• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
  • Due to issues with external spam filters, QQ is currently unable to send any mail to Microsoft E-mail addresses. This includes any account at live.com, hotmail.com or msn.com. Signing up to the forum with one of these addresses will result in your verification E-mail never arriving. For best results, please use a different E-mail provider for your QQ address.
  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

XF2 transition feedback

There's an issue with parsing BBCode colors.

[color= red] The deadline for the vote is Thursday, April 4th at 1900 hours Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT).[/color]

[color=red ] The deadline for the vote is Thursday, April 4th at 1900 hours Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT).[/color]

[color=red] The deadline for the vote is Thursday, April 4th at 1900 hours Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT).[/color]
Of the three lines above, the first two do not color the text red, while the last one does. The difference is the space after the = sign in the first one, and the space before the closing ] on the second one. This does not seem like it should matter, but it does.

[color= red] The deadline for the vote is Thursday, April 4th at 1900 hours Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT).[/color]

[color=red ] The deadline for the vote is Thursday, April 4th at 1900 hours Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT).[/color]

The deadline for the vote is Thursday, April 4th at 1900 hours Eastern Daylight Time (-4 GMT).

If it is possible to fix this parsing issue, I suspect it would help in various places where people made typing mistakes. The above came from a quest update.
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I use a screen reader. The now static bar across the top gets read to me every page. The page also starts behind it. So first the reader reads the bar, and then it reads the bit of story I already heard behind the bar, and if I cancel and scroll, it will read the bar again. I don't like it.

Looks to be there in both mobile and desktop.
I use a screen reader. The now static bar across the top gets read to me every page. The page also starts behind it. So first the reader reads the bar, and then it reads the bit of story I already heard behind the bar, and if I cancel and scroll, it will read the bar again. I don't like it.

Looks to be there in both mobile and desktop.
There's a setting in preferences for that.
I use a screen reader. The now static bar across the top gets read to me every page. The page also starts behind it. So first the reader reads the bar, and then it reads the bit of story I already heard behind the bar, and if I cancel and scroll, it will read the bar again. I don't like it.

Looks to be there in both mobile and desktop.
In Preferences check the Disable box for Sticky Header Navbar.
Hello, where do I find the tag directory? on mobile.
I'm having an odd issue on the mobile version of the site. If I open an alert in a new tab (which I usually do, since I often get 20+ alerts at one time) then when I open the page, it's scrolled to the very bottom of the page. I have to refresh the page again to have it jump to the right post. Is anyone else having this issue? I'm on Android, using Firefox as my browser if that helps.
There really needs to be better differentiation of the main body of a post and the signature. I've lost count of the number of times I've opened a spoiler box only to be totally confused at the contents being unrelated, then realize that I was in the poster's signature. This is on Lightened for reference.
There really needs to be better differentiation of the main body of a post and the signature. I've lost count of the number of times I've opened a spoiler box only to be totally confused at the contents being unrelated, then realize that I was in the poster's signature. This is on Lightened for reference.

Dark is similar, where there is a thin faint grey line between the post and the signature.

If I ever put a signature the first words will be "Signature Starts Below", so there is space between my post and any signature I have.
The alerts are pretty annoying



Check your preferences. There's an option labelled "Generate new alerts without reading" that causes the "large number of alerts constantly" issue.
Easily, the part that pisses me off the most, is the location of the what's new button. The number of times I hit that button on accident, while trying to check for update to the threads I follow, is driving me crazy. Absolutely needs to be moved. Removed preferably, but moved at the very freaking least.
I liked the Dark High Contrast style except for one thing. When viewing the alerts notifications (I like seeing ALL alerts), "read" alerts and "unread" alerts have the same background with no difference in shading.

It'd be nice for QoL if it were differentiated like in some of the other styles for faster review of alerts.
Is there a way to reenable the old button at the top and bottom of each page that opened up the site map? It made navigating QQ easier, rather than having to go to the front page each time I want to go to a different part of the site.
Is there a way to apply Alerts only to OP posts, so I can cut back on the constant flood of Alerts?

I swear it wasn't this bad on the old forum, and I'm unfollowing threads like crazy but that barely seems to help.
Is there a way to apply Alerts only to OP posts, so I can cut back on the constant flood of Alerts?

