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Video Games General

Why are the flesh monsters look so fuckable?
...I understand this is QQ, but even I must be a tad concerned about you here.
crackfic idea: This is Beria.
Beria taps into the primordial force of being an Ugly Bastard.

No Shrike's mind shall remain unbroken, all will be fucked silly. Their children shall reclaim the Earth.

Only then his NTR revenge shall be fulfilled.
Oh hey Mighty Gunvolt and Lolo Puzzle package release

They were Classic Megaman Style games crossovering Inti Creates Gunvolt Mighty No9 and GunGal I think

They were kinda neat but super hard to obtain from what I remember

..........Captain Gacha Game.

You're Welcome/I'm Sorry.
Finally did the final mission in Bakery. Sure was a bit of a slog, but I finally did it.

>Mission: Die Another Day Cure For Diabetes
>Phase One:
>Mission objective: Re-enact 9/11
>Phase Two:
>Mission Objective: Avoid a gangbang with a bunch of spicy slime girls
>Phase Three:
>The Big One

>Mission Objective: Reduce global sugar consumption
>Perform rocket surgery to trim some excess flesh
>Engage final boss
>Actually read their skill descriptions so I know how to deal with them
>Entirely unnecessary and wasted effort because Jevon is a God of DPS, and his blessings are explosive
>Waste most of my remaining items to end the fight quickly
>Immediately regret it because of course there's a second phase
>two_sisters_and_a_man_take_a_swim_in_a_pool_of_ blood_and_tentacles_while_others_watch_gone_wild_gone_sexual.mp4
>Suddenly flanked by two giant flying women who will step on me in a non-sexual way, need to get ready for a hard fight-
>Nevermind, Praise be to Jevon, for He is a Kind and Generous God, blessing heathens with Dakka most Righteous.
>Finish the final boss, finally
>Stabbed through the heart
>And you're to blame
>Sugar you give love
>A bad name

There's still apparently, like, two smaller bonus campaigns to go through still, but it's been quite a trip. ~70 Hours of good fun.

(This is the part I'm fully expecting someone to tell me there's a Super Secret True True Ending+)
There's still apparently, like, two smaller bonus campaigns to go through still, but it's been quite a trip. ~70 Hours of good fun.

(This is the part I'm fully expecting someone to tell me there's a Super Secret True True Ending+)
Well, fun news: If you do actually do a new game +, game refunded you the parts for every item you hold as they dissaseemble them all. THey also refund you the tech keys.

Why? Because items on NG+ have a level 4 tech level unlocked on that run. On top of it, Jefuty is given a OP weapon that can carry overkill damage as weapon skill (last I heard, did not reach so far yet). Also, game restart with all weapons unlocked too.

Also, go back to title screen and hold space. Then enter Q0Y6-H37X-575I-SVTM (If I recall well, it's the password written on one of the collecibles) once the prompt is opened. You'll unlock the original game and from now on can switch back and forth between them at the title screen.

For new players, you must finish Chapter 4 for he game to allow this first.
Well, fun news: If you do actually do a new game +, game refunded you the parts for every item you hold as they dissaseemble them all. THey also refund you the tech keys.

Why? Because items on NG+ have a level 4 tech level unlocked on that run. On top of it, Jefuty is given a OP weapon that can carry overkill damage as weapon skill (last I heard, did not reach so far yet). Also, game restart with all weapons unlocked too.
Yeah, gonna do that once I get a good run on Wish Fulfilled. I sure hope there's going to be some additional challenges that makes use of this OP stuff though.

Also, go back to title screen and hold space. Then enter Q0Y6-H37X-575I-SVTM (If I recall well, it's the password written on one of the collecibles) once the prompt is opened. You'll unlock the original game and from now on can switch back and forth between them at the title screen.

For new players, you must finish Chapter 4 for he game to allow this first.
Knew about that one, but I figured out I wouldn't be inputting any codes until I am done with the main campaign first.

