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Zenith Rising [Worm/CYOA]

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Zenith Rising [Worm] CYOA V3

> New Game - Start
> Welcome Exaltant Sovereign of the...


[Verified Cute]
Jan 15, 2015
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Zenith Rising [Worm] CYOA V3

> New Game - Start
> Welcome
Exaltant Sovereign of the Heavens
> Loading Character Sheet...

> Level 1

> Title: God-King of All Creation
> Job: Priest-King of Earth-β

> HP: 916
> MP: 857.5

  • Strength (STR): 88
  • Vitality (VIT): 72
  • Dexterity (DEX): 118
  • Intelligence (INT): 82
  • Wisdom (WIS): 75
  • Luck (LUK): 15
> Essence: ●●●○○
> Willpower: ●●●●● ●●●●●
> Loading Abilities...
> Gamer's Mind, Gamer's Body, Supreme Perfection of the Body, Anima Banner, First Athletics Excellency, First Bureaucracy Excellency, First Dodge Excellency, First Martial Arts Excellency, First Socialize Excellency, Element-Resisting Prana, Graceful Crane Stance, Hardship-Surviving Medicant Spirit, Leaping Dodge Method, Monkey Leap Technique, Reflex Sidestep Technique, Sagacious Reading of Intent, Seven Shadow Evasion, Shadow Over Water, Taboo Inflicting Diatribe, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Infallible Messenger, Stormwind Rider, Summon Elemental, Holistic Technology Understanding, Panoply of Malleable Intrigue, Stance of the Unconquered Mystery, Glorious Snowflake Enchantment, Glorious Complete Arsenal...
> ...
> ...
> ...
> Error, Insufficient Memory Allocati-
> Count Up, Manual Memory Override: Loading Abilities
> 1,156 Abilities Loaded
> 56,512,561 Abilities Loaded
> 1,456,123,783 Abilities Loaded
> ...
> ...
> 12,858,051,967,633,885 Abilities Loaded,
Calculating skills parameters,

Calculating skills interaction,
Calculating skills potential,
Calculating required progression,
Calculating difficulty parameters,
Defining Skills Profiles,
> Estimated Calculation Time: Unknown,
Unable to finish character creation,
Interactive Input Matrix Disabled,
Active Abilities Disabled,
Passive Abilities Online,
Skills... Unknown.
Character Defictionalization ETA: Unknown,
Insufficient User Rights until success,
Character Solar Archetype Induction Halted,
> Continue on Background: Y/n

"Yes...?" I muttered as I stared to the "screen" in my view. I managed to pass my hand trough it before it dissipated with a flash, leaving me only with a small HUD displaying my "HP" and "MP" on the down-right corner.

I blinked.

Ok, that was weird. But considering I live on the same city as Uber and Leet, for all I know it's some strange new tinker-tech bullshit of them. Fuck if I care, all I want is to finish today classes get home and spend a few hours reading before going to sleep. When you live on the Cape Capital of the World (or at least North-America) you learn to deal with weird shit.

I continued listening to the droning voice of the teachers and doodling a few drawings for the next two hours or so before making my way home. I took the bus as usual, unsurprisingly my neighbor was there too.

"Hey bitch," I greeted sitting down next to her. She merely raised an eyebrow before replying

"Hello fuckhead," as she struck my shoulder. I merely smiled, the girl was really a pleasure to be with, once you pierced the layers of ill-mannered and impudent bitch that surrounded her playful heart. We have rarely met lately to be honest, but living next door, having the same age and going to the same school conspired to make us something akin to friends.

"So... did you notice that weird thing earlier?" I asked rising my eyebrow, and whirling my fingers, just now remembering that the bars were still there.

"What are you talking about dimwit?" she replied.

I blinked.

"You know, that whole video-game thing during class?" Her blank stare was all the answer I needed. "The loading screen with stats and everything?"

"Aryan, are you ok? Did anyone give you something to eat during lunch?" she asked as she started manhandling me to inspect my eyes. I decided to simply ignore the issue for now. Pushing her away with a brief poking attack, I prepared myself for her reprisal. It didn't come, but I did not like the glint on her eyes as she got a few giggles out of her system.

"I must have been dreaming or something, don't worry about it." Surprisingly, I saw a small spark of concern on her eyes.

"Oh, don't worry" she replied as a grin formed on her face, I did not expect her tickling offensive.

That night, I could not sleep. I stared at the bars on the corner of my view. I tried to say every possible variation of profile, character sheet, abilities, options and main menu. Nothing happened. I tried to will something, anything to happen, since I obviously had a "MP" bar. Nothing happened.

The bars teased me with power, and there was nothing I could do.

In the end, I fell asleep.

