14 Settling In
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The next time I talked to her, Taylor was understandably upset. It was Friday night, after her first day of suspension from school, and I was over at her house, presumably for a sleepover. I hadn't mentioned that Shadow Stalker was the likely culprit, but she had figured it out herself earlier in the day. Everyone involved was lucky that Taylor hadn't flown off to execute some sort of arrest in the middle of lunch. I talked her down from that plan with the fact that I already had the PRT on the case.
"You could have mentioned this earlier," she said testily.
"I know. I'm sorry. I wanted to bring you a solution instead of just a problem to feel bad about, but it's probably going to take a while. I'm surprised your handler didn't mention anything about it." I did feel bad about not telling her once I realized how much that would suck for her to realize it and be unable to do anything directly.
"All he said was that it was being investigated. He didn't give me any details," she grumbled and then sighed deeply. "What are we going to do now?"
"The smart thing would be for us to just let the PRT investigators do their job. Sophia's apparently been pulling this same kind of thing for a while now, but she's been going after the gang kids that no one would believe. There are maybe a dozen cases that share the hallmarks - no fingerprints on the drugs, there being just enough to get them into serious trouble, and how obviously they're planted are the big ones. No one seems to have cared much because they were only gang kids, right?" Taylor grumbled at the thought and I grinned slightly.
"Anyway, she messed up this time. If you were a random student, she might have still gotten away with it, but you're a Ward." It was a little sad, but being a part of the government really did have privileges. If Sophia had tried the same thing on Taylor in the other timeline, once Emma had convinced everyone that she was a junkie loner who was also, somehow, still a part of all of the gangs in town, it would probably have worked. Once more, I felt a pang of guilt for my part in making that circumstance a reality.
Now, the balance of power was reversed, and while this might have been a reasonable ploy on the part of Sophia given the information available to her, there were two major facts that she didn't have. For one, Taylor was now a Ward that the government could freely drug test to ensure that she wasn't actually using whatever the other girl had planted - and had in fact tested clean just the week before. For another, Sophia was currently a violent vigilante with no 'good standing' to speak of. From what I had heard from Agent Lawson, it sounded like Sophia had been a naughty girl lately and was destined for a prison cell if they could catch her in the act.
Taylor's nostrils flared as she took a deep breath. "Alright. Okay. So, how do we help them nail her to the wall?" she asked.
"Tell your handler that you're willing to help in whatever capacity they need you to help and then let them tell you if they need you?" I offered, but her lips set into a hard line. She obviously didn't like the passive approach. "I know it's not the most satisfying thing in the world, but she messed up. The PRT have people watching her now, and she's not smart enough to avoid getting caught with people specifically doing that. Once they have the proof they need, they will spring the trap, and she is going to be in serious trouble."
"What if they let her be a Ward?" Taylor asked, fretting with the hem of her shirt. "She tried to get me arrested."
I nodded. "I asked Agent Lawson about that. It seems like the PRT is really reluctant to throw away a cape if there's any chance they can be reformed, so it could happen." She opened her mouth to say something, but I barreled ahead. "But! But the circumstances are terrible for her. It's perfectly reasonable that we push for her to be separated from Emma, at a minimum, which probably means she can't use Daddy Barnes as her lawyer to fight for better terms. We can say a few words to Carol and she won't take the job, either, and those are the only two ways she's likely to get competent representation. Then we can push on the fact that she tried to frame you for a crime and that we both refuse to work with her. If she ends up a Ward, that will hopefully mean she's in a different city."
I sighed because I didn't like this much, either. "Even if she does end up staying in town, Agent Lawson pointed out how crappy the gig most probationary Wards get is. She'll be stuck at junior status until she turns eighteen, at a minimum, and before then she'll be outranked by everyone else on the team, including us and even anyone that joins after us as long as they aren't probationary Wards. If she decides to start something, we have leverage while she doesn't. We are free to quit whenever we want and I really doubt they're going to want to keep her over either of us. Plus, if she causes too many problems, they can ship her off to prison or worse."
Taylor closed her mouth again as she thought about it. "Worse than prison?" she asked after a minute.
I nodded. "Yeah, there are some really bad duty locations they could ship her off to, like one of the containment zones." Everyone knew about the containment zones. The PRT set them up when something was too horrible to deal with directly and didn't seem to be spreading. A combination of soldiers, PRT agents, and Protectorate capes kept the things contained from breaking out, but it wasn't a posting a regular Ward was likely to get. "Probationary Wards can choose to quit, too, but that just means they end up in jail."
