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Young Justice : Mercenary (OC-SI)

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Name - Peter Shepard
Age - 8 (currently)
Race - Human ( Meta-human)
Affiliation - Ghost...


Getting some practice in, huh?
Oct 31, 2022
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Name - Peter Shepard
Age - 8 (currently)
Race - Human ( Meta-human)
Affiliation - Ghost squad
Powers - has three sets of powers from game characters he played before he died melded into a single meta-gene.
Spartan physiology of Master Chief (Halo), Oz-serum of Green Goblin (Ultimate Spiderman without side effects) and biotics with physical enhacements of Commander Shepard (Mass effect).
Overall powers - superhuman physical condition; superhuman strength, speed, senses, reflexes. Regenerative healing factor, semi-immortality(doesn't age but can be killed), dense bones (not indestructible but close), amplified intelligence, psionics (via biotics); can generate mass effect fields with the use of dark energy.
Chapter 1
( Above Earth's atmosphere : 09/07/2003)

Darkness that was all I saw and felt after being killed by some mugger, I really hated dying that way but what I hated most was being powerless and resigning myself to dying that way but my confusion is really worse now that I wake and find out that I'm in a culturing tank with my hands so little, I see a blue skinned 2 meter monster typing away on what seems to be a holographic monitor then an intense amount of voltage electrifies me and I blank out.

Memories come flooding in and I instantly know who I am and what situation I'm in right now, My name is Peter Shepard an eight year old boy who lived in New York with fairly rich parents, it would have been a decent life to continue living until aliens attacked the planet on a Saturday morning when me and my parents were going for some ice cream, we tried to escape but we weren't fast enough and a building fell on us.
I survived but my right arm and leg were seriously injured adding to my shit luck one the invaders who looked like a scientist wanted material for study so I was abducted and hence my current situation, I feel calm about all this knowledge because it seemed the memories came with the feelings my body held. It feels more like I have been living here for 8 years and I'm only just learning about my past life instead of the other way around.

Also maybe death desensitized me, not that it matters anyway my current situation doesn't look good.

I can already guess where I am, from my new memories given the fact before my abduction I saw a gorgeous black haired lady with an hourglass figure fighting one of the alien leaders, I'm in the shit comic book world of DC which I never really read much just watched some movies and played some games but from me inferring I can guess it's not one of those overpowered universes that my friend who was fan told me about and from the date and the aliens who announced themselves as Appellaxians during the attack, I know this is that tv series he was once hooked on when we were young that I didn't pay much attention to, ' Young Justice ' , it was about the sidekicks, I didn't really watch much about it hell I didn't even finish season one so there goes my reincarnators advantage of knowing the plot not that it would help in my situation.

Waking up from the intense electric therapy given I find out that my damaged arm and leg have been healed as it was never damaged to begin and for some reason I don't know my mind feels clearer but I still feel the sadness of my parents in this life's death considering I was an orphan in my previous life but for now I don't have the time to mourn, all I can do is take advantage of any situation that comes to try and escape and find a way to gather power, some might be wondering why I don't hope, wait and pray for the newly formed Justice league to save me, it's because I learned a valuable lesson from my previous life, 'God helps those who help themselves ', I gave up and was looking for a miracle and someone to help me before I died, I didn't even struggle to fight the mugger who killed me.

I learned my lesson, I have a second chance at life and I'd be damned if I put my fate and safety in the hands of others.
Chapter 2
( Outside Milky Way : Appellax : 03/08/2003)

Peter pov

It's been a month since my abduction and assimilation of past life memories, nothing has happened except for the fact I have been electrocuted more times than I care to remember and I have been administered several chemicals which I don't know about and exposed to different forms of energy which I have no idea about.

My hatred for the appellaxians has reached it's peak and my mental health hasn't been quite good, shocker, I know, my only comfort is the fact that after a month of endurance to the experimental torture I have been subjected to I realized that I have powers, good ones too, the appellaxian scientists conducting the experiments believe that they are responsible for my powers and underestimate my powers for just being superhuman physical condition and a healing factor but they couldn't be more wrong.

