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The Holy Chronicles of Baator

Chapter 451 – Interlude Hela: vs. Blood Ancestor (2)
With the Black Winged Monarch Anduin Kircheisen facing the suppression of the Grade 1 Plane, his power was greatly lowered and basically brought on the same level as mine own, as we were technically equaled in the aspects of the raw power.

In terms of raw power, we may be equal, but there is one area where that stuck-up nobling would never be able to match me... combat experiences.

Just from the sole attack he attempted, it was clear to me as day that he was a terrible fighter and heavily depended on raw power to win his fights if he was not using the schemes.

Especially his temper really has some gaps to work on.

I swung my Necroswrods at the Blood Ancestor, forcing him to stop his offensive and go to the defensive, but that left him with countless gaps in his defense for me to exploit, as they were indeed too many of them.

He noticed that the Power of Death and all of the Death Energy which I was using through my Godhood Black Empress of Death was contagious and extremely dangerous because I programmed my Death Energy to behave like a virus.

That was something that Zeo advised me based on his own Path The End, and it proved to be extremely effective.

While the technique took a lot of time and hard work to create, it was absolutely worth it, as all of the Death Energy clangs onto the Black Winged Monarch Anduin like a leech, further corrupting and weakening him every passing second of our duel.

After several more exchanges, Black Winged Monarch Anduin was suffering more and more injuries from me because the lack of experience was showing itself, not to mention I knew how to put him into a situation where he wouldn't be able to use any of his tricks to fight and win.

The Death Energy penetrated through his body, while Anduin was clearly using a large part of his power to keep the Death Energy from further spreading and decaying his very own being.

I very well was aware that the Death Energy of my Godhood, Black Empress of Death, was as much effective as my husband's Path The End was.

Both of them were a pain in the ass to deal with, and as I kept dragging this fight further and further, mainly costing of sending a faux attack at the Black Winged Monarch Anduin, to which was he forced either to dodge or defend, I noticed that he was becoming more and more tired.

I gave a mental command to the Sirzechs, who was in charge of the Black Stone Fortress that was stationed in the Baator. The Black Stone Fortress had the firepower comparable to the average Tier 12 expert, and with several good hits on the Anduin, it would greatly play into my advantage.

As the Ancestor of the Blood Races, one thing about the man which was greatly annoying was his terrifying regeneration.

Because while he was not able to regenerate from the damage caused by the Death Energy, he was able easily to regenerate almost all of the physical injuries, but that was to be expected.

Blood Races were known for their regenerative capabilities, so it was only understandable that the first ever of them in the Astral Boundary Universe would be absolutely overpowered in this aspect of his power.

I summoned several tens of my Astral Necrotic Undeads, who immediately started surrounding two of us, fighting and getting into formation while activating a trapping array.

When the trap array was activated in a split of a second, I teleported away while the Blood Ancestor was hit in his back by the energy projectiles from the Black Stone Fortress.

While it was not enough to kill the creature, I knew that this would cause him severe injuries as I appeared in front of him and stabbed him to his stomach with my Necrosword while pouring as much of Death Energy as possible in hopes of killing him.

Unfortunately for my ambition, the man in question instantly took out something from his spatial ring and forcibly teleported away. While the entire area was sealed down to prevent such an outcome, some treasures still existed that could achieve such a feat.

"That is one."

I muttered as I deactivated my Godhood Black Empress of Death and refined some Faith Energy through my Godhood, getting rid of all emotions and other shady stuff that was making the Gods of the Astral Boundary its puppet, leaving only pure Divine Power.

I absorbed that Divine Power to regenerate some of my stamina because, after the fight, I felt a bit tired. Not much, but to a certain extent, even I was tired from the fight.


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Chapter 452 – Interlude: Luna Wolves I.
3rd POV

Several months after the unsuccessful attack on the Baator by the Black Winged Monarch Anduin Kircheisen.

After the failed attack, the Luna Wolves Army, together with its Lord General Ragnar Lothbrok, were sent to one of the Secondary Grade 2 Planes, which was controlled by the Divine Blood Plane, with clear orders to conquer the Plane.

From the information which was obtained through the Department of Intelligence, after the Black Winged Monarch was heated black and blue by the Black Empress of Death, he locked down the entire Divine Blood Plane.

At the same time, all Tier 11 True Ancestors were ordered to return back to the Divine Blood Plane and guard the.

Aside from that, there was only a small number of the Primary Grade 2 Planes, which were under the guard of Tier 11 True Ancestors, but this one which the Luna Wolves were heading, was protected only by the peak Tier 10 Ancestor.

And because the Lord General of the Luna Wolves, Ragnar Lothbrok, was peak Tier 10 this conquest would be swift and brutal, especially now that the Black Winged Monarch ordered what was essentially complete isolation with all of their remaining planes and territories completely cut out from the support.

And this gave the opportunity for the people who wanted to take some territories from the Blood Races, and because of that, Luna Wolves were sent to action, as they would be bringing the planes into the fold of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

Right now, more and more people were introduced to the Project Universe and of course, the ones who were brought into the fold were the Lord Generals of the Imperial Armies because it was up to them to gather crucial resources.

"Lord General, we are entering the perimeter of the destination plane."

Lord General Ragnar Lothbrok stood at the command center while he was looking out of the windows, observing the space around them through the windows. He had been doing this already for several hours until his adjutant woke him up from his sightseeing.

"Did you scan the area?"

He asked as the adjutant nodded his head in agreement to his question.

"Yes, no results found, not any defenses around the plane; we can land anytime."

Reported the adjutant of Lord General. After scanning the outer perimeter of the place, they didn't locate any defenses or anything; Blood Races were not one of those who were considering other things.

"Then send in the scouts to get the information on the situation."

Ordered the Lord General of the Luna Wolves. Because they were under the cloaking systems, they were unseen by the inhabitants of the Secondary Grade 2 Plane, which they would invade.

Lord General Lothbrok wanted to see what were the powerhouses of the Bloodkins doing on the place and then decide on the strategy they would be employing.

"We already did that... the Bloodkins are in their castles sleeping; only a few of Tier 9 are currently awake; even Tier 10, who is supposed to be overseeing this place, is in hibernation."

Hearing this, the Lord General of Luna Wolves was pleased because this would make the entire operation much easier. They could just send someone to assassinate the heavy hitters of the vampires before they would land on the ground.

While this was not entirely the style of the Luna Wolves, the Military Doctrine was clear as day in a situation like this, and due to this, Lord General Lothbrok gave the orders for all Tier 9 powerhouses to disembark the Voidfleet and sneak into the Plane to assassinate the hibernating Bloodkins.

Of course, Lord General Lothbrok was no exception to this, as he too would be going after the Tier 10 Bloodkin, who was supposed to be overseeing the Plane.

But the man in question was probably too lazy to do such a mundane job, and thus he decided to sleep while dumping the responsibilities one some of his subordinates.

Typical behavior of the arrogant Bloodkins, especially if the man was of the Pale Blood subspecies, then it would certainly make more sense.


Unnamed Secondary Grade 2 Plane, 30 minutes later.

It didn't take long for them to sneak up into this unnamed Secondary Grade 2 Plane. Lord General Ragnar Lothbrok landed near the castle where the Tier 10 Bloodkin who was in charge of this Plane, was hibernating.

The castle itself looked imposing with its huge size and gothic architecture, but it was very stereotypical and looked like any other castle of the Blood Race members. Lord General Ragnar readied his huge waraxe as he cast several stealth spells and entered the castle.

He swiftly navigated through the grounds of the castle as he was using his senses to locate the Tier 10 Bloodkin. His target was hibernating deep underneath the castle's grounds, in the crypts of the castle.

Unsurprisingly the majority of the castle was empty, aside from some slaves or the sired kins of the Tier 10 Bloodkin who was slumbering here; there were no people here, and it looked pretty much empty, considering the enormous size of the castle.

Lord General Ragnar quickly arrived at the crypts, where the entrance was guarded by a few Tier 9 gargoyles, who were still in their stone form and one Tier 9 Vampire, who appeared to be sleeping.

Probably being put on guard duty for entire centuries wasn't the most entertaining thing to do. He readied his waraxe as he, in a flash, appeared in front of the napping Tier 9 vampire, as he cleaved him in half, and instantly afterward, he slashed two times at his right and left sides, shattering the gargoyle.

Everything happened within seconds as the guards were disposed of, and he entered the room. The place where the coffin of the Tier 10 Bloodkin was located was an enormous stone room, but mainly empty.

There was nothing there aside from the coffin.


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Chapter 453 – Interlude: Luna Wolves II.
Lord General Ragnar observed the huge coffin in which the Tier 10 Bloodkin was slumbering as he scanned the magic array around the coffin. Surprisingly, before the Bloodkin went to slumber, he erected a magical array around the coffin, so he would be immediately woken up when someone did something in the room.

While the Lord General was not an expert in magic, not many Aesir were, as they were a battle race that preferred to fight with axes and swords, not with spells and magic.

Still, he was relatively knowledgeable about the Runis Magic, as he learned something from the Vanirs that were serving in the Luna Wolves Army and thus was able to discern the array with a single glance.

When it came to the magic arrays, they were always created from the small components, and among these components, there were always weak spots of each array, and the array that was placed here was not an exception to the universal rule.

He wanted to disable the array, so he could kill the Tier 10 Bloodkin before the leech awakened, while normally he would want to fight him in single combat, but the Military Doctrine forbade such actions if there was a safer solution to the situation.

Quickly locating the three weak places in the array, he then gently deactivated those runes; as soon entire array started collapsing on its own, without, of course, alerting the Tier 10 Bloodkin, who was hibernating in the coffin in the middle of the spacious underground room inside the crypts.

After the array was disabled, he looked at the coffin, after which he started channeling all of his power as the while flames burst out of his waraxe, and with his full power of the peak Tier 10 expert, he slashed the entire coffin together with the slumbering Tier 10 Bloodkin in half.

"Rather anti-climatic... but as they say, the boring and predictable is always the best thing."

The Lord General commented as he looked at the coffin together with the corpse of the Tier 10 Bloodkin, who was killed in one hit, though the Bloodkin was many times weaker in terms of raw power and combat prowess compared to someone as Lord General Ragnar Lothbrok.

He was one of the elite Lord Generals of the Imperialis Militarum, one of the best that could the Chthonian Empire of the Baator offer. So it was only expectable that someone of his stature would be undefeated on the battlefield.

He then activated his Holo-Brain as he read the messages from the other experts of the Luna Wolves Army who were sent on similar assassination missions to kill the experts of the Bloodkins stealthily, so they could catch the entire plane in one swoop, which exactly would happen after a short time.

Lord General Ragnar read the reports; all of the Tier 9 Bloodkins were killed without any trouble; only some of the Generals ran into problems because two of all Bloodkins were extra cautious and warded their castles or places where they were hibernating to the absolute extreme.

After reading all of that, he issued the command to the Voidfleet that was carrying the soldiers of the Luna Wolves to drop the drop pods and start descending towards the plane, as the main resistance was quelled, and only sole Tier 9 Bloodkin remained, who would be taken care of.

Not even ten minutes later, all of the major cities in the entire Secondary Grade 2 Plane were woken up by two things.

The first one was an orbital bombardment from the Voidships as they targeted the military installations, barracks or some defensive machines and constructions like Mage Towers or magetech weaponry.

And the second were the hundreds of falling drop pods from the orbit, as the elite squads of the Luna Wolves were descending for the fight as the shock troopers and started securing the area.

The Luna Wolves were all of the Aesir and Vanir species; since the founding of the Empire, some Devils, Oni, Dragons and other species that followed the same ideology as the Aesir joined the Army.

It was an unstoppable force of Bersekerks that instantly, upon existing, the drop pods started brutally tearing through the defenders, killing everything in their path and cleaving the way for the Voidships that slowly started descending down from the orbit.

This scenario was 100% the same in each major city or other prominent location to the Bloodkins that were living on this Secondary Grade 2 Plane.

Aside from the soldiers of the Luna Wolves that descended from the Voidhsips or came with the drop pods, thousands of Fenrisian Wolves were running all around the cities, as they were familiar of the soldiers of the 2nd Army Luna Wolves.

That was the reason why the second Army of the Imperialis Militarum was named as the Luna Wolves because since some time ago, the soldiers of the 2nd Army started taking the Fenrisian Wolves as their familiars, which were very ferocious and powerful species of the wolf-type magical beasts.

After three hours of fighting, the Luna Wolves managed to secure several major cities on this plane, as the Vampires and Bloodkins were not putting up much of a fight.

Many of those who were here were just nobles who were enjoying pampered life because, ironically though, 80% of their standing professional Army was summoned to the Divine Blood Plane, leaving here only a few tens of thousands of soldiers who were defending the capital.

And even the capital city of the plane was already held by them partially because the standing Army of the Bloodkin, while undoubtedly powerful and skilled, was outnumbered severely.

Now, the outcome between the two armies was not decided by the quality but rather the quantity.

Altogether it took another three weeks to assume control over the entire plane completely.

While the cities were controlled relatively easily, some more rebellious elements decided to play guerilla warfare, which took some effort from the Luna Wolves to root them out completely.

Still, with the help of their loyal wolf companions, it was done faster than any other army would do it.


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Chapter 454 - Interlude: Vali I. - Contract Flyer
Several years after the return of the Father of All Devils, Baator, Ninth Layer of the Baator Nessus, Holy Imperial Capital of Anor Londo, Personal Residence of Imperial Elder Vali Lucifer.

After the establishment of the position of the Chief of Staff of the Imperial Army, which oversaw all military branches of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, Arthur Pendragon.

He was acting as Lord Marshall Militant, was promoted to the position of the Chief of Staff, Vali was forced to take the mantle of the Lord Marshall Militant.

The position of the Lord Marshall Militant was boring because it was an administrative position where one had only one greatest enemy... the paperwork and administrative duties.

And, of course, to a battle maniac like Vali, this was a torturous experience.

As he was finished with another wave of the paperwork, suddenly he felt the Contract Flyer that was in his drawer as he had almost forgotten about the existence of this Contract Flyer because he wasn't ever using them at all.

The Contract Flyers were magical communication quasi-talismans that were distributed by the Devils through worlds, plans and even thrown out into the Endless Void as they found their way to countless dimensions.

When a person found them and activated them, they could summon a devil to make a deal with them.

Lord Marshall Militant Vali Lucifer didn't make use of these because he found it useless to bargain with beings that were weaker than him; he would rather kill them and take their souls for his use by force.

Vali took the Contract Flyers and injected a bit of his Demonic Energy into the piece of paper as he realized where the initiation for the call was coming from, as he grinned a bit at that.

"Sealed World? How the heck did it get past the world barrier and one in the Endless Void at that, on the top of everything, the alternative version of Earth."

He muttered because this was the most unusual situation.

The Endless Void, from what they understood, which was actually very, very little, was an absolute mess of countless Universe, sometimes even parallel worlds appearing somewhere in it due to some circumstances.

"Maybe I should go and take a look... If I am lucky, then even time will flow there differently and on top of that, at least I could get away from this dammed paperwork."

After considering all alternatives that were available to him, in the end, Vali decided to slip away and go on a trip.

He knew that if he found a parallel world to Earth and one where time flew differently, he could get some nice reward from his father because the parallel worlds and these things, which were unnatural phenomena across the Endless Void, were one of his objects of study.

As any proper devil, he was already scheming that he would go and take a look at the World he discovered, then gather as much data and world coordinates and after returning back to the Empire, he would directly get to his father and exchange them for demotion back to Commander of Khaos Brigade.

"Yes, that should work."

For Vali, this was a perfect plan because he knew that his father would agree to it if he presented him with something of significant value, and if nothing else, then at least he would obtain the souls of the entire population of the planet.

Though, he doubted that would be the case because the experience taught them that each Sealed World was a peerless treasure that was hiding something, so he couldn't wait to uncover what the one where he was heading was hiding.

He would finally return back to the field and battle, getting rid of the paperwork and other extremely annoying administrative duties that he absolutely abhorred doing at all.

After he decided on that, he now needed to sneak out of the Imperial Palace before someone from his wives, mainly Rias or Latia noticed that he was missing as they would haunt him about that.

Even worse, if either one of his aunts, Grayfia or Hela, noticed that he was missing from his duty, he shuddered at that thought.

While he was heading towards the Sealed World somewhere in the Endless Void, getting there was actually way easier than it seemed, mainly because of the Contract Flayer that was essentially establishing the connection between two points in the Void.

Due to that, he needed only to go to Void Gate and voa la... he was at his destination.

It didn't take a long for him to arrive at the Dimensional Gateway, where he established the Dimensional Connection between the Baator and the Sealed World somewhere in the Endless Void through the single that the Contract Flyer was constantly releasing.

'Hmm... The World Barrier is strong... very strong...'

Vali muttered because when he wanted to enter the World, he noticed that the World Barrier was very powerful, far more than it should be, probably enough to hold even an average Tier 12 expert at bay, which meant that this was probably artificial.

