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To Last Time Itself {Faction/Empire Quest}

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To Last Time Itself

Generation Phase: Nation & Faction Gen Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 &...


QQ voters, geniuses at opposing their own goals.
Aug 19, 2013
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(Current)[PC Character Sheet]

Name: Terun
Family/Clan: Kentaine
'Class': (Pure Lineage) "Samurai"-in-Training
Age: 12
Appearance: (Pending Vote Finalization)
Affinity: Arctic Ice & Arctic Wind
Lineage: Pure Lineage (Fudai)

Physical Stats: (Projected Stats when/at Age 18)
Strength – A Rank
Agility – A Rank
Endurance – A Rank

Weapon Skills: (Projected Stats when/at Age 18)
Swords (General) – A Rank
Long Sword – A Rank
Katana – A Rank
Arming Sword – A Rank
Shields (General) – A Rank
Polearms (General) – A Rank
Spear – A Rank
Yari – A Rank
Knives – A Rank

Elements: (Projected Stats when/at Age 18)
Fire – B Rank
Water – A Rank
Arctic Ice – L Rank (+ 6 Ranks from Arctic Ice)
Earth – B Rank
Arctic Wind – EX Rank
Lightning – A Rank

Magic Skills: (Projected Stats when/at Age 18)
Magic Theory – S Rank
Alteration – C Rank
Reinforcement – A Rank
Enchantment – A Rank
Enhancement – A Rank

Personal Skills: (Projected Stats when/at Age 18)
Instinct – A Rank
Charming – C Rank
Charisma – B Rank
Arctic Wings (True) – [(Pure) Lineage]
---Affinity becomes Arctic Ice and Arctic Wind. Arctic Wings uses the corresponding Rank of the Element (Arctic Ice and/Or Arctic Wind) for it when in use. When using both Elements for it, it uses the average of the two Ranks.
---Within a set distance radiating from you, all Ice Element magic you use are not affected negatively by climate or mundane temperature. It is still affected by magical causes, but weakness is reduced.
---Using Arctic Ice and/or Arctic Wind, you may move through the air, or with increased speed and mobility on the ground.
---Using Arctic Ice and/or Arctic Wind, you can manifest wings of a hue of blue (varies based on your choice), which increases your speed and mobility in the air. You can only manifest a pair of wings presently. Each wing can be freely adjusted and considered an extension of yourself, though this is dependent on your power/Rank in them.
---You may form and strike out with Arctic Feathers, which normally are considered knives, though with additional power, they can be made into pointed polearms. They are normally used as projectiles but can be used as weapons instead if you so choose. They will float when around you and can be replaced indefinitely while your wings are manifested, with their capacity cost refunded immediately upon their destruction or dismissal. This resupply can exceed your capacity cap. Range is dependent on the average of both Elements.
Arctic Ice – [(Pure) Lineage-Affinity]
---Replaces your Ice Element, and grants it increased power, adding Arctic Wind's Rank to it (no averaging). Ice's penalties to Fire Element is reduced to 1/3rd.
Arctic Wind – [(Pure) Lineage-Affinity]
---Replaces your Wind Element, and grants it Ice properties and effects in addition to the normal properties of Wind Element. You may freely use it in place of Arctic Ice for Arctic Ice Element magic (however this does not proc the Rank bonus of Arctic Ice). Arctic Wind takes reduced penalties (reduced to 2/3rd) against and from Fire Element magic.
Frostfang Blades (Minor) – [(Pure) Lineage]
------One of the powers granted by your Lineage, reflecting its secondary nature is the fact it is not the 'True' version of it, but a weaker, 'Minor' version. As a result, when making/forming Ice Arctic Ice element blades, your Rank is increased by 2.
Fortress of the Sky (Lesser) – [(Pure) Lineage]
---One of the powers granted by your Lineage, reflecting its secondary nature is the fact it is not the 'True' version of it, but a weaker, 'Lesser' version. As a result, its primary and main effect increases your Wind Arctic Wind element by 2 Ranks when defending. Also enables innate aerial movement (fairly slow, but doesn't need magic to perform).
[Reserved for Relations & Etc.]
[Reserved for Later Use]
In the South Central region, many cultures, ideologies, and societies come and go. The sands of time all but buries the achievements of many, yet some, a rare few carve their names into time itself. Known still eras from once they made their mark, there are but also those known by accompaniment or as the 'medium' of which they reached such renown. Some of these are not by those whom embarked on a long journey or adventure, but through their efforts and achievements that carved a empire whose name endures through the passage of time and of what nations aspire to achieve.

