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"The Library of Nostaprim.
You know, when I first heard about it I didn't believe it actually existed. A huge underground library, full of ancient texts and collections of prized artifacts? Sounds almost to good to be true.
Even you have to admit that sounds like the product of an overactive immagination.
And now I'm really here, I still can't belive it...

Yeah, yeah, I know we need to hurry, just let me savour the moment."

Timothy Ramson, thanks to a family friend who was recently raised to the rank of exalt, was brought along on an expedition to look into some newly discovered Tu Heirn Da ruins. They hit the motherlode. Unfortunately the natives held the ruins sacred, especially the statue of a woman that Timothy was adamant they needed to take.

"Participation in at least ten battles. Notable performance in at least one. Surviving at least two weeks alone in the swamps. Proof of mastery in at least one melee and one ranged weapon. Usually those last two come after this point, but this is pretty much the infoscroll definition of, "situation dictates". Still, you've finally made it to the interview. So, why do you feel you should allowed to join The Blessed."
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"Participation in at least ten battles. Notable performance in at least one. Surviving at least two weeks alone in the swamps. Proof of mastery in at least one melee and one ranged weapon. Usually those last two come after this point, but this is pretty much the infoscroll definition of, "situation dictates". Still, you've finally made it to the interview. So, why do you feel you should allowed to join The Blessed."
Lomme ''Stamper'' Xuda, One of the many feared handlers and recruiters among the Blessed, he's different among his peers in his soft interview approuch of verbally and emotionally abusing recruits to test their strength of will.

"So Master, it's been many moons since we parted ways the day the Servile rebellion started. I know it's hard for you to speak as death so very close now.

"What do you want Frangil?, there is no way for you leave Kinzu alive, your army is far away and your alone."

"Father, for everything you have taught me, you forgot the most important lesson of all.

If you rule by fear, then lead away from away from the idea of hope."

I have made the Empire afraid of the idea of killing me and invited me here to see if there is any chance of peace by letting me say good bye to you."

"Will there be peace?"

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"So Master, it's been many moons since we parted ways the day the Servile rebellion started. I know it's hard for you to speak as death so very close now.

"What do you want Frangil?, there is no way for you leave Kinzu alive, your army is far away and your alone."

"Father, for everything you have taught me, you forgot the most important lesson of all.

If you rule by fear, then lead away from away from the idea of hope."

I have made the Empire afraid of the idea of killing me and invited me here to see if there is any chance of peace by letting me say good bye to you."

"Will there be peace?"

OOC: i think i over did it.
OOC: i think i over did it.
No, I love it!
It wasn't easy, but I think I made it all fit without contradicting anything. XD
This is a long one:
"So Master, it's been many moons since we parted ways the day the Servile rebellion started. I know it's hard for you to speak as death so very close now.

"What do you want Frangil?, there is no way for you leave Kinzu alive, your army is far away and your alone."

"Father, for everything you have taught me, you forgot the most important lesson of all.

If you rule by fear, then lead away from away from the idea of hope."

I have made the Empire afraid of the idea of killing me and invited me here to see if there is any chance of peace by letting me say good bye to you."

"Will there be peace?"

Discussion between Frangil and his father, Firgahax the one eyed who was a prisoner in the impirial palace of "Bluerock" in the Tu Heirn Da Capitol at the time. 798 years and 5 months before the rebellion

