Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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23rd April
12:27 GMT -6
Donna looks around with a smile as I walk into the… Female… Accessory.. shop. Ugh, it's just like Claire's back on Earth Prime whenever I went there to get a birthday present for someone or for hair bands; I can feel my testosterone evaporating to shield me from the femininity of the place. Melinoë's eyes dart in my direction then return to the.. thing Mary Marvel née Bromfield is showing her the second she realises that I'm looking back.
"Any news?" Thana's a little closer to the door, most likely not feeling comfortable having all the weird things at closer quarters.
"Ms Deva didn't really care. She actually found the idea of someone suing Cronus for paternity amusing." She's very much not in my reform class and.. I.. don't really have the time to spend rehabilitating someone created as an instrument of vengeance by a bound and bitter Titan.
"Did you have any difficulty in persuading the Atlanteans to aid you?"
Now, think it through. Thana's speaking Themysciran Greek, but the other patrons and the shop assistants can't understand that or differentiate between it and Modern Greek. True, they're mostly staring at Melinoë's amazing cosplay but we are -sort of- here incognitoish. I don't want to risk anyone overhearing anything which blatantly says 'super person'.
Ring, switch to Themysciran Greek.
"Not really. I ended up speaking to a fish-tailed Atlantean called Onesimus." Who wised up pretty fast when he realised that the Goddess of Nightmares and Madness was standing in the same room as him. Apparently they still… Not 'worship', but certainly acknowledge her in Atlantis. "After being flabbergasted, telling me that even if it was possible it would take centuries and flat out refusing to look into it for me. But, we were able to persuade him."
"I'm sure that I wouldn't be able to understand the technical aspects..?"
"Normally when they analyse an arcane artefact they do a complete analysis. It would be…" A bit morbid, but so is she. "Like examining every part of the body of a murder victim in detail so that you don't miss even the slightest thing that might lead to the culprit."
She nods hesitantly. "Only.. the.. murder victim.. is a god?"
"Sorry, bad metaphor. What they normally do provides much more information than I need." Um. "Than I probably need, and if a simpler examination doesn't give me what I'll need then I'm going to have to work out how to improve their equipment before I do anything else."
"Ah." She nods. "So you would merely be comparing their domains, rather than the whole of their magics."
"Right. And they can do that."
So by Monday I should have a rough idea of the arcane relatedness of Euanthe (daughter by magic of Gaea and Uranus), Diana (daughter by magic of Gaea and blessed by the Six), Hades (natural son of Cronus and Rhea), Melinoë (natural daughter of Hades and Persephone), Ares (natural son of Zeus and Hera), Hera (natural daughter of Cronus and Rhea), Hippolyta (natural daughter of Otrera and Ares), Cottus (natural -I think- son of Gaea and Uranus), Deva (daughter by magic of Cronus and blessed by the Titans), Donna Troy (not really sure), Tartarus (really not sure) and -just for a giggle- Orange Lantern 2814, who incidentally is the only one not related to all of the others.
I mean, you joke about them all being more inbred than the Habsburgs, but think about it for a moment. Gaea is Zeus' grandmother and grandmother in law, being the grandmother of his wife and mother of both of his parents. Euanthe is Diana's.. half sister, at least. Hades is Diana's nephew, though maybe 'created by magic' and 'naturally born' changes that a little. Melinoë is Diana's great niece and Deva is her niece. Hippolyta, her adopted mother, is her great great niece. It's a bit strange that Euanthe is so much weaker than the others… Or was, anyway, since I'm not completely sure how strong she is now. Maybe if Diana's creation hadn't been blessed she'd be more like Golden Age Wonder Woman, extremely capable but not really super powered. Or… I don't know, maybe Euanthe only has Uranus' magic innately and learned how to use the Green. I don't really know enough about Uranus' magic to comment. Gaea was supposed to create them using his blood, right?
"Is there some sort of Amazon betting pool I'll need to notify?"
Thana shakes her head. "When she first arrived, it was so widely assumed that she was sired by Zeus that no one was interested in placing such a bet. Now it will merely be a matter of curiosity."
"Melinoë getting on alright?"
"I was surprised by how muted the reaction to her was."
"How is she reacting to them?"
"She.. hasn't cursed anyone to endure eternal nightmares-" I cover up a nervous expression with my right fist. "-which is something that it is well within her power to do." She frowns. "Miss Mary said something about it being hard to get makeup for someone of her complexion."
"Well… Yes."
"One youth asked if she was 'cosplaying'-" That word must have been in English. "-as.. some sort of Elf."
"A Dark Elf?"