What is the region that the nation your family/clan is from/of?
[ ] North West - Known for the various types of Knight professions that originated from the North West, along with the more potent Knight Orders. The Church also holds a general stranglehold on religious influence in the region, though at times coming into conflict with Knights- excluding the near constant conflict with Alchemical Knights. Aside from Knights and the Church, the North West is home to the Valkyries.
[ ] South Central - Known for the presence of widespread education in the region, it is likewise known for having a sizeable number of non-empires/kingdoms- if not equal or greater to the number of such in the South Central. Though despite the emphasis on education, wealth and education belong to differing types of nations, and those of whom advocate education are ones with the least inclination towards advancements in 'technology'. In turn, those possessing such wealth, meet against competitors, kingdoms, and empires.
[ ] East - Known for the commonplace skill with weapons amongst their general population, a fact stemming from historically widespread extent and degree of off and on drafting of commoners and peasants. Though apart from this, the East is both known for its cultivation of its population, but generally is on poor terms with most other nations- including within the Eastern Region.
[ ] Far East - The region known for the noble clans that rule the nations in the region while effectively encompassing the entire range of nobility, aka Samurai. Aside from the Samurai, the Far East is home to its own native religious organization, though unlike the North West's Church, the Far Eastern Religion is exactly called that, without any formal name to it- and only addressed as such by outsiders- it possesses many names within the Far East, varying from island to island, or even nation to nation. The religion is known best for its membership being officially entirely female, and called Miko. Unlike other regions, the degree of active prosecution of Monsters and non-Humans is the lowest.

Is your host nation officially affiliated with a religion?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

You are from a....
[ ] A family of Knights several generations old. Not the 'keep the family name alive' sort, no, not that kind of disgraceful sort. Though naturally, the family isn't quite large as others of the same age, profession and history, but then again, it's a small price to pay for integrity and consideration of one's descendants.
[ ] A clan of Samurai of some history. Although the Clan is no longer at the peak of its influence and power, that doesn't mean it's at its end, far from it. Obligations and loyalties are but a notable factor, yet all the same, it is not a binding affliction. Though ones actions leaves an impression upon others of what to expect....

Is your family/clan religious?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No


Char Gen Process Vote:
[ ] Start from Childhood - Extended Char Gen, Additional Goodies
[ ] Start from Prologue - Shortened Char Gen, More Presets, Less Goodies
[X] Far East

Is your host nation officially affiliated with a religion?
[X] Yes

You are from a....
[X] A clan of Samurai of some history. Although the Clan is no longer at the peak of its influence and power, that doesn't mean it's at its end, far from it. Obligations and loyalties are but a notable factor, yet all the same, it is not a binding affliction. Though ones actions leaves an impression upon others of what to expect....

Is your family/clan religious?
[X] Yes


Char Gen Process Vote:
[X] Start from Childhood - Extended Char Gen, Additional Goodies
-[X] Make sure they can be comprehended and choices are short-ish
[X] Far East

Is your host nation officially affiliated with a religion?
[X] Yes

You are from a....
[X] A clan of Samurai of some history. Although the Clan is no longer at the peak of its influence and power, that doesn't mean it's at its end, far from it. Obligations and loyalties are but a notable factor, yet all the same, it is not a binding affliction. Though ones actions leaves an impression upon others of what to expect....

Is your family/clan religious?
[X] Yes


Char Gen Process Vote:
[X] Start from Childhood - Extended Char Gen, Additional Goodies
In advance, wanting an honest KNIGHT for a change... But that doesn't mean we can expand into Samurai territory, got a rough idea for that...

What is the region that the nation your family/clan is from/of?
[X] Far East
Is your host nation officially affiliated with a religion?
[X] Yes

Because JAPAN! And Fluffy Tails, and all things accepting and befriendings.

Okay, maybe not THAT far, but close enough... And the other reason being, Japan + Religion = Mikos.

You are from a....
[X] Family of Knights
-[X] To add on that, just A family of Knights that decided to branch of, due to... 'Conflicts of Interest' in the North West end.

Dunno if it's AN Option, but if it could lead to say, a Knight and Witch for Mother and Father. Then combine THAT with possible new friends in the East, and you COULD potentially have a decent variety of skills to learn as an MC.