Frangil had been invited there to find a peacefull solution to the slave uprising that gripped the empire. He was such a polarizing figure, that killing him would have definitly ignited civil war, as even parts of the upper casts respected him and his goals as noble.
Frangil however, who had lost his daughter to the empire's chains years ago, never wanted peace and only went there as a distraction.
While his army of liberated slaves withdrew and solidified their positions, Frangil himself intended to smuggle a nest of white Jira-Snakes, which were infected with the dreaded Laruvian Fever, directly into the impirial palace. The palace was the centre of the Tu Heirn Da's political power and he hoped to wipe out enough of it's command structure to leave them vulnurable.
Even though everybody, even Frangil himself, expected him to die, he was saved by a group of slaves that had escaped the slave legions on their own.
They were all veterans of countless battles and had been in the capitol many times. When they heard that Frangil was there and the talks were going badly, they rushed there and, led by a young man named Silharas, managed, against all odds, to spirit him to safety. Amazingly, none of them was infected.
In the skirmishes that followed Frangil came to rely heavily on Silharas and the support of his regiment of elite soldiers which ended up with them having a great deal of prominence and influence after the war when the slave uprising established its new home on the island of Sen. They formed the honour guard of the spiritual leaders of the revolution and took up the moniker of "The Blessed"
Over the last centuries the Blessed have taken up different roles on the island of Sen, but their political influence remains formidable to this day.
They have their own hirarchy, traditions and even their own patron animal spirit which they worship.

Frangil's army never really did exploit the opening that he had hoped to create because the Laruvian Fever was not contained in time. Instead of 'only' infecting most of the high ranking members of the court and the senior military leadership the disease spread like wildfire. As scouts reported seeing whole towns depopulated by it, the former slaves realized the danger, turned their backs, left the continent and built themselves a new home across the waves, vowing to never go back.
The Empire however, collapsed almost completely under the strain of both civil unrest and the waves of death that eminated from the nations capitol, leaving their portion of the continent a lawless mass grave for almost a a hundred years.
And while Frangil was heralded as a hero by his people, his name was cursed on the mainland for a long time.

OOC: That got a little out of hand. When I started out I just wanted to give the Blessed some history :) I hope it all makes sense.
OOC: What we also need is a timeline of what has chronologically happened in the unnamed world.
Sorry for replying so late, had some stuff come up.
Anyway, roughly it looks like this:

~800 years ago: the Tu Heirn da empire collapsed (and the slaves founded their nation on Sen)
~120 years ago: 7 artifacts where stolen from the Duhneri, they invaded and the order of the Laughing Star gained power by helping to defeat them.
~5-10 years ago: the invasion of Sen by the NEC started
~1 year ago: rebellion against the crown started and ended
~now: Alehi Il'uDavann's kids have their adventures, Tiobalt gets killed by the knight with the rusty saw, ...
It was never stated when exactly the follower's hunt for the vessels takes place, but I assume its still going strong, so I guess Valiant Reboute might still live.

This is all the major stuff off top of my head. I'll have to check the compendium for more accurate details.
Also, when putting together the narrative in my head I assume most things happen in the present time unless there is a date added.
With some things shifting around a bit from context.
I might put together something a bit more detailed in the future, but I probably won't have the time for a while. If anybody else wants to take a crack at it, I'll gladly threadmark it.

"As agreed, the first 5000 now, the other half when Alehi Il'uDavann and his houshold are dead.
But make sure it can't be connected to you, make it look like the rebels did it or something like that. With all the shit thats going on in the city at the moment that shouldn't be hard."
"As agreed, the first 5000 now, the other half when Alehi Il'uDavann and his houshold are dead.
But make sure it can't be connected to you, make it look like the rebels did it or something like that. With all the shit thats going on in the city at the moment that shouldn't be hard."

-Words attributed to Atarl of the scales. Who's dedication to maintaining the peace of his city was as legendary as it was terrifying.

"You always ask what we see.

Failing lies the Queen, A victim of foreign lies.
Rage like fire grips the household.
From the lowest, to most high.
Broken Sits the king, A corpse light in his eyes.

You never do like the answers..."
"You always ask what we see.

Failing lies the Queen, A victim of foreign lies.
Rage like fire grips the household.
From the lowest, to most high.
Broken Sits the king, A corpse light in his eyes.

You never do like the answers..."
-- Yagar Beherimot, the "Harbinger of Grief"
She was one of the oldest of the old in the faraway land of Ziqebe. She had delved so deeply into her esoteric arts that her thoughts moved in strange spirals and her mind was a palace of crystaline laughter. Feared and Revered in equal measure, many people came to her to learn from her wisdom and hear her advice.
Most only visited her only once, and never spoke of it afterwards.

