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[To Be Voted On] Civ Quest

[X] Kitsune~
[X] Dragonkin: Scaley humanoids about a meter tall, with bat-like wings. Their scales are nearly as tough as stone, and a few are capable of magic. Their small size makes them weaker than most, and even low levels of light burn their eyes. Incidentally, they can see in pitch darkness. 5% chance of being born with natural magic, +50% to chances of surviving conflict wounded rather than dead, -10 to combat, surface life is nearly impossible without adaptation.

Kobolds. Trust me. A civ full of kobold tinkers with no common sense would be hilarious to play.
[X] Worgs: Wolves the size of small horses. They are naturally skilled at hunting, and have fierce claws and fangs. They are, being wolves, unable to use tools effectively. +20 to hunting actions, +10 to combat, completely unable to use most tools.
[X] Worgs: Wolves the size of small horses. They are naturally skilled at hunting, and have fierce claws and fangs. They are, being wolves, unable to use tools effectively. +20 to hunting actions, +10 to combat, completely unable to use most tools.
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[X] Imps: Small humanoids with leathery skin. They are extremely intelligent, and many are capable of magic. They could probably break bones just standing in a stiff breeze. +20 to mental tasks, 25% chance of being born with natural magic, -20 to combat.

I'm just going to say here that Worgs looks like a really bad idea to me as not being able to use tools would suck despite the stats increases.
The idea is less picking it for optimality and more picking it because I feel it'll be fun to play with that kind of restriction.

[X] Worgs: Wolves the size of small horses. They are naturally skilled at hunting, and have fierce claws and fangs. They are, being wolves, unable to use tools effectively. +20 to hunting actions, +10 to combat, completely unable to use most tools.
I would like eldritch fae.
[X] Ogres: About twice the height of a human, and five times the weight. They are strong enough to lift boulders, and their skin is thick enough to stop arrows. Unfortunately, or fortunately for others, they are barely smarter than a rock, and their size slows them greatly. +10 to most combat rolls (not applicable against flying enemies), -10 to mental tasks.
I'm just going to say here that Worgs looks like a really bad idea to me as not being able to use tools would suck despite the stats increases.

And Imps technically are fragile.

That aside, this is QQ/SV/SB, people like combat. Or other stuff like that, usually.
[X] Imps: Small humanoids with leathery skin. They are extremely intelligent, and many are capable of magic. They could probably break bones just standing in a stiff breeze. +20 to mental tasks, 25% chance of being born with natural magic, -20 to combat.

I would like to point out Ogres don't advance well.
[X] Imps: Small humanoids with leathery skin. They are extremely intelligent, and many are capable of magic. They could probably break bones just standing in a stiff breeze. +20 to mental tasks, 25% chance of being born with natural magic, -20 to combat.

I like the idea of being shitty combatants and having to think our way out of situations. I could be persuaded to switch to worgs on the basis of 'I have never seen anyone do a civ quest with a nomadic people.'
I like the idea of being shitty combatants and having to think our way out of situations. I could be persuaded to switch to worgs on the basis of 'I have never seen anyone do a civ quest with a nomadic people.'
I would like to point out Ogres don't advance well.

I like to remind you two of this:

Imps: Small humanoids with leathery skin. They are extremely intelligent, and many are capable of magic. They could probably break bones just standing in a stiff breeze. +20 to mental tasks, 25% chance of being born with natural magic, -20 to combat.

Read the bolded section. This is also a critical problem even outside of combat. Not everything is specifically noted in mechanical stats. They affect how things result still though.
Yeah, this is more logic-heavy than mechanics. The numbers are just for reference for the most part, though they will still be used.
[X] Dragonkin
When in doubt, choose dragons, for Dragon > Fluffy Tails
[X] Kitsune: Their true form is that of a large fox, but they can shapeshift into almost any living creature. They are skilled in manipulating others, and can live for thousands of years. All Kitsune are able to use illusion magic, and can create Foxfire. If they are discovered, other races will drive them out with torches and pitchforks, and they don't listen to authority very well. +20 to actions intended to manipulate others if they are unaware of your nature, -30 to diplomacy otherwise. Your people won't sit back and do what you want just because you are the leader.
[X] 1 <a class="externalLink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaorti" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Kaorti</a> - Emaciated Humanoid Outsiders tied to the Cyst, a strange resin like substance that keeps them whole. Pros: Naturally magical, can transform other living creatures into more Kaorti or Kaorti Thralls. Cons: Can not survive outside the Cyst, Little Physical Strength.: (wadledo)