There better be some DLC campaigns soon. This is not nearly enough content.

Something like the Beria mission would work, maybe a few missions of Sugar, My Beloved, hunting ELIDs. Or maybe Sugar and Oleg using their forces to overwhelm a fortified AU defensive position. Like 5-2 Suburban Defense, but in reverse.
Yeah, gonna do that once I get a good run on Wish Fulfilled. I sure hope there's going to be some additional challenges that makes use of this OP stuff though.
Can always go on Challenge+ difficulty for it. Heck, items unlocked remain so you can rain cruise missiles from the getgo for lulz.

Knew about that one, but I figured out I wouldn't be inputting any codes until I am done with the main campaign first.

There better be some DLC campaigns soon. This is not nearly enough content.

Something like the Beria mission would work, maybe a few missions of Sugar, My Beloved, hunting ELIDs. Or maybe Sugar and Oleg using their forces to overwhelm a fortified AU defensive position. Like 5-2 Suburban Defense, but in reverse.
Also, not enough content? Christ, the game lasted longer than most games do nowadays.

Still, if you want something to aim at? My own score was 33,418. Almost hit 30 turns, but a elite werewolf nailed a unlucky crit and ended my run. Could have done better, but I'll still rate it as alright.

And the original game also has its own ranking map to unlock for that game mode, except with Mendo there. Another thing to look forward to.
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You know what I'd like to see?

A full sized VR JRPG. Different lands to travel through, giant bosses, a leveling system, all that.

So I thought about how to make it exciting as a VR game- and had a few ideas.

I have Until You Fall, which is a swordfighting Roguelike, and the system is good- but it gets too chaotic for me in the final third. Too many enemies trying to attack at once, and with attacks that are very difficult to avoid even one of when even one hit is a big detriment.

I also have The Wizards: Dark Times which has a really really awesome gesture-based spellcasting system.

The main inspiration? The Legend of Dragoon. Additions.

See, in The Legend of Dragoon, when your characters attack, there's a button-timing minigame that appears, and the more hits you get, the more damage the attack does. These combos are called 'Additions' and you get more of them as time goes on- with the option of staying with the early, easy, short Additions for decent damage or swapping to the later, much harder, longer Additions for better damage- and even when you fail partway through, it still does damage based on how many hits you managed.

In Until You Fall, when you break an enemy's guard you open them up for a combo- multiple hits that actually damages their health, but you have to strike them in a certain direction, with indicators. I feel like that maps to Additions pretty easily, though I feel you'd want to include more counter-attacks- LoD does that, but rarely. Meanwhile, you could have defenses (and the occasional counterattack opportunity) the same way when the enemy attacks you.

Each hit would of course have a timer, just like Until You Fall, so when you don't get the next hit in time the combo ends. But for accessibility's sake, link that timer to the difficulty so Easy gives you almost forever while Hard you have to swing for you life.

Spellcasting would have a similar mechanic, except instead of just swinging you'd have to make certain gestures in a chain- the better you learned the spell, the more effective it would be, but even if you only got the first one before the timer ran out you'd get a good amount of the effect. With of course the early spells only having one or two gestures while the later have lots more.

Level would matter too, so you can just powerlevel until you win even if you suck. And, lastly, as a character's turn comes up you can pick whether to control them directly or just give a command and let the RNG decide on the damage percentage the minigame would grant- just in case you love swinging the sword but you cannot get the hang of spells or the dagger character's attacks.