When I was being experimented on I kept on having flashes of images in my mind of three game characters I played on my x box before I died, they were the green goblin from the ultimate Spiderman game, master Chief from Halo and Commander Shepard from mass effect who is my favorite game character which has nothing to do that we share the same surname, nope. Moving on the reason why I endured this torture was because I realized my mind wasn't playing tricks on me when after an intense session when I was thinking about master Chief my bones were reinforced beyond what they used to be, I then realized that these appellaxian fools weren't giving me enhancements, they were simply unlocking my meta-gene which was in form of the powers of those game characters, I didn't inherit their personality, memories, experience or equipment by the way, which was disappointing but I still thank whatever God or devil that allowed me to have these powers because throughout the month I have unlocked all these powers but the power that I kept secret is the biotic power from mass effect, I can feel the dark energy that my body produces but I haven't tried to use it cuz I need it as a trump card to facilitate my escape now that we have landed on their home planet Appellax, I have no delusions that the escape won't come soon being far away from Earth and all but my powers have given me the hope I will eventually have a chance.

Currently, we were transported to detention cells with collars around our necks, I say 'we' because I'm not the only person who was abducted but I'm one of the two only humans who survived their experiment and during the month where we were hauled on the ship due to the language barrier with some of the other alien captives from other planets the only person I could talk to was a 40 year old woman named Cecily Foster, she was really nice and seemed resigned to her fate but that might be due to the fact that she has cancer before and still after the capture and experimentation but she reminds of my mother and she is the reason my sanity is still intact, her powers are quite similar to mine she has telepathy and telekinesis.

She uses her telepathic powers to calm me down after experiments and we talk about a whole lot of things, she has gotten familiar with some of our other alien captives through telepathy but they are resistant because they are wary of her powers, not that I blame them cuz I was at first that was until after I realized she couldn't read anything about my past memories, she just feels I'm an 8 year old boy forced to mature too early because of my powers and captivity which is partially true.

Now that we have landed and are now in holding cells on the appellaxian home world, I'm really worried what is going to happen to us.
Chapter 3
(Appellax : 04/08/2003)

Appellaxian High Council Meeting Room
In a dim looking chamber room with several rows, several blue figures seem to having a heated discussion if Peter Shepard were here he would recognize one of those blue figures as the head scientist who experimented on him and is named Lartrox.

"Our invasion of earth has failed horribly and what's more terrible is that we lost all of our elite warriors and couldn't even recover their bodies" said the Appellaxian Grand Elder Shallatox.

"Not only that but on the eastern frontier of Rann were defeated by the Rannians and suffered a major loss of two armadas" said General Attrax.

"I fear we are too vulnerable to the attacks of Xanadar and the dominators since we are still in an intergalactic war with the dominators and while they have gotten stronger with the aid of the Warlords of Okaara, we have suffered two devastating losses, we need find a way bolster our forces and focus on ending the war with Xanadar, otherwise I fear we will be destroyed" said Elder Nimbax.

At this moment a brief silence engulfed the council room as the appellaxian elders took in the gravity of their situation, suddenly head scientist walked to the centre of the room and addressed the council

"Great elders and generals of Appellax I admit we have lost much resources on our endeavors on earth and rann but please remember that we still have a trade alliance with Rimbor even though it's shaky, what's more is that we captured serveral hundreds of other alien species from earth, rann and the milky way galaxy" Lartrox addressed the council and paused

" I suggest we train and arm the captives and experimental subjects and beasts we have worked on as disposable soldiers, we have already perfected the control and discipline collar that is being used on warworld, this will save us time and several resources before our armada is back and operational" he continued.

" It seems feasible and cost effective, I agree, are there any objections?" Grand Elder Shallatox asked but as he expected no one raised any objections to the proposal so he said, "very well I will leave Chief scientist Lartrox in charge of the education of he captives and the modification of the battle beast species, and General Attrax will be in charge of their military training, so moot be!"

" I won't let Appellax down" Lartrox said

"So shall I" Attrax said. "Good" replied the Grand Elder and then said " For Appellax !!"

"For Appellax !!" (x council)
Chapter 4
(Earth : 04/08/2003)

Mount Justice, Happy Harbor.
10:30 pm

In a hollowed out mountain cave which looks that it can't be man-made lies a council room with a round high-tech table on which there are seven people gathered, these are the members of the newly formed Justice league.

"Nice new digs, this place is better than my apartment" said a man covered in red with a yellow and white lightning emblem on his chest while he was eating chili fries.

"As much as I would like to disagree with you this place does seem nice disregarding how it looks on the outside. Well it's to be expected since it was me who hollowed the place out" said arrogantly by a man wearing green with an energy ring on his finger.

"We should focus and get down to business as to why we are here now that base is operational this isn't a social call Flash, Green lantern" said a man with black hair and blue eyes wearing blue with an S symbol on his chest for which the public named him Superman.

