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New profile posts

Ah...summer, the most wonderfull time of the--

Would becoming a patron saint for dogs interfere with my reading divinity? The god of dogs goes by muffin and I can't bring myself to try and take his spot.
It feels like all these many children many blessings cultivation stories use the same templates, it's always someone without talent who tried hard but can't become immortal, so they give up and then get wives as easily as someone would pick up trash, and then become super strong through lots of easy sex with virtuous women who obey their every whim
it acts as if there's no other men in the world, or there's no other good or attractive men in the world, as if every other man is a rapist or old or arrogant, so if a woman is "good" then they can only pick the MC, which is retardeddd
Mahō Shōnen
Mahō Shōnen
Also, the mandatory 'football team' reference; as the protagonist's 'wives' are cultivators, it's completely normal for them to give birth to a starting lineup within a decade.
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It's a tried and true template that works. Why fix what's not broken, y'know?
Still to busy to work on actual stories/quests but I'm considering putting up an ideas/snippets thread for stories I only ever wrote a single or a few updates for then for whatever reason decided not to post, if anyone is potentially interested in something like that anyway.
Holy crap. I look to see you followed me? As one of my favorite authors on this site, that's seriously cool for me. Hope you keep cranking out these well developed and cool story ideas I've come to enjoy so much.
Looks like my writing time is going to be more restricted. My rent was raised by a lot. This is why I was hoping people would donate to my Patreon or hit me up for commissions.
Hey man, how are you doin? I've been following your stuff for a good while now, I don't remember when exactly, but it was probably during 2020, Just wanted to say that your Akame ga Kill fic and MHA fic are some of my favourites of all time, you're a great writer and even if you don't update them again, Thanks for writing em to begin with <3

Also that Shisui SI is really cool, great stuff
Thanks to the help of @xxxxx12, I now know how to post gifs because I am dumb stingray and forgor. i thank this kind person, 🙏 for taking time out of their day to help this dumb stingray. And will commit tax evasion in their name.

[For legal reasons, this is a joke]
And no I don't know why I'm so focused on tax evasion today...
If you think about it, Rin, Saber, Ilya, Sakura, Taiga, etc... they are all relatively intelligent and careful girls, so if not for that protagonist aura that reduces the intelligence of girls that the protagonist wants to fuck, there's no way they would be with such a loser like Emiya Shirou
Hey, The site transition logged me out of my account and I have no idea what the password is as I have not had to log in for more than a year. My account was made using a Hotmail account so I have not been able to receive a password reset email, can you help me. I can provide my Username and Email in Direct Messages, I want to change that email to this one
Been writing again over the past month, mostly on background stuff for the quest, plotting out the plot and the like, but also a little bit for the next two-three updates. Minor work done on other ideas as well.
Hey man I love your story I Cast Fist and i was wondering if you can give me the link where you roll grimoire perks and in the latest chapter(19) you said a new version of the grimoire came out can you also give me the link to that please.