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Interlude - Those With Choice
Interlude - Those With Choice

The ticking of the clock reminded him how late it was getting in the evening, causing the man to put down his book and stand from his chair. He stretched a bit before walking out of his sitting room and walking into an atrium, an extremely large picture frame taking up an entire wall and stretching from floor to ceiling. His hand reached out and traced the frame, he could easily enter the image and visit the denizens within, but there'd be no point, as the person he really wanted to see had long since died.

An eon had passed since she had died, and their children had followed soon enough after, and their children's children, and then their children's children's children, and that was around the time that he gave up on following his family tree, because it just got depressing at that point.

Immortality is definitely all people chalked it up to being.

Even as the various Ages of Light and Dark rolled on, he watched them all.

The Lords who took the burden of Linking the Fire, and were rendered to be naught but cinder, thus he wondered the fate of his good friend and brother in arms, Solaire of Astora.

The Dark Lords who rose up and refused the Fire, instead plunging the world into darkness as he had, and that made him wonder if Darkstalker Kaathe had gotten to them.
And then there's those who drew his ire of the years.

Kaathe's Darkwraiths who sought to have him return and rule over humanity as a Dark Lord if none arose, of course, Kaathe was more than happy to leave him alone.

Aldritch was another issue, the corpse devouring slime not only ate the bodies of Nito, the Bed of Chaos, and Gwyndolin, but he also tried to find and eat Priscilla which drew the attention of the first Dark Lord. He had duelled with the blob for a good while, protecting not just Priscilla's grave, but also ended up saving the life of Gwyndolin's follower, Yorshka. The Dark Lord had made off with the image containing the Painted World of Ariamis, and escaped into the world to find a new hideaway.

Then there were the times he tangled with the Children of Dark, more than a few of whom held a grudge against him for his part in the death of Manus, something that made sense to him as they were apparently born of his shattered soul. There were a few that simply sought him out in attempts to recruit him, but they were also turned away, regardless of their reasons.

As he rolled his shoulders and made his way on to his bedroom, his thoughts turned toward that one rabble rouser that stuck out from among the various people who could have either Linked the Flame or ushered in an age of Dark, but instead did neither. The Bearer of the Curse had stuck out to him, but the kid seemed a bit off mentally.

Chuckling as he prepared to bed down for the night, he murmured, "I wonder, what did that Ashen Brat ever get up to after he broke the cycle… I'll have to ask him if I meet him…"


A beat.

A pulse.

A pause.

A finger twitches.

A pair of eyes opens and the person sitting on the throne swivels their head up to look at the crystal planted in the ground before them, and catch sight of their body. They reached out, their hand tracing the glass as they stared at the crown on the brow of their body resting within the crystal.

"How long has it been since I was last myself?"

The person wondered as they studied their body, noting that they had been beautiful, but that this was necessary at least until they could break the Cycle and free humanity from their suffering. Everything they'd done had been for that, but no one seemed to understand that, all of them just get in the way.

"Quite some time, if I remember correctly." The voice came from the only entrance into the room, what looked to be a small child shrouded in a cloak answered as she strode into the room. Her head swivelled to look at the crystal before she continued, "Many generations have come and gone since the last time you were you."

"Oh. And the state of the world?" They asked as they continued to study the crown on their true body's brow.

The cloaked figure shrugged, "Much the same as the last time you were awake."

"And I can still feel the suffering of humanity, the Cycle has to be broken, only then will they be at peace. At least you are still on my side." The Bearer of the Curse replied as they tried to stand from their seat, only to fall back into it.

"As I have told you, I will stand by you, but I am not on your side, nor any other." The girl answered as she studied the one struggling to control their current body.
Ignite 1
Ignite 1

[X] Spend time with Shizuna if she's free.
-[X] Ask about what past Mahorafests were like and we can look forward to.
[X] Try to find Takahata and tell him about our encounter with the vampire.
-[X] Tell him to stop laughing.
-[X] She seemed to know him, ask him how we can best deal with her.

You mostly spent time with Shizuna in the evening, except for one night that you went out drinking with Takamichi which gave you a chance to ask him about the vampire. His reply left you rather nonplussed, "Ah, you met Eva then. Don't worry about her, she's mostly harmless."

"She was hanging from my neck with prime jugular access within the few moments that I realized something was wrong, how does she qualify as harmless?" You grumble into your drink, finding the older man's good humour a bit insulting.

He just shakes his head, his laughter continuing as he clarified, "Mostly harmless. She's only really dangerous on the Full Moon and the last day of Mahorafest."

