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Video Games General

You know, Viscera Cleanup Detail has a Shadow Warrior spin off, I think something similar but for DOOM might be kinda fun.
So I tried out Arknights.

This kinda reminded me of the pain from when Aigis closed. But while it's a nice game, I'll pass on it after all. I don't feel like redoing what I did with Aigis all over again and the story didn't grab me.
All I can do at this point is hope that SE will get greedy and make a PC release.
All I can do at this point is hope that SE will get greedy and make a PC release.

PC ports for playstation games are generally lazy as fuck.


So even if they do odds are it has a game breaking glitch at launch they won't get around to fixing in a month. Or cost a lot of data space.
Hm. FF7R's battle system is fun, though I have some doubts about ever being able to block or dodge anything- hopefully I can tank most of it. There are some... interesting... additions to events, but still within reason, so far.
The demo was fun. I can't tell how close they stuck to the original script 'cause I never played the original (VII is the only PS era Final Fantasy I haven't played aside from FFXI), but I really like Barret.

My only complaint is the boss battle. I was doing pretty well with dodging attacks attacks aside from the gunfire enemies, but the scorpion's missiles just fucked me up no matter where I went. I figure this is one of those attacks you can only block and not dodge, but it's still annyoing.

The tells for enemy attacks were also weird. Some enemies have clear tells like the eyeballs on stalks and turrets' laser attacks. Others are much harder to notice, like the machinegun bursts from the guards. I'm still unsure if I just sucked or if SE still can't into action game mechanics.

And as far as the gameplay goes... it's fluid, and all animations look good, but I would rather have control of when Cloud jumps instead of him deciding to chase enemies knocked in the air some times and him staying on the ground most others. I have my misgivings about how Cloud's moveset works, but I admit that DMC5 spoiled me with its amazing action gameplay and FFVIIR definitely isn't the same sort of game or even trying to be, so I'll withhold my criticisms until I get some more experience in the final release.
Other than that, I can only complain about the camera, really. It's a bit too close to the character and it's extremely easy to lose sight of everything other than the enemy you're locked onto, which is a fairly annoying when half of them have Ranged attacks.

Overall, I'm impressed with the demo and actually have hope the remake won'tbe terrible, but not impressed enough to pre-order, let alone get the digital deluxe edition. Especially not with DOOM Eternal and Nioh 2 right around the corner.
Played the FF7 demo thingy.

-Looked pretty good.
-Cloud actually has some hints of a personality this time. The dude was unreadable before (I never watched any of the movies) so that's a plus.
-Jessie is the new best girl.

-The camera's too close in and makes keeping track of enemies and their attacks harder than it should be for a game in frickin' 2020.
-I worry the game might suffer from enemies having bloated HP scores like an MMO later on.
-Aeristh or whatever they're calling her this time looks weird from the front though I can't really put my finger on why. Too round maybe?

-The combat seems better than 15's. I wouldn't call it great compared to similar fare like Astral Chain or something but, it's decent enough.
-Barret reminds of a pro wrestler now. The dude struck some poses while he was speechifying and everything. It's amusing but, it's not really the impression I got off of him before so I don't know how to feel about it. Also, I think he gargles gravel.

Overall: I'm not gonna buy it full price but, maybe if it's on sale way later down the line and if the reviews are decent.
-plays hardcore minecraft for the first time-

Wooo, I'm doing well! I even got iron, I never find iron! I even got a farm!

Oh, there's a crevice in a cave system connected to my mine that has some decent stuff! Just need to get down there by carefully placing blocks down the wall.

Huh, is that a skeleton with a glowing bow...OH SHIT!


Four days in I died and my corpse fell into lava as the skeleton killed me. The world was forever lost.
Bannerlord is everything I wanted it to be : Better graphics, combat feels better and pretty looking environments and characters.

My only gripe?

