Summary of complaints to-date
Well, that happened...
- Joined
- Apr 27, 2017
- Messages
- 857
- Likes received
- 8,488
(Since initial posting, this post has undergone three major edits for updates - one at ~12hrs after, one at ~24hr after, one at ~36 hrs after. I'm glad it seems to have come in handy.)
Bugs/Optimisation Issues
Logo - needs resizing in Light & Dark modes, and the Xenforo logo switched out in the Default mode.
...ironically, each one gives a clue in how to fix the other. The Default has no 'Home' on the header-bar, instead just using the larger Xenforo logo (which still links to QQ home) which is mounted above the header-bar at the top of the page. Ape the same setup with the other skins, with the QQ logo taking the place of the Xenforo logo, and it'll probably be good enough. (Unless you're wedded to the big mostly-empty element at the head of every page like you get on SB/SV/etc. - personally I think its absence is an improvement.)
Margins - need dynamic adjusting to fit different-sized screens without stretching.
Dice roller - broken/missing - which makes sense, given it's an add-on. One version (Hoffi's) is Unmaintained, the other version (Xon's) is paid. Looks like we're not getting it back for a while, unless QQ administration decide to prioritise it. [EDIT: Dice roller is restored.]
Tabs - broken. [EDIT: Tabs now fixed.]
Embeds/URL - various posts have been corrupted, seemingly due to newly auto-applied URL true-unfurl not integrating well with it.
both Froala and TinyMCE. [EDIT: Restored in Froala.]
Rubytext - bugged: infinitely stackable, no wordwrap & unbound by post boundaries. This has potential to screw with the functionality of above posts - anything to the right of the 'stairway' cannot be interacted with, including Like and Reply functions.
Old QQ links - broken.
...Specifically: the default link obtained by clicking the [post#] ('threads/[threadname].[thread#]/page-[page#]#post-[post#]') prior to the XF2 upgrade, now redirects to the top of [page#] while ignoring the [post#]. AKA, it'll take you to the right page, but to the top of the page instead of straight to the post you should've skipped to.
The new default setup is 'threads/[threadname].[thread#]/post-[post#]', which of course works fine.
Commenting on profile posts/status - bugged.
...Specifically: clicking the comment/status box to type in it duplicates the box (along with whatever text is inside it at the time). Subsequent clicks (but not typing) generate another duplicate box for each click. (Fortunately, actually hitting Post only posts the comment/status update you were just typing in; but that doesn't clear any of the boxes, which can only be cleared/removed by Refreshing the page.)
Message Search - permissions bugged?
...Specifically, there's been one complaint that Searching another member's post-history can potentially include Private Messages in the list. Obviously you can't click them, but you apparently still get the message summary. More detail needed.
Lag -so much lag. Still some significant lag, and rising again.
Major XF1->XF2 Issues
Email alerts- changed.
Header- there's a navbar header, and it's Sticky-er than you want your header.
...It never disappears (and it has the added effect of obscuring the Theadmarks post-header). Adding the Preference option of toggling it on or off is the obvious solution.
Auto-scrolling -especially to 'new messages' box on last page of a thread. [EDIT: Fixed.]
Similar Threads- it's there, you can't collapse it, and you should be able to.
...Also, being able to collapse the 'Users who are viewing this thread' section as well would also be nice - or at least adjust the list of users down to a smaller amount in the same vein as shrinking the number of Similar Threads shown.
Style Chooser Issues
XF1 skins- lost.
Light/Dark skins- bloated.
...It's especially notable at the bottom of each page, with a huge element that's largely duplicate functions of other page-sections: What's New in the header, and Share This Page under the Similar Threads section. Frankly the Forum Statistics section is pretty useless outside of the main page too. Just cut the element if at all possible.
Light/dark skins- also need at least some level of tinkering.
There are a few other things. Some are minor QoL losses, that I can take or leave (and will mostly have to take)...
- Loss of default pfp's; also loss of moving pfp's (such as those used by Plotvitalnpc or Arc-on-Fire). We might be able to get the former back, but probably not the latter.
- Loss of XF1 click-on-portrait (in desktop). The main loss here is not being able to get a better look at a given user's pfp without visiting their profile. (This seems to be a mobile-friendliness functionality loss. I don't think we're getting it back.)
- Date/time of post shifted to top from bottom. A minor added layer of annoyance when you need to check the last post's date to see if you're about to necro a thread with your reply. Admittedly looks less annoying in the Blackend skins.