"Agreed" said the Martian manhunter as he turns to face the initiator and sponsor of this gathering and said "What is on the agenda Batman"

A tall man clad in black armor with pointy ears on his cowl stood up addressed everyone including the remaining gathered members who have not yet spoken but were known to the earth public and population as, Wonder woman, Aquaman.
" We are here to review the petition the UN has given the league regarding missions and conduct and also to review the loss and damages to the earth while still reviewing the possibility of the Invaders returning or other extraterrestrial attacks that may be a possibility in the near future" said batman as he turns to Green lantern and Martian manhunter to address them

"Green lantern, manhunter both of you have the most experience dealing with extraterrestrials, is there any possibility of the Appellaxians returning?"

"I apologise I am not too familiar with the Appellaxian race since they are not of this Galaxy we Martians from my home world have never really interacted with them" said Martian manhunter

"Don't worry J'onn I already got info on the Appellaxians, after the attack on Earth I went back to Oa, the headquarters of the green lantern corps, it turns out that the Appellaxians wasted their resources in the failed conquest of earth and they are dealing with an intergalactic war against a planet called Xanandar which has been apparently going on for the past 5 years and the guardians of the green lantern corps have already enforced a treaty on them that earth is off limits for conquest so we won't be seeing them anytime soon" said Green lantern Hal Jordan

"That's great, thank Hera, we aren't ready for another attack since after the invasion crime rate has been increasing over the past month"

"Agreed" said the taciturn Aquaman.

"Yes that's good but we still need to look at and take inventory of the dead and missing persons report after the invasion some of my friends in the police force said some people were abducted" said Superman.

"The police force and military are handling those cases and are cooperating with me by sending files of the missing but it doesn't seem that we have much luck.. one of the main reasons I called this meeting is to address the implications of the failure of the conquest of the Appellaxians, although we know the they are not too high end in the Galaxy, this attack has opened up the threat of other non- friendly extraterrestrial attacks and the for the internal problems governments and criminals, mainly super-criminals have started using scraps of the fallen alien tech and corpses of the alien's themselves to arm and experiment which is making crime around the world and especially in the US deadlier added with the UN restrictions given to the league we can't go in on time to the countries with corrupt leaders which are hotspots for the propagation of this tech" said the dark Knight.

As Batman said that the entire meeting hall was silent as members of the league were digesting the implications of the alien attack

"We have to do something but we are stretched too thin" said Flash.

"Agreed that is why I requested this meeting to discuss the expansion of the league and the plans for a new base after the expansion" said Batman

"Batman we just finished with this secret base but you already want to have another one?" asked Wonder woman

"I agree with a new secret base you can never be too careful but what intrigues me is the expansion, I assume you have members on your mind you have looked up?" intoned Aquaman.

Batman nodded to aquaman's question and and lit up th holographic display showing four images of a man in green with a bow and quiver of arrows, a blond woman dressed in black with a curvaceous body similar to wonder woman and dressing reminiscent to a rock star, the final two images showed similarly winged humans who were appeared to be a male and a female.

"These are the best candidates for the first expansion of the league, I have researched their abilities and their conduct I believe their ideals are in sync with the league, also I have started plans and schematics for a new orbiting secret base."

"Wow you don't do things halfway bats I'll give ya that" said Green lantern

"Shall we put things to a vote" said Superman.
Undisclosed location, Earth
In a dim lit room filled with various holographic images of members of the justice league and potential members of the justice league, mainly of the justice league fighting against the recent alien invasion, a tall, muscular male with medium-dark skin tone, strong, rugged features, broad shoulders, and square jaw with three pale scars across his face, brown eyes and black long hair pulled back, wearing a long lapelless dark-blue coat with a red stripe on the edges and dons black gloves and boots impassively watches scenes of the justice league in in action

"Father what are you going to do, these superheroes threaten your long term goals for the earth" said a dark skin ageing womam asked the man

"You are right Olivia my daughter, they do threaten my plans in the long run that's why I have already reached out to several associates for a meeting they share the same feelings as me of these heroes and with their help we will curtail these heroes actions and let earth see the Light"

"So says Vandal Savage!".
Chapter 5
(Appellax: 11/09/2003)

Training room

Two figures stood about twenty feet apart in a large auditorium like hall with metallic plating and sheen on floor, "Begin" announced a robotic sounding voice which echoed across the room.