"It may have been. I only know because Miss Mary was kind enough to translate it for me. Melinoë has no elfin heritage. She does not even look like an Elf. Why would they ask such a thing?"
"Elves are depicted in popular fiction as looking very different to how they really look. I'm not sure where Dark Elves started being shown as grey skinned… Might have been Dungeons and Dragons-." And I've lost her. "It's a role.. play.. game… It's not important. The fact is, it would seem far more likely to them that she was a normal Human in costume than literally being a goddess… That he probably wouldn't have heard of anyway."
Thana nods. "I suppose I can see why he might think that." She pauses, as if not quite sure how to address the next point. "But if he did not recognise her, why did he apologise and flee when told that his initial supposition was incorrect?"
"In our society, it's considered.. impolite… To draw attention to physical abnormalities. Once he was informed that it wasn't a costume…"
"He thought that he had been rude… To a normal woman who happened to look a little unusual?" I nod. "I see."
"How have you been coping with everything?"
"I keep my eyes focused firmly on the ground. I thought that I was used to large buildings… I have seen visions of Lord Hades' palace, and of the structures of Asphodelopolis which are bound together with Erebos' own magic. But this.. Fawcett City…" She shakes her head. "I looked up and it gave me vertigo. I should have listened more to what our wandering theatre troupe said of the outside world."
"And the colours? The noise? The men?"
"Those, I was more prepared for." She looks thoughtful. "I.. was not born in the Old City of Themyscira."
Oh. Goodness. "You're doing exceptionally well for someone born on the Island."
She shakes her head. "I believe that the town into which I was born was technically in Thracian territory. We moved into Themysciran territory during… I don't believe that the war ever received a name. The town had two storey buildings. Themyscira City -which I only saw after joining the priestesshood- had buildings as high as four storeys. Here… It is not so much the height of the very tall buildings which concerns me so much as the higher average height, I think."
I glance back at our shoppers. Mary is attempting to attach a gold chain to Melinoë's left forehorn. I catch Donna say the word 'piercing' and the Goddess of Nightmares and Madness jerks back in horror. "Would you like to go up one?"
"I think that I shall leave that to the rest of you."
"Oh, come on." I glance outside. "Once you're running this fast it's easier to keep-" Doctor Sivana ♀ walks past the window. "-going. Would you excuse me for just a moment? There's someone outside I should probably say hello to."
12:27 GMT -6
Donna looks around with a smile as I walk into the… Female… Accessory.. shop. Ugh, it's just like Claire's back on Earth Prime whenever I went there to get a birthday present for someone or for hair bands; I can feel my testosterone evaporating to shield me from the femininity of the place. Melinoë's eyes dart in my direction then return to the.. thing Mary Marvel née Bromfield is showing her the second she realises that I'm looking back.
"Any news?" Thana's a little closer to the door, most likely not feeling comfortable having all the weird things at closer quarters.
"Ms Deva didn't really care. She actually found the idea of someone suing Cronus for paternity amusing." She's very much not in my reform class and.. I.. don't really have the time to spend rehabilitating someone created as an instrument of vengeance by a bound and bitter Titan.
"Did you have any difficulty in persuading the Atlanteans to aid you?"
Now, think it through. Thana's speaking Themysciran Greek, but the other patrons and the shop assistants can't understand that or differentiate between it and Modern Greek. True, they're mostly staring at Melinoë's amazing cosplay but we are -sort of- here incognitoish. I don't want to risk anyone overhearing anything which blatantly says 'super person'.
Ring, switch to Themysciran Greek.
"Not really. I ended up speaking to a fish-tailed Atlantean called Onesimus." Who wised up pretty fast when he realised that the Goddess of Nightmares and Madness was standing in the same room as him. Apparently they still… Not 'worship', but certainly acknowledge her in Atlantis. "After being flabbergasted, telling me that even if it was possible it would take centuries and flat out refusing to look into it for me. But, we were able to persuade him."
"I'm sure that I wouldn't be able to understand the technical aspects..?"
"Normally when they analyse an arcane artefact they do a complete analysis. It would be…" A bit morbid, but so is she. "Like examining every part of the body of a murder victim in detail so that you don't miss even the slightest thing that might lead to the culprit."
She nods hesitantly. "Only.. the.. murder victim.. is a god?"
"Sorry, bad metaphor. What they normally do provides much more information than I need." Um. "Than I probably need, and if a simpler examination doesn't give me what I'll need then I'm going to have to work out how to improve their equipment before I do anything else."
"Ah." She nods. "So you would merely be comparing their domains, rather than the whole of their magics."
"Right. And they can do that."
