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New profile posts

Hey Chibi, did you ever make a fic where the MC was a monster in a fantasy setting trying to raid humans. And as far as the monsters knew humans would respawn if they died unlike monsters who perma-died? I feel like I have seen something like this and it feels like something you would do...
I loved Is it wrong to be a Martial Artist in the Dungeon! Please keep up the good work. However I do have a question, is there going to be an update schedule for it or is it going to be updated whenever you feel like? Either way amazing work.
ever gonna continue your dxd rants? They're insightful and, frankly, the EN translation of the LNs is ocular torture
Hey Musashi-Chan are the stories I,Human and I.Devil on Hiatus or something?
Just wanna know they were the first stories from you I read so I just wanted to ask.
I, Human is discontinued and i am planning a rewrite, as for 'I, Devil'... I really dunno.
"S'cuse me miss, what's wrong with your car?"
"Oh, I have a flat tire."
"Did you call your SO for help?"
"He's not picking up."
"Well, do you have a spar tire?"
"He's also not picking up."
...alright, between your random follows and the fact you have never made a single post, I can only conclude that this account is a joke.
I just discovered your works, but I have to ask ... Do you plan on continuing the Ishtarin Mass Effect story?

I absolutely loved the first five chapters ... And I love Ishtar too ...

Nevertheless, hope you keep on enjoying writing. I plan on checking more after I get some sleep.
Hi! If its not bothersome and you even remember it, why basket slayer? Did a basket did something? And thanks for your stories they are fun to read!
Way back in the day, in yee ol times of Yahoo chat rooms, I was part of a large group of people once gaming started getting more popular. Starcraft, Diablo, WC etc. There was one asshole by the name of Basket. Guy pissed off the majority of us enough that we got tired and we started following him around in both Diablo 2 and Starcraft with some variation of Basket_Slayer.
That's interesting, thanks for the answer!
If Harry looked like Lily, this story might be about Snape defeating Voldemort alone.
Figuring out how this site works. Wish me luck.
Ps, feel free to recommend your favorite Sfw stories to me just names/poster. no links I won't use them sorry.
Quick question, will you be adding onto *maidenless no longer* or a separate story now that the dlc is out or are you done with elden ring?
probably not, no
Alright, thanks for the quick response.