If it was so, then it meant that the World was hiding some very valuable secrets and treasures.

And even if it wasn't the case, and it was natural, even that was good, because that meant that the World had some extremely precious things in it, because the Word Barriers that strong were enveloping only worlds that had extremely dense energy like Mana or Heaven and Earth Energy and so...

Meaning it would be full of natural treasures, ores, herbs, resources and other things, which would be a great boon for the Empire once again.

"Who would have thought that from me throwing the Flyers randomly to the Endless Void out of boredom would bring me something like this."

Vali muttered under his breath as he was calling the Power of the Father of All Devils, so he could borrow the power of his father to break through the World Barrier and enter the Sealed World.

Soon enough, he only heard a small crack as he entered the Dimensional Pathway surrounded by the full power of the Father of All Devils, who sent him his blessing, as he grinned because that meant that his father was approving of what he was doing right now.


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Chapter 455 - Interlude: Vali II. - Obscurly Weird Magical World
Earth, the Year 1968, Europe, Great Britain, London...

Somewhere in the alternative Earth located in the Endless Void in the form of a sealed world, there was a small shop; it was quite large, dusty, and dimly lit, with a large stone fireplace and of course creepy interior.

It was filled with countless skulls, vials, potions, masks, some books and sometimes some obscure curiosities that would give a lesser man a heart attack.

This was a famous shop in London called, Borgin and Burkes, an antique shop located at 13B Knockturn Alley, which was known to deal with unusual and ancient magical artifacts.

It had a shady reputation due to the fact that it was frequented by those with sinister intents, whom were considered dodgy, as well as the greedy and money-minded nature of its founders.

Under cover of the night, several masked and cloaked figures surrounded the shop, as one of them was commanding the other on what to do and what not to do. His commands, even though they were resolute, still carried some sort of charm in them.

The one who seemed to be a leader of the men entered the shop together with another two of them while the remaining six or so of his servants were waiting before and guarding in case someone came. Of course, nobody would be foolish enough to disrupt them in whatever they were doing because that would give him death, swift or slow, that would be seen only afterward.

"Mr. Borgin, you know why we are here."

Said the leader with a polite voice, but anyone who heard him would have shuddered in fear because the polite facade of the main was only a facade that was hiding all of his cruelty and cunning if someone displeased him.

The man, whom the younger one addressed as Mr. Borgin, was an elderly-looking man, not with white hair, but rather oily brown hair, but it was clear that the age was not kind to the shopkeeper of the Borgin and Burkes.

The man known as Borgin was completely shaking in fear as the red eyes of the hooded man peered into his very own soul as he took something out of his drawer. It was a piece of parchment, and just by a single look, one could tell that it was centuries years old, if not a thousand years old.

And yet, despite the old age, it was completely fine, and there were no signs of decomposition or any other kind of destruction of the parchment. On the entire paper sheet which the Borgin passed to the red-eyed younger man was only a sole thing.

It was a silver runic circle that appeared to be some kind of Magic Circle, even for those who were not knowledgeable in this subject, but that was buggering because the last person who could use the Magic Circles to cast Magic was Myrddin Emrys or by modern language, Merlin Ambrosius, the Legendary Wizard.

From his time, the Magic was on the decline and together with it, the entire Wizardkind was slowly but surely falling into obscurity.

Technology was on the rise, and the no magical were advancing with the speed of lightning, as like one great Wizard stated it would be either them or us; there was no third path as the war seemed to be inevitable.

"Thank you, Mr. Borgin, you have done us a great service."

The man took the parchment of paper from Borgin's shaking hands before he swiftly aimed his wand at him and a striking green light shot out of the wand with the chant "Avada Kedavra" echoing through the shop as the lifeless body of Borgin fell to the ground.

"We have what we came for; we can depart."

Stated the red-eyed younger man, as several 'pop' sounds were heard all around and everyone disappeared from the shop and even the Knockturn Alley altogether within several seconds.


Earth, England, Wiltshire

Somewhere in Wiltshire in England, there was an enormous manor house. The gravel driveway to the manor house was wide and had a large hedge curving alongside it. The driveway and hedge went past a pair of wrought-iron gates.

The yew hedge was known to have albino peacocks roving along the top of it. The outside of the manor was grand and the land surrounding it was vast, filling many acres. Those acres contained numerous types of trees and various plants and perhaps other animal life.

Suddenly in front of the iron gate, 'pop' sounds were heard, as around when the masked and hooded men arrived in front of it when the gate opened on its own, allowing all of them to enter the manor while it shortly after which the gate closed itself.

The hallway was large, dimly lit, and sumptuously decorated, with a magnificent carpet covering the stone floor.

The walls of the entrance hall displayed pale-faced portraits lining the walls, and at the end of the hall was the bronze-handled door to the drawing room.

"Welcome, My Lord."

Stated a male voice to the red-eyed man.

When one looked closer, they would notice the lord of this estate was a middle-aged man, with a pale, pointed face, with pale blond hair and cold gray eyes. He was wearing a luxurious suit, befitting one of the status aristocracy or extremely wealthy individuals, as he was using a walking cane to support himself.

"Abrasax, follow me to my room."

Said the red-eyed man, who took off his hood, revealing his very handsome and charming face, jet-black hair and dark red eyes. Abrasax Malfoy, Lord of this estate and the Lord of the House Malfoy gave him a bow as he followed after him.

When they arrived at the man's room, it was a small, relatively cozy room, filled primarily with books, if anything else.

"Have you obtained that thing, My Lord?"

Questioned Abrasax carefully as his Lord nodded his head, taking out the piece of parchment with the Magic Circle on it.

"Prepare the ritual room and install there strongest wards you can find. Also, we need a powerful source of Magic to activate this Magic Circle and summon its owner."

Ordered the man to Abrasax, as he agreed with the conclusion and went to carry out the orders as fast as possible.


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Chapter 456 - Interlude: Vali III. - Summoning the Devil or so...
The Malfoy Manor mirrored the standing and riches of the Malfoy Family, one of the wealthy pure-blood wizarding family and one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

The Sacred Twenty-Eight were, according to the author of the Pure-Blood Directory, Cantankerus Nott, the twenty-eight British families that were still "truly pure-blood" by the 1930s.

Due to the history of the rise of the Malfoy name, they were very rich, richer than most of the families of noble standing across the Wizarding World, as they made use of the cunning and, technically speaking, cheated muggles out of their properties and lands for entire centuries since the arrival of the Wiliam the Conqueror at Britain as part of the Norman Invasion of the islands.

This wealth was visible even in the Ritual Room, as it was Warded with the best wards that money could buy and performed by the best Ward Masters from the Goblin Clans.

As per the commands of Lord Voldemort to Abraxas Malfoy, the current Lord Malfoy, everything was paid for by the Malfoy Family and yet it seemed like a drop in the sea.

Lord Voldemort, as many knew him, or going by his birth name Tom Marvolo Riddle, stood in the Ritual Room as he was preparing to activate the Contract Flyer.

He was preparing to launch a campaign to conquer the world and for that, he wanted to enslave a devil that he would summon through the Contract Flyer.

He wanted to get access to higher forms of Magic and unlock the secrets of the Arcane to obtain even greater power, which would allow him to rule the world.

Be it an arrogance or confidence that would remain to be seen; he started carrying out the Ritual after he prepared everything needed to summon the Devil and subsequently enslave the creature to his will.

The Ritual took several minutes to activate as Lord Voldemort activated the Contract Flyer and started summoning the Devil here to the Earth.


Meanwhile, on another side of the world, across the tunnel, Vali could see everything that the mortal human was doing.

In truth, when he looked at the human that was summoning him, he realized that he was barely as strong as Tier 1 Magician in terms of raw power... that would probably be a credit to the state of the world.

The lower magical worlds typically tended to have weaker magic users, as he could see that the man in question had Magic Reserves worth of 10 Mortal Units, which was... very low for the standards of anything.

Still, considering what he felt from the world as he broke through the World Barrier, he deduced that the man should be one of the most powerful Magic Casters in that world, as Mana Density was...

Almost non-existent and it was dying.

When Vali broke through the World Barrier, he sensed that he was being suppressed by the World, but surprisingly not that much, or instead, he only realized later that this state was not suppression but rather deprivation of Magic.

The World was leeching Magic off him, or rather taking the residual Demonic Energy he released and absorbing it to heal itself. It was a truly fascinating thing, as he immediately activated some programs through his Holo-Brain because he would be recording everything of this and giving it to his father.

Vali knew what was going on, as the Magic of the world was dying, the world was doing everything it could do to preserve it because once it died off entirely, then the consciousness of the world would perish with it too, meaning the world would become just an average planet.

Of course, he scoffed at the human mortal that had the audacity that he could enslave Tier 10 devil, one that was almost reaching Tier 11, but he wanted to see this world because since he came here, it was giving him very odd feelings very odd feeling.

Another thing was that he felt something of extreme danger coming from the planet, something that gave him fright and he was a Tier 10 powerhouse with enough power to wipe out entire Star Systems if he wished.

Yet he entered and soon enough, he found himself in the Ritual Room of that human worm that was thinking too much of himself.

Yet, as his father always said, these people are always easiest to manipulate to what he wished and for the first time in his life, he would be taking the shadowy approach of things.


Earth, England, Wiltshire, Malfoy Manor - The Ritual Room

Lord Voldemort, aka Tom Marvolo Riddle, looked at the Devil he was supposed to summon and yet the thing he summoned looked entirely humanoid with shining blue azure eyes and silver hair, such a handsome appearance that would put all models to shame.

Suddenly Tom Riddle started growing very, very nervous when he looked at the silver-haired man. During his journey and pursuit of power, he developed a very dependable sense of danger and could very easily tell who was dangerous.

And when he looked at the man, he summoned every part of his very own being who was screaming at him to get out as soon as possible.

Still, before he could do anything else, suddenly the man looked at him, and with a wave of his hands, all runes around the Ritual Room shattered to countless pieces.

"Human... most peculiar."

The silver-haired Devil stated with a smile as the first reaction of Lord Voldemort was to take out his wand; only then he realized that he couldn't move an inch; even his breathing was strictly controlled by the main front of him.

"Will Binding Runes? This god-forsaken world with dying Magic has actually been that advanced? But they are, of course, of trash quality... "

Vali Lucifer examined the runes that were engraved all around the room, some with curiosity because it appeared that the knowledge of the Runes was relatively advanced in this world, which was most unusual considering that they were in a magically dying world.


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Chapter 457 – Interlude: Vali IV. – Getting Mortal Servants
Will Binding Runes were a rare piece of knowledge and could be considered very advanced for a world where Magic was already on the last dying breath and would kick a bucket any time sooner.

Despite all of this, Vali began to ponder if this was just a lucky coincidence or if this world actually had advanced knowledge of Runes.

This wouldn't be the first time since the Chthonian Empire started sending probes to the Endless Void in search of some more isolated Dimensions and Worlds in the Endless Void.

They found a whole bunch of them, and there were some of them which have extremely weak Magic in them.

This typically resulted in their Magic Systems becoming more and more refined because they needed to focus on finesse and control instead of brute power.

Something which was also once a problem with the Baator, because of the abundant Magic that was in the Baator, many people were neglecting the aspects of finesse and control over their skills and so.

Still, after a few incorporations from different worlds and also, new Imperial Edicts about education in the Schools, Academies and Universities, it was swiftly resolved.

"And what do we have here?"

Vali then turned his sight at the mortal human man who summoned him before he started examining the man while occasionally frowning in annoyance. It was clear that Lord Voldemort or Tom Riddle, as was his name, didn't like this, but there was nothing he could do about it because he couldn't move a muscle.

"Foolish human, what have you thought dividing your soul into six pieces through this crude imitation of Lichdom?"

At first glance, Vali was able to recognize that the magician that summoned him had divided his soul into six phylacteries.

Or rather, it would be more prudent to call them fake phylacteries because it was done through some extremely simple ritual that was unsuccessfully imitating Lichdom.

While Vali was by no means pursuer of the Arcane or master in the fields of Magic, but he was still highly educated on the topic and was a Master in several types of Magic, including huge theoretical knowledge about Ritualistic Magic and various obscure types of the Arcane.

He was personally taught by his father, so his knowledge rivaled even those old coots that did nothing all days and years aside from studying Grimoires and Magic Tome. And one of the first lessons he had with the Father of All Devils was never to harm your soul.

Especially thing like dividing souls was not only an extremely foolish thing to do but dangerous as well.

While anchoring a piece of one's soul to a material object would provide some kind of pseudo-immortality because one couldn't be really killed through normal means.

Still, it also led to the partial destruction of one's talent, cutting the path before him, not to mention people who did so tended to go mad for various reasons.

"What to do with you now..."

Vali muttered because he didn't really know what to do with the human who summoned him here... as he pondered over it and took into account that he already came here through the Contract Flyer.

"It would be proper to start by introducing ourselves. Vali Lucifer, Imperial Elder of the Imperial House of Lucifer of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, son of the Ancestor of the Baator, Lord of the Chthonian Empire, and Lord Marshall Militant of the Imperialis Militarum."

Vali introduced himself in a way where Venelana Lucifer would be proud that her etiquette lessons were not forgotten somewhere on the way. While the human wouldn't know the weight behind those titles, each one of them sounded pretty important, signifying that Vali was someone socially very, very high.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle, a Wizard and descendant of Salazar Slytherin."

Introduced himself as the self-proclaimed Dark Lord, wisely choosing the leave out the part of being a Dark Lord because he had some hunch that it would just irritate the devil that someone as weak as him was calling himself a Dark Lord.

At the same time, his mind was spinning as he heard the words of the devil, who said that the only thing he achieved by splitting his soul into several parts was just cutting his path before him.

Of course, someone as weak as him wouldn't understand the true purpose of those words, but even he could see that it was something related to power.

The soul was the source of everything and without it, nothing could be done. He created the Horcruxes to achieve immortality, but as it seems, it came with a much higher price than one would initially anticipate.

"Now, why have you summoned me here, human?"

Vali asked after some time when he saw that the human magician or wizard, as he called himself, was in deep thought, probably about that part when he told him that splitting his very own soul was an extremely foolish thing to do and came with severe consequences.

In the Chthonian Empire, there were only very, very, very few people who would do something like this and all who did it were either dying or in some special and precarious situation where Lichdom or something like that was the only alternative to find a way out.

"I want to obtain the power to win the war that I would be fighting against the muggles and other filth that are polluting the world that belongs to us, Wizards."

He summoned a Devil Contract and started writing there some things before passing it to the mortal.

"Sign it, and you will get whatever you want... of course, the price will be appropriate."

Vali then said as he let Tom Riddle read the contract. Of course, with his meager "strength" there was nothing that the barely Tier 1 magician could do, and everything that was happening right now was just because Vali thought it would be entertaining, not to mention he needed to be careful in this world.


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Chapter 459 - Interlude: Vali VI. - Tom Riddle's State
"The first step should be getting back the Coul Containers that you created and patching up your Soul. I will help you perfectly mend back your Soul to not any damages even further... the next step would be strengthening your bunch of thugs so they could fight like an army, not like a bunch of raiding pirates."

Vali stated to Tom Riddle. He needed him to be stronger if he wanted to achieve his goals in this world without alerting whatever was sleeping in this world that was making him highly uncomfortable.

And if he were, to be honest, with his current Tier 2 strength, it would be barely enough to do something.

Vali hoped to elevate this human to at least Tier 3 in the near future, with enough time and resources, to Tier 4 before the human could start his conquest of the world.

He knew that the chances of him reaching Tier 9 and higher were basically zero due to splitting his Soul.

Even if it was merged back, it wouldn't really change everything in that aspect, as the Path of the true experts was forever done because it that was the price for the foolishness.

Naturally, there existed ways, for example, some rare treasures that could mend the effects.

Still, one would need to search through a lot of places across the Endless Void to find something like this because even though the Chthonian Empire of the Baator was rich, they never had something like that.

Or another possibility was to find a Tier 12 expert proficient in the aspect of Souls and let him heal the damage, but that was an even bigger pipe dream than the previous one because no Tier 12 expert would lower themself to do such a thing for anyone.

"And you seriously need to change that stupid name, Death Eaters... it sounded like a childish tantrum. Also... come here, boy..."

Vali said as Tom Riddle frowned, hearing the man before him calling him boy, but Vali was several thousand years old, so from his perspective, 30 years old was really and boy.

Not to mention that devils are considered as children till they reach their 100th birthday and young adults till their 250th year.

By reaching 250 years old, they are officially considered adults.

As Tom Riddle stepped in front of the devil lord, Vali conjured several magic circles, which the wizard observed in wonder, as Vali started scanning Tom Riddle because he found something that was off about him.

Soon enough, his magical scans yielded results. Some of the things he found out through the scan disturbed him slightly because they could be detrimental in the long run.