Just a random idea I was brainstorming about how it could be done. Turn-based with an action minigame for actions VR JRPG.
Any modular mech-games where you shoot weapons and sub-systems off opponents and use them for yourself? Bonus if there's good open world sandbox elements even if it's just an overworld map.
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Any modular mech-games where you shoot weapons and sub-systems off opponents and use them for yourself? Bonus if there's good open world sandbox elements even if it's just an overworld map.
Gearhead 1 or 2. Requires investing one of your talents into tech vulture if you want the most loot, but equipped weapons and intact mecha that had the pilot die or eject can give you plenty of stuff still.
Megaton Musashi W/Wired is likely worth a look, although you're not removing parts from the enemy and attaching them to your mechs; instead, parts are either bought from in-game sources (and some DLC, too), gained as mission rewards, or are semi-random drops from defeated enemies a la EDF weapon drops.

Plus side to Megaton Musashi W is that the version that came west includes the ability to get parts belonging to classic super-type mecha like Mazinger, Getter, Combattler... you know, the staple Super Robots in SRW.
I finally checked out the kickstarter for Free Stars: Children of Infinity and I want those art and lore books. I want it.

Well I guess this'll be my first time throwing my money into a game's funding. Surely this won't end up as bad as Mighty No. 9, right? Right.
Can always go on Challenge+ difficulty for it. Heck, items unlocked remain so you can rain cruise missiles from the getgo for lulz.
Think I'll just go a NG+ run on Standard again, do some achievement hunting.

Also, not enough content? Christ, the game lasted longer than most games do nowadays.
I mean it only in the most positive sense, that even after playing for so long I still am not even remotely tired of the game and hunger for more.

Still, if you want something to aim at? My own score was 33,418. Almost hit 30 turns, but a elite werewolf nailed a unlucky crit and ended my run. Could have done better, but I'll still rate it as alright.
Yeah but you are a masochist who plays on Challenge :V I'm perfectly happy with my Standard, thank you very much. Managed to go for 40 turns, first 30 was just holding up in my little bottom right quarter of the map while scouting and harvesting with drones. I figured way too late that the best way to deal with big chonkers would be by throwing tear gas grenades at them so they kill themselves. By turn 30 the enemy has launched enough cruise missiles at me the ground was mostly fire and the enemy was surrounding me from all sides. Thankfully managed to get into my mech just in time to go on a wild Benny Hill chase through the forest. The last turn I was throwing flashbangs left and right while holed up in the middle of the base in top left corner of the map, alas, it just wasn't enough.

Good times overall.

Speaking of, I've finished the original Bakery hidden game. Gotta say, the map design leaves a lot of to be desired compared to the base game. The writing, gameplay and mechanics as well. It's not bad, per se, but it just seems to fall short compared to how sinfully smooth everything works in the base game.

Then, I put it on NG+. Now I understand why I can stack 10 Cruise Missiles per slot. I feel like I'm really going to need them. I have 3 UAV's and 6 Turrets as it is, and thank God that the turrets have a high attack priority so they can tank enemy fire for me. Then it's a race to harvest enough energy to get Mendo's ult up and running so my ablative shield of turrets can be replenished.
Yeah but you are a masochist who plays on Challenge :V I'm perfectly happy with my Standard, thank you very much.
Standard?! But what about the challenge? The desire to challenge yourself? The feeling of bliss as you overcome adversity and triumph against the odds?

How much HP does Sugar have on standard anyway when you enter the third part of that final fight?
Standard?! But what about the challenge? The desire to challenge yourself? The feeling of bliss as you overcome adversity and triumph against the odds?
I'm already plenty challenged in the mental department as it is, no need to keep stacking the odds against my favor :V

My desire for truly challenging tactical gameplay has been thoroughly burned out by XCOM Long War. That particular soul-crushing experience was enough for me to achieve Nirvana, I need not to seek more challenges for myself.

How much HP does Sugar have on standard anyway when you enter the third part of that final fight?
Reloaded a save I still had, and it's 2.5k for each limb, plus 25k for main body.

Only after beating it I now realize that the large tentacle pile at the bottom is there so it can spawn smaller tentacles for the player to kill and farm SP for the fight. A little small piece of good game design I haven't even noticed until after the fact.