Is your family/clan religious?
[X] Yes and No?
-[X] It's confusing really, on how your Father holds the religion here in high esteem, yet seems to have issues with believing in faith. (Reason depends on Character Gen?)

I'd be sadly tempted to vote for this as a Knight, for one reason...

IF I where to go with the Knight background in the East, I COULD argue that if we're religious, it could easily be that of the 'Christian' variety. And with said church there possibly being hell no on peaceful exchange of monsters out of possible bias, instead of pragmatic reasons...

Doesn't mean however, that we COULDN'T be Honourable under the Knights Code, just that they're not overly religious.

So on that end, I'll probably go for the Tsundere Vote of 'Yes and No... It's confusing really.'

[X] Start from Childhood - Extended Char Gen, Additional Goodies

Oh, and for an extra Cookie... If you DO go a Fresh 'Knight in Samurai-Land'? Go with say...

McLeon, for the last name. Or possibly bastardize it into Japanese for all I care.
Let's get some zealotry up ins. 'Everybody is weapons fanatic' ran a close second in the race, though.

[X] North West - Known for the various types of Knight professions that originated from the North West, along with the more potent Knight Orders. The Church also holds a general stranglehold on religious influence in the region, though at times coming into conflict with Knights- excluding the near constant conflict with Alchemical Knights. Aside from Knights and the Church, the North West is home to the Valkyries.

Is your host nation officially affiliated with a religion?
[X] Yes

You are from a....
[X] A family of Knights several generations old. Not the 'keep the family name alive' sort, no, not that kind of disgraceful sort. Though naturally, the family isn't quite large as others of the same age, profession and history, but then again, it's a small price to pay for integrity and consideration of one's descendants.

Is your family/clan religious?
[X] Yes

Char Gen Process Vote:
[X] Start from Prologue - Shortened Char Gen, More Presets, Less Goodies
Guile said:
Let's get some zealotry up ins. 'Everybody is weapons fanatic' ran a close second in the race, though.
Sadly, I voted for Knights for a different reason...

Mainly, I want to AVOID the "Protect the Light, Condemn the Dark" zeal. Or going discrimination of those who don't follow the 'One God', kill 'monsters' JUST for being different, like something akin to Genocide. Killing of Witches because they're being Magical, that sort of thing...

And besides, we could easily have more potential fun as a child whose parents are foreigners in a strange land after a permament 'honeymoon'. More so when you COULD potentially persue the 'Sword Fanatic' path with maybe a Lady Samurai, which by proxy can be supported under a clan's attempt to maybe fold 'new blood' from a family of legendary knights.
Not closing vote yet. Just going to point out that MasterBasher's write ins + background details are acceptable (and do cover parts of what would otherwise be on the next pat).
Master Basher said:
Sadly, I voted for Knights for a different reason...

Mainly, I want to AVOID the "Protect the Light, Condemn the Dark" zeal. Or going discrimination of those who don't follow the 'One God', kill 'monsters' JUST for being different, like something akin to Genocide. Killing of Witches because they're being Magical, that sort of thing...

And besides, we could easily have more potential fun as a child whose parents are foreigners in a strange land after a permament 'honeymoon'. More so when you COULD potentially persue the 'Sword Fanatic' path with maybe a Lady Samurai, which by proxy can be supported under a clan's attempt to maybe fold 'new blood' from a family of legendary knights.
You don't want to bring the light of God (whichever one we happen to believe in) to the godless heathens? That's fine. I mean, historically Christianity wasn't ALWAYS 'burn the witch', but they're always pretty pushy on matters of faith. Sometimes it just meshes interestingly though (Jesus the buddha comes to mind).

How about a missionary knight order that settled down in the far east to spread the good word (MOSTLY peacefully)?
Guile said:
You don't want to bring the light of God (whichever one we happen to believe in) to the godless heathens? That's fine. I mean, historically Christianity wasn't ALWAYS 'burn the witch', but they're always pretty pushy on matters of faith. Sometimes it just meshes interestingly though (Jesus the buddha comes to mind).

How about a missionary knight order that settled down in the far east to spread the good word (MOSTLY peacefully)?
Faith wise, I'd be more inclined for the MC's father to be a Knight who believed in the ideals of the religion, in the sense of 'forgiveness and redemption'...

Only, due to (Tactical RPG ANGST!) Had his very faith broken, but his moral integrity remained untarnished. Then, all it took was a vacation to save a Witch waifu, and learning of other prophets like some buddha or something...