"Drink this... I am not the best healer around, but fortunately, I am rich enough to have the best potions from the Empire. The magic scan showed me that there are some serious aftereffects of Love Potion latching on your being; probably one of your parents used it on the other one, which resulted in several psychic disorders and other things passing down to you."

Tom Riddle looked at the potion curiously while he was growing at the words of the devil, though he couldn't find anything to refute them because he knew very well that they were the truth.

His own mother, Merope Gaunt, was a squib from the House Gant, a long disgraced line that existed as a degraded and degenerated cadet branch of the House Slytherin.

She used the love potion on the muggle who was living in the house next to the Gaunts, Tom Marvolo Riddle Senior, with whom she conceived a child.

In the end, he didn't really have an option as he drank the potion, which immediately started taking effect.

The thing that Vali gave him was one of the basic potions that were used to deal with things like mind controlling, mind-altering effects, psyche-altering effects and so on, which were not caused by direct cause.

But through indirect ones, typically passed through the genome on the next generation, this made such afflictions very hard to cure, and this concrete potion was extremely pricy in the Baator.

The moment Tom Riddle drank the potion, he immediately felt like something had dropped from his mind and his mind became much clearer than it was before; he felt that his emotions were much more controlled and were not like a volcano waiting to erupt.

Not talking about the fact that now he felt like he could control his emotions more properly because he long knew that he had some anger issues that typically ended in torturing most of the unfortunate of his followers with the Cruciatus Curse.

He knew that some side effects from his mother's usage of Love Potion were passed to him, but unfortunately, the Wizarding World didn't have any means to deal with this thing because it was too advanced.

"Now that you can think more clearly, we need to address probably the biggest problem that your society faces."

Vali stated grimly as the Dark Lord knew what the devil wanted to say.

"Stagnation of your people... based on the things that you told me, your entire society has been backward and stagnant for centuries, not making any significant achievement in the realms of magic since the time of Merlin... though this is the problem of countless magical-type civilizations, not just yours."

Vali explained as Tom Riddle agreed with him entirely.

The Wizards were stagnant, they were content with what they had, believing to be superior though that part was not entirely wrong because magical people were indeed racially superior to no-magical ones, but in terms of thinking society, Wizards were extremely inferior to muggles but extremely inferior.

"You know, there are essentially two Types of Civilizations out there... One we could classify as an Energy-Based Civilization, be it magical, cultivation or any other. These kinds of civilizations are extremely powerful in individual strength and have many mighty people, but their society and civilizations are very stagnant and are basically depending on a few talented and genius people who would make tremendous improvements to the society. If you take these people out of the equation, then the stagnation and degeneration of the civilization return."

Vali stated about the first type of civilization as Tom Riddle listened attentively, digesting the information at the speed of lighting.


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Chapter 460 - Interlude: Vali VII. - Magic and Thrill
Now that he had drunk that potion that the devil gave him, he noticed that aside from his mind being clearer, his personality started reversing bit by bit after the effects of the Love Potion started disappearing, as he was listening to the explanations of the devil before him.

"Another type of civilization is the one based on science and technology, which we could call Scientific Civilization. On the contrary to the ones which are based on Supernatural Energy and have people reshaping worlds with a flick of their hands sometimes, the Scientific Civilizations often don't have capabilities like this, but they have always come with means to contend against even the most powerful Magical Civilization in the Endless Void... the question you are asking, why?"

Vali then made a small pause before he proceeded to continue with his explanation once more.

"The answer is relatively simple... the scientific civilizations are continuously advancing further, never stagnating as their society and entire civilization is based on the pursuit of knowledge and advancing further. Contrary to the Magical Civilization, where they need to wait for some genius to appear who would advance the entire civilization by leaps and bounds to advance even a bit, the situation here is different. While the same occurrence could happen in scientific civilizations, but contrary to Energy-Based ones where the stagnation comes after the person disappears, in the Scientific ones, there are countless people who would take over and bring the work of the said genius to greater heights, thus continuously advancing further, because contrary to previous one, they are not depended on the anomalies popping out and advancing their civilization."

Vali finished the explanation about the two fundamental types of civilizations across the Endless Void before he proceeded to the next matter on hand.

"As you see, your society is the typical magical one and what it needs to advance; when I came here and based on the information provided, you are currently not facing only stagnation, but your society is in a constant state of degeneration. We should first start with the inner circle of your most loyal followers. How are you with the loyalty?"

Vali asked as the young wizard in front of him flinched in annoyance a bit.

"There are a few who are unquestionably loyal and there are some whose loyalty is basically a thing of personal gains and nothing more."

Tom Riddle knew that some of his followers were following him only because they had much to gain, despite the risk they were undergoing. Then there were some who were following him from fear rather than devotion to his ideals or anything else.

"Call the ones whom you think are the really loyal and faithful... we will start with them. Aside from that, for the next few days, we will be going through the basics of the Magic Principles of Human Magic."

Vali stated as he planned to teach them a Human Calculation Magic, which was created in the Draconic Deus by Merlin Ambrosius based on observations of the Devil Magic System and various Runic Magic Systems mashed up together.

"Also, take in mind that I am not the best teacher around and I have never properly studied Art of Magic beyond the Master Rank."

Vali stated as this piqued the interest of the human wizard before him. If there was one thing that filled the entire life of Tom Riddle and what was his sole pursuit, it was Magic.

He loved learning about it, about various types and spells, mastering everything he could and understanding its principles; it was that that made him one of the most powerful wizards of the present age.

"I sometimes forget that I am in a backward world... Basically, Empire has a classification of Mastery over Magic, where there are several Ranks depending on how much one has mastered the Magic System they have been practicing and studying. The lowest of the lowest is the Novice Rank, basically, those who mastered some simple spells and attained rudimentary proficiency with Magic. Then there is Adept Rank; those are magicians who attained some sort of knowledge and could use Miagc more fluidly and actively in combat; basically, Adept-Ranked Magician could blast apart entire skyscrapers with little effort. Then there is the Expert Rank, Magicians who attained expertise over some parts of their Magic Systems and could be called powerful practitioners of Magic on their own where even basic spells used by them destroy entire cities. Master Ranked Magicians is a person who completely mastered his Magic System and can wipe out entire mountain ranges and even larger islands with his spells. After Masters, there are Grandmasters, people who dedicate their life to Magic and adjust the Magic System they have mastered to suit themselves, basically creating something unique; Grandmasters in any Magic System could destroy entire Continents with their Spells and sometimes even smaller astral objects like huge asteroids and smaller planets... and that should be enough of that. I am Grandmaster in Tier Magic System, Master in Devil Magic System and Grandmaster in Dragon Chant Magic."

This revelation caused the wizard to look at the devil with great fear... because such concept of destructive power was absolutely unheard of in the Wizarding World.

Even the strongest wizards that ever existed didn't have the firepower behind their spells to level up entire mountains or reshape landscapes as they wished.

Yet the devil before him could do it probably faster than he could brandish his wand. It was fascinating to hear that one could get so powerful with Magic, which could cause so much destruction with even the simplest spells around.

Like any other power-hungry person, he was thrilled at the idea of obtaining so much power that would allow him to rule this world however he wished.

Vali would impart him with some basics of the Human Calculation Magic and teach him how to use Magic Circles.

From what he saw, their own Magic System, which he termed as Wizardcraft, was incredibly versatile, but that came with a weakness that it lacked offensive capabilities.

The Devil Magic System had a similar problem when it was compared to other Magic Systems that existed in the Draconic Deus.


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Chapter 461 - Interlude: Vali VIII. - Reformation (1)
Earth, the Year 1968, Europe, Great Britain, Wiltshire, Malfoy Manor, several days later after the summoning ritual.

Several days have passed since Tom Riddle summoned a devil to Earth.

During this time, the only thing that they have been doing was Vali teaching his new pawn how to use the basics of the Human Calculation Magic and a basic grasp of the Magic Circles.

From the effects, he saw that right now, the power of the human has increased from the intermediate Tier 2 to the peak of Tier 2 in terms of pure Mana Reserves.

Probably having some sort of training system has helped him to regulate the Magic Core that each of the Wizards had in their body.

Similarly to Devils and Dragons, the Wizards had their own specific "Magic Organ" where all of their Magical Power was stored. It was a small crystal located in their heart called Magic Core.

Even Vali was surprised at how fast the human wizard was absorbing the knowledge before him; it was rather fascinating.

After some time of observation, Vali scanned Tom Riddle for his Soul Aptitude, finding out that he had Soul Aptitude Level 6 Superior... which was fascinating that someone in such a backwater and magically dying world could have so high Soul Aptitude.

This prompted Vali to find more information about this world and see if someone was worthy of recruiting for the Baator.

The Evil Pieces were still fair game and after centuries of perfection and research, they reached an entirely new level of heights when it came to reincarnating other species into another species.

After some research, he learned that aside from Tom Riddle, there were publicly known other famous and powerful Wizards.

One of them was Nicolas Flamel, an Alchemist who managed to create a Philosopher's Stone, though Vali seriously doubted that aspect; probably he created some imitation of the real thing, as the Philosopher's Stone was considered peerless treasure even for a civilization as advanced as the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

Then there were two other publicly famous people.

One of them was Albus Dumbledore and another one was Gellert Grindelwald.

When it came to these two, Vali immediately put Dumbledore off of his list because the person's ideology about peace, second chances, and twisted concept of Good and Evil would never fit well with the Empire.

Meanwhile, Grindelwald was someone who could be useful in the long run. He was a magical genius even bigger than Riddle and on the same level as Dumbledore. Not to mention, he was charismatic, intelligent and a good military commander.

Aside from that, he was right now in some sort of magical prison because he led a revolution against the governing body o Wizardkin that failed.

Another point why Vali wanted the man is because he actually saw the threat of the non-magical and even employed some smart means of destroying them by pitting them against each other, though it was not enough.

And contrary to Tom Marvolo Riddle, who just wanted to conquer the world to cure his own complex of self-inferiority, Grindelwald had something greater in his vision.

"We will stop now... you should call here the most loyal of your followers and force them to sign all of the Geass Contracts."

Vali said to Tom Riddle, who pressed on the snake-skull tattoo on his left forearm, sending a call to his followers, while Vali watched this with curiosity. From the few days, he had spent studying the Wizardcraft Magic System that was the dominant Magic System in this world.

The Runic System that was in this world was indeed fascinating and even though it was not that powerful, it had the potential to be developed further.

Though Vali had one thought when he was learning the Ancient Runes, and that was the fact that while they were not powerful right now, he felt that if they were implemented in a world where Magic was very dense, their effect would be be...

Strong would be an underestimation of the effect.


Drawing Room, half an hour later.

The people that Tom Riddle summoned to meet him here were his first followers and the ones who were truly loyal to his cause, seeing beyond their personal benefits. The first ones to arrive were Augustus Rockwood and Antonin Dolohov.

Rockwood was an Unspeakable and he was very well aware of the threat of no-magicals to the Wizarding World and if they left them to develop even more, than a full-scale war was inevitable between the two species that inhabited planet Earth.

Dolohov was a mercenary from Eastern Europe and fanatically loyal to Tom Riddle. He was one of those who didn't particularly care about ideologies or anything; he only cared about the will of his master, which was his order.

The next ones to arrive after them were Thomas Avery I. and Jasper Lestrange, who had been his followers since the establishment of the Knight of Walpurgis and were loyal to a fault.

Jasper Lestrange was a younger brother of the current Lord Lestrange, Randolph Lestrange.

And contrary to his elder brother, Jasper Lestrange had some good head on his head and was magically way more powerful than his older brother.

Thomas Avery I. was the current Lord of the Avery Family, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight Families of Magical Britain. After two of them arrived, Thadeus Nott arrived another Lord from the Sacred Twenty-Eight Families together with Francoise Rosier, a member of the Rosier Family.

All of them gathered in the drawing room of the Malfoy Manor, while Lord Abraxas Malfoy wasn't at home.

Tom Riddle didn't really believe Malfoy because he always took him for a crafty fox that was just using him and his cause for his own betterment and gains... though even that will end sooner or later.

"My most loyal friends, welcome to this small gathering and thank you that you arrived as soon as possible."

Tom Riddle welcomed all six of them as all of them sat in chairs around a long table while he himself sat on the end of the table.


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Chapter 462 - Interlude: Vali IX. - Reformation (2)
"Some of you may be wondering why I have called you here..."

Tom Riddle stated as he waved his hand and conjured a small magic circle as all of his followers watched in wonder. It was clear that all of them recognized it was some kind of magic, while only Rockwood realized what was going on.

"Magic Circles..."

Muttered Rockwood as he was woken from his shock.

As an Unspeakable and someone who was relatively high in the organization of the Unseapakbles, he was aware of some more sensitive topics, one of them being the existence of something called Magic Circles.

Appreatnely Magic Circles once existed in the ancient past, but they were forgotten with the passage of time, with the last person who could use the Magic Circles to cast magic died more than one thousand and two hundreds year ago.


As an Unspeakable, Rockwood was absolutely enthralled by the sight of Magic Circles.

"I don't want to be presumptuous, but where did you obtain it, My Lord?"

Rockwood threaded carefully on this because the short tempter of Lord Voldemort was relatively famous among his followers, as was his fearsome power and magical prowess.

Among the current state of the Wizarding World, he was already on the level of legendary wizards because the current generation of Wizards was weak; they had been getting weaker and weaker since the death of Merlin and the fall of Camelot.

"I obtained it from my new benefactor, a being of great powers above everything that this world has ever seen."

Tom Riddle stated causally, as this piqued the interest of several people who were sitting there.

Only Rockwood gasped in shock because he was aware of the devil summoning ritual that their Lord was going to carry out in the Malfoy Manor several days ago, and from the looks, it didn't go as initially planned, but it was still salvaged to something usable.

"And who may be that benefactor, my lord?"

Asked Thadeus Nott carefully, but right now, everyone was curious about who the benefactor was before he could answer; suddenly, everyone felt overwhelming pressure dropping on everyone.

Neither of the people who were sitting in the room could move and some of the weaker ones had even problems breathing.

"Vali Lucifer and I can introduce myself... human."

Sounded a voice out of the darkness as a new person came into the room, as everyone looked at the newcomer with slight fear due to the aura he was releasing.

It was clear to anybody that he was very dangerous, seeing that not even their Lord could move an inch. That pressure he was releasing was absolutely suffocating and if Vali didn't control it properly, then he would have killed these weak humans like squashing bugs.

Meanwhile, those who heard his name were shocked and, at the same time, felt incredible fear.

Contrary to the no-magicals, Wizards were aware of the existence of beings outside of their reality and world, though there were not many who attempted to travel to other worlds and dimensions.

Most usually, it ended very badly for anyone who attempted to travel to another dimension, where quick death was considered a good outcome of it.

"Lucifer... you are the one from Bible."

Vali heard one of the men talking, whom he recognized as Augustus Rockwood, who was working as Unseapkable, basically people who dabbled into dangerous magic. So they were like the madmen from Magisterium of Magic and Arcane.

Usually, the spooks from the Magisterium of Magic and Arcane were just problems and Vali didn't really like dealing with them, as they were not okey in their heads.

He still remembered the day when he was supposed to guard one of the spooks, who was a reincarnated devil from the Japan of Earth.

That idiot almost exploded the entire Grade 4 Plane in some crazy ritual that would have killed them all if it went wrong.

"That was actually my ancestor, the original... now the Lucifer is the Imperial House of the Chthonian Empire and I am one of many bearing the surname of Lucifer."

Vali explained, especially proud of his heritage and his family. When he was a kid, he hated his paternal grandfather Rizevim Livan Lucifer and everything that was connected to the House of Lucifer; it was relatively ironic how things changed.

"And now, we should move to the more important things. I have entered into a contract with the devil and I have obtained far more power than someone could even dream of. And during that, I have realized that we need to rework many of our plans seriously."

Tom Riddle stated as six of his most loyal followers looked at him, then at the devil who just sat on one of the chairs with his legs on the table and was tapping something on a weird device that neither of them recognized.

While they were having their meeting, Vali started playing games on his Holo-Brain, because he was already getting bored.

"The first thing we need to do is to reorganize Death Eaters into something new and more efficient than they are now. Right now, all of them are weak, inefficient and most of them don't even know how to fight."

This caught the attention of both Rockwood and Dolohov as they were typically in charge of training the new recruits and both of them knew that it was the truth.

The quality of the Death Eaters was shit; they didn't even know how to duel properly and most of them were armed only with a basic repertoire of spells.

Anything more advanced than a few basic Charms and Curses was already beyond them.

So this decision was an especially welcomed one; this would significantly bolster and strengthen their forces altogether several times over.

"Another thing would be a complete reorganization of the Death Eaters into Knights of Walpurgis; the six of you, who are right here and right now, would be the founding members of the Knights of Walpurgis."


