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Tyranids "R" Us [40k Tyranid Hivemind SI]

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A bit surprising he can't brute force analyze things with his transcendent metal faculties. Or use the non linear relationship with time the warp has for relatively instantaneous computation.

a common misconception is that if you have enough computing power you can figure out anything but that's not true, you still need to to perform tests and experiments to gather data to create computer models and your models are only as good as the data you have to feed them
a common misconception is that if you have enough computing power you can figure out anything but that's not true, you still need to to perform tests and experiments to gather data to create computer models and your models are only as good as the data you have to feed them
Still leaves the option of sending back the memories and data to a previous point. If a bunch of parasites can, (sort of?), do it so can our highly adaptable friend.
While I still identified with humanity, I'm no longer certain that I most strongly identify with humans.

There's a fun quandary on what humanity exactly is. The best example is our pets, the most extreme being the dog as humans and wolves co-evolved wolves became more human like in behavior than even some of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom.

Dogs exhibit behaviors that are only beneficial for interaction with one species on this planet. Examples include but are not limited to, looking at eyes as a way to determine focus and direction, understanding ties between scent and behavior of a separate species and willing to risk self harm in defense of another species.

Humanity is defined as reference to humans collectively but it's often used as a vague way to define a quality of human nature.

Humanity is probably better described as a shared set of behaviors because while dogs are not human they are arguably part of humanity.
a common misconception is that if you have enough computing power you can figure out anything but that's not true, you still need to to perform tests and experiments to gather data to create computer models and your models are only as good as the data you have to feed them
Garbage in garbage out is something I've heard, dunno the actual term though. Lol.
845M06 Necrons
845 M06
"You seem excited, albeit tinged with frustration. Did you discover a new wraithbone interaction or something?" The Emperor asked, having noticed the direction of my thoughts though the connection that we never actually bothered to close, these days.

"No, although I did finally stabilize my transmutation warp construct after so long studying the wraithbone and the impermeable warp-shield. What I'm excited about is that I finally found a Necron Tombworld."

Interest flowed through the bond. "Did you discover why you have been unable to locate them thus far? You've scouted an appreciable fraction of the Galaxy at this point, after all."

"I did, and the discovery was due to a random earthquake opening a fissure on one of the more unique garden worlds I was studying that allowed me to find one of their sealed Necropoli. The reason I hadn't found one until now was that I was searching incorrectly. I had assumed that the Necrons were active warp-suppressors, like the human 'blanks' described in the alternate timeline, and in a way they are, but what may be a naturally occurring phenomenon in some humans has been refined to an impossible degree with the Necrons. Rather than being a void that actively combats the immaterium around them, the energy is instead purely funneled into being unaffected by the warp entirely, to the point that they have no warp signature at all."

Genuine surprise. "Even comets and airless moons have a warp signature. I had assumed that everything in realspace had at least some presence."

"Exactly, hence why it took so long to find. One of the strangest effects I've seen. Psychic effects slide off even the base Necrodermis building material they use like it isn't even there. It also answers the question of how a race with no souls can remain safe from warp-corruption. Chaos simply cannot see or interact with them at all. It's as if they severed the realspace/empearean mirror entirely, and I don't have the faintest idea how it was accomplished." I was actually rather frustrated at that. I had hoped that Necrodermis would be a cornerstone to advancing warp-resistance, but it was too good at its job. I didn't have any effective means by which to analyze it properly.

"Hmm. So some indivisible property of the material they build everything with. I would appreciate a sample to work with, when you get the chance. I know you have some technological capability to analyze materials like this, but I also know that your capability doesn't scale well in that regard, as a primarily psychic entity. It will need to be handled correctly, but perhaps a few grams shipped to a few thousand research institutes each will yield something, although I will temper expectations to a degree."

I sent a wave of acknowledgement. "I would appreciate it. It feels like working blind, since all of my primary senses don't seem to function on it. It also means that we'll need to be more careful with planetary surveys moving forward, since you need to physically locate a Necropolis to know that it's there in the first place."

We sat in relative silence, half formed ideas bouncing back and forth as we both considered the idea.

The Emperor broke the silence first. "May I ask what's unique about life on that garden world?"

I nodded along. "I can see where you're going with this. Yes, it's a rare example of a phosphorus-starved ecosystem. Which doesn't mean anything in and of itself, since planets formed after the fall of the Old Ones often share that characteristic, but it could be a key indicator to look out for. It would also explain why Tombworlds are frequently described as lifeless deserts. Even if they were otherwise suitable for colonization, the Old Ones wouldn't bother seeding phosphorus onto Necron controlled worlds, and thus, life is far less likely to evolve there."

"Certainly something to watch, now that we're aware of the possibility. Now, how goes the project to totally enclose the pair bond network in the impermeable membrane."

"Well, as you know I finished excavating and laying the foundations about four hundred years after the Eldar attack on Damascus. It took a further five hundred to build the framework for the barrier itself, and then for the past three hundred the barrier has been growing in strength as it repairs itself. I estimate it's at about ninety percent strength, which means I can only catch glimpses of the network myself, despite surrounding it. Within a hundred years it will be totally enclosed, and I will be cut off from the network entirely. Beyond that point, new bonds that fit the conditions and precisely match the bond type can be added and the network itself can change the empyrean conditions within the barrier, but no external force will ever be able to influence the network through the warp."