"The last day of the festival?"

Blinking, Takamichi shook his head, answering, "Right, forgot that you're a Wizard type. On the last day of the festival, the World Tree releases a huge amount of mana, enough that Eva's temporarily able to bypass her seal, which she usually is only able to on the Full Moon. Those are the only times that she's able to use any of her power, and even then she's pretty hobbled."

"You serious?" You ask after quaffing what was left in your cup, grimacing at how rusty you apparently became.

The man nodded, "Yeah, but you shouldn't really worry, Eva's actually a big softy at her core, so she probably won't do more than jerk you around a bit."

"As if that makes me feel any better…" You grumble, tempted to just drown yourself in alcohol.
(Rolling~ Rolled 77 bloody dice. Rolling again, rolled 90, WTF mate?)

It's as you're on your way back to your motel, walking off a bit of a buzz in the cool night air, when you hear a clicking across the pavement. Looking up, you notice a woman wearing what looks to be something like a nun's habit approaching from the front, a walking stick skittering across the pavement. You can't tell much about her features from your current distance, but you can see that her eyes are a blank white colour.

As the two of you draw nearer, you note that she has a number of features uncommon amongst those of Japanese descent, her skin a pale white and what little visible hair looked to be a straw blonde. When the two of you passed on the road, you heard what sounded like a delicate sniff and then the sound of her footsteps stopping, as well as a pause in the clicking of her walking stick.

You move to step past her when you hear her ask a single question, in a tone you can't quite place, that stops you cold.

"M-My Lord of Ash?"


[ ] Answer…
-[ ] Yes
-[ ] No

[ ] Don't answer and walk away

[ ] Ask who's asking

[ ] Write in
Ignite 2
Ignite 2

[X] Answer…
-[X] "Yes? Who is asking?"

As you ask that question, you hear the woman sigh softly, "Have I changed so much? Or perhaps you are a different Lord of Ash… Either way, I suppose that I should introduce myself properly. In this life, I am Irina Takahashi, a mixed blood Japanese citizen who lives and works at a nearby church, despite the fact that I am not in the service of any religion that is currently popular or truly known by the masses. In my past life, I was Irina of Carim, a priestess who sought to become a Firekeeper, unable to complete that quest I-"

"You were brought into my service at Firelink Shrine, where I would provide you with Braille Tomes and you would teach me Miracles. I'm sorry for not recognizing you, Irina." You answer, feeling decidedly awkward over not recognizing the woman. Her miracles had been something of a boon, but you never truly spoke with her.

The blind woman smiles as she replies, "It's no problem, Lord of Ash. I too didn't expect to meet any of those from my previous life, were it not for my ability to wield Miracles, I would think that it was all just a frightful nightmare. Though I must ask, have you met Eygon, or seen anyone that you think might be him? I know it might be presumptuous…"

"No, no, it's fine. But, I'm sorry, Irina. You're the first person from that life that I've met since remembering it, so I'm not much help. And please, there's no reason to call me that title, in this life, I'm Harry, Harry Potter." All you can do is apologize and introduce yourself, as much as you want to be able to help the cleric meet her old protector once more, there's nothing you can do to help her at the moment.

Irina's smile weakens, but doesn't disappear, and though her tone is a bit subdued, she's still jovial as she continues, "I see, it's no issue, my lord Harry."

"I'm not going to be able to convince you not to call me that, will I?" You grumble and shake your head at the woman's apparent deference, despite the fact that she is no longer sworn to your service.

Her smile brightens a tad, "Not as such, my lord."

The two of you fall into silence for a few moments, but it's broken when Irina asks, "Tell me, my lord, how long do you plan to be here in Mahora? I would not be adverse to giving you a tour of the city, or as best I can give one…"



[ ] Accept her offer, and then break for the night

[ ] Accept her offer, and continue talking for a while yet
-[ ] Talk about what?

[ ] Decline her offer, and then bid her good evening

[ ] Decline her offer, and continue talking for a while yet
-[ ] Talk about what

[ ] Write In
Oh. Oh my. Blackmore you naughty naughty boy.
[X] Accept her offer, and continue talking for a while yet
-[x] Talk about miracles, and see if we can learn some more. Also, get to know her better.
Ignite 3
Ignite 3

[X] Accept her offer, and continue talking for a while yet
-[X] Her life here and ours in Britain.
-[X] Mention you are in Japan to visit a relative.
-[X] Ask her about her Miracles, and whether she would be willing to teach them to you once more

"I'll take you up on that offer then, Irina." You answer warmly, smiling despite the fact that you knew she couldn't see it. Deciding to move the conversation forward, you continue, "So, tell me what life's been like for you?"