And I dreamed, I dreamed of innocuous situations, of experiences in the forest, in the beach, in the mountains. Of playing football and learning martial arts. Of visiting new and strange countries. It was a vivid dream, it was a comforting one. I felt as if a long lost fragment of my being had returned.

When I woke up, I did not remember my dream, but I had a smile on my face.

I looked at my cellphone's clock as I munched a piece of toast. Mom wasn't home this morning, again. Being too busy with her job. I don't blame her, she has to support both of us, but the irregular schedule she is taking lately is worrying me.

I took another look at my clock before finally deciding that it was time. With a last bite, I devoured the peanut butter jelly covered bread and knocked the door. There was some shuffling, a grumpy moan or two before silence covered the apartment again.

I frowned a little before knocking again, a little harder. This time I heard movement and someone walking towards the door.

"Who is it at this goddamn forsake hours?!" I heard a feminine voice exclaim, I merely stepped back to get on the eye-hole's view.

"Hello miss Laborn, is Aisha ready yet?" I answered.

"Huh? Oh, it's only the neighbor brat," I heard her mutter as she started to unlocking the door. Two locks, and a chain thingy later she greeted me. The woman was wearing a wrinkled dress, her eyes were red and had bags under them. She yawned before replying "Aisha hasn't left already? Must have overslept or something," not a moment later she shouted "Aisha, wake-up this moment and get ready for school!" before turning to me "Come on... kid, you can wait on the kitchen."

I nodded "Thanks you," before entering the place. It wasn't really a mess but it stank, and if nothing else the thing that caught my attention the most was the half-naked man on the couch and the massive pile of paraphernalia lying around, obviously having been used lately.

Wearing only a pair of jagged denims and covered in tattoos the man waved at me with a yawn. "Hey man." before stretching and picking up a nearby beer can.

"Hi?" I answered back before looking at Ms. Laborn. Because, really. What the fuck? I knew she divorced a while ago, but I hadn't expected... well, this.

"Oh, don't worry. I guess you haven't met him before, this is my new boyfriend Guy." She quickly knelt down to give him a peck on the mouth 'Ugh' and a "Good morning" before his attention turned to me.

"So, you Aisha's boyfriend or something?" he asked me, as the woman giggled and left for the kitchenette.

"N-no, not really," I stammered as I felt a small blush on my face. I had noticed how she has been filling up lately, but... "We are just friends, classmates actually."

The shit-eating grin on his face told me how much he believed my story, before he turned to Aisha's mother for a few seconds. I couldn't see exactly what she did, but "Guy" (was that really his name?) turned to me. "Hey man, let's make a deal," he started as he stood up and patted me on the head with one hand, and moved the other to his pockets. "I will give you..." it took him a few seconds, but he pulled out a few bills from his pants, took a look and put them in front of me "Twenty, or so if you take Aisha out for the whole day. Go see a movie, or something. Whatever you kids do."

I merely stared at the state of the living room before taking the money, because, goddammit. Seeing her yesterday reminded me we hadn't been in touch lately, that was why I was here. I hadn't expected things to deteriorate so bad for her in a few months, and for Aisha to not tell me things got so bad. I simply was giving her some space after his brother left... If anything we could have some fun and have her relax a little, at worst I use my savings for a Taxi to Brian's. "Don't worry, I will take her out." I quickly looked back to my clock before adding, "In fact, do you mind if I drag her out. We are going to be late at this rate."

The man laughed a little and gave me a one-armed hug that stank of alcohol and other substances, before leaving for the fridge. "Don't worry, go ahead." Ms. Laborn told me.

I nodded and quickly scampered to Aisha's door. "Aisha, we are going to be late!" I shouted knocking the door.

"Don't wanna." I heard her muffled reply before I knocked again.

"Don't make drag you out!" I exclaimed.

"Ish not like imma goin to learn anything..." I heard her mumble at the same time I heard fabric and pillows move. I frowned.

"I am coming in!" I exclaimed opening the door. The room was a mess, and Aisha was laying down on her bed, cuddled behind her blankets and covering her head with pillows. My right eye twitched as I took the blanket on my hand, and tugged hard.

"Kyah!" Aisha exclaimed as she quickly took hold of the blanket to avoid exposing herself. "I'm on my underwear you fucker!" she shouted at me. I merely raised an eyebrow. "Nothing I haven't seen before."

"Fucking bastard, a bikini is not the same than my undies!" she shouted as she threw at me one of her pillows.

"The bikini actually shows more!" I exclaimed throwing the pillow back, "Now, am I going to need to dress you too?"

She merely scowled at me. "I'm not going to school," she stated, her face set in a frown. I took a deep breath before replying.



"Ok, but you are still going to get up, put some clothes and go out with me." I stated as I looked at her eyes. I would drag her out of here even if I needed to literally do it.