I mean the phase before that. I mean, for Challenge, she's at 99,999 HP before she tears up half the platform for tentacles. I wondered if it was lower for standard.
Still 99.999 HP, though there may be some differences in stats or the cooldowns for her skills I suppose.

I still have a save from the middle of that fight, so feel free to check if the stats are different.

Still 99.999 HP, though there may be some differences in stats or the cooldowns for her skills I suppose.
No autosave between vines and slime pit parts, but stats look to be the same.

Incidentally, I didn't even care for the vines myself. I killed the big ones so they could stop spawning new vines and injuring my group down there and used items for healing and scanners to help get to the heart faster.
Incidentally, I didn't even care for the vines myself. I killed the big ones so they could stop spawning new vines and injuring my group down there and used items for healing and scanners to help get to the heart faster.
Kinda the same, never really felt the need to use them, but I can see the utility. If by some reason the player is running low on SP, the vines are re-spawning there, potentially endlessly if needs be.

As I've said before, another little piece of mission design that's just there if it's needed and ready to be made use of, but not really necessary. Another small detail that just serves to show how the game has been excellently designed overall.

Nice to see that fact being recognized, since the Steam reviews have finally climbed back to the well-deserved Overwhelmingly Positive recently, despite the review-bombing.
Nice to see that fact being recognized, since the Steam reviews have finally climbed back to the well-deserved Overwhelmingly Positive recently, despite the review-bombing.
Hopefully, they decide to make the sequel story into a game too.

Mendo, Jefuty and Lige are declared MIA at the end of it, supposed KIA, but I prefer to imagine they decided it was a perfectly good time to vanish from attention and live quietly after.
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Oh boy, Helldivers 2!

I love being an unpaid quality assurance tester for changes the developers didn't test at all, for a game I paid for!

I love massive nerfs in a non-competitive PVE game!

I love it!
Gotta say, the 380mm Barrage in Helldivers 2 is fun, especially with that final ship module for the orbital cannons. Just pop one in the enemy's general direction and they are locked down for about 20 seconds. That doesn't like much, but these 20 seconds can make the difference between "Getting overrun" and "Managing to hold the line", especially when there're three or more of these goddamn Hulks barrelling down the hill.
Yeah honestly the 380 is better than the 500kg bomb in most use cases I've found because it can randomly one shot things as it goes through the barrage. Like the 500kg is great but it's just not big enough for me to take it when I can drop the 380 onto a factory or nest and run away giggling as half of the place gets leveled for me.
Finished Axiom Verge 2.

Biiiit of Sequel (or Prequel?)-itis. I dunno about the actual stats, but it feels smaller, simpler, and less complex while being somewhat more difficult. The puzzles are more complex, easier to execute but longer to solve, and feel less rewarding- Apocalypse Flasks were a mistake for sure.

Lacks the dark, groovy vibes of the original. The tragedies are more realistic instead of being bizarre Lovecraftian shit, which brings the mood down a bit- ironically.

I also feel like it's a bit too mysterious about the plot. The first one gave you a decent explanation near the end, though it might not have been complete or accurate (spooky reasons) you could consider the matter closed. The second one... ends pretty abruptly. I didn't even think the final boss was the final boss until it was over and I lost control of the character completely. It's only barely suggested that your character goes on to be someone in the first game, and it's just hints otherwise. Plus the plot regarding what Hammond and Samara are up to is left dangly as fuck. I dug up the secret extra scene and speculation on it... and if they're right, I feel like it's kind of a copout.

All in all, the gameplay isn't bad but it's a definite step down from the original, while the story seems mostly concerned with connecting it as a- prequel. Maybe. Possible time fuckery from the first game throws that into question some. As a prequel instead of its own story.

And I question the wisdom of literally having only one actual boss in the whole game. There are optional 'bosses' scattered about, but the only one you have to fight is the final boss. I think you might even be able to get through the whole game without killing a single enemy- though it'd be a real bitch.

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