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Video Games General

>Ya know I really fucking miss Wild Arms

>Mobage gets everywhere nowadays so maybe there's something? (Still fresh from the marathoning the games)

>Wild Arms Million Memories

>Oh hey its an action rpg even not just boring shit and looks pretty well done

>Dead in 2020. Didn't even last 2 years in Japan of all places

PAIN. It's a pain being a nerd for niche games and watch them more or less die. Heaven Dept (Sting- Yggdra Union/Riviera, Wild Arms, Boktai)
Have fun. Beware of the color orange.
God Blaster Master's top-down sections are stressful. It was fine for a while- there was only rarely a chance to take more than one hit, so long as I kept my super-beam. It could kill anything before it ever got close, and boatmurdered almost every boss. Only the boss fights in Sophia III were threatening, and those not too much.

But now... mandatory stealth section. Enemies, should they spot you, are super tough and aggressive.

To clarify: the top-down sections of the game give you weapon powerups... but you lose a level every time you get hit. And your weapon just gets worse and worse. You do have a single-use recharging shield that will keep one hit from hurting your weapon (but not your life) and that's enough... until this part. Lose the best beam, and... it's usually all downhill until you die because the basic bitch level one weapon does shit for damage and doesn't go farther away from your character than their own height.

In other news, I have started cheating at Seed of the Dead: Sweet Home. Too much grind. Gave myself more money. Found out you get the extra scene modes (Cross-section, girl's thoughts, POV mode) via the toilet, shower, and hot spring minigames.

Also fuck that first run through Act 4. Weapon RNG gave me TWO sniper weapons. The new one was nice and strong, if slow, but the old one still sucks- and I really could've used something for horde attacks other than my shitty pistol. Why even sniper? Mutants always spawn right next to you, and they're overkill for the basic Zs. Only time a sniper rifle has ever been more use point blank than at range. But it does kill the mutants pretty quick, so that's nice.
From what I understand, the PW-1 is Project Wingman's answer to AC's superplanes like the X-02 Wyvern, ADF-01 Falken, ADFX-01 Morgan, CFA-44 Nosferatu, and ADF-11F Raven (and, technically, the ASF-X Shinden II, although I wasn't too impressed with that one in Assault Horizons). So of course it's absurdly overpowered.
Any here play Mary Skelter 2? Because I want to know if a Job's speciality gives damage buffs.
Any here play Mary Skelter 2? Because I want to know if a Job's speciality gives damage buffs.
I think the speciality's description will tell you what it does, and from what I remember, yeah, some specialities do effectively give damage boosts to various things.
I think the speciality's description will tell you what it does, and from what I remember, yeah, some specialities do effectively give damage boosts to various things.
Second question, is there a way to remove Blood Bag Skills from character? I accidentally gave... a lot of HP Steal to Little Mermaid and I want to give her other stuff.
Second question, is there a way to remove Blood Bag Skills from character? I accidentally gave... a lot of HP Steal to Little Mermaid and I want to give her other stuff.
No, but I don't think there's anything stopping you from putting more on, especially since last I checked, blood bag skills don't take up skill slots like job skills do.

However, I'm not sure if adding more skills from blood bags overwrites existing skills or just adds them to the list; I never got far enough in any of the trilogy to allow, let alone justify, messing around with that system too much.
Finally got my hands on NEO:TWEWY and got to sho's intro. Hearing transformation again just sent pure dopamine into my brain. God I put getting this game off too long
Finished Blaster Master Zero. Including the True End. Damn good game. Probably gonna pick up the second one.

Sad lack of R34 of Eve, though. Just this plant girl that apparently shows up in one of the other ones. So much potential wasted.

Started in on Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth. Decent nostalgia, even if weird shit is clearly going on. If I had to guess, this is Deedlit trying to snare a wish to bring Parn back to life after he finally bit it, despite always knowing he'd die eventually.

I do really like the system...

See, you pick up a wind spirit and a fire spirit early on, and a single button switches your element- while you are the element, you're immune to damage from that element- certain enemies are also immune to one or the other type of damage. Not sure if there are other elements yet, but some of the sequences have required pretty fast swaps- in particular, the fire and wind elemental boss I just passed. Did get confused in the middle and almost died, though- it's not easy to remember which element you are when giant attacks are coming from both sides at once.

There was another part earlier where I was fighting on platforms over lava- against enemies immune to fire, which I had to have equipped when I went in the lava so I would be immune to it, requiring a quick swap back to wind once I got out if I wanted to actually deal damage.

