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Young Justice: Wardens of The Nine Circles

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Hello everyone, first time posting here, so please forgive any mistakes I make.

Today was your...


Your first time is always over so quickly, isn't it?
Feb 22, 2024
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Hello everyone, first time posting here, so please forgive any mistakes I make.

Today was your first day in high school. It has been a week since you moved out of your old home, your new employer was… understanding enough to allow it. Laying on your bed, you turn to the nightstand to see a small picture frame of your family. There was your mother and father, Nicholas Aligheri and Emily Alighieri. You were in your father's arm while your siblings was in your mother's.

You are

>Maxmillian Kolbe Alighieri
>Florence Nightingale Alighieri

A freshman in

>East Gotham High School
>Happy Harbor High School
>Star City High School

You take out a bowl of cereal then pour some milk over it. You reminded yourself to buy some groceries later, you got plenty of money in your bank account. However, running on five hours of sleep required caffeine and sugar, if you wanted food a take-out seemed more viable. After a quick shower, brushing your teeth, and dressing up, the clock read 7AM, and you had to be at 8:30AM. Walking to school took about twenty minutes. With some time to kill, you wondered what to do.

>Watch TV
>Sleep a little longer
>Take a quick jog
Just checking, but you can access the NSFW section of this site right? Asking because on QQ the NSFW section is far more active than the questing section and even if you never do smut, you can still put the quest there.

Also, if you want the quest here, make your posts a bit longer, so the alert goes out.

[X] Maxmillian Kolbe Alighieri
[X] Star City High School
[X] Watch TV
I think I have it and whats a good word count per reply?
[x]Florence Nightingale Alighieri
[x]East Gotham High School
[x]Take a quick jog
[x]Florence Nightingale Alighieri
[x]East Gotham High School
[x]Take a quick jog
[X] Maxmillian Kolbe Alighieri
[X] Star City High School
[X] Watch TV
[x]Florence Nightingale Alighieri
[x]East Gotham High School
[x]Take a quick jog
[X] Maxmillian Kolbe Alighieri
[X]East Gotham High School
[X]Take a quick jog
[X] Maxmillian Kolbe Alighieri
[X]East Gotham High School
[X]Take a quick jog
[X] Maxmillian Kolbe Alighieri
[X]East Gotham High School
[X]Take a quick jog
[X] Maxmillian Kolbe Alighieri
[X]East Gotham High School
[X]Take a quick jog
[x]Florence Nightingale Alighieri
[x]East Gotham High School
[x]Take a quick jog
[X] Maxmillian Kolbe Alighieri
[X]East Gotham High School
[X]Take a quick jog
[X]Maxmillian Kolbe Alighieri
[X]East Gotham High School
[X]Take a quick jog

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