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It's nice, but there are so many useless things that are just... dumb.

The PRT wouldn't be stunned that someone could create a fancy sword with a strange inscription. Kaiser could nearly do that and the boy is blonde. They should at least whisper behind his back about how the creations or projections might have a time limit or can't get to far from the boy.

Then there's Armsmaster thinking a metal can't be burned... What? Why would he think that? He could say that the energy released by burning mercury isn't enough to even emit all the light the ship gives off and theorize that the reaction is just used to catalyze the real power source, followed by commenting how the boy unsurprisingly has no idea how the ship works and him concluding it's not tech, but rather a projection of his power, which confirms his hypothesis about the sword.
It's nice, but there are so many useless things that are just... dumb.

The PRT wouldn't be stunned that someone could create a fancy sword with a strange inscription. Kaiser could nearly do that and the boy is blonde. They should at least whisper behind his back about how the creations or projections might have a time limit or can't get to far from the boy.

Then there's Armsmaster thinking a metal can't be burned... What? Why would he think that? He could say that the energy released by burning mercury isn't enough to even emit all the light the ship gives off and theorize that the reaction is just used to catalyze the real power source, followed by commenting how the boy unsurprisingly has no idea how the ship works and him concluding it's not tech, but rather a projection of his power, which confirms his hypothesis about the sword.
Yes I know I'm real dumb....
Don't be down. You write this story for fun. But including characters like Dragon and Armsmaster is hard. That's why Worm is such a good story, it pulled them off. I haven't found time to read the sequel, so I don't know if WB did Dragon with less limits justice, but that's something even harder.

Just, technobabble responsiby, google bits you don't know much about. What I really liked was that Armsmaster understood some parts of it and used it in his own tech. That's actually a justification for him not just being dismissive. If you can take out the part about burning metal and replace it with something like... "There were large parts that just seemed nonsensical. Like what did it oxidize the mercury for? But worse were the parts that DID make sense, instilling in Armsmaster a sense of inadequacy. It WAS technology, that much was clear from the parts he did understand, but how did it translate into the incredible maneuvers the craft was capable of? When he tried copying those ridiculous crystals they moved alright, but Armsmaster couldn't for the life of him manage to find out where the momentum went..."(That last bit is a common "I'm not saying it's magic... but... magic." indicator. Don't trust a thruster if you can't see where it keeps it's momentum.)

There's lots of fun bits and I think writing Fate stuff is it's own bit of mindscrew that I can't properly appreciate, not having read the VNs.
Unicrack 20 (Worm) Walking a mile in another's shoes.
Taylor remained silent.

"So they are not friends?" I asked my voice low.

"Of course we are Taylor's friends. Taytay and I go way back."

"Oh really?" I ask one of my eyebrows raised. "Then why do I find that hard to believe? From the way you were looking at Taylor before you saw me I almost thought you were about to have her for a snack."

"T-that's just h-how excited I was you know?"

Okay. That was a really stupid excuse.

"Taylor." I turned to turn to her and giving her the brightest smile I could while making good use of my A - Rank Charisma. " Could you and Greg please wait in the car, I wish to have a conversation with these Friends of yours."

From the blush and slight nod on her face, it worked as she dragged Greg and headed to the car a few feet behind me. Once she and Greg were inside I turned back to the three of them.

I needed to keep this simple and make sure there was nothing anyone else could use against me.

I activated one of my stolen powers for the first time.

"Now then, I won't Kill you because that wouldn't be justice." Sophia tensed as I finished saying that her eyes on me looking warily, as was Emma, Madison, however, looked terrified. Unfortunately, that is going to be their downfall.

"Sharingan." My eyes flashed red as I activated them.

Then my eyes shifted again into something far more deadly.

"Mangekyou Sharingan." Sophia was already jumping back but she was too late.

"Tsukuyomi." a fraction of a microsecond was all I needed to pull all three of them into my world of Genjutsu.

They would be in there for a very long time, at least from their perspective.
Genjutsu, Tsukuyomi. (Start)

Three girls woke up to weightlessness.

"Ems, where are we?" Madison asked her voice quivering.

"I don't know."

"Shit, look down." Sophia cursed and as Madison and Emma looked down what they saw confused and terrified them.

The saw the earth spinning under them.

If they were in orbit that explained why they felt weightlessness. But how were they still breathing?

Gilgamesh's voice echoed all around them.

"You know people call Scion the most powerful Parahuman? That's because they do not know what I can do." Sophia shook her hand at empty space, as she searched trying to locate where the voice was coming from.

"Oh, what can you do? Freak?"

"What can I do you ask Sophia? I can do absolutely anything I desire. In fact, the only reason you are breathing in space is that I willed it so, or else your lung would simply collapse from the Expanding from inside your and your blood would boil as Oxygen left your blood."

Emma took in a sharp breath and Madison had tears in her eyes.

However, I was not about to release them because of a few tears.

Sophia gritted her teeth in anger. "Show yourself, COWARD!"

"As you wish," I replied appearing in front of them. As soon as she saw me she tried to attack me.

Keyword being "TRY." The thing is in outer space you had almost nothing to push yourself against. so all Sophia could do was flail about.

"You know I'll report this to the PRT. You can't use powers against normal people."

"Oh really?" I ask one eyebrow raised. "Then tell me if this is true why did you harass Taylor?"

"She got what's coming to her because she was too weak."

"Really? In that case, what I'm doing shouldn't be a problem right? I'm so far above you in strength that you may as well be non-existent to me."

"Oh, yeah, then why are you keeping us here like this are you afraid you'll lose or something?" Sophia smirked.