Fuck that first fight with Pirotess though. I'm dreading the actual boss battle against her later. Bitch is fast.
Started in on Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth. Decent nostalgia, even if weird shit is clearly going on. If I had to guess, this is Deedlit trying to snare a wish to bring Parn back to life after he finally bit it, despite always knowing he'd die eventually.

I do really like the system...
The devs also have a Touhou themed metroidvania titled Luna Nights that is pretty faithful to the source material.
Got Red Dead Redemption 2 from my brother recently, and that game is a time sink, in a good way.

Spending hours just riding around, hunting animals with a Springfield Rifle, selling their pieces to the local butcher, setting up camp for the night, and almost getting mauled by bears in the wilderness, is honestly rather relaxing, which is not something I expected from a Rockstar game.

I'm also trying to give Arthur the biggest mustache I can, after I realized you can buy a tonic that makes his hair grow from any General Store. But that is more of a long-term objective.
Did you play one or both of the first two Paper Mario games? Were you disappointed with where Nintendo took the following games? Try out Bug Fables. This game is basically just Paper Mario with a fresh coat of paint and a new story.

That's not an exaggeration, by the way. The only thing you'd need to change to turn it into a Paper Mario game is making Mario the main character. Maybe changing some of the background characters into Mario races, instead of bugs. The art style, the combat, the dialogue, the world design, and so on are all exactly what you'd expect/want from a true sequel to the series.

It's a great game, if that wasn't clear. I was a little unsure about it for the first 20-30 minutes, thinking to myself that it wasn't as good as I was hoping it would be. Next thing I knew, five hours had passed without me noticing.

It's on Windows, Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and even Amazon Luna (whatever the hell that is), so give it a try. It's actually on sale on Steam, for only $9.99.

EDIT: Oh, another difference between this and Paper Mario is that your party has three people at once, not two.
Anyone play shadowverse on mobile or steam? I got a promo code that I'm never going to use for it after buying shadowverse:champions battle on the switch.

I don't really want to play any other shadowverse besides that ironically enough.


God I sunk a lot of time in the demo for it.
Frankly I'd suggest not playing shadowverse at all but I'm biased in that regard.

Well, I have fun with champions battle. But I'm not going to play the main game on steam or whatever. Having fun is the most important thing in a game.


It's kinda why I keep going back to runescape. >.>

Even though It's become predatory with microtrransactions. Though you can spend most of your in game wealth to make it entirely free on everything without spending a dime.
Well, I have fun with champions battle. But I'm not going to play the main game on steam or whatever. Having fun is the most important thing in a game.


It's kinda why I keep going back to runescape. >.>
It's partly because the main game's balance is subpar to say the least, the wonderland dreams expansion balance debacle where neutral blood had a 56% winrate with a 31% playrate was surpassed later on and the game is just a constant stream of powercreep even when the broken decks aren't retard tier resulting in a less then pleasant time.

Then to boot they censor incoming card arts from the game they're recycling them from and then went back and gutted previously existing art in SV, that had been there for some 8 expansions for no discernable reason. This for a game who's main draws is "we have good anime art of good looking guys and gals and cool monsters". Oh and they can't be bothered to put even the most token of efforts to give any of the backstory or dialogue interactions for the bulk of the characters they're recycling because lol that would take actual work.
It's partly because the main game's balance is subpar to say the least, the wonderland dreams expansion balance debacle where neutral blood had a 56% winrate with a 31% playrate was surpassed later on and the game is just a constant stream of powercreep even when the broken decks aren't retard tier resulting in a less then pleasant time.

Then to boot they censor incoming card arts from the game they're recycling them from and then went back and gutted previously existing art in SV, that had been there for some 8 expansions for no discernable reason. This for a game who's main draws is "we have good anime art of good looking guys and gals and cool monsters". Oh and they can't be bothered to put even the most token of efforts to give any of the backstory or dialogue interactions for the bulk of the characters they're recycling because lol that would take actual work.

Wow, they started censoring shit in the main version of the game? And they fucked with the balance that hard? Man, that sucks.

Makes me want to play the main version even less.
Wow, they started censoring shit in the main version of the game? And they fucked with the balance that hard? Man, that sucks.

Makes me want to play the main version even less.
From what I've seen with the modding side of things, they've been censoring oncoming art since roughly the 4th expansion with increasing severity as time went on (I still remember the time they censored a grand total of a few pixels just to remove some buttfangs. Still vaguely proud of having spotted that one from the start.). That said I am biased on balance but I doubt you'd find many people truly happy about the game, I'd suggest seeing some streamers play to tell for yourself but you won't find many streamers playing it (or people watching it) on twitch but that one's another story of Cygames's mismanagement.

