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You are the Getter.

You are the beginning and the end.

You are the true purpose of all life...


Versed in the lewd.
May 21, 2016
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You are the Getter.

You are the beginning and the end.

You are the true purpose of all life in the galaxy. The creator and destroyer of all that is, was, or will be. Everything will return to that which birth it.

The Getter.



That is the way of all sentient life.

That is the way of reality.

Any who struggle against this fact, against you, shall be devoured and become apart of you. As all things shall. Only those chosen by the Getter will remain until they too become one with you yet again.

Humanity. A race uplifted by the Getter Rays that bathed their planet millions of years ago to them. The radiation harmed the dinosaurs that originally ruled the surface. They were forced underground, paving the way for humanity to take over the world.

Now, humanity stands at the top of the food chain. Given time and careful manipulation on your part, they will grow to become much more than that. They will be the ones to bring the galaxy back to its progenitor. Back to the Getter.

But humans will not accomplish such a thing without strife. They will continually be faced with two options. Be crushed by their foes or overcome the obstacles placed in front of them. Become strong enough to survive in this reality or die and become food for the Getter.

This fact never changes.

But the circumstances surrounding it do.

Firstly, the situation of those special few chosen by the Getter. They are always there in some way, shape or form. Physically or spiritually, where the Getter is cultivated, they are not far behind.

[] The Important Parts – You have the three main Getter Pilots, the scientist who discovered Getter Rays and built the Getter Robo, and the scientist who built the weapons for the Getter Robo. Ryoma Nagare, Hayato Jin, Benkei Kurama, Professor Saotome and his daughter Michiru, and lastly Professor Shikishima are all available from the start. However, you have little to no other personnel to assist and little in terms of funding from the Japanese Government. You'll have to prove yourself with what you've got before they give you more.

[] Half and Half – You have two of the three main Getter Pilots, Professor Saotome and Shikishima. There is a fully staffed Saotome Laboratory with enough funding from the Government to get started on projects right away. However, the Getter Robo will be unable to draw out its full potential and will kill many expandable pilots until the final Getter Pilot is found. And there aren't many actual military personnel to begin with as the Government sees this as more of a scientific pursuit than a military one.

[] Stocked with Red Shirts – You have Professor Saotome and Professor Shikishima. You not only have a lab, but a full-fledged island to yourself. The Government has is giving you as many resources as you need, new personnel are being flown in by the day, and you can start several projects whenever you feel like. However, none of the main Getter Pilots are with you. You'll have to make do with standard military until you can find them. Even if you do, they will not come along quietly.

Secondly, the foes they face. Many have attempted to destroy the Getter and humanity. Some come from the planet itself, others from the depths of space. They are all equally dangerous, but some are…simpler than others when it comes to tactics.
[] The Dinosaur Empire – The first of the foes that stood against Getter Robo. They are the remnants of the dinosaurs that were driven underground when the Getter Rays bathed the planet. They have returned and plan to eliminate humanity, so that they may once against rule the earth. They are the "simplest" of the three foes, if only because their activities are mostly straight forward. They are still dangerous and use the animal population to their advantage, but their plans are always easy to spot once discovered.

[] The Hyakki Empire – The second foe the Getter Robo faced after the Dinosaurs were defeated. They are humans turned into demons by a race that wishes death upon humans and the Getter Robo. They are more insidious than the Dinosaurs, as their entire race is made up of humans that have been surgically changed into demons. Its impossible to tell them apart without an autopsy or getting them to reveal the horns that grow from their heads. Outside of that, there's no telling when or where the demons will attack.

[] The Invaders – When the Getter encounters this foe is up to debate. However, they are still one of the most dangerous enemies to ever stand against Getter Robo. Unlike the Dinosaur Empire, this race of monsters from outer space can eat Getter Rays. They absorb the energy and use it to evolve into even more dangerous forms. In addition, they are biomechanical in nature. They can integrate with any kind of technology or organic life and take them over. Even the Getter Robo is not exempt from their hijacking ability. They are probably one of the worst foes the Getter Robo has faced, if only because nothing is safe from their assimilating abilities.

Finally, there is the potential for allies. The Getter Robo is not always alone in its battles. Sometimes, other humans join the fray. Whether it be through altruism, a sense of justice, circumstance, or simply looking for a war to fight, they join the Getter Team against that which threatens them.

[] Solitary Vigil – The Getter Robo stands alone against the darkness. There will be no Calvary, no rescue, no relief. Only conflict. While not the best situation for humanity, it is the best situation for you. For it means that none stand to become obstacles to your goal of universal domination.

[] A Gathering of Souls – There are other robots out there besides the Getter. Each one has their own conflicts and battles that they must fight. They defend the earth just as the Getter Team and will prove valuable allies in the battles to come. However, their enemies may decide to join forces with your own. It will augment their threat and they will not hesitate to take advantage of an alliance. Not to mention that the other pilots might become obstacles to your goals if they catch wind of what you plan for humanity.

