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Video Games General

After constant watching of it and all, the game actually deserves to be bought and played. Its actually a decent game

For now. How long do you think it will be before EA updates it with a cash shop? Plenty of big studios are sneaking in microtansactions after the hype starts to die down, there is no chance in hell I'd trust EA not to do the same.
For now. How long do you think it will be before EA updates it with a cash shop? Plenty of big studios are sneaking in microtansactions after the hype starts to die down, there is no chance in hell I'd trust EA not to do the same.
'Flashback to Apex Legends'
It's from EA. That alone should disqualify it. At the very least it should be pirated.

As much as I hare EA I think when they make decently good game that's single player and doesn't have any predatory MTX then it good to buy this game to show that such games have place in the market and can also be profitable.
As much as I hare EA I think when they make decently good game that's single player and doesn't have any predatory MTX then it good to buy this game to show that such games have place in the market and can also be profitable.
Wait a month or two. If there're no lootboxes or microtransactions, then maybe.
I've heard good things about Fallen Order but I'm also wary of EA sneaking microtransactions in after launch so I want to sit and wait on it for a bit. I'll probably get it for Christmas or sometime in January, for now I just picked up Yakuza Kiwami and a few other games instead.
What other games is Xenoblade Chronicles 2 most like in gameplay? I never played 1 or X on account of going PC only for the entire 7th generation and most of the 8th no Wii or U. Is it basically a 3D Zelda but with NPC party members? I want to know what I'm getting into.
What other games is Xenoblade Chronicles 2 most like in gameplay? I never played 1 or X on account of going PC only for the entire 7th generation and most of the 8th no Wii or U. Is it basically a 3D Zelda but with NPC party members? I want to know what I'm getting into.
XB2 is a refined version of the system in XB1, and XB1 had a lot of similarities to some MMORPGs like World of Warcraft. That's probably the best direct comparison that I can make.

When combat begins your character performs a chain of auto-attacks and you have several special attacks with different properties mapped to different buttons on your controller, or in XB1 on a command menu that you cycle through. Each special attack has special properties that make them useful in different situations. Some heal damage, some do AoE damage, some do way more damage when you're directly in front or behind an enemy, etc. Each one also has a cool-down timer that replenishes a little with each auto-attack that lands. Landing these special attacks, called driver arts, fills up a second meter that allows your Blade companion to borrow your weapon and perform a Blade Art, which is a powerful elemental spell like a huge fireball or a rain of light arrows or a party-wide healing spell. You can swap between up to three (or in one special case, four) different Blades at once, and different Blades will give you access to different weapon types and different driver and blade arts.

You also fight alongside computer-controlled NPC party members who you can specialize as tanks/healers/dps depending on your needs, and monsters obey aggro mechanics like in MMO combat. By working together with your NPC allies you can chain your driver and blade arts together into driver and blade combos, doing things like breaking an enemy's guard, knocking them off their feet, launching them into the air and then smashing them back to the ground for an extended stun-lock and massive damage. Blade Combos can deal damage to an entire battlefield and make individual Blade arts even more powerful, and then there are chain attacks which are sort of like party-wide limit breaks.

It's a fairly complex system and it feels slow and awkward for the first few hours of play, but once you get the hang of it everything clicks all at once and it starts to feel very rewarding.

Update for Super Mario Maker 2, where there will be a power-up that lets you play as Link. And its not like the amiibo costume from the first game, as you will be able to use his sword, shield, arrows, and bombs.
So I decided to try getting back into TOR and the game keeps crashing within 10-15 minutes of starting and forces a hard reboot of the whole machine. Event logs tell me nothing. Anyone ever encountered this before?
What other games is Xenoblade Chronicles 2 most like in gameplay? I never played 1 or X on account of going PC only for the entire 7th generation and most of the 8th no Wii or U. Is it basically a 3D Zelda but with NPC party members? I want to know what I'm getting into.

Well, in 2020 Xenoblade 1 definitive edition is coming to the switch if you want to play it then.


It's also basically the only new 3ds game that came out from what I can tell that only works on a new 3ds.
So, my Steam controller came in.

Bit awkward, but I figured out how to hold it, sort of, so it's not too bad.

Not a big fan of how tiny the buttons are on such a hueg controller.

It's like a Switch joy-con fucked an Xbox controller and this is their mutant baby with a huge head and a tiny little face.
So, fro everyone that enjoyed adn played Golf Story...

Sequel is announced!

Resident Evil R3make is a go!

Resident Evil R3make is a go!


Meh, she should have had the OG costume from the beginning. But nowdays you would probably have people crying about how it is sexist or too revealing for the innocent little children who shouldn't be playing a game like this.

I wonder what the chances are of them doing remakes of the more recent RE games minus the (im my opinion) shitty, unneeded MP?
Meh, she should have had the OG costume from the beginning. But nowdays you would probably have people crying about how it is sexist or too revealing for the innocent little children who shouldn't be playing a game like this.
Yeah... They should've put them into a day one free DLC...
The only thing that I 100% hate about the RE trailer is that it doesn't end with Nemesis saying "S.T.A.R.S.".

Y'all read Kleegamefan's stuff? It is extremely exciting! He's a verified former game journalist with connections who's had next gen game footage shown to him by a dev buddy. It's not guaranteed what he's said is true but the guy is apparently pretty reliable~

The game he describes makes BoTW look like a N64 game.

Y'all read Kleegamefan's stuff? It is extremely exciting! He's a verified former game journalist with connections who's had next gen game footage shown to him by a dev buddy. It's not guaranteed what he's said is true but the guy is apparently pretty reliable~

The game he describes makes BoTW look like a N64 game.
I'll get hyped for the PS5 when I have it in my hands, not when we only have rumors and speculation about it.
Good graphics are nice, but when the gameplay is shit, it won't help much. Look at V:tM BL for example, the graphics are decent, but people keep coming back to it because it has excellent gameplay.
Good graphics are nice, but when the gameplay is shit, it won't help much. Look at V:tM BL for example, the graphics are decent, but people keep coming back to it because it has excellent gameplay.



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