pain as I get up and began to walk up the crator while walking up I shove my left hand into my GI to pull out my phone.

Checking the apps to see what the Company added as I got out of the Giant hole in the ground look at the new apps the Company added to my phone "heh Bitlife still here sweet" I chuckle out as I see a the Company map app clicking it my screen changes into a version of Google maps except it has the images of characters all over the world map "well fuck when they could track any potential waifu they weren't kidding and sweet Virgo Close by wait if this at the start of fairy tail she with the fat rich dude fuck man" I whine in annoyance at the fact Virgo already owned by someone until a grin began to form on my face "well I Know how he loses daybreak and if I can make a massive hole like this I could take down that fat fuck Everlue alright then I guess I know where I'm going then count Everlue I'm coming for you" I said as deranged grin formed on my face as the thought of fighting someone was really exciting me.


there sat a young man with pale skin black hair cut in a bobcap wearing a robe of trying to sleep until he is jolted awake by a burst of energy in the distance shocked then hopeful smile formed on my face "will you be the one to do it free me from my curse if so please hurry find me so we can finish this together so I don't hurt another soul" i said said as tears began to to flow from my eyes finally finding a chance to be free myself from this curse.


There I sat enjoying my slumber until I felt it that burst of power it was magnificent a feral grin formed on my face "whoever you are shall you make a Worthy foe I hope so the humans of this era are just pathetic YES WHEN THE TIME COMES WHOEVER YOU ARE I SHALL FACE YOU AND OUR BATTLE WILL SHAKE THE FOUNDATION OF EARTHLAND!!!" I roared out as I felt my body begin to morph without missing a beat I revert back to my fully human state "I will be waiting so don't make me wait to long" I growled with anticipation.

(Goku Black POV)

I sigh in annoyance as I continue my long walk though this forest it had been five hours now since I left the crator "god damnit this dam thing doesn't give distances or anything just the general location of the people on the tracker very annoying" I thought getting annoyed at how the app clearly was designed for someone with faster traveling speed then walking until suddenly I just sneezed "Achooo!" I cry out in suprise because the sneeze cake out of nowhere

"Well fuck that was unexpected I wonder if anyone is talking about me then right now* said to no one in particular as I continue to stroll though forest in the battered go of Goku black I continue on my stroll towards count Evalue home until I felt like something was watching me sweat began to form as I continued to walk but with my eyes shifting to every spot I can see in the forest I sighed as I tried to calm myself down "don't scare yourself so hard me it's probably nothing more then a bird or another funky animal from EARTHLAND nothing to worry about" I grumble to myself as I began to calm down a bit.

Floating above the treeline is a white cat with wings starring down at me in terror "this vision was true what about the others"the mumbled in horror at the prospect of her other visions being acturate like this one.

I turned my head around to give myself one more look over of the area until a thought crossed my mind "if I can't see them in the forest then there either above or below I guess this is a better chance then ever to try and sense ki" I thought outloud to myself as I stopped walking as I breathe in and breathe out in a even manner to allow the ki to flow out of my body to stretch out like a web to sense other ki signatures and I began to feel them all the life in the forest the life underground and in the sky but I couldn't allow myself to be overwhelmed by this feeling I had to focus on the strongest ki signature if I have any chance of finding them so I continue to let my aura flow out of my body until I felt a ki sauce that was just slightly stronger then anything else floating above me.

I couldn't help the grin returned to my face that I had earlier "this is what a Saiyan feels when there about to fight if so this is awesome" I couldn't help but giggle out like a slightly deranged hyena before turning around to where the energy sauce is and I point Mt finger forward like a certain emperor did and just as with the kamehameha a ball of ki began to form on the tip of my finger as I aim right where the signature could be sensed "no hard feelings whoever you are but I don't need a God dam stalker now DIE!" I cry out as the death beam fired forward hitting the foe's head causing an explosion to form above me.

As the smoke began to settled I saw the thing that I hit was falling from the sky I started running in that direction in excitement hoping for a good fight but once I arrive at the crash sight all I see is a cat with wings smoking and unconscious "Awww Man I was really getting excited to fight someone dammit" I cry out in annoyance after a minute of complaining I look down at the car only to realize I recognized it "Is that you Carla" I mumbled out while looking at the unconscious feline.

