Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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31st December
14:51 GMT +2
Adom is floating just off the floor, looking out through the balcony window. This isn't the largest guest room in the place -those have all been repurposed- but it does have a Cairo-facing balcony in case he needs to fly there quickly. Kahndaq's official capital is just under four hundred kilometres away and if he really guns it he can be there in ten minutes. I mean, he wouldn't be able to see anything much on the way and he'd be spitting out insects for the rest of the week but I very much doubt that the President's had a good night's sleep since Adom demonstrated that particular ability to a group of international journalists. After Suez came over to his side he did try modern dress, but it didn't last; he's back in his black and golds now.
"Mighty One. Thank you for seeing me."
"Your company is hardly a great burden." He turns and drifts back through the room towards me. His face is a little bit less impassive than it was, but I think at this point this is all we're getting. "You said there was something urgent that you wished to discuss?"
"I believe that this is a conversation we should have in private." I raise my left hand, sigil towards him. "Do you mind?"
He makes a dismissive gesture with his right hand and I send orange light flowing around the interior of the room. No listening devices within and any nonmagical attempt to listen from outside will fail. "What has you so concerned, my friend?"
"As we speak the entire Justice League -with the exception of Red Tornado- have been mind controlled. These little.. things." I generate a construct image of the Starro-tech. "We recovered them after a fight with people in the employ of an alliance of supervillains called the Light but… But I think we were meant to. At some point last night they were used on the League and now someone's running them like puppets."
"That is a grave matter. Do you know who perpetrated this attack?"
I shake my head. We don't really know much, do we? "No, not yet. We're trying to track down Red Ar-."
"Incoming communication, highest priority!"
That.. isn't an alert the ring uses. "I'm sorry. Ring, answer."
"Paul, we've got Red Arrow and Artemis." Zatanna's face appears above the ring. How is..? Magic, right. "They're not infected. We're heading for the rendezvous location now."
"Do we know who's behind this yet?"
"Red Arrow says that Vandal Savage was in control."
"Savage still lives?" Adom zooms across the room and peers at Zatanna's face. Huh. I've only heard him use that tone of voice for the Wizard before. I remember something about an Element Man and Savage from the comics but I didn't think that had happened here.
"Yes, Mighty One, he does. Zatanna, I'm with Adom now. Adom, we could very much use your help."
"The fact that Princess Diana is in need of me is reason enough for me to agree. But Savage… You have no idea what horrors that man inflicted on this region during my first life. Killing him again will be my pleasure. Do you intend to attack immediately?"
"No. We need to develop a way to free our mentors first before going after them aggressively. Either that, or.. a way to keep them contained while one is developed."
He nods. "It would be unwise for me to leave Kahndaq for a significant span if it can be avoided, and I know little of science." He puts his left hand on my right shoulder. That's… Whaw. He usually hates touching people. "Call me when it is time for the briefing and I will come, and fight beside you."
Do I..? Put my hand on his shoulder? I don't want to push him if he's leaving his comfort zone anyway, so I settle for putting my right hand on top of his left. "Thank you."
"It is my privilege to repay a small part of what you and Princess Diana have done for me." I remove my hand and he lifts his off my shoulder, putting it behind his back. "The report of your arrival mentioned that you brought companions with you."
"They're just outside. We need to get going, but if you want an introduction…" He nods and I lead the way out of his room.
"…running the meter, so…" Mister Free trails off as Adom and I emerge. "Teth Adom. I hear good things about you."
"I will endeavour to be worthy of them."
"Mighty One, this is Mister Miracle, Big Barda, Firebrand and Green Lantern."
"Yes." He inclines his head slightly to Alan. "I believe that we met briefly at the Embassy. My English at the time was not good enough for me to converse with you."
"From the sound of it you've come a long way."
"I'm sorry, but we need to go. Barda, to the rendezvous point. It should be obvious." But just in case I extend my environmental shield around them as we huddle up and she raises the mega-rod.
31st December
10:55 GMT -2
"That was quick." Sephtian's stuck his head through the glowing membrane which marks the transition point between the room we're in and the rest of the Conservatory. Surface worlder friendly air filled rooms are something he's been working on as part of the drive to improve diplomatic relations… Or get some, at least. "We haven't quite finished setting up yet. Did you bring the sample with you?"
