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Video Games General

Are Playstation owners already writing angry posts in its Steam community page?
Yes, as per usual.

... have you... ever used your eyes?

They've done this for literally every game that's come to PC from playstation. Literally every single one.
shrug, I've been out of the console space for, hmm, 16 years or something?
last console cultism shenangians I remember hearing about was xboxers screeching about Starfield and playsters not giving a fuck, but then again that was Starfield
and the one before that... hmm. was there something about Revengeance?
guess I just thought they'd chilled out and was wrong?
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Reinstalled Cossacks: Back to War once more, out of a sense of nostalgia, as well as American Conquest (a sorta-Sister Game about the... well, colonization of America), and noticed something funny:

You see, in Cossacks, 17th Century Musketeers can't attack in melee. At all. If an enemy unit gets too close, they will try to turn around and move away to get to safety. However, there are cases where that is frankly stupid. Russia, for example, has the Streltsy, the red-coated guys that use big bardiches as musket rests. And they do use them in Cossacks too. However, since they are just reskinned Musketeers, the Streltsy, despite having that giant axe, will also try to turn and run away if the enemy gets close.

American Conquest is a little bit better, where the Streltsy also have their bardiches, and also use them as musket rests, and musketeers in that game can generally attack in melee, though they aren't all that good at it. And when these bardiche-wielding Streltsy are attacked in melee, what do you think they do? That's right, they whip out a saber and start slashing away with it, while holding the heavy, two-handed poleaxe that is a bardiche in their off-hand, together with their musket.

I love these games to bits, but these tiny things always get a chuckle out of me.
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I need it!
Oh that looks so good.

Huh they made another game. UNSIGHTED I think I will check it out.
Fair warning... If I remember the name right... You can turn it off, but the game's intended to be played with a global time limit running. And all the characters show an individual death timer, at the end of which they stop... I think.

Too much anxiety for me.
At least it's co-op instead of pvp.
I know that this might have been mentioned before but who else is hyped for the Star Wars Battlefield Classic Collection being released in a few days on the Switch?

I was only ever able to play it at a friend's house a few times but I enjoyed it.
My understanding is that how good it is will vary depending on what version of the two games are used as the basis for the collection; apparently at least one of the console versions was considered inferior to the PC version.

Honestly hoping whichever versions get used as the basis, they're the good versions, as I did rather like Battlefront when it was new.
Dunno for anyone else thre, but Unicorn Overlord is indeed a fun game even as I wish to be able to sink more hours into it. Vanillaware did it again.
It has consumed me. I've spent so much time trying to figure out good gambits and squads. I just made it to Drakenhold. I will say the boss of Chapter 1 kicked my ass hard.
Well, classic tales featuring classics.

Unicorn Overlord... It started with one nation beign invaded before the evile mprie went and attacked the other four at the same time after.

Now, would you think they would cooperate with each other on defense? Of course not. and the reason is.

Classic case of racism and some playing fuck-fuck games.

Other human nation? Took in as refugee a surviving princess, planning to marry her to one of his son and claim the first country as his after winning the war. Except he ended up losing and being killed in battle. Oopsie! That being said? He had it for a while and stalled the invasion cold... Until the empire decided to engineer a plague to get past the forces that stalled them.

Elves? Classic case of racism towards non-elves. Took in human refugees, but the common elf is apprently looking down on them. Can't imagined that helped give any idea of cooperation.

Angels? Bigotry is also apparently a thing there too, hearing about it from one. Nevermind the hypocrisy that the pointifex is human.

Haven't seen the beast people yet, but I would not be surprised if that was also the case there too.
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Eh, cooperation between coalitions is a tough ask at the best of times. Even if everyone actually cares about the fight in question history has many cases of such affairs falling apart or being unsustainable. I think the funniest case is when the Crusaders and Mongols tried to cooperate but ended up fumbling the affair completely, missing each others' forces and just going back home.
Got some Steam cards for my birthday, managed to pick up ten games... and then put one back.