... To MAYBE come to terms with admiring what the Messiahs dreamed about, and maybe wanting to ideally 'save' everyone. But does not desire war as a resolution unless there's no other choice.


So on that end. I'd oppose being related, or going all preacher fuck yeah! However, trying to remain honourable as a Knight in an Asian land, can pose some interesting scenarios. It'd hopefully sate those who yearn for the Samuraisamuraisamurai, while being a more tolerable retake on a similar setting that's been done by Rein so many times by now.
A quick reminder: The region is already predetermined (and even noted). However, the nation chosen is representative of their region.

So it is possible for a North West nation adjacent to a Far Eastern one, etc. I will note that the North Western religion has greater presence in South Central, and is what North West and South Central default to on nation religion choice. Far East defaults to its own region's religion if 'yes'.
Hmm. Interesting choices. I'm going to go over mine one by one.

[X] East

Out of all 4, it seems the East boasts the highest percentage of well trained and likely semi-educated (if the "cultivation of its citizens" is anything to go by). This means that in times of war, there's a higher concentration of skills combatants that would allow differing skill-sets and weaponry. It also means that the general health of the population is higher due to the fact that most of them have some kind of military training.

Is your host nation officially affiliated with a religion?
[X] No

This is a semi-gamble, but the fact that the East is stuck between at least two areas that has an emphasis on religion means that if we pick one, we're going to be on bad footings with the other. And we're already on uneasy footing as it is.

[X] A family of Knights several generations old. Not the 'keep the family name alive' sort, no, not that kind of disgraceful sort. Though naturally, the family isn't quite large as others of the same age, profession and history, but then again, it's a small price to pay for integrity and consideration of one's descendants.

While picking a Samurai clan would tie us closer to the Far East, it would definitely hurt us in the East as we could be seen as trying to sell our country out or some other negative view on our close ties.

Is your family/clan religious?
[X] No

Same reason as above.

Char Gen Process Vote:
[X] Start from Childhood - Extended Char Gen, Additional Goodies

Absolutely no reason not to.
[X] North West - Known for the various types of Knight professions that originated from the North West, along with the more potent Knight Orders. The Church also holds a general stranglehold on religious influence in the region, though at times coming into conflict with Knights- excluding the near constant conflict with Alchemical Knights. Aside from Knights and the Church, the North West is home to the Valkyries.

Always a sucker for Valkyries.

[X] Yes

See above.

[X] A family of Knights several generations old. Not the 'keep the family name alive' sort, no, not that kind of disgraceful sort. Though naturally, the family isn't quite large as others of the same age, profession and history, but then again, it's a small price to pay for integrity and consideration of one's descendants.

[X] Yes

[X] Start from Childhood - Extended Char Gen, Additional Goodies

Gimme alllllll the shiniest treasures!
[x] East - Known for the commonplace skill with weapons amongst their general population, a fact stemming from historically widespread extent and degree of off and on drafting of commoners and peasants. Though apart from this, the East is both known for its cultivation of its population, but generally is on poor terms with most other nations- including within the Eastern Region.

[x] No

[x] A family of Knights several generations old. Not the 'keep the family name alive' sort, no, not that kind of disgraceful sort. Though naturally, the family isn't quite large as others of the same age, profession and history, but then again, it's a small price to pay for integrity and consideration of one's descendants.

[x] No

[x] Start from Childhood - Extended Char Gen, Additional Goodies
[X] Far East

Is your host nation officially affiliated with a religion?
[X] Yes

You are from a....
[X] A clan of Samurai of some history. Although the Clan is no longer at the peak of its influence and power, that doesn't mean it's at its end, far from it. Obligations and loyalties are but a notable factor, yet all the same, it is not a binding affliction. Though ones actions leaves an impression upon others of what to expect....

Is your family/clan religious?
[X] No


Char Gen Process Vote:
[X] Start from Childhood - Extended Char Gen, Additional Goodies

[X] Far East
[X] Yes

The nation was…
[ ] A 'Kingdom' or more or less in service of a powerful Clan of great size and connections, though not nearly enough to be considered a 'Empire'. All the same it is rather ripe with opportunities for your family to grow and prosper. (+6 to family choices.)
[ ] The Remnants of an age old 'empire', held together by the loyalties of the Clans in its service and those loyal to Clans subordinate to them. However, despite its age it still holds enough power and capability to deter younger nations from preying upon it. But that will not last forever… for better or for worse? Is the unity but a fleeting illusion? (+3 to nation choices)
[ ] A raising, Fledgling 'Empire' with many whose positions have yet to be firmly established. However, in turn, like many other empires in their early years, there are but enemies from all sides that would prefer to see its demise. Yet, all the same, the legacies of an empire are but honey that draws many to its side. (+3 to family choices, +1 to nation choices.)