"Mother, what have you done?"
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-- Yagar Beherimot, the "Harbinger of Grief"
She was one of the oldest of the old in the faraway lands Ziqebe. She had delved so deeply into her esoteric arts that her thoughts moved in strange spirals and her mind was a palace of crystaline laughter. Feared and Revered in equal measure, many people came to her to learn from her wisdom and hear her advice.
Most only visited her only once, and never spoke of it afterwards.

"Mother, what have you done?"

- The Lady Danielle. 'On the eve of Rebellion' Act 2 scene 5.

I saw them then, coming from the mists. The weak rays of a morning sun giving their serried ranks a touch of shine.
A horn blast sounded to the rear of the besiegers. Another.
"Ho there, how fares The King."
Salvation had come.
- The Lady Danielle. 'On the eve of Rebellion' Act 2 scene 5.

I saw them then, coming from the mists. The weak rays of a morning sun giving their serried ranks a touch of shine.
A horn blast sounded to the rear of the besiegers. Another.
"Ho there, how fares The King."
Salvation had come.

An excerpt from a tattered book found in a ruined section of the Library of Nostaprim, believed to detail an early victory during the final slave uprising or the breaking of a riot some two hundred years prior. In both cases the king's castle was besieged, then taken back by a force of soldiers in the early morn.

" Look Ma'am- I mean Old Lady! Old Lady! Just look, see things from my point of view. If you can't tell just from how I speak, I'm not like the other kids. I'm analytical, logical. I can't just feel this stuff out. Explain in no uncertain terms what it means to "Burst", what happens within your body, show me a few dozen times. It's the only way I'll learn."
" Look Ma'am- I mean Old Lady! Old Lady! Just look, see things from my point of view. If you can't tell just from how I speak, I'm not like the other kids. I'm analytical, logical. I can't just feel this stuff out. Explain in no uncertain terms what it means to "Burst", what happens within your body, show me a few dozen times. It's the only way I'll learn."
-- Bilal, third month of training under the crone of old millers crossing. Still struggling with the fact that "old lady" was a proper honorific as far as his teacher was concerned.
At that point they were still a little unsure of what to expect from each other and their pupil/teacher relationship, but over time they grew to respect and like each other very much. Some might even say they loved each other in a certain way.
He was the only one of Erinya's pupils that learned from her some of the secret arts of her people from across the salt wastes and she, in turn, was the only person Bilal ever told of his strange, almost vision like dreams.

- - -

"Silka, Naha sirathul! Sol Sangruhl bekhania mor tahu grana Doxithon. Raharua, unmania tel tamok!"

(Stop, you may go no further! You stand before the Sangruhl, the gate to the grand city of Doxithon. State your name and your intentions, turn back or die!)

" Tifniha solma, orhal seblerro Terionla zin. Onlada mago ig surka sol kanazu ter harua bohileo sinm.. or! .... hmm... Or, uh..., bohelio! Harua bohelio sinmahi Vinganza, iltenki mohigihu gerako vert ter gerato lorka."

(Good greetings, we are here with blessing of Terionla. Our names not important, but we seek intercourse wi.. no! ...hmm... No, uh.., audience! We seek audience with the great Vinganza in a matter urgent that must discuss we with only him and him alone.)
"Silka, Naha sirathul! Sol Sangruhl bekhania mor tahu grana Doxithon. Raharua, unmania tel tamok!"

(Stop, you may go no further! You stand before the Sangruhl, the gate to the grand city of Doxithon. State your name and your intentions, turn back or die!)

" Tifniha solma, orhal seblerro Terionla zin. Onlada mago ig surka sol kanazu ter harua bohileo sinm.. or! .... hmm... Or, uh..., bohelio! Harua bohelio sinmahi Vinganza, iltenki mohigihu gerako vert ter gerato lorka."

(Good greetings, we are here with blessing of Terionla. Our names not important, but we seek intercourse wi.. no! ...hmm... No, uh.., audience! We seek audience with the great Vinganza in a matter urgent that must discuss we with only him and him alone.)