"That does sound bad," she agreed. "I still don't like it, though."
I nodded. "I know. I don't, either. That girl is a psychopath and she's going to end up killing someone if she thinks she can get away with it. It's a miracle that she hasn't already."
"I hope she doesn't," Taylor said, but she seemed to be willing to let the whole matter drop. I realized that I had screwed up by expecting her handler to share everything with her, but Taylor was pretty forgiving. I again tried to compare the version of her that I knew now to the version I had heard so much about in the other timeline. I couldn't see Skitter being willing to just let something like that go. The two versions really weren't the same person, and the guilt I felt about the version in the other timeline was only diminished by the fact that I was doing everything possible to make sure that the current version wouldn't turn out that way.
The next morning dawned with an unwelcome surprise. Our phones started vibrating and chirping with emergency alert tones and we checked them only to find that there was an Endbringer attack underway in Wisconsin. We groggily went down to Taylor's living room and turned on the TV to find newscasters discussing the event. The Simurgh was attacking Madison.
I fumbled with numb fingers for my message app and sent Agent Lawson a text asking what we should do. I got a call almost as soon as I was done sending it. I put it on speaker.
"I'm here with Taylor," I said instead of 'hello'.
"Good, then it makes this simpler. I'll have a pickup there for you in about fifteen minutes, so be ready to go. The protocol is that everyone comes in and goes on high alert for the duration of the attack. There's almost certainly not going to be anything to actually do when you get here, but it's protocol. I'll have someone pull up some temporary gear for you, too, on the off chance that it's necessary."
"I'll tell dad," Taylor suggested, looking pretty frazzled.
"I need to call mine, too. We'll be ready in fifteen."
A phone call later and Taylor and I threw on clothes before going out to pile into a carpet cleaning van that stopped in front of her house. True to Agent Lawson's predictions, what followed was a day that was both incredibly tense and incredibly boring.
"It's like this every time," Clockblocker grumbled. "They want us here in case some idiots decide to try to take advantage of the confusion, but we're not allowed to do anything because we're just Wards."
"Has anyone gone over the rules of cape etiquette for you two yet?" Triumph asked in an attempt to distract us and break the tension that we were all feeling.
"Just what we could skim off PHO," I said. "Who knows how accurate those are."
The rest of the morning turned into something of a lecture on the 'unwritten rules' of cape life, but from a slightly different perspective than I got from PHO. Most of it was the same, though the PRT was a lot less polite about the civilian identities of criminal capes. I had mostly picked up on that with the whole Sophia situation already, but it was interesting to see that it was an official stance. They didn't go out of their way to find out civilian identities, but they also didn't tolerate capes hiding behind them while committing crimes.
The Simurgh fight wore on and the tension of the entire team grew. Part of me wished I was there helping, but a larger, more sane part of me was glad that I was nowhere near that fight. I texted Agent Lawson about the possibility of volunteering for cleanup, but she gently rebuffed me. She said that I needed more training before there was any hope of deploying to a disaster area like that, and I reluctantly agreed that she was probably right.
Eventually, the Simurgh decided that she had taken enough damage or done enough damage and withdrew. No one cheered, though there was a palpable sense of relief that the fight was over. I was reminded of when Leviathan attacked the Bay in the other timeline and realized with a growing amount of horror that I wouldn't be hiding in a shelter if that happened again. Even if I wanted to, I knew that my cape friends - even if that was just Taylor and Amy and Victoria - wouldn't, and there was no way I would let them fight alone. Not if I could help.
"You're good at that," Amy half-moaned as she experienced the magic of my hands. "Where did you learn that?"
I grinned and shifted around a bit to go at it from a better angle. The sounds that caused her to generate were really, really interesting. "Oh, around," I declared casually.
The truth was that I'd worked in a massage therapy place for a bit in the other timeline - one of the nice ones that never got raided by the cops. It was good money but too physically demanding for me to consider making a career out of it. A casual massage for a friend, though? I was more than capable of that.
"Well, good job on that, then," she almost purred as she relaxed even more.
"You were looking tense," I commented. We had been texting but hadn't seen each other in person in a while. Maybe that was what made me so eager to touch her?
"I was tense," she grumbled. "The tests they're making me go through are wearing me out."
"Just think, once you're done, you'll be able to go out and heal all the people you want," I offered, renewing my attack on the upper parts of her shoulder blades.