Breathedge, Steamworld: Hand of Gilgamech, Kitaria Fables, Persona 5 Strikers, Palworld, Power Chord, Cassette Beats, WitchHand, A-Tech Cybernetic VR, and Into the Radius VRSuccubus Affection

So far I've played:

A bit of Cassette Beasts- pretty good so far, but I'm not too far into it. As you probably know, a pretty neat pseudo Pokemon knockoff.

One entire game of WitchHand as the Celestial Witch- kind of a card-based resource management game. Pretty simple and fun, at least as the Celestial Witch- haven't played Chaos Witch or Culinary Witch yet. But fair warning: The Ancient Waypoint starts the final boss battle if you slot it and let a Witching Hour happen... AND THE LIGHTHOUSE THE FINAL BOSS DROPS DOES NOT DO A GOOD THING. I knew about the first, but didn't know about the second, so I was completely blindsided when I finished the very long crafting of the Lighthouse and the final boss reappeared with even MORE attack and an absolute shitload of health. Have a bunch of Witch's Marks and heavily shielded Ancient Familiars handy if you can- plus a few Freeze spells to keep him from attacking. Some Fireballs or weak familiars to deal with the adds would also be advised.

A-Tech Cybernetic VR is, as the title suggests, VR. At least the early parts do indeed seem to be what Doom VFR should have been- dealing with Cyborg Zombies. Headshots do not always kill them even if the head pops off and the body will continue to come after you- carrying a melee weapon is a good idea to save ammo because the body takes quite a few more shots. Shooting the legs also works, at least the one time I had that idea so far. I've just run into the ones that fcking teleport in out of nowhere- and teleport closer every few seconds instead of shambling. The female zombies do run pretty fast, but are more fragile. It's not too difficult at all so far, but I just quit after spotting the first one carrying a gun- I'd just hit a checkpoint and decided I was done after a peek anyway, so we'll see how that goes next time. My one complaint so far: need more holsters. You can carry two things at once and have two weapon holsters. Would be real nice to have a weapon wheel to carry all the weapons, but that's more a modern game design complaint. Grenades have their own three slots at least, and there's an extra spot for your flashlight- I assume that's the only thing you can put there, as there are dark parts and you will want it.

Annnnd Into the Radius. Which I got a refund for. Half- partway into the tutorial I chickened out. Abandoned farmhouse, everything is dark, things are hanging in the air unnaturally, there are black statues of people that shatter when you touch them, there are skittering scratching noises EVERYWHERE and it doesn't even have the decency to give you any enemies. To say nothing of needing one hand to hold the flashlight and one to open cabinets for loot so you can't even hold the piddly knife they give you. Freaked me the HELL out. I returned it and got some porn. Which I haven't tried yet.

This brings me to an interesting question: A-Tech doesn't really scare me- granted I jumped when a bunch of corpses came to life under my feet and murdered me in an instant, but I wasn't actually that scared. But Into the Radius freaked me right the fuck out.

When I go to the movies with my mother and we're watching the previews, I always warn her to close her eyes when I know a scary movie preview is coming on. Monster movies, general horror- as long as it doesn't involve cognitohazards, it doesn't really bother me that much.

But when the preview for Gravity came on, I had to close my eyes and just breathe because it freaked me the fuck out. That shit scares me, and my mother was baffled by it.

So how about you guys? What's YOUR nopenopenope?
Alpha Protocol, a cult classic that has been infamously de-listed years ago due to a music license expiring, is now available again on GOG.
They got the same track to play again apparently.

They had access to the source code and fixed up some bugs as well.
Nice! I got Alpha Protocol in my library, even finished it twice or thrice. One does notice it was more designed for consoles than computer, but it's still pretty fun. There's plenty of room for players to decide how they want to play and as Ben Crosshaw noted, the game has a lot of choices that will influence later situations.

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