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Depression hit me hard, so hard that I kinda lost six months of my life doing nothing, lost a semester of college, and barely interacted with anyone.

Also, I'm really, really, sorry for the hiatus without even saying anything, I hope you guys can forgive me.
No worries dude. I, and I believe many others here, no exactly what you're going through with the depression. Just, the lack of will to do more than the bare minimum, and even that can be a challenge. Here's hoping you're in a better headspace now.

As for the chapter, I liked it. Anakin got to smack the Empire around a bit, and the PRT got to show they CAN do something right occasionally... while still messing up badly enough that they've managed to piss Anakin off. The question is, are they the ones making the disturbance, or did Coil set this in motion to make another go at Dinah?
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cool fight. it looks like Vader might make an appearance if they've managed to snatch his younglin time to take the kiddie gloves off and show what he's really capable of. and of course, there's nothing better than a bit of Sith lighting to make a point. I'm glad you're feeling better.

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time for the force repulse!
It would be a real kick in the pants for the PRT if Anakin's response to this ambush is to sweep them aside to go rescue Dinah and unintentionally granting the Empire a chance to escape, leaving the PRT with nothing to show for their troubles.
It would be a real kick in the pants for the PRT if Anakin's response to this ambush is to sweep them aside to go rescue Dinah and unintentionally granting the Empire a chance to escape, leaving the PRT with nothing to show for their troubles.
It'll be even better when the civilians that stayed behind to record everything post it online to show their fuck up, because let's be honest here, there will always be people like that.
It would be a real kick in the pants for the PRT if Anakin's response to this ambush is to sweep them aside to go rescue Dinah and unintentionally granting the Empire a chance to escape, leaving the PRT with nothing to show for their troubles.
As much as people love clowning on the Protectorate and the PRT, I hope not. This shit always happens. Just snap the Empire's cape's necks and get it over with.
It would be a real kick in the pants for the PRT if Anakin's response to this ambush is to sweep them aside to go rescue Dinah and unintentionally granting the Empire a chance to escape, leaving the PRT with nothing to show for their troubles.

He wouldn't even need to attack the PRT to escape. Force Users can move fast, and i don't think the PRT know that yet.
He can just force dash out of there.
Every enemy has been annoying for Anakin but they are getting out of hand. Anakin should kill someone to make a point.
To be fair, that's what Lung was supposed to be: an example. It's not Anakin's fault that everyone else in Worm is either too dumb to live or has a tendency to overestimate themselves/underestimate their enemies.
Exciting fight! Easy to imagine the people, their locations, and what's happening and there's tension even if Anakin is managing well. Armsmaster should just capture the empire capes and call it a day, leave Anakin alone and it would be a massive win. No need to grab defeat from the jaws of victory.

As far as the depression goes, that sucks. No need to feel any obligation here. In addition to actual effective stuff quietly soaking in sunshine and lots of water never hurt. I guess try to maintain your links and accountability people so even if you're not doing awesome you're a bit more together :/ best of luck though and I'm glad you're alive and doing a bit better.
"Susanoo, Purity, drop your weapons and surrender, you're surrounded!" Armsmaster's amplified voice came from his armor.

Gripping his lightsaber tighter, Anakin stared at the man, his temper rising. "What have you done?"

It was at this moment, Armsmaster later reflected while laying in his hospital bed, that he had fucked up.
Yeah, people think it's at least somewhat hype until it's actually happening.

Anyone have a link to the scene in the mandalorion when Luke is attacking the base they are in?

Edit: Found it!

The Dragon Suit that they brought along is gonna share the same fate as that last droid, though it will probably be more instantaneous. Also, what are the odds that Vader says the following line?

"All I see around me is fear. And dead men."

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