Il'uDavann's sixth-born daughter, translating for her near identical twin, the second-born son. She was a young prodigy, a polyglot who loved to learn languages, living and dead. Despite speaking a dialect of "lizard speak" of at least three centuries old, she managed to more or less figure out the Lani's current speech after listening to the guards for several minutes.

He was a naturally brilliant speaker and leader. If not for the rebellion the very existence of the second-born son would have ensured a civil war in spite of his own desires. It is only the belief that her brother could talk his way into godhood if he so chose that allowed the sixth-born to suggest seeking the help of the Lani.

"Is that Birdy?! You thieving magpie, I haven't seen you in ages, how's the old gang?"

"You!" *pulls knife*

"Woah! Hey! *disarms her* Why are you trying to kill me?"

*slips out another knife* "When did you learn to fight, betrayer?"
"Is that Birdy?! You thieving magpie, I haven't seen you in ages, how's the old gang?"

"You!" *pulls knife*

"Woah! Hey! *disarms her* Why are you trying to kill me?"

*slips out another knife* "When did you learn to fight, betrayer?"
-- Conversation between Bilal and Old Birdy after they met at 'Birdy's Bar', many years after they had last seen each other. This took place when Bilal noticed the Tavern's name and decided to stay for a drink and a hot meal on his way south after leaving Erinya.
Their meeting, even though it starting a little rocky, was a hearty one and the two old friends talked about their adventures for many hours. Afterwards, Bilal left to head further south and Birdy, who's suspicions that the Della'yori had not kept their word to spare her friends had been confirmed by Bilal resolved to destroy her employers.

Bilal had been the youngest member of a gang of street urchins which begged, tricked, conned or outright stole from anybody that entered their territory. They even pulled off some surprisingly daring and clever heists by breaking into the manors of wealthy citizens through the servant entrances or the sewers. On one such occasion they stole from the Della'yori busness syndicate, who did not take kindly to it and used their considerable resources to hunt down the gang of kids. They captured them and even managed to get Birdy to work for them.
They managed to capture all of the gang, exept for Bilal, who was detained on his way to their meeting point by a member of the city watch who had recognized him after the gang had liftet his coin purse in the week before.
When young Bilal finally escaped after a thorough thrashing he found that all his companions were gone and that he was once again alone. After failing to find them for over a month Bilal moved on until he finally met the old crone of Miller's crossing.

So I'm back after a busy week. I have to say, fitting this together with everything we already know about Birdy and Bilal without contradicting anything was harder than I thought it would be :)

Also, I updated the Compendium again, especially the mentioned people tab, which should now hold most of the relevant information.
So if you need some quick info, check there, and search for the names in the other tabs if you want more specific details/quotes.
I also moved some quotes around so that connected ones are mostly next to each other.

Also also, our mentioned people tab now includes ~80 names, which is pretty cool imho. Thank you all for contributing!

"I have something for you, a job to finally prove you are worthy of the title of master.
Let me give you a little history lesson:
The society of the Diade was once the dominant culture in the northen deserts before the Duhneri wiped them out. Now they are spread everywhere and nowhere. Homeless wanderers that meet in old sacred places.
Their leaders are known as the Diachan, who in turn elect the Nos Diacha, or 'First Servant', from their ranks. The Nos Diacha is responsible for the wellbeing of all the remaining clans, and their word carries great weight in the Diade society.

Each tribe also has a spiritual leader known as the Olgahi or 'Black Shaman'. The identity of the Olgahi is a closely guarded secret that only members of the tribe or very dear and trusted friends ever have the honour of being told about.

Now, the reason I am telling you all this is because the Olgahi also select one amongst their number to act as a leader of sorts, known as the Mor Olgacha. I haven't found a proper translation for that yet but the literal translation is roughly 'Enlightend Jailer' and as far as I found it means something like 'Keeper of sacred Secrets'.