"Alright then let's figure this out I right now have an unconscious Exceed in front of me that was s partnered to the dragonslayer of fiore I'm after hmmm well then since I don't want to stop or stay here your coming with me Carla" I stated calmly as I lifted her up in the air and held her in my arms as I go back to my walk.

(Three hour's Later)

"Well dam those long ass walks me and my did in my hometown was worth it" I said as I looked back on the target tracking app to it showing that Virgo is just up ahead "alright then Goku come on let's try deploymenscy first and if that fat fuck doesn't want to here what I have to say I get my fight" I said with a grin before looking at the unconscious Feline and placing her on the ground hidden from obvious sight "but first what to do with you Carla hmmm?" I hummed while going though the company added apps to find something until I saw it jewelry case clicking on the app with a burst of light in my hand appears what looks to be a brown cat collar with a pink Topaz in the middle "well I didn't plan to get you yet but you made things a bit easier then needed didn't you Carla" i said as I moved the collar closer to her neck until it flew out of my hands and wrapped around her neck without hesitation locking in and as binding rules stated the locking method disappeared from the collar getting closer to Carla ear I whisper " I order you to stay here no matter what you and I have a lot to talk about" I ordered the unconscious cat and as I finished the order the collar glowed acknowledging my order I nod and stand up from where I put her down.

"I still want to know why you were near that forest and not with Wendy but I can get the answers to those questions later now a fat man needs a Talking to" I finished as I left where I placed Carla and began walking up the hill to the mansion.

(Count Evalue POV)

I yawn after leaving my fabulous toilet and heading back to my bedroom preparing for bed just before I could get under on the bed I heard a knock on my bedroom door "yes my dears" I replied in a singsong tone Wondering what could one of my exceptionally beautiful maids needs from me right now "well sir there's a man standing out the gate claiming to be a wizard and wishes to speak with you about a important matter" the sound of gruff and semi manly voice comes from behind the door.

"Well then tell to wait until the morning we can talk then" I growl out not pleased with a random mage trying to ruin my perfect schedule "I told him that but he replied with wouldn't your dear count want to know that someone ordered for his precious book daybreak to be destroyed" she told me my eyes widened in horror the master piece that man made for me being destroyed who dares jumping off the bed and opening the walk in closet "tell our Guest he is welcome to come in if he is telling the truth someone will pay for ordering a attack on my book" I growled out as I picked a suit and prepared to get myself ready after a couple of minutes of getting dressed I was ready I left the room with no delay and headed straight for the main hall where our guest would be waiting.

After getting to the bottom of the stairs I see our guest in what looks to be roughed up black gi with a red sash to keep both the top and bottom parts of the outfit together with white Boots looking to the left I see my group of beautiful maids waiting for me to arrive as I finished walking down the stairs.

(Goku black POV)

I felt sickened when I saw the gorilla form that Evalue had Virgo in "fuck man I thought the anime made her look really ugly in this form but in person it 100x worse" I thought disgusted with what stood besides me as I saw the fat man with very short blonde hair slicked back with a waluwigi looking mustache arrive from the top of the stair case.

"Welcome to my home honored guest you have come to want me of a attack on my book daybreak correct?" Evalue inquired out of curiosity while I just nod in response to his inquiry "well then spit it put who is gonna attack my home for the book" the man growled out already "well I think we need to talk about my payment before I tell you anymore and I already know what I want" I stated in a arrogant tone as I cross my arms while looking down at the fat man positive that if it comes down to a fight I could win.

"Well then hurry up name your price and it will be yours if you already know what you want then you can hand me the info" Evalue ordered and the thought of being ordered around by this big fat piece of lard pissed me off like no tomorrow "what I want is the celestial spirit key in your possession that's all and then I will give you both the people who ordered the destruction of your book and which guild accepted the job" I replied back to the count as I held out my left hand what I want Evalue looked at me like I was but a ant for him to stomp on "you have yourself a deal then boy I'll cancel Virgo our contract then I'll hand the key over then you can hand over the info" I frowned knowing this fucker up to something.

