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The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

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Yes this story premise is rather outlandish but hey I figured such a thing is what is needed...
Character Informational 1
Here is the first codex or the like in order to help people keep track while also revealing where some of the individuals are in terms of the New World.

Known Touhous within the New World.

Remilia Scarlet

Flandre Scarlet

Yuuka Kazami

Renko Usami

Sumireko Usami

Koishi Komeiji


Okina Matara

Kasen's Arm

Sanae Kochiya

Current location of the known Touhou characters of the New World.

Renko Usami: Unknown

Sumireko Usami: In route to the Dragon Kingdom

Yuuka Kazami: Formerly the Great Forest of Tob, current location unknown

Remilia Scarlet: Re-Estize Kingdom countryside

Koishi Komeiji: Re-Estize Capital

Sanae Kochiya: Somewhere within the Demihuman Occupied part of the Dragon Kingdom.

Cirno: The Great Lake

Flandre Scarlet: Unknown

Okina Matara: Unknown

Kasen's Arm: Katze Plains near the Baharuth Empire

Touhou Level if compared to to the Yggdrisal System*. Used for only those who have physically appeared in the story.

Remilia Scarlet: 94

Yuuka Kazami: 100+

Sumireko Usami: 76

Kasen's Arm: 100

Cirno: 60 (Original) 93 (Current)

Koishi Komeiji: 85

Renko Usami: 79

*Levels do not strickly matter beyond as much a vague idea of were the opponent is at. Being an RPG more weight is placed on build and skill layout.
Touhou Builds: Youkai 1
Here is a basic class build idea of some of the Touhou Characters of the story so far. It's rather basic as I don't want to focus on stats, which mind you is probably subjective and the Touhou series does a poor job explaining it due to the nature of the settings combat system. A few passive/skills of note are listed as well. Oh, and because this is via the YGGDRASIL perspective Magicians, Hermits, Lunarians (Non God and Rabbit ones at least), and Celestials will be treated as Humans. They will get a separate page.

Remilia Scarlet

Race: True Vampire*

Level: 94

Racial Levels: True Vampire 10, Jotun** 3, Valkyrie 2, Onikin 5

Job Levels: Fighter 10, Sorcerer 10, Mage 5, Runic Mage 10, Battlemage 5, Dark Princess 2, Arcane Knight 5, Knight 10, Grand Knight: Lancer 3, etc 4

Ability: Manipulation of Fate: Ability Classes: Fatewaver 5, Oracle 5

Skills/Passives: Oni Might, Vampire Speed, High Regeneration, Fate Awareness

Kasen's Arm

Race: Oni (True Blood)

Level: 100

Racial Levels: Onikin 10, Oni 10

Job Classes: Fighter 5, Sorcerer 10, Necromancer 10, Barbarian 10, Bandit 10, Hermit 5, Kishin 5, Forbidden Arts Master 5

Ability: Guiding animals. Ability Classes: Beastmaster 10, Dark Tamer*** 10

Skills/Passives: Oni Might, Lie Detection, Alcohol Empowerment, Beast Dominance


Race: Grand Fairy****

Level: 93

Racial Levels: Fairy 10, Greater Fairy 10, Grand Fairy 5, Water Elemental 5, Ice Elemental 10, Air Elemental 5, Nymph 5

Job Classes: Sorcerer 10, Mage 10, Elementalist (Water) 10, Bard 3

Ability: Manipulating cold. Ability Classes: Cryomancer 10 (Note: All Spellcaster classes are locked into Ice Magic)

Skills/Passives: Nature Connection, Fairy Existence, Fairy Resurrection, Ice Immunity, Fire Resistance

Koishi Komeiji

Race: Satori

Level: 85

Racial Levels: Beastmen (Apemen) 5, Satori 10

Job Classes: Psionicist 10, Rogue 5, Stalker 10, Assassin 10, High Assassin 5, Illusionist 10, Shadow Blade 5

Ability: Manipulation of the Subconscious. Ability Classes: Mind Reader 5, Medium 5, Summoner 5

Skills/Passives: Subconscious Reflection, Mental Delusion, Subconscious Manifestation, Five Senses Confusion.

Yuuka Kazami

Race: Greater Nymph (Sunflower)

Level: 100+

Racial Levels: Nymph (Sunflower) 10, Greater Nymph 10, Fairy 5, Elemental (Earth) 10, Botanical Horror 5

Job Classes: Druid 10, High Druid 10, Nature's Herald 5, Fighter 15, Nature's Wrath 5, Gardener 10, Elementalist (Earth) 5, Warlord 5, etc 15

Ability: Flower Manipulation. Ability Classes: Flower Master 10, etc 5

Skills/Passives: Nature Connection, Terrain Terraforming

*Touhou Vampires are treated not as a form of undead but as a kind of Onikin

** Jotun are the western counterpart/equivalent to Oni. Commonly mistaken as a race of giants.

*** Class is Restricted to Kasen's Arm, Kasen herself has High Tamer.

**** Original Race, Greater Fairy. Evolution into Grand Fairy is only possible due to being the daughter of a Grand Fairy.
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