I swear it wasn't this bad on the old forum, and I'm unfollowing threads like crazy but that barely seems to help.

There's a new alert option for getting alerts for unread threads, you can disable it in your preferences.

"thread starter replies" is a different option so yes.
Is there a way to apply Alerts only to OP posts, so I can cut back on the constant flood of Alerts?

I swear it wasn't this bad on the old forum, and I'm unfollowing threads like crazy but that barely seems to help.


Check your preferences. There's an option labelled "Generate new alerts without reading" that causes the "large number of alerts constantly" issue.

If that doesn't work, use the Alert Preferences option and uncheck the alerts for everything but OP posts.
Changed style to black purple, but the size difference between everything is very annoying. When I switch back to "Dark" mode the words become equal in size again.
This is a thing I've pointed out before.

The Light and Dark themes have smaller elements set to a size like 0.8125rem. Using rem units means they are set relative to the base font size of the page, so when you change the site font size, everything is adjusted.

The Blackened themes (and I think Lightened as well) have hardcoded pixel sizes, such as 13px font sizes, on certain page elements. That means they don't change to match changes in the site font size, so when you increase the site font size, they stay small.

If you're OK adding a userstyle using a browser extension like Stylus, the following CSS will fix it:
/* Fix font sizes which were hardcoded. Change to rems with a minimum size. */
.p-title-value {
    font-size: max(1.375rem, 20px);

.structItem-title {
    font-size: max(1rem, 16px);

.bbCodeBlock--unfurl .contentRow-header {
    font-size: max(0.9275rem, 14px);

.bbCodeBlock.bbCodeBlock--quote .bbCodeBlock-content,
.p-sectionLinks-list .p-navEl,
.p-description {
    font-size: max(0.8125rem, 13px);

.bbCodeBlock--unfurl .contentRow-snippet,
.block--messages .message-cell--threadmark-header,
.structItem-minor {
    font-size: max(0.75rem, 12px);

.structItem-pageJump {
    font-size: max(0.6875rem, 11px);
/* End font size fixes. */

The max() function makes sure that if the site font size is reduced (it has values as low as 12px), it won't drop the calculated font size down to something crazy small like 9px fonts.

Obviously you can tweak this to fit your needs.
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So ever since the update email alerts have been kind of broken for me. They still go out, but they no longer contain the body of the post. Instead it just says the name of the thread and "[Poster] replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing." This removes a lot of the point of having email alerts because getting a preview of what was being posted is the whole reason I use email alerts. Is there a way to turn the "see the body of the post" function back on?
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So ever since the update email alerts have been kind of broken for me. They still go out, but they no longer contain the body of the post. Instead it just says the name of the thread and "[Poster] replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing." This removes a lot of the point of having email alerts because getting a preview of what was being posted is the whole reason I use email alerts. Is there a way to turn the "see the body of the post" function back on?
It's been mentioned a few times.
Been having some weird trouble with wifi connection on my cellphone since the change.

Getting a screen with this written on it all the time:

"The requested page could not be loaded.
Check your internet connection and try again.

Certain browser extensions, such as ad blockers, may block pages unexpectedly. Disable these and try again.

Questionable Questing may be temporarily unavailable.

Please check back later."

And then a button to reload the page.

Didn't realize it at first, thought it was just the site being funky after the change, but recently I noticed that it only seemed to happen when I was on WiFi and never when I was using my cellphone's internet.

Tested it out today and it's pretty conclusive, I am only getting this screen when on my wifi and don't get it at all otherwise.

Tried cleaning up my cache, cookies and etc, turned off ad blocker, changed the link I was using to a new one taken directly from the new site, to see it was a site redirection issue and nothing, still happening.

The moment I switch back to mobile internet the site is back to normal though.

All other websites, including the annoying brothers to this one seem to be working fine, so I don't think it's my connection that is the problem, but I will try to finick with it later to see what's up.

Haven't tested it on PC either, but will check it later as well to see if it is also a problem there.
Question, do I have to click insert media or whatever every time I post a youtube video now? I've been noticing it's not automatically doing it when I just post the video url anymore.

Kinda odd but okay. I'll have to get used to it.

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