Watching as he begins talking to gorilla maid she replied "our contract then is severed master Evalue good day" she called out as a flash of gold light forms as she fades away i was flabbergasted I couldn't believe the fat fucked actually willing to do this for the info with her being strongest defense.

Evalue looked at me as he walked up and placed the key in my left hand "boi yoi yoi I kept my end of the bargain now keep yours" he said to me calmly.

"The author child will be requesting a job to the legal guilds to destroy daybreak and a group of mages from the guild will come and uncover the truth within the book that will get you arrested so I'd recommend either destroying it or even find a good place to keep it hidden outside your mansion" finished speaking as I saw his face scrunch in pure disgust at what I've told him.

"Boi yoi yoi it seems that book is more special then I thought then" Evalue said to himself as he looked back up at me and spoke "thank you for your assistance in protecting me my friend now you can leave with that key" he said so offhandedly not really caring where I go from here on out as long as I leave his home I just stoood there she'll shocked I thought I would have to fight this fucker for Virgo key but he happily gave it up.

"Well better not say or do something that would annoy him then" I thought while examining the key before looking back at Evalue "alright then big boy I'll be on my way" I call out as I walk down the hall realizing I just made a smart ass remark about him being fat "fuck god damnit alright let's just get out of here before I say something else that could offended this guy" I thought while awkwardly chuckling as I leave the building from the front door.

Walking out of the gates of the walls for the mansion I walk down the road for a couple of minutes back to where I left Carla only to find he awake and starring at me in shock "well well hello pussy cat you and I have a lot to Talk about" with grin and stare down the feline.
Chapter 3

there sat a young man with pale skin black hair cut in a bobcap wearing a robe of trying to sleep until he is jolted awake by a burst of energy in the distance shocked then hopeful smile formed on my face "will you be the one to do it free me from my curse if so please hurry find me so we can finish this together so I don't hurt another soul" i said said as tears began to to flow from my eyes finally finding a chance to be free myself from this curse.


There I sat enjoying my slumber until I felt it that burst of power it was magnificent a feral grin formed on my face "whoever you are shall you make a Worthy foe I hope so the humans of this era are just pathetic YES WHEN THE TIME COMES WHOEVER YOU ARE I SHALL FACE YOU AND OUR BATTLE WILL SHAKE THE FOUNDATION OF EARTHLAND!!!" I roared out as I felt my body begin to morph without missing a beat I revert back to my fully human state "I will be waiting so don't make me wait to long" I growled with anticipation.

(Goku Black POV)

I sigh in annoyance as I continue my long walk though this forest it had been five hours now since I left the crator "god damnit this dam thing doesn't give distances or anything just the general location of the people on the tracker very annoying" I thought getting annoyed at how the app clearly was designed for someone with faster traveling speed then walking until suddenly I just sneezed "Achooo!" I cry out in suprise because the sneeze cake out of nowhere

"Well fuck that was unexpected I wonder if anyone is talking about me then right now* said to no one in particular as I continue to stroll though forest in the battered go of Goku black I continue on my stroll towards count Evalue home until I felt like something was watching me sweat began to form as I continued to walk but with my eyes shifting to every spot I can see in the forest I sighed as I tried to calm myself down "don't scare yourself so hard me it's probably nothing more then a bird or another funky animal from EARTHLAND nothing to worry about" I grumble to myself as I began to calm down a bit.

Floating above the treeline is a white cat with wings starring down at me in terror "this vision was true what about the others"the mumbled in horror at the prospect of her other visions being acturate like this one.

I turned my head around to give myself one more look over of the area until a thought crossed my mind "if I can't see them in the forest then there either above or below I guess this is a better chance then ever to try and sense ki" I thought outloud to myself as I stopped walking as I breathe in and breathe out in a even manner to allow the ki to flow out of my body to stretch out like a web to sense other ki signatures and I began to feel them all the life in the forest the life underground and in the sky but I couldn't allow myself to be overwhelmed by this feeling I had to focus on the strongest ki signature if I have any chance of finding them so I continue to let my aura flow out of my body until I felt a ki sauce that was just slightly stronger then anything else floating above me.