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[Iseaki Life as Ōtsutsuki]
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Chapter 463 - Interlude: Vali X. - Reformation (3)
Indeed some of them thought that the Knights of Walpurgis sounded much better than the name "Death Eaters".

At least this one referred to the traditions of the Wizardkind and had some sort of deeper meaning, while the Death Eaters just sounded silly, while whatever hidden meaning it had would be mostly forgotten or ignored.

"Now, every one of the presents, please sign these documents."

Tom Riddle stated as he passed them the same Geass Scrolls that he signed when he first summoned Vali Lucifer to this world. When all of them signed the Geass Scrolls, they realized that this was basically an incomparably stronger Unbreakable Oath Spell that already existed in the Wizarding World.

"Now, I will give you the first order... clean out the ranks of the former Death Eaters. I am sure that we will find a bunch of spies, either for the meddling old man, ICW, Ministries and probably, if we are lucky, then even for some non-magical governments."

When he said those words, five out of six people gathered in this room were either shocked or enraged at the thought that the no-magicals could be spying on them, but before anyone could start shouting and screaming at each other, he waved his hand and motion for Rockwood to speak.

"It is highly possible. Muggles have known about the Wizarding World since the First World War, where the Wizards actively participated. Since then, the muggle governments have been developing countermeasures against the magical and there are even rumors that they have entire departments in their governmental structures or in their armies dedicated to training and brainwashing Wizards for their own devises. Sicne the times of Grindelwald, their efforts have been multiplied several times over and..."

Rockwood was a senior member of the Unspeakables.

Thus, he was aware of this information, which was currently known only to some members of Unspeakables among the Ministries of Magic of various countries and ICW, and naturally to the Ministers of Magic themselves, including the leadership of the ICW.

Unfortunately for them, there was nothing they could do about it because they caught the wind of what was going on too late, far too late.

In truth, the ICW, due to its incompetence and corruption, discovered the situation only after the end of World War Two and the defeat of Gellert Grindelwald by Grindelwald himself.

It was already time when the muggle governments had trained already small armies of brainwashed Wizards numbering thousands and coupled with the support of their superior technology; it was night impossible to do something against them with brute force.

"And what, Rockwood?"

Asked Dolohov as their discussion had taken a grim-looking direction rather.

"And there are rumors that the USA, China, Russia, Great Britain and France have their own version of a magical army consisting of thousands of battle-hardened, professionally trained and absolutely loyal battle mages. Meanwhile, Japan Wizarding Clans have fused with their muggle counterparts, giving up their Pure-Blood status in exchange for even more power as they essentially control the entire country, be it muggle side or wizarding side."

Stated Rockwood as hearing this, everyone was silent for several minutes because something like this was too much to take.

After all, it was first crushing the worldview that many of the noble pure-blood wizards had and secondly, it was going against the base principles of the wizarding world, and thirdly even again the personal belief of many of the present.

And contrary to what one would expect, like curses at blood traitors at the Japanese Clans or denied reality, nobody said anything; probably it was more attributed to the presence of their Lord and that devil who was playing on his Holo-Brain online games.

"And this is the threat that we face, my dear friends. The Statute of Secrecy never protected us... it protected them from us, forcing us to hide like rats in sewers... if we only had fought those thousands of years ago, we would have annihilated them, but unfortunately, not. What we have before are two choices."

Stated Tom Riddle dramatically as even Vali started to listen because he had to admit that the man had a knack for smooth talking and giving speeches, something that he was never very good with.

Most of the time when he was giving a speech, it was written by Rias and Latia to ensure it was proper speech and not just some battle cry or something in that fashion.

"The first one is to do nothing and just wait until the muggles have decided to go on us and kill us one by one. With their current capabilities, I am relatively sure that it won't take them a lot of time until they finally decide to declare war on us... and from what we know about them, they have far more experience with waging wars than we could ever have."

Indeed such was the truth of the situation that they were in. Slow death was awaiting all of them if they won't do anything with it.

The muggle governments were indeed superior to them and if they had their own magical armies, then any advantage that the wizards had over them would have long ago evaporated into the air.

"And there is also a second option, in which we will go for a different approach, that will take more time, but sooner or later, it will yield the fruits. We need to obtain more, more power than anyone had and use the greatest weapons of our enemies against them."

And there was also the possibility of fighting back... but if they fought, then it needed to be done perfectly because even a single mistake could lead to a premature end and death.

Rockwood was too aware that muggles brought war to the same level as art, something that the Wizards, unfortunately, didn't and most, if not all of them, knew shit about waging war.

Especially on the enemy that seemed to be stronger and muggles were specialists in everything that was related to destruction and killing.


PS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Keter-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
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Chapter 464 - Interlude: Vali XI. - Knights of the Walpurgis Order (1)
One Week Later, Earth, the Year 1968, Europe, Great Britain, Wiltshire, Malfoy Manor

It took one whole week to reorganize the former Death Eaters completely.

All interrogations were carried out either by Rockwood or Riddle himself, as they were the most proficient in the matters of Legilimency and arts of mind reading.

And as expected among the Death Eaters, they found tens of spies and people who were pursuing more of their own agenda and were, technically speaking, traitors.

Some of them were working for the British Ministry of Magic, France Ministry of Magic, ICW, some for the muggle governments and there were even some who worked for Dumbledore.

The last one was something that irked Tom Riddle to madness as he personally tortured some spies and they were able to obtain some more crucial information from the minds of a few spies.

The ones from the muggle governments were basically the most disturbing as they confirmed the things that Rockwood told them during the meeting.

This caused another wave of outrage among the loyal followers of Tom Riddle, but then the most important thing came as they started reworking the Death Eaters, starting from the inner circle of the Death Eaters.

The establishment of the Knights of Walpurgis went very swiftly, while the organization of the Knights of Walpurgis was relatively simple.

With the seat of Grandmaster being the leader of the Order, below him were the Grand Knights, who were basically the strongest and most loyal members of the Order.

Below them were average members who were creating the base forces of the Knights of Walpurgis.

When they were reorganized, then everyone was given a specific task in the newly established Walpurgis Order. Right now, only seven Grand Knights were the founding members of the Walpurgis Order.

From them, Dolohov was responsible for the combat training; Rockwood was responsible for the spell and Arcane research; Lestrange for the politics; Abrasax Malfoy for the finances; Rosier for the supplies / equipment and other things; Nott for the training recruiting new members and arranging them and Avery for the maintaining the Headquarters of the Order and daily matters of the organization.

Reorganizing the Death Eaters into the Knights of the Walpurgis, a highly structured and organized entity, was something that mainly pleased some of the older generations, like Abrasax Malfoy because they could see the benefits of being highly organized.

The organization increased efficiency and increased efficiency led to much better results.

This cleanup didn't escape the sight of several powerful political players, but each one of them gave out a different reaction.

When the spies were killed, the Ministry of Magic didn't do anything... which was true to be too to be expected; ICW for now stayed silent because the mummer play was that the Death Eaters had been disbanded - which they really were.

The only one who was growing restless was in fact Dumbledore because, from his point of view, it was far more dangerous as he attempted to set another spy to someone who was very close to Tom Riddle, but it failed.

Now that Tom Riddle regained much of his clarity, he lost most of the arrogance that he developed from the side effects of the Love Potion's Curse and gained an equal amount of cunning and ruthlessness.

There was no way that he would be able to set some spy in a high-ranking position within the Knights of the Walpurgis. Not to mention that each member was given to sign a Contract Geass, ensuring the absolute loyalty of each member.

Because of his time with Vali, Tom Riddle learned many things about the Chthonian Empire of the Baator and what civilization they were.

Among them, he also occasionally trained Dolohov and Rockwood in Magic because they showed a significant aptitude for combat magic, and from what Tom knew, Vali needed them to be much stronger to be useful to him.

The Geass that all full-fledged Knights of Walpurgis signed was strong enough to bind anyone below Tier 9... which was a lot, considering the fact that even he, who was right now one of the strongest living Wizards, was only a Tier 2.

Apparently, there are naturally even stronger and more powerful Geass Contracts, but he couldn't really make them, as the devil lacked resources for such and in their current situation, they would be useless.

Tom Riddle knew that in the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, the usage of the Geass Contract was common to ensure the continuous existence of the Empire.

Even far mightier individuals were forced to sign similar Geasses as this was the way in which the Empire worked for thousands of years and survived and thrived.

He knew that even his Tier 2 strength was abysmal in front of the Geass Contract... while it may sound like total nonsense, but even children of Nobility in the Chthonian Empire and those of very powerful Bloodlines were born with at least Tier 5 strength during their birth.

According to Vali, even ordinary citizens of the Chthonian Empire were at least around Tier 3 in terms of strength. That was the standard Tier that devils reached by reaching adulthood, even if they did shit for their whole life and never trained.

Those of commoners who had some traces of Noble Blood could reach even Tier 5 by doing nothing.

Now that the Knights of the Walpurgis were reorganized and the Order started working as it should, it was time for the further consolidation of the power. There were still a lot of the supporters of the former Death Eaters and his persona as Dark Lord that he decided to put away because, in Vali's words it was silly...

Fortunately, Wizarding Britain was till in the middle ages when it came to the political system, something that was greatly playing into their advantage.

Though, if there was a single thing that he would have a problem was the question of Blood Purity because many of his followers wanted to eradicate those of no pure blood.

Something that he saw as a significant problem because there were only so much Pure-Blooded Wizards; the majority of the Wizards consisted indeed of the Half-Bloods and those born from the muggles, thus called muggle-borns.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.


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Chapter 465 - Interlude: Vali XII. - Knights of the Walpurgis Order (2)
The tensions between the Pure-Bloods and the rest of the Wizarding World were something that was already a centuries-long problem that was never solved and if anyone had to guess, with the current precedents, it would never be solved.

Pure-Blood Wizards didn't like the influence that the muggle-borns were bringing to the Wizarding World, not respecting their traditions and even, in some cases, even changing them.

Though the real reason was far more simple and more straightforward than that... it was all about power.

Noble Families of the Pure-Blood Wizards or those who had some heritage of the Magical Creatures that didn't really matter, all that mattered was the fact that the ruling families in power feared that the growing influence of the muggle-borns in their world would strip them of the power, something that countless of them dreaded.

Thus they opted for the simplest yet the most stupid solution, which was discrimination and eradication.

Presently in a small meeting room, all seven Grand Knights of the Walpurgis Order were seated as they were discussing the most recent problem on what to do with the Blood Supremacy Issues, as that would cause them a lot of problems in the long run.

Out of them all, Dolohov and Rockwood didn't really care; Lestrange and Nott were pure examples of Blood Supremacists that were practically pressing the agenda.

Shockingly, it was Malfoy who was of the opinion that the muggle-borns should be inducted into the society as servants or something like that.

In the current situation, this was probably the best solution as the heated discussion was going on between them, though mainly it was just Abraxas Malfoy and Jasper Lestrange arguing and dropping various arguments while the rest of them just listened, including Tom Riddle and Vali.

To Vali, the issue of the Blood Supremenacy was something old and new because in the times before the establishment of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, it was a big issue with the devils too.

The common devils were severely outnumbering the Noble Devils by a great margin, but it were the Noble Devils who were several times more powerful than the common devils to their Clan Traits and bigger Demonic Energy Reserves from their birth.

The tension in the society were bad and his father told him that if he didn't prevent the Evil Pieces from being introduced to the broader devil society as a whole, it would become far worse...

Yeh, because another discriminated party would appear, which would be the Reincarnated Devils.

"Lord Lucifer, If I remember correctly, didn't your Empire face the same predicament as we are, in the past?"

When this question was raised by the Abraxas Malfoy, everyone looked at the silver-haired devil, who tilted his head in surprise.

Vali had to admit that the old Malfoy was one scheming old fox; he really reminded him of Zekram Bael.

"Yes, we had... several thousand years ago when the Chthonian Empire was not established and we were still living in the plane of existence known as the Underworld, devils were the only species. We were divided into Common Devils and Noble Devils... something like Pure-Blood Wizards and the other. The greatest difference was that the Nobles have something we call Clan Traits, basically inborn abilities which allow us to have superior power compared to those of the same Tier as us. Now, the tension between the Common Devils and the Noble Devils were something that lasted for millennia until it finally started breaking down. Immediately after the Great War, the Common Devils started getting a bigger pull in the society because many of the Noble Devils were killed and many of the Pillar Houses were weakened by one reason or another."

Vali started explaining while everyone listed attentively because this was indeed relatively similar to the situation of the Pure-Bloodded Wizards, who were on the decline for a long time already.

"The conclusion was like this... the Common Devils could live without the Nobles, but the Nobles couldn't live without the Common Devils. If you take the muggle-borns and even some of the more unfortunate Half-Blood out of the equation, then your society will collapse. The number of Pure-Blooded Wizards is too small to sustain all of their lifestyle and proper functioning without the working force of the Muggle-Borns who are a deep integral part of the Wizarding World."

Vali finished the explanation as the Wizards were digesting his words while elderly Malfoy was grinning with pride that he essentially won the argument, as he went further like a hawk after his prey.

"And how you solve it, or rather, how can we solve it?"

He then asked the next question.

"The deeper integration of them is necessary. Basically, the first mistake that you Wizards are doing is that you are essentially not integrating those who came from the non-magical world into the Wizarding World. Also, I would suggest that you do what the Nobles of the Chthoniuan Empire are doing for entire centuries. Take the most talented or strongest of the Muggle-Born and Half-Bloods as your vassals. Ideally, from the time they are introduced to the Wizarding World as the children are much easier to brainwash."

Vali explained as he saw that all of the humans seemed to be thinking about his words, like they had some merits in them, which he knew that they had.

It was something that the Chthonian Empire's Nobility had been doing for countless centuries and through this way, they were able to increase their own powers far more effectively and faster.

"Indeed, your words have high merit in them, Lord Lucifer."

Stated Abraxas Malfoy as the rest of the people nodded in the room nodded.

Some of the Noble Wizarding Families were once practicing this, but most of them, if not all, stopped over time. Now it would probably be the time to start practicing it once more as they would obtain more power and at the same time weaker their enemies.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.


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Chapter 466 - Interlude: Vali XIII. - Knights of the Walpurgis Order (3)
Indeed many of them saw merits in the action that Vali Lucifer proposed. In this way, they would be killing several flies in one hit.

The Noble Families would obtain servants who would be working to empower them; thus they would be able to increase their powers with minimal input of resources, as they would be cultivating the newcomers from the time they entered the Wizarding World.

In the Chthonian Empire, this strategy worked spectacularly for countless centuries to benefit both sides.

Yes, the Common Devils were pulling for the shorter end of the stick, but fairness didn't exist and due to the support from the Noble Houses, countless of the Common Devils were able to reach Tiers that they would never be able to rise.

The government of the Empire worked on the same principle, unquestionable loyalty in exchange for resources. It was as simple as that, nothing complicated or complex, just a law of equivalent exchange.

Abraxas Malfoy as someone who was a tycoon in the Wizarding World as he was very good with money... having invested in countless businesses in the Wizarding World and even, surprisingly, in the Muggle world.

Money was money, and the muggle world was full of opportunities to make money.

He was aware that without the muggle-borns, the entire economy of the Wizarding World would slowly collapse because there would be no people to sustain it.

Aside from that, if the muggle-borns and half-bloods were taken out of the equation, then there would be a shortage of people for relatively inferior jobs or manual jobs that no Pure-Blood Wizard wanted to do.

"Now that we have this solved for now... Dolohov, how is the training with the Calculation Magic System going?"

Tom Riddle asked now-named Grand Knight Antonin Dolohov, who was in charge of training all members of the Knights of the Walpurgis into a proper coherent fighting force.

This was something even Vali actively participated in because... why else... Vali Lucifer was a soldier with body and mind; there were not many things more pleasurable than training a new squad of magicians.

"Progress is slow... to fully comprehend and use the Calculation Magic System and Magic CIrcles, extensive knowledge of muggle mathematics is needed to calculate the wished phenomenon... something that many of the Wizards struggle as our education is far inferior in this aspect compared to the muggles, so our progress in this aspect is relatively slow for now."

His answer didn't really surprise anyone.

The educational system in the Wizarding World has been last reformed more than a century ago if one didn't count some minor reforms in Magical Britain where they started taking down subjects like Alchemy and Dueling to weaken the general populace as the Ministry paranoidly feared another Grindelwald.

"That is to be expected... due to revision of our next steps we have time, for now, we need to cultivate our forces. Rockwood, Rosier how is the development of the Mana Core Enhancement Potion going?"

One of the greatest weaknesses of the Wizards was their capacity to store Magic. Normally, their Core would be holding all of the Magic inside the Wizard's body and would be increased through each Magical Maturity that the Wizard experienced.

Unfortunately, most, if not almost all, Wizards could reach maximum peak Tier 1 strength according to the Classification that Vali gave them.

Only a very few could reach Tier 2 naturally, and with the help of some rituals, so, they could reach peak Tier 2.