I sighed this was stupid. Well, I suppose a demonstration was in order.

"If I followed that logic, tell me, Sophia, if you accidentally step on an ant would you care?"

"Of course not."

"Then why should I care when you are but an ant to me? Even the Triumvirate themselves are mere Mongrels. I can destroy them in an instant should I choose to do so."

"Heh, I'd like to see you try."

"Very well." Her face looked shocked at my reply, not expecting it.

I turned towards the earth underneath us and Snapped my fingers.

A few seconds later the earth glowed red and exploded in a violent burst sending it dead remains hurtling past us.

"There. It's done."

I turned back to them and I will admit I enjoyed seeing the looks on their faces.

Perhaps I was evil?

Who knows?

Madison was shaking with fear tears rolling down her eyes.

Sophia's eyes were staring at where the earth once was and then looked at me her eyes filled with rage, and fear as well. "The FUCK ARE YOU?!"

"A God."

Emma, however, was the most interesting. She had a look of resignation on her face. "If you are going to kill me, be done with it already."

Oh, I can't let her break yet.

"No, I am not going to kill you just yet." I snapped my fingers and a huge clock appeared in front of us. The hands stopped moving forwards and started spinning in reverse spinning faster and faster as rocked hurtled past us and formed the earth again. However, it didn't stop here the planet kept spinning in reverse and sped up as the clock sped up. Soon the continents and the hands of the clock looked like a blur from how fast the earth was spinning in reverse.

A few seconds later the earth came to a sudden stop as did the clock.

"Today is the day. The day you abandoned Taylor. I will shove all three of your souls in Taylor body and you will see, feel and hear everything that happens to her including what she is thinking. You know the quote. "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."? That is going to be your punishment."

This was going to be a bit tough. Connecting the Kaleidoscope to my Mangyekyou, I let the memories of Taylor from an alternate timelines flow into the Genjutsu as it started from this day. Let's see how well they handle it, shall we?

The world turned black as each one of the three girls found themselves seeing what happened from Taylor's point of view. Hearing her thought and feelings.

Starting with the day Emma tossed away Taylor for her new friend.
Unicrack 21 (Worm) Regret and Repentance
Emma watched in silence as Talyor went about her day. She didn't know how long it had been since GOD had reversed time itself and put her within Taylor's body.

She wanted to know why.

Why Taylor never fought back.

She heard every little thing that Taylor heard and her every thought.

The only comfort she had was that Sophia and Madison were with her. Yet She couldn't interact with them Every time when she to said something to them they didn't respond. Sophia raged at God for the long time. But even Sophia slowly fell silent... She knew they were there yet she couldn't see. She couldn't move.

She was forced to watch through all the time Taylor had to interact with Sophia, Madison or her, and Taylor's time in school. The moment Taylor left school the next day would begin with her arriving in school.

One thing after another.

'Why? Why are you doing this to me, Emma? Am I not your best friend? Was everything we did together a lie?'

'Why, why, what did I do to you?'

At first Taylor's thoughts were like this.

It changed over time. To things like.

'Just leave me alone.'

'Go bother someone else please.'

'Sigh, they don't have anything better to do, do they?'

And Madison dissapeared after a while leaving only Sophia and her in Hell.

Yes. This place could be called hell.

She made the school hell for Taylor without thinking about how bad it would be for her. She deserved this but she still had one question. Why didn't ever try to fight back? All her efforts to get Taylor to fight and she never fought why?

Suddenly she felt Sophia separated from her she didn't know why, but she knew Sophia was there and then her question was answered as she scene changed, to the day, the day where she saw Taylor pushed inside the locked, her final act to try to get Taylor to fight back, she felt everything Taylor felt in that locker. her helplessness.

Tears fell down Emma's eyes. As the realization set in. Just horrible she had made Taylor's life.

When Taylor woke up in the hospital and discovered her power her thought went towards revenge, and then finally Emma got her answer.

"I'm better than them."

Taylor didn't even fight back because she didn't consider them even worth fighting back because her strength was far greater, and her heart far kinder.

This was too funny.

All her work was useless, her friendship with Taylor destroyed, because she couldn't see, that Taylor was far stronger than she was.

Even further proving that

She then witnessed Taylor taking down lung with her new power. Then everything turned black.

Then God appeared before her.

She didn't know what was going to happen.

All she wished now was that she could change things. She wished she could go back to being friends, but she didn't think Talyor would accept her back. After all who would? After what she did to them.

"You'd be quite surprised," God said, his red eyes looking at her as softly.

"Taylor's heart is quite large. If you explain everything to her she might forgive you. Her mind is perhaps one of the most unbreakable in this world." He turned to her. "Now I'm going to return time and space back to normal. Everything will be as nothing ever happened. Only you Sophia and Madison will remember what happened. Good luck Emma Barnes, prove to me that My faith in humanity was not wrong, become a better person that there remains some good in your heart. Work hard, after all, Heaven and Hell await in the life after death."

Her eyes widened. As she saw... saw Heaven for a few seconds, it's beauty encompassing all her vision.

Floating mountains and waterfalls.

Trees hanging low with branches laden with all kinds of fruits.

Rivers that contained wine, water, milk, honey, and all manner of drink.

Houses made of pearls and jewels.

Beauty as far as the eye could see.

It was simply divine.

Something that could not be created by mortal hands.

As God stood beside her HE turned towards her and lifted a palm towards her and a miniature sun that glowed a bright blue formed in his hand.

"This is a gift for you, if you ever earn her forgiveness, use it wisely, to stand by her side."


