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What would happen if mcs got skitters powers.


Femboy Connisieur
Jan 10, 2023
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What do you think woupd happen if the main charqchter of the past piece of media you consumed got skitters powers? Obviously bug control is different in strenght in different places but....in a place with hellish insects like that one horror anime with giant mosquitos it would be pretty op no?

The purpose of this thread is to discuss what would happen if the mcs had these powers INSTEAD of any they do not inherently have. (I.e the dragonborns dragon soul is inherent but the magic and other skills are not.)

Dont wuss out! Think of some horrifying bug combos lmao.
Midorya from MHA.
Instead of getting bullied for being quirkless, he would get discriminated against for having a villainous power
There's also probably some bug people in MHA so he could control them
The last game I dabbled in heavily was Alan Wake.

It would probably get really weird really soon. Suddenly gaining insect control powers of nowhere would probably freak out poor Alan and not be all that much of a help anyways considering the eldritch nature of the forces set out against him They wouldn't be all that weird to suddenly have such powers though, considering the stupid shit in the greater Remedy-verse that hack Sam Lake* has spawned into existence*

*and I love it, all of it.
Considering all the weird shit the Wol gets into?

"Yet again a new set of powers for our fabled Eikon slayer?"
Warrior of Light nods at Thancred.
"I see. In any case, my friend I wanted to ask you something."
Wol tilts head.
"You see, I've come up with a new stratagem and I'm sure this time it will do the trick! The war has been long but at last, F'lhaminn will fall for my roguish charm! So, what do you think of..."
Wol sighs as Y'shtola snorts and turns a page from nearby.

Tl;dr: It would merit little more than a 'huh' and a shrug from the rest of the Scions.
Harry Potter wouldn't mind the power being friends with his cupboard spiders but Ron Weasley would have a mental breakdown when he opens Harry's trunk and sees the horrors he's brought.

He'd probably sense lee's tarantula on the train and befriend him and the twins- who would smile devilishly at each other before roping Harry into their pranks.

It'd be mostly a crack fic I imagine, with such scenes as Dumbledore saying the power he knows not is love with Harry rolling his eyes and claiming spiders are Voldemort's demise.

Either way I can't see Harry failing to win and easier than he originally did... only where there's one power from a spacewhale there are others. I can't see Voldemort triggering really but his death eaters certainly- likely from being crucioed.

There is a lot of giant arthropods. Silt striders the size of giraffes, which the locals use as transport. Wolf-like predatory nix-hounds. The hive-dwelling kwamas that are the size of a bear. Mudcrabs that are everywhere. An organized army of these creatures would be a formidable force in itself, but if you also buff them with potions or spells… And this is all in addition to the usual management of small insects that will fit into any crack and which cannot be hacked with a sword.

On the other hand, there were undead and daedra, vulnerable only to silver or better weapons. Chitin weapons, as far as I remember, were not considered such. So the protagonist would still have to bring down a more or less serious opponent with his own hands, arthropod assistants would only be able to immobilize him.

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