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...just found this fic. Guy finds a power ring, goes on a rampage on Joker and then... folds like a deck of cards in the breeze while surrendering every advantage he has, because of reasons.

Stellar characterization there, not railroaded at all.
Somewhat missing nuance in that description, I feel.

Good to know that I'm bad at characterising myself, though.
I would be interested to read that one, but I'm reasonably certain that they didn't, it's that paid thugs were killing people in his name.
Holy shit. I thought the black power ring SI I read was messed up. This is actually worse.

Kudos for realistically portraying some serious self-loathing over-correction here.

I both want more of this story and don't want you to be in a headspace that makes writing this easier.
Holy shit. I thought the black power ring SI I read was messed up. This is actually worse.

Kudos for realistically portraying some serious self-loathing over-correction here.

I both want more of this story and don't want you to be in a headspace that makes writing this easier.

This post restored my faith in humanity a bit.
I have half an update that, hilariously, I am not in the least bit happy with. Mostly because I forgot about Kaldur. Gotta rewrite it from scratch. But I work on it; usually when work's been a bitch and a half.

Take your time dude. Nothing can spoil a good time more than rushing it.
If I'm remembering right someone already did that and the people of Gotham rioted in protest of the Joker's death.
Uhhh what about Kingdom Come? The series where someone killed criminals instead and the heroes all ended up splitting over it because the public loved that the criminal was dead and the idiot heroes still argued that killing was a step too far?
I have half an update that, hilariously, I am not in the least bit happy with. Mostly because I forgot about Kaldur. Gotta rewrite it from scratch. But I work on it; usually when work's been a bitch and a half.
Wouldn't it be better to continue writing from the point where you realized that you had forgotten about Kaldur.
It would be in character for you to finish the Chapter out of hate for it's conception.

Or would it be more in character to completely Erase and scrap everything when something goes wrong.
Wouldn't it be better to continue writing from the point where you realized that you had forgotten about Kaldur.
It would be in character for you to finish the Chapter out of hate for it's conception.

Or would it be more in character to completely Erase and scrap everything when something goes wrong.

No, as in, in universe he didn't exist in the chapter.
No, as in, in universe he didn't exist in the chapter.
I got what you meant.

I was sorta making a joke that you should continue writing the chapter from that point where Kaldur Existed but was completely and utterly ignored by the SI who disliked him for some small thing he noticed.

And at some point in the chapter Kaldur fixed the issue and SI started noticing him.


Damnit it died.
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I got what you meant.

I was sorta making a joke that you should continue writing the chapter from that point where Kaldur Existed but was completely and utterly ignored by the SI who disliked him for some small thing he noticed.

And at some point in the chapter Kaldur fixed the issue and SI started noticing him.
Shit, that's actually pretty clever.
More? I enjoyed it quite a lot.
I see that your account is new~ish so I am gonna assume you haven't read the rules yet, but there is a rule against replying to a thread after it has been inactive this long. It is called necroing and is something that if done repeatedly can get you banned. Mods should just give you a warning this time, but don't do it again.
More? I enjoyed it quite a lot.
Boy howdy, reviving an almost three year old thread, belonging to a mod no less, was not your ace game here, bud. Go read our rules closely, particularly #7, and don't do it again.

Thread is locked until OP, me, requests it be unlocked again.

I see that your account is new~ish so I am gonna assume you haven't read the rules yet, but there is a rule against replying to a thread after it has been inactive this long. It is called necroing and is something that if done repeatedly can get you banned. Mods should just give you a warning this time, but don't do it again.
As for you; posting after a necro just makes it worse. Report the post and move on, don't try to do our job for us or it'll probably end up burning you in the long run.

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