The sun sank in her as her eyes widened in the realization of what it was.

"But I am not worthy."

"Then make yourself worthy. I have given you the chance and the ability to stand beside her. The rest is up to you" The God smiled, his smile radiant as her heartbeat sped up.

She bowed in reverence.

"My lord. Please forgive me."

"I am not the one you should seek forgiveness from. If you wish to show me respect you may call me 'Your Majesty'. As I once descended into this world as the King of Uruk taking the Name Gilgamesh because the World was ending. I shall take it again."

So God had descended to save this world before?

"Pardon me your majesty., but if you have descended again does that mean.."

"Yes, the world is at risk of ending again. I shall Take care of the threat before I leave again. Good luck in your journey."

And then everything returned to normal they were back at the gates of Winslow as if nothing had ever happened in the first place...

She saw Madison next to her who had begun crying and wiping her tears, and Sophia, she left without a word, deep in thought. She didn't know what Sophia had gone through but she could only hope that she had realized the light of his Majesty and her sins against Taylor.

Turning to the car where Taylor was her heart was filled with hope.

"I suggest you approach Taylor tomorrow. She would be quite wary now."

Emma was disappointed but his majesty had told her to do so tomorrow and she shall do so.

"I bid thee farewell, your majesty." She gave him a short bow before turning gently taking madisons hand in hers guiding her home.

She had seen the error of her ways and she has been given the chance to correct her mistakes. Whether she was forgiven or not she would stand by Taylor's side and support, whatever may come in her path.

The Lord had given her a gift. She was not worthy of it. Taylor would be far more worthy, yet she was given it, and so she shall do everything in her power to become worthy of it.

The power of a Hero.

In her head, the words of power flowed through as a prayer.

Within her, a soul comforted her and encouraged her as the soul understood the desire to repent for her sins and her wish to praise to the lord.

Within her mind, she recited the prayer and she would do so from now whenever she was in trouble or stressed as it brought her some measure of calmness and comfort

Her mind was completely clear for the first time in a long, long while.

The Heavens declare the glory of God,
The skies proclaim the work of His hands,
Day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they reveal knowledge.
My heart burns inside me with the flames of devotion.
My end is here.
My destiny is here.
The Frailty of my life is here.
I devote the only thing I have left to protect His way.
My Lord, I devote my life to you.


From now on I will be posting this in Patreon a few days before I post it here.
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daaaaammmmmnnnnn! that is what i call a redemption so many authors usually just make the bullies lives hell or having taylor becoming rich and famous that end up making them jealous very rarely do they end up doing something like tih
I picked god mode because why the hell not? If I'm being sent to Earth Bet then I want all the advantages I can get.

Beginning with 10 pts I selected wildcard first[-1pt] to see what I could get and hoooo boy --> Reality Crossroads

The 1d8 result was 5 +2 =7. Don't know how that would affect something of my power's caliber, but I suppose that the crossroads I create can only be opened by a limited amount of time and can only be crossed by a certain number of people before it closes.

Picked the perk Aprentice(-2) with the disciplines of Thaumaturgy(Nasu) and Wand Magic (Harry Potter)[-1 extra discipline]. For another [-1] I get a library with all the thaumaturgical knowledge in existence.

Of the powers presented aferwards, I select Inspired Inventor[-2]. Just imagine a magus from nasuverse getting tinker powers, granting him multiple boosts in all sorts of branches of Thaumaturgy. That shit is stupidly broken I tell you. That combined with Reality Crossroads, I'm plenty sure that I would be able to attain the second true magic in a very short amount of time without wasting any points.

That's only 7 points so far, leaving me with 3.

Of the disadvantages I pick Wanted[+1] and be persecuted by some gang like the merchants (because let's face it, they are lame), and Without a Map[+2] (because with Reality Crossroads, I certainly don't need it).

That is 6 points so far.

Of the advantages I pick:

-Charles Atlas Superpowers [-1](So I can be a badass and pose like JoJo)
-Comic Book Pretty[-1] (So I can be a kawaii badass and bonk miss militia)
-Man of Mistery[-1] (This way Contessa cannot fuck me over that much)
-Plot Armor[-2] (Because in the wormverse you need all the luck you can get)
-Special Snowflake[-1] (This way no one can mess with my powers)

All in all, in time I would become a Reality Hopping Super Magician (or penta magician, or wathever the hell Type-Moon would call someone mastering all 5 true magics).

That's pretty scary. The worst part is that I used more points in getting more advantages than getting superpowers. That means that If I had only 5 points like standard mode instead of god mode (I would pick Man of Mistery[-1]), the result would be more or less the same.

A very ample assorment of magical abilities and magecraft, not overly strong at the beggining (albeit with a pretty fast growth curve because of Inspired Inventor and the Knowledge Library), and potential for drama and badassery.

Shit, someone needs to write this seriously :'v
Unicrack 22 (Worm/Fate)
As I entered the car and took a hold of the steering wheel I was faced with a Plethora of questions. Well, not a plethora but a lot.

"What happened out there?" Taylor asked.

"Well", I began grinning. "let's just say I made them understand their actions. Apparently, Emma had a mental illness which is why she was behaving the way she was."

Taylor looked at me unconvinced.

"Don't worry, I cured her of it. Sophia though is a sociopath through and through, so I'm not sure what effects my little 'talk' had on her.

Greg was strangely silent.

"I...see.." Taylor said awkwardly. No, I don't think she saw. I chuckled at that causing her face to redden from embarrassment.

"So you guys want to go anywhere?" I asked as I started the engine and slowly drove out of Winslow and on to the Main road.