Aisha stared at me for a few moments. "Fine." she drawled angrily. "Now get out you idiot, and let me change."

"Bitch." I simply stated as I gave her a small bow and left the room, I grinned as I felt the pillow impacts on the door. But I couldn't help but frown as I saw Ms. Laborn and her boyfriend sniggering. Still, I sighed as I walked to the front door. "Ms. Laborn, will be back quickly. I need to leave my backpack on my room."

"W-Wait, wait sweetie." Ms. Laborn said as she quickly suppressed her giggles. "I know Guy already gave you some money," taking a second to pick up a twenty from her purse she gave it to me. "But you should at least get a decent breakfast for Aisha's first date."

I scowled. "It's not a date."

Ms. Laborn actually giggled a little as guy interrupted with a laught "Man, you just asked her out. It is a date."

"It is no-" I blinked and thought back to what I just said. "I asked her out to a date." I muttered in horror. "Friends can go out on dates right?" I asked looking at the adults. Their laught didn't reassure me.
Last edited:
"...Fucking dimwit crazy nazi lickspittle dogfaced ninnyhammer mumpsinus dumb-fuck..."

"Are you done?"

"...fucktard ghetto hillbilly messed up cockalorum moron." she finished. I really wondered where she learned all those words as we finally leaved the apartment building. Calling Aisha a morning person was like saying that Legend was straight. Calling Aisha grumpy right now... was like saying the sun was a little hot. "So here we going dipshit." she snided as the sunlight struck her face.

"I am hoping that Denny's the will allow us inside," I said glancing at her clothes. Ripped denim shorts, a strapless pink top showing her mid drift, rainbow tights, boots and a black hoodie. "otherwise we can go get you some decent clothes at a thrift shop."

"Jerk," she replied hitting me in the shoulder "don't tell me you don't like the view!"

I turned to her, made the motions of giving her a good look and raised an eyebrow "I prefer girls with a fashion sense,"I laughed at the harrumph she let go before continuing "But being serious Aisha, we live in the Nazi Capital of America and you are a beautiful, young, black girl wearing that in winter. I worry about you sometimes."

"Says the Nazi wannabe," Aisha sniped as I felt her anger deflate, before she suddenly grinned "what would your friends say if they saw us now? Aryan, The Aryan! Seduced by negro and turned into a race traitor!" I did not expect her to kiss my cheek and take my arm.

I wasn't sure if I was blushing from embarrassment or anger, but that cheeky smile of hers was simply infuriating. "I'm not a Nazi wannabe, and they are not my friends." I growled as I attempted to dislodge my arm from her grip, but just like a ravenous anaconda gripping it's prey she would not let go.

She raised and eyebrow before slowly saying "Really...? Are you a Nazi already then?"

"If I were a Nazi, would I be speaking with you?" I answered and continued before she would retort "And really, they are not my friends, friends. You know that." before I noticing that we had just passed by the bus station. "And were the hell are we going woman?!"

She smiled before replying "To Sanchez Tacos of course!"

"Argghh" I growled mockingly before sighing. "Lead the way o' mighty temptress, let's go to your lair of decadence."

"Idiot." I did expect her to let go and hit my shoulder this time.

Sanchez Tacos for a lack of a better word was... acceptable. Oh, the Tacos were good, but the place was a small trailer surrounded by fold-able desks and chairs. The place was located near the docks, one of the shadier areas of Brockton Bay, and surrounded by dilapidated buildings and streets, all covered in graffiti. It was Merchant Territory, that was why I hated the place. The fact that it was clearly manned by Illegal emigrants just added flavor to the fact all menus were written in spanglish.

I don't know why Aisha would prefer this place to any restaurant when we were able to afford it. Still, the Tacos were good and cheap. And if anything, we were mostly left alone on one of the corners of the place. Of course, we had to pay first.

There was some awkward silence as we ate, and thus I decided to break it. "So... how is Brian doing?" I dared to ask. I almost flinched as I saw her expression change.

"Haven't seen him for a few months actually," she replied "still, I got a few messages from him from time to time..."

"That's good, you will probably see him soon." I said while my mind was shouting at me 'change topic, change topic, dammit say something else' In the end, my brain farted. "I think I got superpowers."

"Huh-huh" Aisha mumbled mid-bite before she looked at me with a raised an eyebrow "Really?"

"Ah... probably?"

"So, what can you do? Do you fart rainbows? Shoot swastika eye-beams?" she replied conceitedly as she wiggled her fingers.

I snorted "Fuck if I know, but hey. It seems I have a HP and MP bar just like a video game character." I scratched my chin for a second before continuing "And for some strange reason I now know; I know how to do Martial Arts and play football. American football."

