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Video Games General

I feel like I've made a mistake playing both Psychonauts 2 and Control at the same time. Both games have places that treat physics as a cute but optional affectation and it feels a bit like my brain is twisting here and there.

The Sensorium is still my favorite level so far. Even aside from the Grooooovy aesthetics, that story had such a sense of hope that a lot of the others lack until the last second. Bottles was particularly depressing. The cooking show was pretty nice too- I found it very amusing, even if the boss fight was a bit annoying.

Also: FUCK Enablers. Little goblin bitches.

Recently got to the point where you can access the Foundation expansion in Control. Man I hate timed missions. Got three of the islands done, but the last one (third from the left, Ranger Biometrics if it isn't randomized) kicked my ass over and over until I ran out of time.

I also suspect that the Bureau wasn't as nice as one would like to Dylan but his reaction of murdering people was far out of proportion and he's being an angsty little bitch about it. And joining the Hiss willingly looks more like a teenage emo becoming a Satanist to piss off his daddy from where I'm sitting so far.

Also Jesse, quit playing, you're stuck with this job and doing great. Also you fucking love it and you know it.

Oh, and does the game ever give you a way to kill those rocky astral plane fuckwits? They're annoying as fuck. I mean, I have Levitate now so I can probably just float over them, but still.
I'd like to finish Control but I keep getting a CTD over the clocksplosions.

I was building a new machine for it but haven't been able to get my hands on a new graphics card yet.
I'd like to finish Control but I keep getting a CTD over the clocksplosions.

I was building a new machine for it but haven't been able to get my hands on a new graphics card yet.

Downclock, lower resolution. If that doesn't help you likely have a ram issue, test your ram with ramtest x86.
Downclock, lower resolution. If that doesn't help you likely have a ram issue, test your ram with ramtest x86.

I'm kinda curious and you seem to know what you're talking about.

When I set NVIDIA DLSS to on, which should improve the framerate, it limits the 'Render Resolution' to 1707x960.

The actual resolution is still set to 2K, same as my monitor, so I'm just a bit curious about what the difference is, exactly, and whether it might be better to leave DLSS off and match resolutions.

I've got an RTX 3080, so all the settings are pretty much maxed and I only ran into a slight lag the very first time I started the game- rest has been smooth sailing.

Amusingly, Psychonauts 2 was apparently more graphically intense- or just less optimized- as it made my computer heat up faster.

Finished that one, btw, 100%. Pretty good, pretty fun. I felt like the story was a bit weaker than the first, a bit too much srs bsns instead of the original's bunch of loons. I also liked the camp kids better than the intern crew- maybe just because I didn't faff around with them a lot, but it seemed like the game wanted to make them important to the plot and fell far short. I didn't interact with the Aquato family any more than the interns, but I did like them better.

Also Loboto's kid wtf? I suspect that's Bobby, but I wouldn't doubt the writer's ability to throw off expectations and it's Milka or something.
God, I'm retarded. I decided to look up the Metroid timeline, to check what order the games happen. Go to the Metroid wiki and start reading. Then I realize that I just spoiled the entire fucking plot of Metroid Dread for myself by reading the summary on the page. Good going, shit-for-brains.

Well, at least I can still enjoy the gameplay. Plus, even if I know all of the twists, I'll hopefully still enjoy experiencing the story.
God, I'm retarded. I decided to look up the Metroid timeline, to check what order the games happen. Go to the Metroid wiki and start reading. Then I realize that I just spoiled the entire fucking plot of Metroid Dread for myself by reading the summary on the page. Good going, shit-for-brains.

Well, at least I can still enjoy the gameplay. Plus, even if I know all of the twists, I'll hopefully still enjoy experiencing the story.
Oh don't worry, they're lying about Samus's singing duet with Ridley in the third act

It's actually a barbershop quartet with Phantoon, Crocomire, and Anthony Higgs
I think I'm... maybe getting near the end of Control? Only it doesn't feel like that?

I mean, I heard about the Ashtray Maze, and that's the next objective? But there's supposed to be some way to summon troopers, but I've never run into it? That one might be a DLC thing. That and there are still a number of blindspots on the map? And I've still gotta deal with the Mold? I assume, anyway, since I recall several places where it stopped me from going in.

Just weird. I'm guessing there's more after the maze, but it felt like it was supposed to be close to the end, from the song and all. Plus I'm finally getting near The Thing.

I did happen to spot a guide to 'unique mods' and learned about the infinite ammo one... which I now have. For the gun I've always used because Shatter is shit range and Spray-and-Pray has never been my thing. Pierce is in my second slot, but it takes so damn long to charge... Haven't unlocked Charge yet either, can't find enough of the rarest resource. May wind up using it in my second slot once I do, especially with the unique mod- not sure how much ammo it uses, but weapon-switching to refill ammo if it doesn't take all of it should work.

