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Trump Card (Worm AU) [Complete]

Congratulations on finishing another fic! You're on a roll.
Sad to see it end, this was my favorite of your fics. Good job on it.
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Reactions: Ack
One thing I found interesting about the ending to this fic is that you took the road less traveled by and had gold morning happen years down the road. Most fics imitate canon and have scion set off early, but here they took advantage of the extended timeline and prepared.

I enjoyed this. But, I do feel this was too easy. Not so much the Golden Morning, but, in general.

It's a bit too slick. Taylor wins a little too smoothly.

I think it's a bad habit of yours, Ack. Sometimes, the Hero needs a setback, so the eventual win is even more satifying.
Still would have been nice to see the fight :D
It was very quick.

Alibi kicked the shit out of Jack Slash, Taylor stunned Crawler, they located Manton and neutralised him, then dumped everyone into a portal.

When you have the resources of Cauldron at your disposal, fights tend to go that way.
Little shocked Contessa didnt make an appearance.
She did, but only in passing. She's the one who located Dinah Alcott.

She tends to avoid Taylor, because she's miffed that Taylor can use her Paths better than she can.

I enjoyed this. But, I do feel this was too easy. Not so much the Golden Morning, but, in general.

It's a bit too slick. Taylor wins a little too smoothly.

I think it's a bad habit of yours, Ack. Sometimes, the Hero needs a setback, so the eventual win is even more satifying.
They spent SIXTEEN YEARS planning it out. Every last detail. Once Jack Slash was out of the way, they avoided all major conflicts via Contessa and Dinah (and Watchdog, under Lisa) and got all the pieces in place before springing the trap.

It almost went wrong anyway (though she'd planned for that, too) but the reason there wasn't an "oh shit we almost lost" setback is because Taylor had the facts at her disposal, the resources of Cauldron at her disposal, and set about taking down Scion the smart way. That is, not by trying to outpunch him, but by leading him into a trap and smashing him.

There's drama, and then there's grimderp "we gotta fight like hell to gain every inch" drama. I decided to avoid that by having Taylor do it smart.
They spent SIXTEEN YEARS planning it out. Every last detail. Once Jack Slash was out of the way, they avoided all major conflicts via Contessa and Dinah (and Watchdog, under Lisa) and got all the pieces in place before springing the trap.

It almost went wrong anyway (though she'd planned for that, too) but the reason there wasn't an "oh shit we almost lost" setback is because Taylor had the facts at her disposal, the resources of Cauldron at her disposal, and set about taking down Scion the smart way. That is, not by trying to outpunch him, but by leading him into a trap and smashing him.

There's drama, and then there's grimderp "we gotta fight like hell to gain every inch" drama. I decided to avoid that by having Taylor do it smart.
I wasn't talking about the Epilogue.

It's a tendancy of your stories. To my taste, it's a bit too easy for the "Hero" to win.

I'm not saying its bad. I like your stuff. But, I don't feel things are hard enough.

You might know what I'm saying already. But, if not, it might help flesh things out, so....

Hope it helps.
I wasn't talking about the Epilogue.

It's a tendancy of your stories. To my taste, it's a bit too easy for the "Hero" to win.

I'm not saying its bad. I like your stuff. But, I don't feel things are hard enough.

You might know what I'm saying already. But, if not, it might help flesh things out, so....

Hope it helps.
I have been working on that tendency.

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