A wave of satisfaction. "Good. It will be nice to finally have actual immunity for anyone who's formed a bond, rather than 'just' a strong resistance."

I waited a beat, before hesitantly adding my next point. "Actually, I have a hypothesis, now that the network is entirely enclosed."


"Throughout all of human history, departed souls that lacked the strength to tear themselves free of the immaterium were simply dissolved back into the medium from which they emerged. Currently a peaceful, albeit very final, end. But when the warp storms come and daemons start actively hunting rather than acting as opportunistic feeders, souls will instead be devoured. But… If my hypothesis is correct, finishing the enclosure will give bonded pairs the ability the Eldar either naturally exhibit, or that they probably stole from some other Old One project of some sort. Namely, the ability for departed souls to retain their coherence for as long as they wish in the immaterium. Specific to this case, within the pairbond barrier."

The Emperor was thinking hard. "Now that will be interesting. I'll have to ponder the implications. If it is indeed a similar mechanism that the Eldar use, then I can foresee the ability for pairs to step back into realspace, provided they have a sufficiently isolated vessel to enter and their souls wish to make the leap."
Something that occurs to me is that at one point the hive-mind figured out how to create matter out of the Warp, IIRC. Then we were shown how certain psionic matrices would functionally create energy and matter out of nothing more than a sufficiently strong idea.

Doesn't that represent an end to entropy?
Doesn't that represent an end to entropy?
I don't mean to hurt entropy's feelings, but entropy doesn't have shit on the 40K 'verse.
The instant realspace got connected to a dimension of infinite energy and endless feedback loops, entropy went and hid in the corner for a while.

Huh. Humanity is starting to catch up to the Eldar, aren't they? Though saying that where an Eldar can hear might cause them to pop a blood vessel for the sheer presumption and unmitigated gall of even thinking primitive monkeys could possibly match the Eldar in anything.

Also, what might the Eldar and Chaos Gods be thinking about Tyr, I wonder... Surely they've noticed him by now?
Huh. Humanity is starting to catch up to the Eldar, aren't they? Though saying that where an Eldar can hear might cause them to pop a blood vessel for the sheer presumption and unmitigated gall of even thinking primitive monkeys could possibly match the Eldar in anything.

Also, what might the Eldar and Chaos Gods be thinking about Tyr, I wonder... Surely they've noticed him by now?

DAOT humanity was honestly pretty close to matching the Eldar in Canon, it's going way faster in this timeline.
Also Tyr is an amazing name for the MC, I've been struggling with what to call the "Tyranid Hivemind" way less of a mouthfull.
I'd rather not. There's a Norse god with that name that got killed by the guard dog of the underworld.

I don't mean to hurt entropy's feelings, but entropy doesn't have shit on the 40K 'verse.

The instant realspace got connected to a dimension of infinite energy and endless feedback loops, entropy went and hid in the corner for a while.
Expand! Expand! EXPAND!

No longer bound by extant resources the Hivemind can make anything at any desired quantity.
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Also, Just binged this. Loving the fic. Especially all the non-MC POVs introducing the changes humanity is going through. I hope you do more of these. Especially, something from the Emperor's POV. Also is the Emperor still in his "Graven Huges" persona, since everyone is Immortal now and has no need to change?

Now that Necrons are a thing. If Tyr and Emperor can establish contact with The Silent King. There might be a possibility of our matchless duo becoming a tremendous Trio. I have always thought the Silent King as a good leader (although not all his people listen to him), compared to every other faction in 40k. Also, Tyr and Emperor being the most powerful of psykers might be able to help him with his goal of getting back the Souls of Necrons. They already have a history of cooperation in the main!40k Timeline, Trazyn helped in restarting the Necron Pylons in Cadia.
Just binged this. I love 40K fics that start long before the 40K or even 30K time periods, and watch how small and large changes butterfly their way into the future.
I just binged this too.
Do you have a list of all the story's of this concept?
I love this concept to. :)
I just binged this too.
Do you have a list of all the story's of this concept?
I love this concept to. :)

No list for you unfortunately. It's a rarer form of 40K fanfiction, so I've just come across a few scattered here and there on the internet, and I don't think I have actual accounts anywhere else I encountered them, so I don't actually have a favorites list I can search or anything.

... Actually wait, I just remembered one I was reading recently. ... no wait, that's a 30K fic. Nevermind. If your interested in 30K though, I can recommend Everqueen. Isha instead of running and hiding from Slaanesh behind Nurgle, instead slices off a large chunk of her divinity, and runs and hides behind the emperor. The emperor is not particularly pleased and doesn't much trust her, but as far as Isha is concerned, if the Emperor decides he just can't trust her and kills her, that's still a better result than getting grabbed by a chaos god. They are slowly figuring out how to work together, and because it came up in thread a lot, there is NOT going to be romance between the emperor and Isha.
Do not necro. This is against Rule 7.
I really hope this story isnt dead. I just binged this and need more. Ive read some comments bemoaning that there is less of a focus on the mc, and takes a look at the wider universe. All i have to say to that is: what do you expect? Even the smallest changes mc introduced in the 2nd millennium would make massive waves by the 30th, never mind the 40th. Its a big big universe, and theres more going on than what the mc can see.

Personally, i would love to see more orky pov, and maybe even take a look at the necron pov? Even if its just some rando lord waking up and noticing that his favorite voidship is missing. (I play necrons irl, so i got a soft spot for em).

Again, i loved what I've read, and hope to read more at some point.
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