"No, Zatanna's bringing it."
Alan and Mister Free walk over to a 'window' on Sephtian's left and take a look out across the Poseidonis skyline. Um, waterline? Alan gazes out in wonder. "Good Lord, will you look at that. Can barely believe it's been down here my whole life."
"Reminds me of an escape I did for my last tour." Mister Free pokes the membrane with his right hand, passing through it easily. He pulls his hand back and the water stays on the far side.
"You've disabled the zeta tube, right?"
"Yes yes, but King Orin hasn't tried to contact us since his 'acquisition'."
"How's Her Majesty taking it?"
"Her husband is being mind controlled by a mass murdering criminal, how do you think she's taking it?" His head shudders. "I've been instructed to extend you every courtesy and assistance."
"I'm sure that you can handle the arcane elements of the problem, but… Do you know anything about nanotech?"
"I hadn't even heard the word until today. In a way I still haven't; Atlantean Greek doesn't have a word for it. Young Kaldur had to explain the concept to me in English. I also haven't done any significant work with fleshcrafting for over a decade. Still, if we put our heads together, I'm sure we can come up with something."
Barda walks over to join her husband while Danni stays in the centre of the room. Fire gynoid, billions of tonnes of sea water.
"About that. What if there were a way to.. improve your knowledge?"
"In what way?"
"A telepathic network. G-Gnomes can share knowledge and skills amongst a group. Downside is that whoever you do it with will know everything you do. While it's active, anyway."
"You have someone in mind?"
"Doctor Roquette's a nanotech specialist. She's safe and she's never shown any interest in magic. The Genomorphs themselves should be able to provide the biotechnological knowledge. I realise this is a weird idea but I think it would speed things up a lot."
"Hmm. I have no principled objection. Maaaay be better to attempt to study the Starro artefact in a normal fashion first though."
"Yes of course. Barda?" She looks around. "Please take me to Cadmus labs. I need to talk to Dubbilex."
14:51 GMT +2
Adom is floating just off the floor, looking out through the balcony window. This isn't the largest guest room in the place -those have all been repurposed- but it does have a Cairo-facing balcony in case he needs to fly there quickly. Kahndaq's official capital is just under four hundred kilometres away and if he really guns it he can be there in ten minutes. I mean, he wouldn't be able to see anything much on the way and he'd be spitting out insects for the rest of the week but I very much doubt that the President's had a good night's sleep since Adom demonstrated that particular ability to a group of international journalists. After Suez came over to his side he did try modern dress, but it didn't last; he's back in his black and golds now.
"Mighty One. Thank you for seeing me."
"Your company is hardly a great burden." He turns and drifts back through the room towards me. His face is a little bit less impassive than it was, but I think at this point this is all we're getting. "You said there was something urgent that you wished to discuss?"
"I believe that this is a conversation we should have in private." I raise my left hand, sigil towards him. "Do you mind?"
He makes a dismissive gesture with his right hand and I send orange light flowing around the interior of the room. No listening devices within and any nonmagical attempt to listen from outside will fail. "What has you so concerned, my friend?"
"As we speak the entire Justice League -with the exception of Red Tornado- have been mind controlled. These little.. things." I generate a construct image of the Starro-tech. "We recovered them after a fight with people in the employ of an alliance of supervillains called the Light but… But I think we were meant to. At some point last night they were used on the League and now someone's running them like puppets."
"That is a grave matter. Do you know who perpetrated this attack?"
I shake my head. We don't really know much, do we? "No, not yet. We're trying to track down Red Ar-."
"Incoming communication, highest priority!"
That.. isn't an alert the ring uses. "I'm sorry. Ring, answer."
"Paul, we've got Red Arrow and Artemis." Zatanna's face appears above the ring. How is..? Magic, right. "They're not infected. We're heading for the rendezvous location now."
"Do we know who's behind this yet?"
"Red Arrow says that Vandal Savage was in control."