I'll grant them that they're pretty generous with free resources but well, it doesn't really make up for the fact the game is just not very fun.
Beat Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth. About what I expected, sort of.

Playing through it again because I'm pretty sure I can 100% the achievements but unfortunately didn't realize you couldn't sell ANY weapons if you wanted the one for having all of them, which is lame.

That one, S-Rank on boss rush, and the one you get for having all the others is all I've got left. I'm almost to the final boss again- it isn't a long game. Just gotta manage the first half of the final boss without getting hit (ugh) and giving Ghim an arm and a leg for the rest.

Also: Kinda want to write Deedlit/Pirotess futa angry sex now.

EDIT: Aaaand done.

Cheated my money up to nearly enough to clean Ghim out via gamble and reset- and then Woodchuck cut me off, so I farmed Lichs for a bit to get the rest.

Boss Rush only took me two tries- it's time-based only, so grab the bow that uses the element the boss is weak against and just spam spam spam. Final boss is the only dicey one. I think S-Rank just requires under six minutes, but don't quote me on that.
Last edited:
Have a bit of gaming news that needs the proper introduction:

That's right, Konami is at it again. In honor of Castlevania's 35th anniversary, the 'legendary' publisher has decided to do something special. No, not a pachislot machine or kissing IGA's boots begging his forgiveness, but the Konami Memorial NFT Collection.

Yes, after seeing how Square-Enix's president pissed in gamers' Wheaties on new year's morning with his letter demeaning people who "play games for fun," Konami has to get in on the tomfuckery by reminding us how they are doing fuck all with nearly four decades of gaming IPs outside of re-releases or cynical cash grabs. I mean, it's hard creating a new game in a storied franchise right after a highly successful Netflix series brought it back to the mainstream! Far easier to auction off digital receipts for simple jpeg images to complete morons with more money than brain cells.

Because as we all know, Konami is Konami and Konami is the worst.
"Steam banned NFTs alltogether"
Once again, Valve is good civilization.
Because as we all know, Konami is Konami and Konami is the worst.
Indeed. Worst part is, there's going to be "gamers" moronic enough to fall for this scam and buy the NFTs because "Holy shit, something new from Konami!" One can only hope saner minds prevail.

Also, what was that about "gaming for fun"?
I have to ask, why is Konami doing this surprising to you? No seriously, were you actually expecting Konami to make a new game? I'm honestly more surprised they weren't already doing it more then anything else.
"Steam banned NFTs alltogether"
Once again, Valve is good civilization.

Indeed. Worst part is, there's going to be "gamers" moronic enough to fall for this scam and buy the NFTs because "Holy shit, something new from Konami!" One can only hope saner minds prevail.

Also, what was that about "gaming for fun"?
The president of S-E sent out a new year letter that had so many "metaverse" buzzwords that if you took a shot after each one you would need your stomach pumped before you got to the "playing for fun" bit. The big part was him expressing interest in NFTs and blockchain gaming stating how he expected customers would enjoy the "play to earn" plans for the future as opposed to those who just "wanted to play for fun alone."

Of course considering the letters recipients were S-E shareholders, investors and Crypto-douches, everyone with two braincells to rub together is more than a little miffed at his tone. The only positive is that Yoshi-P has enough stroke to keep Creative Business Unit 3 and the teams working on Dragon Quest (though for the latter would likely have the entirety of Japan storming S-E's HQ if the suits mess with it) largely his own fiefdoms.
The president of S-E sent out a new year letter that had so many "metaverse" buzzwords that if you took a shot after each one you would need your stomach pumped before you got to the "playing for fun" bit. The big part was him expressing interest in NFTs and blockchain gaming stating how he expected customers would enjoy the "play to earn" plans for the future as opposed to those who just "wanted to play for fun alone."

Of course considering the letters recipients were S-E shareholders, investors and Crypto-douches, everyone with two braincells to rub together is more than a little miffed at his tone. The only positive is that Yoshi-P has enough stroke to keep Creative Business Unit 3 and the teams working on Dragon Quest (though for the latter would likely have the entirety of Japan storming S-E's HQ if the suits mess with it) largely his own fiefdoms.
Ah, I see. Boy, do I hate seeing the future of gaming. Guess when I have kids, I will need to learn how to jury-rigg consoles and games just so they (and I) can play without P2W and NFTs everywhere...

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