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What if a Admin/Mod was abusing the power?


Versed in the lewd.
Mar 31, 2018
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What if an Admin/Mod of any website was abusing their power and break so many rules?

Would they get punished by all other admins/mods for harassing,insulting & much more unneeded brutal deeds or get away with it so easily from being one of the staff on the website?
It depends on the interpersonal relation hetween adminds and mods.
What if an Admin/Mod of any website was abusing their power and break so many rules?

Would they get punished by all other admins/mods for harassing,insulting & much more unneeded brutal deeds or get away with it so easily from being one of the staff on the website?
'Any website'. You can go look and see that happening in the wild.

Pretty much it depends on the site culture, the site moderating culture, whether there is competition and if so how bad or good it is for the sites niche, and how bad and blatant the abuse is.

Sometimes the abuse kills the site. Sometimes no one notices, at least for awhile. Sometimes the mod or admin gets removed. It all depends, which makes this question worthless.

Like,if you wanted to know if QQ had measures in place to stop abuse, that would be a question you could get specific answers to. But the answer with such vagueness is just gonna be 'it depends'.
Depends on how blatant the abuse was, and how high up the relevant admin/mod was.

Look up the Maverick Incident from AH.com for a particularly blatant lower-end example. Then look up AH.com's current problems (on SV, for example) for the less blatant high-end version.

(Sorry for the necro, incidentally.)
What if an Admin/Mod of any website was abusing their power and break so many rules?

Would they get punished by all other admins/mods for harassing,insulting & much more unneeded brutal deeds or get away with it so easily from being one of the staff on the website?

You can do one of the following

1) Suck it up and realize that most websites have zero accountability

2) Complain and get ignored.

3) Complain and get banned.
Sad but true. Especially if a website has a certain ideological bent. Places like those are where crybullies prosper.

I mean just look at the recent shitshow on SV. There was a quest parodying the Mods and another quest, not only did they the OP, they banned everyone who posted in it and everyone who LIKED one of the posts.
I mean just look at the recent shitshow on SV. There was a quest parodying the Mods and another quest, not only did they the OP, they banned everyone who posted in it and everyone who LIKED one of the posts.

That's not even half of what I've had to go through. You can't brainstorm a "Paladin of Shadows" type thought experiment and/or venting at how stupid people can be (by writing about punching them through the Internet) even in snippet form without getting topic banned.

Heck, I write that shit to fucking vent to keep my mind clear for when I'm doing actual money making writing work. And what do I get?

"No, you don't get to write that on our forum you fucking bigot, topic banned"

What if an Admin/Mod of any website was abusing their power and break so many rules?

Would they get punished by all other admins/mods for harassing,insulting & much more unneeded brutal deeds or get away with it so easily from being one of the staff on the website?

Posting is a privilege, not a right. ;)
Posting is a privilege, not a right. ;)
If you view the forums as a business and the forum goers as customers, our patronage is also a privilege, not a right.

But honestly the only way to punish a moderator or Admin especially is to, quite simply, make their occupation meaningless by just not going there anymore. It isn't like a forum is a country after all, you can live outside of any given specific one easily enough.
If you view the forums as a business and the forum goers as customers, our patronage is also a privilege, not a right.

But honestly the only way to punish a moderator or Admin especially is to, quite simply, make their occupation meaningless by just not going there anymore. It isn't like a forum is a country after all, you can live outside of any given specific one easily enough.

Which is why it's so silly to be constantly afraid of a ban.
Which is why it's so silly to be constantly afraid of a ban.
To be fair, there are some cases where the forum really is by far the largest place for a subject (e.g. AH.com for alternate history), and/or is the official forum of a particular work (good luck discussing XKCD comics outside the XKCD forums), so being banned from it would set an author back significantly.

EDIT: especially since some of those forums require being logged in to read many stories hosted on them, and don't allow this privilege to banned members. And registering again while being banned is often an insta-ban offence regardless of how warranted the initial ban was, and might even interfere with overturning the original ban. So... yeah.
What if an Admin/Mod of any website was abusing their power and break so many rules?

Would they get punished by all other admins/mods for harassing,insulting & much more unneeded brutal deeds or get away with it so easily from being one of the staff on the website?

Generally they get away with it, but there are exceptions. It depends on how blatant it is and who the admins and mods are. As well as their own role and importance on the forum, a lowly moderator is likely to get punished, whereas the site owner is more-or-less immune since, well, no-one has the power to punish them.

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