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When did you Join QQ?


Pro-Human Transhumanist
Oct 18, 2020
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So I join QQ a while ago, Oct 18 2020 and had been lurking for a year or so prior.

that got me to thinking, I've been here for four and a half years (3.42 + 1 year of lurking) and yet I've see people from 2013, 2014, Ect.

I don't consider myself a Long Time or Veteran user, but I was wandering when did you join QQ? How long of being active would you consider to being a Veteran member of this online community? Really anything related to this topic.

I'd say my thoughts on it would to Be Active, Post, Been Around for 5+ Years, and to a lesser extent Recognizable (though that mainly just falls under Active)

I know this went off on a spiel about something as Abstract as Veteran Status but I'm pretty curious on what this conversation might drum up.
Taylor Varga brought me here... somehow... I joined QQ in the year of 2018.
I've been around for ... a decade.

Makes sense, still slightly strange to think about. I believe I got here because of a Bii quest over on SB that was voted towards lewd and consequently got shifted into this forum.

My consideration on being a "Veteran" is less stringent, I'd make it more about being recognizable. Do a decent amount of the people who are also active here know you? Minimum amount of time here is more nebulous. A year alone can be a long time to be on a forum, and we've got a lot of people who have been around significantly longer then that.

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