Though unlike other nations that do not side with the North Western region's Church, the nation instead aligns itself with the Far Eastern religion. It but goes by many different names, and seemingly different 'sects' or 'branches'. However, it would but seem there is no such 'disunity' behind it. A fact that lends strength and welcome support to the faith of the nation's populace, a reassurance that blends well and true with the Far Eastern influences that the nation is seeped in.

The Clan name of the 'Shogunate'/'Daimyo' was…
[ ] Yamagi
[ ] Kasagawa
[ ] Write In (Must be Far Eastern)

The nation has... (Pick 1 thing of note; Pick 2 instead if Fledgling is chosen; Pick 4 if Remnants is chosen.)
[ ] A solid, well established School System modeled after that of an Academic State. (Cannot be taken by 'Kingdom')
[ ] Allied Nations that it can count on should war come to pass. And also less worries for at least the foreseeable immediate future, lest they paint themselves untrustworthy to all.
[ ] A rather Large Population despite what its size, age, and influence would indicate.
[ ] A fair number of Monster tribes and clans under their employ. (Cannot be taken by 'Kingdom')
[ ] A fairly good amount of Distance between it and any known nations affiliated with the Church. (At least 2 nations between them.)
[ ] No Distorted Range within or near its boarders.
[ ] An Improved Educational System derived, if not directly from a Academic State. (Requires School System)
[ ] A Grand Temple to/of the Far Eastern religion built within its lands. (Remnants only.)
[ ] Write In (Subject to GM ruling.)

[X] A family of Knights several generations old. Not the 'keep the family name alive' sort, no, not that kind of disgraceful sort. Though naturally, the family isn't quite large as others of the same age, profession and history, but then again, it's a small price to pay for integrity and consideration of one's descendants.
[X] Yes

You are of a family of Knights that have taken up residence and employment within the nation. Not an unusual case, particularly in the South Central region. An understandable case as Knights are but treated quite well or comparably to a Samurai Clan. Though, due to the time and a few generations having been born and raised in the nation, there are a few aspects of Far Eastern culture that have bled in over to your family. Nothing of which could be considered an insult for the family's service, if anything, one could say it is but good fortune.

Your family has… (Pick 6; Pick 9 instead if Fledgling is chosen; Pick 12 instead if 'Kingdom' is chosen.)
[ ] Good Standing within the nation, about equivalent to one of the 'Major' Samurai Clans, with a subordinate 'Minor' Samurai Clan serving your family- as per norm of the standing, though closer to the 'bare minimum'. In a ways, your family has drifted somewhat away from being true Knights, and a bit towards Samurai. (Counts as 2 only if 'Kingdom' is taken.)
[ ] High Standing within the nation, one could say equivalent to one of the 'Fudai' Samurai Clans, including subordinate Samurai Clans serving your family- as per norm of the standing. As Knights that have earned such honor, one could say that your family has drifted to a 'in between' being true Knights and Samurai. (Counts as 2; Requires Good Standing; Cannot be taken with 'Kingdom')
[ ] Large Holdings within the nation, greater than what one would suppose a foreigners would have, especially in comparison to an equally long serving or perhaps, even longer serving Samurai Clan. (Cannot be taken with 'Kingdom')
[ ] Connections Aboard outside of the nation. On one hand, your family is well known and connected. On the other, that brings its own bag of problems. (Can be taken up to 3 times.)
[ ] A few Alchemist Friends working under your family's employ. Or well, more akin to part of the family. It's a slightly awkward situation. (If taken with Witch Acquaintances, each counts as 1.5; Can be taken 2 times if Witch Acquaintances is not taken.)
[ ] A few Alchemical Knights associates having joined your family in their endeavour. They are much akin to an extended family as opposed to friends though. (Requires Alchemist Friends, replaces the 1st instance of Alchemist Friends if taken. Counts as 2.)
[ ] A few Witch Acquaintances having taken refuge under your family's wing. (If taken with Alchemist Friends, each counts as 1.5; Can be taken 2 times if Alchemist Friends is not taken.)
[ ] A few Witch Knights that your family has helped some time in the past against the Church. Though, due both debts and their honor, they effectively are part of your family's forces, though their employment status is rather strange. (Requires Witch Acquaintances & Connections Aboard, replaces 1st instance of Connections Aboard.)
[ ] A group of Diviners under your family's sponsorship and employ. Though normally passed up or outright ignored in Far Eastern cultural nations, your family has decidedly considered otherwise as an alternative to reliance on the Far Eastern religion's Miko. (Can be taken up to 2 times.)
[ ] A Clan of Ninja Shinobi in service to your family. (Requires Good Standing, Counts as 2. Value reduced to 1/3rd if 'Kingdom' is taken, but may be taken up to 3 times to gain up to maximum Value.)
[ ] Write In (Subject to GM ruling.)