"For free," she grumbled. "Well, mostly for free. I can't believe you convinced mom to negotiate a consulting contract with the PRT and the city government."
I laughed. "It was easy. She already negotiated the same thing for Taylor's copy of your power, and it only makes sense to charge the only ones you're really allowed to charge under the laws."
"I'll still be doing the healing for the local Protectorate for free, but everyone else can pay reasonable rates," she agreed then yawned cavernously.
"Getting tired?" I asked. She really wasn't tense anymore.
"Not too much, I think I'm just so relaxed I'm forgetting to breathe," she mumbled and fumbled for her phone. "We have an hour… and I'm starting to think maybe I could do with a nap."
"That does sound good," I admitted.
That was why I woke up an hour later to the sounds of Victoria giggling and taking pictures of her sister and I snuggled up together under a blanket. Taylor, the traitor, was laughing, too.
"You're doing great," Triumph encouraged.
I flopped down on the mat. "I feel like I'm made of jelly," I definitely did not whine.
"But it's jelly that's doing great," he returned with a chuckle. "You'll be happy you put in the work if you need to run away from someone later."
I just groaned and looked up from my spot to watch Taylor running another lap. Her legs were super long which made it totally unfair for me to try to keep up with her.
"It's only day three," I grumbled, but accepted the water bottle that Triumph tossed me and drained half of it in one long chug.
"You came back for day three, so that's kind of an accomplishment on its own."
"I thought this was mandatory?" I questioned.
"Technically, you're just required to pass the fitness benchmarks. After you do that, then it's all optional. However, you can't pass those yet, so… yes, mandatory," he answered and I realized that was why I didn't see the rest of the team living in the gym like we were at the moment.
Taylor collapsed beside me as she finished her last lap of the small gym and gladly took the half-drunk bottle of water out of my hand to drain the rest.
"You two can take ten minutes if you want. Taylor, Aegis is going to be in to work on hand to hand with you in a bit. Madison and I can head over to the range."
"Anything is better than running," I agreed. Meanwhile, Taylor was blushing because I was pretty sure she had a bit of a crush on Carlos. It seemed like a terrible idea to date a teammate, but when she had been talking about her 'type', it had fit him pretty well.
Then again, I wasn't one to talk, what with dating a cluster-mate. I was a little concerned that whatever force had been messing with us before might see Taylor's attention straying and do something about it. We hadn't seen any overt mind whammies from it outside of the first one, but that didn't stop me from worrying about it.
"You could have mentioned this earlier," she said testily.
"I know. I'm sorry. I wanted to bring you a solution instead of just a problem to feel bad about, but it's probably going to take a while. I'm surprised your handler didn't mention anything about it." I did feel bad about not telling her once I realized how much that would suck for her to realize it and be unable to do anything directly.
"All he said was that it was being investigated. He didn't give me any details," she grumbled and then sighed deeply. "What are we going to do now?"
"The smart thing would be for us to just let the PRT investigators do their job. Sophia's apparently been pulling this same kind of thing for a while now, but she's been going after the gang kids that no one would believe. There are maybe a dozen cases that share the hallmarks - no fingerprints on the drugs, there being just enough to get them into serious trouble, and how obviously they're planted are the big ones. No one seems to have cared much because they were only gang kids, right?" Taylor grumbled at the thought and I grinned slightly.
"Anyway, she messed up this time. If you were a random student, she might have still gotten away with it, but you're a Ward." It was a little sad, but being a part of the government really did have privileges. If Sophia had tried the same thing on Taylor in the other timeline, once Emma had convinced everyone that she was a junkie loner who was also, somehow, still a part of all of the gangs in town, it would probably have worked. Once more, I felt a pang of guilt for my part in making that circumstance a reality.
Now, the balance of power was reversed, and while this might have been a reasonable ploy on the part of Sophia given the information available to her, there were two major facts that she didn't have. For one, Taylor was now a Ward that the government could freely drug test to ensure that she wasn't actually using whatever the other girl had planted - and had in fact tested clean just the week before. For another, Sophia was currently a violent vigilante with no 'good standing' to speak of. From what I had heard from Agent Lawson, it sounded like Sophia had been a naughty girl lately and was destined for a prison cell if they could catch her in the act.
Taylor's nostrils flared as she took a deep breath. "Alright. Okay. So, how do we help them nail her to the wall?" she asked.