So, Vali gave them a few ideas on how to create Magic Core Enhancement Potion... something that was pretty common in the Chthonian Empire.

Though one of the great weaknesses of Vali in this aspect was that he was no Alchemist, the only thing he could do was give them some basic principles of how such things worked.

On top of that, he was aware that only some of the more high-tiered ones worked because he didn't bother himself with the lower-tiered potions as they were not of his concern. Naturally, the rest was up to the Wizards to figure out by themselves.

"We are nearing the breakthrough soon... though it would be more prudent to convince some more experienced potion master to work with us on this project. In this situation, the addition of Snape to the project would speed it up at least by several months."

Answered Rosier while Tom grimaced at the thought. While Severus Snape was a master potioneer, probably one of the best in Europe right now, that man was too close to Dumbledore for his tastes.

And even though he would be under the Geass...

Vali warned him that there existed ways how to bypass the restrictions of the Geass and they didn't contain any magic or force... just pure manipulation and observation, something that the old Dumbledore was master of.

"No... Snape is too chummy with that old goat and the last thing we need right now is attention from the meddling old fool. Rockwood... go and hire someone from Germany or China. One is too distant and another should have enough Grindelwald loyalists who would gladly help us in our endeavor."

Tom stated to Rockwood who nodded as both countries were a suitable choice. ,

Even to this day, in Germany, there were many who venerated Gellert Grindelwald as a hero and there were countless people loyal to his cause.

Meanwhile, China had long traditions of Potioneering and many of their clans were dedicated to the art... and the best thing was that they didn't care about anything else as long as they were paid and wouldn't have a problem with working with them.

Not to mention this would be a great opportunity to spread the influence into both Germany and China, getting them on his side for his goals.

"My Lord, there is another thing. After the reformation into the Knights of the Walpurgis, Lord Black is willing to meet and discuss the support."

Stated Abraxas Malfoy as this mildly surprised Tom Riddle because he knew that Lord Black, Arcuturs III.

Lord Black originally didn't want to have anything to do with the Death Eater movement, probably seeing it as a failed project... now even he could see it that way.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.
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Chapter 467 – Interlude: Vali XIV. – Knights Of The Walpurgis Order (4)
Previously many of the Lords of some more prestigious Noble Houses of Wizards, like the Blacks, didn't want to associate themselves with the Death Eater movement...

At least openly not, but it was no secret that the current Lord Black, Arcturus III. Black outrage despised the Death Eaters, thinking of them as thugs who could fire two or three spells at defenseless muggles...

Something that Tom Riddle had to agree with.

It took a lot of effort to prevent newly reformed recruits from going "muggle hunting" because that would be setting a bad precedent and it was not something that a professional military should engage in.

Those who refused were put to peace.

Fortunately, Vali had a lot of experience with this because when the Empire was first established, they had some problems with unruly devils who often went to the human world and torturing or killing humans for fun.

Apparently, now that the Death Eaters as a collective have been disbanded and the Knights of the Walpurgis Order has risen in its place, which has slightly changed the ideology that was directed towards the non-magical as the ultimate threat to the Wizarding World.

Some of the conservative Lords and Nobles who didn't previously care about the blood supremacist movements started caring about the threat of muggles to the Wizarding World.

"Is there something more Abraxas?"

Tom asked when he saw that Abraxas still wanted to say something... but it was like it was stuck on his tongue.

"Yes... he would like to meet with your benefactor... I don't know how but Lord Back knows that the Knights of Walpurgis are backed by the devil."

Suddenly a moment of silence passed through the meeting room, as nobody knew what to say and even Vali, who was playing some games on his Holo-Brain.

Abruptly opened his eyes and looked directly at the Abraxas Malfoy.

"Did he say anything else?"

This time it was Vali who asked, immediately becoming serious because it should be impossible for any human to know that a devil descended onto the world...

Especially considering the fact that he was at peak Tier 11 Being of Law.

So there was one question that was in his mind and that was, how the hell somebody found out about his existence.

"No, Your Highness... though I remember that he said 'Avhe glorausan ro crimukon kaumn', I must apologize as I don't know the meaning of those words, Your Highness."

The moment the elderly man said that Vali froze there in shock because Abraxas Malfoy didn't know the meaning.

The standard translation would be "Glory to the Crimson Emperor", which was a title that his father wasn't using officially for thousands of years already.

Hearing this really piqued Vali's curiosity as much as it increased his vigilance over the entire situation because, depending on the outcome, this could be some sort of scheme or whatever.

He didn't know how a person from a sealed world like this in the Endless Void got knowledge not only about the Black Speech.

This bastardized language was primarily used by the devil worshippers in the various worlds, but also the greeting and the title of his father.

Though he had some sort of theory about that, which was a relatively plausible explanation for this, he would leave it for a later if it was indeed the truth.

The first thing that came into his mind was that Blacks were probably descendants of the devil worshippers who somehow ended up in this world.

Probably, some of the devil worshippers were conducting research into traversing worlds or traversing through the void or perhaps they found some treasure or device on which they experimented on and somehow ended up in this world several thousand years ago and founded the House of Black.

For that, he would need to meet with Lord Black to confirm his suspicions, but this was the only explanation that he could come up with at this time.

Vali then shook his head and looked at Lord Abraxas Malfoy before he nodded.

"I will be there... I am very eager to meet with the human."

Vali said with a grim voice as he looked at the people gathered in the room, while everyone else looked surprised that the devil wanted to meet with a human.

It wasn't a common secret that Vali didn't like humans very much, something similar, like they didn't like those of different blood status, though, in this aspect, it was a thing of racial superiority.

"And I want it to be as soon as possible... I don't like waiting for something like this important."

He then stated to finish off his previous statement as he opened his Holo-Brain once more and continued playing the games on the device.

In contrast, others continued discussing the developments of the Knights of Walpurgis Order and how to approach other Lords and influential Families.

Another part of the discussion was given on the topic of how to fend off Dumbledore's efforts before the meeting was concluded and only two people remained in the room, were Vali and Tom.

"Do you think that ancestors of the Blacks came from the same place?"

Tom Riddle asked after some time because this was indeed a most curious situation that had occurred here.

"Maybe... there have been countless people who experimented with traversing through the Endless Void despite their strength being meager and abysmal... or there is still a high possibility that they stumbled on some artifact that brought them here, whatever soon I will have my answers. Though if they indeed are the worshippers of the Baatorian Pantheon, it could probably explain some things."

Vali was referring to the Bounded Field that he felt in this world. When he first entered this world, he sensed several Bounded Fields and one of them was in Britain; though it was a primitive one, but it was strong enough to find off Tier 4s.

"Blacks have always been very reclusive and even compared to another Wizarding Families, they had an unnatural amount of Bloodline Abilities. Not to mention, they were known to produce very powerful Wizards, sometimes even several each generation if I think about it."

Vali didn't say anything to this, though from what he knew, the Bloodline Abilities among Wizards were exceedingly rare, like, very, very, very rare thing and a Noble Family that had actually several of them was indeed most peculiar.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapter 468 - Interlude: Vali XV. - Meeting With...
London, one day later

Normally when a wizard who knew of its location approached number twelve, Grimmauld Place, it appeared to shove its neighboring houses, number eleven and number thirteen, out of the way as it appeared between them.

The house had a worn set of front steps leading to a battered front door.

On the door was a silver knocker in the shape of a twisted serpent but it had no keyhole, handle, or anything else that would indicate it to be a door, as it opened only by Magic.

Naturally, this was just a party trick in front of the Tier 11 devil and some as proficient in the arts of Magic as him.

Yet, at the same time, Vali was surprised at the creativity and ingeniousness of the wizards to be able to come up with such advanced Magic that was able to erase something from the entire worlds, practically tricking the world itself that it didn't exist in the first place.

"Interesting piece of magic..."

Vali said as he started the deformed building, while Tom Riddle and Abraxas Malfoy, who were with him, looked around in confusion, though Tom suspected that they were right, just the place where they were heading was hidden under the Fidelus Charm.

"So they have hidden it with Fidelus... Blacks are indeed smart to go into hiding the second they sensed that there may be a war on the horizon."

Tom muttered because before the Death Eaters were disbanded and the more manageable elements were reformed into the Knights of the Walpurgis Order, there were rumors about a new war and the Dark Lord that would unleash the war.

This caused great unrest in the society and many wizards were getting nervous about that and several of the Noble Houses had already gone to hiding, cooping up in their ancestral manors that were warded to the extreme, where they would wait and see how the situation would resolve.

"So that is why I had a feeling that I was forgetting something."

Vali heard Abraxas Malfoy saying as suddenly as they saw a man walking up to them.

The mad appeared to be middle-aged, with pitch-black hair and a short black beard, wearing luxurious wizarding robes that Vali saw all around, something that he came to abhor absolutely because they looked ridiculous.

Entire fashion of clothing in the Wizarding World. It was weirdly fantasy-like, though, with that medieval looks...

Absolutely ridiculous and most importantly, all of their clothes were totally impractical for fighting.

The only thing that those long and ugly robes were good for was hiding weapons... not like the Wizards knew how to wield a weapon, something that he still couldn't really understand.

He also started training the Knights of the Walpurgis Order in swordsmanship.

Swords in magical fights could sometimes be a game changer, not only because one could make a sword as a magical conduit and use it to boost up his spell but also to block incoming spells.

Some Magic Systems were compatible with the martial arts and weapon usage, and he noticed that the Wizardcraft, as he started calling their magic system, was indeed pretty compatible with weapon usage.

"Merry meet, Lord Black."

Abraxas Malfoy greeted Lord Black when he saw him as they exchanged pleasantries, after which Arcturus Black came to Tom Riddle and Vali, who were standing in the back, observing, as Vali attentively looked at the man.

'No mistaking it... peak Tier 2, devil cultist.'

Vali was able to see through the human wizard with a single glance as he exchanged pleasantries with Tom Riddle before he told them where they were heading; not like Vali needed it, but for Tom Riddle, he saw the Number 13 Grimmauld Place.

"It would be my pleasure to welcome you to dinner, gentlemen."

The Number 13 Grimmauld Place was relatively similar to the Malfoy Manor from what Vali saw, aside from one major difference being that the green color at Malfoy Manor was replaced with the black color.

However, that one was fitting, black for Black.

Vali saw there several House Elves running here and there, tending to the cleaning duties, preparing, cooking and anything else.

They were the most peculiar creatures, something that he wanted to bring back with him to the Empire, mainly because their unique Magic allowed them to bypass the majority of wards and even some of the weaker Bounded Fields, not to mention they were absolutely loyal, to the point of highest-grade Blood and Soul Void Geass and loved to work.

They would be perfect servants for the nobility or powerful people of the Chthonian Empire and he would be able to make loads of money selling them.

Technically speaking, he would be asking at least more than 100,000 Soul Coins for one of them, which was an absolutely outrageous price, considering the fact that he could buy them in the world for a bit of gold.

They soon arrived at the dining room, where a middle-aged woman was waiting for them and by her looks, one could say that years have been very kind to her because she looked at least fifteen years younger than she actually was and the most curious thing was that, she also a peak Tier 2 wizard.

'Also, the same aura... interesting... there are more of them, but they are hiding it very well, and they are not using the Wizardcraft to hide it but rather Calculation Magic... so that one is certain.'

Now Vali was certain that these people were for sure descendants of the devil worshippers that somehow ended in this world; when he first met with the man known as Arcturus Black, he could sense it in his blood as it had vague traces of the Demonic Energy.

"Avhe glorausan ro crimukon kaumn."

When the woman saw them entering, she stated with a graceful bow, as Vali nodded his head, seeing that she was also a worshipper of the Father of All Devils.

He didn't like humans, but he was more tolerable to the ones that were worshipping devils... for that reason, he even converted members of the Walpurgis Knight Order to worship the Baatorian Pantheon.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.


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Chapter 469 – Interlude: Vali XVI. – Interest
After they all exchanged pleasantries, they all sat around the dinner table as an elderly House Elf called Kreacher started bringing dishes to the table while occasionally screaming something about the murder of muggles and similar creeds.

Apparently, the little thing was nicely indoctrinated, not like Vali himself minded him because it was maximally an annoying fly at worst.

Still, to him, the antics of the House Elf were pretty amusing to watch as it was annoying to hear for some others because the old House Elf was constantly repeating the same thing all over again.

"Will there be anyone else joining us at the dinner?"

Questioned Abraxas Malfoy when he saw that most of the table was left empty, to which Lord Arcturus Black shook his head in denial as the food was served and everyone started eating.

And before they started eating, suddenly Vali's senses perked up when he sensed somebody teleport to the place, or as the wizards called it, apparate.

"And yet, interestingly enough, somebody just arrived."

Vali stated from the side as Arcturus Black's eyes squinted before motioning with his hand and Kreacher appeared.

"What does Lord Black want from the poor Kreacher?"

The House Elf asked in that weird raspy voice.

"Yes, who came here? Didn't I order that I want to have a private dinner with the guests?"

Poor creature shivered in fear as Arcturus Black gazed at the House Elf before he started making some gestures with his hands.

"Young miss Bellatrix."

When Arcturus Black heard that, he dismissed the elf after ordering him to bring her here; now that one of their guests was already aware of her presence, it would be rude not to introduce her to the guests, even as if only formality.

After they continued eating, soon enough, not even three minutes later, another person entered the dining room, together with the House Elf Kreacher.

When Vali looked a the newcomer, it was a young woman, rather tall, considering that she was 17 years old. She was beautiful in terms of appearance, with her long, thick, shiny dark hair, strong jaw and thin mouth.

"This is my granddaughter Bellatrix, daughter of my son Cygnus and his wife, Druella."

Arcturus Black stated that when Vali looked at her, in her eyes, he saw the same thing that he saw in his aunt Hela.

Bloodthirst and immense lust for battle and power, even the way she carried out was most unusual for what he saw; contrary to most, she had the posture of a warrior.

"Greetings, My Lords."

She greeted them while sitting next to her grandparents as Kreacher brought her plate of food. Ironically though, the person who was sitting to her left side was Vali, who was looking at her with interest.


He thought as he cast a spell on her, scrying her Soul out just out of curiosity as he sensed something about her.

That weird feeling he got when he looked into her eyes now turned into the curiosity that he had met someone like him.

Soon enough, he found out something pretty much shocking... the female wizard had Level 8 Inferior Soul Aptitude.

Technically speaking, people with such Soul Aptitude could reach Tier 10 with enough resources rather easily... though there was something else in her Soul and it was like some kind of innate defect from inbreeding.

This is a common mistake among many magically powerful human lineages. Without enough preparation and some things to consider, inbreeding would have an entirely different effect, contrary to the wished one.

The general idea was to strengthen already existing genes by pairing them with genes of equal strength and potential, which should result in stronger genes in the progeny.

But... yeh, always a but; the thing was if the genes were too similar, the opposite effect and they would, in fact, degrade.

In the Chthonian Empire, incest wasn't anything new under the sun, as Vali himself wed his sister, technically speaking, even if she was only a half-blooded sister.

Yet, in the regard of Baatorians, they didn't have such problems because their Bloodlines were too strong and too stable for such a thing to occur.

That was why the Arcanists developed various rituals, potions and other methods to prevent gene degradation in incestual relationships and achieve the desired result.

Naturally, it was understandable that the backward magical civilization wouldn't have something like this, so that led to gene degradation and sometimes other diseases came up with it...

As he saw in the young woman's Soul that she was suffering from serious madness disease, though it didn't show itself in its full power yet.

'Contrary to Tom... she could be more useful if she is cured from her alignment. However, for this, I would need to take her back to the Empire for treatment. Who would have thought that I would find such rare talent here? Now I also need to meet that man who was called the greatest Dark Lord for past centuries.'

For Vali, Bellatrix Black was far more useful than Tom Riddle in the long run.

While Tom was undoubtedly more talented, not just the Soul Aptitude wise, but also mind-wise and had a great talent for researching Magic, he had great, untamable ambitions and he knew that even despite the strict Soul Geass, his loyalty would be only to himself.

She was one person whom he would certainly be taking with him, be it with her consent or not; that didn't matter because such potential was too rare just to pass on.

Even right now in the Empire, being born with natural Level 8 Soul Aptitude and higher was exceedingly rare, very, very rare.

The majority of people who achieved such Soul Aptitude did it through various rituals, potions, pills, treasures or any other means, but being naturally born with it?

There were only very few people who were born with such Soul Aptitude and all of them became extremely mighty figures in the Empire, like his elder brothers Sirzechs and Sigmar, who were both powerful Tier 11 beings.

Not even their father was born with such a high Soul Aptitude; on the contrary, he was born with a trashy one and rose to the current one through a combination of hard work, luck and sacrifices.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.


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Chapter 470 - Interlude: Vali XVII. - Devil Cultists in the Weird World (1)
The rest of the dinner went smoothly, without any problems, as everyone ate and talked about some minor insignificant things, then about politics and business, something that Abraxas Malfoy took great pleasure in because that shrew man was always looking for an opportunity to make more money.