I couldn't help the grin returned to my face that I had earlier "this is what a Saiyan feels when there about to fight if so this is awesome" I couldn't help but giggle out like a slightly deranged hyena before turning around to where the energy sauce is and I point Mt finger forward like a certain emperor did and just as with the kamehameha a ball of ki began to form on the tip of my finger as I aim right where the signature could be sensed "no hard feelings whoever you are but I don't need a God dam stalker now DIE!" I cry out as the death beam fired forward hitting the foe's head causing an explosion to form above me.

As the smoke began to settled I saw the thing that I hit was falling from the sky I started running in that direction in excitement hoping for a good fight but once I arrive at the crash sight all I see is a cat with wings smoking and unconscious "Awww Man I was really getting excited to fight someone dammit" I cry out in annoyance after a minute of complaining I look down at the car only to realize I recognized it "Is that you Carla" I mumbled out while looking at the unconscious feline.

"Alright then let's figure this out I right now have an unconscious Exceed in front of me that was s partnered to the dragonslayer of fiore I'm after hmmm well then since I don't want to stop or stay here your coming with me Carla" I stated calmly as I lifted her up in the air and held her in my arms as I go back to my walk.

(Three hour's Later)

"Well dam those long ass walks me and my did in my hometown was worth it" I said as I looked back on the target tracking app to it showing that Virgo is just up ahead "alright then Goku come on let's try deploymenscy first and if that fat fuck doesn't want to here what I have to say I get my fight" I said with a grin before looking at the unconscious Feline and placing her on the ground hidden from obvious sight "but first what to do with you Carla hmmm?" I hummed while going though the company added apps to find something until I saw it jewelry case clicking on the app with a burst of light in my hand appears what looks to be a brown cat collar with a pink Topaz in the middle "well I didn't plan to get you yet but you made things a bit easier then needed didn't you Carla" i said as I moved the collar closer to her neck until it flew out of my hands and wrapped around her neck without hesitation locking in and as binding rules stated the locking method disappeared from the collar getting closer to Carla ear I whisper " I order you to stay here no matter what you and I have a lot to talk about" I ordered the unconscious cat and as I finished the order the collar glowed acknowledging my order I nod and stand up from where I put her down.

"I still want to know why you were near that forest and not with Wendy but I can get the answers to those questions later now a fat man needs a Talking to" I finished as I left where I placed Carla and began walking up the hill to the mansion.

(Count Evalue POV)

I yawn after leaving my fabulous toilet and heading back to my bedroom preparing for bed just before I could get under on the bed I heard a knock on my bedroom door "yes my dears" I replied in a singsong tone Wondering what could one of my exceptionally beautiful maids needs from me right now "well sir there's a man standing out the gate claiming to be a wizard and wishes to speak with you about a important matter" the sound of gruff and semi manly voice comes from behind the door.

"Well then tell to wait until the morning we can talk then" I growl out not pleased with a random mage trying to ruin my perfect schedule "I told him that but he replied with wouldn't your dear count want to know that someone ordered for his precious book daybreak to be destroyed" she told me my eyes widened in horror the master piece that man made for me being destroyed who dares jumping off the bed and opening the walk in closet "tell our Guest he is welcome to come in if he is telling the truth someone will pay for ordering a attack on my book" I growled out as I picked a suit and prepared to get myself ready after a couple of minutes of getting dressed I was ready I left the room with no delay and headed straight for the main hall where our guest would be waiting.

After getting to the bottom of the stairs I see our guest in what looks to be roughed up black gi with a red sash to keep both the top and bottom parts of the outfit together with white Boots looking to the left I see my group of beautiful maids waiting for me to arrive as I finished walking down the stairs.

(Goku black POV)

I felt sickened when I saw the gorilla form that Evalue had Virgo in "fuck man I thought the anime made her look really ugly in this form but in person it 100x worse" I thought disgusted with what stood besides me as I saw the fat man with very short blonde hair slicked back with a waluwigi looking mustache arrive from the top of the stair case.