"Tell your handler that you're willing to help in whatever capacity they need you to help and then let them tell you if they need you?" I offered, but her lips set into a hard line. She obviously didn't like the passive approach. "I know it's not the most satisfying thing in the world, but she messed up. The PRT have people watching her now, and she's not smart enough to avoid getting caught with people specifically doing that. Once they have the proof they need, they will spring the trap, and she is going to be in serious trouble."
"What if they let her be a Ward?" Taylor asked, fretting with the hem of her shirt. "She tried to get me arrested."
I nodded. "I asked Agent Lawson about that. It seems like the PRT is really reluctant to throw away a cape if there's any chance they can be reformed, so it could happen." She opened her mouth to say something, but I barreled ahead. "But! But the circumstances are terrible for her. It's perfectly reasonable that we push for her to be separated from Emma, at a minimum, which probably means she can't use Daddy Barnes as her lawyer to fight for better terms. We can say a few words to Carol and she won't take the job, either, and those are the only two ways she's likely to get competent representation. Then we can push on the fact that she tried to frame you for a crime and that we both refuse to work with her. If she ends up a Ward, that will hopefully mean she's in a different city."
I sighed because I didn't like this much, either. "Even if she does end up staying in town, Agent Lawson pointed out how crappy the gig most probationary Wards get is. She'll be stuck at junior status until she turns eighteen, at a minimum, and before then she'll be outranked by everyone else on the team, including us and even anyone that joins after us as long as they aren't probationary Wards. If she decides to start something, we have leverage while she doesn't. We are free to quit whenever we want and I really doubt they're going to want to keep her over either of us. Plus, if she causes too many problems, they can ship her off to prison or worse."
Taylor closed her mouth again as she thought about it. "Worse than prison?" she asked after a minute.
I nodded. "Yeah, there are some really bad duty locations they could ship her off to, like one of the containment zones." Everyone knew about the containment zones. The PRT set them up when something was too horrible to deal with directly and didn't seem to be spreading. A combination of soldiers, PRT agents, and Protectorate capes kept the things contained from breaking out, but it wasn't a posting a regular Ward was likely to get. "Probationary Wards can choose to quit, too, but that just means they end up in jail."
"That does sound bad," she agreed. "I still don't like it, though."
I nodded. "I know. I don't, either. That girl is a psychopath and she's going to end up killing someone if she thinks she can get away with it. It's a miracle that she hasn't already."
"I hope she doesn't," Taylor said, but she seemed to be willing to let the whole matter drop. I realized that I had screwed up by expecting her handler to share everything with her, but Taylor was pretty forgiving. I again tried to compare the version of her that I knew now to the version I had heard so much about in the other timeline. I couldn't see Skitter being willing to just let something like that go. The two versions really weren't the same person, and the guilt I felt about the version in the other timeline was only diminished by the fact that I was doing everything possible to make sure that the current version wouldn't turn out that way.
The next morning dawned with an unwelcome surprise. Our phones started vibrating and chirping with emergency alert tones and we checked them only to find that there was an Endbringer attack underway in Wisconsin. We groggily went down to Taylor's living room and turned on the TV to find newscasters discussing the event. The Simurgh was attacking Madison.
I fumbled with numb fingers for my message app and sent Agent Lawson a text asking what we should do. I got a call almost as soon as I was done sending it. I put it on speaker.
"I'm here with Taylor," I said instead of 'hello'.
"Good, then it makes this simpler. I'll have a pickup there for you in about fifteen minutes, so be ready to go. The protocol is that everyone comes in and goes on high alert for the duration of the attack. There's almost certainly not going to be anything to actually do when you get here, but it's protocol. I'll have someone pull up some temporary gear for you, too, on the off chance that it's necessary."
"I'll tell dad," Taylor suggested, looking pretty frazzled.
"I need to call mine, too. We'll be ready in fifteen."
A phone call later and Taylor and I threw on clothes before going out to pile into a carpet cleaning van that stopped in front of her house. True to Agent Lawson's predictions, what followed was a day that was both incredibly tense and incredibly boring.
"It's like this every time," Clockblocker grumbled. "They want us here in case some idiots decide to try to take advantage of the confusion, but we're not allowed to do anything because we're just Wards."
"Has anyone gone over the rules of cape etiquette for you two yet?" Triumph asked in an attempt to distract us and break the tension that we were all feeling.
"Just what we could skim off PHO," I said. "Who knows how accurate those are."