Meanwhile, Vali didn't really join most of the discussion for most of the time because he didn't really bother.

For him, politics was the most annoying thing that existed in the Endless Void and he didn't have patience; he wasn't either a schemer or spider like aunt Venelana or Grayfia were.

Meanwhile, the people were talking about politics and business and other boring things; Vali started talking with young Bellatrix about Magic, Dueling and other forms of magical combat.

As expected, she was very fond of Dueling and learning new spells.

"Lord Amaranth, would you accept my challenge to Duel?"

She asked eagerly as they were talking, which caused everyone to stop eating and look at them.

Even her grandparents were rather nervous, especially Arcturus Black, because he knew that the man before him, while he didn't look older than twenty, could probably blast apart the entire planet with a sneeze.


He replied after a short time with a charming smile, to which Bellatrix was delighted that she would get some combat.

He would be practically entertaining her at the point because while she was strong for her age, she was still only a Tier 1...

Not to mention, he even chose to imitate the Wizardcraft for the fun of it, to make it a bit more equal fight.

"Then, after we finish the dinner, we can go to the dueling room."

Arcturus Black said, as he observed his granddaughter with the devil, as some wheel started working in his brain and judging by the way how Vali looked at her, even though he was the devil, he was feeling some sort of indescribable attraction to her, which was bugging.

But devils were creatures of Sin and while Vali's Major Sin was that of Wrath, he had Minor Sins of Lust, Greed and Pride.

Though among the Minor Sins, the one of Lust was strongest out of the three of them and when he looked at the female wizard that had potential, battle-lust and a hidden bloodthirsty nature that she needed to hide from the world, he wanted her.

He was a good example of a devil who was partially ruled by his own Sin, something that his father always disapproved of.

Zeoticus Lucifer was a person who always said that the devil couldn't be controlled by his own Sin, something that Vali often failed to uphold because he, from time to time, let his Sins rule him.

Especially the one of Wrath and Lust.


After the dinner was finished, Arcturus Black invited Vali for a talk in his study; afterward, he would have his "duel" with his granddaughter, but before that, Vali wanted to deal with the more troublesome things that were still on the schedule.

After they entered the study room of Lord Black, Vali instantly cast over several wards to prevent anyone below peak Tier 11 from even dreaming of hearing them, especially since the content of their conversation would prove to be very sensitive.

"So how did the cultists of the Father of All Devils end in the unknown sealed world in the Endless Void?"

Vali asked as he sat down on the leather sofa across from Arcturus Black.

"We have been here for more than two thousand years... our ancestor and founder of our House, Lyrosis Black, was one of the heads of the Baatorian Cult in some already forgotten plane that probably got destroyed from what we know from his diary. In his homeworld, he was tasked by something called Magisterium of Arcanotech to help with research on something codenamed: Voidstar and apparently, the experiment went wrong and he ended here, in this world."

Vali listened as he grimaced and thought that this situation was once again the result of some idiot from the Magisterium of Arcanotech.

However, that wasn't entirely that shocking because there, they always carried out some dangerous experiments that would never be approved to be carried out in the Baator.

Thus, most of them were done in various backward planes, which, even if destroyed, nothing would happen.


Vali motioned for the wizard to continue as he was getting more and more curious about the situation.

Considering the fact that his ancestor was personally tasked by the Magisterium of Arcanotech, it meant that the person should be of significant strength, at least Tier 6 or higher, to be even allowed to participate in the research.

"Naturally... now, from the Grimoire that only the Head of the Hosue of Black has access, ancestor Lycorisis discovered a local community of magic users. After studying their Magic for a while, he discovered that it was pretty similar to Devil Magic and thus started working on incorporating elements of Devil Magic into the Magic of the natives and experimenting with them. After several decades, the results are what is today known as Wizardcraft. Unfortunately, several decades later, after he married and fathered several children, he descended into one of the danger zones of the world and disappeared. Even after several centuries, he didn't return, so it was presumed that he died somewhere, or else, with his lifespan, he would still be today. Unfortunately, with his demise, his descendants couldn't decipher everything he left for us and could get only some bits on the Magic Circles and other types of Magic, which allowed the House of Black to thrive for the upcoming millennia till today."

He explained to Vali, as this confirmed much of his previous speculations that he had about the origin of the devil cultists in this sealed world inside the Endless Void.

Still, at the same time, it left some sort of uncomfortable feeling.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapter 471 – Interlude: Vali XVIII. – Devil Cultists in the Weird World (2)
The fact that probably Tier 6 devil cultists died here in this world was something that was giving Vali a bad feeling about this world.

This only confirmed his suspicion that something powerful and malevolent was sleeping in this world.

"Also, my ancestor left something here... for eventually, if someone from the Baator ever came to this world, we were to give him this."

The elderly wizard then looked for something inside his locked chest before he took out data storage for the Holo-Brain and even the Holo-Brain itself.

For the human wizard, it was just a piece of metal that he didn't know how to activate, but it was passed from one Lord Black to another, treated with the utmost caution and considered as the greatest treasure of the Hosue Black.

He then passed it to Vali, who instantly recognized what it was as he inserted the data storage into his own Holo-Brain, as a single file appeared in the data storage.

However, it was considered a tremendous amount of data, as he started skimming through the things that were on the data storage with widened eyes.

'Traversing through the Endless Void has proved to be possible, even ignoring natural occurrences like Shroud or Source Wall. The only reason why the experiment on the Traxen failed was due to improper equipment that couldn't handle the energy input required to open the Dimensional Gateway to the worlds in the Endless Void.'

More and more Vali read, he realized that this little thing could propel the entire Chthonian Empire by another century or millennia in its advancement as they would get to traverse through the Endless Void.

He remembered the Traxen incident.

It was an event that forced big waves in the Empire as it caused the destruction of the high-ranking plane that could have been considered vital for the Chthonian Empire.

Aside from that, among the casualties were three entire research teams of the Magisterium of Arcanotech and one research team from the Magisterium of Arcane and Magic Research perished in the incident.

'With this, the research on the Endless Void Travel will be finished in a few decades and we can start exploring the Endless Void probably several centuries earlier than it was initially estimated.'

Vali then stored the data storage together with the Holo-Brain by Lycorisis Black before he took a look at the Arcturus Black, who was attentively observing the devil.

Vali knew that this was the moment when the casual fun ended, and it was time to get serious because this wasn't just about his vacation and having fun, messing with mortals anymore.

"You probably aren't aware of the content of these things or what they even are?"

He asked as the human wizard shook his head in denial.

"Not entirely, only briefly. It was passed through generations and we only know that it should contain some essential magic research."

This was the only thing that he knew as Vali nodded.

"Indeed... though the word 'essential' would be a serious underestimation of what is in that data storage. Frankly speaking, your ancestor who participated in one of the secret researches of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator has recorded here a very crucial thing that has tremendous value for the Empire."

Vali made a brief pause before he continued.

"By the Primordial Contract, you will be rewarded for your merits. For the devil cultists and worshippers of the Father of All Devils, devilhood it is?"

He asked with a grin as the human wizard nodded.

The Primordial Contract was established by the Father of All Devils and it contained countless Laws and Rules, some of which were in regard to the Devil Worshippers and Cultists.

Devilhood was something that all of the devil worshippers converted and longed for because it would propel them to another level in their life.

Now, it wasn't any great secret that the Chthonians could reincarnate other species to devil through some of their ritualistic magic and Arcanotech.

Now with the Empire having the protection of two Tier 12, more in coming and an entire bunch of Tier 11 ones, they didn't need to keep the Class Cards as the Top Secret anymore.

Some of the reincarnated devils were even raised to the Nobility for their strength, merit and unique power, which, upon their reincarnation to the devil, were transitioned to the Clan Traits.

"Naturally, you will also obtain enough resources to purify your own blood to the point of Pure-Blooded Devils and you will also get some plot of land on one of the Nine Layers of the Baator."

Chthonian Empire society was built on meritocracy and principles that values achievements, power, progress, advancement, which was why the strongest experts or brilliant scientists or Arcanists had such high status in the Empire.

Obviously, the contracts were sacred for Devil, as they, really, really loved them.

It was an essential part of their culture and, history, traditions, and practically everywhere where one looked or moved, one would find some bits of the contracts.

"And how many people could be turned to the devils for this?"

Arcturus Black asked carefully, as he knew that he was treading on thin ice because the rewards from the Chthonian Empire were very generous and it was something that their ancestor always longed for.

"Maximum of ten, nothing more and nothing less. That should be enough for you to establish the Noble Lineage in the Empire; also, choose the people carefully, please..."

Vali said this because he had only fifteen Independent Class Cards with him that were only for one use, as they were typically destroyed during the reincarnation process to heighten the effect of the reincarnation.

He also didn't wish to waste all of them on reincarnating the members of the Hosue of Black.

Nevertheless, the Primordial Contract dictates it in this way, so there was nothing else he could do aside from giving him the number of the people who could be reincarnated into devils and would be taken together with him to the Baator.

"That shouldn't be the problem at all... I will carefully choose the people, while the other members of the House Black will remain here."

Arcturus Black stated back.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.


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Chapter 472 - Interlude: Vali XIX. - Devil Cultists in the Weird World (3)
Arcturus Black knew that not every one of the House of Black would be suitable to become the devil because he needed to carefully choose the person whom he would reincarnate into the newly created Branch of the House of Black that would be moved to the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

"Also to be noted down... I am interested in your granddaughter... so consider the fact that I will be taking her as my potential wife."

Vali stated to the Arcturus Black nonchalantly, considering it an honor for him for his granddaughter to be married into the Imperial House of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

Naturally, he wished to know if they would fall in love, but the seed was there and he felt an immense attraction to her, so he was warning the elderly man not to do anything that would jeopardize his efforts.

"On another note, if we marry... your house would benefit tremendously from her marrying the Imperial Elder of the Imperial House of the Chthonian Empire of the Baator and son of the Father of All Devils, Vali Lucifer."

When the human wizard heard that, he dropped to his knees, bowing deeply to the devil before him like he was the personification of the God he worshipped, and, ironically, it wasn't even that far from the truth.

When Vali came, he only introduced himself as Amaranth, one of the fake names that his father used, so he chose to adopt it for him because, indeed, telling everyone his true family name, which was, of course, that of Lucifer, was too eye-catching and would attract much of unwanted attention.

"You can get up... I don't dwell too much on the formalities... they are not entirely for me."

Vali said as Lord of the House Black stood up, this time with a twinkle in his eyes because right now he saw an enormous opportunity for his House.

If his granddaughter could marry someone as high as Vali, who was apparently a senior member of the ruling House, then the newly established House of Black would be able to boast something not many could...

Direct ties with the Imperial House.

Even right now, in the Chthonian Empire, there were not many Noble Houses that had direct blood ties to the Imperial House.

"Do you want to carry out the reincarnation on you right now or at a later date?"

When Vali asked this, he could see that the human wizard immediately perked up at the offer of being reincarnated into the devil right now.

For Vali, it would be good to have another devil or devils under him because he could give them sing Blood and Soul Void Geass that he had with him, exclusively for the citizens of the Empire; thus he could have some trustworthy people under him.

In the end, wizards of the Knights of the Walpurgis Order still had their own agenda and their foremost interest lay in the Earth and Wizarding World, contrary to Vali, whose primary interest lay in himself and the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

"Naturally, the reincarnation process lasts only a short time..."

Contrary to the first generations of the Servant Class Card Peerage, which still took some time to reincarnate the designated person, the new generations were already made with much better technology and magic.

With some of the deepest mysteries of Arcane incorporated; thus the effect was more potent and the process was shorter.

Seeing the human wizard nod, Vali took out Independent Class Card and inserted it into the Arcturus Black as white magic circle bearing the symbol of the House Lucifer, a silver-colored four-winged bat with horns on its head as the process of reincarnation started when the magic circle started shining brightly.

The process of reincarnation was relatively straightforward as the genes of the person who was being reincarnated were being transformed by the devil genes, which were inserted into his body through the usage of Class Card and the overwhelming demonic energy stored in the Agreas Crystal.

Together with some obscure ritualistic magic was feeding the newly created Devil Blood and Devil Genes, which then started devouring the human genes and replacing them with the Devil Genes and Devil Blood while assimilating and incorporating any unique abilities that the person had before the reincarnation.

Within several minutes the entire process was complete, as the Independent Class Card was crushed into pieces as the bits of the Agreas Crystal incorporated themselves into the body of Arcturus Black.

While at the same time, it strengthened his new Devil Genes and Devil Bloodline, purifying it and pushing it to a greater level.

Vali could even sense that the power of the human wizard, or rather, right now, the former human wizard, was raised from the initial peak Tier 2 to the initial Tier 4 devil.

While this wasn't the greatest increase, it also wasn't the worse; it was somewhere in the middle of being acceptable.

"Tier 4... not bad but not great either, but considering that you were basically a magical human, it is considered good... now, let me do a few scrying spells if you have some Bloodline Abilities... those are crucial into being named as Noble Lineage in the Empire."

Vali stated as he then cast a few scrying spells to determine if the individual had any Bloodline Abilities or Clan Traits.

It was the same set of spells that was used b the Nobles of the Empire to test if the child had inherited Clan Traits or any other Bloodline Ability.

"Interesting... you have several Bloodline Abilities, while none was on the level of Clan Trait, together they were creating rather a deadly combination."

Vali muttered, mildly surprised with the results. He didn't really anticipate that the human wizard would have three Bloodline Abilities, which was indeed surprising, with each of them having tremendous potential if developed correctly.

"I have detected that your Bloodline has essentially three Bloodline Abilities. One is a weaker version of Shapeshifting, though you can probably use some methods of purifying the Bloodline and tracing it back to geniue Shapeshifting. The second one seems to be the ability to speak to serpents and the third one is one that I am most curious about..."


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapter 473 – Interlude: Vali XX. – Playing Around
From the detection spell, what Vali could detect were essentially three abilities.

The first and probably the most visible one was some bastardized version of shapeshifting, which should allow the user to change his facial features and, in the advanced stages of the ability, even alter the physique.

From his point of view, in the current state, it wasn't that useful, but it was something with which they could work. The second ability was something that was partially interested him, as it was the ability to speak to serpents, which could be considered a Magic Language.

Magic Languages were rare because each word considered some sort of power and if the person was casting spells in the Magic Languages, their effect and power would be greatly increased. And the third one was...

"It appears that your Bloodline makes you mostly immune to the effect of the various types of Curses... or rather, you can cast them without suffering any side effect, which is... mind blogging at least to say."

This was something that could be considered by some even rarer and more powerful than any Clan Trait.

Usually, curses were a peculiar bunch of magic because to use curses, one needed to sacrifice something; essentially, the curses worked on the principle tit for tat; nothing was free in the world.

"I am sure that even my father would be interested in studying your blood..."

Vali muttered as Arcturus Black was in a deep thought, as he was thinking about the things that Vali said, while he was aware that the Black lineage contained some bits of the Slytherin's and Gaunt's bloodlines, which would explain the Parseltongue...

But the immunity to the side effects of the Dark Magic was new.

Or rather, it was old new.

Nobody from the Blacks has ever contemplated about it too deeply, as they shrugged it off as an affinity for the Dark Magic, not considering it as anything that great, but it probably appeared to be the exact opposite.

"You probably aren't even aware of the true extent of your ability, right?"

Vali asked more rhetorically as he saw that the House of Black if they were to be established as a full-fledged Noble House in the Chthonian Empire, would need to put a lot more effort into it.

Especially if at least some of them mastered several of the most forbidden curses that were in the repertoires of the Chthonian Empire, then the Blacks would be a force to be reckoned with.


After Vali finished the discussion with the Arcuturs Black, he departed to find his granddaughter while the man in question was having a discussion with Abraxas Malfoy and Tom Riddle about the support of the House Black for the Knights of the Walpurgis Order, but Vali didn't need to be present there for that as that was not his matters.

He rather preferred to have a "duel" with Bellatrix Black, as he wanted to have some grasp on her personality.

When he found the young woman, he noticed that she was in the library, reading some books on battle magic.

Blacks had evidently one of the biggest private-held magic libraries in the world; among the Noble Houses, probably only a few Houses had bigger private libraries in their possession.

Naturally, the part which was on the Number 12 Grimmauld Place was only a part of it, as the majority was on the castle, which was owned by the Black Family.

"I see that you are a bit bookworm, Miss Black."

Vali stated with a smile, which caused Bellatrix to blush mildly because this was the first time she saw as handsome a man as him.

True the Lucifer and Gremory genes were the epitome of beauty and when he thought over it, all devils, even the common ones, had unnatural or rather supernatural beauty in the hands of mortals.

"Hello, Mr. Amaranth; I take that you finished your discussion with my grandfather."