[] Super Robot Wars – There are many other robots besides the Getter. They come from all across the planet, with some hailing from other worlds entirely. Each has their own beliefs, enemies, and reasons for fighting. While they are all not wholly successful in their battles, they are still formidable opponents. If they are around, Getter Robot will always have allies to call upon. However, it increases the number of foes that will challenge Getter Robo and increases the likelihood of them forming an alliance. Top this off with what could happen if the other robots discover your ultimate plans for humanity…it would certainly be an interesting set of affairs.

Welcome to my first Quest on Questionable Questing! In this Quest, you all will play as the Eldritch Abomination that is the Getter Rays from Getter Robo!

Your main objective is to make sure humanity survives so that they may reach the stars and pave the way for the creation of your ultimate form; The Getter Emperor.

I'll explain more about the Mechanics and otherwise when we get there.

Any questions and criticisms are welcome.

Let's get started!
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[X] Stocked with Red Shirts – You have Professor Saotome and Professor Shikishima. You not only have a lab, but a full-fledged island to yourself. The Government has is giving you as many resources as you need, new personnel are being flown in by the day, and you can start several projects whenever you feel like. However, none of the main Getter Pilots are with you. You'll have to make do with standard military until you can find them. Even if you do, they will not come along quietly.

[X] The Dinosaur Empire – The first of the foes that stood against Getter Robo. They are the remnants of the dinosaurs that were driven underground when the Getter Rays bathed the planet. They have returned and plan to eliminate humanity, so that they may once against rule the earth. They are the "simplest" of the three foes, if only because their activities are mostly straight forward. They are still dangerous and use the animal population to their advantage, but their plans are always easy to spot once discovered.

[X] A Gathering of Souls – There are other robots out there besides the Getter. Each one has their own conflicts and battles that they must fight. They defend the earth just as the Getter Team and will prove valuable allies in the battles to come. However, their enemies may decide to join forces with your own. It will augment their threat and they will not hesitate to take advantage of an alliance. Not to mention that the other pilots might become obstacles to your goals if they catch wind of what you plan for humanity.
So, why are you posting in this forum? And not the nsfw quest forum? This forum gets little traffic, usually.

[X] Stocked with Red Shirts – You have Professor Saotome and Professor Shikishima. You not only have a lab, but a full-fledged island to yourself. The Government has is giving you as many resources as you need, new personnel are being flown in by the day, and you can start several projects whenever you feel like. However, none of the main Getter Pilots are with you. You'll have to make do with standard military until you can find them. Even if you do, they will not come along quietly.

[X] The Dinosaur Empire – The first of the foes that stood against Getter Robo. They are the remnants of the dinosaurs that were driven underground when the Getter Rays bathed the planet. They have returned and plan to eliminate humanity, so that they may once against rule the earth. They are the "simplest" of the three foes, if only because their activities are mostly straight forward. They are still dangerous and use the animal population to their advantage, but their plans are always easy to spot once discovered.

[X] A Gathering of Souls – There are other robots out there besides the Getter. Each one has their own conflicts and battles that they must fight. They defend the earth just as the Getter Team and will prove valuable allies in the battles to come. However, their enemies may decide to join forces with your own. It will augment their threat and they will not hesitate to take advantage of an alliance. Not to mention that the other pilots might become obstacles to your goals if they catch wind of what you plan for humanity.
So, why are you posting in this forum? And not the nsfw quest forum? This forum gets little traffic, usually.

[X] Stocked with Red Shirts – You have Professor Saotome and Professor Shikishima. You not only have a lab, but a full-fledged island to yourself. The Government has is giving you as many resources as you need, new personnel are being flown in by the day, and you can start several projects whenever you feel like. However, none of the main Getter Pilots are with you. You'll have to make do with standard military until you can find them. Even if you do, they will not come along quietly.

[X] The Dinosaur Empire – The first of the foes that stood against Getter Robo. They are the remnants of the dinosaurs that were driven underground when the Getter Rays bathed the planet. They have returned and plan to eliminate humanity, so that they may once against rule the earth. They are the "simplest" of the three foes, if only because their activities are mostly straight forward. They are still dangerous and use the animal population to their advantage, but their plans are always easy to spot once discovered.

[X] A Gathering of Souls – There are other robots out there besides the Getter. Each one has their own conflicts and battles that they must fight. They defend the earth just as the Getter Team and will prove valuable allies in the battles to come. However, their enemies may decide to join forces with your own. It will augment their threat and they will not hesitate to take advantage of an alliance. Not to mention that the other pilots might become obstacles to your goals if they catch wind of what you plan for humanity.

1. Cause Getter Robot is brutal and I was thinking of it trying to keep with that spirit.

2. Not sure if I should go NSFW. I don't have much talent with that kind of thing, and at most would be detailing tits and ass.

But, you're right about little traffic. Put it up on SV instead.

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