"Greg anywhere I can drop you off?"

Apparently, Greg was a car fanatic as well and was trying to figure out which one this was.

When he couldn't identify which on this was he immediately came out of his silent daze and started pouring forth questions upon questions.

The company, the year it was made in, every little question his little mind could think of.

It was nice to see there was someone who was curious about technology as I was. I just didn't show it much, and so I began answering his questions. One by one it was clear that this world has stagnated a lot. Most Likely from the end bringers. There was not a single supercar or anything even remotely close to a supercar in existence yet. Oh, supercars did exist. Just that most of them came from ToyBox and Tinkers.

"WAIT, SIXTEEN Cylinders!" Greg gasped his eyes wide.


"How?" He asked.

"What?" Taylor has joined the conversation. Even the girl who was no interest in Auto-motives realized it was simply ridiculous.

"By putting together two V-8's?" I tossed a guess and shrugged.

"But then the Engine must be HUGE!" He exclaimed opening his arms wide.

"It kind of has to be if it cranks out a 1001 Horsepower."

Taylor was silent.

Greg was silent.

and I was driving leisurely, grinning all the while.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!" Greg sceamed. Ah, there was the reaction I was looking for.

"Yeeees?" I said unable to wipe the stupid grin off my face.

The two of them stared at me...


"I said I'm sorry alright?" I apologized sheepishly, it was too much fun messing with them.

"It was still a dick move man," Greg said folding his hands.

"Oh come on it was pretty funny."

Both of them deadpanned simultaneously.


"It was not funny."

"You guys have no sense of humour!" I moaned as I came to a stop to the Library and dropped both of them off.

Apparently, Taylor didn't want to deal with cape business today.

I suppose that was fine.

I literally had all the time in the world.

Hmmm. What should I do?

Hmmm. Kind of bored right now.

Accessing PHO I find a message to me from Tattletale.

It seems the Travellers have arrived.

Well, time to get to work.

Stepping on the throttle, the Veyron roared as I let out a fraction of its power and raced down the road.


I arrived at one of the Endbringer Shelters owned by Fortress Construction. This one wasn't completed. But the fact that it was an Enbringer shelter made it the perfect hideout.

Parking the Veryon and switching it off I got out, briefcase in hand only to be greeted by Tattletale in a Coil costume... Looks like she took over his stuff.

I could tell she was grinning, and smug.

"Welcome back Otouto." Oh, that cheeky little brat. This was for the last time... Right well Jokes can wait after the situation with Noelle was resolved.

"I take it the travellers are here?"

"Yep," Her voice turned serious."I think you need to see her though, I've never seen anything like it. My power is not telling me much either." She rubbed her head clearly frustrated. Not surprising, Most shards are restricted so that people don't find out the truth about Zion.

She turned to me. "You know something. You know what is the cause of Noelle's problem?"

I nodded and lifted the briefcase slightly.

She glanced at it. "So you already have a cure?"


"Good, this way." I followed her into a secret entrance in the back. She placed her palm against the wall and a keypad popped out. She typed in a number that I was sure was larger than 20 digits before it released a beep and a hidden door opened.

I was led through the high tech base through twists and turns until she opened a door to a fairly Large and well-furnished room. Complete with a T.V. Sofa, an Air Conditioner, potted plants and even a large fridge and a vending machine.

Within the room were three people.

A girl in a wheelchair. Who looked as ordinary as she could be with a mop of auburn hair. Also the only one in the room without a mask, other than myself that was.

Next to her was a girl in a suit of black body armour emblazoned with red suns. I assume she was Sundancer.

Then there was a boy who sat his right leg on top of his left, laid back on the Sofa, consuming a cigarette, wearing a black costume with a red mask and a top hat.

Next to him was another boy, wearing a square mask and bulky, angular black armour, with hard-edged pads and pockets.

"Boss", the boy with the Tophat began turning to Lisa. "You've got a Job for us?"

"No, not now, however, I believe the deal was to get some help for your girlfriend? Well, this man has a cure." Tattletale said gesturing to me.

I stepped forward and lifted the Black Briefcase facing them and opened it showing the contents within, a Glass vial filled with glowing red liquid. "Indeed, this is the cure. All she has to do is drink it. Be careful not to waste it. This is a treasure worth Millions." All the members of the Travelers within the room got a bit closer to take a look at the Vial and trickster stood up walking towards me, disbelief and uncertainty etched on his face.


"Will this Really work?"

"Trickster, if it doesn't work I'll eat my own costume." Tattletale finished. Where did she get that kind of confidence from? or perhaps she found out something? It wouldn't be surprising considering her power.

The now named Trickster nodded then turned to me his eyes narrowed.

"Aren't you that new Independent that popped up, Gilgamesh right?" Trickster asked suspiciously. "Why would you help us? What do you get out of this?"

"Trickster," Sundancer whispered trying to stop him.

"It's fine, I would be more worried about him if he wasn't suspicious. As for what I get? I want you to stop being Villains in exchange." I stated my wish.

He turned to Tattletale who nodded in confirmation.

"is that all?" he questioned again turning to stare at the vial.


He took the vial and looked still having doubts "This will really cure Noelle?"

"Yes, there's no doubt about it." After all, it was a potion I created, the Liquid inside was a Power in Liquid form, created using Power Manipulation. A simple power.

Replace the old power and bring her to her peak health while curing any mental illnesses. If Noelle was given this not only would she be 'cured' but she would be as healthy as she could be for the rest of her life.