"Savage still lives?" Adom zooms across the room and peers at Zatanna's face. Huh. I've only heard him use that tone of voice for the Wizard before. I remember something about an Element Man and Savage from the comics but I didn't think that had happened here.
"Yes, Mighty One, he does. Zatanna, I'm with Adom now. Adom, we could very much use your help."
"The fact that Princess Diana is in need of me is reason enough for me to agree. But Savage… You have no idea what horrors that man inflicted on this region during my first life. Killing him again will be my pleasure. Do you intend to attack immediately?"
"No. We need to develop a way to free our mentors first before going after them aggressively. Either that, or.. a way to keep them contained while one is developed."
He nods. "It would be unwise for me to leave Kahndaq for a significant span if it can be avoided, and I know little of science." He puts his left hand on my right shoulder. That's… Whaw. He usually hates touching people. "Call me when it is time for the briefing and I will come, and fight beside you."
Do I..? Put my hand on his shoulder? I don't want to push him if he's leaving his comfort zone anyway, so I settle for putting my right hand on top of his left. "Thank you."
"It is my privilege to repay a small part of what you and Princess Diana have done for me." I remove my hand and he lifts his off my shoulder, putting it behind his back. "The report of your arrival mentioned that you brought companions with you."
"They're just outside. We need to get going, but if you want an introduction…" He nods and I lead the way out of his room.
"…running the meter, so…" Mister Free trails off as Adom and I emerge. "Teth Adom. I hear good things about you."
"I will endeavour to be worthy of them."
"Mighty One, this is Mister Miracle, Big Barda, Firebrand and Green Lantern."
"Yes." He inclines his head slightly to Alan. "I believe that we met briefly at the Embassy. My English at the time was not good enough for me to converse with you."
"From the sound of it you've come a long way."
"I'm sorry, but we need to go. Barda, to the rendezvous point. It should be obvious." But just in case I extend my environmental shield around them as we huddle up and she raises the mega-rod.
31st December
10:55 GMT -2
"That was quick." Sephtian's stuck his head through the glowing membrane which marks the transition point between the room we're in and the rest of the Conservatory. Surface worlder friendly air filled rooms are something he's been working on as part of the drive to improve diplomatic relations… Or get some, at least. "We haven't quite finished setting up yet. Did you bring the sample with you?"
"No, Zatanna's bringing it."
Alan and Mister Free walk over to a 'window' on Sephtian's left and take a look out across the Poseidonis skyline. Um, waterline? Alan gazes out in wonder. "Good Lord, will you look at that. Can barely believe it's been down here my whole life."
"Reminds me of an escape I did for my last tour." Mister Free pokes the membrane with his right hand, passing through it easily. He pulls his hand back and the water stays on the far side.
"You've disabled the zeta tube, right?"
"Yes yes, but King Orin hasn't tried to contact us since his 'acquisition'."
"How's Her Majesty taking it?"
"Her husband is being mind controlled by a mass murdering criminal, how do you think she's taking it?" His head shudders. "I've been instructed to extend you every courtesy and assistance."
"I'm sure that you can handle the arcane elements of the problem, but… Do you know anything about nanotech?"
"I hadn't even heard the word until today. In a way I still haven't; Atlantean Greek doesn't have a word for it. Young Kaldur had to explain the concept to me in English. I also haven't done any significant work with fleshcrafting for over a decade. Still, if we put our heads together, I'm sure we can come up with something."
Barda walks over to join her husband while Danni stays in the centre of the room. Fire gynoid, billions of tonnes of sea water.
"About that. What if there were a way to.. improve your knowledge?"
"In what way?"
"A telepathic network. G-Gnomes can share knowledge and skills amongst a group. Downside is that whoever you do it with will know everything you do. While it's active, anyway."
"You have someone in mind?"
"Doctor Roquette's a nanotech specialist. She's safe and she's never shown any interest in magic. The Genomorphs themselves should be able to provide the biotechnological knowledge. I realise this is a weird idea but I think it would speed things up a lot."
"Hmm. I have no principled objection. Maaaay be better to attempt to study the Starro artefact in a normal fashion first though."
"Yes of course. Barda?" She looks around. "Please take me to Cadmus labs. I need to talk to Dubbilex."