"So... even if I believed you, you have no way to prove it?" Well... if you put it that way, it kind of sounds bad. "Good try, though."

I sighed in defeat. I needed to find out what those strange bars were, it was strange to still have them. "So... Aisha..." I hesitated for a moment. "Why haven't you been coming to school lately?"

All I received was a scowl as she angrily snapped a bite of her taco. "I have no need for school, and it's not like I am learning anything."

"You need to at least finish High School to get a job Aisha," I retorted, "As much as it pains me to say, if you have trouble with school I can help you." I looked back at her after taking a drink "I don't want you to fail sixth grade, what would you do without me?"

Aisha scoffed "Probably nothing, but you would miss me, wouldn't you!"

"I actually would," I replied honestly, I grinned as her face showed a faint blush "How else would I enjoy watching you make others suffer! You are corrupting me!"
I must admit, Aisha and I spent a good while together against all reason. We went windows shopping to The Boardwalk, watched a movie (An action movie, full of super-powered ninjas and pirates.) and talked for a good while. I convinced her to come to school (threatening that I would do what I did this morning every day if necessary) but I would help her with whatever she needed... As long as she could hang-out in my room whenever she wanted.

I did not want to bring the state of her house during all the day, so I happily agreed.

Still, it wasn't really late, just around five or six o'clock. But on Brockton Bay? You really want to avoid being outdoors before dawn. We made our way toward our homes with haste. We took a bus, and arrived a few blocks away.

I wasn't surprised when Aisha was hesitant to get into her home, so instead I dragged her into mine. It was surprisingly still empty, so while Aisha went to turn on the TV I inspected the kitchen. There were a few Tupperware filled with food that hadn't been there this morning, and a single note.

Read your message, I hope you had fun with Aisha!
Haven't seen her in a few months, greet her for me. Made some snacks and dinner for both of you.
Sorry, work called again. If you need me call me @1-800-633-48-55 extension 2684
xoxo, Mom ~ ♥

I sighed, her new job was really helping us, of that I had no doubt, but she was going to burn out soon at this rate...

"Mom made some snacks, want something?!" I shouted over the counter as I inspected the contents of the boxes. Spaghetti, chicken tenders, a few quesadillas... and macadamia cookies! I happily took a bite of one as Aisha replied "No thanks you, maybe later!"

I shrugged before stashing some of the cookies away, "Your Loss" and joined her on the Sofa. We watched a few movies before she decided to go home.

That night I dreamed again, I walked in the shoes of someone else (or was it myself?) I experienced a new life, I went to school, and eventually college. It was a weird life, without any of the hardships one would experience in Brockton Bay, it was... different, yet it felt right.

The next morning my mother was at home, but I did not have the heart to wake her up. I silently got myself some of the left-over cookies and some pop-tarts for lunch before leaving. I didn't need to bother Aisha this morning, but we were almost late by the time we left.

School, was still the same. It was a shithole, it was filled with gangs, yet even so it was a peaceful day. The day went on, I actually joined Aisha at lunch once I noticed she was eating alone (Which caused several frowns to form among my friends). But aside that, nothing happened.

And so the day passed, Aisha and I left home on the same bus -as always- until the alarms blared. "Da Fuck!" Aisha exclaimed as I looked out of the windows, smoke was rising from the docks (we lived that way) and the sound of countless emergency vehicles sounded on the distance.

"Could it be an Endbringer?" I wondered out loud.

"I sincerely hope not," Aisha replied as the bus drove over to the side and stopped. "there is a shelter near home, we can run there in a few minutes if we hurry," she whispered to me I looked at her for a second before nodding.

And thus we ran, even as the Bus driver attempted to herd his passengers to the nearest shelter. Second became minutes, and we slowed down to a job, a "few minutes" turned into a dozen, and the two until we finally arrived to our home. The shelter wasn't too far, but every moment, the smoke appeared to come closer.

It wasn't until Aisha started to enter the apartment complex that I shouted "What are you doing!"

"Going to check if my mother is up there!" I frowned for a second before growling to myself. "Fine! but let's hurry!"

We ran up the stairs and we both entered our respective homes. My mother wasn't on mine, and once I locked the door, I noticed Aisha. Her home was probably empty too.

We ran, we ran as fast as we could. But as we turned over the first corner we saw It. An enormous monster, Draconian in nature. It was fighting a very big group of capes, Miss Militia and Armsmaster I could recognize... along Hookwolf. But the dragon was winning.

We stared at the spectacle, until my brain rebooted and shouted at me "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!"

I took Aisha's hand and dragged her as I started running, that's when I heard a roar. Time appeared to freeze as a massive wall of flame was exploded from the Dragon. We were tired, just having jogged from halfway to school but adrenaline fueled our legs as we ran towards a nearby alley...