"Might I ask as to what you mean by that, my lord?" Irina replied, a small furrow appearing on her brow as she tried to puzzle out what you meant.

Giving the back of your head a scratch, you answer, "Well, I was asking what this current life has been like for you, living here in Japan."

"I see, well it was a bit difficult when I was young, being considered an outsider because of my hair and features and being blind, but things have gotten better over the years. My family don't quite understand my decision to live in service of the Gods, nor what I meant by the fact that I'm not truly a nun, but they're accepting enough. At this point in time, I've been living at a nearby church, and the sister in charge there is kind to me." She explained, starting slow but becoming a bit more animated as she neared the end.

You nod and hum, considering your words before giving your own story, "Well, I'm British, or Welsh, either or. My parents were killed by a terrorist when I was young and I ended up with my mum's sister and her family. My childhood wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst. School… eh, I seemed to have the worst luck there, one year I was the school darling and the next I was the pariah. When I graduated, I went looking for other relatives and found one who lives and works here in Mahora, I actually came to visit her."

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that things have been looking up for you, my lord." She answered, her expression running the gauntlet through concerned and happy during your story.

Refusing to let the conversation die, you ask, "Irina, are you still able to use and teach Miracles?"

"Indeed, my lord. I assume that you wish to learn them?" The woman replied, her head tilting a bit in askance.

Your smile stretches a bit as you answered, "I would be quite grateful if you would."

"What would they call me, if I were to refuse my lord such a small service? I shall gladly teach you once more, my lord." She's beaming at you at this point, and you're pretty sure that your grin's going strong as well.



[ ] Say Goodnight to Irina (proceed to the festival)

[ ] Talk with Irina some more
-[ ] Talk about what?

[ ] Write in
[X] Say Goodnight to Irina (proceed to the festival)

Eh, at least there is no usurper in this thread.
Ignite 4
Ignite 4

[X] Talk with Irina some more
-[X] Ask her if she knows or has met any other reincarnations in this life.
-[X] Ask if she has any plans for the festival and if she'd like to spend some time together.
-[X] Bid her a goodnight.
--[X]Hug her, and tell her how glad you are to see her again.
-[X] Stay sharp on the way back to the hotel, you don't want a repeat of what happened last time.

Assuming that she hadn't met anyone from your past lives would be a bit rash, so you decide to err on the side of caution and ask, "Based on what you were saying about Eygon… I'm guessing that you haven't met anyone else from the times of Fire?"

"I'm sorry, my lord, but that is correct. I've yet to encounter anyone that I knew in those times, not Greirat or Patches, Sir Hawkwood or Lady Sirris, nor Sir Eygon…" Irina replied, her features turning downcast at the thought of those either unfound or dead.

You make a noise of acknowledgment in your throat, before reaching out to squeeze her shoulder. Even though she stiffened when your hand landed, her shoulders slackened and you reassure her, "It's alright, Irina. Even if we haven't found any of the others, we've still got each other and the friends we've made in these lives."

"Ah, thank you, my lord." She answers, tilting her head down slightly, presumably some form of unconscious expression of embarrassment.

Deciding to move away from the sensitive topic, you speak up, "Well, I'm here over the festival, do you have any plans set?"

"No, nothing in particular. I know a number of people here, but I don't actually have many friends here and Sister Shakti, the sister of the church I'm staying at, has duties to take care of during the festival." She shook her head as she replied, her sightless gaze settling somewhere over your shoulder.

You grin, "Well, that means that you can spend some time with me then, right? I'm spending the afternoon of the first day with my relative, and I'm having lunch with an acquaintance on the second day, but I'm free other than those times."

"I, I would be honoured, my lord. Do you have any time in mind?" She asks, giving you a somewhat startled look.

You hum, and then answer, "How does the morning of the first day sound?"

"That would be lovely, my lord. Where should we meet up?" She replied, her smile having returned.

Thinking back, there are only a few places you really know in the area, so you give one of the few locations you know of, "How about that road full of cherry blossoms?"

"Cherry Blossom Lane? That sounds good to me, my lord. I shall see you then." She smiled, and that's when you moved. You swept her into a hug, and despite her squeak of surprise, she relaxes a bit after a second. Her own arms wrap around you, and then she murmurs, "Thank you, my lord, I know that it was only by chance, but thank you for finding me, my lord."

"No, thank you, Irina, I can't quite express how glad I am to see you again." You reply as you release her, stepping away from her.

