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Worm snippet, Coil's bad end

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Was thinking about writing a fic where Coil is constantly winning, setting himself in an...


Getting some practice in, huh?
Mar 21, 2021
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Was thinking about writing a fic where Coil is constantly winning, setting himself in an unassailable position and everything seems hopeless for MC, building up tension to a point where there's no visible way out then have it end abruptly with this out of nowhere:


"Glad I managed to catch you, we need to have a talk about your decisions last Friday."

I knew this was coming, the gambit on my alt timeline had been so successful I had decided the consequences were worth it. This conversation with Piggot was not one I was looking forwards to, especially first thing in the morning, and in fact it had the potential to do a lot of damage.

"I agree, there is a lot in play, and we need to get on the same page, it's hard to deny the existence of a leak at this point, and we won't be able to put all resources towards finding it if we're wasting them on me. I do however have an emergency to deal with, walk and talk?"

She gave me a long look trying to figure out if I was pulling some weird power play then apparently decided to move on, I have no doubt we would revisit the subject if she found anything inappropriate about my actions. My next step was also certainly not going to endear me to her but it was necessary.

The lobby had a giant open staircase, it was meant to be used by capes instead of the elevators or regular stairwells, why spend time in a hidden staircase when they could spend it being gawked at. PR at its best.

I immediately headed for it, I won't say I didn't get satisfaction from the idea of making her walk down all those stairs but the reason I did it is because I knew she wouldn't start asking questions until she reached the bottom which gave me plenty of time to use my power to fish for information.

As I reached the first step I split the timelines and looked back at Piggot, about to ask my first question. At this exact moment, I missed a step and started falling down the stairs.

FUCK, split timelines, one to try to catch the next step, the other to try to catch the handrail.

I miss the handrail with my hands but certainly not with my teeth. The explosion of pain coupled with the startling realization that Panacea does not in fact, heal brains make this timeline a poor prospect. Good news however, I manage to catch a step 3 or 4 down from where I slipped on the other timeline.

Split again, for an instant I think about how I am in the exact same situation as I was on previous split except, with more velocity.

This time, I miss the handrail but manage to go over, it's a long way down. That one closes by itself. Thankfully I barely managed to catch another step on the other timeline.

Another split.

As I look up, I realize I'm out of stairs and am regretting not taking the split where I broke most of my teeth, all that's left is the handrail in front of me and the sheer drop behind it.

One goes left.

One goes right.

Both go over.

Contessa has a hard job, the path a harsh taskmaster. She figured out how to make it prioritize giving her time off when possible. Today she got to wake up late and is dragging her way to the kitchen for some coffee.

As she arrives, Alexandria is sitting at the table, looking at her full of anger and accusation.



Now all that's left is drawing the rest of the fucking owl
The Homestuck warned us of the stairs. They are evil.

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