A that moment the two figures ran to one another one was a two feet robot another was an ash haired four foot child, the robot started off with with a high leap into the air and its fist raised, the child paused for a moment and contemplated retreating as the robot reached the apex of its jump and started falling down towards the boy, he took a half step forward just as the robot was about to deliver a falling punch to the boy's head, he sidestepped and delivered a vicious kick to the chin of the robot which sent it flying to the edge of the arena in the auditorium.

The robot dug its feet and rebalanced its itself but the the boy was already on it and had already sprinted towards the bot knocking his fist and throwing a punch towards the robot, the robot crossed its its arms to the defend and brace for for impact but the boy instantly changed from throwing a punch to grabbing one of the robot's arms, using his superhuman strength the boy used a one handed judo throw to toss the robot over him and to the ground then quickly used all his strength to stomp on the robot head destroying it.

"Combat practice level three cleared" sounded a robotic voice across the room after which various medium sized droid hovered over to clear the defeated robot and the boy went towards a seat in the large auditorium to sit beside a blonde sickly looking middle age woman.

It's been a month since I have been on this planet and two since I have been captured, I honestly thought that at this point we captives would be slaves stowing away in alien mines or genetic material being used for twisted experiments but surprisingly we have become trainee soldiers.
It's not really good news but to me it's better than other conditions I believed would play out and might give us a chance to escape no matter how minute. What is truly beneficial to me is the training being given both the physical and the theoretical aspects, currently physically I can lift about thirty tons which is sure to increase as I get older, also I have mastered the language of this world but it helps to have a built in translator in these collars our captors use to discipline and control which I don't like, these collars have a very advanced sensor which notifies if someone tries to take them off and instantly it transmits and electric signal that paralyzes and shuts down the body.

But what I have really gained is knowledge, mainly mechanical knowledge on aerodynamics of their spaceships and the way they operate and the main or at least the basic layout of the universe, currently I'm on Appellax which is in the Andromeda galaxy that neighbors our good ol' milky way but there are other planets in this galaxy such as Xanadar and Rimbor but I digress point is I have already mapped out where I am.

"Boom!" the sound of the destruction of the robot sobers me from my reminiscing.

We captive trainee soldiers are currently training our hand to hand combat but what I'm about is Miss Cecily she may hide it from me but I have noticed her health deteriorating but she a avoids talking about it.
"What are you thinking about Peter" asked Cecily
"I'm just worried where they are planning on sending us too cuz I know they aren't planning on making us regular soldiers to guard their planet"

"That's right but maybe you can find the chance to look for the escape you have always wanted" replied Cecily.

"I don't think it will be so simple, they are training us as disposable soldiers and more importantly I'm worried about your health Miss Cecily"

"I already came to terms with my life, even back on earth Peter, I was already living my life to the fullest before our abduction, my only regret is that I didn't say goodbye to the kids I took care of at an orphanage back on earth, you remind of them, that's one of the main reasons I reached out to you" said Cecily as she beamed

I just snorted, but hid my feelings well, it would be lonely without her and I would be only earthling in our group but the good news in all this is that we have gotten stronger over the past month I wouldn't put it past myself to tango with Batman and not get the shit kicked out of me, I would still lose but you get the point.

"From what I heard we are being deployed to the second moon of Rimbor in about five months", Cecily says <have you been able to train your psionics (biotics) ?> she added telepathically

< Not really, I have only been able push, pull and lift things, there's not a lot of space in my cell to practice especially in the blind spot of the cameras watching> I replied

<Well I believe you will figure it out> she said as she cuts off the telepathic connection and focuses on the training combat of the other captives
I reminisce about the game mass effect in my previous life, I thought it would be easy to master biotics or I what I will be calling psionics since this isn't the mass effect universe but it is far harder than what the game shows it needs a really large amount of concentration and focus, so it will be a while before I start using it in combat, what I'm more interested in currently is engineering and programming knowledge to be able to create my own tech, which I am quite confident about because before I died I was a programmer, not a high end but still, I don't if it's an effect of reincarnation by my thinking speed and overall intelligence have been boosted, I'm no Tony Stark or Reed Richards but I believe I can scrap together my own tech.

What I have to focus on currently is developing my close quarter combat, my marksmanship and learning more about alien tech in order to survive the deployment in five months, I should also prepare for unexpected circumstances because I know this is a comic world where anything can happen no matter how low level.
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Interesting concept. Held back by text blocks. I'm going to watch and hope you fix the text walls later.

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