Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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2nd January
10:12 GMT -8
Mister J'aarkn looks at me sceptically as we walk across the airfield. "So what you're saying is, she's literally incapable of feeling hope, compassion or love?"
"I.. think so? What I do isn't like telepathy, and I don't have a planet full of other people who can do it with whom I can compare notes."
"Can't say I'm completely surprised." He ponders this information for a moment. "Is there something wrong with her brain? I'm not her biggest fan but if there's a biological basis maybe she could get it fixed."
"Not that I could see. It's weird; I kept nudging her to try and get an emotional response, her brain was lighting up in the right places but it didn't generate the normal emotional responses."
The guards on duty outside the hangar activate the mechanism which causes the hangar doors to start opening. Mister J'aarkn turns to look through the doors. "I'm sympathetic, but since I'm leaving the planet it isn't really my problem anymore."
"I was just hoping you'd.. picked something up."
He shakes his head. "Telepaths shouldn't go poking around diseased minds. Not without special training." He catches sight of his Bio-Ship and raises his hands wide. "Ahh! My boy!" His Bio-Ship responds by tugging on its clamps. Missus Spencer nods and ground crew remove them, allowing it to drift forwards. "Heh. Don't tell anyone, but I'm actually pretty bad at telekinesis as well."
M'gann gives the ship a quick look over and then turns back to Mister J'aarkn. "Your shapeshifting is pretty advanced, though. You can change far faster than I can."
"Well. That's biology. I've studied that, and it's not like I've been fucking twenty four seven since I got here. You attending an Earth college?" M'gann hesitates for a moment, then nods. "So… You're about.. forty, right?"
She shuffles self consciously. "Twenty four."
He blinks. "You haven't finished school on Mars? Oh, that's.. not a good idea. Especially with how strong your mental abilities are."
"I'm.. getting tuition here."
He shifts his head to match the one Mister J'onzz normally uses. "Military school? Look, I'm sure he's a great guy but he isn't a teacher. Manhunters don't get taught a lot of things you might-."
"No, there's a.. human telepath."
He nods his head to the side. "That's a bit better. Still seems…" He thinks for a moment. "You got a shapeshifting teacher?" M'gann shakes her head.
"If that's a problem, I could ask if the Chinese have a Durlan they're willing to lend us."
Kon frowns slightly. "Or how about Plastic Man? He's a shapeshifter."
"Those might be able to teach application, but they can't teach technique like another Martian can." Mister J'aarkn reaches into his bag. "Ah, what the hey. I was sort of thinking about doing this anyway." He pulls out the case containing his amulets, opens it and takes one out.
M'gann leans a way a little. "I'm not.. sure I want to touch that."
"Oh, no, no, no. This isn't my fun recording. On this-" He holds it up. "-is everything I've learned from shapeshifting human bodies. And everything else. Twenty five years of practice from the point of view of someone with no small amount of skill if I do say so myself."
"I'm not sure I want your.. skills."
"You've got the shape right, but the nerve distribution? The internal structures? Hmm?" He looks at her levelly and she glances away. "You're dating an alien, Miss M'orzz. They have different stuff. Heh, and they do different stuff with it. And if you want to do stuff the way they do stuff… Well." He wiggles the pendant back and forth. "It'll be far easier than working it out on your own."
M'gann reaches out to take it, then hesitates. "Don't you need this? Your research…"
"It's fine, I got a backup. I may be going home now, but I plan on coming back here eventually. And I plan on trying to get other Martians to come here as well. And that'll be easier if you make a go of living here."
"The, um…" She reaches out and takes the amulet from him. "Thank you."
"No sweat." He closes the case and returns it to his bag as his Bio-Ship drifts up to us.
Kon looks from him to the Bio-Ship. "If you're bad at telekinesis.. do you need me to lift you up?"
"I can float you up?"
"Nah. May as well leave the way I arrived. Katie, you wanted to see what Martians really look like."
"Not partic-."
"Like this." His body grows and reshapes, looking like… A green version of M'gann's true form. **Behold my majesty!** He spreads his arms wide. I think he's a little bit bigger than M'gann and he's noticeably more upright. The bits that are pale purple on M'gann are a slightly darker green on him. For some reason I expect his customary paunch to still be there in this form, but obviously it isn't. **Well? What d'yah think?**
Missus Spencer looks him over while I look towards the fence where the few news people who actually turned up are trying to get him in focus. "I'm underwhelmed."