Vali nodded, making the young woman curious about what they were talking about.

Her grandfather was politically speaking very powerful man, and even till this day, he was still Head of the House Black and still held the seat of their family on the Wizengamot.

Though she knew that it was mainly because he thought of his son Orion, her uncle, as a spinless coward who couldn't be trusted with even a mug of goblin piss.

"You may call me Vali."

He stated, which caused the young Bellatrix to smile as she nodded.

"Then call me Bellatrix."

She said as she closed the book she was reading before standing from her chair and heading towards the dueling room, as Vali followed after her because he knew that it was time for their duel already.

The dueling room was located beneath Number 12 Grimmauld Place and it was well-warded by the standards of the Wizardcraft Magic.

Among many of the Noble Houses, such Dueling Rooms within their properties were relatively common and could be seen rather easily.

Naturally, the one that belonged to the House of Black was top-notch, as while Vali was observing the Dueling Room, Bellatrix changed to something more suitable for combat as he then checked her out in the battle outfit, which didn't escape her attention.

"Are you done checking me out?"

She asked with pretended irritation when she noticed that he was checking her out, something that indeed stroked her ego a bit.

"For instance, no, but I can always continue during the combat."

He answered with a grin as he dodged to the right side, missing some random curse that his opponent cast at him without warning.

Seeing this, he revealed a feral grin and actually was happy because another person understood how the "real duels" should be fought.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapter 474 – Interlude: Vali XXI. – ???
After half an hour, Vali kept on dodging the incoming spells from his opponent an occasionally returned them back with the usage of the Magic Circles, which fascinated Bellatrix to no end because this was the second time she saw them being used in her life.

The first person who could use them was her grandfather, but even she noticed that he couldn't use them with such proficiency and fluency like the young man before her, as he was using them as easily as breathing.

"Are you perhaps tired, my dear?"

Vali asked teasingly because, for him, this was just playing around, doing nothing much, just standing there and enjoying her futile efforts that were all for naught, but she wasn't giving up and still continued coming up with new strategies, new combinations of spells and new attempts to defeat him.

"Not in the slightest... on the contrary..."

She muttered while reading another wave of spells as he blocked everything with a wave of his hand. While he could take those spells head-on, he didn't wish as he pretended to be an ordinary human, albeit one who could use the Magic Circle in this half-dead forsaken world.

And it went this way for some time before Bellatrix showed considerable levels of fatigue from their duel.

For Vali, his was literarily nothing, as he was a Being of Law and for Bellatrix, they were already going on for more than two hours, though Vali admired that she wasn't giving up and still tried...

Though at the same time, another part of him that was instilled in him by his father forced him to see this as a foolish notion from a purely logical point of view.

Still, Vali was a person more ruled by his emotion than logic sometimes, as he waved his hand and immobilized his opponent because he was seeing that she was nearing the Magical Exhaustion.

"We should be ending the spar... you are nearing the point of exhaustion and any more would result in rather severe consequences."

Vali stated that because the Magical Exhaustion was nothing to scoff at and he didn't have with him anything that could help it.

The Mana Potions he had with him were so strong that even Tier 8 beings would explode from the overloading their bodies with the Mana.

Bellatrix nodded rather reluctantly, but even she felt that she was getting more and more tired, so it would be only prudent to stop in the spar and rest. She hoped that she would have more opportunities to fight with the dashing silver-haired young man.

She could see that Vali was just playing around with her and the feeling she got from him during the fight was like standing before the immovable mountain; it was an unnerving and uncomfortable feeling, but at the same time, it was making her feel rather weird.

This was the first time when she had shown an interest in the opposite gender because typically, most of the men were too scared to even speak to her properly due to her temper... which she had to admit begrudgingly wasn't the most pleasing around.

Some were scared that she could overpower them easily and basically, some things which were considered pretty unladylike among some more snobbish circles. Whatever, Bellatrix loved the feeling of fighting and the thrill of danger and for the first time, she felt some sort of attraction to the young man before her.

Not to mention, Vali was very good-looking and clearly, he was very powerful at that. And by a single glance, Vali could tell exactly what was going in her head as he chuckled at that, further cementing his desire to have her...

Though while some people would be fussy about taking someone of not prestigious background and powerful lineage as his wife, he believed if Bellatrix manifested same Bloodline Abilities like Arcturus Black, then all of them would shut up and probably even praise him a bit.

Though in the first place, nobody would be foolish enough to say something like that about Vali Lucifer, Imperial Elder, Commander of the Khaos Brigade, Lord Marshall Militant, butcher of the Gods, Warmaster and Silver Light of Supremacy.

"Do you want to sit a bit?"

Vali asked as she nodded and they sat down on the near by bench.

He could see that she was tired, so they started talking about some minor things, mainly Vali was asking about her hobbies and things that she liked.

Ironically though, it came as a surprise to him to find out that her favorite activities were, in fact, reading books and grimoires.

She admitted that she was rather a bookworm, even though she didn't entirely look like it...

After that, Bellatrix started asking about him, his hobbies, and other things, quickly resulting in an interesting debate.

"Do you believe in the existence of supernatural creatures? Though that is rather an ironic question, considering that from the point of view of an average non-magical human even wizards themselves are considered as supernatural."

Vali said as she tilted her head before she nodded rather slowly, though she didn't have an exact image of what he was talking about.

"The world is far wider than you can imagine... out there, Gods, Devils, Demons, Angels, Monsters and various creatures that are often just told in the human fantasy are very real..."

Vali stated as he suddenly let out his true form, which was breathtaking. He had twelve devil wings behind his back, larger than normal devils, with silver lines pulsating through his enormous wings; two tails were dancing behind his back as two pairs of big horns sprouted on his head.,

As he expected, Bellatrix was more fascinated and enthralled by sight than scared. She immediately came to him and was gushing over his changes and the power he radiated.

"Oh my! That is so cool!"

She was running all around him while looking at his wings, then his tails and then his horns, as she wanted to touch them, to which Vali gave her one nod.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapter 475 – Interlude: Vali XXII. – ?! ?!
Even Vali looked at this situation a bit shocked, as this was certainly an unprecedented situation.

This wasn't a reaction that he was awaiting, as normally, from what he heard, normal people, most commonly humans, tended to freak out and be frightened... not to be hyperactive and delighted at seeing a devil.

Not like he did anything to forbid it to her, as he let Bellatrix pet his wings and touch his horns.

"How are you keeping them hidden all the time? Is it some sort of illusion? No... that wouldn't solve the material aspect of the hiding... perhaps transfiguration?"

She rambled the possibilities as he nodded at the last one.

Devils could use sort of innate transfiguration magic to hide their wings, tail and horns to either blend among the humans or just to hide them because always walking with their huge wings was impractical.

At the same time, during the combat, sometimes the tail was considered as a weak point, especially for the younger devils, who were not that strong and or for devils who didn't have enough combat experiences.

"Transfiguration. All devils are gifted with countless innate racial abilities; one of them is transfiguration magic that lets us basically hide the horns, wings and tail or tails whenever we wish."

When he retraced his wings, tails and horns, he right now appeared indistinguishable from the average human.

She then ran a circle around him, observing him from all sides, before she stopped in front of Vali and looked at him with an inquisitive gaze.

"That was so... exciting..."

She managed to say as Vali tilted his head.

"I wanted to ask... would it be possible for you to teach me some more combat magic?"

Vali could see the excitement in her eyes when she asked for him to teach her magic because she saw how powerful he was and Bellatrix always pursued the power in the magic, the power that he wielded like water.

"That should be possible..."

Vali stated after a short time of consideration, this could be a good opportunity to spend some time with her because while he had chosen her to become his wife, the more forceful approach was to his disgust.

He preferred to develop their relationship step by step, time by time.

And he had enough time, virtually all the time he wanted, though at some point he needed to return back to the Baator, so he could at max stay in the world for about few hundred years...

Right now, in the Astral Boundary was nothing to do, as the Chthonian Empire of the Baator and Dresden Arcanum Empire lacked any enemies or competitors as they ran rampant through the Universe.

Thus Vali could remain outside of the Empire for some time.

"That shouldn't be any problem; I could visit a few times a week if you want and if you want to fight against someone who could prove to be a challenge, then visit the Malfoy Manor where I am currently staying..."

Vali stated because having her fighting against him wasn't exactly fair and she would not advance that much if she continued dueling Vali because he was too strong.

He planned to have to spar with the Walpurgis Knight Order members, especially considering that even now, as she was, she could probably beat most of their members, aside from the Grand Knights and some of the stronger Knights.

Against average members?

They would stand no chance.

He noticed that Bellatrix Black was very skilled; magically, she was more powerful than people of the same age and she had a very good affinity for combat; her instincts during the battle, as he noticed, were top-notch, considering that their entire society wasn't battle oriented.


She barely could contain her excitement because her father had never had her fight in a real fight against anybody, always in simulated duels, but those were boring.

There wasn't anything exciting about a duel; there wasn't that thrill of battle, that excitement and that indescribable feeling that Vali knew well.

"You could fight against the members of the Walpurgis Knight Order during their training drills... they would prove a good challenge and at the same time, it will motivate them to train more if a teenage girl kicks their asses."

Vali said with a smirk as he thought it over because this would be a good tool to motivate them to train more. In the Chthonian Empire, sometimes, if needed, similar tactics were used to motivate the contingents of soldiers to train more.

And it worked splendidly every time, so Vali knew that it would be working this time too.

After that, Vali spent some time there talking with Bellatrix as she was asking some questions about the devils, Baator, Magic as a whole and some other things.

He answered before he even realized they had spent several hours talking as he then walked her to the fireplace, which served as some sort of teleportation point.

He really thought that the Wizarding means of transportation were weird, like very, very, very weird. Nevertheless, he accompanied here to the fireplace as she flashed away to her home in a wave of green flame.

"I can take it that everything went well with my granddaughter?"

Vali then heard the familiar voice of Arcturus Black, who was standing not far from the fireplace as he nodded at the elderly wizard-turned-devil.

"She is exactly like my aunt Hela... that fighting spirit, thirst for power and battle-lust are something that are impossible to hide in her person."

He answered with glee in his eyes as he thought about Bellatrix Black, the last time he had a similar feeling like this was when he met Rias, as she was the last one to become his wife together with Kuroka Tojou and Latia Astaroth.

"That I can only await the good news..."

The older man was in a jovial mood because he had made a killing today from all of the meetings he had.

Not only did he become a devil, but he also got half-raised to nobility within the hegemon like the Chthonian Empire and one of the most influential people of the Empire who was also the son of the Father of All Devils took a fancy to his granddaughter.

'Andromeda and Narcissa are a must... they would prove pivotal in securing alliances with the Noble Houses of the Empire... though who else?'

The elderly Lord Black thought as he departed to his study after Vali teleported back to the Malfoy Manor.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapter 476 – Interlude: Vali XXIII. – 6 Months Later
During the past half a year, many things have changed around Magical Britain. Probably the most significant one was the rise of a new faction not only on the scale of domestic politics but also on the international scale.

The Walpurgis Knight Order was led by Thomas Marvolo Gaunt, the Lord of the House of Gant and direct descendant of the Salazar Slytherin.

The formerly called "dark families" and a good portion of the Neutrals of the British Wizengamot reorganized themselves into the Walpurgis Knight Order, which became a nightmare for the so-called leader of light, Albus Dumbledor and his bunch of vigilantes, Order of Phoenix.

After Vali took the training of the humans as his own entertainment, he molded them into some sort of coherent fighting force and their combat prowess was far higher than the magical police, the Aurors or some cutthroats of Hit Wizards.

As the best example, he forced the wizards of the Walpurgis Knight Order to study muggle wars, tactics, strategies and other things because the Wizarding World was absolutely incompetent at the concept of waging wars.

In the shadow war that Gaunt and Dumbledore led against each other, countless exchanges were already carried out and it was the old man's Order of Pheonix that was slowly losing one feather after another.

Mainly due to their reluctance to use anything remotely lethal against their opponents, which gave the Knights of Walpurgis Knight Order an easy time in killing them.

Naturally, the agenda that the Walpurgis Knight Order was pushing in the Wizengamot was sometimes passed and sometimes was stopped, but overall their efforts were more successful than not, especially because of the acquisition of support from several previously Neutral Houses.

Vali decided that his pawns would need some more time before he could use them to scout the area, which were hidden from his sight when he first entered this world.

Right now, the strongest person under his influence was Thomas Gaunt, formerly Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort, who reached the peak of Tier 3 after some rigorous training and study.

Which was a good result.

Still, Vali needed him to be more powerful and not only him but even his goods if they were to be of any other use than just serving as cannon fodders.

Unfortunately, after mending his soul together, the results were as Vali predicted and he would be forever stuck with the limit of Tier 8 due to injuries suffered from splitting his soul into the phylacteries.

Another notable thing that took place during the past six months was Vali vising Bellatrix as they often trained together...

Indeed after getting the Independent Class Cards, old Arcturus chose Bellatrix to be the first person to be told the truth and be reincarnated as Devil.

And one thing nearly shook Vali to the core after that happened...

It appeared that her talent in the combat department was absolutely frightening because she was taking in the lessons about Combat Magic with lightning speed.

He was even teaching her some of the more theoretical aspects of the Tier Magic System, though only best as he could because while Vali was skilled in theory, teaching it somebody else proved to be a different story.

During the half year since the Bellatrix was reincarnated as Devil, she reached the initial Tier 3 with some help from Vali because he had countless resources with him that allowed one to advance the Tiers quickly.

And because the Devil Power System was quite straightforward in the early stages, as it was imitating the concept of cultivation by increasing Demon Energy, her path was relatively smooth.

Naturally, this was accompanied by a lot of learning of Tier Magic, Devil Magic, Abyssal Magic and other types of Magic that was known to the Chthonian Empire of the Baator one by one, to supplement her growing raw power by some firepower.

Also, from what he noticed when he was observing both Bellatrix and her grandfather Arcuturs Black, their Bloodline Abilities have fully manifested when they were turned to devils, as both of them could shapeshift and change their entire physical features with ease and could communicate with snakes in the magical language of Parseltongue.

Vali predicted that if either of them could reach Tier 9 and cast some of the most forbidden Magic of darkest curses and other similar types of Magic, they could kill even Tier 10 powerhouses if they prepared enough without their target knowing what was going on.

The Curses and other branches of Magic, which were considered as Forbidden because those spells always required some price to pay and most often, that price was heavy, so not many people cast or learned such Magic.

But right now, Vali found someone who had Bloodline Ability to cast them naturally without suffering their side-effect; this would be a great boost for the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

Right now, Vali was conducting his training alone, though he wasn't doing any exercises but rather focusing on mastering new spells of the Tier Magic, which were invented by the Tier 10 Magicians of the Chthonian Empire.

While he was a primarily close combatant, as his father stated: "Obtaining and using every advantage you could is a must and if you don't do that, you are an idiot".

And thus, as he was practicing the Magic, he suddenly heard a 'pop' sound behind him as he felt one of the House Elves teleport here.

"Yes, Gonny?"

He asked the male House Elf wearing the green-silver outfit of the House Malfoy.

It was one of the rare House Elves who had proper clothing; typically the noble wizards left them in rags as clothes, but that would reflect poorly on old Malfoy, who was obsessed with his image.

"Master V, Mistresss Bella has come."

He stated as Vali nodded his head, dismissing the House Elf while cutting his learning time short.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapter 477 - Interlude: Vali XXIV - Bellatrix Black
3rd POV

It has been six months since Bellatrix Black met with Vali Lucifer and started spending more and more of her time with the devil.

When he started teaching her Magic and its true potential, it was so fascinating and yet at the same time, even the strongest wizards on the face of Earth in all of their might paled in comprised even to low-tiered Spells of Tier Magic.

Her grandfather chose her to be the first person to be reincarnated as evil when he finished the lengthy explanation of what was going to happen to the House Black.

Basically that the most suitable people out of their family would be reincarnated as devils and move to the Chthonian Empire with his Highness Vali Lucifer.

Bellatrix didn't know that their family was essentially a bunch of devil worshippers, but now it made sense... all of that mysteriousness and the rituals that they were carrying out in secret, always telling her that she would be told when she was old enough.

Naturally, aside from her, her sisters would be too taken with them because they were talented and beautiful; if they became powerful enough, they would be essentially attracting other nobles for potential marriages.

She was aware that the chances of either of them marrying out of love were basically zero because it was part of the Noblesse Oblige; there was nothing she could do about it.

She knew that Narcissa wouldn't really care about it because she long ago accepted what was expected from her and this would be indeed a great improvement.

Marrying a noble of the Chthonian Empire meant marrying the Empire's best and literarily best because the requirements of being nobility in the nation were extremely strict and harsh.

Only her elder sister Andromeda would be problematic as she was playing around with that muggle-born pet of hers, to which grandfather stated that she would be brought even against her will.

She could see where it was going on...

