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The Laughing Man [Joker/My Hero Academia]

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It was not a dark and stormy night, but rather a bright and sunny day when the "adventure"...


I trust you know where the happy button is?
Feb 25, 2019
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It was not a dark and stormy night, but rather a bright and sunny day when the "adventure" began.

Persephone was the smaller, inland cousin to Tartarus. Not meant to contain villains deadly enough to be put in the latter, but still too dangerous to be put in more common jail cells.

It had a record lack of break outs.

That would change today.


"The Cryo Program has been canceled today. All T-Threat villains will be released from cold storage due to the ongoing humanitarian rights crisis in that nation. I have good faith that the one we are after will be among those unfrozen and put into more mundane restraints.

"He will likely be transferred soon; we must hurry."


Fire and smoke drifted down yards and halls, armored bodies laying crumbled or torn apart while live guards yelled as they fired intot he darkness surroudnign their prison, twisted figures moving ahead into the prison.

These villains were not breaking out.

Instead, the League of Villains was breaking in to break someone out.

This individual is contained at Persephone. The boss wants him on our team, and he wanted him yesterday.

He doesn't look like much-

Looks can be deceiving, recruit. This man started off quirkless from his birth to adulthood, until that day. Here is some archival footage-

Damn! Killed the guy on Live TV!

-Love the little dance he does after getting out of the cop car.

Hah! I love that clip, I have it saved-

Did someone just say he was quirkless-

That was before he triggered the citywide riot, brought nearly the entire metroplolis to the ground. Shot a guy on live TV, basically made the riots in Gotham burn even harder, hijacked a fire truck with his new gang and smashed through a police station and a museum.

He ran around throwing paint on exhibits, shot up six cops when they tried to stop him.

Birdman, the only hero in Gotham at the time, gave his life to stop this prisoner. Tackled him out of a window after getting stabbed in the ribs and shot in the throat.


In the Isolation Ward, Dabi and Himiko Toga walked down the hall, a trail of blood and fire and blood that was on fire behind them.

Dabi kept his eyes focused as he narrowed onto a nameplate next to a heavily secured door at the end, Himiko positively beaming as she skipped ahead of him.


Oh please, Birdman was a fucking wimp. Why is one clown who just shot some people so important.

Silence! It's not him in particular. Its his quirk we need. Specifically, his blood."


"He sounds fun.….can I have his blood once we break him out?!"

Dabi rolled his eyes. "If you can avoid getting the effects of his quirk, knock yourself out."


What's this about us going after a quirkless guy?

You are late again, Mustard. His quir first manifested when his blood got on some officers and looters during that raid on the museum where he was caught during the Gotham Riots. Here, we have the footage-

-Ohh, nasty-

-I can see why the boss wants him-

-Looks fun! Let's start planning!

-We have five days till he's transferred, get ready-


They reached his cell.

Hot fire melted the steel colored door.

Inside, a thin figure with raggedy greying green locks sat in the middle of a white room, arms unbound in his straight jacket as if he had gnawed through the buckles.

Staring up at the figures approaching him, the pale man had an almost hollow look on his face before he smiled and spoke.

"Knock Knock."


Inmate: #1940

Name: A. Fleck

Quirk: Smylex

A toxin inside of the inmates blood. Anyone who experiences physical contact with the blood on their skin or ingests it will convulse and suffer asphyxiation and inner rupturing, with the ensuing form of rigor mortis stretching their face into a rictus grin after death. Toxin kills within five minutes unless an antidote is administered.

Inmate is immune to his bloods effects.

NOTE: Must be kept secure due to the recent raids on prisons at the East Coast. Will be transferred this November to a higher security facility.
This is interesting. Will this guy ever turn his blood into gas with support items?

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