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Upon This Star (Worm Semi-SI CYOA-based)

Created at
Index progress
Recent readers

I was scattered. It wasn't that I wasn't conscious but that I was so conscious - so overloaded...
CYOA Information
Since it comes up a bit, here's what you guys know about the CYOA build for this one:

Lt Ouroumov's Worm CYOA V6 found here: https://cyoa.ltouroumov.ch/viewer/


Someone Else
Entities, what are those Entities you speak of? - There's a lot of room for interpretation here, though.

Standard / Normal

Scenario & Setting
January 3rd, 2011
Canon Earth Bet / Brockton Bay

Taylor Anne Hebert

Cosmetic Shapeshift - Entirely to make her beautiful, which is a huge waste of points, really.
Fan Service - Even more points to make her hotter. Which is just annoying for her (but amusing for me)

Half of Who I Am - this is why the SI is fragmented and a little liberty was taken to merge in with the insert more
Sick - This is why she felt so bad that first week
Trouble Magnet - Admittedly, this is the cheap version for how much I hammer her, but the next version seems like a little too much
Acclimation - Half a spidermans right now, full spidermans in six months, two spidermans in a year
Arbitrary Limitations (one power) - This is to adjust her Skitter power to be mostly spider focused
Worst Day Ever / Worst Day - This was the day she died to truck. The first time.


Thinker (Quick Thinker) - This is limited to only kick in during life-or-death situations, but as a 1 point power, it's not worth taking the drawback for
Spider-Totem (Marvel) - Obvious