Gathering herself, Irina took a breath before nodding to you and starting to turn away, "I'll bid you good night then, my lord."

"Good night, Irina." You call out, watching her disappear into the evening before turning and going on your own way, making sure to keep from being surprised by anyone like you were by the vampire.


Choice Time~

[ ] Proceed to the festival
-[ ] Do you want to do anything specific?

[ ] Write in
[X] DeusExBritania
You can't stop the Iron Wrought God-Emperor of Oppai!

Hell, you can even say that this board covers one of his domains. It's just kinda frustrating that the timing of the vote I wanna make hasn't come yet.

Soon though. Soon.
Alright everyone, I need to just get some news out to you guys, nothing too worrisome, just some stuff you guys should know.

My work schedule picked up a bit recently which took away some time, as well as other arrangements I had to take care of, on top of the fact that Ignite 5 is going to be a hella long chapter (Damn DeusExBritannia, that blurb be long), which means that Ignite 5 is going to take a while to get out. I'm also working on Antipathy 3 for HPPPQ, as well as the third chapter of Standing Up, which is taking time away from writing as well. I'll hopefully get Ignite 5 done soon, but I'm just letting you guys know what the delay is.

To tide you guys over, I offer you a free Interlude vote.

[ ] - A Friend to Our Lady of Sin Oh where to begin…

[ ] - The Saint

[ ] - The Curious
Bonus Interlude - A Friend to Our Lady of Sin
Interlude - A Friend to Our Lady of Sin Oh Where to Begin

"This is quite the discovery, you must admit."

In the gloom of the ruin, the smell of mildew and rock dust biting at the nostrils of anyone nearby, two people stood looking at an odd pile of bones. One of them, a slight figure with feminine features, spoke, "Do you mean the city, or these bones in particular? Because both could lead to the revision of history as we know it."

"Both, Doctor DuSol! This ruined city, with its architecture and the odd language we found carved into walls and roads, and this collection of bones, apparently belonging to some sort of giant humanoid! But…" Though excited, the other speaker, a burlier fellow with a rather thick beard, trailed off in thought.
The feminine figure sighed, running a hand through shoulder length ashen hair as they replied, "You're referring to the various places where we found that the ruins had been disturbed?"

"Especially the room that looked like it was sealed to keep the scrolls and books within safe and undamaged. Given that someone apparently made off with a good number of the texts, it's likely that we're missing some of the picture as to this place." The larger one replied, a troubled look clouding over his face as he considered the possibilities.

For their part, the feminine one shook their head, "Even so, doesn't it mean that we might have to thank the looters for exposing the ruins, given that the locals only really noticed the expansion to the cave recently?"


"No, I understand. The loss of the texts and possibly some relics means that it will likely take longer to decipher their language and culture, it's an infuriating thing but we must persevere." Pausing, the more feminine of the two looked to the large skull on the rocky floor in front of them. A small smirk crossed their face before looking to their compatriot and suggesting, "Why don't you go and grab some people to secure and catalog these bones, Doctor Cromwell? I want to examine the room a bit more…"

"Hmm? Oh, of course, we'll need to start somewhere, won't we?" The other person asked before trotting out of the room.

Listening for the footsteps of the other doctor to fade, the one who stayed behind knelt down in front of the giant skull and whispered vindictively, "Looks like all of your searching for a 'Lord of Hollows' and an 'Age of Dark', were for nothing, eh Kaathe? I wonder, if you weren't there… would the Chosen Undead have still walked the same path?"

Standing from the crouch, the archeologist put a hand against the wall and felt the grainy texture under their fingers, and chuckled.

It was all so ridiculous, this life.

From being reborn as a human, to being one of the archeologists who had 'discovered' this ruined city, it made them want to laugh. Of course, discovering that they'd been reborn with a number of their old physical features had been an annoyance, as they'd hoped to not have to deal with their old body.

Scratching at their chest, where they knew there were bindings, they turned to see the other doctor returning with a few assistants. As they closed the gap, the feminine archeologist spoke, "There's a large chasm at the back of the room, we'll need some of the spelunking and climbing gear if we're going to go further in."

"Did you find anything else?" The bearded doctor asked as he stepped up and past the other to inspect the pit.

The first shook their head, "No, it seems that this room was dedicated to either the owner of that skull, or to the pit. Maybe some sort of sacrificial pit or prison?"

"It's definitely a possibility, but given the relative sophistication of the architecture, it would be a bit out of place." The other commented, staring intently at the yawning pit that led into the dark.