The rest of the morning turned into something of a lecture on the 'unwritten rules' of cape life, but from a slightly different perspective than I got from PHO. Most of it was the same, though the PRT was a lot less polite about the civilian identities of criminal capes. I had mostly picked up on that with the whole Sophia situation already, but it was interesting to see that it was an official stance. They didn't go out of their way to find out civilian identities, but they also didn't tolerate capes hiding behind them while committing crimes.
The Simurgh fight wore on and the tension of the entire team grew. Part of me wished I was there helping, but a larger, more sane part of me was glad that I was nowhere near that fight. I texted Agent Lawson about the possibility of volunteering for cleanup, but she gently rebuffed me. She said that I needed more training before there was any hope of deploying to a disaster area like that, and I reluctantly agreed that she was probably right.
Eventually, the Simurgh decided that she had taken enough damage or done enough damage and withdrew. No one cheered, though there was a palpable sense of relief that the fight was over. I was reminded of when Leviathan attacked the Bay in the other timeline and realized with a growing amount of horror that I wouldn't be hiding in a shelter if that happened again. Even if I wanted to, I knew that my cape friends - even if that was just Taylor and Amy and Victoria - wouldn't, and there was no way I would let them fight alone. Not if I could help.
"You're good at that," Amy half-moaned as she experienced the magic of my hands. "Where did you learn that?"
I grinned and shifted around a bit to go at it from a better angle. The sounds that caused her to generate were really, really interesting. "Oh, around," I declared casually.
The truth was that I'd worked in a massage therapy place for a bit in the other timeline - one of the nice ones that never got raided by the cops. It was good money but too physically demanding for me to consider making a career out of it. A casual massage for a friend, though? I was more than capable of that.
"Well, good job on that, then," she almost purred as she relaxed even more.
"You were looking tense," I commented. We had been texting but hadn't seen each other in person in a while. Maybe that was what made me so eager to touch her?
"I was tense," she grumbled. "The tests they're making me go through are wearing me out."
"Just think, once you're done, you'll be able to go out and heal all the people you want," I offered, renewing my attack on the upper parts of her shoulder blades.
"For free," she grumbled. "Well, mostly for free. I can't believe you convinced mom to negotiate a consulting contract with the PRT and the city government."
I laughed. "It was easy. She already negotiated the same thing for Taylor's copy of your power, and it only makes sense to charge the only ones you're really allowed to charge under the laws."
"I'll still be doing the healing for the local Protectorate for free, but everyone else can pay reasonable rates," she agreed then yawned cavernously.
"Getting tired?" I asked. She really wasn't tense anymore.
"Not too much, I think I'm just so relaxed I'm forgetting to breathe," she mumbled and fumbled for her phone. "We have an hour… and I'm starting to think maybe I could do with a nap."
"That does sound good," I admitted.
That was why I woke up an hour later to the sounds of Victoria giggling and taking pictures of her sister and I snuggled up together under a blanket. Taylor, the traitor, was laughing, too.
"You're doing great," Triumph encouraged.
I flopped down on the mat. "I feel like I'm made of jelly," I definitely did not whine.
"But it's jelly that's doing great," he returned with a chuckle. "You'll be happy you put in the work if you need to run away from someone later."
I just groaned and looked up from my spot to watch Taylor running another lap. Her legs were super long which made it totally unfair for me to try to keep up with her.
"It's only day three," I grumbled, but accepted the water bottle that Triumph tossed me and drained half of it in one long chug.
"You came back for day three, so that's kind of an accomplishment on its own."
"I thought this was mandatory?" I questioned.
"Technically, you're just required to pass the fitness benchmarks. After you do that, then it's all optional. However, you can't pass those yet, so… yes, mandatory," he answered and I realized that was why I didn't see the rest of the team living in the gym like we were at the moment.
Taylor collapsed beside me as she finished her last lap of the small gym and gladly took the half-drunk bottle of water out of my hand to drain the rest.
"You two can take ten minutes if you want. Taylor, Aegis is going to be in to work on hand to hand with you in a bit. Madison and I can head over to the range."
"Anything is better than running," I agreed. Meanwhile, Taylor was blushing because I was pretty sure she had a bit of a crush on Carlos. It seemed like a terrible idea to date a teammate, but when she had been talking about her 'type', it had fit him pretty well.
Then again, I wasn't one to talk, what with dating a cluster-mate. I was a little concerned that whatever force had been messing with us before might see Taylor's attention straying and do something about it. We hadn't seen any overt mind whammies from it outside of the first one, but that didn't stop me from worrying about it.