**Curses! Foiled again!** He puts his right hand on the hull of his Bio-Ship and a portal opens to the interior. **Oooooh kaaaaay. Wish me luck.** He puts both hands on the lip of the opening and tries to pull himself up. Long arms: excellent reach, not so great for exerting force. We let him struggle for ten seconds before M'gann takes pity on him and lifts him up with telekinesis. He takes a moment to find his feet and then turns around to look back down. **Thanks. I was about to ask for a Martian friendly step ladder. How far up does American airspace go again?**
**Kidding. Kidding. Okay, here I go.** He disappears inside and the hole closes up.
Missus Chambers watches the Bio-Ship carefully. "Orange Lantern. You can fly in space, right?"
"Yes, but I'm not spending the next week escorting him to Mars the slow way if that's what you're about to ask."
"No, but-"
The Bio-Ship jerks in the air then drops to just above the ground. **Whoops! Had the damn thing in reverse.**
"-I'd like you to make sure he at least gets out of the atmosphere. I want him to go home, but even more than that I want this case off my desk."
"I suppose… Kon, M'gann, you alright getting home?"
Kon looks at M'gann and then back at me. "Actually, we thought we might spend the day here. Maybe fly up to San Francisco? Do some sight seeing?"
I nod. "Alright then. I'll just-" Mister J'aarkn's Bio-Ship tilts front end upwards and then accelerates into the sky, much to the excitement of the crowd on the far side of the fence. "-keep an eye on him. If you want me to pick you up when you're finished, you know how to get hold of me."
"Right, thanks. Um." Kon looks at M'gann, who's staring at the amulet in her hands. "You really going to use that?"
"I think I'll get Uncle J'onn to check that it's safe first. And not full of… You know."
"Good idea. Now, if you'll excuse me?" A nod from Kon and a wave from M'gann and I rise into the air before accelerating after Mister J'aarkn's ship. This shouldn't take all that long, but I don't want to turn into a permanent third wheel. Maybe Zatanna and I can get the work on the Fortress in after all?
10:12 GMT -8
Mister J'aarkn looks at me sceptically as we walk across the airfield. "So what you're saying is, she's literally incapable of feeling hope, compassion or love?"
"I.. think so? What I do isn't like telepathy, and I don't have a planet full of other people who can do it with whom I can compare notes."
"Can't say I'm completely surprised." He ponders this information for a moment. "Is there something wrong with her brain? I'm not her biggest fan but if there's a biological basis maybe she could get it fixed."
"Not that I could see. It's weird; I kept nudging her to try and get an emotional response, her brain was lighting up in the right places but it didn't generate the normal emotional responses."
The guards on duty outside the hangar activate the mechanism which causes the hangar doors to start opening. Mister J'aarkn turns to look through the doors. "I'm sympathetic, but since I'm leaving the planet it isn't really my problem anymore."
"I was just hoping you'd.. picked something up."
He shakes his head. "Telepaths shouldn't go poking around diseased minds. Not without special training." He catches sight of his Bio-Ship and raises his hands wide. "Ahh! My boy!" His Bio-Ship responds by tugging on its clamps. Missus Spencer nods and ground crew remove them, allowing it to drift forwards. "Heh. Don't tell anyone, but I'm actually pretty bad at telekinesis as well."
M'gann gives the ship a quick look over and then turns back to Mister J'aarkn. "Your shapeshifting is pretty advanced, though. You can change far faster than I can."
"Well. That's biology. I've studied that, and it's not like I've been fucking twenty four seven since I got here. You attending an Earth college?" M'gann hesitates for a moment, then nods. "So… You're about.. forty, right?"
She shuffles self consciously. "Twenty four."
He blinks. "You haven't finished school on Mars? Oh, that's.. not a good idea. Especially with how strong your mental abilities are."
"I'm.. getting tuition here."
He shifts his head to match the one Mister J'onzz normally uses. "Military school? Look, I'm sure he's a great guy but he isn't a teacher. Manhunters don't get taught a lot of things you might-."
"No, there's a.. human telepath."
He nods his head to the side. "That's a bit better. Still seems…" He thinks for a moment. "You got a shapeshifting teacher?" M'gann shakes her head.