"Wait here. Sundancer keeps an eye on him. If this doesn't work..." he left the threat unfinished not caring of whether his 'Boss' that was Tattletale in Coil's costume was there or not. "Ballistic, Sundancer! Keep an eye on him, I'm going down to the Vault, to see Oliver and Noelle. and see if this works." He finished exiting the room.

"Sorry about him, he's stressed," Sundancer said apologetically.

"It's fine I get it," I say waving it off. "So where are you guys, from?"

She tensed a bit before answering. "Madison."

"Really? Not Earth Aleph?" Tattletale questioned and raised an Eyebrow.

"How-" her neck turned to her so fast I wouldn't be surprised if it had snapped.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone." she raised her hands in a placating motion.

After a minute of silence, she let out a breath. "What do you want?"

"What if you can all go home?"

"What?" It was clear that was not what she was expecting. She most likely was expecting some kind of blackmail.

"He can send you all back to Earth Aleph if you want to, just say the word," Tattletale said. "His powers are absolute Bullshit."

She stayed silent for a moment. "Bullshit?" She asked tilting her head in confusion.

Wait, what?

"Yeah." Tattletale placed a hand on the temple of her head and began rubbing it as if she had Migraine. "His power is Absolute bullshit. Power Limiter Removal removes the Limits of any parahuman he wants," Tattletale lifted her hand into a fist and opened her index finger. "Dragon grade Tinker tech created by his power, he doesn't have to spend a minute tinkering, his power does the tinkering for him and stores it in a pocket dimension which he can pull out of his ass." her middle finger joined the index finger, "He is a brute near Alexandria's Level," the ring finger joined. "He can open portals to other worlds which he can use to open a portal to Aleph and any other earth." her pinkie joined the other three fingers. "AND he could probably pull even more powers out from his ass!" She threw her hands out in the air in exasperation."

I sweated at that. How powerful is her thinker power? No. It's not if I was actually trying to hide my powers in the first place so it makes sense.

"Ridiculous." The girl in the wheelchair said in disbelief.

"I know! Thank you, Genesis!" Tattletale said sighing.

"Well, at least he's nice?" The boy with the bulky armour added shrugging his shoulders.

Tattletale deadpanned at him. "Ballistic, you're fired." Tattletale finished her tone dry as the Sahara desert.

"A portal?" Sundancer wondered.

I nod. waving my hand a rainbow-coloured portal opened beside me. Within the portal showed a remote city where not many people lived, but it was clear from Sundancers gasp that she recognized the place.

"Wait is that?" Ballistic muttered.

"Yep." I let out a grin.


Noelle was a sweet girl.

And Trickster whose real name is Krouse was a surprisingly a nice guy.


With Noelle now walking on her own two feet he didn't seem like the annoying person described in Worm at all.

In fact, he seemed like Bro material.

"Thank you so much." Noelle smiled a beautiful smile.

"Yeah, sorry for being suspicious earlier," He paused. "Cool Portal though." Well.

I think unworming them really helped. Eh. Eh?

Oh god, that was a horrible pun. I think Yang is affecting me.

I shrugged. "s fine. Don't thank me. Just make sure to live your life without regrets yeah?"

"Bye, bye." Sundancer waved. I liked that girl she seemed nice.

After they said there thanks and byes I closed the portal to earth Aleph and turned towards Tattletale.

She gestured me to the exit.

Soon I was out of the base and back in the Veyron. Tattletale next to me as I drove through the streets.

Well, that's one problem now taken care of, but there was no way Tattletale told them about my Kaleidoscope from the goodness of her heart.

"Oh, on. I can be nice sometimes." I rose an eyebrow at that. Maybe she is, maybe not, I can't say.

"Fine, it's not just the goodness of my heart. I don't think Noelle would have been stable much longer, and I'd rather not draw the attention of the protectorate when I can relax."

Well, that was one thing she and I could agree on except I like that occasional fights even if I did roll over most of my opponents.

"You know, if people saw us they would be wondering what kind of relationship we had for us to understand each other so well to hold a one-sided conversation."

I choked on air and nearly crashed.


I turned to her with a nasty glare.

She did this on purpose, I definitely know that. She simply grinned smugly as she removed her coil costume revealing her purple costume beneath it.

I would so get her back for this.

"Good luck with that."

Well, I think Neo could definitely one up her.

"Something tell's me you're thinking of bringing a disaster onto this world."

I raised an eyebrow at that, well Neo was an adorable Dumdum. So yes in a sense that was true.

"Well, this is my stop. I suppose you're going back to the protectorate?" She asked as I slowed down and stopped near the underside's base.

I closed my eyes in thought. Well, I could go back, on the other hand, I'm starting to feel a bit bored. Perhaps I should visit another world?

"I have a feeling you are going to cause a lot of trouble."

"Yep." Was all I said as I drove off leaving Tattletale behind to head of to my next destination.


"We've won this battle Kirei! Victory is ours!"

I stared at the man in front of me.

Tokiomi Tohsaka.

Looks like it worked.

I was here.

In this world that felt strangely of home, my armour felt like a comforting presence that would keep me safe and warm.

Well, Things were going to be interesting, I grinned internally.

Very interesting Indeed.
"We've won this battle Kirei! Victory is ours!"

I stared at the man in front of me.

Tokiomi Tohsaka.

Looks like it worked.

I was here.

In this world that felt strangely of home, my armour felt like a comforting presence that would keep me safe and warm.

Well, Things were going to be interesting, I grinned internally.

Very interesting Indeed.