Anyway, thats all not important, whats important is that the Mor Olgacha is the custodian of something called the Malachant, some fancy Diade amulet. It is their most holy posession and an unbroken line of Mor Olgachas has guarded it since the fall of their culture.

I want you to steal it!"

- Atarl of the Scales. Acting the part of a freelance contractor Hired a cadre of expert thieves. Who, wearing the colors of the House Arii, absconded with the The Malachant and placed it within the families vaults. It's recovery bringing about the near total destruction of the free city of Golithi, a rival trade port on the Seloa Peninsula. The Clans of the Diade have been a passive if monitored people ever since.


"Well nothing for it then, Tis a Bloody day lads, Run up the guns! Lets show'em a Century free of slavery! Let's show'em what a navy really is!"
- Atarl of the Scales. Acting the part of a freelance contractor Hired a cadre of expert thieves. Who, wearing the colors of the House Arii, absconded with the The Malachant and placed it within the families vaults. It's recovery bringing about the near total destruction of the free city of Golithi, a rival trade port on the Seloa Peninsula. The Clans of the Diade have been a passive if monitored people ever since.


"Well nothing for it then, Tis a Bloody day lads, Run up the guns! Lets show'em a Century free of slavery! Let's show'em what a navy really is!"
Senior Post-Captain Sondr Ha'ign, commanding VRS Sankt-Vantic, at the start of the Battle of the Namras Strait. Though he would be martyr'd in the battle, his example rallied the outnumbered Vanetican forces, and lead to the most humiliating defeat that the Wallminan Navy had ever suffered. In the end, the losses at Namras hurt Wallmina far more than Vanetica, costing them the war, and leading to the fall of the Third Dorint Ministry, which had promised a 'short, victorious war' with their southern neighbor, and delivered a long, bloody debacle. Captain Ha'ign would have been disappointed to learn that the incoming Wallac Ministry did not outlaw slavery as the Vaneticans had, though that day did eventually come.

"Three days. We have three days of food left, no more. Plenty of water, but if we don't find food or rescue soon, we're done for."
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"Three days. We have three days of food left, no more. Plenty of water, but if we don't find food or rescue soon, we're done for."
Colonel Halvord of the 3rd regiment. He led a group of scouts that was attached to the first expedition into the tunnels that Gelwin's excavation breached. They were sent to examine a tunnel that followed an underground stream, but were cut off when a cave in collapsed the tunnels behind them.
The expedition, led by Exalt Carahal, eventually cleared the cave in, but by that time the scouts had long since ventured deeper into the network of caves, hoping to find another way out.

OOC: I'm really enjoying this Atarl of the Scales character. Such a magnificent bastard.

"Have you ever been to the Seloa Peninsula? Great land I tell ya. They have walking mountains, no joke. Called Behemountales. Huge as the king's palace they are, with big ears and and huge scales. Some of them even have plants growing on them. Some even have trees! I tells ya, them really big one's they be scary. Many eyes, tusks and six legs they have, some even have eight.
They all looks different though, them people there tell me they never saw two that looked alike.
Believe you me, those are scary buggers, glad we don't have them here."
Colonel Halvord of the 3rd regiment. He led a group of scouts that was attached to the first expedition into the tunnels that Gelwin's excavation breached. They were sent to examine a tunnel that followed an underground stream, but were cut off when a cave in collapsed the tunnels behind them.
The expedition, led by Exalt Carahal, eventually cleared the cave in, but by that time the scouts had long since ventured deeper into the network of caves, hoping to find another way out.

OOC: I'm really enjoying this Atarl of the Scales character. Such a magnificent bastard.

"Have you ever been to the Seloa Peninsula? Great land I tell ya. They have walking mountains, no joke. Called Behemountales. Huge as the king's palace they are, with big ears and and huge scales. Some of them even have plants growing on them. Some even have trees! I tells ya, them really big one's they be scary. Many eyes, tusks and six legs they have, some even have eight.
They all looks different though, them people there tell me they never saw two that looked alike.
Believe you me, those are scary buggers, glad we don't have them here."

