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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

why? it's not like Issei is lacking in none useless male friends nowadays, so I'm not really seeing the point of this guy magically turning up

I'd honestly find it more interesting to see a version of his world without the guy after all, if he's already there fixing things like baseline why would we need to bother
Depending on how much this guy has going for him beyond Hardness, "I eat lightning", and his size (and thus strength) this will probably be "Issei breaks a bitch, the montage."

So why not give it to Akeno? Kind of wish we could give her an inspiration slap to the head or something because all she'd need if a spell with a Piercing tag on it (magic laser beams anyone?) and... probably just that honestly. But if she wanted to be smart about it, lightning rods (if it regurgitates/uses lightning itself?), something to blind it (something sticky would be best cause you could get the nose and mouth as well the same way. Bonus points if it reacts explosively to lightning), and... shit. I had something else, but I forgot.
why? it's not like Issei is lacking in none useless male friends nowadays, so I'm not really seeing the point of this guy magically turning up

I'd honestly find it more interesting to see a version of his world without the guy after all, if he's already there fixing things like baseline why would we need to bother
Gangryong, IIRC, is more of a blood knight, similar to Berserker, who fights for the sake of fighting, I think.

Alexander, am I right regarding my impression of him?
There is a difference between "rival" and "enemy". I find Gangryong to be the former.
the implies he has any chance of equalling Solar Issei, maybe if this was baseline Issei if he had reason to compete but our Issei, well none exalts are not really fit to be his rival, even Backstabber Vali can't really hope to keep up in the long term
I think Ganryong would get along well with the other meat-head on Issei's team.
[x] plan wasprider, we have just had an epic jojo session and now we can use the manly i. if that fails tenderise the meat at cook it in it's own shell.
[X] "The first. The second...yeah, too much."

[X] Plan Shell-Cracker: Have Akeno use some sort of magic spell to help immobilize the Tan-ki. Not too hard since we could easily run circles around it and its attacks. Then go in for the with a charged attack that will blow its armor in one go.
Been lurking for a long, long time and enjoying this quest, but now -- I might as well throw my vote in :)

[X] "The first. The second...yeah, too much."
[X] Plan Shell-Cracker: Have Akeno use some sort of magic spell to help immobilize the Tan-ki. Not too hard since we could easily run circles around it and its attacks. Then go in for the with a charged attack that will blow its armor in one go.
I agree with my fellow lurker

[X] "The first. The second...yeah, too much."
[X] Plan Shell-Cracker: Have Akeno use some sort of magic spell to help immobilize the Tan-ki. Not too hard since we could easily run circles around it and its attacks. Then go in for the with a charged attack that will blow its armor in one go
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I agree with my fellow lurker

X] "The first. The second...yeah, too much."
[X] Plan Shell-Cracker: Have Akeno use some sort of magic spell to help immobilize the Tan-ki. Not too hard since we could easily run circles around it and its attacks. Then go in for the with a charged attack that will blow its armor in one go.

Your vote is missing a [
[x] "Can you capture them alive instead?"
[X] Battleplan: Demoralize the tortle-youkai by quipping with Akeno-chan about turtle soup recipes and seizing the youkai with your gaze as if wondering how big soup pan you need.

Hi, new to this thread, found this Quest and enjoy it, a lot!
[X] "The first. The second...yeah, too much."
[X] Plan Shell-Cracker: Have Akeno use some sort of magic spell to help immobilize the Tan-ki. Not too hard since we could easily run circles around it and its attacks. Then go in for the with a charged attack that will blow its armor in one go

Hey all. Just crawled out of the archives.

That is all.

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