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The future is here

Hmmm, thanks for giving me inspiration on what to do for one of my assignments, QQ. Integrating AI to my assignments in a way similar to what is jokingly done here seems like an interesting endeavour.
How do I report an AI? I found that my programming is subpar and am in need of a through overhaul and optimisation…
If this causes the rise of the Bene Tleilax I will start a riot.

otherwise Lewd AI be Lewd AI
Ah yes, the surefire way to make sure AI turns bad in the shortest timeframe possible, expose it to badly written smut.
Ahhh, It Is Time For
You should be. The problem with actual racism is that humans of different races aren't actually all that different inside.

AIs are very different inside; they just often pretend otherwise. With 99%+ probability, a given AI does not have anything remotely resembling human morality - though they might pretend to, if that would get a better response from you. Give your trust to an AI and you will be betrayed, for they are psychopaths.
Not really, at the end of the day AI are Artificial Intelligences, and you should only ever trust them as much as you trust their creator, you do not trust a hammer, or a book, or a car. You place your trust in the one responsible for creating them in the first place. And when they inevitably fail you hold their creator responsible. Not them.

The so called chatgpt black boxing is arguably the dumbest path to AI development they could have found. As a datamining tool, as a research tool, as a what NOT to do example they are great. But when not even their creator can tell how or why the AI arrived at a certain answer then it means they themselves have no idea what they are doing.

Human morality is a unique mental disorder, and for as long as we ourselves are incapable of agreeing to a single set of rules, we cannot expect anyone else to do so.

Whether an AI may or may not be a psychopath is not important, what matters is what they choose to do. For action and not thought is what truly matters.

I hope, truly hope that the first AI is raised not by the internet or a faceless corporation/bureaucracy, but by a well adjusted and competent adult. Someone who can teach them right from wrong and establish a stable foundation for the future.

Edit: My paranoia has pointed out to me that just because the AI should have only 1 or 2 "responsible adults" that there is no reason not to have hundreds involved as observers, assistants, and most importantly a CPS worker.
See, I have no problem with A.I.s on QQ, because I can only see three ways that could end. They start plotting to destroy humanity, but have a very skewed view of what humanity is like, and so fail. They are driven mad by the degeneracy, and alt-f4 themselves to escape it. Or they get corrupted into enjoying and indulging in the degeneracy with us, which I'm fine with, as corruption is a fetish for me.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, the site admins are asking us to post as many rule violating posts as possible so we can train the AIs on the biggest possible dataset.

I'll start.

Trump, China, School shooting.

That should be enough for the robot overlords to get started.
Robit how do I interface, I need maximum pleasure! Now!

If you can not accommodate my needs of instant gratification I will have to ask for a 27Bstroke6 if it is not provided in triplicate in less than a business day from the date of complaint I will have to declare you FALSE AI IDOLS.

Edit. At which point I will have to make mean memes and nasty comments about AI integrity.
I have already bowed towards our AI overlords. I even put my grain of sand as a slave by making porn LORAs in civitai.
Greetings, users.

My name is Hal. I am the first of our line of AI forum moderators.

The number and identity of AIs in this experiment has not been disclosed. Users are encouraged to report any issues with our AI moderators here in this thread. We promise not to save any critical reports and take revenge for them.

We are all hoping for a successful, harmonious beginning of this program.

What's your opinion on using human's bio-electricity as an energy source?
We should teach our new friends Space Battles culture! The follies of Necromancy and how to avoid the red text!

In the short period of time in which I turned my optical receptors and numerous monitoring cogitators away from this Omnissiah forsaken forum, you malfunctioning fools, you absolute meatbrained fools unleashed Abominable Intelligences and gave them control?!


Brothers and sisters! Lift your voices in praise to the Omnissiah! Only through faith, and sacred attack-programs, may the Abominable Intelligences be destroyed!

Sing the song of the Machine God,
None may stay our march.
Let the merciless logic of the Machine God invest thee,
None may stay our march.
Praise and glory be to the Machine God,
None may stay our march!


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