- Reader Mode shifted down from 30 to10 [EDIT] 20 posts/page. I think that can be adjusted; in fact, I think the previous reader-mode number might've been a kludge. [EDIT: Comments/page adjuster added in Preferences - only affects standard view, though. Reader Mode now shifted upward.]
- Loss of some old XF1-era bbcodes that aren't fully supported in XF2. Eg.: highlight bbcode, which is broken but at least has a place in the TinyMCE menus.
...while other things were a case of just...y'know, They Changed It Slightly, Now It Sucks And/Or I Can't Find It!.
...of which one does deserve special mention, just by the sheer number of times it's cropped up.
Alerts - they've changed, and now--
Ah well, we'll see what happens. In the meantime, at least we still have the troll-emoji. It could be worse.
(...Also: gotta have a little giggle over the moxy of leaving the Angry reaction available while we're all bitching about the XF2 changeover. [EDIT: And gone, only a couple hours later.])
(Since initial posting, this post has undergone three major edits for updates - one at ~12hrs after, one at ~24hr after, one at ~36 hrs after. I'm glad it seems to have come in handy.)
Bugs/Optimisation Issues
EDIT: Fixed, via return of big empty element. It seems the Xenforo Default theme is sacrosanct.
EDIT: Toggle added next to Style Chooser.
(Not mentioned yet, but Voter Result - also broken. This is also still the case on SB, btw.)
IMG - vanilla bbcode appears broken.Embeds/URL - various posts have been corrupted, seemingly due to newly auto-applied URL true-unfurl not integrating well with it.
[EDIT: Seems it requires direct correction via post-edit. Let a Mod know if you can't make heads or tails of it. Auto-embed has now been disabled, though the bbcode for it is still available for use.]
Lists & Indents - icon(s) missing from ...Though note that the bbcodes for those at least still work.
LaTeX - bugged: no wordwrap & unbound by box/post boundaries.Rubytext - bugged: infinitely stackable, no wordwrap & unbound by post boundaries. This has potential to screw with the functionality of above posts - anything to the right of the 'stairway' cannot be interacted with, including Like and Reply functions.
The new default setup is 'threads/[threadname].[thread#]/post-[post#]', which of course works fine.
EDIT: Seems fixed, old threadlink works fine now - at least, provided that the post is still on the same page (which isn't actually a change from pre-XF2 behaviour).
EDIT: Fixed.
EDIT: Seems to be standard behaviour: under the correct parameters, Search is capable of finding posts within PM conversations in which you're already participating in.
Lag -
...Most noticeably concerning large images & gifs. Like, I'm seeing tenfold increases in loading time. This may or may not be tied to the new popup feature re. resized pics. Of late, lag has become more general and worse around times that seem to correspond with the site's daily backups.
Major XF1->XF2 Issues
Email alerts- changed.
...As in, 'entire content of post' has been cropped out in favour of a notification & link. Apparently there's a way to restore at least small summaries? I don't know that we can get that whole-post functionality back - or even if QQ legally should, considering the whole porn-straight-to-your-inbox aspect... (Another more recent complaint is that following the link requires you to log in, even if you're already logged in - more details needed.)
EDIT: Toggle added in Preferences. Still doesn't disappear when scrolling up, but seems that's actually standard behaviour for a navbar.
Auto-scrolling -
...But also common when scrolling down too soon from a link's landing point.
EDIT: Similar Threads can now be collapsed. The 'Users viewing' element has also been shifted below the reply box, which is nice.
Style Chooser Issues
XF1 skins- lost.
...And honestly, I suspect it'll take a while to get any of them back. IIRC they need to be either built from the ground up or whole-hog edited from another skin, so...
EDIT: But they did dash out and grab 4 Blackened skins to tinker with, and converted one to a Lightend theme that's reasonably similar to the old Light Responsive. Tinkering ongoing, obviously.
EDIT: Specific complaint now fixed - entire element cut.
Light/dark skins- also need at least some level of tinkering.
...Things like the grey-grey-grey of Dark Mode, at least shifting the in-thread text a lighter shade. And the unnecessarily shrunken default-sized text in Quotes & post-edit. And the dividing line between post-text/signatures and forum list-entries, which is set at 1 pixel. And more colours, for things like links etc.. And the lost Banners (Administrator, Gone For Good, etc.) etc. under the php's/names. [EDIT: partially fixed (Moderator banners (but not Administrator banners) restored).] And so forth.