- Kalimbath. Famed for Kalimbath's Colossal Creature Compendium. Was considered an excellent travel guide writer but not a very good natural philosopher. The 'Behemountales' referred to are in fact the name collectively given to several ancient species of reptile given new life and form through magic. And while quite massive not nearly the size of palace, much less a mountain.

OOC: I see your Hobbit and raise you a Jurassic Park :V :D
- Kalimbath. Famed for Kalimbath's Colossal Creature Compendium. Was considered an excellent travel guide writer but not a very good natural philosopher. The 'Behemountales' referred to are in fact the name collectively given to several ancient species of reptile given new life and form through magic. And while quite massive not nearly the size of palace, much less a mountain.

OOC: I see your Hobbit and raise you a Jurassic Park :V :D

I had hoped somebody would do something like that :)
Its why I made it sound so drunk/deranged, so his statement can be taken with a tiny grain of salt.

Anyway, you should post a quote of your own, so the thread can continue.

Eh-he-he Whoops!


"Silence, silence all of you! We are the Lords of this land, not a howling mob! There is work to be done!"
Eh-he-he Whoops!


"Silence, silence all of you! We are the Lords of this land, not a howling mob! There is work to be done!"

Lord Nocev Bell, uncle to Captain Yuani Bell and Elder Lord of the Bell/Merduc Province in the High Senate of the Senavar Republic. During the unification, when this was spoken, there were times that they truly were more of a howling mob than anything else. Historians agree, for good or ill managing to force through the unification past all opposition is one of the few things Farfarian could truly take pride in.

"How are Dawnbreaker and Duskbreaker related?"

"A good question. Dawnbreaker definitely has control of Duskbreaker, but their relationship is never made clear. Sometimes Duskbreaker seems like a POW, others like a son, at times a servant or slave. Our wisest priests and priestesses are those who spent decades figuring out the answer. They know but do not share the knowledge with us. It is, after all, the pursuit of knowledge that is truly important! At least in this case."
Ooc: it's hard to come up with a answer to this quote but maybe I will be able to put something down in a day or two.
it's hard for me, i'm having trouble getting inspired by religious worldbuilding.

So don't focus on the religion. Somebody ignorant is asking questions of someone learned. Figure out who they are, then figure out why they are important. Ignore that they even spoke of religion.
"How are Dawnbreaker and Duskbreaker related?"

"A good question. Dawnbreaker definitely has control of Duskbreaker, but their relationship is never made clear. Sometimes Duskbreaker seems like a POW, others like a son, at times a servant or slave. Our wisest priests and priestesses are those who spent decades figuring out the answer. They know but do not share the knowledge with us. It is, after all, the pursuit of knowledge that is truly important! At least in this case."
Yandaret asking Legetaris Zhim, religious schollar and apprentice searcher, about his faith. In the heartland of Ziqebe, during the first weeks of the rebellion.

The most prominent Ziqebesi religion, Legetaris Zhim's faith, is centered around the mythical beings known as Dawnbreaker and Duskbreaker.
Their legend started when Bathaloma Yahas, the first of the great practitioners of the arcane methods the Ziqebesi simply call "the art" came down from mount Orak after their seven year meditation, and told people of his expiriences.

He spoke of two distinct beings, whose presence he had felt whenever his senses sliped through the cracks of our reality into the great beond. he called them Dawnbreaker and Duskbreaker for he never felt them both at the same time. One would always emerge once once the last rays of sunlight had vanished, only to slowly fade and give rise to the other when the orb of the sun had finally cleared the horizon completely.
It seemed to him that they were comunicating with each other, although what he were saying he could not begin to comprehend. Their impossibly slow dance conveying thoughts not fit for even the most wise and intelligent of humans.