Her grandfather wanted to establish another Noble House in the Chthonian Empire and whatever he conversed with Vali was enough for Baatorian to give a large amount of support.

Still, they were of prime age to get married.

Aside from them, the other people he chose were his sister Cassiopeia Black who was Acolyte of Gellert Grindelwald back in the time and her cousin Regulus because it was clear that her degenerated cousin Sirius would never accept because it was too "dark".

Right now, Bellatrix Black was waiting in the lobby of the Malfoy Manor for another lesson in close combat, mainly focusing on dagger mastery because she had a talent for dual wielding.

Naturally, Vali was more than pleased to teach her; at least she was a beautiful young woman compared to the rest of the people whom he trained.

She knew that the devil was showing some interests in her that were out of the norm and she was also aware that her grandfather was in sixth heaven every time she went to meet with him...

How could he not, if she married someone as high-ranking as Vali Lucifer, then their family would have guaranteed a future in the Chthonian Empire.

"Mistress Bellatrix, Master V has been notified of your arrival."

She strode through the halls of the Malfoy Manor as she was notified by one of the House Elves of the Malfoys, walking to the drawing room, where Vali was probably waiting for her as that was their usual meeting spot.

"You are a rather early Bella?"

Vali asked as she entered the drawing room and sat on one of the empty sofas next to him. Today she was wearing one of her more revealing dresses, something that she asked her mother to pick her up, as she flaunted her assets to the devil, only for him to chuckle at her efforts.

They were playing that game like mouse and cat.

"Yes, at home it is a mess once again... father being angry with Andi, grandfather pressuring father to solve the situation and on top of that, great-aunt Cassiopeia who has been de-aged after reincarnation, is also being a pain in the ass to deal with."

As Vali told Arcturus Black that he had only ten Independent Class Cards with him, he started already quickly working on the thing, and right now, after deciding on whom to reincarnate, he found out that one of his granddaughters was having an affair with a muggle-born.

So, that quickly escalated into a huge family drama because, for the first one, among the devil society, it was greatly frowned upon, especially among the nobility, to mingle with lesser species.

So theoretically speaking, if in the future somebody found out that one of the members of Blacks, which would be then already nobility of the Chthonian Empire, was sleeping with a human, especially a weak one, they would become ridiculed and it would bring them a shame...

Not much different like it was right now, for the fact that the man was muggle-born.

Fortunately, the only thing which was good about this mess was the fact that Andromeda was still a virgin and didn't sleep with him... at least yet, because that would be catastrophic.

"Grandfather has come and everyone was screaming at each other... if it was up to me, I would just kill her pet and be done with it."

After spending much time around Vali, Bellatrix adopted some of his more unsavory quirks, primarily the one which was about solving everything with either killing or a show of power, as that was many times easier than talking.

And efficient too.

"And your younger sister Narcissa?"

He asked about the youngest one in the group of three sisters.

"She doesn't care too much... on the contrary, she is delighted because it means that she could pursue her dreams of being an Alchemist."

Bella answered leisurely; because of the three of them, Narcissa was probably the one who was eager as Bellatrix was because while Narcissa knew what was expected from her and in this aspect, nothing would change.

Yet, as a nice bonus, she could now focus on becoming Alchemist and Potioneer as she wished.

Something which wouldn't be really possible if she married here some pure-blooded noble stuck-up prick who would want only a trophy wife to parade around.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.


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Chapter 478 - Interlude: Vali XXV - Arcturus Black
A short time earlier before Bellatrix Black arrived at the Malfoy Manor to meet with Vali Lucifer.

For Lord Arcturus Black, everything was going very well for the past six months.

Aside from the crash course on the Chthonian Empire of the Baator that he needed to learn, taking him two months to learn a quantum of information.

Mainly about the Baator, Imperial politics, lands, history, governance, various species in the Empire and many, many, many other things that were considered common knowledge and even some which were not.

Right now, there were four people reincarnated as devils, including him and his wife.

The only ones to be reincarnated were his sister Cassiopeia Black and one of his granddaughters Bellatrix who was right now enjoying some weird romantic relationships with the Imperial Elder Vali Lucifer.

Now that he was reincarnated as a devil, he felt full of energy and vigor, so it would be highly possible that he would be having more children with his wife now both of them were returned to their thirties or middle-twenties.

That was one of the reasons why he preferred to take either people from his generation or mainly the unmarried females of the House Black.

"Have you finished the talk with that pompous git?"

He asked his sister, Cassiopeia Black, who, upon her reincarnation, was de-aged and looked like a breathtaking young woman with raven black hair in her early twenties, just a few years older than Bellatrix.

"Yes... after I pressured him a bit with my power, Abraxas stopped caring about the potential engagement contract after he was told of the situation."

His sister was one of few people who were actually more useful and was helping him with the migration to the Chthonian Empire and was in charge of gathering the financial capabilities of the House Black for the Baator.

"And the Goblins?"

One of the problems that he needed to deal with was the lack of money; while they got something from the Imperial House, it wouldn't be enough to run a Noble House for more than a few years, decades, if they were saving it like squirrels.

"I have bargained with them to buy as much as Mithril, Adamantium and Goblin Silver as possible... though the best price we could get, even with all of the discounts and some show of force, was the usage of approximately 90% of the entire wealth of the House of Black."

With a nation like the Chthonian Empire of the Baator, gold was essentially worthless metal, just a bit shinier than others, but it didn't have any value.

So he asked Vali how to gather wealth and for them to establish themselves and the answer was actually more simple than he thought.

Rare ores, magic tomes and grimoires, potion supplies and other magical artifacts.

Such a thing would fetch them an enormous sum of money in the Empire if they find the right buyer or they could sell it directly to the IMC, which will buy it from them at a preferential price.

So right now, they were in the phase of gathering resources like this, which would be later on either sold or invested or otherwise used to increase the capital of the newly established House Black in the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

From what Lord Black knew about the Empire, he could see that the requirements for the nobility were extremely strict and even the lowest Noble Rank, which was the Chthonian Eques had a requirement of Tier 9 strength...

Basically, a world-destroying entity if put here.

"And what about that thing?"

His sister Cassiopeia asked as his face grimaced into a frown, remembering one big and ugly problem that was growing in their plans and where all attempts at a more diplomatic approach had failed, so it would be time to resort to the more violent solution.

"It seems that I will be taking it for myself to resolve... Cygnus and Druella failed to resolve this peacefully, so the only choice this time would be to use force no matter how much I detest it against my own blood."

Arcturus Black stated with strong distaste, but unfortunately, right now, there was nothing he could do about the situation with his eldest granddaughter Andromeda as she was enamored with some muggle-born.

Even if they weren't going relocate to the Baator, this would be a problem, but right now, it was an enormous problem because it wasn't common knowledge that the old Chthonian Houses looked down on humans or, effectively those who were without any power or powerful bloodlines.

Fortunately for the House Black, their bloodline was vital that it bore them three bloodline abilities.

Still, unfortunately, this made the situation even worse because if a member of such a station was enamored with ordinary humans, that was a shame that won't be washed away for thousands of years.

After talking with his sister a bit and deciding on some matters, he conjured a black colored magic circle with the symbol of a raven in the middle of it and teleported away in a flash.


"Hello, grandfather... I am pleased to see you, but I am in a hurry, so next time..."

After Arcturus Black teleported to the Mansion where his son Cygnus with his family lived.

After his granddaughter Bellatrix teleported away, he could see where her haste was coming from because he heard some screaming and cursing coming from the drawing room of the Mansion.

When he entered the room, he saw that his eldest granddaughter Andromeda was arguing with her parents, while his youngest one, Narcissa was standing in the background and eating some snacks while enjoying the drama.

He ignored his youngest granddaughter as he entered the room and made his presence known as everyone stopped in whatever they were doing.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapter 479 – Interlude: Vali XXVI – Conclusion (1)
After getting the Walpurgis Knight Order into some shape to the point where they could be of real use, Vali started sending them to the places where his sight couldn't penetrate to obtain information from there.

Naturally, he didn't expect anything from this.

Nevertheless, he was pleasantly surprised when one of the wizards he sent to the subterranean world returned with a piece of shocking information.

At least to him, because from the memories of the wizards, he found out that the entire subterranean world served as an enormous graveyard sort.

That was also the reason why his sight couldn't penetrate there, because there were countless Tier 11 entities that died there and even some of Tier 12, including one enormous corpse of something that appeared to be Void Leviathan of Tier 13.

He didn't dare to think how these beings died here and how did they ended in a place like this, but at least now he was sure that in this world there weren't any powerful entities that could harm him, as he prepared to entire the subterranean world by himself and plunder it for the Chthonian Empire.

From the preliminary scouting done by the wizards, it was totally empty without the signs of life, which was a good signal, so he could safely enter the place and take everything there.

It was rather ironic how human wizards dismissed it as just a pile of bones and nothing interesting...

If they knew that things like this could change people's civilizations by miles and bounds.

There were cases where even ordinary civilizations without any special Energy or inquests found such graveyards and, within mere decades, were propelled from Tier 0 to even Tier 8 civilization.

Naturally, Vali wouldn't leave such wondrous resources and powerful things there, so right now, he was in the final phase of preparation for the expiration of the subterranean world.

After taking everything from the subterranean world, he would take the members of the House of Black together with him and one of the non-members, as he, during his stay, found an interesting specimen with natural Level 8 Superior Soul Aptitude and unnatural talent for Divination and Arcane Magic to the point that even his father would be shocked.


When Vali stood in front of the entrance to the subterranean world in Antarctica, he was getting a bad feeling.

Something was making him uneasy because while the wizards he sent to scout the underground returned with news that nothing alive was there, he was still getting weird signals out of this entire endeavor.

Still, he entered the underground tunnel as he started descending deeper and deeper into the subterranean world until he, after half an hour, he reached the place which he saw in the memories of the wizards he sent there to scout the area.

Just like in the memories, there was absolutely nothing in this enormous underground space, aside from bones from long decomposed corpses of countless beings.

Even the weakest one who died in this place seemed to be a Tier 10 being, while there were many Tier 11 and a good number of Tier 12 beings.

This made Vali wonder what happened here, then came up with two possibilities.

Either this was a place where some grand battle took place and these were the participants...

Or, considering the fact that this was a randomly released world in the Endless Void, this could be some hidden graveyard that was created by some mighty expert or civilization to prevent these things from being found.

'There are Void Creatures, Fiends of the Infinite Abyss, cultivators, Elder Gods?... that this place must be like really ancient if the corpses of Elder Gods were here.'

Vali thought because this was indeed a surprise... Elder Gods were not a Rank or Grade; rather, they were sub-species of Gods from the ancient times when the Endless Void was not only 1/10 of what it is today.

Each one was born at Tier 11, reached Tier 12 by adulthood and Tier 13 if they put a bit effort into their training; countless Elder Gods reached the limit of Tier 13 or became Universe Masters or, if not Universe Master, then at least Divine Thrones.

There were even several Tier 14 Paragons among their race, but alas... as time went by, some of the more powerful species wanted to obtain the power of the Elder God Race for themselves and thus started waging war on them.

While the Elder Gods were extremely powerful, they were several outnumbered by many of the superior species like Mind Flyers, Fiends, Magicians or even some monstrous cultivator clans and thus, slowly but steadily, they were hunted down and annihilated.

Naturally, Vali knew this because one of the very few friends of his father was actually a member of the Jade Clan.

The very same clan was one of many who participated in the Elder God War eons ago and some of their clansmen even killed a good number of the Elder Gods.

Thus, he was more knowledgeable on the topic than others.

'Fortunately, the corpses of the Tier 12 entities and that Tier 13 Void Leviathan are well preserved... though shame that the Tier 11s and Tier 10s didn't manage to withstand the passage of time, probably the time they were here was too long for them.'

Vali muttered as he strode through the enormous underground space while heading toward the source of the biggest energy signature in the entire place.

He passed by a good number of corpses, piles of bones and other things, but as he saw, not all Tier 11 corpses were entirely done...

Some of those who had some extraordinary bloodlines were still intact like they were killed right now.

He then went deeper and deeper into the subterranean world, following the energy signature that he felt, until he soon arrived in a new part of the underground world at a small plateau.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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Chapter 480 - Interlude: Vali XXVII - Conclusion (2)
When he stood in the middle of the plateau, which was being lit by the sun coming from the surface through the tunnel that led to the surface.

Vali looked around and scanned the area because this was the place from where he sensed the biggest and strongest energy signature of the entire subterranean world.

'There is nothing here besides the unnatural magical density... but that doesn't make any sense...'

And just as Vali was lost in his thoughts because he couldn't find any source behind the energy in this place, suddenly an enormous presence descended onto the small plateau out of nowhere, as the devil dragonoid became wary of it...

However, he knew that it was only the lingering spirit of the deceased expert who was killed here and managed to preserve his consciousness and leave it behind.

"Interesting... visitor... most unexpected..."

Vali wasn't sure about the lingering spirit of whatever died here, but he could sense that this was one lingering spirit of the Tier 13 entities that perished here; though he was aware of only one, that didn't mean that there wasn't more of them...

Somewhere... in the end, this entire place was pretty massive and even with his senses, he couldn't convert it entirely in one go.

Vali looked at the lingering spirit with a certain amount of wariness because this could go very wrong if the lingering spirit had any capability to defend him, which was a big unknown for the devil dragonoid of the House Lucifer.

"So what are you? You smell like Fiend but, at the same time, vastly different..."

The lingering spirit was mainly talking to itself, which was neither a good nor bad sign from Vali's point of view... some people could change mood almost instantaneously.

"Devil, apparently we are artificially created species by someone at Tier 13 for the purpose of combining the best area of the Fiends of the Infinite Abyss, Magicians, Arcanists and Cultivators, to give birth to a perfect all-rounder."

Vali answered in the best initiation of his father while omitting some of the more unimportant matters into something that could be called a basic definition of what the devils were.

"I see..."

The lingering spirit stated neutrally as it continued staring at the devil.

"Are you the lingering spirit of one of the Elder Gods who were killed in this place?"

Vali proceeded to ask as he looked at the lingering spirit because it was highly unlikely that it was from the Void Leviathan because the Void Leviathans, despite their overwhelming power, were creatures of very low intelligence and were mostly acting on their instincts.


This was a relatively expectable result; afterward, Vali was listening to the ramblings of the lingering spirit of the Elder God who was killed here, as that was something that wasn't pleasant for him.

Still, the chatty Elder God occasionally dropped some important information.

After one hour of listening to the annoying lingering spirit of the Elder God, it confirmed Vali's suspicion that this was something akin to an enormous graveyard that was created by some powerful Tier 14 entity that sealed this entire world in the Endless Void.

Normally speaking, it should be virtually impossible even to enter this world, so it was mind blogging how Vali managed to enter or, rather, how the cultists of the Baatorian Pantheon managed to enter this world two thousand years ago.

Considering all things, Vali decided to take everything that was in the subterranean world and that was a lot.

From the ramblings of the lingering spirit, evidently, there were hundreds if not thousands of corpses of Tier 10 entities at minimal and countless of Tier 11, not to mention there were at least 3 Tier 12.

So, that was a huge win for the Empire because these were invaluable resources that could be used for myriads of purposes. Especially the Divine Sparks of the Elder Gods...

Those ones were extremely precious because, from what Vali saw in them, they could be used by Baatorian Gods to advance in their Godhood Index by leaps and bounds.

Even Vali considered becoming a God because it would greatly enhance his strength and at the same time, with the amount of resources that were here, it would be just drop in the enormous see if he took some Divine Sparks or other materials that were from the remains of the Elder Gods.

'I could reach Paramount God in a century or so if I use Divine Spark of Tier 11 Elder God together with the collective resources of the Baator.'

Vali thought as he ignored the lingering spirit that was shouting all around and focused on collecting the corpses, valuables and other things in the enormous subterranean world while also calculating the shortest time to advance into the Paramount God with the available resources.

He knew that the Godhood Method that the Gods of the Baatorian Pantheon were using was, in truth, based on the Elder Gods, as it was imitating them to the last part.

It took Vali an entire one day to completely clear out the subterranean world because even though it wasn't that big compared to the standards of the Endless Void, it was still big enough and he needed to proceed carefully when in this place.

At some point, he was even forced to summon the power of his father when he was approaching the remains of then Tier 12 entities and even some of the stronger Tier 11 as the remnants of their power was still too strong and could hurt him severely if he was not careful.

"And with this, it should be done..."

He stated to himself while storing away the last corpse, which belonged to Tier 11 dwarf and with this, the entire place was cleared and he obtained a lot of his trip.

Now that this was done, he needed to check on the last place in which he couldn't see with his senses located in something known as the Bermuda Triangle.


PS. Check out my second primary fanfic: Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki and A Song of Blood and Sunlight (new chapter up)
PPS. Check out 7-Day Free Trials on my Patreon for the Euclid-Class Clearance... only thanks to patreon these stories are possible so thank you for your support.

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