Looks like the Maximum Overtroll Switch has been flipped.
Hmm. Was he summoned as a servant? I kinda like the mental image of them summoning Gilgamesh, and then him showing up as well. Twice the snark with even less of the tedious control!
Unicrack 23 (Fate)

Strength: B

Endurance: C

Agility: C
Mana: B

Luck: A

N.P: EX Gate Of Babylon

Fallout Manipulation -Shaker- Threat level 6

Magical Feathers -Changer - Threat level 5

Paint Generation -Changer- Threat Level 6

Fantasy World creation -Shaker- Threat level 10

Comic Book Pretty -Stranger- Threat level 1

Kaleidoscope -N/A- Threat level 12+

Power Manipulation (PM) -Trump- Threat level 12+ (Charges Remaining 5)

Power Manipulation Charge Storage - Trump - Threat level 12+ (Current Charges Stored: 53)

One For All- Changer/Brute/Striker/Mover - Threat level 11

Astralization - Stranger - Threat level 5

Telekinesis - Shaker - Threat level 5

Golden Print - Blaster - 0

Sharingan/Mangyekyou - Thinker/Shaker/changer/Blaster - Threat 9

Technokinesis (30M) - Master/Thinker - 6

Time Divider (Coil's Power) - Shaker 7

(New) Weapon Mastery - Thinker 9

I looked around.

The church huh?


"I bid you welcome Oh, King of kings, Gilgamesh Uruk. I humbly request permission to serve as your vassal."

I glanced over to the man who was bowing, one underneath his stomach and the two men beside him. Risei Kotomine and Kirei Kotomine.

Assassin was most likely hiding in the shadows.

A plan began to form in my head.

Hmmmm. Yes, that will do.

"You may raise your head, Tohsaka Tokiomi."

I watched in amusement as Tokiomi raised his head, all three of them surprised that I knew his name.

"My King, may I ask how you knew my name."

"Hmph. The only reason I knew your name is because there are three heroic spirits connected to your name. Two directly and one indirectly."

"Impossible, I haven't even seen a Heroic Spirit before this." Tokiomi gasped.

"Magus! Have you forgotten? The Throne of Heroes exists outside of space and time, or did you not know this?"

"Forgive me, I had not considered that my king, If I may ask, who are these heroic spirits?"

I shook my head. "That is something you have to prove yourself worthy of Tokiomi. for now, however, I presume that you have prepared quarters that would be fit for a king? Surely you did not aim to summon me without preparations?"

"Of course My King."

"Good, before that tell me. What is your wish for the Holy grail?"

"To Reach the Swirl of the Root. That is the Goal of All Magi."

"I see."

I just wanted to confirm it.

"Well", I let out a small smile. I suppose this might be fun. "Shall we get this started?"


I was on top of the roof of the Tohsaka manor in full Golden Armour waiting for Assassin to arrive.

On the surface Tokiomi's plan was genius. But for someone who was not a traditional magus, it would be highly suspicious. IE Kiritsugu.

I didn't have to wait for long before I spotted a man in all black wearing a white skull mask to dance into the Tohsaka courtyard dodging the wards and invisible magical traps with all the nimbleness of a cat as he headed towards the gems that powered the wards, intent on destroying it.

I wonder how I should take him out?

Rain low-level Noble phantasms on him?

Sure why not.

I think there was a saying, don't try to fix what wasn't broken. or was it if it works don't fix it?

Well, I didn't care.

"Too Easy."

Too easy assassin? Well, have a taste of easy!

Several Golden portals appeared behind me as I fired them from the gate, all of them towards assassin at supersonic speeds. The air cracked with sonic booms and Assassin didn't even have time to say anything as he was skewered from several directions with spears and swords. The ground cratered from the force of the noble phantasms raising a small cloud of dust. AS the cloud cleared it revealed his skewered body as it slowly evaporated into blue particles and disappeared, Spiritrons if I remember correctly.



That was all?

I let out a sigh. Not even a fight. Well, this was Assassin. What should I expect?


"I'm very grateful King of Kings. King of heroes Gilgamesh."

While I like respect, this type of grovelling got on my nerves. However, I didn't voice it out.

"Your actions tonight will establish your prowess as the King of heroes. They will also reveal which foes we must hunt down. Please stay your hand a little longer."

I looked at the man who had bowed his head.

I let out an audible sigh.

"Raise your head Tokiomi."

I watch him in silence as the man raised his head. His right hand holding a glass of wine.

"For the time being, I shall amuse myself with some exploring. This age is rather fascinating to me."

"Is the modern world to your liking?"

"Indeed it is, in this day and age where mankind reigns supreme. They do not depend on Gods to help them at all. Every accomplishment done has been through their own effort and ingenuity. Humanity has even reached the moon itself. Something that has never been done, something not even the greatest of mages or heroes have even considered doing in the age of the gods. Of course, I can easily reach the moon if I wish to but still, for humanity to do it without the help of gods or magic? Quite frankly I'm very pleased with how humanity has grown."

"They may have lost the strength and magic of old but now it seems like humanity values knowledge over strength, something I find very wise indeed. Not only that war is almost completely gone. It might not be a Utopia however such a change on a worldwide scale in very impressive. Tokiomi, I look forward to enjoying this world. For that, I shall reward you with anything your heart may desire. tell me what you wish as a reward?"

I let out a satisfied smile as I watched his fear fall away and replaced with a myriad of emotions.

"To Reach the Swirl of the Root, my King, that is my only desire."

I nodded. "Very well, this is within my power to grant," I grinned internally at his shocked face, "Tokiomi Tohsaka if that is all you wish for then abandon the Holy Grail because if that is truly your wish then it is a rather simple matter for me. I can take you there, to the Root itself should you wish for it."

Tokiomi eyes opened wide.