In time, some of the other practitioners, known as the Searchers, also managed to unshackle their senses enough to percieve the endless maelstrom of shattered thought and cracked light the two resided in and reported similar things.
The vast beings never reacted to the Searchers and showed no discernable sign that indicated they even noticed them and yet philosophy and theology was in turmoil in the lands behind the salt wastes.
After decades of cultured discussion turned angry debate turned cultural divide turned almost civil war, the situation normalized again and a widespread religion worshipping the unknowable beings formed.
They filled their pantheon with other, lesser deities as well which some of the searcher claimed to have seen.
Among others it contained the Dawnbreaker's four wives, the Blue Maiden of the Onward Journey, Sehelinis the great Oblivion and Fincharvin the static, the great enemy.
Fincharvin was told to be Dawnbreaker's eternal rival, a nexus of crystaline stillnes that sought to end all in neverending uniformity.
In the centuries since then, a great tapestry of stories, morals and accounts of searchers have been woven together to form the religion it is now.

The enlightend people of Ziqebe, at least those that are members of the church, debate the finer points of their religion with each other to this day and will probably do so for evermore.

Ok, there we go. I was working on this for ages, for some reason I couldn't really make it fit the way I wanted it to. Still not entirely satisfied. Didn't help that I lost most of my origial draft when my computer crashed. Ah well, It'll do. Hope you like it @ttd0000.

Anyway, lets have something a little easier to get the thread going again :)

"MONSTERS! HELP! MONSTERS! I saw them, coming up from the ground. At least sixty! I don't know what they were but they were horrible. We have to go, we have to leave and run and hide and warn the others and... Are you listening? We need to go RIGHT NOW!"
"MONSTERS! HELP! MONSTERS! I saw them, coming up from the ground. At least sixty! I don't know what they were but they were horrible. We have to go, we have to leave and run and hide and warn the others and... Are you listening? We need to go RIGHT NOW!"

Silc, merchant princess and wife to the powerful Tradelord Xibeth after watching her entourage of Jerries (highly skilled and disciplined slave warriors) get messily devoured. She spoke to some random man on the road back to the city-state Quath, only notable for the rusty saw he carried. They parted ways as he walked toward the danger she had just escaped.

And so the first attempt to "Unify" the Tundra of Jin by Desecrater of Life, master of the Dark Art of Biomancy was stopped in it's infancy, unnoticed by history and not even a footnote in a certain knight's legend. Her second attempt, on the other hand... well that's another story.

"It's all about waiting for juuuust... the right... moment..."


"So-" "Ssss, not yet!"

"It's all about waiting for juuuust... the right... moment..."


"So-" "Ssss, not yet!"

Theodore Manswell, known to most as 'the scorpion lord', shortly before his band of savages attacked one of Marogor's merchant caravans.
Riding with the merchant caravan was Marogor's newest wife to be, Silvestra Grandair, niece of Maximus Grandair. At first the beautiful maiden was seen as a great prize, but soon they found her to be so charming and so firece that they addopted her into their ranks.
Silvestra, who had always wanted a life of adventure and much prefered Theodore to Marogor loved her new life and with her wits and education quickly proved invaluable to her new family.
When Theodore died hunting down the sorcerer who had cursed him with his monstrous appearance, Silvestra took over the gang and continued raiding until the legend of Silvestra, the merciless Bandit Queen who coated her blade in scorpion venom, was known through all the uncontested lands.

"Velchar, you don't need to do this! I swear what they told you isn't true. They lied to you. I never even saw him! Don't be stupid, Halvord will get us out of here. Don't do anything you'll later regret!"
"Velchar, you don't need to do this! I swear what they told you isn't true. They lied to you. I never even saw him! Don't be stupid, Halvord will get us out of here. Don't do anything you'll later regret!"
the 3rd of the 17 Diaries of Lady Erline Bancisi, unredacted and held within the classified Mitan vault of the Order. This Vault is only known with the top inner circle of the order.