> Warning, Imminent Danger Detected.
> Character Defictionalization: 3.2 Percent Completed.
> Insufficient User Rights until success,

Holistic Technology Understanding: ONLINE,
Gamer's Body: ONLINE,
Gamer's Mind: ONLINE,
Panoply of Malleable Intrigue: Activated,
Supreme Perfection of the Body: Activated,
Stance of the Unconquered Mystery: Activated,
Glorious Snowflake Enchantment: Activated

> Welcome: Aryan Chopra Smith,
Initializing New Instance.
I stared at the screen that blinked for barely a few seconds before disappearing, and then I felt it. Something had changed. I felt a new breath, I felt stronger and my mind was clearer. I suddenly saw a new pop-up window appear before my eyes.

> New Quest! - Enter the Dragon
> Lung has decided to take residence on Brockton Bay by taking over the local Asian gangs, starting his way with rampage to kill his opponents and establish his dominance over the local Capes!
- Stay Alive
Rewards: 350XP,
> Accept? Y/n

I guess I didn't had to say anything as it automatically chose the "Yes" option. In a moment, I remembered a memory from my dreams, and thus I acted. I ran, I ran faster than I ever could, literally swiped Aisha off her feet and into a bridal carry (In a motion that felt too natural for something I had never done) before jumping the fuck out of the street and into an alley.

A scorching wall of flame shot over the street moments later, a few tendrils of hellish fire tried to reach us and burning everything on their way. I felt the fire burn my back, I felt the scorching heat attempt to burn my whole being as Aisha attempted to get out from underneath me.

Moments later it was over, but I could not help but shudder as I heard another Draconian roar and the sound of fighting getting closer.

"Aryan, god fucking dammit, Look at me! Are you ok!" I suddenly heard Aisha exclaim as she slapped me, that definitely brought my attention back to our situation. I stood up, and hurried to look how close the fight was to us as I heard Aisha gasp. I immediately turned to her in worry "What happened? Are you ok?"

"I should be the one asking that to you Aryan! Your clothes were burnt to cinder! Your back is burned black! Y-you covered me from the fire!" Huh, I actually did that. It didn't hurt to be honest.

"I don't fucking care right now, we need to get out of here, LIVE, and then we can worry about any injuries!" I shouted as I took took her arm and helped her stand up. "Run, now. Let's go!" I shouted as the sounds of the fight got stronger. As we ran, I couldn't help but notice how my Health Bar was almost empty for the first time. I definitely do not want to find out what happens when it gets empty.
So we ran, we ran like if hell itself was on our tails, and I did not stop until Aisha finally stopped. She slowed down, started wobbling and finally bent down and started panting. Surprisingly, I wasn't really that tired. Still, something nagged me in the back of my mind. "Stand up straight, you will breath easier." Aisha did not have the strength to reply, but she did it anyway.

Still, I looked back trough the entrance of the alley. Fire and smoke covered the docks, we were lucky, VERY lucky to get out of there.

"W-what," Aisha exhaled before taking a deep breath and composing herself a little "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!" she exclaimed getting the strength to grab me by my neck and pulling me closer (And down to her level).

"A super-villain?" I dared to say as I stared into her eyes, and I was not sure what the multitude of emotions on the meant.


"Nothing...?" Aisha stared at me for a very long second as she took a deep breath before bursting.

"Nothing? NOTHING! FOR FUCK SAKE JUST LOOK AT YOU AND..." I can honestly say that by this point I was kind of scared of Aisha, for if one thing I knew was that there was nothing like a scorned woman... Wait, where did tha- "SIT DOWN, LET ME LOOK AT YOUR BACK!"

I did so without hesitation, and I heard a small gasp from her part. "What. the. fuck."

I looked back with a frown. "What's going on, is it that bad?"

"T-The back of your jacket disintegrated, and your shirt melted into your back." she all but whispered. I was not really feeling any pain, so that was kind of weird.

"Pull it off." I simply said.

"What?! Are you crazy!" Aisha exclaimed "We need to go to a hospital! Your clothes fused into your back Idiot!"

I huffed before turning to her, "Did you get any burns yourself Aisha?"

"I..." she suddenly looked at herself "I don't think so, you... you covered me from the worst of it..."

"Good," I said with a nod before stretching my hands and taking off my shirt. I definitely felt some resistance with the part of my back, but I managed to rip it off before Aisha hurried to grab me.

"What are you doing!"

"Aisha, do you trust me?" I suddenly said to her. She seemed to freeze on the spot before slowly nodding.


"I have a feeling... please, just yank off the melted fabric, otherwise I will do it myself."

Aisha seemed to gulp "Are you sure?" I nodded, just as I felt her hands gently caress my back.