Your family's Name?
[ ] Write In.


[X] Start from Childhood - Extended Char Gen, Additional Goodies

Any particular things you'd want/prefer/etc.? (Yes I do take requests.
More so if there is good reasoning/discussion.)

Yes you can acquire more later during Childhood. Ease is another matter entirely.
With modifiers of course.

Next part is your Family + PC specific Character Generation.
Last edited by a moderator:
[X] A raising, Fledgling 'Empire' with many whose positions have yet to be firmly
established. However, in turn, like many other empires in their early years, there are but
enemies from all sides that would prefer to see its demise. Yet, all the same, the legacies of
an empire are but honey that draws many to its side. (+3 to family choices, +1 to nation

I like this since it give's our faction opportunity to rise higher.

[X] Sorano

[X] A rather Large Population despite what its size, age, and influence would indicate.

[X] A group of Diviners under your family's sponsorship and employ. Though normally
passed up or outright ignored in Far Eastern cultural nations, your family has decidedly
considered otherwise as an alternative to reliance on the Far Eastern religion's Miko. (Can be
taken up to 2 times.)
[X] Connections Aboard outside of the nation. On one hand, your family is well known
and connected. On the other, that brings its own bag of problems. (Can be taken up to 3
[X] A few Alchemist Friends working under your family's employ. Or well, more akin to
part of the family. It's a slightly awkward situation. (If taken with Witch Acquaintances,
each counts as 1.5; Can be taken 2 times if Witch Acquaintances is not taken.)
[X] A few Alchemical Knights associates having joined your family in their endeavour.
They are much akin to an extended family as opposed to friends though. (Requires
Alchemist Friends, replaces the 1st instance of Alchemist Friends if taken.
Counts as 2.)
[X] A few Witch Acquaintances having taken refuge under your family's wing. (If taken
with Alchemist Friends, each counts as 1.5; Can be taken 2 times if Alchemist
Friends is not taken.)
[X] A few Witch Knights that your family has helped some time in the past against the
Church. Though, due both debts and their honor, they effectively are part of your family's
forces, though their employment status is rather strange. (Requires Witch
Acquaintances & Connections Aboard, replaces 1st instance of Connections
[X] The Remnants of an age old 'empire', held together by the loyalties of the Clans in its
service and those loyal to Clans subordinate to them. However, despite its age it still holds
enough power and capability to deter younger nations from preying upon it. But that will not
last forever… for better or for worse? Is the unity but a fleeting illusion? (+3 to nation choices)

The Clan name of the 'Shogunate'/'Daimyo' was…

The nation has... (Pick 1 thing of note; Pick 2 instead if Fledgling is chosen; Pick 4
if Remnants is chosen.)
[X] A solid, well established School System modeled after that of an Academic State.
(Cannot be taken by 'Kingdom')
[X] Allied Nations that it can count on should war come to pass. And also less worries
for at least the foreseeable immediate future, lest they paint themselves untrustworthy to all.
[X] No Distorted Range within or near its boarders.
[X] A Grand Temple to/of the Far Eastern religion built within its lands. (Remnants
[X] A group of Diviners under your family's sponsorship and employ. Though normally
passed up or outright ignored in Far Eastern cultural nations, your family has decidedly
considered otherwise as an alternative to reliance on the Far Eastern religion's Miko. (Can be
taken up to 2 times.)
[X] Connections Aboard outside of the nation. On one hand, your family is well known
and connected. On the other, that brings its own bag of problems. (Can be taken up to 3
[X] A few Alchemist Friends working under your family's employ. Or well, more akin to
part of the family. It's a slightly awkward situation. (If taken with Witch Acquaintances,
each counts as 1.5; Can be taken 2 times if Witch Acquaintances is not taken.)
[X] A few Witch Acquaintances having taken refuge under your family's wing. (If taken
with Alchemist Friends, each counts as 1.5; Can be taken 2 times if Alchemist
Friends is not taken.)
Last edited by a moderator:
[X] The Remnants of an age old 'empire', held together by the loyalties of the Clans in its
service and those loyal to Clans subordinate to them. However, despite its age it still holds
enough power and capability to deter younger nations from preying upon it. But that will not
last forever… for better or for worse? Is the unity but a fleeting illusion? (+3 to nation choices)