"Emperor, Operation Crimson Mist has succeeded but there is a problem."
"What is it Gerzel, what happened, We have managed to move and Salvaged a sunken metal ship within a very hostel nation's military seaport without being seen or heard. what has gone wrong?"
"The Engineering crew of the Steam Goddess is .. is still alive! Sir."
"Impossible, they have been down in that dark cold pit for for more then a decade!"
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"Emperor, Operation Crimson Mist has succeeded but there is a problem."
"What is it Gerzel, what happened, We have managed to move and Salvaged a sunken metal ship within a very hostel nation's military seaport without being seen or heard. what has gone wrong?"
"The Engineering crew of the Steam Goddess is .. is still alive! Sir."
"Impossible, they have been down in that dark cold pit for for more then a decade!"
--Emperor Dafoll of the Wallaminan Empire and his Master of Spies Gerzel, talking about Operation Crimson Mist. 43 years after the rebellion.
The crew, who were clearly still alive, even if they didn't react to any attempt to wake them, were locked in a deep vault under Tarrol's Hall, one of the empire's many research divisions.
Their existence was kept a closely guarded secret.
Days later, when researches opened up the vault to start studying them, they were gone, leaving no trace of themselves behind.
Dubbed the "Ghosts of Tarrol's Hall" they were soon forgotten, especially since the empire surpressed any information about the incident.
Only one of the researchers who had initially seen them, Hiram Burro, secretly never gave up on gathering information about them.

"Where did you hide it?"
"Burried it, in Salacji's Grove on Sen. Under the big piramide shaped rock next to the river."
Mistress Jurah bon Tremurila of Muval, speaking to her daughter Minerva about the dangerous Ziqebesi gem that she found. After discovering them gem's horrible secrets, Jurah left it behind on her beloved Sen.

Minerva learned of the gem's existence from her mothers stories, which she made the mistake of telling to an old lady who was quite... let's call it insistent on Minerva learning the exact location of the gem.

"Do not worry Sinabar, it's not the end of the world. Just your's."
"Do not worry Sinabar, it's not the end of the world. Just your's."
--Valiant to a possessed Varandu, former black Shaman of the Diade, after mortaly wounding him.
7 years before the rebellion

Varandu, had been hunting a dream demon that had been preying on the village people along the coast. When they clashed, the demon, who called himself Sinabar the Tyrant, found that Varandu lacked a soul. While he put up a good fight, without a soul Varandu had little natural defences against possession and succumbed quickly. Sinabar had never encountered a mortal he could control so completely and so he gleefully took him over, using his new and powerful host to sate his desires.
Naturally, a series of townspeople being found dead or as mindless husks drew the attention of the Followers (who always investigated such strange incidents in their search for the soulless) and thus also that of Valiant, who had been shadowing some of them to learn of their plans.
When Valiant found out that the Followers were this close to finding a vessel for one of their gods he decided he had to act. In a daring act of bravery he confronted Sinabar and managed to kill him, although he almost died in the fight.
Sinabar, to his dismay, found that since he had nested himself so deeply into his new host, he couldn't extricate himself quickly enough and expired with his victim.
As his essence was dragged into the void, the power of his defiant rage turned Varandu's body to ash. In a moment of compassion, the grieviously wounded Valiant gathered it up and took it with him. When he had recovered from his injuries he sought out the shaman's clan to returne his remains to his family and told them of Varandu's end.
Valiant's act of kindness earned him their trust and friendship and although they mourned their loss, they acknowledged that Varandu had already been dead long before Valiant killed his body.

With how deep and interconected the lore is becoming its getting pretty hard to integrate new quotes. Still, this is pretty much the best outcome I could have hoped for since creating a cool world with an interesting history was the goal after all, so I can't really complain about that XD.
Its great that some of you are still contributing!

"Hah, I never thought I'd see you of all people here. What an astonishing coincidence!"
- A quip usually uttered in Walaminian(sp?) stage comedies a sort of tongue in cheek hint as to a characters importance. Interestingly it is a verbatim quote from the days of the Walaminion civil war attributed to a spymaster to his wife also a spymistress. The two operating for the same king with no knowledge of reach other.

I've been a princess ,a knight, minstrel, clerk, and a whore. You ask me what kind of life magic and tomes and runic formulae can be? I say it's not a life.

It's many.

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