"FUCK!" I exclaimed as the girl pulled off a strip of fabric with a swift motion. It stung, dammit it fucking hurts. I hissed a deep breath, noticing that my HP lowered a little. "So how bad is it?" I blurted out, suddenly noticing Aisha had gone silent.

"How?" she whispered staring at my back, before her hands moved to it.

"How what?"

"How is it possible...?" she said before suddenly ripping off another piece of fabric. I hissed out as I saw my HP go a little bit lower.

"Be clear woman! What is the problem!" I finally exclaimed.

"Aryan! How the fuck is your back not burned!" She exclaimed in exasperation "I felt the fire, I am seeing the results of it! But your back is in perfect health underneath MELTED FABRIC!"

Ah. That would explain it. "Superpowers?" I shrugged, I wasn't sure myself to be honest, but there was no other explanation. "I told you didn't I."

I felt another strip of fabric come out violently of my back (I'm sure this one was on purpose) "You were serious?!" she exclaimed, "You were fucking serious!"

"Would I lie to you?"

"AArrghhh!" She growled in annoyance "And will you tell me that you figured just now how to transform?!"

I blinked "Wait, what."

Aisha actually stopped doing whatever she was doing, before a look of realization crossed her face. "You haven't noticed?" At those words I started to try to feel up my face. My hands looked humans, I did not feel any deformities or anything unusual. "Aryan, look at your abs." she stated.

I looked down. I had Abs. I had marked abs.

"I am not even sure someone our age can have a six pack, and that is not all. It's..." she stopped for a second as she strugged to find the words to explain it. "You look like if someone Photoshoped you and made you..." she hesitated for a moment, as her face clearly blushed. "Made you look perfect..."

"Well, there goes my secret identity..." I muttered, a small blush on my face too. "So... do you have a mirror I can use?" Aisha gently slapped me.

"Do I look like I am carrying a mirror?" I simply shrugged with a sigh.

"It was worth a try." For the next few minutes, we stood in the alley on an awkward silence. Aisha continued ripping out bits of fabric from my back, and I simply soldiered on from the pain.

"So... you have superpowers?" I suddenly heard her mutter.

I nodded, "It appears so. I actually didn't knew what they did until today, still don't know to be honest."

"Didn't you say something about having video-games thingies?" I scratched my chin for a moment before nothing. "So, have you tried to open your profile."

"Yes, actually... but it seems I actually leveled up, or unlocked it today or something." I said, remembering the flash of text that appeared earlier. Not expecting anything, I tried it anyway. "Profile."

> Name: Aryan Chopra Smith
> Level: 1 Next Level: 35%
> Title: Guest
> Job: Beta Tester

> HP: 916
> MP: 857.5
    • Strength (STR): 88
    • Vitality (VIT): 72
    • Dexterity (DEX): 118
    • Intelligence (INT): 82
    • Wisdom (WIS): 75
    • Luck (LUK): 15
> Abilities [X]
> ...
> Perks[X]

I blinked. "Huh, I have a profile." I looked at it for a few seconds in wonder. "I have superpowers." I looked back at Aisha. "I really have superpowers!" I looked back at the screen and concentrated on my abilities, making a list pop-up.

> Abilities [X]

Gamer's Body: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and removes all status effects.
Gamer's Mind: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental status effects.
Holistic Technology Understanding: Grants the Gamer the ability to intuitively understand the work of other Tinkers.

I could not help but laugh out loud in glee before turning to Aisha and hugging her. "I. HAVE. POWERS!"

"Calm down you idiot!" She suddenly exclaimed next to my ears, not really making an effort to get free, before suddenly asking "So, what does it says?"

I told her.
Getting the hell out of dodge was easier than expected. It seems the fight was contained mostly within the docks, so we headed towards the Trainyards. There were lot of concrete buildings and nearby shelters just in case things went worse. The streets were eerily empty, and the rising plumes of dark smoke and fires on the distance only made the situation worse.

Aisha and I huddled together inside an empty train cart. The night was here, and the emergency sirens still blared out loud. We couldn't afford to move out, not only because of the emergency itself, but because of the gangs...

I have no doubts there would be a lot of looters running around and gangbangers trying their luck. So Aisha and I cuddled together to avoid the freezing cold of New Hapshire's winter night. The fact that I was not wearing a shirt nor jacket, and she was wearing short shorts, a tank-top and we were using her small hoodie as a small blanket definitely didn't help us from staving off the cold.

"Has your mom answered your messages?" I asked Aisha, she shook her head in negative.

"No, but at least Brian is okay." She whispered "He is trapped with Dad inside a shelter, otherwise he would be here now. But he says he is coming for us in the morning."

I nodded mutely, I wasn't able to contact my mother, but she left a message saying she was fine.