So by Monday I should have a rough idea of the arcane relatedness of Euanthe (daughter by magic of Gaea and Uranus), Diana (daughter by magic of Gaea and blessed by the Six), Hades (natural son of Cronus and Rhea), Melinoë (natural daughter of Hades and Persephone), Ares (natural son of Zeus and Hera), Hera (natural daughter of Cronus and Rhea), Hippolyta (natural daughter of Otrera and Ares), Cottus (natural -I think- son of Gaea and Uranus), Deva (daughter by magic of Cronus and blessed by the Titans), Donna Troy (not really sure), Tartarus (really not sure) and -just for a giggle- Orange Lantern 2814, who incidentally is the only one not related to all of the others.
I mean, you joke about them all being more inbred than the Habsburgs, but think about it for a moment. Gaea is Zeus' grandmother and grandmother in law, being the grandmother of his wife and mother of both of his parents. Euanthe is Diana's.. half sister, at least. Hades is Diana's nephew, though maybe 'created by magic' and 'naturally born' changes that a little. Melinoë is Diana's great niece and Deva is her niece. Hippolyta, her adopted mother, is her great great niece. It's a bit strange that Euanthe is so much weaker than the others… Or was, anyway, since I'm not completely sure how strong she is now. Maybe if Diana's creation hadn't been blessed she'd be more like Golden Age Wonder Woman, extremely capable but not really super powered. Or… I don't know, maybe Euanthe only has Uranus' magic innately and learned how to use the Green. I don't really know enough about Uranus' magic to comment. Gaea was supposed to create them using his blood, right?
"Is there some sort of Amazon betting pool I'll need to notify?"
Thana shakes her head. "When she first arrived, it was so widely assumed that she was sired by Zeus that no one was interested in placing such a bet. Now it will merely be a matter of curiosity."
"Melinoë getting on alright?"
"I was surprised by how muted the reaction to her was."
"How is she reacting to them?"
"She.. hasn't cursed anyone to endure eternal nightmares-" I cover up a nervous expression with my right fist. "-which is something that it is well within her power to do." She frowns. "Miss Mary said something about it being hard to get makeup for someone of her complexion."
"Well… Yes."
"One youth asked if she was 'cosplaying'-" That word must have been in English. "-as.. some sort of Elf."
"A Dark Elf?"
"It may have been. I only know because Miss Mary was kind enough to translate it for me. Melinoë has no elfin heritage. She does not even look like an Elf. Why would they ask such a thing?"
"Elves are depicted in popular fiction as looking very different to how they really look. I'm not sure where Dark Elves started being shown as grey skinned… Might have been Dungeons and Dragons-." And I've lost her. "It's a role.. play.. game… It's not important. The fact is, it would seem far more likely to them that she was a normal Human in costume than literally being a goddess… That he probably wouldn't have heard of anyway."
Thana nods. "I suppose I can see why he might think that." She pauses, as if not quite sure how to address the next point. "But if he did not recognise her, why did he apologise and flee when told that his initial supposition was incorrect?"
"In our society, it's considered.. impolite… To draw attention to physical abnormalities. Once he was informed that it wasn't a costume…"
"He thought that he had been rude… To a normal woman who happened to look a little unusual?" I nod. "I see."
"How have you been coping with everything?"
"I keep my eyes focused firmly on the ground. I thought that I was used to large buildings… I have seen visions of Lord Hades' palace, and of the structures of Asphodelopolis which are bound together with Erebos' own magic. But this.. Fawcett City…" She shakes her head. "I looked up and it gave me vertigo. I should have listened more to what our wandering theatre troupe said of the outside world."
"And the colours? The noise? The men?"
"Those, I was more prepared for." She looks thoughtful. "I.. was not born in the Old City of Themyscira."
Oh. Goodness. "You're doing exceptionally well for someone born on the Island."
She shakes her head. "I believe that the town into which I was born was technically in Thracian territory. We moved into Themysciran territory during… I don't believe that the war ever received a name. The town had two storey buildings. Themyscira City -which I only saw after joining the priestesshood- had buildings as high as four storeys. Here… It is not so much the height of the very tall buildings which concerns me so much as the higher average height, I think."
I glance back at our shoppers. Mary is attempting to attach a gold chain to Melinoë's left forehorn. I catch Donna say the word 'piercing' and the Goddess of Nightmares and Madness jerks back in horror. "Would you like to go up one?"
"I think that I shall leave that to the rest of you."
"Oh, come on." I glance outside. "Once you're running this fast it's easier to keep-" Doctor Sivana ♀ walks past the window. "-going. Would you excuse me for just a moment? There's someone outside I should probably say hello to."
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