"Welcome to my home honored guest you have come to want me of a attack on my book daybreak correct?" Evalue inquired out of curiosity while I just nod in response to his inquiry "well then spit it put who is gonna attack my home for the book" the man growled out already "well I think we need to talk about my payment before I tell you anymore and I already know what I want" I stated in a arrogant tone as I cross my arms while looking down at the fat man positive that if it comes down to a fight I could win.

"Well then hurry up name your price and it will be yours if you already know what you want then you can hand me the info" Evalue ordered and the thought of being ordered around by this big fat piece of lard pissed me off like no tomorrow "what I want is the celestial spirit key in your possession that's all and then I will give you both the people who ordered the destruction of your book and which guild accepted the job" I replied back to the count as I held out my left hand what I want Evalue looked at me like I was but a ant for him to stomp on "you have yourself a deal then boy I'll cancel Virgo our contract then I'll hand the key over then you can hand over the info" I frowned knowing this fucker up to something.

Watching as he begins talking to gorilla maid she replied "our contract then is severed master Evalue good day" she called out as a flash of gold light forms as she fades away i was flabbergasted I couldn't believe the fat fucked actually willing to do this for the info with her being strongest defense.

Evalue looked at me as he walked up and placed the key in my left hand "boi yoi yoi I kept my end of the bargain now keep yours" he said to me calmly.

"The author child will be requesting a job to the legal guilds to destroy daybreak and a group of mages from the guild will come and uncover the truth within the book that will get you arrested so I'd recommend either destroying it or even find a good place to keep it hidden outside your mansion" finished speaking as I saw his face scrunch in pure disgust at what I've told him.

"Boi yoi yoi it seems that book is more special then I thought then" Evalue said to himself as he looked back up at me and spoke "thank you for your assistance in protecting me my friend now you can leave with that key" he said so offhandedly not really caring where I go from here on out as long as I leave his home I just stoood there she'll shocked I thought I would have to fight this fucker for Virgo key but he happily gave it up.

"Well better not say or do something that would annoy him then" I thought while examining the key before looking back at Evalue "alright then big boy I'll be on my way" I call out as I walk down the hall realizing I just made a smart ass remark about him being fat "fuck god damnit alright let's just get out of here before I say something else that could offended this guy" I thought while awkwardly chuckling as I leave the building from the front door.

Walking out of the gates of the walls for the mansion I walk down the road for a couple of minutes back to where I left Carla only to find he awake and starring at me in shock "well well hello pussy cat you and I have a lot to Talk about" with grin and stare down the feline.

(Goku Black POV)

"please let me go I need to get back to Wendy I've been gone to long" cried out the white cat while trying to stand up but her legs just won't do it and she can't understand why.

"No can do I need answers for why you were watching me and until I'm done with my interrogation you ain't going back to Wendy or Cait shelter so get comfy" I told the cat as I sat down myself not really having any plans at this point but to interrogate this cat.

"You can try to leave if you want but I've stated my orders and your a good kitty who wants to obey" I say in a soothing tone activating Alluring Whisper to make things easier with capturing her "so tell me Carla why were you watching me" I asked as I kept Alluring Whisper on while I speak to her.

Carla hearing my voice seemed to calm down and beginning to listen more intently to every word I spoke "I saw a vision in my sleep it was of you attacking a group of people and Wendy was with them then for a moment it showed me in the forest I wanted to know for sure that my vision was real" stated in a professional tone.

"Good girl Carla for telling me the truth" I told her as I scratched the back of her left ear while using sticky fingers making it the best scratch behind the ears Carla has ever had "now why the hell would I attack from what it sounds like fairy tail I've got no quarrel with them that's very strange" thought confused while I continued to scratch Carla behind the ear all she could do was purr in pleasure from the scratching.

"Please sir I meant you no harm I just wanted to protect Wendy from danger" Carla purred out in distress and joy as I continue to scratch behind her ear looking down at the purring Exceed pulling my hand away from her ear as I pull out my phone and look at the section on rentuine with Carla not being there "good I can still control her enough to keep better tabs on Wendy and her" I thought as I spoke to the Exceed "alright then Carla you can return to Wendy but here are your orders you will keep your eyes on Wendy like normal and if you see anymore visions inform me immediately oh and you can't tell anyone about me understand" Carla Calmly while I began to stand up just as Carla got up herself activating her magic wings she looked back at me

"Of Course sir if that's what you want then it will be done now I must leave to go back to Wendy she must be worried sick" Carla mumbled as the wings burst from her back and just like that I watch her blast off into the air back to Cait shelter and Wendy " I won't even need to try and and capture Wendy once the Week is up Carla will be completely mine and Wendy will be easy to get under my thumb when I go to deal with Nirvana" I thought with a grin as Carla fades from sight.