"So, how do you think it will work." Aisha said to me after a while of silence.

"Work what?" I asked scooting a little closer.

"Your secret identity..." she said before looking at me. "You look, different. From your eyes, which now are a startling shade of bright green, to your whole body..." she didn't say anything more for a little while.

"If my superpowers aren't lying it shouldn't be a problem." I answered "...Otherwise? I will probably be drafted by the E88." At this, I felt Aisha shudder.

"You can't," she whimpered "don't you dare to join the Nazis. You promised me that I could hang-out with you whenever I wanted."

I sighed, this was a touchy subject between us. "I will not become a Nazi, I promise." I said, but we both knew that if the Empire wanted me, it would be very hard for me to deny them. All they needed to do was hold my Mom or Aisha hostage... "Just because the only boys that will hang out with me, because of my name, are Nazis, does not means I will become one."

If anything, that was the truth. I would not become a Nazi, at worst I would simply help them under coercion...

"Maybe I will join the Wards?" I said trying to change the theme. "I've heard that tinkers have it worse going solo, and I need to study other's tinker-tech before even being able to use my power."

"You are also a brute." Aisha countered.

I shrugged. "What if I can run faster, or carry you for a while." Looking at her I grinned. "Compare that to being able to make some Power-armor. Maybe a lightsaber! Or hey, a Jetpack!"

"Boys" Aisha muttered under her breath with a smile. "We can always use our savings to take the PRT tour, I heard most of the base is Tinker-tech and you would be allowed to look around." She looked at me and grinned. "And that way you can make me an armour too, I could help you!"

"No." I immediately said. "It's too dangerous."

Aisha frowned at me. "But it's ok for you to do it alone? I'm not letting you go and kill yourself trying to be a hero!"

"Aisha, as you said, I am a brute! I can survive worse injuries than you could handle!" I exclaimed before taking her hand and pulling it to touch my back. "Remember this! You could have died! I could have died! If I didn't have my powers we would be dead!"

"I don't even know If I can convince myself to be a hero... how do you want me to bear knowing you will be in danger too?" I whispered.

Aisha simply shook my grip of her arm and pulled me closer. "How do you want me to feel, knowing you are going out there alone... Besides, I may not have powers, but neither Armsmaster! And you can copy his tech!"

I snorted "Easily said than done," I muttered. "Let's go to sleep Aisha, we can talk about this later. I don't even know what I want to do with my powers yet..."

"Ok..." she relented.

And thus we slept. And thus once more I dreamed, I dreamed of another life.
Dawn came along the sun. I yawned as I woke up, exactly at sunrise, before curling up with the warmth I felt besides me. The night cold was slowly replaced with a morning coziness. Sadly, the moment was broken when Aisha's phone started ringing. I groggily open my eyes, to find Aisha's eyes in front of mine.

I blinked, she grinned.

Oh god, I was cuddling Aisha. And I was well familiar with the smug look that flashed over Aisha's face as I attempted to break free from her hold. She lived for the Schadenfreude. "Nope, you are not leaving. I'm comfy." she said holding me tighter.

"Your phone is ringing!" I exclaimed, not even bothering to ask how long had she been awake.

"Meh," she vocalized before taking one of her arms, and quickly, picking up. She held it up in front of her face, our faces, and I saw the Caller ID (Brian). With a click, she answered the call, and placed it on speaker.

"Aisha, where are you?" was his immediate reply. I blinked as her grin widened. I knew arguing with her was going to bite me in the ass. 'No, don't you dare' I mouthed silently to her. She simply ignored me.

"I was sleeping with Aryan," she chirped. "He is quite comfy to cuddle with. "

I groaned out loud before muttering. "Hello Brian, th-"

"Where." he interrupted immediately.

"Well... I really like his chest. I really enjoyed ripping his shirt out of him." she added at the same time she left the phone on top of me to cuddle with me further. God, I can't help but shudder thinking what she would do with her powers. Regent must have had it-

I could swear I heard a growl coming from the phone, I was not sure if it was directed to me, or to Aisha. "On the Trainyards! First car to the left from the Dock's entrance. The red one. Help!" I decided to interrupt. I heard a grunt, just as he hung the phone.

I waited a few seconds, Aisha apparently content to be where she was. "Uhumm... Shouldn't we leave? Go find Brian?" I asked looking at her eyes. Her very close, brown eyes. I closed mine, took a deep breath, and tried to control the blush on my face.

"Nu-uh." she vocalized. "You are comfy. Brian can find us."

"You are trying to piss him off, aren't you?" I asked, trying not to think.

"What gave you the Idea?" she purred into my ear at the same time the train-car door was slid open.

"This is not what you think!" I shouted, Brian merely scowled at me, looked at Aisha and grunted. It was almost like if a weight fell down his shoulders.