Nodding and spinning on their heel, the feminine one replied, "True, but you can never tell. As it stands, there's not much here for me at the moment, so I'm going to go and see what progress has been made with the texts from the formerly sealed room. If we can figure out any connections to known languages, we may be able to get a rudimentary translation done."

The other archeologist waved them off as he continued to study the pit, the assistants nodding politely to the feminine archeologist as they strode out of the room and eventually the building.

Walking through the streets of what they knew to be New Londo, or Londor as it eventually became known as, the archeologist called Gwyn DuSol, formerly Darksun Gwyndolin, smiled as he thought of Kaathe's fate.
I'm pretty sure Gwyndolin doesn't completely hate his looks.

I mean, he can totally just flirt with a girl just by singing this.

Ignite 5a
Ignite 5a

-[X] In the morning, with Irina:
--[X] Ask if she had anything in particular she wanted to do, if not, suggest going to a musical performance.
---[X] If she has no preference in music, suggest something orchestral.
--[X] Afterwards, stroll around for a bit and make some small talk; just enjoy each other's company. Talk some more about your pasts in this life.
--[X] End your date with some lunch and accompany her back to the church.
---[X] Ask if her she could introduce you to Sister Shakti later, perhaps tomorrow morning.

Heading out at about nine in the morning, you meet Irina soon enough, the blind woman standing beneath one of the lane's eponymous cherry trees. She's shucked her usual attire for a more summery sort of dress, the dress a soft blue colour that complimented her ash blonde hair. She has her stick held loosely in her left hand, acting as a good indicator of her disability, if one discounts her eyes. You don't think that your approach is too obvious, but she perks up as you come up to you, smiling as she greets you, "Good morning, my Lord of Ash."

"Morning, Irina." The way you say it is exasperated, but at the same time, it's something of a warm reminder of the past. Shaking your head to clear those thoughts, you ask, "Is there anything that you want to do today? I'm not too familiar with the festival, so if you want to take the lead…"

"Oh, I actually used to avoid the festival, it was always so boisterous, and I never had anyone to enjoy it with. If anything, I would occasionally go out and sample some of the food stalls with Sister Shakti at the end of the day." Irina replied, her sightless gaze drifting near your chest as she shrugged.

Humming a bit, you reply, "In that case… how about one of the musical performances? I've looked into some of the groups, and apparently the university's orchestra is brilliant."

"That would be lovely, my lord." And damn, is that not a beautiful smile she's sending your way.


The trip to the concert hall was a bit difficult, what with the number of people in the streets, but it was worth it. It wasn't just the orchestra either, as they'd teamed up with a choir for the concert as well.

God damn, were they good.

The music had been powerful and moving, if melancholic, but you definitely would go to another performance by them if given the chance.

After the performance, you and Irina took to wandering the festival, the sheer size of the academy city actually surprising you. The two of you talked about what your pasts had been like in this life. You telling her about Ron and Hermione, Hagrid and Lupin, but still pussyfooting around the subject of magic. Irina, for her part, told you about her family (her mother having fled Soviet Russia, and met her father while in Japan), her friends (few that there were, but she and they were still good friends), and how her education had been.

The two of you had settled down at a cafe for lunch, you ordering a turkey sandwich set and an earl grey tea (where has all the pumpkin juice gone?) while Irina got a ham sandwich set and an orange pekoe tea.

The… well, yeah, it was a date. Your date with Irina ended around then, and you walked with her back to the church, making sure to remember how to get there. Upon arrival, you note that it's rather empty, but Irina pipes up, "If you're wondering why no one's here… well, Sister Shakti is strangely busy during the festival, and we're currently between acolytes…"

"Ah, I was going to ask about Sister Shakti, see if it was possible to meet her at some point." You reply, frowning a little at the fact that the Sister governing the church was "strangely busy" during the festival. Why would she be so busy, it's not like there'd be anything huge for nuns happening…

Irina simply tilted her head and asked, "Oh? Why's that, my lord?"

"Figured it'd be good to meet her, seeing as I'm going to be staying in contact with you, so I wouldn't exactly be a stranger. Can you imagine if she just came upon me hanging around out here waiting for you?" You explain, chuckling a bit at the image.

Irina herself let out a small laugh, instead answering, "I'll try and introduce the two of you, but she does keep odd hours during the festival."

Nodding your head, you get ready to head out.



You have a bit of time before you meet up with Shizuna, do you want to do anything?

[ ] Yes,
-[ ] Write In

[ ] No, proceed to Shizuna
Welp, right about the time of the next update is probably when we're going to start needing that NSFW tag....

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