"If that's a problem, I could ask if the Chinese have a Durlan they're willing to lend us."
Kon frowns slightly. "Or how about Plastic Man? He's a shapeshifter."
"Those might be able to teach application, but they can't teach technique like another Martian can." Mister J'aarkn reaches into his bag. "Ah, what the hey. I was sort of thinking about doing this anyway." He pulls out the case containing his amulets, opens it and takes one out.
M'gann leans a way a little. "I'm not.. sure I want to touch that."
"Oh, no, no, no. This isn't my fun recording. On this-" He holds it up. "-is everything I've learned from shapeshifting human bodies. And everything else. Twenty five years of practice from the point of view of someone with no small amount of skill if I do say so myself."
"I'm not sure I want your.. skills."
"You've got the shape right, but the nerve distribution? The internal structures? Hmm?" He looks at her levelly and she glances away. "You're dating an alien, Miss M'orzz. They have different stuff. Heh, and they do different stuff with it. And if you want to do stuff the way they do stuff… Well." He wiggles the pendant back and forth. "It'll be far easier than working it out on your own."
M'gann reaches out to take it, then hesitates. "Don't you need this? Your research…"
"It's fine, I got a backup. I may be going home now, but I plan on coming back here eventually. And I plan on trying to get other Martians to come here as well. And that'll be easier if you make a go of living here."
"The, um…" She reaches out and takes the amulet from him. "Thank you."
"No sweat." He closes the case and returns it to his bag as his Bio-Ship drifts up to us.
Kon looks from him to the Bio-Ship. "If you're bad at telekinesis.. do you need me to lift you up?"
"I can float you up?"
"Nah. May as well leave the way I arrived. Katie, you wanted to see what Martians really look like."
"Not partic-."
"Like this." His body grows and reshapes, looking like… A green version of M'gann's true form. **Behold my majesty!** He spreads his arms wide. I think he's a little bit bigger than M'gann and he's noticeably more upright. The bits that are pale purple on M'gann are a slightly darker green on him. For some reason I expect his customary paunch to still be there in this form, but obviously it isn't. **Well? What d'yah think?**
Missus Spencer looks him over while I look towards the fence where the few news people who actually turned up are trying to get him in focus. "I'm underwhelmed."
**Curses! Foiled again!** He puts his right hand on the hull of his Bio-Ship and a portal opens to the interior. **Oooooh kaaaaay. Wish me luck.** He puts both hands on the lip of the opening and tries to pull himself up. Long arms: excellent reach, not so great for exerting force. We let him struggle for ten seconds before M'gann takes pity on him and lifts him up with telekinesis. He takes a moment to find his feet and then turns around to look back down. **Thanks. I was about to ask for a Martian friendly step ladder. How far up does American airspace go again?**
**Kidding. Kidding. Okay, here I go.** He disappears inside and the hole closes up.
Missus Chambers watches the Bio-Ship carefully. "Orange Lantern. You can fly in space, right?"
"Yes, but I'm not spending the next week escorting him to Mars the slow way if that's what you're about to ask."
"No, but-"
The Bio-Ship jerks in the air then drops to just above the ground. **Whoops! Had the damn thing in reverse.**
"-I'd like you to make sure he at least gets out of the atmosphere. I want him to go home, but even more than that I want this case off my desk."
"I suppose… Kon, M'gann, you alright getting home?"
Kon looks at M'gann and then back at me. "Actually, we thought we might spend the day here. Maybe fly up to San Francisco? Do some sight seeing?"
I nod. "Alright then. I'll just-" Mister J'aarkn's Bio-Ship tilts front end upwards and then accelerates into the sky, much to the excitement of the crowd on the far side of the fence. "-keep an eye on him. If you want me to pick you up when you're finished, you know how to get hold of me."
"Right, thanks. Um." Kon looks at M'gann, who's staring at the amulet in her hands. "You really going to use that?"
"I think I'll get Uncle J'onn to check that it's safe first. And not full of… You know."
"Good idea. Now, if you'll excuse me?" A nod from Kon and a wave from M'gann and I rise into the air before accelerating after Mister J'aarkn's ship. This shouldn't take all that long, but I don't want to turn into a permanent third wheel. Maybe Zatanna and I can get the work on the Fortress in after all?