[X] Yamagi (Though I don't really care that much...)

[X] A solid, well established School System modeled after that of an Academic State.
[X] An Improved Educational System derived, if not directly from a Academic State.
(Requires School System)
[X] A rather Large Population despite what its size, age, and influence would indicate.
[X] A fair number of Monster tribes and clans under their employ. (Cannot be taken by

[X] Good Standing within the nation, about equivalent to one of the 'Major' Samurai
Clans, with a subordinate 'Minor' Samurai Clan serving your family- as per norm of the
standing, though closer to the 'bare minimum'. In a ways, your family has drifted somewhat
away from being true Knights, and a bit towards Samurai. (Counts as 2 only if
'Kingdom' is taken.)
[X] High Standing within the nation, one could say equivalent to one of the 'Fudai'
Samurai Clans, including subordinate Samurai Clans serving your family- as per norm of the
standing. As Knights that have earned such honor, one could say that your family has drifted
to a 'in between' being true Knights and Samurai. (Counts as 2; Requires Good
Standing; Cannot be taken with 'Kingdom')
[X] Large Holdings within the nation, greater than what one would suppose a foreigners
would have, especially in comparison to an equally long serving or perhaps, even longer
serving Samurai Clan. (Cannot be taken with 'Kingdom')
[X] A Clan of Ninja Shinobi in service to your family.

Your family's Name?
[X] Oda

Anything you got planned for the growing years is fine. And please check if the two write-ins I choose are good or not.

Edit: Modified with the newer fixes.
@ Wing101
Your selection is 1 short on Nation choices & family choices.

@ kinglugia
Yours is 2 over the limit for your family choices.

@ Adyen
The nation choice write in is actually already included asthe description for Remnants makes mention of loyalties holding the nation together. It is valid (as a choice) for the other two (a weaker version for 'Kingdom').

The Strong Merchant connections needs Connections Abroad (one instance that isn't taken up by something else, though it does NOT displace it), or some other merchant related one (it doesn't displace it either). Other than that, it works.

Good Merchant connections would be the 1 cost version with similar but lesser effects. No prerequisites however.
Hmm... In that case, I'll change it to:

[X] A solid, well established School System modeled after that of an Academic State.
[X] An Improved Educational System derived, if not directly from a Academic State.
(Requires School System)
[X] A rather Large Population despite what its size, age, and influence would indicate.
[X] A fair number of Monster tribes and clans under their employ. (Cannot be taken by

[X] Good Standing within the nation, about equivalent to one of the 'Major' Samurai
Clans, with a subordinate 'Minor' Samurai Clan serving your family- as per norm of the
standing, though closer to the 'bare minimum'. In a ways, your family has drifted somewhat
away from being true Knights, and a bit towards Samurai. (Counts as 2 only if
'Kingdom' is taken.)
[X] High Standing within the nation, one could say equivalent to one of the 'Fudai'
Samurai Clans, including subordinate Samurai Clans serving your family- as per norm of the
standing. As Knights that have earned such honor, one could say that your family has drifted
to a 'in between' being true Knights and Samurai. (Counts as 2; Requires Good
Standing; Cannot be taken with 'Kingdom')
[X] Large Holdings within the nation, greater than what one would suppose a foreigners
would have, especially in comparison to an equally long serving or perhaps, even longer
serving Samurai Clan. (Cannot be taken with 'Kingdom')
[X] Write In
-[X] Mercantilism is highly accepted within the nation, allowing stronger control over trade and taxes.
-[X] Strong Merchant connections allows a higher income than normal from trade as well as a form of information in rumors and any information merchants visiting places within the nation.
Erm, Adyen, that would go 1 over choice-wise, if Mercantilism was even valid for nation choice (for Far East). This is more cultural end issue, though possible for Fledgling (at 2 cost instead of 1).