"Aryan, I know you." he simply stated as he took off his jacket. "IF something had happened, I can't think of anyone else I would approve." at this he threw his jacket at me. Aisha still wouldn't let me go. "But, I also know Aisha." With a heave, he leaped into the car.

"Bro," Aisha cheered from her place before sticking out her tongue. I simply looked at him with a Help me man kind of look. He chuckled in amusement before picking up Aisha and lifting her away from me. "Hey!" she exclaimed. As I let out a breath of relief.

Quickly donning Brian's jacket I stood up. The brothers were bickering, but I could see their smiles. I jumped out of the Train-car, and stretched a little. It wasn't exactly a surprise, but I saw my HP bar become full again. In a few moments both of the brothers had also jumped out. "So, how did you arrived Brian?" I asked.

He pointed out the street on the distance. "That taxi is waiting for us, going to take you to Dad's. We can talk to your mother from there." I nodded. "Hey Aryan, have you been working out? You look... different." he suddenly blurted out.

I blinked.

"Not really... What do you mean...?" I dared to ask.

Brian frowned, and stared at me. I looked at Aisha, and gave her a knowing glance. "I'm not sure, I can't really put my finger on it." He continued.

"I will explain you at your place." I told him, the teen raised an eye brow. "Okay?" He said stretching the word.

At this, Aisha started walking towards the street. And so did I, before a very large black hand fell down on my shoulder and stopped me. "Aryan, a second please." I glanced at the retreating Aisha before nodding to Brian.

"As I said, I know you. I know nothing happened." He eloquently stated on a friendly tone, until suddenly he gripped my shoulder harder. "But IF something happens, and you break my sister's heart. I. Will. Break. You." I opened my mouth. Then I closed it. "Understood?"

"Y-yes" I muttered.

Suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped he became friendly again and patted me on the head. "Come on, let's not leave Aisha waiting." he exclaimed as he started walking.

I stared at his back for a few seconds before I hurried to catch up.
Might want to change the text color of this.

> New Game - Start
> Welcome
Exaltant Sovereign of the Heavens
> Loading Character Sheet...

> Level 1

> Title: God-King of All Creation
> Job: Priest-King of Earth-β

> HP: 916
> MP: 857.5

  • Strength (STR): 88
  • Vitality (VIT): 72
  • Dexterity (DEX): 118
  • Intelligence (INT): 82
  • Wisdom (WIS): 75
  • Luck (LUK): 15
> Essence: ●●●○○
> Willpower: ●●●●● ●●●●●
> Loading Abilities...
> Gamer's Mind, Gamer's Body, Supreme Perfection of the Body, Anima Banner, First Athletics Excellency, First Bureaucracy Excellency, First Dodge Excellency, First Martial Arts Excellency, First Socialize Excellency, Element-Resisting Prana, Graceful Crane Stance, Hardship-Surviving Medicant Spirit, Leaping Dodge Method, Monkey Leap Technique, Reflex Sidestep Technique, Sagacious Reading of Intent, Seven Shadow Evasion, Shadow Over Water, Taboo Inflicting Diatribe, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Infallible Messenger, Stormwind Rider, Summon Elemental, Holistic Technology Understanding, Panoply of Malleable Intrigue, Stance of the Unconquered Mystery, Glorious Snowflake Enchantment, Glorious Complete Arsenal...
> ...
> ...
> ...
> Error, Insufficient Memory Allocati-
> Count Up, Manual Memory Override: Loading Abilities
> 1,156 Abilities Loaded
> 56,512,561 Abilities Loaded
> 1,456,123,783 Abilities Loaded
> ...
> ...
> 12,858,051,967,633,885 Abilities Loaded,
Calculating skills parameters,

Calculating skills interaction,
Calculating skills potential,
Calculating required progression,
Calculating difficulty parameters,
Defining Skills Profiles,
> Estimated Calculation Time: Unknown,
Unable to finish character creation,
Interactive Input Matrix Disabled,
Active Abilities Disabled,
Passive Abilities Online,
Skills... Unknown.
Character Defictionalization ETA: Unknown,
Insufficient User Rights until success,
Character Solar Archetype Induction Halted,
> Continue on Background: Y/n

Otherwise some readers might get scared off thinking the entire story is in that color.
Really liking this so far. Placing the original character with pre-trigger Aisha isn't something I've seen done before.

It could definitely do with a once-over from a proofreader, though. There are a few odd word choices, especially with prepositions. Just off the top of my head: Aisha and Brian are siblings, not brothers ("brothers" implies Aisha is male); she ripped his shirt off of him, not out of him ("out" implies the shirt was inside him, like maybe he'd swallowed it) - things like that.

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