[X] 1 <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Kitsune</span> Kumiho: (ShadowAngelBeta)
[X] 1 <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Kitsune</span><a class="externalLink" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumiho" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Kumiho</a>: (Ampersandwich)
[X] 1 Kitsune: Their true form is that of a large fox, but they can shapeshift into almost any living creature. They are skilled in manipulating others, and can live for thousands of years. All Kitsune are able to use illusion magic, and can create Foxfire. If they are discovered, other races will drive them out with torches and pitchforks, and they don't listen to authority very well. +20 to actions intended to manipulate others if they are unaware of your nature, -30 to diplomacy otherwise. Your people won't sit back and do what you want just because you are the leader.: (Silversun17)
[X] 1 Kitsune~: (ReinZero)

[X] 1 Dragonkin: (kinglugia)
[X] 1 Dragonkin: Scaley humanoids about a meter tall, with bat-like wings. Their scales are nearly as tough as stone, and a few are capable of magic. Their small size makes them weaker than most, and even low levels of light burn their eyes. Incidentally, they can see in pitch darkness. 5% chance of being born with natural magic, +50% to chances of surviving conflict wounded rather than dead, -10 to combat, surface life is nearly impossible without adaptation.: (Circle)

[X] 1 Faeries- unnaturally beautiful humanoids. Pros- Major chance of magickal talent, ageless, incredibly cunning. Cons- Bound by their word, weakness to cold iron.: (Bailey Matutine)
[X] 3 Faeries- unnaturally beautiful humanoids. Pros- Major chance of magickal talent, incredibly cunning. Cons- Bound by their word, weakness to cold iron.: (jake jack, OverReactionGuy, inverted_helix)

[X] 1 Imps - Lesser Demons. Pros: Very Intelligent, Major Chance of Magickal Talent. Cons: Extremely Frail.: (MHLord)
[X] 4 Imps: Small humanoids with leathery skin. They are extremely intelligent, and many are capable of magic. They could probably break bones just standing in a stiff breeze. +20 to mental tasks, 25% chance of being born with natural magic, -20 to combat.: (cronos2chaos, Magnive, daemonkeeper, Helpless Kitten)

[X] 1 Ogres - Large Humanoids. Pros: Enhanced Strength, Thick Skin. Cons: Low Intelligence, Slow.: (AZATHOTHoth)
[X] 1 Ogres: About twice the height of a human, and five times the weight. They are strong enough to lift boulders, and their skin is thick enough to stop arrows. Unfortunately, or fortunately for others, they are barely smarter than a rock, and their size slows them greatly. +10 to most combat rolls (not applicable against flying enemies), -10 to mental tasks.: (massdefect76)

[X] 1 Worgs: (mc2rpg)
[X] 1 Worgs - Large Wolves. Pros: Extremely Skilled Hunters, Natural Weapons. Cons: No Thumbs.: (Celeritas)
[X] 3 Worgs: Wolves the size of small horses. They are naturally skilled at hunting, and have fierce claws and fangs. They are, being wolves, unable to use tools effectively. +20 to hunting actions, +10 to combat, completely unable to use most tools.: (Xicree, RCa, Derek58)

[X] 1 Yochlol: (Heaven Canceler)
Ok looks like a tie between Imps and Worgs.
[X] Worgs: Wolves the size of small horses. They are naturally skilled at hunting, and have fierce claws and fangs. They are, being wolves, unable to use tools effectively. +20 to hunting actions, +10 to combat, completely unable to use most tools.
After a kindly tanuki broke the tie, Worgs have won. Locked.

Edit: just thought I should mention, update will wait a while. I'm on my tablet, and I want to write a bit of lore to put at the top of the update, like the cool QMs do.
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