That aside,filling the req. for Strong Merchant connections will push your end into 1 over on family.

Costs/Choices are affected by nation choice and a lesser extent family choice (as it affects after nation).
Here's a vote option I made out of a whim. Subject to change/reflection...

Clan name of the Shogunate
[X] Kuzunoha

[X] Fledgling
-Nation has...
[X] Monster Tribes
[X] Distance

Your family has... (9 under Fledgling)
[X] Good Standing 1
[X] Alchemist Friends (1.5)
[X] Witch Acquaintances (1.5) = 4
[X] Connections Aboard: Witch Knights 1
[X] Connections Aboard: Neighbouring Nation 1 (Due to the actions from your parents end in the past, they're at least on friendly terms. Question being, would that same amnesty extend to the nation you where born under?) = 6
[X] Shinobi 2 = 8
[X] A few Monster Acquaintances having taken refuge under your family's wing during their travels. (9? Possibly cheaper if Monster Tribes was picked as a trait?)

Family Name...
[X] McLeod

'Japanese Name' (given partly via services, and for translations sake.)
[X] Rion (or some Japanese word for 'Braveheart', granted in honour of a Shogun.)

Kuzunoha name, because I want a sort of shout out reference to a SMT game I love. ^.^

Picked Remnant in my opinion for the options. Though if you're more inclined to have distance as an advantage, it might be wise to replace Monsters with that if viable. Eh, the option of short term peace vs gearing up to defend a bastion of equality. Decisions decisions...

In hindsight, since I kinda went over with Shinobi somehow? So edited my vote a bit, to take into account that and interest.

As for the family options, I mainly picked that option partly for maximum 'harem shenanigans' to beheld on the MC Parents end (iiin revenge for all those Bearer Quest MC's), and partly in case you want to be flexible with options on training. Note however, that at the very least I want Good Standing, but not beyond that.

Least we end up ending up having to put in TOO much of a balancing act. Alternatively, if need be; you COULD replace 'School System' with 'Distance' if you want more time, at the expense of family training all the time, as is/was traditional.

Overall, hope this vote is interesting in a sense. And now to look at ze OTHER Votes...

EDIT: Edited vote, to take into account a minor mistake on my end.
@ MasterBasher

The Witch Knights require Connections Abroad (Witch they effectively eat up). And Shinobi cost/count as 2, not 1)
ReinZero said:
Erm, Adyen, that would go 1 over choice-wise, if Mercantilism was even valid for nation choice (for Far East). This is more cultural end issue, though possible for Fledgling (at 2 cost instead of 1).

That aside,filling the req. for Strong Merchant connections will push your end into 1 over on family.

Costs/Choices are affected by nation choice and a lesser extent family choice (as it affects after nation).

Ah. I thought you meant that "Strong Merchant Connections" only required a merchant related pre-req for it to be a 1 instead.

Hmm. Ok, I need to rethink this then. Cause there's no way I can get that either way... and if I take the 1 point version I would still have 1 'point' left. Hmm.

[X] Good Standing within the nation, about equivalent to one of the 'Major' Samurai
Clans, with a subordinate 'Minor' Samurai Clan serving your family- as per norm of the
standing, though closer to the 'bare minimum'. In a ways, your family has drifted somewhat
away from being true Knights, and a bit towards Samurai. (Counts as 2 only if
'Kingdom' is taken.)
[X] High Standing within the nation, one could say equivalent to one of the 'Fudai'
Samurai Clans, including subordinate Samurai Clans serving your family- as per norm of the
standing. As Knights that have earned such honor, one could say that your family has drifted
to a 'in between' being true Knights and Samurai. (Counts as 2; Requires Good
Standing; Cannot be taken with 'Kingdom')
[X] Large Holdings within the nation, greater than what one would suppose a foreigners
would have, especially in comparison to an equally long serving or perhaps, even longer
serving Samurai Clan. (Cannot be taken with 'Kingdom')
[X] A Clan of Ninja Shinobi in service to your family.
[X] Fledgling

Clan Name
[X] Yamagi

Nation Has
[X] Large Population
[X] School System

Family Has Cost Total
[X] Good Standing 1 1
[X] Large Holding 1 2
[X] Connection Abroad: WK 1 3
[X] Alchemist Friends 1.5 4.5
[X] Alchemist Knights 2 6.5
[X] Witch Acquaintances 1.5 8
[X] Witch Knights 1 9
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