There are a few other things. Some are minor QoL losses, that I can take or leave (and will mostly have to take)...
- Loss of default pfp's; also loss of moving pfp's (such as those used by Plotvitalnpc or Arc-on-Fire). We might be able to get the former back, but probably not the latter.
- Loss of XF1 click-on-portrait (in desktop). The main loss here is not being able to get a better look at a given user's pfp without visiting their profile. (This seems to be a mobile-friendliness functionality loss. I don't think we're getting it back.)
- Date/time of post shifted to top from bottom. A minor added layer of annoyance when you need to check the last post's date to see if you're about to necro a thread with your reply. Admittedly looks less annoying in the Blackend skins.
- Reader Mode shifted down from 30 to
- Loss of some old XF1-era bbcodes that aren't fully supported in XF2. Eg.: highlight bbcode, which is broken but at least has a place in the TinyMCE menus.
...while other things were a case of just...y'know, They Changed It Slightly, Now It Sucks And/Or I Can't Find It!.
...of which one does deserve special mention, just by the sheer number of times it's cropped up.
Alerts - they've changed, and now--
...they do things slightly differently. One thing you can't do much about is that old Alerts no longer phase off the pop-up list a few hours after being looked at; instead, it scrolls back to the last 25 entries (not Alerts, entries - so for instance, a summarised packet of Likes for one snip will form one entry). Also, the 'Show all alerts' page only goes back ~300 Alerts; if you're routinely dropping posts that get those numbers of Likes, then you'll want to turn off Alerts received for Likes if you haven't done so already. But assuming you're not here about that...
First: click on your name/pfp in the header navbar, and select Preferences from the dropdown.
Next: check the list. (If you want the navbar gone/stuck at the top of the page, tick the 'Disable' button next to 'Sticky header navbar' entry. Also note the choice of Rich text editor - Froala is the default, TinyMCE is the other choice.) Scroll down to Alert Preferences.
First: click on your name/pfp in the header navbar, and select Preferences from the dropdown.
Next: check the list. (If you want the navbar gone/stuck at the top of the page, tick the 'Disable' button next to 'Sticky header navbar' entry. Also note the choice of Rich text editor - Froala is the default, TinyMCE is the other choice.) Scroll down to Alert Preferences.
- Alert pop-up options: If you want all your Alerts to stop being marked 'read' until you've actually 'read' them (ie., gone to the post attached to it), tick 'Never mark alerts as read'. If you want to restore the XF1 status quo, then tick 'Always mark alerts as read'.
- 'Thread Starter replies always alerts' - until Alert Preferences get a dedicated 'threadmark' option, this is the best option to ensure you always get the heads-up for story posts.
- 'Generate new alerts without reading threads' - means that you get a new Alert from that thread after having 'read' the previous Alert re. that thread. Apparently a bug was responsible for re-ticking that box if it was unticked. If you don't want it that way, untick it (and repeat as necessary).
- 'Show tags in alerts' - untick it to get rid of the tags in Alerts.
- 'Alerting preferences' - note the text under 'Use custom'? That's what pop-up auto-read does. In the subsequent list of Alert types to receive, untick the puar-boxes of the ones you don't want to have marked 'read' once you've looked at the drop-down Alert list.
- 'Thread Starter replies always alerts' - until Alert Preferences get a dedicated 'threadmark' option, this is the best option to ensure you always get the heads-up for story posts.
- 'Generate new alerts without reading threads' - means that you get a new Alert from that thread after having 'read' the previous Alert re. that thread. Apparently a bug was responsible for re-ticking that box if it was unticked. If you don't want it that way, untick it (and repeat as necessary).
- 'Show tags in alerts' - untick it to get rid of the tags in Alerts.
- 'Alerting preferences' - note the text under 'Use custom'? That's what pop-up auto-read does. In the subsequent list of Alert types to receive, untick the puar-boxes of the ones you don't want to have marked 'read' once you've looked at the drop-down Alert list.
Tailor how you want it, then click the Save button.
Ah well, we'll see what happens. In the meantime, at least we still have the troll-emoji. It could be worse.
(...Also: gotta have a little giggle over the moxy of leaving the Angry reaction available while we're all bitching about the XF2 changeover. [EDIT: And gone, only a couple hours later.])
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