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New profile posts

It seems like there's basically three types of cheat systems, and usually they have a bias where they appear;

god-given systems in japanese stuff that want a kind god
narrative deus ex machina systems in english stuff where author don't brain so good
higher civilization tech systems in chinese stuff to show factory affinity
Was gonna watch this video about how powerful, wise people fall for honey traps, but it just made me nostalgic and sad
Just took a peek to see whats up, apparently you were in the shit house so you couldn't post or something? Anyway, there are a bunch of stories that you can hammer at or you can just chill for a bit if you need a break. Whatever works for you man, just let us know so we know whats up and when to expect you back please. Looking forward to any content you put forth. ☮️ & 🤟 Broski (no homo).
Cat vanished in the middle of the night about a week ago, by which I mean, went to sleep at 1am with him asleep on the couch in the living room, woke up at 6am to feed the beasts to a feeling of dread as he wasn't in my ear purring loudly, just managed to convince myself today I'd likely never see him again.
only to get information on his location an hour ago, he's currently, a little thinner, dirty and purring his heart out on my lap, life isn't also cancer <3
So. I unfollowed your story, so I'm posting here instead so it doesn't auto-follow. You can probably fix that "self inesert" tag to its proper form without that first E now...
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I understand. Tbh, if I wasn't setting out to send a specific message, I probably would have never written anything. I hope in the future, once I'm done with this fic, you'll enjoy a much more brighter story in the future.
I am really sorry though.
It's fine. I'm pretty sure that if you did write a brighter story, it would turn out well. Looking forward to that. Maybe if your Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's fic gets to be too much, you can write a counterpoint to that counterpoint, by doing a different YGO series.
Haha, well, I've already beaten you there. I've got a Yugioh Zexal fanfic outline for the first 100 or so episodes. Its much more light hearted than what I've written here. But it also breaks the message I'm trying to send in my 5Ds one... Maybe one day I'll post it up somewhere.
I find a quiet awe in the rate that people around here are able to write stories and push them out. I've tried a few times but writing is surprisingly hard. Is it the active discussion that gets y'all motivated or is it something else?
So friend, this is the post where I pretend I don't know what's going on and ask what's happening with your updates
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I will start writing again when people bully me into it. :cool:
Are you going to be updating your story now that the summer has started? if so, then I'm excited about the new chapter to come!
Maybe. Remember, I'm not a atudent, but a gainfully employed adult, so summer does not mean the same kind of freedom to me it once did. With that being said, I do intend to buckle up, sit down, and type.
Hey Chibi, did you ever make a fic where the MC was a monster in a fantasy setting trying to raid humans. And as far as the monsters knew humans would respawn if they died unlike monsters who perma-died? I feel like I have seen something like this and it feels like something you would do...
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Hope the humans have therapy. Or they're all into the defeat=lewds scene and the monsters are just weirded out.
I... can't say that strikes a bell, thinking about it. I have written monster protagonists, native and reincarnated, but I don't think they had those specific setting details?
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
Huh okay maybe it was from someone else then.
I loved Is it wrong to be a Martial Artist in the Dungeon! Please keep up the good work. However I do have a question, is there going to be an update schedule for it or is it going to be updated whenever you feel like? Either way amazing work.
It's going to be updated whenever I finish a chapter, rather than on a schedule. I am having myself do a minimum of 1000 words a day, though, and I usually try to keep my chapters below 5,000 words, so expect another update soon.

And thank you for the kind words.
Awesome, thanks for replying and keep up the good work.
"S'cuse me miss, what's wrong with your car?"
"Oh, I have a flat tire."
"Did you call your SO for help?"
"He's not picking up."
"Well, do you have a spar tire?"
"He's also not picking up."