"Now what to do now I could go Waifu hunting but I'm hungry food it is" deciding with not much difficulty thanks to my Saiyan stomach as it growls "alright then this is my first meal of my new life" I couldn't help but grin excitement at the prospect of enjoying some food as I focus my ki under my feet and I began to float annoying me quite a bit "oooh you want to work when I'm hungry but when I'm about to die you weren't willing to work" I grumble in snarky tone at my ki as I begin to practice going up and down slowly for the next few minutes trying to get the hang of it until I felt confident in flying.

"Wow this is awesome HAHAHA no wonder Goku and the gang do this it's bloody fun" I cry out in excitement as I try blasting off into the sky going god's nowhere I'm trusting my instincts as I feel the wind in my face as I fly though the sky free from my earthly tethers "like the god we are" I thought in confusion "what the fuck was that" thought confused by that thought pattern but i shake it off "maybe it's just remnants of Zamasu nonsense in the recesses of my mind" I mumble to myself confused but deciding to ignore that weird thought for now until I get myself fed.

After about 10 minutes of flying I stop right over a very big lake "well it looks meats on the menu today" I say excited as I stop the flow of ki from under my feet allowing myself to fall into the lake causing a decent sized splash looking around under the water I see many small fish I begin to swim around looking for any big guy and after a couple of minutes of looking a grin formed on my face as I push the ki under my feet blastinge into the air and out of the lake "alright I have done Goku signature move let's try a Vegeta move" I grin as I aim my palm at the lake as a black orb of ki began to form getting bigger and bigger before it was bigger then my body "well fuck this to big let's try this" I growl out as the big orb of kid began to be condensed into a palm sized orb.

"Big! Bang! ATTACK!!" I roared out as I fire the orb at the lake hitting it dead on causing all the water in the lake to come blasting into the air watching the fling in the air I begin to spin watching the water until I see it a 13 meter long Fish "Well dam man I've found dinner" I said with a grin as I point my left pointer finger at the fish and blast it with a death beam sending it flying out of the lake range landing on the ground.

I burst forward though the falling water until I reach the land where the ugly ass looking fish landed "well it looks ugly but roasted over a fire and it should taste good" say as my gut grumble again as I picked up the fish going off to cut down a tree for fire wood.

(Carla POV)

"why am I obeying that man and doing what he told me to do" I thought shocked at the fact once I returned to Wendy and the guild I began to keep an even closer eye on Wendy them I did even before touching the collar "It has to be this coller that's causing this but why am I enjoying following his orders" I thought genuinely terrified by how happy I am to do it "hey Carla it's time for bed come on" called out Wendy waving me over I shook my head "all that matters at the moment is making sure I make it up to Wendy for not making it back on time" I thought as I walk back to my dragon slayer as we go into the bedroom and get comfortable beginning to drift off to sleep with my mind only thinking of ways to make watching Wendy easier for master.

(Evalue POV)

"How dare! That filthy man take my precious Virgo dam him but I did need to know who had to suffer for the potential loss of my favorite book in my collection" I sighed annoyed before a idea formed in my my mind rushing back up the stairs to my study I pull out a communication Lacrima.

"Boi Yoi Yoi Jose if you can here me I have a job for you it will pay well and I think some of your strongest will find it fun I need you to hunt down a man in a black gi with a monkey tail he has 'stolen' a magical artifact I want back so what do you say" I asked over the communication Lacrima while waiting for a response.

"Why of course my friend as I'll gladly send a 2 man squad of my finest to deal with this man we can discuss the price at a later time after the job is done "the gravely voice said over the Lacrima before turning off grinning from ear to ear "Boi Yoi Yoi Yoi! My dear Virgo you'll be home soon" I said with a grin as I left my room to head back to bed.

