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You are the monster under the bed

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You come to your senses and slowly become aware of your surroundings. You are currently nested...


<no title equipped>
Jun 9, 2019
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Hello! I am interested in writing a long and epic quest, but I know myself too well and may not have enough dedication for it, so I prefer to start small. As my first quest, this one is intended to be short.
I am not a native English speaker and one of the reasons I am writing this quest is to improve my style. Please give me feedback!

I plan to keep a cruise update rate of twice a week and expect the quest to end after a few months. It is possible, although unlikely, to loose the quest before this time, causing it to end. The tone of the quest will depend on your choices, especially the first ones. During the first weeks, depending of how quick is the participation I may publish more content.
Sometimes, one (or more) of the options will have the symbol "¤". The only thing I can tell you for now about these options is that choosing too many of them will cause the quest to have a bad end. Choosing only a few can have good consequences though. It is up to you to measure the risk you are taking.

You come to your senses and slowly become aware of your surroundings. You are currently nested in a space about twenty centimeters high. The floor is made of wooden tiles assembled in a weird fashion while the roof features a complicated metallic structure. Sporadically, this structure lightly cringes.

You slowly crawl out. Around you is a dark room, but apparently the darkness isn't a problem for your vision. The piece of furniture you were under is a rectangular low thing. The top of it is covered by sheets of soft material and from what you can guess there is something behind those.

Other sheets of a similar soft material are hiding a rectangular portion of one of the walls. Maybe there is something interesting behind?

On the opposite direction a big rectangular piece of wood looks like it was embedded in the wall. It is close to one meter wide and more than two meters high. On it you notice a weird device that looks like it could be moved up or down.

In a corner stands a big box. You could probably manage to make the lid budge. Maybe there is a treasure inside?

What will you do?
[D] Look behind the curtains on the wall
[D] Try to activate the contraption on the wooden rectangular thing
[D] Try to open the box
[D] ¤ Remove the sheets from the rectangular low thing so you can see what is under it
[D] Go back under the rectangular low thing and wait until something happens
[D] Write in

What are you thinking?
[T] "This doesn't look like home"
[T] "Who am I?"
[T] "What is the meaning of life?"
[T] Write in
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[D] Try to open the box
[T] "What is the meaning of life?

Do we need to put the [x] before our votes?

Also for your feedback.

You are currently nested in a space of about twenty centimeters high

I think getting rid of the 'of' or change 'high' to 'height' would make this better.

On the opposite direction a big rectangular piece of wood looks like it was incrusted in the wall.

If this is describing a door I am not sure 'incrusted' [cover or decorate (something) with a hard surface layer] is the right word to use here.
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Thanks for the feedback! I edited and hope it is better now. About to put an [x] or not to put an [x] I honestly am too new to this website to grasp why the habit seems to be to put [x]s. Maybe it is for when you want to quote all the choices and show which ones you selected? Maybe there is an automated way of taking account of the votes that I don't know about? Anyway for now feel free to do as you prefer as long as it is readable.

For this time as more than one thing could be done I kept account of all the choices. I can't promise it will always be the case: sometimes choices will be conflictual.
[D] Look behind the curtains on the wall (2 votes)
[D] Try to open the box (1 vote)

[T] "This doesn't look like home" (2 votes)
[T] "What is the meaning of life? (1 vote)

This furniture feels uncomfortable. Everything is calm and silent, but not as things that *should* be calm and silent, more like things that remain still for an unknown reason. Why? Why is everything so tidy? Something is wrong here, it... it doesn't look like home. What is home anyway? Obviously not this place, or maybe this place, but looking differently.

Deciding that introspection could wait for now, you decide to peek behind the curtains. The piece of fabric slides slowly and behind it is a disturbing picture. Wait, no, a picture wouldn't behave like that when you change your point of view: apparently is it a real other room. You can't enter it because of some invisible barrier, but this place looks huge! It is so tall that you can't spot the roof, so wide you can't distinguish the walls. And the floor is in a giant mess: Instead of being flat it features wavy reliefs, and pieces of furniture -most of them bigger that the room you are currently in!- spread in a chaotic fashion.
Despite the roof being invisible you notice small lights coming from it. If the lights have approximately the same size as the one you can see behind you it would mean they are... Well, you don't have enough academic knowledge to estimate this but your intuition whispers you it must be pretty far.

Recovering from the shock of discovering such a big room, you quickly get lost in your thoughts. You are currently here, in this normal-sized room. There must be a reason why you are here and not somewhere in the vast area that stretches behind the curtains. Or maybe not and you are just here by mistake... No, this feels silly just to think about. Did you lost your memory? You know what a memory is but apparently don't have any. Maybe that's a normal thing? Still, with focus you recover notions, or perhaps you are making them up, but whatever. Anyway, those simple notions couldn't qualify as memories. The low box you come from should be called a... bed? That will do it. And the forcefield that keeps you from accessing the immense room is the glass of the window. Words come more quicky, more of them: door, exterior, chest... Speaking of which there may be clues in this room about those mysteries and chests usually contain interesting stuff. You decide to check this one.

The lid opens more easily that you expected. Inside are piled what could be tools, although you don't manage to find what would be their use. Some of them look made of plastic: sturdy enough that you won't break it easily, but still not enough to perform any kind of serious DIY. You unpile them one by one -they are called *toys*, tells your non-memories-, and suddenly freeze: one of them is looking at you! This one is made of a fur-like material and looks more like a pagan idol than a tool. You guess the presence of more of them in the bottom of the chest... Quicky, you close it, with a loud thud. Soon, a light noise raises from the bed.

What is your immediate reaction?
[R] Don't do anything, stay still and silent
[R] Quickly hide somewhere (write in where)
[R] Write in

When the situation will calm down, what will be your feeling about the plushie?
[P] Hostile
[P] Suspicious
[P] Intrigued
[P] Write in
What is your immediate reaction?
[R] Don't do anything, stay still and silent

When the situation will calm down, what will be your feeling about the plushie?
[P] Intrigued
[R] Quickly hide somewhere (under the bed)

[P] Suspicious

There is a vote counting program and it uses [x] but I figured you were counting manually. From what I know useing the tally program starts to become necessary when you get lots of players and some of them start to change their mind half way through and cast new votes.
[R] Quickly hide somewhere (under the bed)

[P] Suspicious

Threadmarks, you should be able to use them to connect main story posts?
[R] Quickly hide somewhere (under the bed)

[P] Suspicious

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