"Abandon the Grail and I shall personally take you to the root. Before that, however, make whatever preparations you wish I suggest informing your family of this after all even with my presence dissuading the Root's Guardian's you may not survive. However, since you are my vassal now I will personally make sure you are unharmed."

Of course, I wasn't going to take him to the Nasuverse root if I did it would grant Tokiomi true magic.

That is if he survives the trip.

No, I was taking him somewhere else a different root, the Root of a different dimension to be precise, one where at least I have would have much more control over the situation.

The reaction I received next was even far more amusing.

Tokiomi fainted.

And I burst out laughing.

This was too funny.


Okay seriously?

I get it that you're a battle maniac but still goading another servant especially ones that you had no idea of who they were was not a good Idea.

I deastalized myself as I made myself visible in the battlefield facing Iskandar as I levitated in the air using Telekinesis.

Should I go the Original Gilgamesh route?

Nah...I think it would be pretty funny if I just introduced myself.

"Greetings, fellow Kings, I am Gilgamesh King of Kings summoned in the Archer class."

"HO, Gilgamesh eh? I'm Iskandar The King of Conquerers himself! Though you seem a bit young." He said rubbing his chin.

I grinned.

"Really? Yes, yes, I suppose you are telling the truth you look exactly as depicted. As for my youth? Well, I do have a Potion of Youth with me if someone desires it."

"Oh, Interesting." A glint crossed Iskandar's eye. " Wait, Depicted? Where did you see me depicted? I didn't know I was that well known!" He said before letting out a belly laugh.

"That is perhaps I shall show you another time. Regardless-"

A gust of wind interrupted me as black smoke emitted on the ground before fading revealing a knight covered in dark miasma with a glowing red visor.



"Hey King of Conquerors, aren't you going to invite him?" Diarmuid sarcastically asked.

"He doesn't seem terribly interested in Negotiating to begin with does he?"

Hmm. What to do what to do?

Well, I had a lot of weapons within the Gate, the Original Gilgamesh never mastered them well, except Enkidu.

Besides, I've been itching for a fight for a while now.

Which is strange because I'm a pretty chill guy who likes to avoid fights...

Meh, I'll think about this later.

I activated a power that I haven't used since I've copied it.

One for All.

Slowly calling forth I summoned forth about one-fifth of its power and began to channel it.

Unlike Almight's muscle form of Midoriya's Lightning cloak, the outward effects of one for all were different. My body emitted a slight blue glow to indicate that One for all was active.

My physical stats, however? That was a whole another story.

Strength: B -> A

Endurance: C - B

Agility: C - B

One-Fifth of One for All raised my physical stats by a whole rank, However, I couldn't fight him yet.

Fight fire with fire!

All five charges of Power Manipulation I used to create a power that allowed me to wield any weapon that I held as if I had mastered it.

A power to counter Berserker's [Knight of Owner].

With that done.

I grinned as excitement filled me and my blood started pumping.

A portal opened behind me as I grasped the handle of the sword that came out then I dropped to the ground releasing the telekinetic hold on myself and facing berserker.

Durandal, the peerless Sword.

Berserker let out a roar as he summoned a blade as well.


"That blade." Saber whispered. "It can't be." Saber gasped as she recognized the blade. How could she not? The dark blade was a blade once belonging to one of her knights. "Sir Lancelot? Why?" she whispered.

I ignored everything else my focus directed at the mad dog in front of me, my new power activated the moment I touched Durandal. I knew how to hold it, how to block, how to parry and most importantly how to wield it. I stared at him and he stared back at me, his mind clouded with uncontrollable rage.

I let both my hands down, my right clutching Durandal, my muscles loose ready to contract at a moments notice. my armour clanked somehow not hindering my moments in the slightest despite being made of gold and silk. My breath evened out as spread my legs slightly rooting myself to the ground firmly. In that instant Berserker let out a gurgling roar as he charged at me the concrete shattering under his feet from the sheer force he exerted. A second later he was above me bringing Arondight in a downward slash.

It was only my recently activated instinct from some of the memories I had recovered from my past 'life' with the combination of the power that I had just created that allowed me to block Lancelot's strike. My left hand joined my right on Durandal's hilt as I flowed through and danced against berserker's strikes. Durandal clashed against Arondight in a beautiful symphony sending sparks flying.

My blood sang as I tilted my head to the side narrowly evading a fatal blow Lancelot had tried to deal, giving me an opening in his almost perfect form and I didn't hesitate to strike out increasing One for All's output for an instant, increasing all my physical stats by another rank for an instant. Even with madness enhancement clouding his mind he had still retained a lot of his sword skills. Though nowhere as it would be he summoned as a Saber. Durandal's peerless blade stuck Lancelot's armour on the chest in that instant with my innate natural strength combined One for All, the Armour groaned as it fought against the peerless blade to protect it, the wearer. However, unlike Arondight the Amour was a D- rank noble phantasm. It couldn't hold a candle to Durandal as it crumpled and gave way allowing Durandal to slice through.

Berserker was sent flying through the air and through several steel crates. I let breathed deeply letting air into my lungs as my heart throbbed from the adrenaline. "Seriously how in the world are you a berserker with that kind of swordsmanship? I can only imagine how you would be if summoned as a Saber."

My only answer was a roar.

My Blood sang as I let a grin. Holding my blade at the ready I waited for Lancelot to emerge. I didn't have to wait long before the Armoured Berserker let out a feral roar. Rushing through the smoke towards me. The armour on his chest was cracked, gouged, and bleeding courtesy of Durandal.