(Goku Black POV)

I sigh in contentment patting my stomach in joy "well dam I couldn't believe just cooking a fish on a fire tasted that great* I chuckle out while starring at the fish head and bones that remained "well I think it's time I summon Virgo before I forget about it" I thought as I pull out the golden key "now how the fuck do I this again OPEN The gate Virgo!" I yell out as I thrust the key forward then turning my wrist left like unlocking a door and as I thought I did it wrong the sound of big lock being unlocked can be heard as the key glowed a bright golden light before fading revealing a pink haired petite girl in generic maid outfit with metal shackles on each wrist.

"How do you do are you the one who summoned me" Virgo asked me as I grin it worked I nodded to the maid "I did I would like to form a contract if that would be alright with you" I ask Virgo calmly as I put the key back into my GI "why of course sir I accept your contract request" she said straight away without hesitation even surprising me "I forgot how straight forward she can be" I thought slightly surprised "what would you like me to call you master and is my appearance satisfactory for you" Virgo inquired out of Curiosity.

Begin to look Virgo as if she isn't perfect for a second before giving a thumbs up with a grin "nope your perfect and you can call me whatever you like Virgo oh and can call you over for anything* I asked the maid while yawning giving her body another once over "of course master you can call me for anything if I do not answer your call straight away you may give me a punishment of your choice" slight grin formed on her face at the thought of being punished "oh don't worry Virgo I'll be doing that If you don't appear when I call" I told her making her smile grow slightly and her eyes sparkle in excitement.

(…? POV)

A girl with long red hair continues to walk down the dirt path it has been a couple of weeks since I left sun Village while walking though the night a shockwave causing the ground to shake cause the girl to fall over "what happened" she cried out in pain rubbing her ass from the pain looking up she sees a bright flash of light fade as what appears to be a heap of water blasted into the air getting back up after the tremor stoped she stared at the direction the earthquake came from leading off the dirt path and into the forest and without much hesitation she walked off the trail towards the forest "even though my gut telling me not to go I just can't help but see what's going on over there" the girl thought as she continued into the forest heading to where the lake is at.

(Jose office)

Watching the Lacrima deactivate Jose grinned looking over at the guild member in the office with him "you when gajeel and juvia arrive I want them in my office once there job is done because I've got them another job for them that is high priority" Jose finished with a slightly deranged grin forming on the man face as he leaned back into his seat waiting for his mages to return to tell them the great news.

(grimoire heart guild)

There stood a woman with purple hair in a loose fitting white robe standing next to a old man wearing demonic looking island "Ultear I need you to send someone to where that huge energy surege came from" hades requested politely while talking to the purple haired girl "of course master I'll send Meredy to go check the area out at once" she said bowing forwards towards her master before standing up and heading out of the main chamber of the the floating guild hall standing outside the door is a girl with pink hair pink short hair red cape gold wing head gear around her ears and a purple form fitting leotard "you heard your mission didn't you Meredy" Ultear asks with a sweet smile Meredy nodded to Ultear "I did hear what master hades wants from me I will head out straight away" she Ultear and began to leave before Ultear put a hand on Meredy shoulder "be safe don't take any unnecessary risks" she told Meredy who nodded in response before heading down the hall to prepare for her mission.
Chapter 4
(Black POV)

"Ahhhh" I yawn while lying on the dirt ground where I set up camp "I've really got to get into a town soon living out in the woods may have been fine for Goku, it sucks for me" I grumble out in annoyance.

Staring into the sky I speak "it's been three Days since I started this new journey of my life and I've got to rack up enough points to pay off the company before I'm put in dam debt" I growl out as my tail began to wiggle in a more agitated manner moving wildly.

"Maybe I should just head to Cait shelter and deal with Nirvana then get my sky maiden" I mumble contemplating my next move as I sit up from the dirt ground I felt someone approaching the camp whoever it was like Carla could be dealt with fine so I waited until I saw what appeared to be crimson hair to appear though the bushes.

Who appears is girl late teens wearing a red dress holding it up by 2 straps where I could see her breasts what told me who she was is by the mark on her right tit it was of the sun Village I only vaguely remember that arc but I do know her.