I think I've got access to the AWE DLC stuff now, so I can go get the other unique mods- particularly the shoes. Probably try the Foundation again first, now with basically unlimited ammo and a better idea of wtf I'm doing. And also fully-upgraded Launch.
I never knew back in the classic 2d fighting days there's already a fighter whose special move is pretty much being a booty warrior with a censored super move.
In the original Killer Instinct and Killer Instinct Gold, Orchids fatality was unzipping her bodysuit and flashing her opponent who would then proceed to have a heart attack, unless it was a mirror match then the flashed Orchid would stomp her feet while looking at the ground and sulking.
My first impressions of SMT:5 and the characters:

Protag-kun, known here after as Narukami, is very much a Prep School brat with a Heart of Gold based on what little I've seen of his responses to requests.

Green-Chan, aka Atsuta Miyazu, is an adorable cinnamon roll who may or may not have an overprotective brother. If anything happens to her... heads will roll, up to and including YHWH's. (Yes, yes. 'God is dead')

Greater Juniper, Dazai Ichiro, gives me Junpai(SP?) from Persona 3 vibes and shows that he has as much survival instincts as the stereotypical thrill seeker. Though I will give him points for trying to debunk the rumor that he was 'vloging' because he at least had another personal with him. Potential Neutral/Chaos Rep.

Atsuta Yuzuru, aka Glasses, is Green-Chan's older bro and likely Law Rep. I appreciate what looks like him looking out for a lone student when everyone was advised to go to the dorms and him seemingly trying to ship us with his little sis, but Law Rep vibes make me think he knew the 'Rapture' was coming.

Tao Isonokami, not even going to try and put this one in proper Japanese format. ...Dick move going to take a call and there for leaving Green-Chan alone near a murder site. No strong feelings as of yet, but she may be the Love Interest if Green-Chan dies. Unless she kills Green-Chan, in which case I'll do her route last and break out the big guns to kill her. Potential Neutral/Chaos Rep.

Please not I have kept myself 'pure' to most spoilers beyond how Protag's transformation looks and I don't know how he's going to get it.
Atlus is pissing me off. I mean, really, locking the Demi-Fiend boss battle behind a fucking paywall ? Fuck you Atlus, fuck you very much.
I'm kinda curious and you seem to know what you're talking about.

When I set NVIDIA DLSS to on, which should improve the framerate, it limits the 'Render Resolution' to 1707x960.

The actual resolution is still set to 2K, same as my monitor, so I'm just a bit curious about what the difference is, exactly, and whether it might be better to leave DLSS off and match resolutions.

I've got an RTX 3080, so all the settings are pretty much maxed and I only ran into a slight lag the very first time I started the game- rest has been smooth sailing.

Amusingly, Psychonauts 2 was apparently more graphically intense- or just less optimized- as it made my computer heat up faster.

Finished that one, btw, 100%. Pretty good, pretty fun. I felt like the story was a bit weaker than the first, a bit too much srs bsns instead of the original's bunch of loons. I also liked the camp kids better than the intern crew- maybe just because I didn't faff around with them a lot, but it seemed like the game wanted to make them important to the plot and fell far short. I didn't interact with the Aquato family any more than the interns, but I did like them better.

Also Loboto's kid wtf? I suspect that's Bobby, but I wouldn't doubt the writer's ability to throw off expectations and it's Milka or something.

All DLSS does is lower resolution and tries to upscale with AI. It's effectively the same as lowering resolution. If you've done all of that before, test your ram with this:
Is there like a hidden debuff for being lower level than a boss in SMT5? Beating my head against Tokyo Tower Boss and that spitter keeps spamming his poison attack for massive damage. I barely managed to deal 60 damage with a weakness hitting attack.
Is there like a hidden debuff for being lower level than a boss in SMT5? Beating my head against Tokyo Tower Boss and that spitter keeps spamming his poison attack for massive damage. I barely managed to deal 60 damage with a weakness hitting attack.
Are you using buffs and debuffs? They help a lot.
Cut it closer than I would like, but I beat that boss with all of my minions. Had to use some buff items (A Potential Booster and a few incenses) and change my set up a little but that worm is now dead and summon fodder.
Ahh, the typical SMT experience. Remember to analyze enemy weaknesses and exploit the hell out of them.
SMT question that isn't a result of me beating my face against the game: Are the Migtama enemies suppressible to Almighty?

Asking because I have had a cold yesterday and today day and don't want to spoil my enjoyment of the game with this killer headache, outside of some fusing and light grinding I did yesterday.

Actually a second question: What level is the lowest level monster with the Megido spell Almighty spell? Don't need to know who, so much as the level as I want some fun in finding things out.

Because if Almighty is 'Deep' into the game, I don't want to grind for that to just increase my farming efficiency.
Hmm... no, all the Mitama resist Almighty. They do have a weakness, and if you can hit that weakness, it's an instant kill.
Hmm... no, all the Mitama resist Almighty. They do have a weakness, and if you can hit that weakness, it's an instant kill.
Resist or null? Asking because I want to make absolutely sure due to terminology.

And if it is Resist: How bad are the numbers? Low damage, Half damage... Single Digits?
Resist or null? Asking because I want to make absolutely sure due to terminology.

And if it is Resist: How bad are the numbers? Low damage, Half damage... Single Digits?
I'm going off the wiki here (since I'm getting the game as a Christmas present), but it said "resist".

As for the numbers... assuming it's similar to 4/4A, high enough that you can, in theory, brute force things; but low enough that you want to pin down that weakness, since MP costs are a thing.

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