Whenever I go into the arena they keep giving me the spear...stop giving me a fucking spear please!
I've been playing Persona 5 Royal for the last 2-3 days and I'm shocked at how many improvements Atlus managed to make to a game that was already pretty damn close to perfect. Here's just a few that I've noticed:

  • You can access the hardest difficulty setting right from the start instead of needing to unlock it.
  • Guns are now actually useful because their ammunition refreshes with every battle.
    • Morgana even lampshades the ammo problem as "shadows always expect the guns to be loaded, so they are" when he explains how cognition turns toy guns into real ones in Kamoshida's palace
  • Personas have passive skills that give them more personality in battle beyond just the 8 or so that they gain from levelling up.
  • Your party members' Personas all have passive party-wide buffs whenever they're on the front line, like Carmen buffing magic use.
  • Boss battles with palace rulers have at least one new phase each.
  • Morgana doesn't force you to go to sleep nearly as often as he used to, so you get a lot more time to do night activities.
  • Haru makes some surprise cameo appearances early in the game instead of only showing up near the very end.
  • You can take Caroline and Justine on not-dates outside the Velvet Room, giving them way more character depth as confidants than they had before.
I'm just about to start on the third palace so I haven't dug into most of the new content with Kasumi and the third school semester but everything I've seen so far has made P5R objectively superior to P5, and that was already a 9/10 game on its own. If you have any love of JRPGs definitely give this one a look, it's done a great job of holding me over until FF7R comes out next week.
You can take Caroline and Justine on not-dates

Vast improvement but will never top Elizabeth I bet.

Haru makes some surprise cameo appearances early in the game instead of only showing up near the very end.

Always made me feel sad that my first playthrough I went with Futaba and never finished my new game plus where I was planning on going for Haru. Ah, hell I'm in quarantine, I have plenty of time if I felt like it. On the ps3 version obviously since I don't have a ps4 or 5 and not planning on getting one.

Also something hilarious about persona royal!

What are the guidelines on streaming the game?
Persona 5 Royal can be streamed using the PlayStation 4's Share function up until the in-game date of December 24th. Scenes past this date will not be capturable using this feature.
Persona 5 Royal is a story-heavy game that adds an entirely new semester and new characters never-before experienced in Persona 5. Please respect your fellow players, don't spoil the story for them, and be mindful of the content you post.
If you do stream, here are just a few guidelines:
  • Please appropriately mark spoilers if sharing story content.​
  • Include the copyright logos ©ATLUS ©SEGA.​
  • Stick to normal streaming guidelines, such as do not slander the game or other players.​
  • Please do not make BGM videos.​
  • Most of all, enjoy Persona 5 Royal!​
Always made me feel sad that my first playthrough I went with Futaba and never finished my new game plus where I was planning on going for Haru. Ah, hell I'm in quarantine, I have plenty of time if I felt like it. On the ps3 version obviously since I don't have a ps4 or 5 and not planning on getting one.
P5R is a PS4 exclusive, unfortunately.
There is one negative about Royal I've encountered so far. They moved being given access to the gallows back one palace, so now Arsene is useless for even longer. Also I don't remember having this problem the first time but holy fuck you need so much yen.
Vast improvement but will never top Elizabeth I bet.

Always made me feel sad that my first playthrough I went with Futaba and never finished my new game plus where I was planning on going for Haru. Ah, hell I'm in quarantine, I have plenty of time if I felt like it. On the ps3 version obviously since I don't have a ps4 or 5 and not planning on getting one.

Also something hilarious about persona royal!
Wait, so it doesn't end on December 24th anymore?

Satan doesn't get to save Christmas?
Wait, so it doesn't end on December 24th anymore?

Satan doesn't get to save Christmas?

Well it's a major spoiler so you're reading it at your own risk:

Satan Saves Christmas but Joker don't turn himself in. When Sae proposes that, Akechi suddenly appear revealing he survived and he turn himself in as a true criminal behind murders.

Joker can continue being normal student for another semester.
Well it's a major spoiler so you're reading it at your own risk:

Satan Saves Christmas but Joker don't turn himself in. When Sae proposes that, Akechi suddenly appear revealing he survived and he turn himself in as a true criminal behind murders.

Joker can continue being normal student for another semester.
Spoiled myself but thanks. Definitely need to get it now... but I don't want to line up outside gamestop... hm...

EDIT: Hm... is it available digitally, maybe? I'll check in a minute.
so this was probably already asked but i didn't want to make a thread specifically for it, but since i'm basically stuck inside all day for the foreseeable future does anyone got any good decently long or at least worth the money in replay game recommendations? i'm willing to take just about anything you can give me barring horror and even that i'm willing to make some exceptions. even lewd and beyond if they have at least some decent gameplay.

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