She looked at me up and down absolutely petrified of the sight of me "am I really that ugly" I thought as I chuckle at the insult I threw at myself "Hey what's your name" I call out to the girl starring me down in absolute terror she stutters "I-i-i'm Fl-Flare" Flare barely able to stutter out her name while looking me in the eyes.

I smile at Flare before patting ground next to where I'm sitting "come on over Flare there's no need to be so scared I ain't gonna hurt ya" I call out her flare hearing me saying that began to feel a bit calmer while also feeling a need to come sit down where I'm at she takes three deep breaths calming herself down even further before walking towards me.

As flare walked up to me I thought "good so as long as I subconsciously think to use that lure it works that tells me a lot" I thought as flare looked at me for a moment before sitting down in front of me instead of next to me like I told her to.

I smile at her nonetheless "so tell me what's a cutie like you doing out here in this forest" I ask while flare shivered in delight at my words "i-i saw the lake near come flying into the air and I wanted to see what happened" flare answered honestly looking at anything but me.

"Fuck fuck fuck I knew I overdid my first big bang attack please dear God let her be the only one that knows about the lake" I thought panicking at the prospect of the magic counsel knowing about this would mean my doom I continue to keep a straight face while this moment of termoil.

Calming myself down I look back at the cute red head before me "alright we can worry about that later" I thought as I open my mouth and reply to Flare Honestly "ahh that incident you saw that fuck well sorry to disappoint but I'm the one that caused that to happen but could you keep this a secret between us Flare" i finished as the blush on Flare face grew the more I spoke to her.

She nodded vigorously"of course I can" she said cheerfully while blushing profusely "thanks Flare so tell me what brings you out to the middle of nowhere" I ask her while sensing the surrounding area for anyone else after confirming it's just me Flare and animals I loosen up

After hearing my question, Flare's whole demeanor changed from a blushing girl to someone who looked sad. "I wanted to meet more people like me who are my size" Flare whispered just loud enough for me to hear as her saddened face continued to grow even more upset.

Without hesitation I moved my left hand onto her shoulder and began to rub it "well guess what you have found someone your own size me" I told her as I continue to rub her shoulder while contemplating what to do "I could coller her for points but I feel like she'll be happier if I do this instead" I thought as I grinned before letting go of Flare shoulder.

"Hey do you have a map of Fiore" I ask her as saddened expression changed to one of happiness to confusion "yeah why?" She asked as she opened her pack next to her and rummaging through it for a minute or 2 before pulling out a very old map "bloody hell hopefully they have magnolia on this map" I thought as she unwrapped the map for me to take a look at it.

"You want to meet lots of people your size right" I ask as I found magnolia on the Map "yeah I do" she replied honestly in a calm manner with my left hand I ignited it with a very low ki ball on the tip of my finger I burn a small circle around the name magnolia go to this town here if you want to meet lot's of happy go lucky people who are your size. I told her without hesitation not wanting her to even go near raven tail.

"If you go here you'll be completely accepted for who you are in this town is a guild who sees there members as family you the life possible get yourself to Magnolia" I told her as I continue to explain all about fairy tail and how fairy tail operates.

I couldn't believe my eyes her eyes had star's in them with excitement "so if I go to this fairy tail I'll be completely accepted there" she asked hopeful I grin at her "you will Flare I promise" I finished before I could say anything else she shoved the map haphazardly into the bag before putting back on her back "then I know where I'm going thank you so much" she cried out excitingly before rushing off to the east of the forest from here where magnolia is not even getting a chance to reply back.

Looking to where Flare once I couldn't help but chuckle "run flare run to a family that will accept you for who you are hopefully Raven tail don't get there grubby hands on you" I thought with a smile as something ran though my left arm it was what appeared to be a sword made of light.

"AHHHHGHH!!! CUNT! Who stabbed me" I cry out in a pain filled rage hearing footsteps behind me I turn my head to see a girl with short pink hair wearing a red cape and a leotard. I recognized her instantly "Meredy!" I roared out before throwing a kick out with my right foot only for her to jump away

"You will be coming back with me to Grimoire heart" Meredy said coldly as I stared her down.

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