"Come," I said grinning, he answered. Durandal sang as we clashed blades again. This feeling of euphoria. My blood singing through me, I let out a warcry as well rushing to meet him head-on.


Saber watched the battle her mind conflicted. On one hand, Sir Lancelot was one of her Knights, on the other this was a Holy grail war and her Master was Kiritsugu.

Lancelot or Kiritsugu?

Lancelot definitely. However, she had to protect Lady Irisviel. If Rider wasn't here at this moment she wouldn't have hesitated to side with Lancelot, Lancer, however, was honourable and she knew he wouldn't attack Lady Irisviel. Rider, on the other hand, she had no knowledge of.

The King of Heroes, Gilgamesh. Known as the first hero and King. His Legend dated back so long ago that even during her time he was a Legend.

Gilgamesh seemed like a nice person but she would side with her knight. Still, why would Lancelot be summoned as a Berserker? As the King of Heroes had mentioned he would have been more suitable as a Saber. she recognized Lancelot's style. The sudden yet accurate slashes with Arondight. In contrast, Gilgamesh seemed to flow like water dodging blocking and striking back, his Armour and body slightly glowed a blue outline.

Some sort of reinforcement magic perhaps?

Regardless he kept a watchful eye on the battle and around her as she stood beside Irisviel her sword at the ready.


Wait, what?!

How did Lancelot recognize her through the mad enhancement unless...

Unless the reason for his madness was her fault somehow.


Berserker was strong, very strong, it strained my instincts and reaction times to the limit. Ducking weaving blocking and striking whenever I find an opening. As a Berserker had got a few hits on me. Even with my power. Fighting against a Mad person was very unpredictable. Still, my armour protected from any damage.

Still, I was getting tired, I was not a real servant and I couldn't survive on just Mana. Fighting Lancelot the Knight of the Unfading Lake head-on was almost impossible. If he was a Saber that is. However, since he was a Berserker his skill was affected and so was his swordsmanship. Which left me a lot of openings to exploit. Evident by the number of cuts that were on his Armour. He was bleeding so much. Yet he was still swung as strongly as he had at the start of the battle.

All of a sudden he stopped. Why?

I looked at him and he was staring past me, something to my left?


Well, that answers that.

Should I end it here or let him pass?

I decide to let him pass. I step out of his way as he charged toward Saber his fight with me all but forgotten.

King Gilgamesh, please return.

Very well, I hope you have a good reason for calling me back, I was beginning to enjoy my time here.

I wasn't angry with him but I did want to keep up the appearances atleast for a while.

I let out a breath as my racing heart began to calm down and the adrenaline died down.

Durandal faded into particles of Gold as I returned it to the treasury.

"Well, My vassal has requested my presence. We can talk another time King of Conquerors."

"I look forward to it." He smiled widely, extending a hand. I shook it and turned into my astral form sparing one last glance to where Saber was fighting against Berserker before lifting myself through Telekinesis and heading back towards the Tohsaka mansion.



"Yes, we believe Caster is behind the Kidnappings. At this rate, the existence of Magecraft might leak to the outside world." Risei said.

"Indeed and that would cause chaos, especially if the Holy Grail war is discovered." Tokiomi finished.

"I see, and why did you call me from the battlefield?"

"It's about to become dawn." He said pointing out to the window as the sky was tinted purple. The sun hadn't risen yet nor was it visible in any way.

I don't believe his excuse but I'll leave it as it is.

I dismissed my armour revealing my casual purple shirt and camo pants and began to walk out the door.

"I'm going to explore, call me if you need anything," I said waving my left hand I left the mansion with both hands in my pocket.

"Thank you, my king." I didn't turn back as I exited the building.

The cold morning air was pleasant and did wonders for my mood. I was going to find a Hotel and crash. I was tired and unlike a servant, I couldn't go on with just mana.

With a yawn, I headed to the city, time to get some Zs.


"I'm sorry but I cannot let you in without an ID."

I took a gold bar and placed in on the counter wordlessly.


"One minute, please." Money makes the world go round...

I didn't have to wait long.

"Right this way sir. Do you have any luggage?"

I shook my head in denial as I was led to my room.

Said room had good Air conditioning. A King sized bed, a Sofa, a large tv, a bathroom with a shower, and a great view of the Fuyuki bridge.

"Is there anything you need sir?"

"No, thanks."

"Very well, if you need anything you can give a call with the landline, Breakfast is at 8 am. Lunch is at 1 pm. Dinner is at 6 pm and supper at 9 pm. The swimming and gym facilities are on the 3rd floor. "

"Thank you."

As soon as he left I closed the door and jumped into bed and closed my weary eyes.

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Comic Book Pretty -Stranger- Threat level 1
Kaleidoscope -N/A- Threat level 12+
Power Manipulation (PM) -Trump- Threat level 12+ (Charges Remaining 5)
Power Manipulation Charge Storage - Trump - Threat level 12+ (Current Charges Stored: 53)
Time Divider (Coil's Power) - Shaker 7

Just read the story...
Why does your character have Worm powers(Like Power manipulation), as you didn't take any?
It's okay if you want those powers, just write them in.

Using them without that is weird.
Remember, you had 10 points, and used 6 for Gilgamesh and 4 for wildcards.
These powers...you did not buy them.
Last edited:
I'm surprised you did not make a beeline for loli rin and sakura.
Just read the story...
Why does your character have Worm powers(Like Power manipulation), as you didn't take any?
It's okay if you want those powers, just write them in.

Using them without that is weird.
Remember, you had 10 points, and used 6 for Gilgamesh and 4 for wildcards.
These powers...you did not buy them.

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